JUNE, 2017
Chapter one
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Based on data that will collect from wukro hospital, it was tried to analyze the
performance appraisal practice and its impact o employee morale & job
satisfaction on hospital.
Thus the researcher was tried to answer the following.
What are the performance appraisal systems in the hospital?
To what extent do employees receive the feedback on the result of
performance evaluation?
What are the impacts of performance on the employees’ job satisfaction?
What are the strength and weakness of the performance appraisal in the
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.3.1 General objective
The general objective this study was assessing what performance appraisal look
like, how it is applied and its impact on employee morale and job satisfaction in
Wukro hospital.
1.3.2. Specific objective
This study enables to know about the role of performance appraisal, understand
why the organization likes to appraise their employee. In addition to this the study
help to understand whether evaluates standard or criteria are valid or not as
compared to employee performance. In appropriate performance appraisal may
lead the organization into devious problem because these evaluations may create
moral discrimination on the employees those who have good performance quality
and therefore this study give important case about the performance appraiser and
its impact. It has its own significance for Wukro hospital and to the researcher.
1.5. Scope and limitation of the study
1.5.1. Scope of the study
The scope of the study was limited to Wukro hospital center which is located on
the central part of Wukro town. The researcher will try to look what performance
appraisal and its impact on the morale and job satisfaction of the employee.
1.5.2. Limitation of the study
There are problems faces in the study; there are external (uncontrollable) variables
that the smooth implementation of the research. The lack of cooperation of the
respondents and their commitment to complete filling the questionnaires,
constraints related with time, budget and availability of sufficient data. There was a
difficulty in gathering secondary data due to shortage of material like annual
report, previously done researcher related topics; but the researcher was supposed
to use other alternatives like internet.
To conduct this study the researcher will use secondary and primary data. The
strength of primary data gives grater details, more accurate information of
respondents. And the strength of secondary data is for more economical as the cost
of collecting and saving much of time.
1.6.3 Data collection
To conduct primary data the researcher will use questionnaire because it is easy to
fill or selects one of the structured answers for questions. The questionnaire
includes both open ended questions and closed ended questions. More over
interview has been used in the gathering tools to assess how the performance
appraisal system conducts and what it may follows on the employee morale. To
collect secondary data the researcher will use written documents about the
organization performance evaluation reports and other additional written materials
related to the company.
The study paper consists of four chapters, chapter one background of the study,
statement of the problem, research questions, objective of the study, methodology,
significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, data analysis and
organization of the paper, chapter two review literature, chapter three data analysis
and interpretation and chapter four conclusion and recommendation
Budget breaks down and time schedule
In birr in birr
4 Pen - 3 5 15
Sheba University College
College of business and economics
Department of management
Questionnaire distributed and filled by Wukro hospital employee only
Dear respondent ion would like to say thank you in advance for your
cooperation and willingness to fill up the questionnaire. This questionnaire is
based on the research entitled also cited with performance appraisal and it’s
impact on employee satisfaction in your organization. The purpose of this
questionnaire is only for research purpose.
N.B - it is not required to write your name
- Answer by marking “X” in the given box
1. Demographic information
1. Sex A, male B, female
2. Age A, 18-30 B, 31-40 C, 41-50 D, 51and above
2. Educational status
Diploma degree
Certificate master and above
3. Work experience
1-5 year 11-20year
6-10 year Greater than 20
4. Have ever been evaluated
A. Yes B. No
5. Performance appraisal is conducted in your organization.
A. annually C. monthly
B. semi annually D. quarterly
6. What is the purpose of performance appraisal?
A. motivating staff
B. improving relationship between manager’s employees
C. allocate reward
7. Do you know the criteria used to evaluate your performance?
A. Yes B. No
8. Which one of the following method is practiced in your organization in
appraising the performance?
A. goal setting
B. work standard approach
C. essay appraisal
D. critical incident
E. check list
F. ranking
9. Who does evaluate you?
A. your boss
B. your subordinates
C. peers
D. required performance standards
10. Is there any draw back in the evaluation of performance?
A. Yes B. No
11. If your answer is yes in question no 10 what is the draw back?
A. biasness
B. subjectivity
C. problem interpretation
D. other
12. Have you ever been complain about the past performance result?
A. Yes B. No
13. Are you satisfied with the performance appraisal method?
A. Yes B. No
14. Do you think the performance appraisal result has its own impact on
A. Yes B. No
15. If your answer is “yes” to question 17 what are the impacts?
A. moral sates faction dissatisfaction
B. financial impact
C. job sates faction /dissertation
D. other