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Harmonic Oscillations
Wave motion
Introductory Quantum Mechanics
Instructor: Dr. Arghya Chatterjee
Department of Physics
National Institute of Technology Durgapur
Email: [email protected]
Disclaimer: Contains copyrighted materials and hence not for re-distribution. Only meant for the students of NIT Durgapur who have opted for the specific course in this specific session.
Contents are taken from different books and online resources and hence the copyright of the figures and texts if any in the following slides lies with the original author.
Topics to be covered
Harmonic Oscillations: Linear superposition principle, Superposition of two perpendicular
oscillations having same and different frequencies and phases, Free, Damped and forced
vibrations, Equation of motion, Amplitude resonance, Velocity resonance, Quality factor,
sharpness of resonance, etc.
Course Outcomes
CO1: To realize and apply the fundamental concepts of physics such as superposition
principle, simple harmonic motion to real world problems.
CO2: Learn about the quantum phenomenon of subatomic particles and its
applications to the practical field.
CO4: Acquire basic knowledge related to the working mechanism of lasers and signal
propagation through optical fibers.
Topic: Harmonic Oscillations
Reference Books:
1. A Text Book of Oscillations and Waves, M. Goswami and S. Sahoo, Scitech Publications
Any standard books on Wave and Oscillations
2. Principles of acoustics, Basudev Ghosh
Oscillatory Motion / Vibration
ü Translation Motion àA body moves such that the position of the body varies linearly with
ü Periodic motion à Motion repeated in equal intervals of time. The interval of time is
called the time period of periodic motion.
ü Oscillations à If a body is moving back and forth repeatedly about a mean position.
ü The general terminology of “vibration” is used to describe oscillatory motion of mechanical and structural systems.
Periodic Motion
Recall Hooke’s Law
Differential Equation of Motion
• Using F = ma for the spring, we have ma = -kx
d 2x d 2x k
m 2 = -kx or 2
= - x
dt dt m
• An object moves in simple harmonic motion whenever its acceleration is proportional to
its position and has the opposite sign to the displacement from equilibrium.
Analysis Model, Simple Harmonic Motion
d 2x k
• What are the units of k/m, a= 2 =- x
dt m
à k/m = a/x = [LT-2]/L = 1/T-2 = 1/s2
#$ !! " '% + $% = 0
• = '" !" and !
= %! & "# à
#" !#
' = ± −1 $ = ±+$
Superposition principle: If "1 '(! "2 ')& #*+ ,(!&-&(!&(# .+/0#,+( +1 ' /,(&)' !,11&)&(#,'/
&20'#,+(, #ℎ&( #ℎ&,) /,(&) 4+%5,('#,+( '/.+ *,// 5& #ℎ& .+/0#,+( +1 #ℎ& !,11&)&(#,'/
# ! $" " # ! $!
+ & !! =0 (1) + &" !" =0 (2)
#% ! #% !
" = 6$ & %&# + 6! & '%&# = 6$ (cos <# + , .,( <#)+6! cos <# − , sin <#
= (6$ +6! ) cosω# − , 4! − 61 .,(C
w = angular frequency, k
f = phase constant, or initial phase angle. A and f are
determined by initial conditions.
2p æ 1 w ö
T= ç f = = ÷
w è T 2p ø 13
SHM Graphical Representation
2= 1
• Time Period: ;= • Frequency: >=
$ ;
• Phase:
Velocity and Acceleration in SHM
• We know the displacement %(4) is given by
! " = $ %&'()" + +)
• Velocity - = = !̇ = −$) '01()" + +)
! !"
• Acceleration a =
!# !
= !̈ = −$)$ '01()" + +)
Energy in SHM
• The spring force is a conservative force, so in a frictionless system the energy is
• Kinetic energy, as usual, is
K = 12 mv2 = 12 mw 2 A2 sin 2 (wt + f ) x(t ) = A cos(wt + f )
E = K + U = 12 kA2 (a constant)
Transfer of Energy in SHM
Superposition Principle
• “Superposition Principle”. This principle states that “the resultant of two or more
harmonic displacements is simply the algebraic sum of the individual displacements”. For
example, if x1 and x2 are two individual displacements caused by two different SHMs then
the resultant displacement can be written as x = x1 + x2.
• By superposition of waves, one can explain interference, diffraction, polarization,
Brownian motion, diffusion, viscosity etc. Such superpositions are quite common in
• The superposition can be obtained by the following methods:
(i) Analytical method: It is based on rectilinear projection of uniform circular motion.
(ii)Graphical method: It is based on finding vector sum of individual motions with the
help of trigonometric functions.
(iii)Method using complex quantities: Individual motions are written as complex
Superposition of two collinear Harmonic Oscillations
Superposition of Oscillations having equal frequencies
Superposition of Oscillations having equal frequencies
Superposition of Oscillations having equal frequencies
Superposition of Oscillations having equal frequencies
Thus we conclude that the resultant effect of two collinear SHMs of equal frequency is a
SHM of the same frequency but with modified amplitude and phase constant obtained
from equation 12 and 15. 23
Superposition of Oscillations having different frequencies
Superposition of Oscillations having different frequencies
Superposition of Oscillations having different frequencies
Superposition of Oscillations having different frequencies
• If $% ≈ $&, then $* ≫ $! . In that case 0! and C! are almost become constant w.r.t.
time. For that equation 31 can be considered as harmonic motion of frequency $* .
• The resultant of two harmonic vibrations of nearly equal frequency produces beats.
• Maximum amplitube: cos 2$! 4 = +1 à 2$! 4 = 2D= (q=0,1,2,3,….)
or, ($%− $&)4 = 2D= à 2=(E% − E&)4 = 2D=
+ & %
or, 4 = (- = 0, (- , ,….
! )-! ) ! )-" ) (-! )-" )
• Beat period: Time interval between two comsequative maxima 4/ = 1/(E% − E&). G =
1/ 4/ = E% − E&is beat frequency.
• Minimum amplitube: (0% − 0&), when cos 2$! 4 = −1
à 2$! 4 = (2D + 1)= (q=0,1,2,3,….) à 2= E% − E& 4 = (2D + 1)= 28
%+0& & 1 2 • 400 Hz
• or, 4 = = , , ….
%(-! )-! ) %(-! )-" ) (-! )-" ) (-! )-" )
• 401 Hz
• 402 Hz
• 404 Hz