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Relativistic Effects in Structural Chemistry

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Chem. Rev. 1988. 88.



Relativistic Effects in Structural Chemistry

Department of chemistry. Uinh'ersity of Helsinki, Et. Hesperiankatu 4, 00100 Helsinki, FWand'
Received March 17, 1987 (Revised Manuscript Received July 7, 1987)


I. Introduction 11. Theory and Methods A. Fundamental Questions B. Properties of Individual Atoms C. Available Quantum Chemical Methods for Molecules 0. Effectson Bond Lengths 111. Molecular Geometries A. Bond Lengths B. Bond Angles C. Catalysis and Reaction Pathways D. Solids E. The Inert-Pair Effect IV. Other Properties A. Force Constants B. Dlssoclatlon Energies C. Finestructure Splittings D. Ionization Potentials, Electron Affinities, and Photoelectron Spectra E. Colors F. Charge Distributions and Molecular Moments G. Magnetic Resonance Parameters V. Further Possible Examples and Open Problems VI. Summary: Relativistic Effects in the Periodic Table VII. References

563 565 565 565 567 571 573 573 577 577 578 578 580 580 580 582 582 583 563 583 585 587 587

was bom in 1941 in Hinnerjoki. Finland. and recehed his FiLKand.. FiLLic.. and FIl.dr from the Unhrersity of Turku. After working at We U n W i s o Aafhus, Gatebwg. Helsinki. Jyviisky!A, f Paris XI, and Oulu (1968-1974). he became Associate Professor of Quantum Chemistry at Abo Akademi in Turku in 1974. Since
pekka pwkko

Hekinki. Finland. where he holds We "Swedish Chair of Chemistry". founded in 1908 as a parallel one to Johan Gadolin's former chair, established in 1761. Hs main interests have been NMR meorY and i


he has been Professor of Chemistry at the University of

relativistic quantum chemistry

the relativistic mass increase

m = mo/(l

- (U/C))1'*


mo being the rest mass and u the speed of the electron, the effective Bohr radius,
a = (4rc0)(h2/me2) .

I. Introducflon
The two basic theories of modem physics are the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. While the importance of the latter in chemistry was instantly recognized, i t was not until the 19708 that the full relevance of relativistic effects in heavy-element chemistry was discovered. For very precise calculations, relativistic energy contributions are already needed for H2+or H,. They in?. crease, for valence shells, roughly like . ? Depending on the accuracy achieved in the calculation, they become relevant again around Cu, or perhaps Ag. For the sixth row (around W to Bi), relativistic effects are comparable to the usual shell-structure effects and provide an explanation for much of the basic freshman chemistry of these elements. For the existing actinoids relativistic effects are essential. The relativistic effects can be defined as anything arising from the finite speed of light, c = 137.035 989 5 (61)au4I5,as compared to c = m. The basic theory is discussed in section 11. It has become a tradition to introduce the reader to the qualitative effects of relativity as follows: Due to


will decrease for inner electrons with large average speeds. For a 1s shell a t the nonrelativistic limit, this average speed is 2 au. Thus the 1s electron of Hg has a u/c of 80/137 = 0.58, implying a radial shrinkage by 23%. Because the higher s shells have to be orthogonal against the lower ones, they will suffer a similar contraction. Due to interacting relativistic and shellstructure effects, their contraction can in fact he even larger; for gold, the 6s shell has larger (percental) relativistic effects than the Is shell. For readers not convinced by a qualitative argument, we can consider an exactly solvable problem: the hydrogen-like atom with 2 = 80 in Figure 1 As seen, the . contractions are comparable for the three firsts shells. Alternatively, to understand the valence electron effects in a many-electron atom, one can compare (see ref 35) the relativistic (Dirac) and nonrelativistic (Schrodinger) dynamics for the valence electron in a given atomic potential, to study the importance of the direct relativistic effect. The (originally surprising) result" was that this is the main effect for the 6s of Au or the 6p* (=6p,/,) of TI. The relativistic change of the atomic potential mattered less than the direct, dy0 1988 American Chemical Society

564 Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3





Figure 1. Radial densities for the Is, 2s, 39, and 2p states of a hydrogen-like atom with Z = 80. The dashed curves are nonrelativistic (NR) and the full curves relativistic. The contractions for Is, 2s, 2p1,2, and 3s are of the same order of magnitude while that for
is much smaller. Reproduced with permission from Burke and Grant.23b

namical effect on the valence electron itself. Second, the 1 > 0 (p, d, f, ...) electrons will suffer the well-known spin-orbit splitting into
j = l + s



Third, the effective potential for the d and f electrons, which never come close to the nucleus (due to the centrifugal potential 1(1+ l)/?), be more efficiently will screened due to the relativistic contraction of the s and p shells. Therefore they will go up in energy and outward radially.40,41 Thus the main effects on atomic orbitals are (1)the relativistic radial contraction and energetic stabilization of the s and p shells, (2) the well-known spin-orbit splitting, and (3) the relativistic radial expansion and energetic destabilization of the (outer) d and all f shells. Al three effects are of the same order of magnitude and l grow roughly like Z2. A recent bibliography2 on the relativistic theory of atoms and molecules, covering the years 1916-1985, lists 3119 references. Even the reviews are numerous: for the basic theory and atomic calculations one can quote,

e.g., Grant: Lindgren and RosBn,4 or Grant and Quiney5 and the articles notably by Desclaux or Grant in the conference proceeding^.^^ The extensive literature on atoms in Russian, including several books, is also covered by ref 2. The reviews on molecular calculations, besides those in ref 6, 7, and 9, include the ones by Pyykko,loPitzer," Pyykko and Desclaux,12and Christiansen et al.13 The attempts to comprehensively review "relativity and the periodic table" from a chemical point of view include Chapter XI of ref 10 and many others,11-22 including articles in Chinese,ls French,16,22 u ~ s i a n , l ' - ~ ~ R and Swedish20,21 material for undergraduate teachor ing.21-25 Presently the elements 1-109 are experimentally known. If any superheavy ones beyond these will be produced, they will be even more strongly relativistic.26 The main purpose of the present review is to provide a comprehensive review on the existing data (as of June 1987) on relativistic effects on molecular structures (section 111). Other properties are also briefly summarized in section IV. Finally, we mention in section V several cases where relativistic effects n a y be relevant. The relativistic aspects on chemistry are sum-

Relativistic Effects in Structural Chemistry

Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3 565

TABLE I. .Calculated 23S-28P2 Transition Energies (cm-l) for Helium-like Atoms according to Hata and G r a d 0 z NR Are, total theoro exptl 2 9230.9756 2.1603 9 230.791 8 9 230.79200 (50) 17 135256.11 28647.11 162921.07 162923 (6)

Including QED.

marized in section VI, especially in Figure 17. Readers interested in the chemical results but uninterested in the theoretical machinery are urged to jump via section 1I.B directly to section 111.

must then be correct to at least four figures. The agreement between theory and experiment remains good for the heaviest elements although the relative size of the terms varies. Thus, the magnetic correlation energy involving the magnetic term B,, (3), exceeds the usual Coulomb correlation (of about -1.21 eV), involving rL;l, around 2 = 50 for the ls2p heliumlike atoms.31 For helium-like uranium the magnetic interaction is large enough to shift32the 3P0 state above

In a recent paper,29aGrant actually questions the need for ritual obeisance,using words like a rigorous theory of relativistic atomic structure is not yet available. He also maintains that there are no grounds for not using the Breit operator (3) self-consistently, in contrast to Bethe and Salpeter,29d who state that it only should be used as a first-order perturbation. We conclude that the Dirac-Breit Hamiltonian is alive and well. For chemical purposes, the effects of B,] are only about 3% of those of Dirac relativity for the bond length, Re, or the force constant k2 of PbH4.33Thus the central problem for chemists is how to treat the Dirac equation for electrons in molecules. It is an irony of history that in 1929 Dirac himself,% and just one year after publishing the Dirac before stating Diracsdictum, thought that relativistic effects would be of no importance in the consideration of atomic and molecular structure and ordinary chemical reactions because the average valence-electron speeds are small. The reason he was wrong is twofold: (i) the valence s and p electrons have high speeds in the inner parts (in other words, orthogonality constraints against core states) and (ii) there are indirect relativistic effects, the former being important for the s and p shells and the latter being important for the d and f shells.35 For the early history of relativistic atomic calculations, see, e.g., ref 2 and 36a.405 B. Properties of Individual Atoms The available literature on atomic calculations up to 1985 is summarized in ref 2. The methods currently available range from single- or multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock (DF) (=relativistic Hartree-Fock (HF); Dirac standing for four-component spinors) and the analogous local-density models, such as the Dirac-Slater (DS) one, to various one-component or quasirelativistic approximations (see section 1I.C). Pseudopotential LCAO approximations to these mostly numerical methods are often used13 in chemical applications. For atoms, there also exist various 1 / Z expansion, parametrized model potential, or Thomas-Fermi approaches. The newest development is the use of spline functions to generate a basis of Dirac spinors for many-body theory.36bi399 If one reference should be singled out, it would be Desclauxs 1973 compilation3 of atomic ground-state data (DF data for Z = 1-120, HF for 2 = 1-100). The following trends of chemical interest can be seen already at the atomic level: Ionization Potentials. The relativistic stabilization and splitting of hydrogen-like systems were found by Sommerfeld3*using the old quantum theory. The result, incidentally, fully agrees with that for the Dirac equation.39 The indirect destabilization of Hg 5d

I I . Theory and Methods

A. Fundamental Questions The most fundamental theoretical level a t which heavy multielectrhn atoms can currently be treated is that of numerical, multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) calculations based on the Dirac-Breit Hamiltonian3-92829

H = Chi + C(rjF1 Bij) +



hi = cai.pi + (pi- 1)c2- Zrrl

Bij = -ai-aj(cos wrij)riF1+ (ai~~i)(cuj~vj)(cos 1 ) / w 2 r j j (3) wrjj w =q

- Ej

Various quantum electrodynamical corrections, such as vacuum polarization and vacuum fluctuation, can then be added (see ref 6-9). For calculating inner-shell energies they can be substantial; for valence-shell properties the dominant relativistic correction is the one-electron Dirac relativity in eq 2b; both eq 3 and the QED are less important. Two objections have been raised against this procedure: Suchern* has suggested that projection operators to the electron-like subspace (as opposed to the positron-like one) should be included to prevent a continuum dissolution or Brown-Ravenhal128 disease. Briefly, this means that electron-electron interaction may mix positive- and negative-energy states, leading to a degeneracy between the bound state and continuum states. It appears, however, that no further projection operators are needed because the electron-like boundary conditions used in the existing numerical programs already accomplish this.5i29a*b (See also ref 27b for criticism of the proposed projection operators.)398 A second, fundamental reservation could be that eq 2a is not fully Lorentz invariant.29c However, the numerical agreement between theory and experiment for atomic energy levels is so good, without exception, that the eventual remaining terms must be small. As an example we quote in Table I results for helium-like atoms by Hata and Grant.30 These calculations combine the accurate Hylleraas-type nonrelativistic calculations with relativistic effects from a multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock-extended average level (MCDF-EAL) approach, adding the calculated mass-polarization and quantum electrodynamic effects a t the end. Note especially that the Z = 17 relativistic contribution, Arel,

566 Chemical Reviews, 1988,Vol. 88,No. 3



b p5 -$



a -

0 15




-OHF ri





5 n

Figure 2. Valence s-orbital energies for the group 11metals Cu, Ag, and Au and for the group 12 metals Zn, Cd, and Hg. T h e uppermost dotted curves are the relativistic curves, and the full curves in the middle are the nonrelativistic Hartree-Fock results of D e s ~ l a u x .The lowest, dashed curves are for the nonrelativistic ~ pseudoatoms without 4f electrons.54 T h e difference between real and pseudo is a measure of the lanthanoid contraction. As seen, it is comparable with the relativistic effects. (Reproduced with permission from ref 54). The experimental IP1(7.726,7.576, and 9.225 eV for Cu, Ag, and Au or 9.394, 8.993, and 10.437 eV for Zn, Cd, and Hg, respectively) parallel the highest dotted curve.

F i g u r e 3. The relativistic contraction of the 6s shell in the elements Cs (2 = 55) to Fm (2= 100). T h e numbers are taken from the DiraeFock and H a r t r e F o c k calculations of D e a ~ l a u x . ~ ~ The contraction increases considerably while the 4f shell is being filled and strikingly when the 5d shell is filled. The pronounced local maximum of the contraction a t gold, (5d)*0(6s)1, makes Au a unique element, even from this point of view. As discussed in the text, the redox nobility of gold is related to this contraction. An equally strong relativistic contraction is not found until reaching fermium, 2 = 100. (Reproduced from ref 12.)


electrons was found by Mayers40 and that of U 5f electrons by Boyd et al.41 The 6s2 inert-pair effect42was quoted as usually considered due to relativistic effects in a 1970 review.43 We have not been able to find earlier references to this proposal. (See section 1II.E.) Fricke et al.14941945 and Smith@called attention to the local maxima of the IP, when a relativistic subshell is filled at (p1/2)2 (d3 2)4 (Pb or W). Evidently, both the or initial and the finaistates count. A direct chemical applicati~n~~t~~ is the interpretation of the chemical stability of the commonly occurring47Bi+ ion. Another chemical anomaly is the increase of IP1 of Au or IP1 and IP2 of Hg from those of Ag or Cd, respectively. Using Desclauxs t a b l e and ~ ~ ~ Koopmans theorem, one can directly relate54the increase to the relativistic stabilization of the 6s shell, which thus explains the nobility of Au or Hg.O It is also striking that the valence-shell relativistic stabilization and contraction show a pronounced local maximum at the coinage metals Cu, Ag, and Au.~* Figure 3). The nature (see of this interplay between relativity and shell structure for s electrons outside completed d10 (and f14) shells has still not been analyzed in detail. When d electrons are being ionized, relativistic effects diminish the IP through the relativistic destabilization of d shells. This was proposed (ref 10, Chapter XI.A.12) as an explanation for the higher maximum valency of 5d elements, compared to their 4d counterparts. The same effect is even stronger between the 5f and 4f elements. A further question is that of the relative importance of relativity and core polarization. Migdalek and B a ~ l i sfind ~ ~ them to be comparable for IP1of Au. For Cs, the latter is larger.49b Secondary Periodicity. Biron50 noted in 1915 that many physical and chemical properties down a column exhibit a saw-tooth beha~ior,~ superimposed on the regular trend down a column. As examples one can quote the tendency of N, As, and Bi to be trivalent while P and Sb are pentavalent, or the difficulties in

/ L /wL


Figure 4. Example of the secondary periodicity of Biron. (Reproduced from ref 50.)

preparing Br04- 5o or AsC1,. It was proposed by several authors52that the first anomaly at row 4 (e.g., As) is caused by a transition-metal contraction (d contracor , ~ t i ~ n ) ~ ~d-block caused by an increase of the effective nuclear charge52d 4s electrons for due to filling the first d-shell 3d1. This interpretation was verified by the authol.53 using HF or DF calculations on pseudoatoms without the dO shell and with 2 re duced by 10. (The same ideas had been used by Bagus et al. to study the effect of filling the 4f shell, i.e., the lanthanoid contraction.) For the second minimum in Figure 4 (e.g., at Bi), relativistic effects and the lanthanoid contraction were actually found to be equally i m p ~ r t a n t (see lFigure 5.) ~~ ~~ Electron Affinities. The very existence of the ionic auride compounds Rb+Au- and Cs+Au- was related1J4 t the relativistic stabilization of the Au 6s shell, making o gold, in this case, a halogen. Cole and Perded5 calculate this increase of the EA to be from 1.5 to 2.5 eV. (See also section 1II.D.) ChamizoMcontinues the argument of Smith@to explain the small EA of Pb (0.3,0.37, and 0.95 eV for T1, Pb, and Bi, respectively) by an existing spin-orbit stabilization of the upper state, 3P0, Pb while the for lower Pb- 4S state has none. Now& et al.57considered the relativistic contributions to the EA of groups 1and 17. For Hg, one would expect the relativistic stabilization of the 6~112 LUMO to increase EA.12 Nevertheless, the 6s26p1/Z state of Hg- only occurs as a resonance, 0.45 eV above the ground state.% Mercury anions have been mentioned in discussions of metallic alloys.59 Electron Configurations. A further interesting fact is that the relativistic stabilization of s shells and destabilization of d shells lead in many cases to a change of the ground-state electron configuration from 5s14dn to 6s25dn-,when going from row 5 to row 6 (see Table

Relativistic Effects in Structural Chemistry

p s e u d o - Po

Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3 567



-3 5 -3 6

-0 e -3 5


-/,, ; *) - ,,

- 1 2

Figure 5. Calculated atomic radii rnP and rnsmax, defined as the radius of maximum (rR)2, and the orbital energies tnP and ens for the ground states of group 16 atoms (in atomic units). T h e curves refer t o nonrelativistic results and the points to relativistic p3 results ((D) s; (X) plI2; (0) 2). Pseudo-Se has a nuclear charge of 24 and a n empty 3d shed. Pseudo-Po has a nuclear charge of 70 and an empty 4f shell. Apart from these two cases, the numbers are taken from ref 37. TABLE 11. Ground-State Electron Configurations of the 4d and 5d Elements in Groups 5-1On erouu 5 6 7 8 9 10 row5 Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd d7s1 des1 d5s1 d5s2 dl0 d4s1 row6 Ta W Re Os Ir Pt d3s2 d4s2 d5s2 des2 d7s2 des1
Note that d5 at Tc is a half-closed shell.

11). (The distance between the d4s2and d5s1configurations is actually smaller for W than for Mo (ref 19, p 148). The point is that their order has been inversed.) This was apparently first noticed by Fricke et a1.14744945 and later rediscovered in ref 60. The applications to discuss the chemical difference between Pd and Pt61*62 are most interesting. Analogous changes occur for the ions (4d5 for Mo+ but 5d46s for W+). A careful MCDF of 103Lrshows its ground state to be 7 ~ ~ 7 p ,and not 7s26d1,as suspected ear/,~ lier.64 For discussing quantitatively the question of where between the LS- and jj-coupled limits a given atomic state is, one will carry out MCDF calculation^^^ using jj-coupled determinants. Suitable programs are available.@ For example, for the Pb 6p2 configuration a mixture of ( 6 ~ * )(6p*)(6p), and ( 6 ~ ) (p* = p1/2, p ~, = p3/2)may occur. The answer65for the 3P0ground state of P b is 92.5% ( P * ) and 7.5% ( P ) ~closer to the ~ , jj limit. When several configurations lie very close, as may happen for an f element, it is of limited chemical interest which one is actually the lowest. It also is good to point out for the more chemical readership that only

the total J , MJ, and the parity are exact quantum numbers for an atom. Thus MCDF calculations show the So ground state of Ba, for instance, to consist of 90.6%, 8.3%, and 1.0% of 6s2,6p2,and 5d2 configurations, re~pectively.~~ a summary of the role of d For orbitals in the structural chemistry of the s elements Ca, Sr, Ba, and Cs, see ref 68 and 69. Relativistic effects also influence the 2 value for which d or f orbitals collapse from diffuse, outer orbitals to concentrated, transition-metal-like inner ones. For the 5f shell of the neutral atom, this would occur at 2 = 89 (Ac) and 2 = 90 (Th) in the H F and DF models, r e s p e ~ t i v e l y .See also ref 71. The existence ~~ of this double-well radial potential was pointed out by Goeppert M a ~ e r . ~ ~ Atomic Radii. The radius ( ( r ) ,r-, ...) of an atomic valence shell is not an observable nor does it exactly determine the bond lengths of the element (see section 1I.D). (The relation between the radii of the outermost core shell and the observed ionic radii may be more physically significant.) Nevertheless it is interesting to note73that Cs and Ba are the largest alkali-metal and alkaline-earth atoms, respectively. The relativistic contraction makes the valence shell of Fr and Ra below them smaller than those of Cs and Ba, respectively. It is good to point out that the calculated relativistic molecular bond lengthsm of the hydrides MH+ or MH2 are still some 10-12 pm m = 0.01 A) larger for Ra than for Ba. Similarly, the empirical ionic radii74for solids are still 6 and 9 pm larger for coordination numbers (CN) 8 and 12, respectively. Estimates of the lanthanoid contraction for the Ln3+ ions will be discussed below. The various ( r n ) (n = -3, -1, 1, 2, 4, and 6) of all atomic shells are given by D e s ~ l a u x ~ ~ 2 = 1-120; (DF, HF, 2 = 1-100). The d-block contraction and lanthanoid contraction are also seen in the atomic radii. A further, obvious trend is the anomalously small size of the first, nodeless shell with each 1 (2p, 3d, 40. These shells have no inner ones against which they would have to be orthogonal. (In other words, they experience no primogenic repulsionn114).This circumstance keeps the 2p shell as small as the 2s one and thus explains the facile multiple bonding on row 2 (C-0). On row 3, the 3p shell is clearly larger than the 3s one.
C. Available Quantum Chemical Methods for Molecules
1. Fully Numerical Solutions of the Dirac Equation

The most satisfying way to carry out relativistic molecular calculations is to solve the full, four-component Dirac equation numerically, without approximations, for the particular molecular model chosen. For linear molecules, the 4 variable still separates; for a diatomic, elliptical coordinates may be used for the two other variables in two dimensions (2D). Our nonrelativistic, finite-difference program^'^ can then easily be adapted to solve, instead of the usual Dirac equation (hD - E)@ = 0 (4)
hD = C&*p (p - 1 ) C 2 -k


the second-order Dirac equation

568 Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88,No. 3


[-c2E1V2- c2V(B-l)*V- ic2a.(V(B-') X V) V - E]\kL= 0 (6) B

E - V + 2c2


for the "large" two-spinor \kL of the four spinor

The small component is obtained, if needed, from

\ks = cB-'a.p\kL

TABLE 111. Relativistic Energy Correction E R at the ( Dirac Level (without B E D ) for Hz+ R = 2 a u ) E~/10+ au method ref -7.38 PT" 81 -7.383 PT" 82 -7.366 PTb 82, 83 -7.36 LCAO 84 -7.3564 2Dc 76 -7.36 PT 85 -7.366 LCAO 86 -7.3655 2D 78 "Using a Darwin Hamiltonian hd = B-lVV.V (cf. eq 18). 'Using d a correct, purely c-' one, h = c-' VV-V = C - ~ ( T / ~ ) X ~ Z ~ ~ ( ~ ~ ) . Preliminary.

(9) (10)

the electron density

p(r) = (\kL)+(\kL)

+ (\ks)+(\ks)

The second-order equation (6) occurs (for spherical systems) in Dirac's original article.34b It was used for H2+and HeH2+ or DF calculations on H2 and HeH+77 76 by Laaksonen and Grant. Improved results for H2+are reported by Sundholm et aL7' and "DS" (Dirac-Slater = four-component Hartree-Fock-Slater) ones for the light molecules (LiH, Liz, BH, ...) by S ~ n d h o l m . ~ ~ In these DS calculations, the equation (6) is solved for

For doing atoms, the LCAO methods have no obvious merits over numerical ones: the latter are both faster and more accurate. At this point we also would like to quote the solutions of the "H2+-like",one-electron problem using elliptical'05-109 cylindricalllo basis functions. or A t the time of writing it still seems fair to say that the only DF-LCAO calculations giving some chemical insight were those of Lee and McLeanS7ia1on AgH and AuH and perhaps the ones on LiH,s8CF2,w HCl,99e and GeH4.93a
3. Dirac-Fock One-Center Expansions

v = V" + v, + v,


where V, and V, are the nuclear potential and electronic Coulomb potential, respectively, and V , is the Slater exchange

V , = -3a(3p/8r)'i3


with a put equal to 0.70, as usual for molecules, and p given by eq 10. For a discussion on the relativistic counterparts of eq 12 itself, see reviews 80a and 80b. In a recent, thoughtful analysis, Cook and KarplussOC conclude that for atoms, this model contains no correlation while for molecules, it does, even with the simplest Ansatz (12), because it dissociates to the correct limit, unlike the Hartree-Fock one. These calculations were already instrumental for pinning down the correct relativistic energy correction of H2+(see Table 111). The earlier perturbation theory (PT) calculations used a Hamiltonian whose first, c2, term is correct but the next, c4, term is about - 0 times 12 too large. On the other hand, extensions to manyelectron molecules ( N > 10) will require further technical development.
2. LCAO Four-Component Calculations

For the average chemist, the natural way to approach the Dirac equation (4) would be to use an LCAO approximation for the four--component spinor (8). Some early attempts were less than successful. Then it was realized5~29~87-93 the kinetic energy is inaccurate that unless the basis functions for the small and large components satisfy eq 9. (The first three papers to do this seem to be ref Ma, 89, and 87b.) Other solutions to this problem have also been c o n ~ i d e r e d . ~ ~ . ' ~ DF-LCAO calculations on atoms were pioneered by Kimg4and K a g a ~ a Their noninteger STO basis sets .~~ did simulate the weak singularity, eq 33, but did not satisfy the "kinetic energy balance" condition, eq 9. For later DF-LCAO calculations on atoms, see ref 96-104, 400 or Table 4.4 of ref 2.

This "DF-OCE" method can be regarded as a slight extension of the numerical, atomic DF codes to hydride molecules, MH,, by expanding the potential of the protons in spherical harmonics and solving the radial functions of the various symmetry functions by numerical methods. The method is fully relativistic, is fully self-consistent (not freezing any core orbitals), and uses the full (nonlocal) exchange. First proposed by Mackrodt,"l it was used by Desclaux and Pyykko to obtain much of the early insight on relativistic effects on bonding (ref 112a,b, 113a-d, 68, and 114 formed parts 1-8 of the series). Some further calculations were reported in ref 69 and 115. The method was reviewed by Desclaux.l16 For an application on electric polarizabilities of nsl and ns2 atoms, see ref 117a. One quasi-relativistic HFS-OCE calculation has also been reported.117b further production work, this method For has now been superseded by others. From nonrelativistic work,118a,b OCE model is the known to give reasonable bond lengths and force constants. The calculated bond lengths furthermore converge smoothly to the Hartree-Fock limit as a function of ,l the highest spherical harmonic included."" Thus the obtained relativistic corrections can also be assessed to be semiquantitatively correct. (While the radial basis used is "infinite", the angular basis is very limited. The resulting bad angular cusp on the off-center nuclei may cause the molecular total energy near Re to be quite high, in fact often above that of the component atoms,llgda circumstance repeatedly mentioned by Malli.llg)
4. The Dirac-Slater Discrete Variational Method

The DS-DV method was developed by R o s h and Ellis.120 For reviews, see ref 121a-d. The four-component basis functions, rp;, used in this method are numerical DS ones for the atoms, in some chosen state, or their combinations for a given molecular symme-

Relativistic Effects in Structural Chemistry

Chemical Reviews, 1988, Voi. 88, No. 3 569

try.121a The molecular integrals between them are calculated in a numerical, 3D grid

hd = v 2 v / 8 C 2 h,, = s.(V V . p ) / 2 c 2

(18) (19)

hij = &kdi+(rk)hD4j(rk)


wk being the weight factor for grid point rk and hD the Dirac Hamiltonian ( 5 ) for the potential (11). More sophisticated exchange-plus-correlation potentials can also be used and improved the calculated IP for the halides LnX3.121a. The diagonalization (h - EiS)ci = 0 (14)
yields the MOs

V being the total one-electron potential (11). The nature of the basis functions (free-atom HFS orbitals) apparently prevents any troubles in using (16) to second order. As alternative forms for a local potential V , one may use h , = ( E - V2/2c2
while for a nuclear Coulomb potential, -Z/r,

hd = r Z 6 ( r ) / 2 c 2


The obtained one-electron or total energies have a numerical accuracy of a fraction of an electronvolt. Adequate for fertile studies of photoelectron or optical spectra and bonding,120J21 this precludes calculations of potential energy curves, apart from a recent appliSeveral superheavy collision systems cation on N2.122 have also been studied.121b*122b
5. Dirac-Slater Multiple-Scattering Method

A transition-state procedure has been developed for calculating binding energies (potential energy curves) between atoms or other fragments. This method has given plenty of insight into bonding, both for photoelectron spectra and especially concerning the nature of the relativistic bond c o n t r a ~ t i o n . ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ g Changing the Slater exchange, eq 12, for another density functional provided more modest values for the dissociation energy (D(M-M)) of metal-metal bonds.lai
8. Other Density-Functional Approaches

As in the usual multiple-scattering (MS) method, one

divides the space into (eventually overlapping) spheres, one around each atom and one around the molecule. The (1D) radial functions are solved numerically in each sphere. Plane waves are used between spheres. For reviews, see ref 123a-d. The theory was developed in ref 123e-k. Its applications include ref 1231-126.4M The method has given insight into photoelectron spectra and bonding in transition-metal compounds,124 zero-field ~ p l i t t i n g s , or ~ ' ~ hyperfine tensors and g tensors.126Potential energy curves have not been reported.
6. Quasi-relativistic Multiple-Scattering Method

The DF atomic densities can be used in GordonKim-like approaches to interatomic potential^.'^^-'^^ The results are also needed in theories of ionic solids,154-157 Density-functional approaches with a quasi-relativistic Hamiltonian have been tested on m01ecules.l~~ (The pseudopotential ones are included in the next section.) Relativistic Thomas-Fermi atoms have been considered for a long time.159 The only available result on molecules seems to be a curious one by MarchlG0 that 03, the relativistic bond contraction for XH4, Zx would be negligible.

This method resembles the previous one, except that the full, four-component Dirac equation is replaced by some approximate one-component equation (see section II.C.13). A program is available from QCPE.127 The method has been used for interpreting photoelectron spectra and bonding by Hemstreet,lZ8Boring and ROsch,l3O Johnson,131 Chermette et al.,132 B u r ~ t e nHeera~ al.,134Topol' et al.,135Gagarin et , ~ ~ et al.,136and others.137 For a summary, see Table 7.6 of ref 2 or ref 132c. One result directly concerning structural chemistry has been published Micheb et reported potential energy curves for Hgz+.
7. Perturbative Hartree-Fock-Slater Method

9. Pseudopotential Methods

This method has given more results for molecules than any of the others. For reviews on relativistic pseudopotential work, see ref 13 and 161-170. The central idea of a pseudopotential method is to omit the frozen inner shells, and the corresponding nodes in an atomic valence wave function +d,by considering instead the eigenvalue problem for a nodeless one-component pseudo wave function &J,,~; (J'nl- E n J 4 n l = 0 (20) where the Fock operator for atom A is Fn1 -v2/2 - Z / r + VA+ Jnl Kn, = (21)
UA= CUdr)llml)(lmll


This method, developed at the Free University of Amsterdam,139 an extension of Ellis' nonrelativistic is discrete variational method using the Slater exchange (12). For reviews, see ref 140 and 148h. The results comprise ref 69 and 141-148. In this method, one calculates the first- and secondorder energies, E(') and E@),of the relativistic massvelocity, Darwin, and spin-orbit operators (in au)

Here 2 is the (true) nuclear charge and U is the pseuand dopotential while Jnl Kd are the Coulomb and exchange operators between the valence electrons. An essential step was the adoption of the correct valence normalization 4"1 = +Ill, r a (234


= hm + hd + hm

(16) (17)

h, = -V4/8c2

r <a (23b) x., ,,being some polynomial, and a a cut-off radius. This approach is known in chemistry as a "shape-consistent"


570 Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3


pseudopotential and in physics as a norm-conserving pseudopotential. In a pseudopotential calculation, both the number of explicitly treated electrons and the number of basis functions needed for one of them are drastically diminished. The starting point thus is an all-electron relativistic atomic calculation, either a DF or DS four-component one, with subsequent averaging or a quasi-relativistic one-component calculation. Empirical pseudopotentials, fit to atomic spectra, can also be used. Core polarization can be described by further terms in the potential. The Fock operators for molecules ABC ... combine a

u = u* + UB + ...


One also can regard the EHT as a scheme for extrapolating atomic results to the molecular domain. By comparing HF versus DF, one then can study relativistic effects for light molecules as well. This was the philosophy behind the relativistc extended Huckel theory (REX). References 293a-j form parts 1-10 of the series. Other applications also exist.144~z94~z95 The original REX programzg6has been improved twice: R o s ~ hspeeded it up by using quaternionic algebra. ~ ~ , ~ ~ Charge iterationszg3 were added in the latest version.m In the REX method, the energy parameters hii and the radial parameters are optained for jj-coupled atomic states from ab initio (DF/HF or DS/HFS) calculations for atoms. The off-diagonal ones are obtained from the usual approximation h, = (K/2)(hii h,)S, (28)

The dynamics of eq 20 are nonrelativistic, but the orthogonality against the relativistic core states, due to the U, reproduces the relativistic behavior. If spin-orbit splitting is desired a t some stage, the one-component average (24) may be perturbed by

or the other usual alternatives and finally the eigenvectors c and eigenvalues E are obtained from (h - E S ) C = 0 (29) The ad hoc formula (28) was criticized by Lyudchik et

Us, = CAu~[lll, + Yz)(l, 1 + 1/21 - (1 + 1)11, 1 - 1/2) X 1


(1, 1 - Yz11/(21

+ 1) (26)

- ul,l-l/Z

The available pseudopotentials have been summar i ~ e d The molecular applications ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ com-~ prise ref 61, 62, 172-253, and 406.
10. First-Order Perturbation Theory

Relativistic crystal-field theory is discussed in ref 2 (Table 7.12) or ref 10 and will be omitted here. The diatomics in molecules (DIM) method uses as input experimental atomic data and is in this sense relativistic. Results for coinage-metal trimers are given in ref 306a. To the extent that Dewars MNDO parameters for elements like Hg306b Pb306c deduced from exor are 11. Semiempirical Methods perimental molecular data, they also should simulate relativistic effects. The relativistic effects for row 6 or below are so large McLean307has studied relativistic effects by comthat it is fully motivated to include them in the paparing correlated, large-scale nonrelativistic ab initio rameters of extended Huckel theory (EHT) or other calculations on AgH, AuH, and Agz against experiment. semiempirical methods. For parameters deduced from To the extent these calculations represent the nonreexperimental atomic spectra, this evidently already is lativistic limit, whatever differences remain, they must the case; experiments are relativistic. A quasi-relativbe relativistic. istic, one-component average of atomic DF data may Malli and Pyperllgbpresented an interesting hybrid, also be sed,^^^-^^^ in particular for the radial paramenumerical LCAO method in which the heavy atom ters. Especially for actinoids the necessity of relativistic is described by numerical DF wave functions orthogoradial functions was recognized quite early.z73v404 nalized against LCAO spinors, used for light ligands. Qualitatively new aspects are introduced if the spinThe basis was augmented by additional heavy-atom orbit splitting is included in the scheme.276-289 parIn valence AOs. Both SCF-level and intra-valence-shell ticular, the nonrelativistic symmetry orbitals must be correlated versions were constructed. Due to a better replaced by their relativistic counterparts. The effects deep core, a lower total energy was then obtained than on photoelectron spectra may be conspicuous. in earlier LCAOs7all-electron work. The valence basis Charge-iterative schemes employing spin-orbit-split, set was two-component functions have also been p r e ~ e n t e d . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ still relatively small and only limited CI was included. The SCF-level bond length contraction for The roughly CNDO-level scheme of ref 292 works in AuH (see Table IV) is comparable with the earlier jj-coupling but uses nonrelativistic radial functions.

The oldest and most straightforward way of estimating relativistic corrections to molecular energies is to calculate the expectation values of the operator (16) using some ab initio wave function, eventually treating the electron-electron terms explicitly and not via V, and V , in (18) and (19). This approach can be used for studying molecular fine structure (for reviews, see ref 255-256), potential energy curves,z57-z70~40z~403 dipole or moments (in a finite-field approximation),z63~z68~270b molecular excitation energies.271 QED terms may also be added.257cvd,z60b,262a

The borderline between semiempirical and pseudopotential methods is fluid; we quote ref 301 here. Quasi-relativistic CNDO results have been presented by BoEa,302a INDO results for lanthanoid and complexes have been presented by Culberson et aL3OZb The efforts to construct ZDO-level jj-coupled methods have not yet been brought to fruition. A more detailed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ review on the relativistic, semiempirical approaches for ~ molecules is scheduled for ref 303. The EHT band structure programs used by Hoffmanns group304are nonrelativistic or, at most, quasirelativistic. A band-structure REX program has been written by L ~ h r . ~ ~ ~
12. Miscellaneous

Relativistic Effects in Structural Chemistry

Chemical Reviews, 1988, Voi. 88, No. 3 571

values. The significant 5 d - 6 ~ hybridization21M also was confirmed. The double-group symmetries of the relativistic molecular orbitals will not be discussed in the present work.
13. Quasi-relativistic Hamiltonians for ab Initio Calculations

0 SCF 8 Zlegier 8


Hay %Mart i n

We have purposely left at the end the question, could usual LCAO ab initio calculations be completed by some quasi-relativistic (QR) Hamiltonian, accounting during the SCF cycles approximately for the direct and indirect relativistic effects. For atomic calculations such a recipe exists.308 As shown by D i r a himself,~ spherical potentials V, ~ ~ ~ for the radial equation for the large component, G(r), can be transformed to the exact second-order form

DeZlauxS P y y k k o


1980 1985

Figure 6. Relativistic contraction of the bond length of diatomic AgH versus the year of publication. The references can be found in Table IV.

[ -&(-$+ ;) !

( V - E)' 2mc2 with B = E - V transforms it

L (

Z(Z + 1) + V + -- E 2mr2

2mB ar


K + 1

) ] G

= 0 (30)

+ 2mc2. The substitution G = r-lB1/'P

j =1


= 0 (31)

Equation 31 is sometimes referred to as the MottMassey equation while (30) is often called the CowanGriffin309 equation. It was shown in ref 309 that one can use (30) as a quasi-relativistic equation in a HF scheme. While the exact Dirac equation has only a part of its norm in the large component G(r), the approximation consists of putting all the norm in G(r), then corresponding to the nonrelativistic radial function,R(r). Cowan and Griffin also averaged the states

light atoms the QR Hamiltonian may actually be worse than the simple Pauli theory, eq 16. If the Darwin operator hd (18) is replaced by c2E1hd, c-' correction the remains unchanged, but the c - ~ is about -1 X 10' one times wrong78 for H and Hz+. In that case B is a "decoration" that should rather be omitted. Barthelat et al.310 introduced a slightly different equation and could make it work using at the origin contracted LCAOs, amounting to (33). More approximate equations have been studied by Karwowski et a1.308,311 After several unsuccessful computations, Hess312" has now found a rather complicated "no-pair" Hamiltonian that gives sound results. The derivation is based on the equations of Douglas and The method has been tested on Ag, AgH,312b hydrogen-like systems. and See also ref 313. Attempts in the same direction, so far only tested on hydrogen-like systems, are reported by Durand et al.314 D. Effects on Bond Lengths Apart from the work on H2+81, first paper studthe ying relativistic effects on the bond lengths in heavyelement compounds seems to be that of Desclaux and Pyykko.112a Contractions of about 6% and 7% were found for PbHqllZa and A u H , respectively, using the ~ ~ ~ ~ DF-OCE methods. Other methods (pseudopotentials) subsequently gave slightly larger values of the same order of magnitude. The developments for AgH are shown in Figure 6. The bond length contraction being comparable with the orbital contraction, it was thought, without further proof, to be caused by it.12 A "Dutch revolution" occurred in 1980 when Ziegler, Snijders, and Baerend~l~~Lg that they could refound produce the effect by using first-order perturbation theory, just calculating

+ L/z,

= -1 - 1


j = 1 - y2,



thus obtaining a one-component, quasi-relativistic equation. The correct boundary condition lim R = r Y (33)

7 = (1 - (Kz/C)2)1/2


must be used in the numerical integration. The "quasirelativistic multiple-scattering method" in section II.C.6 is based on the same idea. The exact G(r) are not orthogonal. Instead Jm(GiGj

+ FiFj)r2dr = liij

Putting the Ri orthogonal is therefore another approximati~n.~ll~ The theoretical justification of this method is not clear but the results, for heavier atoms, must be deemed good. In particular, the second-order, self-consistent relativistic effects are then approximately included. For

(eq 16), using the nonrelativistic, uncontracted orbitals. The second-order energies, E(2), were not negligible but depended more slowly on the bond length R (see Figures 7 and 8). The conclusion was confirmed by Snijders and Pyykko115using frozen, "pseudorelativistic" orbitals for AuH and T1H in the DF-OCE method (see Figure 9). Breaking up the E(l)(35) for a valence molecular orbital (36) lcli = 4 v + 4 c where 4vand dC valence and core AOs, respectively, are

572 Chemical Reviews, 1988,Vol. 88,No. 3




2 0002 700
705 71 0

20280 370

R e k x pi

R [pml


R(c u


Figure 7. Calculated nonrelativistic (NR) and relativistic (R) potential energy curves for Au2!.AuH, and AuC1. (Reproduced by permission from Ziegler, Snijders, and B a e r e n d ~ . ' ~ ~ ?

Figure 9. Calculated nonrelativistic end relativistic OCE potential c w e s for TlH.'13a The fiit-order perturbation reproduces
most of the relativistic contraction. (Reproduced with permission from ref 115.)

bond length contractions have appeared261,263-270*402,403 (for a summary, see Table IV). S ~ h ~ a r z ~ ~ disagree with this explanation does not ~ i ~ ~ ~ but argues that an alternative interpretation is possible. Define the relativistic contraction C =R R-R N R (39) C/percent = 100 X ((RNR - RR)/RNR)
C = k-'(d2E/dR d(ln c2))
i i


Following S ~ h w a r z , one can write, to first order in c2 ~'~


: 10" :


Figure 8. Dependence of the first- and second-order relativistic

energies on the bond length.14sf

where the force constant

k = d2E/dR2


into the valence-valence, valence-core, and core-core contributions E(') = E,(1) + Ecv(l) Ecc(l) + (37) it was further found14@ that the driving force behind the bond contraction was Ecc(l), diagonal core-core the contribution in a valence MO. Consider as an example the CsH molecule69with the single valence MO c = c166s + C265d + c361s + c 4 6 c 7 (38)

The (by now) accepted "Dutch" interpretation of the contraction then relies on C = k-ld( $ldH/d(ln



(43) (44)

while Schwarz' alternative is to look a t

C = k-ld( $ldH/dRI$) /d(ln c2)

The difference appears clearer in the forms

d2E/d(cz) dR = ($ld2H/dR d(c2)1$) + ($ldH/d(c2)ld$/dR) d2E/d(c2) dR = ($ld2H/dR d(c2)1$) + ($ldH/dRld$/d(c2))

& standing for the Cs subvalence 5s and 5p AOs. If R

decreases, the overlap (1~15s)increases, which increases c4 and therefore makes the (negative) E,(1) larger. (The negative (h,) dominates over the positive (hd)in ECJ1).) Therefore the bond contracts. Alternatively one could say that the kinetic energy increase in the repulsion between the two atoms is diminished by the relativistic terms. Adding the 5d AOs to the basis makes the contraction smaller. Again, it is not related to a cancellation of s p contractions and d expansions as thought Instead, putting c2 = 0 in eq 38 makes c3, and therefore c4, larger and increases the contraction. Putting c2 # 0 diminishes c3 and hence c4 and makes the contraction smaller.69 Taking stock, the relativistic contraction of orbitals and the relativistic contraction of bond lengths are two parallel but largely independent effects. Martin267 and Katriel et al.265later arrived a t the same conclusion. Several perturbative calculations of

+ cc
+ cc

(45a) (45b)

The last terms of the traditional form (45a) involve the change of the wave function with distance and the perturbation (16)
dH/d(C2) = -C2hpert


while Schwarz' alternative form (44) involves the relativistic orbital contraction, d$/d(c2). The origin of the bond contraction in pseudopotential calculations was considered by Christiansen and Ermler188dand further analyzed by S ~ h w a r zwho~con,~ ~ cludes that the first term of eq 44, in particular the part arising from the effective nucleus-electron potential, Vneeff, would now be the most important one:
C z k-'($ld2(Vneef?/dR d(ln c2)l$)


Relativistic Effects i Structural Chemistry n

Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3 573

Hg2+). As seen from Table V, the cz values decrease from about 0.003 for group 11to about 0.001 for group 1on the left and to about 0.0003 for group 17 on the A. Bond Lengths right. In groups 13 and 14, the few data available for The available, explicit studies of relativistic effects rows 2 (C) and 3 (Al, Si) (without filled d shells) are a on bond lengths are collected in Table IV.4021403p411 factor of 2 smaller than those for rows 4 and 5. The results from the various methods are of the same Covalent Radii for Electropositive Metals. An order of magnitude but, as seen from Figure 6, few attempt was made in ref 113d and 68 to extract for a definitive benchmarks exist. The 2D value79b H2+ for number of electropositive elements covalent radii that may be one. would be appropriate for discrete molecules. The To the extent that spin-orbit effects can be neglected starting point was Paulings halogen radii, 64, 99, 114, and first-order perturbation theory suffices, the calcuand 133 pm for F, C1, Br, and I, respectively. These l a t i o n ~ ~ ~ Cu2 would seem to have a chance of on ~ * $ ~ ~ ~ ~ halide radii are consistent with the metal atom radii in being near a definitive value. The final deviations from Table VI. A corresponding sp3 carbon radius for M-C experiment are 1 and 3 pm, and the relativistic conbonds is about 97 pm, and the hydrogen radius is 58 tractions are 4 and 3.8 pm for ref 270a and 216b, repm. The difference rc - rHis 39 pm for the present radii spectively. The recent P-CPF work216c AgH is of on and 47 pm for the Pauling ones (rH= 30, rc = 77 pm). similar quality. The contraction is 7.1 pm, rdd = 162.8 Pa~lings~~~g~~~ radii are different for two reasons: pm and rex tl = 161.8 pm. First, the coordination numbers are often different (e.g., Martin22Bb finds that, for Ag diatomics, f basis func4 instead of 2 for group 12). Second, in Paulings recent tions considerably improve the description of the 4d M-H, M-C, and M-P bonds only were conshell correlation at the fourth-order Maller-Plesset sidered, with the traditional H, C, and P radii of 30, 77, level. Correlation effects slightly decrease C for C U ~ , and ~ ~ pm, respectively. These smaller ligand radii ~ 110 ~ give larger metal radii than the present ones. Instead GeH,270b Ag2177a slightly increase it for AgH312b and but of H, C, and P, the present metal radii are consistent and CsH.217f The P-HFS C values for heavier elewith the halogen radii. Then the metals are smaller and ments are a t the high end. In addition to CuH and the anionic rH and rc become larger. Table V gives AgH, inclusion of relativistic effects clearly improves an idea of the relativistic contractions inside these, in agreement with the experimental Re for CuO, Cu2,AgC1, themselves purely operational, radii, rcovin Table VI. Ag2,148gHfCl,, PtH, AuH, Au2, HgH+, HgC12,Hg22+, Trends for Main Groups. Haaland324 considered aqd T1H. the experimental bond lengths to H, CH3,and C1 for It is interesting to note that the experimental bond elements, E, belonging to groups 2 and 12-17. Along lengths are shorter for AuH than for AgH (152.4 and a row, the E-C bond length decreased for rows 2 (Li-F) 161.8 pm, respectively) while diatomic Au2 and Ag2 are and 3 (Mg-Cl), was stationary for rows 4 and 5 , and of the same size (247.2 and 248.2 pm, respectively). increased for row 6 (Hg to Bi). Haaland suggested that The effect almost always seems to be a contraction; in rows 4 and 5 the gradually decreasing d-block conthe only reasonably certain exceptions for heavy-eletraction (from Zn to Br, say) would cancel the normally ment compounds are T12+241a T12.1@ In both cases and expected decrease of the covalent radius. The E-H relativistic effects largely destroy the bond: for TlH+ decreases from E = Zn to E = Br, while E-C and E-C1 the T1+ 6s2dissociation limit is relativistically stabilized are roughly constant, perhaps due to the absence of a by the s A 0 contraction, and for T12the atomic (6plj2) repulsive core in hydrogen. Haaland324 suggests that ground states are spin-orbit stabilized. The effects are the increase of E-C from E = Hg to E = Bi in row 6 very large because k in eq 42-47 is small. In general, could be due to a simultaneously decreasing lanthanoid a method underestimating k should overestimate C.269 + d-block contraction and relativistic effects when The monohydrides around group 3 (like YH21) also moving away from the gold maximum. Further eviseem to show slight expansions (0.8 pm for the ground dence for the decrease of the d-block + lanthanoid state of YH). contractions from group 13 to group 17 was provided Z2Fits. Relativistic effects roughly scale as P.The by the straightening out of the secondary contractions for the group 11,13, and 14 hydrides (plus periodi~ity.~~~ H2+)were therefore fit in 1979 tos8 Lanthanoid Contraction. When the lanthanoid C/pm = czz2 (48) series is crossed from La(4fo) to Lu(4f14), the ionic radii (ref 74, CN = 8) decrease by 18.3 pm. The cz = 17 (6) X analogous decrease of the Ln-Br distances in gaseous LnBr3 molecules is 18 pm.326 Waber and C r ~ m e r ~ ~ ~ An inspection of Table IV however shows substantial calculated a decrease of the DS rm,(5p) of 19 pm from dependence on the group, roughly following Figure 3 Lao to Luo (or 18.7 pm from La3+to Lu3+). For the I: (minima a t groups 1 and 18, a local, gold maximum states of the diatomic hydrides, the jump from LaH328a a t the coinage metals, group 11). A dependence on the to L u H similarly is 18.9 pm. ~ ~ ~ ~ electronic state is also evident; see the data for AgH312b and PtH.177i Similarly, for NiH (X2A),the particular It is interesting to ask how much of this decrease does CI mixture has a large effect.263 come from relativistic effects.11,68~113d,114 available The To obtain a better rule of thumb we therefore conanswers are collected in Table VII. The molecular sider in Table V the relativistic contraction of singlevalues suggest that about 2 pm or of the order of 10% bond covalent radii separately for each group. (Some of the lanthanoid contraction would come from relacases are problematic: for Hg, contractions of r,,, vary tivistic effects. The atomic values from 5p average radii from 13 pm for Hg(CH3),to about 23 pm for Hg22+ or give the same result (see also Figure 10). Here we

I I I . Molecular Geomefrles

574 Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88,No. 3


TABLE IV. ExDlicit Studies of Relativistic Bond-Length Contractions" R/pmaPb element molecule NR R exDtl H 106.034 105.6@ HZ+ 105.66c 105.686877 105.684888 73.354 74.152d 73.352 H Z Li 159.41 160.89 LiH 160.87 108.3 C 108.6 CHI 153.9 154.0 C(CHA4 178.42 AlH A1 178.51 164.6 148.1 157.2 Si SiH, 148.2 187.5 190.2 Si(CHd4 126.741 127.46 126.923 HC1 c1 (167.5-172)q CrHs 168.9 168.3 Cr 166 174 173 Fe Fe(C5H5)2 146.4 148.3 NiH(X2P) Ni 150.6 182.5 192.1 189.4 Ni(CO), 146.3 148.8 cu CuH 150.3 151 150 146.9 149.7 149.4 146.8 151 154 172.4 172.1 174.9 CUO(X2rI) 164.9 167.2 CuO(A2Z) 205.1 204.5 CuS(X2II) 209.0 199.4 CuS(A2Z) 305.0 205.1 209 209 CUCl 222.0 224 226 cu2 237 242 240 243 225 231 222 227 227.1 230.8 224.3 228.0 239 244 227 231 223 227 224.9 228.8 232.6 235.6 CB U 151.4 167.0 168.4 Zn ZnH+ 158 158 159.5 158.2 156.5 ZnH 159.0 160.4 159.2 157.7 ZnHf 171 170 ZnO 205 ZnS 206 206 210 210 ZnClz 242 240 Zn$+ 166.3 172.2 173.4 GaH Ga 158.80 158.42 158.66 GeH Ge 157.12 157.39 158.85 159.06 152.7 158.6 159.6 GeH, 152.1 156.2 156.8 198 197.0 Ge(CH31, 144.8 142.4 142.6 HBr' Br 141.4 138.9 139.5 HBr 218.8 219.3 Brz+ 228.1 229.8 230.2 Br2 192.2* 193.7 192.9 Y YH(X'Z) 200.5 200.8 YH(3/1) 191.3 190.9 ZrH, Zr 187 188 232 238 ZrC1, 240 (170-180)q 185.0 186.6 MoHG Mo 161.8 164.3 168.4 AgH Ag 171 161 169.7 177.4 170.2

Clvm 0.0016 0.00199 0.0017e 0.016 0.010 0.0040 0.08 0.1 0.066 0.066 -0.18 0.6 0.7 2.6

2.6 1.5

2.8 2.6 3 2.8 2.3 4.5 5.6

<1 2

4.8 3 6 5 3.7 3.7 5 4 4 3.8 3.0 1.4 <1 1.6 1.4 1.5 1
1 <1 2 1.22 0.24 0.27 0.21 1.0 0.70 0.7 (2) 0.51 0.2" 0.6 0.5 0.4 -0.79 -0.26 -0.4 +1 2 1.6 4.2 10 7.7 8.4

176.9 176.3 180 178 176

171.4 169.4 174 169 170

5.5 6.9 6.3

9 6


ref 81 79b 315 88c 261 261 113a 112a 261 261 99e 113d 266 263 263 264 112b, 68 148g 263 263 246a 216a 216a 216a 216a 148g 148g 267b 232b 232b 246a 269 269 270a 270a 270a 216b 216b 68 148g 263 263 68 178d 178d 148g 148g 68, 113a 270b 270b 270b 112a, 68 261 92 92 241d 241c,d 241c 241b 216c 216c 113b 69 69 113d 112b, 68 148g 87a 307 212 267a 246a


Relativistic Effects in Structural Chemistry

Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3 575

TABLE IV (Continued)
Rlpmasb element molecule

177.3 176.2 169.7 169.9

171.2 169.7 162.1 162.8 163 160.7 202" 210 204 210 200 233 276 262 252 273.1 252 182.5 174 173.2 228 273 189.2 185.2 173.9 177.5 177.2 171.5 170.5 171.7 182.6 214.3 162.1 159.6 258.0 273.6 268.9 268.9 197.8 434"f" 319 260 265 262 256 296 517 227.2 224 232.7 222.2 202.4 209.8 201.7 208.5 201.3 190.8 185 238 184.8 231 203 146.2 147.0 144.7 145.5 162.2 150.8 151.4 152.2 155 164 164


C/pm 6.1 6.5 7.6 7.1 10.4

8O 5

AgH (A'2) AgCH3 AgO(X211) Ago (A',2) AgCl Ag,

171.1 210" 215 214 242 289 273 267 280.1 186.5 178 177.5 230 284 193.2 185.4 176.2 178.7 180.4 173.2 173.6 185.4 215.0 162.9 160.6 259.4 270.2 270.2

166.5 200.3

4 228.1 248.2j 9 13 11 15 7 11 4.0 4 4.2 2



CdH+ CdHd CdC12 CdZ2+ InH InH3 SnH, SnH4

166.4 221 183.7

In Sn


162 160.9 266.6 197.7 249.4



XeF2 Xez Xe2+ CsH

Ba La Ce Yb Lu Hf W

CSCl cs2 BaH+ BaH2g LaH('2) CeH,

Y bH+ YbHd LuH HM4


WzHd W-W)


w 2

PtH(X2A) PtH(?Z)



452" 324 262 267 265 259 298 520 226.2 225 232.8 221.0 200.1 208.2 205.6 214.6 201.9 191.9 190 243 190.2 236 207 172.3 176.0 155.7 151.6 174.7 176.3 182.0 180.7 178 174.7 180 175.3

290.6 447


191.2 233 (186-189)q (226-229)' 152.8 153.6 152.4

4.0 0.2" 2.3 1.2 3.2 1.7 2.1 1.9 2.8 1.8 0.8" 1.0" 1.4" 2" 1.3" 1.3" 0.3" 18"*" 5 3 2.6 2.6 3.7 2 3 -1.0 +2 0.1 -1.2 -2.3 -1.5 3.9 6.1 0.6 1.1 4

5.4 5 4 26.1 29.0 11.0 6.1 12.5 25.5 30.6 28.5 23


16 22.9


ref 183 312b 312b 216c 220b 312b 140d 200e 220b 200e 220b 148g 177a 177a 148g 212 246a 220b 68 148g 68 148g 148g 113a, 68 232a 232a 232a 68, 112a 232a 261 193a 193a 26 1 241d 241b 241c 202 241b 241b 202 173a 188d 69 217f 217f 217f 148g 148g 68 69 68 114 113d 113d 68 68 114 113b 69 69 113d 148a 148i 177i 177i 177i 177i 112b, 68 200i 200i 200i 148f,g

87a 307

578 Chemical Revlews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3


TABLE IV (Continued)



AuCH~ AuCl AuCs AZ U Hg HgH+



TlH+P TlH3 Pb Ti2 PbH+ PbH PbH2 PbH,

NR 182 180.7 189.4 181.6 194.7 2200 244.7 244 400 283 290 301 193.1 188 185.7 195.6 184.1 185.8 216" 241 245 361 324.2 312 281 282 200.6 194 195.2 200.6 192.5 187.7 184.4 183.7 312"j0 183.4 185.7 187.3 185.3 189.0 182.7 180.6 239.0

RIvm",* R 159 156.7 176.0 157.8 166.8 202" 228.3



353 248 244 258 180.8 164 168.5 185.5 170.8 172.0 203" 229 236 315 295.7 263 253 254 186.7 184 190.2 188 187.9 334.7 253.1 173.3 173.9 376O 179.2 181.8 183.7 181.1 178.2 174.3 170.3 173.2 224.7 239.7

247.2 159.4 174.0 209 225"'

250 (l)k 186.9

C/pm 23 24 13.4 23.8 27.9 18O 16.4 13 47 35 46 43 12.3 24 17.2 10.1 13.3 1.8 13" 12 9 46 28.5 49 28 28 13.9 10 5.0" 13 4.6" -147



9.8" -640.7 4.2 3.9 3.6 4.2 10.7 8.4 10 7.4 4.5 -0.7


ref 237 183 241c 119b 119b 140d 200i 148f,g 148g 219 148f,g 188d 68 148g 241c 241c 68 241c 142b 211i 148g 136 241c 148g 233c 233c 113a, 68 218 232a 115 241a 241a 241a 232a 241a 188g 241c 241c 232a 241c 68, 112a 232a 261 241c 261 69

"Adiabatic, potential energy minima. *Using 1 au = 52.9177 pm. cFor 3Hz+. dFor 2H2. eScaling the c = 5 au result by (5/137.0)2. [Deduced in ref 112a from experimental geometries of PbH, SnH, and SnH,. BAssumed linear. With f-type symmetry functions. Without f-type symmetry functions. jFrom ref 318. kTypical value for crystals.319 'Typical values for WzL6compounds; see ref 148a. '"From ref 317b. " A quasi-relativistic calculation. No spin-orbit splitting. Estimated from the published figure. PThis molecule dissociates to T1+(6s2)+ H. QTypicalM-H distances in organometallic compounds.113d 'Spin-orbit contribution only. 8Reference 216d. Intravalence correlation only. RNRand RR are the nonrelativistic and relativistic bond lengths, respectively, and C is the difference (39). The data are organized according to (1) the heavier atom, (2) the lighter atom in the bond, and (3) the year. Unless otherwise specified, the electronic ground state is considered and the experimental data are taken from ref 317 or from the theoretical reference given. For calculations with several basis sets, the largest one is chosen. The labels for the methods are as follows: Anal., exact analytical solution; CI, configuration interaction; CPF, coupled-pair function; DF, dirac-Fock; EN, Epstein-Nesbet; GVB, generalized valence bond; HF, Hartree-Fock; HFS, Hartree-Fock-Slater; H+, "no-pair" approximation; MP4, fourth-order Mdler-Plesset; MS, multiple scattering; NLDF, nonlocal density functional; OCE, one-center expansion; P, perturbative; PP, pseudopotential; QR, quasi-relativistic; SD, singles and doubles; PCSCF, twoconfiguration self-consistent field; 2D, two-dimensional, fully numerical.
( I

speak of the lanthanoid contraction of the ionic or covalent radii of the lanthanoids themselves. What happens with the 6s or 6p valence shells of the subsequent elements is a different story (see Figures 2 and 4). Their "lanthanoid contractions" and relativistic effects are comparable. The corresponding actinoid contraction is about 30 pm. The f14 Ln and An are roughly of the same size (within 2 pm or so) while the P An are some 10 pm larger than the i? Ln. E ~ p e r i m e n t a l l ythe~ ~ ra, ~ ionic dius of No" is close to that of Yb". For a further discussion of the Ln and An ionic radii, see ref 330.

Transition Elements. The experimental singlebond radii for a 4d element and the corresponding 5d element are closely similar. The calculations in Table IV (the model systems MoH6 versus WH6,113d ZrC14 versus HfC1469) suggest that the larger relativistic contraction of the 5d element (about 5 pm) would be just of the right size to accomplish this. For the 4d hexafluorides of Ru, Rh, and Pd, M-F is 187 pm while for the 5d hexafluorides of Os, Ir, and Pt, M-F is 183 pm.331c A particularly interesting comparison between Pd and Pt is provided by M(CH3)2(PR3)2 (experimental: PR3

Relativistic Effects in Structural Chemistry

Chemical Reviews, 1988, Voi. 88, No. 3 577

T A B L E V. Relativistic Contractions of Single-Bond Covalent Radii, I, and the Corresponding Coefficients, cz ,, (48) (the Data Are Chosen from Table IV)

group hydrogen - 1

element H 3Li 55CS


contraction/pm 0.0010
0.016 3 0.6 1.6 5.4 2.8 26 2.0 8 23 1.4 4 18 0.08 1.22 4.0 13 0.010 0.066 0.7 2 10 -0.13 0.4 1


cz 0.0010 0.0018 0.0010 0.0010 0.00091 0.00099 av 0.00097 ( 5 )

0.0036 0.0043 0.0024 0.0036 0.0037 av 0.0032 (7) 0.0016 0.0017 0.0028 av 0.0020 (7) 0.00047 0.0013 0.0017 0.0020 av 0.0014 (7) 0.00028 0.00034 0.00068 0.0008 0.0015 -0.0006 0.0003 0.0004

1 1






difference is 9.7 (1.0) and 14.2 (7) pm, respectively. (See also Table IX for data on the pentafluorides.) For WC14, the analogous (W-Cl(ax))-(W-Cl(eq)) difference is 229.5 (6) - 220.2 (6) = 9.5 pm.331d If the kinetic energy argument still is the dominant it is logical that multiple metal-metal bonds, with a larger d character and smaller overlap with core s orbitals than in the single bonds with ligands, would remain longer in the 5d-5d case than in the 4d-4d case. As an example, in the compounds (M2(02CCF3)4.2PR3) (M = Mo, W), Mo-Mo and W-W are 210 and 222 pm, respectively, while Mo-P and W-P are closely similar, 251 pm.,,lb Ziegler148a indeed calculates for the triple W-W bond in W2H6a contraction of only 5 pm, or 2.5 pm per atom. In a M03+unit (i.e., in MO(SCH2CH2S),-), Mo-0 is slightly longer than W-O: the M-0 are 167.8 ( 5 ) and 164.1 (10) pm, respectively.331k Not enough structural data could be found on transition-metal cluster c ~ m p o u n d s ~ ~ to ~ - g trends ~ see ~ ~ - ~ between the 4d and 5d metal-metal bonds. In the particular case of (C5H5)M1V(~-H2)(C5H4)Ir111 (PMePh&+ the hydrogen-bridged M-Ir (M = Mo, W) The were 264.1 (1)and 270.6 (1)pm, re~pectively.~~lj. Au, clusters have a unique stability; the valence AOs are predominantly 6s (for recent evidence on 5d-6s hybridization, see ref 124e,f,i). In the bonds to the t5rings in M(C5(CH3),),,Ru and Os are closely similar; the average M-C are 217 (1)and 218 (1) pm, respectively. For the unmethylated cp, (C5H5),both distances are 219 (1)pm.331i For a summary of 4d and 5d bond lengths, see Table IX. B. Bond Angles





Few data (using rather approximative methods) are available on relativistic effects on bond angles in molecules (see Table X) and only small effects are found. C. Catalysis and Reaction Pathways


84 4
Actinoid contraction
180 200





F i g u r e 10. Calculated (DF-OCE) potential energy curves for l2 states of LaH, LuH, AcH, and LrH. (Reproduced with permission from ref 114.)

Spin-orbit effects may considerably influence the reaction cross-section between an atom and a molecule As for systems as light as F + H2.332c another recent example, the chemiluminescent reaction cross-section between Sr or Ba in a ,PJ state and the halogen-containing molecules X2 or CH2X2,X = C1, Br, and I, strongly depends on J.332Many other examples exist. A third example on gas-phase reactions is the dependence of the reaction Kr+(2PJ)+ H2 = KrH+ H (49)

= P(C6H5)&H3;theoretical: PR, = PH3).253 seen As from Table VIII, for the M-C bond, Pt-C is 3 pm longer than Pd-C; for the M-P bond, Pt-P is 4 pm shorter than Pd-P. Theoretical pseudopotential calculations reproduced this trend.253 (No nonrelativistic reference calculation was done.) For the linear complexes M(PH,),, the theoretical M-P were 241 and 232 pm for Pd and Pt, respectively. Thus the relativistic pseudopotentials (cf. section 1II.C) are able to explain why Pt is softer than Pd.253 The average M-Cl distances in NbC15 and TaC15were closely similar,331a 228.0 (3) and 228.4 (2) pm, respectively. It is not obvious why the (M-Cl(ax))-(M-Cl(eq))

on J.333For a review, see ref 332d. The first example from organic chemistry seems to be the rearrangement of the 1,3-perinaphthadiyl biradical to phenalene. This reaction proceeds below 100 K at a temperature-independent rate, attributed by Fisher and M i ~ hto quantum mechanical tunneling l ~ ~ ~ from the triplet reactant to the singlet product. Both external and internal heavy-atom effects on the rate constant were seen. Without relativistic effects this reaction would not exist. Evidently, the same is true for other intersystem crossings. Other Effects. As discussed in Table 11, relativistic effects are already large enough to change electron configurations of the 5d elements. A notable case is the

578 Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88,No. 3


group 10 metals Pd (4d10) and Pt (6s15d9),whose differences in homogeneous catalysis seem to arise from this very reason.61,62 Low and GoddardG1 considered various oxidative addition and reductive elimination reactions, such as


+ I H

H3P \PtYH H3 P \H



They found 1 to be near a Pt 5d1 configuration while 2 corresponds to a Pt 6s15d9configuration. The metal charges were comparable (despite oxidative addition) but the configurations were different. In the beginning of the reaction, H2functions as a Lewis base and Pt(6sO) as a Lewis acid. The barrier is low (2.34 kcal/mol). Pd favors the dO configuration and therefore forms less stable complexes 2, thus disfavoring the oxidative addition (50). No hydrogen addition to PdL2has, in fact, been observed. Summarizing, reductive elimination is exothermic from Pd complexes (since Pd prefers dlO) and endothermic from Pt complexes (since Pt prefers s1d9),61c enthalpy difference between the two metals the (for the same ligands) being always close to the atomic one of 32 (4)kcal/mol. Omitting relativistic effects for Pd would introduce a further error of 15 kcal/mol. For a review on the reactivity of Pd compounds, see ref 335. The role of relativistic effects in the reaction mechanisms of anticancer compounds such as cis-platinum, PtC12(NH3)2, could be expected to be equally important.177~32919295c8336 Zuloaga and Arratia-Pere~l~~j in find, a DS-MS X a scheme, that also the Pt 6p AOs are important. Louwen et al.146b find for trans-MC1,(NH3)2 (M = Pd, Pt) only minor relativistic effects on the orbital energies, but much stronger Pt 5d bonds than Pd 4d bonds. Summarizing, the study of relativistic effects in catalysis is only in its infancy. Other cases where important effects may occur are the use of Bi(V) compounds as mild oxidation reagents (e.g., (Ph3BiC1)20337a) or phenylation agents (e.g., BiPh237b)or the use of bismuth molybdates in heterogeneous catalysis. McGlynn et al.=lc suggest that the formerly important role of lead tetraethyl antiknocks would be an example of a heavy-atom spin-orbit effect.427 D. Solids Relativistic band-structure calculations on solids are numerous; for reviews, see, e.g., ref 43 and 338-340. Rather few investigations seem to be specifically concerned with relativistic effects on crystal structures or lattice parameters. Glotzel and M ~ M a h a n considered relativistic ef~~l fects on the isostructural(6s-to-Eidbonding, fcc-to-fcc) phase transition of Cs. C h r i ~ t i a n s e n ~ ~ ~ the analyzed relativistic contraction of the lattice parameters of gold (5.7% or 23 pm. The corresponding change of the nearest-neighbor distance, ao/2I2, is 16 pm, about 1 / 3 of that in Au2; see Table IV). The spin-orbit effects are found to increase a. of Au by 5 pm, from 400 to 405 pm (exptl, 406 pm).342 The final theoretical lattice parameter, ao,is 0.7% below experiment. (The optical properties of gold will be discussed in section IV.)

Xe is expected to show an insulator-metal transition at high pressures. Relativistic effects lower the calculated transition pressure from 1.1to 0.38-0.40 Mbar.342 For metallic lead Christensen et a1.343a find a nonrelativistic diamond structure. The relativistic dehybridization, isolating the 6s2inert pair, gives the observed fcc structure for P b as suggested earlier.343b Spin-orbit effects were found to increase the fcc-to-hcp transition pressure by about 100 kbar. Lohr305has recently explained, at the REX (tight binding) level, the simple-cubic (sc) structure of polonium as a spin-orbit effect, leading to a filled 6p1/2 band and a half-filled 6p3/2 band with weaker directional properties than in tellurium. Te exhibits a helical structure. Similarly,while CdTe, HgTe, and CdPo have the ZnS structure, HgPo has a NaCl structure, again indicating a preference for octahedral h y b r i d i ~ a t i o n . ~ ~ ~ Also the neighboring elements Sb and Bi have highpressure sc modifications.350d Even the normal Bi structure (three neighbors at 307 pm, three at 353 pm) could be viewed as a distorted cubic Spin-orbit effects on the lattice parameters of the actinoids Ac to Am were considered by Brooks.344 Treglia and D u ~ a s t e l l asked whether the ordering e~~~ in platinum-nickel alloys is induced by spin-orbit interactions. Kaveh and Mott416found that spin-orbit interactions cause a low-temperature metal-insulator transition in doped silicon. An interesting case is the ionic crystals RbAu and CsAu, where explicit calculations show that the ionic Cs+Au- structure is caused by relativistic effects; without them CsAu would be a metallic alloy.345a-dOther examples of metal-nonmetal transitions occur in Mg-Bi (about Mg3Bi2)and Cs-Sb (about Cs3Sb).345e Ionic Models. An old line, going back to Lowdin:& in the theory of the cohesive properties of ionic crystals is the treatment starting from suitable wave functions for the individual ions. Relativistic generalizationsexist now,153-157 with applications to heavy systems such as AgF or PbF2.154The calculated relativistic cohesive energies and structures are reasonable; no nonrelativistic reference calculations are reported.428 Semiempirical Calculations. The structures of red and yellow PbO have been discussed at the extended Huckel l e ~ e l . ~ The ~ ~ parameters used include scalar relativity, in particular the 6s2inert-pair effect. In this case Hoffmann and T r i n q ~ i e r ~ O ~ ~ made also an attempt to isolate the relativistic contributions using NR reference parameters. The band structure changed by several eV but the nature of bonding remained unchanged.304a The s t r u c t u r e s of alloys and their interpretation using atomic radii were recently reviewed by Simon.350f One interesting case is NaT1, the T1 forming a diamond lattice with interstitial Na ions.407 The occurrence of the Au3T1 e u t e ~ t i c ~ ~131 C at ~ g (T,(Au) = 1064, T,(Tl) = 303 C) is interesting. Could it contain Au3T1 trihalides?
E. The Inert-Palr Effect

S i d g w i ~ k ~ ~ ~ the term inert pair for the coined tendency of the 6s2 electron pair to remain formally unoxidized in compounds of Tl(I), Pb(II), Bi(III), etc. As mentioned in the Introduction, this tendency was

Relativistic Effects in Structural Chemistry

Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3 579

TABLE VI. Covalent Radii" (pm) for Discrete Hydride or Halide Molecules and Pauling Radii for Covalent Crystals
group element Li Na K Rb cs Be Mg Ca Sr Ba Ra Ti(1V) Zr Hf 104 Cr(V1) Mo(V1) W(V1) 106(VI) Cu(1) MI) Au(U Zn Cd Hg' CN 1 r,,(present) 101 131 166 179 191 78 117 152 169 185 195 114 133 133 136 110 127 127 133 106 128 127 106 122 126 r,,,(Pauling)o 123 157 203 216 235c 89 136 174 191 198 132 145 144 118 130 130 An 117 134 134 125, 131b 141, 148b 144, 148b group Ln'J element Yb(II)d Sc(II1) Y(II1) La(II1) Ce(II1) Pr(II1) Nd(II1) Pm(II1) Sm(II1) Eu(II1) Gd(II1) Tb(II1) DyiIIIi Ho(II1) Er(II1) Tm(II1) Yb(II1) Lu(II1) Th(IV)dJ" u (IV)',k*n U(V1)iS' No~II)~ Hd CN 1, 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 6 2 1 4 r,,,(present) 153 129 145 160 159 157 156 154 153 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 142 15P 153 137 152 58 97 125 74 98 r,(Pauling)"


1, 2 2


"Reference 321. *Reference 322. 'Given as 253 in ref 321. dReferences 68 and 113d. eThese radii hold for the halides. For groups 11 and 12 the appropriate hydrogen radius is closer to the "covalent" value of 30 pm than to the, "hydridic" one of 58 pm, indicating greater covalency, especially for Ag an au. Indeed, the calculated charges for Au are Au+o~ozH4~oz.1~*zm Similarly, the experimental' Au-C of 203.4 (12) pm for MeAuPMe3 corresponds to an rc of 76 pm, close to the Pauling value of 77 pm. Note that (0C)AuCl has a much shorter Au-C of 193 (2) pm but an Au-Cl of 226.1 (6) pm, in agreement with our radii.8 The cyanide would be still smaller than the carbonyl; the Au-C of Ph3AuCN is only 185 (4) pm.h fHaaland, A.; Hougen, J.; Volden, H. V.; Puddephatt, R. J. J. Organomet. Chem. 1987,325, 311. gJones, P. G. 2. Naturforsch. B 1982,37b, 823. hBellon, P. L.; Manassero, M.; Sansoni, M. Ric. Sci. 1969,39, 173 (as quoted by Jones#). 'Present work. Based on the gaseous lanthanoid trihalide data.326 kBased on the data for MX4 (M = Th, U, X = C1, Br) by: Ezhov, Yu, S.; Akishin, P. A.; Rambidi, N. G. Zh. Strukt. Khim. 1969, I O (5), 763. 'Based on the data for UFs and UClg.113d '"In the hexacoordinate Th(CHzPh)4(Me2PCH2CH,PMe2),325 the Th-C(Bz) of 255 (2) pm would also be consistent with rTh = 255 - 97 = 158 pm. "In the hexathe U-C(Me) and U-C(Bz) are 241 (1) and 250 (3) pm, respectively, coordinate U(1V) compound U(CH,Ph)3Me(MezPCH2CH2PMez),325 corresponding to an F" of 144 and 153 pm, respectively. "Based on the M-C($) distances of 258 (3) pm in Zr(cp),,P 238 pm in Ti(cp),,q and 283 pm in T ~ ( C ~ ) , ( C ~ H ~ ) ~ ? with the M-C(q5) distances for M = Sc, Ln, and U in Table I11 of Raymond, K. N.; Eigenbrot, C. Agrees also W., Jr. Acc. Chem. Res. 1980,13,276. "Rogers, R. D.; Vann Bynum, R.; Atwood, J. L. J. Am. Chem. SOC. 1978,100,5238. *Calderon, J. L.; Cotton, F. A,; Deboer, B. G.; Takats, J. Zbid. 1971, 93, 3592. 'Baker, E. C.; Raymond, K. N.; Marks, T. J.; Wachter, W. A. Zbid. 1974, 96, 7586. "he new Zr-H< agrees with this radius. fData for M(H3BCHJ4 (M = Zr, Th, U) by: Shinomoto, R.; Gamp, E.; Edelstein, N. M.; Templeton, D. H.; Zalkin, A. Znorg. Chem. 1983,22, 2351. "In addition to these ligand radii, directly fitted to experimental M-L distances, one could deduce the following ligand radii by halving the L-L dimer bond length Gust as done by Pauling for the halogens): -OCH3, 73;" -SCH3, 101;" -CN, 69;Y -NR2, 73."" "From HOOH, Wells,350c 501. Fits perfectly the U-0 of 210 pm in U(oMe)6.WWMiller,S. S.; Day, V. p W.; Marks, T. J., to be published. XFromseveral RSSR compounds, Wells,350c 728. YFrom (CN),, Wells,350c 928. This cyanide radius p p would predict for Hg(CN), a Hg-C of 195 pm (exptl 198.6 pm, Wells, p 941). While the cyanide-mercury bond is essentially a single bond, the cyanide-gold bond will also contain 5d-to-?r* back-bonding and is therefore shorter than predicted. Aslanov, L.; Mason, R.; Wheeler, A. G.; Whimp, P. 0. Chem. Commun. 1970,30. "aFrom NzH, or N2(SiH3)4, Wells,350c 803. Predicts for W-N 200 pm; exptl in W(NMe2)6 p 203.2 (2.5) pm.bb Predicts for M-N (M = Zn, Cd, Hg) 179, 195, and 199 pm; exptl in M(N(SiMe,),), 182 (I), 203 (2), and 201 (2) pm, respectively.cc Predicts for Be-NJ51 pm; exptl in Be(NMe,), 157 pm.dd bbSee: Bradley, D. C. Adv. Znorg. Chem. Radiochem. 1972,15,259 (p 309). ccAlyea,E. C.; Fisher, K. J.; Fjeldberg, T. J. Mol. Struct. 1985,130, 263. ddSeeBradley,bb p 314. eeThevalues are tentative. These radii are consistent with Pauling's rF = 64, rcI = 99, rg, = 114, and rI = 133 pm and lead to the ligand radii at the end of the table. For the CO group, the average rco from M(CO)6, M = Cr to W, would be 80 pm (data from Wells,3= p 959). Finally, as a counterexample, we note that the effective radius of the -PR3 group seems to decrease by 15 pm from M = W to M = Pt in the series M1VC14(PR3)2.z Thus it would be more difficult to find a good covalent radius for phosphines of these metals. Notes added in proof. The present sulfur radius" would be 5, 13, 17, and 20 pm, too short for bonds to certain Mo," Th,a Hf,hh and Zrhh compounds, respectively. The analogous phosphorus radius for PR2 groups, 110 pm:l would likewise be 11 pm shorter than required for U-P in (cp*,U(OMe)),PH." The average K-C in (Me3Si)C5H4K is 300 pm, the present radii predict 291 pm.kk The U-C in MeLi U[OCH(CMe,),], is 247 pm." The present U(1V) radius would predict 250 pm. The available lanthanoid-C($) radii agree well with the predicted ones. As an example, Sm-C(s5) in Smcp*,cp are 277 and 274 for cp* and cp, respectively. Predicted 278 pm." ffKamata, M.; Yoshida, T.; Otsuka, S.; Hirotsu, K.; Higuchi, T.; Kido, M.; Tatsumi, K.; Hoffmann, R. Organometallics 1982, 1, 227. ggLin, Z. R.; Brock, C. P.; Marks, T. J. Znorg. Chim. Acta 1988, 141, 145. hhShaver,A.; McCall, J. M.; Day, V. W.; Vollmer, S. Can. J. Chem. 1987, 65, 1676. "Wells,350E 847. jJDuttera, M. R.; Day, V. W.; Marks, T. J. J . Am. Chem. SOC. p 1984, 106, 2907. kk Jutzi, P.; Leffers, W.; Hampel, B.; Pohl, S.; Saak, W. Angew, Chem. 1987, 99, 563. "Stewart, J. L.; Andersen, R. A. J . Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1987, 1846. "Evans, W. J.; Ulibarri, T. A. J. Am. Chem. SOC. 1987, 109,4292.

related to relativity in ref 43. As an illustration, we give the relativistic and nonrelativistic valence orbital energies for Sn and P b in Figure 11. The situation is, however, more complex if the local geometry a t the heavy atom is discussed. Consider a cubic ML6 complex such as PbnC&". Some of them are while found to be strictly cubic (0,) others are distorted.

These two cases are known as "stereochemically inactive" and "stereochemically active" (s2) lone pairs.34s353 No relativistic ab initio calculations seem to be available on the intra- and i n t e r m o l e ~ u l a r ~ ~ ~ mechanisms producing this effect. Lefebvre et al.409 analyzed the nature of the Sb(II1) 5s2lone pair by combining structural, Mossbauer, band

580 Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88,No. 3


TABLE VII. Relativistic and Nonrelativistic Calculated Values for the Lanthanoid and Actinoid Contractions fO f'4 contraction/pm system system property NR R diff ref

CeH, LaHC La La ThH, UH, AcH "Average. 18.9 pm.

HM, LuH Lu Lu (104)H, (106)HG LrH

5p3jz only.

( F ) ~ ( F ) ~ ~ *

16.4 19.1 ~ 19.6 ~ 19.6


19.0 21.0 21.3 20.7 30.2 29.5 32.9

2.6 1.9 1.7


113d 114
11 11

113d 113d

states. Experimental contraction

Figure 11. Relativistic (R) and nonrelativistic (NR) HartreeFock orbital energies3' for tin and lead. Note the relativistic increase of the s-p gap, leading to a 6s2 inert pair.

TABLE VIII. Experimental and Calculated Distances (om) in cis-M(CHn),(PR2)7263 bond exptl Pt-C 212.0 (4) Pd-C 209.0 (2) diff 3.0 (4)

M-C and M-P theor 206 202


Pt-P Pd-P diff

228.4 (1) 232.3 (1) -3.9 (1)

246 250 -4

gap, and photoemission data with semiempirical theoretical densities of states for the five compounds Sb13, Sb2Te3,SbTeI, TlSbS and T13SbS3. They found that the total 5s2population was close to two (the vacancy was under 0.1 electrons) in all cases. The central factor in going from an inactive pair with a large band gap to an active pair and then to an inactive pair in a semimetal was that the 5s levels rose from the bottom to the top of the valence band along the series. Reiterating,354 relativistic thing is the difficulty the of oxidizing Pb(I1) or Bi(II1). Their lone pairs are influenced by relativistic effects but are not in themselves more astonishing than the more perspicuous ones of P(III), S(IV), As(III), Se(IV), or Br(V). Furthermore, the "stereochemical activity" is a question of the time scale:43dthe crystallographic, time-average pictures (of, e.g., NaC1-type PbS, CsC1-type TlI, CS,TeCl,, or Co(NH3),BiC1,) may legitimately differ from those obtained from optical spectra or other short-time-scale methods. For the 4s2 and 5s2 inert pairs, see section V.422
I V . Other Properties


Figure 12. Various relativistic effects on the dissociation energy,

D,. (a) Ionic molecule, IP(cation) increased by relativity. (b) Ionic

molecule, IPbM(cation) decreased by relativity. (c) Covalent limit, kinetic energy effects a t Re dominate. (d) Spin-orbit effects a t the dissociation limit lower De. (e) Spin-orbit effects a t the dissociation limit increase De.

AuCl suffer a contraction, only the first two show a relativistic increase of De. For the more ionic case of AuCl (Mulliken charges Au+o.49C1-o.45 De actually

A. Force Constants Concomitant with a relativistic bond-length contraction, the corresponding stretching force constant shows a relativistic increase; see the references in Table IV. As an illustration, we show the existing results for the group 11 diatomics, M2,and group 12 MZ2+ Table in XI. Already for Cu2,the increase is about 13-20 em-' or 5 - 8 9 0 ~ 'of ~ experimental value, depending on the ~ the approximation. For Ag,, the increase is about 10 and for Au2 or Hg22+, roughly 50% of w(expt1). Now the nonrelativistic force constants of a 4d and 5d metal-ligand bond are comparable, while relativistic effects make those of the 5d one larger (comparing, e.g., Mo-H and W-H bonds113d).
B. Dissociation Energies This case is more delicate: already Figure 7 shows that while all three bond lengths for Au2, AuH, and

The analysis is evidently that a dissociation curve has two ends, one at Re and one at R = a,and for determing De, both count. In addition to the relativistic decrease of the overlap-relatedkinetic energy near Re (see section II.D), one must include the relativistic change of the ionization potential for Au


+ e-


if the situation near Re is closer to an ionic description. This situation is shown schematically in Figure 12a. Koopmans estimate37for the relativistic increase of IP1 of Au and the corresponding decrease of De at the ionic limit would be 1.9 eV. The opposite situation is expected to arise when the total ionization energy of the metal



decreases due to relativity, a case expected for Au"' or Au" compounds (Figure 12b). In the covalent case, Figure 1212, the entire relativistic increase of De comes

Relativistic Effects in Structural Chemistry

Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3 581

TABLE IX. Comparison of Experimental Bond Lengths (pm) with Various Ligands for Isostructural4d and 5d Transition Element Compounds ligand metals molecule CN R(4d) R(5d) difP ref 152.385 -9.42 317 161.81 1 MH 'H Ag, Au -7.28 159.44 317 1 166.72 MHt Cd, Hg 3.0 (4) 212.0 (4) 253 4 209.0 (4) C(SP3) Pd, Pt MMeZ(PR3)z i -2.9 211.2 208.3 (5) 2 MMez Cd, Hg 331h 10 217 (1) 218 (1) C(715) Ru, Os 1 (1) M(cp*)ze 331i 219 (1) 10 218.6 Ru, Os 0 (1) M(cP)~/ 1 2 203 (2) 201 (2) -1 (2) M(N(SiMe3)& N Cd, Hg b 7.9 (1.5) 174.0 (15) 4 166.1 (4) (RO),M=N EN Mo, W b -1.0 (7) 187.2 (7) 188.2 (4) (RO)BM=N -0 Mo, W 1.15 317 1 171.16 172.307 =O Zr, Hf MO -3.7 (1.0) 331k 167.8 (5) 164.1 (10) 5 MO(SCHZCH2S)zMo, W 1.6 (7) 166.6 (7) 5 165.0 (7) MOF4 Mo, W j, C 2.7 168.5 (15) 5 165.8 (5) MOC1, Mo, W 0.7 (5) 4 190.2 (4) 190.9 (5) F Zr, Hf g -1.9 (5) 5 190.5 (2) 188.6 (5) Nb, T a P 1.3 (3) 184.2 (3) 182.9 (1) 5 186.0 185.9 0 6 184 (2) 183.3 (8) Mo, W g 1.1 (3) 184.7 (2) 183.6 (3) 5 j,k 183.1 (8) g, 331c -9.7 (8) 187.75 6 Ru, Os 183.0 (8) -4.4 (8) g , 331c 187.38 6 Rh, Ir -4 182.9 331c 187 6 Pd, Pt 317 1 198.318 Ag, Au 2 197 (2) g Cd, Hg 251 251 0 331b Mo, W P 232.3 (1) 228.4 (1) 253 -3.9 (1) Pd, Pt 4 232 (2) 231.6 (5) Zr, Hf c1 0 (2) g, m 3.1 (6) 233.8 (6) 331a 5 236.9 (4) Nb, T a 224.1 (4) 222.7 (3) -1.4 (4) 228.4 228.0 6 226 (2) Mo, W g C 5 227.9 (3) 228.0 (3) 0.1 (3) h 4 229.5 (6) 220.2 (6) 1 3 317 (231)" 228.079 2 221 (2) d, i 225.2 (5) 4 (2) 4 -1.5 (4) 245.6 (4) 246.5 (4) g 5 246 -1 d 245 1 317 239.309 2 244 7 239.4 (4) d, 0 4 0.0 (5) 266.0 (5) 266.0 (5) g 1 317 254.462 2 255 (2) 261 (1) d, i 6 (2) 210 222 12 331b 248.2 317, 318 1 247.19 -1.0
a (M(5d)-X) - (M(4d)-X). bChan, D. M. T.; Chisholm, M. H.; Folting, K.; Huffman, J. C.; Marchant, N. S. Inorg. Chem. 1986, 25, 4170. p 444. e ~ p = C5Me5. f c p = C5H5. BKrasnov, * cHagen, K.; Hobson, R. J.; Holwill, C. J.; Rice, D. A. Znorg. Chem. 1986,25,3659. K. S. Molecular Constants of Inorganic Compounds (in Russian); Khimiya: Leningrad, 1979. hEzhov, Yu. S.; Komarov, S. A. Zh. Strukt. Khim. 1984,25 (l), 82. 'Landolt-Borstein Zuhlenwerte und finktionen, Springer: Berlin, 1976; Vol. 1116. 'Iijima, K. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 1977, 50, 373. kRobiette, A. G.; Hedberg, K.; Hedberg, L. J . Mol. Struct. 1977, 37, 105. 'Alyea, E. C.; Fisher, K. J.; Fjeldberg, T. J. Mol. Struct. 1985, 130, 263. "Girichev, G.V.; Petrov, V. M.; Giricheva, N. I.; Utkin, A. N.; Petrova, V. N. Zh. Strukt. Khim. 1981, 22 (5), 65. "Theoretical value, ref 148f,g. OPetrov, V. M.; Utkin, A. N.; Girichev, G. V.; Ivanov, A. A. Zh. Strukt. Khim. 1985,26 (2), 52. PPetrova, V. N.; Girichev, G. V.: Petrov, V. M.; Goncharuk, V. K. Zh. Strukt. Khim. 1985, 26 (2). 56. These values include three-atom scattering.

TABLE X. Relativistic Effects on Bond Angles

molecule CU&X~BZ) SnHz PbHz PbCl2 HZPO

angle cucucu HSnH HPbH ClPbCl HPoH

NR 65.5 93.8 93.2 91.6 98.6 98.1

value, deg R 64.5 93.5 92.7 92.25 91.7 98.15 95.1


96 (3)

changeldeg -1.0 -0.3 -0.5 +0.65 +1.0 -0.45



ref 216b 232a 232a 199 320 199 293c

a Quasi-relativistic model, no spin-orbit effects included. Spin-orbit effects only included. e Relativistic extended Huckel. For the other acronyms, see footnotes to Table IV. Equal relativistic and nonrelativistic bond lengths assumed.

from the kinetic energy decrease. There also are several well-documented cases where the atomic, spin-orbit effects lower the energy of the Pb dissociation limit, and thus De: BiH+,175h 2, 176b Pb0,176d PbH,176e T121a8g (Figure 12d). or

Finally, we have the possibility, sketched in Figure 12e, where relativistic (spin-orbit) effects lower the ionic limit by decreasing EA and thus increase De. For Br, this contribution is of the order of 0.2 eV.37M a t ~ h a ~ ~ ~ indeed finds, using perturbation theory, that the spin-

582 Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3


TABLE XI. Relativistic Effects on Stretching Vibration Frequencies of Group 11 Diatomics and the Isoelectronic Group 12 Ions, MzZ+ o/cm-' species NR R exptl method ref CU~ 268 274 265' P-HFS 148g 242 263 P-CEPA-1 270a ZnZ2+ 183 187 P-HFS 148g Ag2 184 203 192 P-HFS 148g 130 145 PP-HF 212 165 186 PP-HFd 246a CdZ2+ 141 161 183' P-HFS 148g AU2 93 201 191 P-HFS 148f,g 138 PP-HF 91 219 77 163 PP-HF 188d HgZ2+ 107 182 182"j' P-HFS 148g 115 182 PP-CI 233c


BI I 3

S b I3



6~ __
5P __



:6 5P

-11 -12

' 7 2, ' ' 3al 5p+ ' -) 3 L >


' 3

__ 1 2 e

"Reference 355. In H ~ * ( A S F ~ )Reference 317. ~. core-valence correlation correction.



Includes a

d antibonding




Figure 13. Bonding between two pIl2atomic orbitals. The charge density for this A 0 has a spherical symmetry, consisting of a r-like
part (dotted) and a o-like part (dashed).

orbit terms increase the De of LiBr by +0.30 eV. The combined mass-velocity and Darwin terms gave only +0.03 eV.410 We also may lower the ionic limit a t Re by increasing EA, a possible contribution to having a Deof 1.g5 and 3.34 eV for the ionic AgAl and AuA1, respectively. The bond lengths are 247.28 and 233.84 pm, respectively.317 No data are available for comparing alkali-metal argentides and aurides. A case of fundamental chemical importance is that of the mercurous ion, HgZ2+.Neisler and PitzerZ3% have now explicitly shown that relativistic effects contribute about 1.0 eV to its De. Spin-Orbit Effects near R e . P i t ~ e r ~ made~in '9~ ~ 1975 the interesting observation that the jj-coupled states p1#/2) and ~ ~ / ~ ( l / 2incapable of giving are ) good u or ?r bonds. As shown in Figure 13, the bond between two pll2 atoms is either one-third u bonding and simultaneouslytwo-thirds ?r antibonding or vice /2 versa. Similarly, two ~ ~ , ~ ( l AOs) are two-thirds u bonding and one-third T antibonding or vice versa. The p3/2(3/2) orbitals still make a good ?r bond, For leading to a bond order of about 1 for Bi2.lMb diatomic~, spin-orbit effects at Re thus have a tendency the to weaken the bond. The De of the halogen molecular ions HX+ and Xz+ were related to this argument in ref 294a. The exact nature of the bonding in polyatomic, heavy main-group compounds like the Zintl (e.g., Pb52-)or multiple Bi-Bi bonds with secondary ligands (e.g., (C0)5W3Bi,358) so far unknown. is In the series Sb4,BiSb3, ...,Bi4,the dissociation energies systematically decrease from 9.04 (15) to 6.03 (8) eV.357b Transition Metals. Ziegler148a studied the triplebonded model compounds MzL6(M = Cr, Mo, W; L =

H, CH3, C1, NH2, OH) using the P-HFS method. For L = H, the nonrelativistic M-M bond energies were 301, 447, and 422 kJ mol-l. Relativistic effects increased the W-W bond energy to 535 kJ mol-l, thus making the W-W bond the strongest. This strengthening was again obtained with perturbation theory, without the relativistic orbital changes. For other M-M bonds (M = W, Re, Ta), see ref 148i, and for the metal-ligand bonds of mononuclear complexes of Re and Ir, see ref 148j. It has been suggested that the relativistic self-consistent, radial expansion and energetic destabilization of the 5d and 5f AOs would "activate" them for chemical bonds10~18~19~113d~177i Figure 12b). Whether, (see also and in which cases, this notion is true remains to be shown. For the group 6 dimers, Ziegler148hfinds that the stability order is changed from Mo2 > W2 > Cr, to W, > Mo2 > Cr2 by relativity. In the M2(OR)6 compounds, the W2+ center exhibits a greater reducing power (T back-bonding) than the
M O ~ +0118.254

C. Fine-Structure Splittings

For reviews on the subject, see ref 255. The relativistic theory of zero-field splittings was discussed by Case.125
D. Ionization Potentials, Electron Affinities, and Photoelectron Spectra

For a concise summary on relativistic calculations of IP, EA, and PES, see Tables 9.8 and 9.9 of ref 2 and the latest references to Bala~ubramanian,'~~"' Bella Di et al.,lgl Dyke et al.,143dKatrib et al.,137b L ~ d e r , l , ~ ~ Louwen et al.,Igb Rosch et al.,130eh and Snijders et al.141 The photoelectron spectra of bismuth trihalides were obtained by Egdell and interpreted in ref 144a by REX calculations, confirmed by perturbative HartreeFock-Slater (P-HFS) calculations. The central conclusion was that the hybridization of the Bi-X ubonding levels is fundamentally different from the (2e, 3al) one of the lighter congeners EX, (E = N to Sb, X = F to I); see Figure 14. In the latter case the halogen atom spin-orbit splitting perturbs the lower, 2e MO. In the case of bismuth, one must start from the bismuth spin-orbit splitting of t(6~3,z) 46pljZ)= 2.10 eV. The upper, 6p3/2 level is then split by chemical bonding.

Relativistic Effects in Structural Chemistry

Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3 583



TABLE XII. First Visible Absorption Band and Color of Certain 4d- and 5d-Element Thio and Seleno Anionsa compd color uvia(A 1) / ( 1O3 cm-) T1,NbSe4 deep violet 19.3 T1 TaSe yellow-green 21.2 MoS? red 21.4 ws2yellow 25.5 MoOSzSe2red 24.3 WOSzSe2yellow 29.1

aReference 361. Other examples are given in this reference.

20 3

Figure 15. Experimental optical reflectivities of pure gold ( c w e I ) , pure silver (curve 5), and their alloys. Reproduced with aa permission from Saeger and Rodies.3608D t from Fukutani and
S u e ~ k a . ~ ~ ~ ~

Thus one could say that for the trihalides of nitrogen to antimony, relativity perturbs the chemistry while for bismuth, chemistry perturbs the relativity. Independent experiments on BiX3 by Novak and PottslMb were interpreted the same way. The photoelectron spectra of linear Hg compounds, in particular the role of spin-orbit splitting and hybridization for the 5d levels, were studied by De Kock et ai.142b E. Colors Relativistic effects can be seen with the naked eye in cases where they strongly influence the color of a substance. Perhaps the most striking example is the yellow color of gold.12*359f experimental reflectivities of Au, The Ag,and their alloys are shown in Figure 15. The sudden onset of an absorption a t hv = 2.4 eV for fine gold is assigned359a a transition from the filled 5d band to to the (essentially 6s) Fermi level. The calculated relativistic interband edge was 2.38 eV and its relativistic decrease was of the same For silver the corresponding relativistic raising of 4d and lowering of 5s are much smaller, and the analogous absorption occurs around 3.7 eV in the ultraviolet. Nonrelativistic gold would thus be white, like silver. This conclusion is confirmed by the later work on the band structure of Note that the transition 5d106s1-5d96s2is parityforbidden. Thus the free gold atom is actually transparent and not yellow, although the color of the metal is due to atomic properties. Other examples will undoubtedly be found. The thio and seleno anions of 4d and 5d transition elements are a likely case; see Table XII. In this case the (predominantly 5d) LUMO of the heavier compound will be relativistically destabilized, which increases vVisfor the 5d element.426 A similar explanation would fit the half-wave reduction potentials of MoC& versus WCI,. they are

systematically some 0.8 V higher for the 5d metal than for the 4d Sakai and MiyoshiZ4Oh find that relativistic effects reduce the electron affinities of WF6 and WF6- by 1.1 and 1.2 eV, respectively. This can be directly attributed to the relativistic destabilization of the 5d A 0 holding the electron removed. For a review on the colors of post-transition-metal salts, see McGlynn et al.=lc According to them, AgNO, is colorless but AuN03 distinctly yellow. In addition to the colors, the intensities of fifth-row and sixth-row systems may differ drastically. In cathodic electroluminescence a t oxide-covered aluminum electrodes, the intensities for Hg(I1) and Pb(I1) are two orders of magnitude larger than the intensities of Cd(I1) and Sn(II), respectively.412
F. Charge Distributions and Molecular Moments

Ros et al.147 considered the deformation densities, due to molecular formation, of the dichlorides MC12 (M = Zn, Cd, Hg) and concluded that the relativistic effects, of about 0.02 e/a?, would be detectable for HgC12. The available data on telativistic effects on dipole moments are collected in Table XIII. There are relativistic changes of p, both due to electronic reorganization a t a given R and due to the relativistic change of R. A consensus seems to exist on the relativistic change of the dipole moment of AgH and AuH, but not GeH. The AuH value is almost halved by relativity. Experimental data on AgH and AuH would be most interesting. It also is remarkable that the relativistic change of the dipole moment should be as large as 0.98, -9.9, and -27% for HC1, HBr, and HI, respectively. Accurate experimental values exist for these three dipole moments. For HI, it is clearly necessary to include relativity. For correlated pseudopotential calculations inculding spin-orbit effects, see ref 187b (HBr) and 187c (HI). The relativistic decrease of the LiH dipole moment, -0.0004 D, would remove about half of the remaining deviation from experiment, or +0.0010 (2) D.

G. Magnetic Resonance Parameters

Spin-Spin Coupling. The nonrelativistic theory of Ram~ey~,~ is based on a nonrelativistic hyperfine Hamiltonian and LS-coupled electronic wave functions. Its relativistic c 0 u n t e r p a 1 - tuses~the relativistic hy~~ perfine Hamiltonian Hh, = eca.AN (53)
and relativistic, jj-coupled molecular orbitals. One qualitatively new prediction was a new coupling term, Jsp, involving s AOs on one nucleus and p AOs on an-

584 Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. ?


TABLE XIII. Relativistic Effects on Dipole Moments ( i n Debye, 1 D = 0.39343 au = 3.3356


C m; fi(A+B-) > 0)

molecule LiH HC1 HBr GeH AgH HI AuH

NR 2.3153
1.4840 1.016

exptl 2.3143 ( 2 ) g 1.1086 (31h 0.8280 (61h 1.24'

5.11 0.711 4.67' 5.24d 5.18 5.800

1.4987 0.915 0.758 0.101 0.111 4.34' 4.64 0.521 0.465 2.87' 2.89 3.346 2.005 0.720 0.557 1.337 1.372 0.977 1.212

APID -0.00026e -0.0001d -0.00036d +0.0147e -0.101e


0.097 0.4477 (51h -0.19'

-2.454' -0.89 +1.007 +0.655 +o.a93

HgH TlH PbH PbH2

1.610 0.330 0.322 0.389



ref 79a 99e 241c 241c 268 270b 215d 183 241c 241c 307 307 215d 183 241c 241c 241c 241c 241c 241c 241c 241c 241c 241c

" See footnotes to Table IV. Questionable.268 At R = 3.00 au. At R,(calcd). eElectronic reorganization. /Relativistic change of R. #The u = 0, J = 1 state of ?Li'H. Theoretical value from: Roos, B. 0.; Sadlej, A. J. Chem. Phys. 1985, 94, 43. Experimental value from: Rothstein, E. J . Chem. Phys. 1969, 50, 1899. hFrom: Lovas, F. J.; Tiemann, E. J . Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 1974, 3,609.
other. A related phenomenon was the predicted, relativistic increase of the relative anisotropy R = (Jii - ( J 2 2 + J33)/2)/J (54) tors) will A transparent interpretation of the relativistic terms can then be obtained:294dspin-orbit effects induce otherwise forbidden contact hyperfine elements for (Zeeman allowed) P u (or CT P) excitations and also nonrelativistically forbidden Zeeman of the coupling tensor J, as observed in a comparison matrix elements for the (contact hyperfine allowed) u of M(CH3)2(M = Cd, Hg)365 of solid MTe (M = Cd, or CT excitations. Hg).293gThe underlying mechanism seems to be the J,, A recent observation is the corresponding "heavyand, ultimately, a phase factor for pl/2 A O S . " ~ ~ atom shift of the heavy atom" i t ~ e l f ("HAHA") for 2~~~ The relativistic increase of the s A 0 (corresponding 207Pb atoms with lone pairs. to "Fermi contact") hyperfine integral reaches a factor The nuclear magnetic shielding in free atoms was of 3 around Hg to Pb, as first found by Breit in 19303@ treated by Kolb et al.372 e g ~ t r o m ~ ~ ~ H considered simple (for tables of HF and DF values, see ref 293d or Tables systems (H, H2+)a t a deeper level. For H2,see also ref 5.8 of ref 2). This increases the spin-spin coupling 374. between two heavy nuclei by an order of magnitude; the Hyperfine Splittings. For relativistic calculations first observed lJ(HgHg) in the largely 6s-bonded Hg$+ of the (magnetic dipole) hyperfine splittings in molehas a value of 139600 Hz.367 cules, see Case et a1.126a,d The theory of 'J(MM) and 'J(MC) in tin and lead Parity-Violation Effects. The parity nonconserorganometallics was discussed in ref 293f and that of vation Hamiltonian375 gives also an NMR chemical shift lJ(MM) in anionic clusters in ref 294f. The observed contribution which, if large enough, could produce a peculiarities of J(PbC) and J(PbPb) were attributed splitting between the nuclei (e.g., lg5Pt)in left- and to a frontier-orbital effect, involving the highest occuright-handed chiral molecules.295d The PT violation pied CT MO, which had some Pb 6s character and domeffects in diatomic PbF were estimated in ref 214b. inated the coupling trends. Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling. Apart from varIt also was realized during these calculations293d that ious multiplicative relativistic correction little the symmetry rules, relating J to the molecular symis known about specifically relativistic effects in this metry, required certain m o d i f i c a t i ~ n s . ~ ~ ~ g case.377An interesting particular case is that of the Chemical Shifts. The relativistic analogue to Ramactinoid nucleus in actinyl ions, 234U022+ 237Np022+, or sey's theory of chemical shifts3@has also been diswhere it has been suggested that the 6p3,,(l/2) semicore cussed.369 In this case the most conspicuous and best A 0 plays a dominant role,293i exceeding that of the 5f known relativistic effect is the "heavy-atom shift", inor 6d AOs. The unhybridized 6p,/2 A 0 has a spherical duced for instance by the heavy halogens, X (Br or I), charge distribution and does not contribute. on 'H in HX or on 13C in RX. The original suggestion in was to use third-order perturbation t h e ~ r y , ~ ~ " , ~ ~ ~Another particular problem is that of lg7Au(I) the with linear complexes378 AuX2- (X = F, C1, CN), concerning one matrix element of the Zeeman, hyperfine, and the relative importance of Au 5d and 6p AOs. Sham spin-orbit Hamiltonians. If relativistic MOs are used, et al.378" favor 6p and Guenzburger and Ellis,378b For 5d. second-order PT (with Zeeman and hyperfine opera-

Relativistic Effects in Structural Chemistry

Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3 585

TABLE XIV. The Soft Triangle As Proposed by Ahrlandas**~e Unitalicized Elements Are Borderline (the Elements and the Italicized Ones are Soft
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Fe(I1) Co Ni C u ( 0 Zn As Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd Sn Sb Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl(1) Pb B i Tl(II0

row 4 row 5 row 6

a discussion on the 6p character in the isoelectronic Hg compounds, see ref 142b. Mossbauer Isomer Shifts. This is probably the spectroscopic observable with the largest relativistic effects; see the earlier reviews.379 g tensors are intimately connected to spin-orbit effects but willnot be discussed here. V. Further Posslble Examples and Open Problems

In this section we quote a number of further possible examples, often on the basis of circumstantial evidence only. 4s2and 5s2Inert Pairs. In addition to the 6s2inert pair discussed above, analogous compounds (such as GeO and Sn051e) are known for rows 4 and 5.350c9380 While the relativistic 5s stabilization is not entirely negligible, the 4s stabilization due to the d-block contraction probably overweighs relativity on row 4. Hardness and Softness. Ahrland381a*e points out the existence of a soft triangle; see Table XIV. The larger softness on row 6 might again be related to the relativistic destabilization of the 5d shell. It is inter(c~)(OC)~M(~-PP~,)P~(CO)(PP~~), a M = Mo, gives esting that T13+(5d10)should be soft but T1+(6s2) Mo-H-Pt bridgng hydrogen while for M = W, a terborderline. minal R-H bond Notoya and M a t ~ u d a classified all monoatomic ~~l~ Under other circumstances, also the 5d metals, for cations into three classes on the basis of their solvation example W200di1 Ir,385gform nonclassical hydrogen or free energies, AG, depending on their outer electron complexes. shell: (a) rare gas, (b) d, n > 3, and (c) 4f145d10. The Equatorial versus Axial Bonds for Pentastrongly relativistic group c thus has a special position. coordinate Ru and Os. In addition to the data on G l a ~ e rpoints~out the curious fact that Tl(II1) is ~~l MF5 and MC15 in Table IX, the following problems the strongest acid (pK, = 1.2) in group 13, despite exist: In the local tbp coordination about the metal in having the largest ionic radius. [M2(C0)8]2-, Ru-Ru bond in the sodium salt is the EA(2) versus I P ( 2 1). Myers383 found positive asymmetric and, on one side, equatorial,while the Osslopes for such plots for groups 1, 11, 13,14,16,and 17 Os bond in the potassium salt is axial on both but a negative slope for group 15. In M(CO),(SbMe,), the Sb-M bond is axial The 18-electronrule in organometallic chemistry for Ru but equatorial for Os (Ru-Sb = 261.87 (9), is well-known. Would it have some relativistic fine Os-Sb = 261.2 (2) pm).385f structure? Ag versus Au: Gold Chains. Ahrland et al.386 find Mercury being a liquid at room temperature, a fact that the tetrahydrothiophene complex Au( (CH2)4S)I attributed to the relativistic contraction of the filled 6s2 forms chains, but the corresponding Ag compound shell,10p12 one may ask, why is gallium a liquid ( T , = tetramers of the cubane type. The M-S and M-I dis29.8 C despite a high Tb= 2205 OC)? Perhaps the best tances were 22 and 33 pm shorter, respectively, for Au answer is that already its crystal structure is very comthan for Ag. This resembles the situation in the diaplicated. (The alkali metals have both low T , and low T,;for Cs they are 28.4 and 671 O C , r e ~ p e c t i v e l y . ~ ~ ~ tomic hydrides, with Au-H = 152 and Ag-H = 162 pm. ) Ashcroft413attributes the complicated crystal strucAhrland et al.386 also point out that AgCl and AgBr ture of gallium to core-core van der Waals interactions have the NaCl structure, while AuCl and AuBr form which are large compared to the screened Coulomb zigzag chains.387 The problem awaits a theoretical interactions in the metal. The valency changes from Ag(1) to Au(II1) could In the three-coordinated complexes MCl(PP) (M = be studied by comparing the relative stabilities of MX,Ag, Au; PP = 2,11-bis((diphenylphosphino)methyl)and MX4- (M = Ag, Au; X = F, C1, ...). benzo[c]phenanthrene), the Au-P of 231 pm also is Similarly, the change from Sn(1V)to Pb(I1) could be shorter than Ag-P (by 10 and 15 pm for PI and P2, demonstrated by calculations on MX6 (n = 2, 4; M = respectively). Now also the PMP angles are very dif-

Sn, Pb). These explicit studies still do not exist. The existing oxidation states were recently reviewed by J ~ r g e n s e n . ~ ~ ~ Mo and W compounds often have different structures, while the data in Table IX are taken from isostructural systems. This makes comparisons of the relativistic stabilities of their oxidation states more complicated, as emphasized in ref 18 and 19. One example is the different structures of stable Moo3 and W03.385a G o ~ d e n o u g h ~ ~ ~ ~ the critical deemphasizes pendence of the solid-state chemistry of Mo on the radial extension of the 4d wave function. He suggests that due to the smaller Mo(4d)-0(2p) overlap, the Mo ions in the oxides are more strongly displaced, forming (Mo=O)~+ oxomolybdenum cations, thus stabilizing the layered structure. W (5d) has larger overlap and therefore a smaller distortion, still breaking the cubic structure, but not going to a Reo3 one. The 5d functions are more diffuse than the 4d, already for the free atoms, both due to shell structure and relativity. In the octahedral model systems MH6 it was found that for W the main maximum of the 5d wave function was moved from about 2 au to the bonding region around 3 au by relativistic effects (ref 113d, Figure 5; reproduced in ref 12). Classical versus Nonclassical Hydrogens for 5d and 4d Metals. Structural differences occur between Mo and W also in free molecules. Of the polyhydrides, MH4(PR3)3,those of Fe and Ru are nonclassical (contain H2),while Os yields a classical hydride (with M-H bonds This would look like a straightforward consequence of the relativistic strengthening of the Os-H bond. Quite analogously, protonation of

586 Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3


. - ^



r r d r des

5 5 7 8 9 '3

' 12


F i g u r e 16. Experimental bond lengths for 4d and 5d transition-metal halides and hydrides. The differences of the rcov(Pauling) are given as vertical bars.

ferent, 175.7 (1)and 140.7 ( 1 ) O for Au and Ag, respectively, making this one of the few candidates for a large relativistic effect on a bond angle.388 The Au-P in Au(C2Ph)(PPh3)is 228 pm,389aindicating an absence of axial strain in AuCl(PP). MRu4Clusters (M = Ag, Au). Salter and Stone389b find that in the metal clusters H3MRu4(C0)12(PPh3) (M = Ag, Au) the gold cluster, 1, has an Au atom edgebridging (p2)the Ru4tetrahedron, while the p3 Ag atom in the silver cluster, 2, caps a Ru3 face. The three hydrogen atoms similarly are p2 and p3 in 1 and 2, respectively. The gold-oxygen complexes Au(02) are found from ESR evidence to have a symmetric, side-on structure while both Cu(02)and Ag(02)have bent, endon structures.390 Mercurium captans ("seizing mercury") is the generic term for mercaptans.391 The question is, why should the Hg-S bond be so strong? (The formation constant for CH3HgSR is 1014-1018.) No theoretical analysis seems to exist. Two-Coordination of Mercury. As said earlier,12 the dominant two-coordination of Hg has been attributed to either a large s-p separation,51b favoring sp hybridization over spn, n > 1, or to the smaller s-d separation (compared to Cd).351y392 Both changes involve relativistic effects, the 6s stabilization and the 5d destabilization.68

Tossell and V a ~ g h a attribute the two-coordinan~~~ tion of Hg to the 5d level, approaching the ligand np and leading to too much Hg(5d)-L(np) antibonding for the tetrahedral coordination. The same problem of coordination numbers occurs for the isoelectronic neighboring systems, such as T1Br2+,T1Br2+,TlBr,, TlBr4-(Td),T1Br5(OH2)2-, and TlBr,3-. The T1-Br of 248, 251,256,273 ((4 X 278) + (1 X 252))/5), and 276 pm for CN = 2-6, respectively,381c closely similar to the Hg-Br of 248 (in the are solid), 252, and 259 pm for CN = 2-4 (see Wells350c) in the isoelectronic Hg13r2,HgBr3-, and HgBr42-,respectively. When passing from Hg to T1, the 5d should become less important and the 6p more important. The octahedral Hg(1I) complexes also have a tendency to distort, forming two short and four long bonds381d while Zn(I1) and Cd(I1) do not. It is not yet clear whether Tl(II1) distorts.381c Although detailed analyses of the bonding in linear mercury compounds have been presented by De Kock et al.,142bno comparative theoretical studies of the formation enthalpies for CN = 2 and CN = 4 exist. Bond Lengths of 4d and 5d Transition Metals. We return to the data in Table IX and show the experimental M-X (X = halogen) and M-H bond lengths in Figure 16. It is interesting that the M-F and M-H bond lengths for groups 8-12 are shorter for the 5d metal than for the 4d metal, like the M-PR3 ones in Table VIII. (In parallel with this trend, the stretching force constants, k,show an increase.394)The other M-X (X = C1, Br, I) show the opposite trend, like the M-C in Table VI11 and the M=N and M-M ones in Table IX.418,420 Zr a n d Hf are strikingly similar. Our current e ~ p l a n a t i o n ~ ~ the relativistic and shell-structure is that trends almost exactly cancel. Astatine chemistry should be strongly influenced by 6p spin-orbit splitting (3.47 eV37). In a covalent compound, for example HAt, Pitzer's spin-orbit weakening near Re (see section 1V.B) should diminish De.The experimental De is ~ n k n o w n ,and ~ only theoretical 3 ~ the values are REX estimates.293c Radon. Stein395b presents evidence that radon is a metalloid element and that it would form RnF' and

Recommended Format for the Periodic Table of the Elements








17 F


zs and w

,eF. smlar:

H e




d"s cmfi





N p Pu

Am Cm Bk

Tb Dy H Er Tm Yb Lu o Cf Es F m Md No Lr

F i g u r e 17. Relativity and the Periodic Table: a summary.

Relativistic Effects in Structural Chemistry

Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3 587

8 1 Po A t R n

Figure 18. A version of the Periodic System for the elements t o =Rn, emphasizing the 6s2 a n d (6p,/2)* closed shells.

Rn2+in its reactions with halogen fluorides; the relativistic 6~31,orbital energy is only 90% of the nonrelativistic This should facilitate the oxidation states Rn(I1) and Rn(1V). V I . Summary: Relatlvlstlc Effects In the Perlodlc Table Many of the points discussed in this review are summarized in Figure 17. This figure summarizes the points made above on the change from 5s" to 6sn+lelectron configurations for free atoms (Table TI), the valency increase from Ag(1) to Au(II1) etc.,1 the valency decrease from Sn(1V) to Pb(11) (section III.E), the "gold maximum" of relativistic effects (Figure 3), the role of relativity in the lanthanoid contraction (section III.A, Table VII), the comparison of Zr and Hf (section V), the comparison of Re, k,, and De for single bonds to Mo and W (section III.A, section IV.A, Table IV, and section V), the color of gold (Figure 15, section IV.E), the existence of ionic CsAu (sections 1I.B and III.D), the stability of Hg22+,10J48g.233c the crystal structure of lead (section III.D), the existence of monovalent Bi compounds (section ILB), and, eventually, the low boiling point of Hg.l0 The d-block and f-block contractions were discussed in section 1I.B. These two periodic trends are shell-structure ones, and are not due to relativity. The actinoids (An) (from Th to Am) are a fascinating chapter. They show, in their higher valence states, relativistically "activated" 5f and 6d shells (see Figure 7 of ref 10) and also considerable hybridization of the 6~31, semi-core shell (for a review of existing molecular calculations on Ln and An compounds, see ref 396 and 414 and for band structure calculations see ref 339b.) Finally, we take the liberty of presenting in Figure 18 a rather original version of the Periodic System for ~ the elements 7 9 A to 8sRn. The aspect emphasized is the effects due to the closed 69, and (6p1p)' shells. The experimental facts fitting this table are the existence of aurides (like Cs+Au-) and of monovalent bismuth compounds, and the small, spin-orbit-decreased De of or lead compounds, for example PbH and Pb2176b,cvep397 BiH+ 175h,417 For the superheavy elements 111-118 this classification may be even more fitting.
V I I. References
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8.i, 190

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Relativistic Effects in Structural Chemistry

Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 3 589

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Komarov, S. A. Zh. Strukt. Khim. 1984,25,82. (e) Braunstein, P. Nouv. J. Chim. 1986,10,365. (0 Mingos, D. M. P. Chem. SOC.Rev. 1986, 15, 31. (9) Stone, F. G. A. Angezu. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 1984,23, 89. (h) Albers, M. 0.;Liles, D. C.; Robinson, D. J.; Shaver, A.; Singleton, E.; Wiege, M. B.; Boeyens, J. C. A,; Levendis, D. C. Organometallics 1986, 5, 2321. (i) Boeyens, J. C. A.; Levendis, D. C.; Bruce, M. I.; Williams, M. L. J. Crystallogr. Spectrosc. Res. 1986, 16,519. 6) Albinati, A.; Togni, A.; Venanzi, L. M. Organometallics 1986, 5, 1785. (k) Ellis, S. R.; Collison, D.; Garner, C. D.; Clegg, W. Chem. Commun. 1986, 1483. (1) Cotton, F. A.; Walton, R. A. Struct. Bonding (Berlin) 1985,62,1. (m) King, R. B. Inorg. Chim. Acta 1986, 116, 99, 109, 119, 125. (n) Morse, M. D. Chem. Rev. 1986,86, 1049. (a) Campbell, M. L.; Dagdigian, P. J. J. Chem. Phys. 1986, 85,4453. (b) Campbell, M. L.; Dagdigian, P. J. J. Am. Chem. SOC. 1986, 108, 4701. ( c ) Lepetit, B.; Launay, J. M.; Le Dourneuf, M. Chem. Phys. 1986,106,111. (d) Dagdigian, P. J.; Campbell, M. L. Chem. Rev. 1987, 87, 1. Ervin, K. M.; Armentrout, P. B. J. Chem. Phys. 1986, 85, 6380. Fisher. J. J.: Michl. J. J . Am. Chem. SOC. 1987. 109, 583. Gritsenko, 0. V.; BGaturyants, A. A,; Moiseev, 1; I.; Kazanskii, V. B. Russ. Chem. Rev. (Engl. Transl.) 1985,54,1945. Luzhkov. V. B.: Bogdanov. G. N. Russ. Chem. Rev. ( E n d . Transl.) 1986, 55, 3 : (a) Barton, D. H. R.; Kitchin, J. P.; Motherwell, W. B. Chem. Commun. 1978,1099. (b) Barton, D. H. R.; Blazejewski, J.-C.; Charpiot, B.; Lester, D. J.; Motherwell, W. B.; Barros Papoula, M. T. Ibid. 1980, 827. Koelling, D. D.; MacDonald, A. H, in ref 6, pp 227-304. (a) Christensen, N. E. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 1984,25, 233. (b) Weinberger, P. In Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of the Actinides; Freeman, A. J., Lander, G. H., Eds.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, Vol. 5, 1987. (c) Burdett, J. K. Struct. Bonding (Berlin) 1987,65,29. (d) Schmidt, P. C. Ibid. p 91. Reference 2, Table 8.1. Glotzel, D.; McMahan, A. K. Phys. Rev. B 1979, 20, 3210. Christensen, N. E.; Wilkins, J. W. Phys. Scr. 1982,25,691. (a) Christensen, N. E.; Satpathy, S.; Pawlowska, Z. Phys. Rev. B 1986, 34, 5977. (b) See also: Phillips, J. C. Bonds and Bands in Semiconductors; Academic: New York, 1973; p 16. (a) Brooks, M. S. S. J.Phys. F: Met. Phys. 1983,13,103. (b) Brooks, M. S. S.; Johansson, B.; Eriksson, 0.;Skriver, H. L. Physica l986,144B, 1. (a) Hasegawa, A.; Watabe, M. J. Phys. F: Met. Ph s. 1977, 7,75. (b) Christensen, N. E.; Kollar, J. Solid State Zommun. 1983, 46, 727. (c) Koenig, C.; Christiansen, N. E.; Kollar, J. Phys. Reu. B 1984, 29, 6481. (d) Holzhey, C.; Brouers, F.; Franz, J. R.; Schirmacher, W. J.Phys. F Met. Phys. 1982, : 12, 2601. This paper deals with the liquid gold-alkali metal alloys. (e) van der Marel, C. Thesis, Groningen, 1981, p 7. Lowdin, P. 0. Ph.D. Thesis, Uppsala, 1948. Burdett, J. K.; Lin, J.-H. Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B 1981, B37, 2123. Reference 51e, pp 439-445,907-909. Abriel, W. Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B 1986, B42, 449. (a) Gillespie, R. J. Molecular Geometry; Van Nostrand: London, 1972. (b) Gimarc, B. M. Molecular Structure and Bonding; Academic: New York, 1979; p 77. (c) Wells, A. F. Structural Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed.; Clarendon: Oxford, 1984; p 1149. (d) Ibid., p 876. (e) Julg, A. Crystals as Giant Molecules; Springer-Verlag: Berlin, 1978; pp 71-72. (f) Simon, A. Angew. Chem. 1983, 95, 94. (9) Ferguson, F. D.; Jones, T. K. The Phase Rule; Butterworths: London, 1966; p 47. Dunitz, J. D.; Orgel, L. E. Adu. Inorg. Chem. Radiochem. 1960, 2, 1. See pp 40-45. Urch, D. S. J. Chem. SOC. 1964, 5775. (a) Bovin, J.-0. Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B 1976, B32? 1771. A crystallographic size roughly comparable to a fluoride ion is sometimes assigned to the stereochemically active lone pair. (b) Bovin, J.-0. Thesis, Lund, 1975. Bovin suggests ;hat the active lone pairs occur below a line running from southwest to northeast above Tl(I), Sn(II), As(II1). (c) The size of the lone pair is discussed by: Galy, J.; Meunier, G.; Andersson, S.; Astrom, A. J. Solid State Chem. 1975,13, 142. (d) See also: Alcock, N. W.; Jenkins, H. D. B. J. Chem. SOC., Dalton Trans. 1974, 1907. (e) Bosson, B. Thesis, Lund, 1977. (f) Sanderson, R. T. Inorg. Chem. 1986,25, 1856. I thank C. K. Jargensen (private communication) for this point. (a) Corbett, J. D. Inorg. Chem. 1962,1, 700. (b) Taylor, M. J. Metal-to-Metal Bonded States; Academic: London, 1975. (a) Pitzer, K. S. J . Chem. Phys. 1975, 63, 1032. (b) Pitzer, K. S. Chem. Commun. 1975, 760. (a) Corbett, J. D. Chem. Reu. 1985, 85, 383. (b) Schild, D.; Pflaum, R.; Sattler, K.; Recknagel, E. J . Phys. Chem. 1987, 91, 2649.

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(409) Lefebvre, I.; Lannoo, M.; Allan, G.; Ibanez, A.; Fourade, J.; Jumas, J. C.; Beaurepaire, E. Phys. Reu. Lett. 1987,59, 2471. (410) In drawing Figure 12e we hold the dissociation limit fixed. Then the spin-orbit splitting of the neutral atom will give R < NR for the ions. (411) Further explicit studies of the bond contraction are given in (a) ref 240h (WF6, WFs-). (b) ref 79b (&:C = 0.001 71 pm, ZD-HF. Also 2D-DS data for LiH, Liz, BH, and CH+). (c) Boerrigter, P. M., Thesis, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1987 (An(C8H8)2,An = Th-Pu). These contractions are rather small, 5 and 11 pm for T h and U, respectively, for the An-C. The contractions for the tetrahalides, UF,, ThF,, UCl,, and ThCl,, are reported as 5, 2, 5, and 4 pm, respectively. (412) Haapakka, K.; Kankare, J.; Kulmala, S. Anal. Chim. Acta 1985, 171, 259. (413) Ashcroft, N. W., private communiation. (414) It is striking that the De of diatomic T h o is 9.06 eV, of the same order of magnitude as that of the much smaller CO (11.22 eV).,17 The bond turns out to be a triple bond, not unlike CO, but mainly involving the T h 6d AO, with some 5f character in both u and T bonds.220e (415) Cohen, E. R.; Taylor, B. N. Phys. Today 1987,40, 11. This is the 1986 adjustment of fundamental constants. (416) Kaveh, M.; Mott, N. F. Phil. Mag. Lett. 1987, 56, 97. (417) This shell structure is also seen in the IP of the free atoms" and possibly in their electron affinities, as well. (418) Airoldi419finds for MCl[N(SiMe,),], (M = Zr, Hf) that the M-N are 207 and 204 pm, but the M-Cl, 239 and 244 pm, respectively. Thus N behaves in this case like F for groups .~ 8-10 in Figure 16. (419) Airoldi, C.; Bradley, D. C.; Chudzynska, H.; Hursthouse, M. B.: Malik. K. M. A.: Raithbv. P. R. J . Chem. SOC.. Dalton Trans. 1980, 2010. (420) For some comparisons of Nb and Ta, see: (a) Canich, J. A. M.; Cotton, F. A. Znorg. Chem. 1987, 26, 3473. (b) Cotton, F. A.; Kibala, P. A.; Roth, W. J. J . Am. Chem. SOC. 1988,110, 298. (421) For a comparison of fluorides of Ag and Au, see: Muller, B. G. Angew. Chem. 1987, 99, 1120. (422) A particular question of considerable structural importance are the eventual attractive interactions between the formally closed-shell systems d10-d'0.423*424 There are suspicions that s2-s2ones may exist as (423) Jansen, M. Angem. Chem. 1987, 99, 1136. (424) (a) Schmidbaur, H.; Hartmann, C.; Riede, J.; Huber, B.; Muller, G. Organometallics 1986, 5, 1652 and references therein. (b) Jiang, Y.; Alvarez, S.; Hoffmann, R. Znorg. Chem. 1985, 21, 749. (425) Private communications within the project "Neue Phiinomene in der Chemie metallischer Elemente mit abgeschlossenen inneren Elektronenzustanden" of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. (426) It is striking that Bi(C6H5I5is violet although Sb(C6H5)5 is tranmarent: Schmuck. A,: Buschmann., J.: Fuchs. J.: Seooelt. , ._ K. Aigew. Chem. 1987, 99, 1206. (427) The 5d elements Pt, Au, and Hg are reported as electrontransfer catalysts while the corresponding 4d elements are not: Chanon, M. Acc. Chem. Res. 1987,20, 214. (428) The major relativistic feature in stabilizing solid PbF, is a reduction of the Pb2+-Pbz+interaction: Pyper, N. C.; Marketos, P.; Malli, G. L. J. Phys. C 1987,20, 4711.

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