ECRI 2023 Top 10 Hazards Executive Brief

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Top 10 Health
Hazards for 2023
Expert Insights from ECRI’s Device Evaluation Program

Top 10 Health Technology Executive Brief
Hazards for 2023 ECRI is providing this Executive Brief describing its 2023 Top 10 list of health technology
hazards to inform the healthcare community about key safety issues involving the use of
medical devices and systems.

The List for 2023

1. Gaps in Recalls for At-Home Medical Devices Cause Patient Confusion and Harm
2. Growing Number of Defective Single-Use Medical Devices Puts Patients at Risk
3. Inappropriate Use of Automated Dispensing Cabinet Overrides Can Result in
Medication Errors
4. Undetected Venous Needle Dislodgement or Access-Bloodline Separation
during Hemodialysis Can Lead to Death
5. Failure to Manage Cybersecurity Risks Associated with Cloud-Based Clinical
Systems Can Result in Care Disruptions
6. Inflatable Pressure Infusers Can Deliver Fatal Air Emboli from IV Solution Bags
7. Confusion Surrounding Ventilator Cleaning and Disinfection Requirements Can
Lead to Cross-Contamination
8. Common Misconceptions about Electrosurgery Can Lead to Serious Burns
9. Overuse of Cardiac Telemetry Can Lead to Clinician Cognitive Overload and
Missed Critical Events
10. Underreporting Device-Related Issues May Risk Recurrence


Detailed descriptions of the hazards outlined in this Executive Brief, along with ECRI’s step-
by-step recommendations for addressing them, are provided in the 2023 Top 10 Health
Technology Hazards Solutions Kit. Members of ECRI programs can access the Solutions Kit
through their membership web pages. For more information, contact
or call +1 (610) 825-6000, ext. 5891.

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Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

The Purpose of the List

A Tool for Preventing Harm solution that can only warn of a hazard. With the COVID-19 pandemic leaving
healthcare facilities understaffed and healthcare workers overstressed, it’s more
The safe use of health technology—from simple devices to complex information important than ever that medical technologies be designed in ways that help ensure
systems—requires identifying possible sources of danger or difficulty with those their safe use. And as always, ECRI is ready to help make this happen.
technologies and taking steps to minimize the risk that adverse events will occur.
ECRI has been in the business of making healthcare safer for more than 50 years, and
This 16th edition of ECRI’s Top 10 Hazards list will help care providers do that.
our cooperative relationship with industry has been a key component of our success.
Produced each year by ECRI’s Device Evaluation group, the Top 10 Health Technology ECRI—through its device evaluations, hazard reports, and other investigations—has
Hazards list identifies the potential sources of technology-related danger that we identified shortcomings in thousands of individual models and systems, as well as
believe warrant the greatest attention for the coming year. The topics chosen are many technology-wide hazards, that put patients and others at risk. Responsive
not necessarily the most frequently reported problems or the ones associated with manufacturers, then, have developed solutions to address those concerns and
the most severe consequences—although we do consider such information in our provide users with safer alternatives. In some cases, their work has yielded truly
analysis. Rather, the list reflects our judgment about which risks should be given innovative technological advancements.
attention now to help care providers, as well as device manufacturers, prioritize their
Together, we’ve driven significant improvements in medical technology, saving
patient safety efforts.
countless patients from preventable harm and death. Examples through the years
All the items on our list represent problems that can be avoided or risks that can be have included:
minimized through the careful management of technologies. With the additional
— In the 1970s—Improvements to manual resuscitators to prevent inadequate
content provided in the full report (see the inset on page 2), the list serves as a lung inflation
tool to help technology managers and device users manage the risks efficiently
— In the 1980s—Safer electrode connections for patient monitoring equipment to
and effectively. prevent accidental electrocution
— In the 1990s—Bed safety assessments to prevent entrapment and strangulation
A Challenge to Industry within bedrails, as well as free-flow prevention mechanisms for infusion pumps
to prevent overmedication
Reducing preventable harm requires more than just vigilance on the part of
— Since 2000—Drug libraries and infusion pump integration to prevent wrong-
technology managers and device users. The medical device industry also has a
dose and wrong-drug errors; CT scanner dose-control technologies to protect
role to play. patients from unnecessarily high radiation exposures; and improved endoscope
This year we’re extending a challenge to our industry colleagues. We believe reprocessing procedures and technologies to prevent cross-contamination
some of the hazards outlined in this report could be mitigated—and possibly even
In this year’s report, we’ve highlighted areas where we believe device manufacturers
eliminated—by improved device designs or manufacturing practices. As a rule, an
can advance the cause of patient safety through better product design. There’s no
engineering solution that eliminates a hazard will always be preferable to a training
better time to improve technologies to keep patients safe.

©2023 ECRI. May be disseminated for internal educational purposes solely at the subscribing site.
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Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

How Topics Are Selected

This list focuses on what we call generic hazards—problems that result from the risks — Public Profile. Is the hazard likely to receive significant publicity? Has it
inherent to the use of certain types or combinations of medical technologies. It does been reported in the media, and is an affected hospital likely to receive
negative attention? Has the hazard become a focus of regulatory bodies or
not discuss risks or problems that pertain to specific models or suppliers.
accrediting agencies?
ECRI engineers, scientists, clinicians, and other patient safety analysts nominate — Preventability. Can practical actions be taken now to prevent the problem or
topics for consideration based on their own expertise and insight gained through:
at least minimize the risks? Would raising awareness of the hazard help reduce
— Investigating incidents future occurrences?
— Testing medical devices in the ECRI lab
All the topics we select for the list must, to some degree, be preventable. But any
— Observing and assessing hospital operations and practices one of the other criteria can, on its own, warrant including a topic on the list. We
— Reviewing the literature encourage readers to examine these same factors when judging the criticality of
— Speaking with clinicians, clinical engineers, technology managers, purchasing these and other hazards within their own care environments.
staff, health systems administrators, and device suppliers Not all hazards on the list will apply to all healthcare facilities. Nor is every possible
hazard included; the omission of a topic that was included on a previous year’s list
Staff also consider the thousands of health-technology-related problem reports
should not be interpreted to mean that the topic no longer deserves attention. Most
that we receive through our Problem Reporting Network and through data that
of those hazards persist, and healthcare organizations should continue working
participating facilities share with our patient safety organization, ECRI and the
toward minimizing them. Rather, our experts determined that the topics listed here
Institute for Safe Medication Practices PSO.
should receive greater attention in 2023.
After the topic nomination phase, professionals from ECRI’s many program areas,
as well as external advisors, review these topics and select their top 10. We use this
feedback to produce the final list, weighing factors such as the following: THE IMPORTANCE OF PROBLEM REPORTING
The topics on our Top 10 Hazards list often derive from user-submitted reports of medical-
— Severity. What is the likelihood that the hazard could cause serious injury
device-related events and near misses. Effective reporting of such events by frontline
or death?
healthcare workers and others who use or manage health technologies can help identify
— Frequency. How likely is the hazard? Does it occur often? areas of risk, pinpoint causes, and prevent recurrence that could lead to patient harm.
— Breadth. Is the hazard likely to be experienced in many facilities or care ECRI encourages all care providers and device users to send us reports of medical-device-
environments? Or, if the hazard occurs, are the consequences likely to spread to related events—adverse incidents and near misses—so we can share the findings with the
affect a great number of people?
rest of the healthcare community, whether through our Alerts service or through annual
— Insidiousness. Is the problem difficult to recognize? Could the problem lead to a reports like this one.
cascade of downstream errors before it is identified or corrected?

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Gaps in Recalls for At-Home Medical Devices
Cause Patient Confusion and Harm

Accurate and understandable information about medical device

recalls often does not reach patients using those devices in the
home; this information gap is growing every year as healthcare
moves into the home setting.
All stakeholders—patients, healthcare providers, and
manufacturers—have a role to play in building a recall process
that meets the needs of home users.

Challenge to Industry. ECRI challenges manufacturers

Device manufacturers seldom have direct communication with
of medical devices that can be used outside the hospital
home care patients; and healthcare providers may not proactively
environment to implement measures such as: providing users
contact patients about recalls. As a result, patients who use
with easy-to-follow device registration instructions, writing
medical devices in the home may learn about a recall—and
simply worded recall notices, maintaining up-to-date databases
the steps needed to ensure safe use of the device—long after it
of device distribution, and designating staff to ensuring that
was issued, and potentially from an unreliable source, such as
recalls reach home users.
a television commercial for a class-action lawsuit or through
social media.

Even if patients do receive a notification, the language may be

jargon-heavy and perplexing, and patients may have difficulty Without a clear understanding of the
determining whether their device is affected or what to do
about it. Without a clear understanding of the risks, patients
risks, patients may be harmed by
may be harmed by continuing to use an unsafe device—or continuing to use an unsafe device—
by inappropriately stopping use of a device whose benefits
outweigh the risks.
or by inappropriately stopping use.

Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

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Growing Number of Defective Single-Use
Medical Devices Puts Patients at Risk

An unacceptably high number of defective single-use medical

devices continue to be present in the supply chain. Single-use
medical devices—which include products that are used once
and then discarded, as well as those that get consumed during
Steps that healthcare organizations can take include
encouraging users to report defective products; tracking device
usage to identify potential waste due to defects; identifying
functionally equivalent products for critical single-use items;
use—play a role in virtually every patient encounter. As a result, and holding manufacturers and distributors accountable for
defective products can have a broad, negative impact on patient defective products, using the organization’s leverage to push
care, causing delays and increasing costs—and most concerningly, for improvements.
contributing to patient harm or death in some circumstances.

Challenge to Industry. ECRI challenges manufacturers of single-

ECRI has received reports of cracked tubing and connectors;
use medical devices to revisit and improve their QC processes to
compromised sterility of needles, catheters, and procedure kits;
prevent defective products from reaching the market.
and incorrect product labeling. These are just a few examples

of product defects that can lead to waste, delays, incorrect

treatment, healthcare-acquired infections, or other patient harm.
Product defects can lead
ECRI is concerned that some device manufacturers are not
making sufficient efforts to address the problem. In fact, rather to waste, delays, incorrect
than seeing improvements over time, we’ve noticed a continuing
increase in problem reports. ECRI urges manufacturers to take
treatment, healthcare-acquired
decisive steps to improve their quality control (QC) processes. infections, or other patient harm.

Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

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THREE Inappropriate Use of Automated
Dispensing Cabinet Overrides Can
Result in Medication Errors

Automated dispensing cabinets (ADCs) are used to provide

controlled access to medications near the point of care.
These cabinets typically incorporate locked or lidded pockets,
drawers, or other drug storage options. During routine use,
Any deviation from safe ADC use practices could lead to the
selection and removal of the wrong medication type, strength,
or dose—errors that could lead to severe harm. For this reason,
ADCs should be configured to require pharmacist approval prior
practitioners enter their credentials at the ADC and select patient- to allowing access to a drug; the cabinet’s override feature should
specific medications that have been reviewed and verified by be used only for its intended purpose (when even a short delay
a pharmacist. would put the patient at risk); and use of the override feature
should be routinely tracked and monitored.
In emergencies, an ADC’s controls can be overridden so that
medications can be accessed more rapidly. Overrides are
occasionally necessary; but this is a risky practice that bypasses
the pharmacist’s review of the medication order. Pharmacist
Any deviation from safe ADC
review is intended to identify contraindications, unsafe dosing, use practices could lead to the
duplicate therapy, patient allergies, or other potential risks.
selection and removal of the
Some high-profile medication error events, including fatal
wrong medication type, strength,
incidents, have been associated with the inappropriate use
of an ADC’s override feature. Concerningly, the Institute for or dose—errors that could lead
Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) has found that, too often,
to severe harm.
practitioners view the override process as a routine step, rather
than a risky one.

Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

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Undetected Venous Needle Dislodgement
or Access-Bloodline Separation during
Hemodialysis Can Lead to Death

Potentially life-threatening hazards can occur during

hemodialysis, including the venous needle becoming dislodged at
the vascular access point or the central venous catheter becoming
separated from the bloodline used for treatment. Either event
at higher risk of venous needle dislodgement (VND) or access-
bloodline separation (ABLS). Other precautions include verifying
that the needle and connections are secure and keeping these
sites visible (e.g., not covered by clothing or blankets) to allow
can very quickly lead to a massive loss of blood, and thus severe frequent examination.
injury or death. Often, such events cannot be detected by a
hemodialysis machine’s venous pressure monitor—and so will not Challenge to Industry. ECRI challenges manufacturers of
produce an alarm. hemodialysis machines to develop systems that minimize the

risk of VND or ABLS going undetected (e.g., by incorporating

Dislodgements or detachments can be caused by, for example,
blood leakage detection functionality) or that prevent such
a person tripping on a bloodline, a line snagging on an object
separations from happening in the first place.
during patient movement, or someone pulling on the line (either
knowingly or unknowingly). Such occurrences, which likely
are underreported, are of particular concern if dialysis is being
provided in the home or some other location where a trained
Dislodgements or detachments are
caregiver is not available to respond immediately. of particular concern if dialysis is
Protective measures include using a blood leakage detector at being provided in a location where
the vascular access site, particularly for home patients and for
patients who may be restless or disoriented or are otherwise
a trained caregiver is not available
to respond immediately.

Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

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Failure to Manage Cybersecurity Risks
Associated with Cloud-Based Clinical
Systems Can Result in Care Disruptions

Accessing a clinical service such as an electronic health record

(EHR) or a radiology system through the cloud can offer
significant benefits compared with more traditional systems.
This deployment model does not, however, eliminate a
availability or integrity of that service, with the potential to cause
lengthy delays in care and adverse patient outcomes. Potential
breaches of patients’ protected health information (PHI) are an
additional concern.
healthcare delivery organization’s security considerations. It only
To protect itself against a consequential security event, a
changes them.
healthcare delivery organization should evaluate how a cloud
In a cloud deployment, much of the workload and control shifts provider safeguards both the functionality of its system and the
to the cloud provider. Consequences of this shift are that the confidentiality and availability of patient data. In addition, the
healthcare delivery organization must rely on the cloud company organization should implement appropriate internal security
to ensure the security and reliability of its online operations and controls to reduce the risks.
to remediate any security event and promptly restore service.

Nevertheless, in most cases the liability for any failure remains

with the healthcare delivery organization. A cloud-based deployment model
Organizations that do not both understand and plan for these does not eliminate a healthcare
differences will be at increased risk of a security event that
delivery organization’s security
could significantly disrupt patient care. Disruption of a cloud-
based service in a healthcare environment could lead to loss of considerations. It only changes them.

Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

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Inflatable Pressure Infusers Can Deliver
Fatal Air Emboli from IV Solution Bags

Inflatable pressure infusers (IPIs) are simple, mechanical devices

that compress an IV solution bag to allow pressure-assisted
infusions. In certain circumstances, using an IPI to administer
fluids creates an increased risk of infusing air from the IV bag
ECRI recommends avoiding the use of IPIs for continuous infusion
through vascular sheaths and catheters that terminate in the
left heart. Even small amounts of air introduced in this location
can be fatal.
into the patient—specifically, if (1) the air is not purged from
the bag before use and (2) the bag is allowed to be compressed Challenge to Industry. ECRI challenges manufacturers to
completely flat by the IPI during use. develop technical solutions that eliminate or minimize the risk of
infusing air from an IV bag.
This could cause an embolism that, depending on its size and
location, could lead to circulatory collapse, stroke, or death. Using
IPIs to infuse through intracardiac catheters and sheaths is of
particular concern. ECRI recommends avoiding the use of
Unlike infusion pumps, IPIs do not include any mechanism for IPIs for continuous infusion through
detecting or eliminating air in the IV line, and thus cannot prevent
air infusion. Therefore, it is incumbent on the user to purge as vascular sheaths and catheters that
much air as possible from the IV bag before placing it in an IPI; terminate in the left heart. Even small

to always hang the bag, not lay it flat (to keep any remaining
air at the top of the bag); and to prevent the bag from being amounts of air introduced in this
compressed completely flat by the IPI.
location can be fatal.

Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

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Confusion Surrounding Ventilator Cleaning and
Disinfection Requirements Can Lead to Cross-

The importance of effectively cleaning and disinfecting ventilators

is obvious: Ventilator components can become contaminated
by exhaled gases and, potentially, by airway excretions.
Unfortunately, the reprocessing instructions provided by ventilator
— Whether use of a filter in the breathing circuit is sufficient
to prevent contamination of ventilator components. ECRI
believes it is not. The primary purpose of the filter is to limit
the spread of pathogens through the atmosphere, not to
manufacturers are, in some cases, incomplete or confusing; and protect ventilator components from contamination.

even guidance from regulatory authorities is not always clear.

The result is that reprocessing staff may be confused about which Challenge to Industry. ECRI challenges manufacturers to
ventilator components need cleaning/disinfection, how to carry ensure that their instructions for cleaning and disinfecting
out the process, and how frequently it should be done. ventilator components are complete, clear, well documented,
and realistically achievable. The instructions should specify
Lack of clarity about the cleaning and disinfecting steps to be
the frequency of cleaning and/or disinfection for all essential
taken between patients can lead to ineffective reprocessing of
ventilator components.
ventilator components. This in turn increases the risk of cross-
contamination, an otherwise preventable occurrence that can lead
to the spread of infectious disease.
Reprocessing instructions provided
Areas of confusion include:
by ventilator manufacturers are, in
— Whether internal exhalation valves or other reusable ventilator
components that come into contact with exhaled patient some cases, incomplete or confusing;
gas require high-level disinfection (or sterilization) between
patients. ECRI believes they do.
and even guidance from regulatory
authorities is not always clear.

Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

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Common Misconceptions about
Electrosurgery Can Lead to Serious Burns

Electrosurgical units (ESUs) use concentrated electrical currents

to cut and coagulate patient tissue at the site of application.
These workhorses of the OR have been in use for decades.
Nevertheless, misconceptions about their use persist, and the
— That the return electrode pad can never be safely applied
over an orthopedic metal implant, tattoo, or piercing—an
assumption that may prompt users to place the return
electrode over a less safe part of the anatomy (e.g., a bony
systems can—and sometimes do—cause unintended burns if prominence). In fact, ECRI’s laboratory testing indicates that
placing the return electrode over metal objects embedded
operators do not fully understand the risks.

in simulated surgical tissue does not heat or burn the

Misconceptions associated with monopolar electrosurgery surrounding tissue during ESU activation. (Note, however, that
include: placement of the return electrode over a pacemaker or other
electronic implant generally should be avoided.)
— That using multiple ESUs simultaneously on one patient
presents no added risk. In reality, burn risks can increase An incomplete understanding of the risks associated with any of
exponentially when multiple ESUs are used. the components involved in the electrosurgical circuit can lead to

— That the surgeon should activate the ESU’s active electrode patient or clinician burns or other injuries.
before its tip is in contact with the patient. In fact, doing so
causes a high voltage to develop in the ESU circuit, increasing
the likelihood of patient or clinician injury. Electrosurgical units can cause
unintended burns if operators do not
fully understand the risks.

Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

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Overuse of Cardiac Telemetry Can
Lead to Clinician Cognitive Overload
and Missed Critical Events

Overuse of cardiac telemetry monitoring—specifically, its use on

noncardiac patients—can lead to alarm fatigue, clinician cognitive
overload, and ultimately unrecognized critical events.
alarm load can overwhelm and distract care providers, creating
the conditions that can lead to a critical alarm being missed and
a patient’s deterioration going unrecognized. ECRI is aware of
incidents in which telemetry alarm events went unnoticed, in
Telemetry monitors are patient-worn devices that allow the
some cases resulting in patient harm.
patient’s heart rate, heart rhythm, and other physiologic
conditions to be assessed without restricting the patient to a bed. To minimize the risk, healthcare providers should establish clear
They are best suited for cardiac patients who are well enough to criteria defining when telemetry monitoring should be used, as
move around the facility, but who nevertheless need constant well as when it should be discontinued. In practice, this means
monitoring. However, there has been a trend toward using verifying that telemetry is being prescribed appropriately (i.e., to

telemetry monitoring as a safety net for patients who do not have monitor the right patient populations) and regularly assessing
cardiac issues. each patient’s need for continued telemetry monitoring.

Paradoxically, this increased use of cardiac telemetry monitoring

(for patients who do not require it) can lead to patients overall Paradoxically, increased use of
being less effectively monitored: It invariably leads to an increase
in alarms—some of which will not require immediate action cardiac telemetry monitoring (for
but nevertheless vie for the clinician’s attention. This increased
patients who do not require it)
can lead to patients overall being
less effectively monitored.

Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

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Underreporting Device-Related
Issues May Risk Recurrence

Reporting medical-device-related problems is crucial for keeping

patients and staff safe. Unfortunately, problems aren’t always
reported through appropriate channels, if at all. The reasons for
this can vary:
In contrast, when problems are reported as soon as they are
noticed, they can often be remedied before patient care is
affected. To achieve this goal, healthcare organizations need to
identify and eliminate barriers to reporting. Most importantly,
they must make the reporting process as easy as possible in
— Device users may be focused on patient care and unable to
order to minimize disruptions to patient care tasks. Other
interrupt a time-sensitive task to submit a report.
measures include building a culture of safety (to encourage
— They may be unfamiliar with the method for reporting. reporting), educating staff about how to identify device-related
— They may see little benefit to reporting, particularly if no harm hazards, providing feedback to keep staff informed about
was observed. the status of a report, and promoting the “wins”—that is,
— They may fear disciplinary action or other instances in which a report prevented significant harm or led to
personal consequences. meaningful improvements.

As a result, broken, malfunctioning, poorly manufactured, or


poorly designed devices may remain in use. Continuing to use deficient

Attempting to use faulty devices can, at the very least, waste equipment can lead to
clinician time as users try to effect workarounds or to quickly
locate replacement equipment. More significantly, continuing to
patient harm.
use deficient equipment can lead to patient harm.

Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

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Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

ECRI Resources for Addressing the Hazards

Members of certain ECRI programs can access resources such as the following to learn more about the topics included on this year’s list:

1. Gaps in Recalls for At-Home Medical Devices Cause Patient — 2022 Nov 3: Datascope/Getinge—LINEAR intra-aortic balloon catheters: balloon
Confusion and Harm volume may be incorrectly labeled. Accession No. A39828.
Helping patients with recalled Philips CPAP devices used in home [webinar — 2022 Nov 3: Teleflex—Iso-Gard filter S products: may split or detach during use
recording]. 2022 Jun 24. [FDA Class I]. Accession No. A39636 01.

Medtronic—HeartWare ventricular assist device systems: welding defect — 2022 Nov 11: BD—SafetyGlide shielding hypodermic needles (one lot): may be
in internal pump may cause p​ump malfunction​ [update] [MHRA FSN difficult to administer medication [ECRI Exclusive Hazard Report]. Accession
2022/005/012/611/003]. ECRI Alerts 2022 Aug 4. Accession No. A39103 04. (To locate No. H0808.
additional alerts related to this product, search ECRI Alerts using the search term — 2022 Nov 14: BD—Insyte Autoguard catheters (one lot): may have surface
“HeartWare Ventricular Assist Device Systems.”) irregularities and roughness [ECRI Exclusive Hazard Report]. Accession No. H0809.
— 2022 Nov 18: Baxter—SUB-Q-SET subcutaneous infusion sets: needle may not be
2. Growing Number of Defective Single-Use Medical Devices Puts beveled [ECRI Exclusive Hazard Report]. Accession No. H08011.​
Patients at Risk
Hospital Consumables and Supplies. A page describing ECRI’s Supply Guide program, 3. Inappropriate Use of Automated Dispensing Cabinet Overrides Can
including the Utilization Analytics module and Functional Equivalents service. Result in Medication Errors
Investigating overinfusions—award-winning joint effort by Lower Mainland Device Evaluati​on  Resources:
Biomedical Engineering and Vancouver Coastal Health has a global impact. Device — Pharmacy Technology and Medication Management: The Essentials. This web
Evaluation 2020 Nov 11. page features a collection of Device Evaluation resources on technologies
Supply chain shortfalls pose risks to patient care. Hazard #2—2022 top 10 health used to manage medication preparation, storage, compounding, packaging,
technology hazards. Device Evaluation 2022 Jan 12. and dispensing.

The following examples from ECRI Alerts illustrate the types of problems that occur, — Medication distribution approaches and technologies. Device Evaluation 2018
as well as the ubiquity of such reports; the examples are a sampling from just one Oct 3.
four-week period near the end of 2022: ISMP​​ Resources—The following resources are publicly available from the Institute for
— 2022 Oct 20: Cardinal Health—Vistec x-ray detectable sponges: may be frayed Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), an ECRI affiliate:
[ECRI Exclusive Hazard Report]. Accession No. H0804. — Best practice 16. In: Targeted medication safety best practices for hospitals. 2022.
— 2022 Oct 20: Medtronic—HeartWare ventricular assist device systems: may [Access requires free registration.]
exhibit a delay or failure to restart; manufacturer develops alternative pump start — ISMP guidelines for the safe use of automated dispensing cabinets. 2019 Feb 7.
algorithm [update]. Accession No. A36178 04. [Access requires free registration.]
— 2022 Oct 24: GlaxoSmithKline—BOOSTRIX DPT booster vaccine: syringes may be — Over-the-top risky: overuse of ADC overrides, removal of drugs without an order,
cracked. Accession No. A39763. and use of non-profiled cabinets. 2019 Oct 24.

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Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

— Safety enhancements every hospital must consider in wake of another tragic 6. Inflatable Pressure Infusers Can Deliver Fatal Air Emboli from IV
neuromuscular blocker event. 2019 Jan 17. Solution Bags
Inflatable pressure infusers may infuse residual air from IV solution bags
4. Undetected Venous Needle Dislodgement or Access-Bloodline resulting in air emboli [ECRI Exclusive Hazard Report]. ECRI Alerts 2022 Apr 1.
Separation during Hemodialysis Can Lead to Death Accession No. H0706.
Hemodialysis risks with central venous catheters—will the home dialysis push
A case study describing this hazard is included in: ECRI. Healthcare Incident
increase the dangers? Hazard #4—2020 top 10 health technology hazards. Device
Management and Investigation Course, Module 4. 2022. (Purchase required;
Evaluation 2019 Sep 26.
learn more at:
Hemodialysis venous catheter components may disengage during routine use, investigation-course.)​
quickly causing patient harm or death [ECRI Exclusive Hazard Report]. ECRI
Alerts 2019 Jul 11. Accession No. H0526. 7. Confusion Surrounding Ventilator Cleaning and Disinfection
Undetected venous line needle dislodgment during hemodialysis. Device
Requirements Can Lead to Cross-Contamination
Evaluation 1998 Nov;27(11):404-5. Respiratory Assistance Technologies: The Essentials. This web page features a
collection of Device Evaluation resources on ventilators and other respiratory
Undetected venous needle dislodgment or access-bloodline separation during
assistance technologies.
hemodialysis can lead to death [ECRI Exclusive Hazard Report]. ECRI Alerts 2022 Mar
31. Accession No. H0758. Safe cleaning and disinfection of ventilators: ECRI’s recommendations. Device
Evaluation 2021 Oct 6.
5. Failure to Manage Cybersecurity Risks Associated with Cloud-
Based Clinical Systems Can Result in Care Disruptions 8. Common Misconceptions about Electrosurgery Can Lead to
Cybersecurity: The Essentials. This web page features a collection of Device
Serious Burns
Evaluation resources on cybersecurity topics. Electrosurgery: The Essentials. This web page features a collection of Device
Evaluation resources on electrosurgical topics.
Choosing cloud services for point-of-care ultrasound: what you need to
consider. Device Evaluation 2019 Nov 27. ECRI Institute provides 3 keys to safe return electrode use during monopolar
radiofrequency ablation [ECRI Exclusive Hazard Report]. ECRI Alerts 2015 Sep 29.
Cybersecurity attacks can disrupt healthcare delivery, impacting patient safety.
Accession No. H0248.
Hazard #1—2022 top 10 health technology hazards. Device Evaluation 2022 Jan 12.​
Evaluation background: active laparoscopic electrode shielding systems. Device
Evaluation 2020 Oct 7.
General risks and protective measures during laparoscopic monopolar
electrosurgery. Device Evaluation 2016 Oct 14.

©2023 ECRI. May be disseminated for internal educational purposes solely at the subscribing site.
For broader use of these copyrighted materials, please contact ECRI to obtain proper permission. The 2023 List | e | | 16
Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

Using electrosurgery on patients with jewelry, body piercings, and t​attoos. Device 10. Underreporting Device-Related Issues May Risk Recurrence
Evaluation 2023 Jan 11.​ Device Evaluation​​  Resources:
Using multiple electrosurgical units on one patient: what to do when you can’t avoid — Don’t lose the evidence—sequestering equipment after an incident. 2014 Mar 5.
it. Device Evaluation 2018 May 30.
— Evidence storage and recovery policies and procedures. 2014 Mar 5.
9. Overuse of Cardiac Telemetry Can Lead to Clinician Cognitive — Investigating overinfusions—award-winning joint effort by Lower Mainland
Overload and Missed Critical Events Biomedical Engineering and Vancouver Coastal Health has a global impact. Device
Device Evaluation Essentials Pages—The following web pages feature a collection of Evaluation 2020 Nov 11.
Device Evaluation resources on the topics and technologies listed: — Overwhelmed recall and safety-alert management programs. Hazard #10—top 10
— Alarm Management: The Essentials health technology hazards for 2015. 2014 Nov 24.

— Physiologic Monitoring: The Essentials ECRI Educational Resource:

Clinical alarms. Health System Risk Management 2020 Mar 30. — Healthcare Incident Management and Investigation Course. Online course from
ECRI’s Accident and Forensic Investigation Service.
Evaluation background: telemetry systems with integrated displays. Device
Evaluation 2022 Jun 22. ISMP Res​ources—The following resources are publicly available from the Institute for
Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), an ECRI affiliate:
Improper customization of physiologic monitor alarm settings may result in
missed alarms. Hazard #7—2019 top 10 health technology hazards. Device — Reporti​ng:
Evaluation 2018 Sep 2​6. Pump up the volume: tips for increasing error reporting and decreasing patient
Improving patient surveillance in telemetry: don’t just rely on the harm. 2021 Aug 26.
monitor. Device Evaluation 2015 Sep 16. Reporting and second-order problem solving can turn short-term fixes into
Inadequate surveillance of monitored patients in a telemetry setting may long-term remedies. 2016 May 19.
put patients at risk. Hazard #4—top 10 health technology hazards for Safety requires a state of mindfulness (part 1). 2014 Jul 31.
2016. Device Evaluation 2015 Nov 7.
Speaking up about patient safety requires an observant questioner and a high
Integrated-display telemetry transmitters: key capabilities that can keep patients index of suspicion. 2019 Oct 10.
safe. Device Evaluation 2022 Apr 20.
Two effective initiatives for C-suite leaders to improve medication safety and
Over-reliance on arrhythmia detection algorithms in physiologic monitoring systems the reliability of outcomes. 2017 Mar 23.
puts patients on telemetry at risk [ECRI Exclusive Hazard Report]. ECRI Alerts 2015
— Culture-R​​elated:
Jun 12. Accession No. H0261.
The differences between human error, at-risk behavior, and reckless behavior
Preventing the overuse of cardiac telemetry monitoring—Christiana Care Health
are key to a Just Culture. 2020 Jun 18.
System’s award-winning project. Device Evaluation 2015 Jan 14.

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Top 10 Health Technology Hazards for 2023

During the pandemic, aspire to identify and prevent medication errors and to
avoid blaming attitudes. 2020 Aug 27.
​Jones J, Treiber L, Shabo R, et al. Just Culture, medication error prevention,
and second victim support: a better prescription for preparing nursing students
for practice [white paper]. Kennesaw (GA): WellStar School of Nursing, WellStar
College of Health and Human Services, Kennesaw State University; 2021.
Just Culture​, medication error prevention, and second victim support needed in
nursing curriculum. 2021 May 20.
— Other Articles
Telling true stories is an ISMP hallmark. Here’s why you should tell stories,
too…. 2017 Aug 24.
Using information from external errors to signal a “clear and present danger”.
2017 Feb 9.

©2023 ECRI. May be disseminated for internal educational purposes solely at the subscribing site.
For broader use of these copyrighted materials, please contact ECRI to obtain proper permission. The 2023 List | e | | 18

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