Rushikesh Hadawale

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Project Report


Submitted By
Miss. Hase Vaishnavi Kailas
Mr. Hadawale Rushikesh Rajendra
Mr. Nawale Shubham Shivaji

Guided By

Department of B. Voc. (SD)

S. N. Arts, D. J. M. Commerce & B. N. S. Science College, Sangamner

Sr. No Title Page No.
1 Acknowledgement

2 Introduction

3 Need of The System

4 Scope of The System

5 Fact Finding Techniques

6 Feasibility Study Software/Hardware

7 ER Diagram


9 Input Output Screen Layout

10 Advantages

11 Future Enhancement

12 Bibliography


A few word of gradual to be inserted with project “hotel management

system”. It is our earnest duty to express our thank to all those
contributes directly or indirectly to our project.
We would to like thank to the principle of the college, head of the
department and subject co-ordinator for their incouragement and
valuable guidance.
We would like to thank Miss.Satpute for monitoring us to completeto
this project and guided us timely . it’s our previllage to express our
gratitude to all staff member for their valuable suggestion and non
teaching staff for co-operations.
And last but not least we would like to thanks all our friends for their
support and timely help.
Your sincerely,

Miss. Hase Vaishnavi Kailas

Mr. Hadawale Rushikesh Rajendra
Mr. Nawale Shubham Shivaji

(Software Development)

The project, Hotel Management System is a web-based application that
allows the hotel manager to handle all hotel activities online.
Interactive GUI and the ability to manage hotel bookings and rooms
make this system very flexible and convenient. The hotel manager is a
very busy person and does not have the time to sit and manage the
entire activities manually on paper. This application gives him the
power and flexibility to manage the entire system from a single online
system. Hotel management project provides room booking, staff
management and other necessary hotel management features. The
system allows the manager to post available rooms in the system.
Customers can view and book room online. Admin has the power of
either approving or disapproving the customer’s booking request.
Other hotel services can also be viewed by the customers and can book
them to. The system is hence useful for both customers and managers
to portable manage the hotel activities.

Need Of The System

They help to monitor internal processes and provide high-quality

services. Finally, hotel management system is great for storing all
the important details about your guests in one place. And you can use
this information for greeting the guests properly or offering them
activities to their taste.


We can use this website for the information about hotel management.
 This website provides the photo and images .
 Efficient to show information of hotel management .
 Soft data handing .
 The website run on windows platforms easily.
 This website is easy to handle and understandable.
 This application is very simple to understand.

Fact finding Techniques
While developing any system, preliminary investigation is very important and
Essential task what have to do .it has the four techniques to build a correct system.

1) Interview
This method is used to collect the information from group or individuals.
Analyst selects the people who are related with the system for the interview; in this
method the analyst sits face to face with the people and records their responses. The
interviewer must plan in advance the type of questions he /she going to ask and
should be ready to answer any type of question. He should also choose a suitable
place and time, which will be comfortable for the respondent.

2) Record View
The information related to the system is published in the source like
newspaper, magazines, journals, documents etc. This record view helps the analyst
to get valuable information about the system and the organization.

3) Observation
Unlike the other fact-finding techniques, in this method the analyst himself
visit the organization and observes and understand the flow of document, working
of the existing system, the users of the system etc. For this method to be adopted it
takes an analyst to perform the job as he knows which points should be noticed and
highlighted. In analyst may observe the unwanted things as well as and simply cause
delay in the development of the new system.

It is the technique used to extract information from number of people. This
method can be adopted and use only by skillful analyst. The Questionnaire consists
of series of questions framed together in local manner. The questions are simple,
clear and to the point. This method is useful for attaining information from people
who are concerned with the uses of the system and who are living in different
countries. The questionnaire can be mailed or send to people by post. This is the
cheapest source of fact finding.

While considering the feasibility of any system must meet its best performance
by four sides i.e. technical, behavior, economical & operational feasibility should be
considered in any organization since it helps us in selection of best system for the

This is also called cost benefit analysis. It is very important when any system
is to be developed. If the system is more beneficial & less time consuming only then
it will be accepted by the organization easily. Hence, this reduces so much cost of
the system. It helps to increase the profit & also improve the quality of service. Thus,
this system is more economical & more beneficial for the organization.
According to this system being introduced by me is very economical because
this will work very fast & accurately on PC/XT system, means it will not require any
high capacity & much faster H/W. Hence we can say that it is an economical feasible

1) Technical Feasibility

The system under development will create a serious constraint for a financial
budget the proposed system will not require much more new H/W. Hence this system
is technical feasible. This also relates the capacity of computer system, whether the
existing H/W can support the proposed changes is the important question to be

The “ “ is technically feasible because once the suitable H/W are installed it’s
never being in front of the organization, to require the additional H/W for any
proposed changes.

The system can also be expanded if the need arises. There are technical
guarantees of accuracy, reliability, and easy access & data security. It is feasible to
develop using selected development environment. The H/W requires for this project
is PC/XT or PC/AT with at least hard disks of 2.5 GB. For fast execution a 486
processor & 16 MB RAM is recommended.
2) Operational Feasibility
Projects are beneficial only if they can be turned into an information system that
will meet the organization requirements. Simply stated, this test of feasibility asks if
the system will work when it is developed & installed. It has to be seen whether there
is sufficient support from the management & the user. There is always a resistance
to change.

If the current business methods are not acceptable to the users, they may welcome a
change that will bring about a more useful system. Issues that appear to be
relatively minor in the beginning may grew into major problems after
implementation. Therefore, all operational aspects have been considered carefully


1) Hardware Requirement

Processor - Pentium IV
processor 1GHz
Monitor: Color monitor
RAM: min 256MB
HDD: min 20GB
2) Software Requirement

Operating System- Windows XP/Linux/vista/Window10

Required Software: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera.

Front End: html & css

Back End: NA


User Has Roles


Customer Manage

Hotel Has

at Reserve
Has Room

Location Rented at Reservation




Room check paym Invoice

out Customer

Have Has

Room category Bill

Data Flow Diagram

Hotel management Reservation

system subsystem

0- Level DFD

Choose facilities create order

Facilities Moniter process client Hotel client reservation
Get facilities get confirmation

Send Send
Provide data

Cancelation of
reservation Change database Client database

1- Level DFD


 Save time customers in quickly reserving room.
 The ability to book room anytime, from anywhere with internet access.
 Provides the information about hotel facilities.
 Very secure.
 User friendly.

 Future enhancement
• Any tourist agency can make use of it for saving customer
details in database.
• Tourism group can use it for managing their location , hotel
, vehicles details.
• This application can easily implemented under various
• We can add new features as and when we require.
Reusability of this application is also possible.

• conclusion:-
 hotel industry is an intense with many human interaction.
 The flow between guest , hotel amenities and employee should be
separated in order to create a convenience atmosphere.


• The complete reference html by-herbert schildt

• Html black book by-Steven Holnzneret .Al.




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