Modern Railway Track

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Modern Railway Track PREFACE

Modern Railw ay Track

Coenraad Esveld

Digital Edition 2017

Version 3.8
Modern Railway Track PREFACE

Modern Railw ay Track

Digital Edition 2014, version 3.1

Coenraad Esveld
Emeritus Professor of Railway Engineering
Delft University of Technology

Director of Esveld Consulting Services

This digital version of Modern Railway Track is published by

A subsidiary of Esveld Consulting Services BV

ISBN 978-1-326-05172-3
SISO 696.3 UDC 625.1
© Copyright 2001/2014 C. Esveld
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the
material is concerned, specifically the right of translation, copying, reprinting, re-use of
illustrations, recitations, broadcastings, reproduction on microfilm or in other ways, and storage
in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is only permitted under the Dutch
Copyright Law.

The digital version 3 can be bought via The paper version of the second
edition can also be ordered from

MRT-Productions - Groenwal 25 - NL-5301 JJ Zaltbommel - The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 6 543 683 60. Email: [email protected]

Modern Railway Track PREFACE

Preface to the Digital Edition

After more than 10 years, and with the upcoming digital techniques, I considered it the right
time to publish a digital version of this book. The present edition MRT-3 is just a digital copy of
the original version of the Second edition, with all errata corrected and with some minor

It is my intension to update the book in the next couple of years to the actual state of
technology, with emphasis on weld treatment and slab track. But also contact mechanics, track
components and the new EN standards will be treated. That digital version will be published as

It would be very much appreciated if the readers of this book will suggest any improvements or
enhancements. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected]. Actual
information can be found on under the heading ‘Modern Railway Track’. At the
heading ‘Downloads’ and then ‘Additional Downloads’ you can find pdf files of my lectures,
conference presentations and a basic railway course in Dutch.

Autumn 2014,

Coenraad Esveld

Modern Railway Track PREFACE

10.4.4 Thermit welding ............................................................................................. 345

10.4.5 Cooling rates.................................................................................................. 350
10.4.6 Improvement of weld geometry....................................................................... 352
10.4.7 Weld geometry standards ............................................................................... 352
10.5 Rail failures .......................................................................................................... 353
10.5.1 Defects in rail ends ......................................................................................... 353
10.5.2 Defects away from rail ends ............................................................................ 354
10.5.3 Weld and resurfacing defects .......................................................................... 360
10.5.4 Rail defect statistics ........................................................................................ 363
11 SWITCHES AND CROSSINGS ....................................................................................... 370
11.1 The standard turnout ............................................................................................ 370
11.1.1 Set of switches ............................................................................................... 371
11.1.2 Common crossing ........................................................................................... 372
11.1.3 Closure rail .................................................................................................... 374
11.1.4 Rails and sleepers in turnouts .......................................................................... 374
11.2 Geometry of the turnout ....................................................................................... 374
11.3 High-speed turnouts ............................................................................................. 375
11.3.1 General ......................................................................................................... 375
11.4 Vehicle dynamic ................................................................................................... 375
11.4.1 Examples of modern high-speed turnouts ......................................................... 376
11.5 Notations used for switches and crossings .............................................................. 377
11.6 Types of turnouts and crossings ............................................................................ 377
11.7 Cross-overs .......................................................................................................... 379
11.8 Switch calculation ................................................................................................. 382
11.8.1 Relation between curve radius and crossing angle ............................................. 382
11.8.2 Calculation of main dimensions........................................................................ 384
11.8.3 Geometrical design of switches and crossings ................................................... 385
11.9 Production, transport and laying of switches ........................................................... 386
12 TRACK MAINTENANCE AND RENEWAL ......................................................................... 387
12.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 387
12.2 General maintenance aspects ................................................................................ 388
12.3 Spot maintenance of track geometry ...................................................................... 388
12.4 Rail grinding and reprofiling .................................................................................. 390
12.4.1 Rail grinding machines .................................................................................... 390
12.4.2 Rail reprofiling machines ................................................................................. 392

Modern Railway Track 1 INTRODUCTION

carrying cable (fixed) carrying cable

H- profile
(movable) 8.60+ BS
8.50+ BS

7.02+ BS

5.50+ BS 5.50+ BS

contact wire (movable)

contact wire (movable) )

2.85 4.00 2.85


Catenary system via portal structure: V ≤ 140 km/h Catenary system via rotating lever: V > 140 km/h

Figure 1.2: Catenary systems: fixed and flexible suspension

The contact line should be kept at a constant tension for a good and continuous contact with
the pantograph which is pushed against the wire by means of springs. The tension is obtained
by weights or by means of gas cylinders at the end of the wire. Given the material of the wire
(copper), the length of the wire (about 1500 m), and temperature fluctuations, length variations
appear of about 50 cm. It is therefore of importance that the suspension points of the wires are
able to move with the expanding and contracting wire.

Regarding this two catenary systems can be distinguished:

a. fixed suspension: for instance portal structures (Figure 1.2, left picture),

b. flexible suspension: for instance poles (Figure 1.2, right picture)

With a. the portals and carrying cables are fixed to each other. Because of this the carrying
cables sag a little with warm weather and hence the contact wire as well. With b. the poles and
carrying cables are fastened to each other flexibly. The cantilevers of the poles are movable and
will change along with the carrying cables when temperature changes. The contact wire can
now stay completely flat. The single pole structure is used with speeds of 140 km/h and higher.
At lower speeds portal structures can be used.

Concerning metro systems the so-called third rail takes care of the supply of the current. This
rail is installed next to the two rails carrying and guiding the train. Because of this no catenary
system is necessary. This leads to a smaller clearance and therefore a smaller and cheaper
tunnel construction is possible. When crossing over metro lines, the required height under the
bridge can be lower. However, people should always be kept away from this third rail; the track
should be inaccessible and without level crossings.

Modern Railway Track 1 INTRODUCTION

Tracks and switches are Fastening system

assets which will last for Axle load = 225 kN max.
quite some years. The Sleeper
Concrete or Wood
choice of a particular
track system and the Spacing 0.6 m
Rail st = 900 N/mm²
decision to use this
system on certain lines,
therefore, generally
involves a decision 25 - 30 cm ballast (crushed stone 30/60)
which will hold good for
10 cm gravel
20 to 50 years.
Consequently, such
decisions must be taken
with the future in mind,
however difficult it may
Figure 1.8: Conventional track structure
be to make a valid
prediction. The only
sure factor is that a certain degree of objectivity must be maintained vis-à-vis the present day
situation, and not too much emphasis placed on random everyday events.

When choosing a track system, the above-mentioned requirements must all be given due
consideration and it is clearly necessary to form some idea of the axle loads and maximum
speeds to be expected in the decades to come. After this the situation regarding the various
track components, such as rails, sleepers, fastenings, switches, and ballast should be examined
so that the optimum track design is obtained.

1.6.2 Load-bearing Axle: P = 200 kN

function of the track
Wheel: Q = 100 kN
The purpose of track is Mean stress
to transfer train loads area level (under rail 50 %)
to the formation.
AH = 1 cm² σH = 100000 N/cm²
Conventional track still Wheel/rail
in use consists of a
Ars = 200 cm² Rail/rail pad σ = 250 N/cm²
discrete system made /baseplate

up of rails, sleepers, Abs = 750 cm² Baseplate

and ballastbed. Figure σbs = 70 N/cm²
1.8 shows a principle Asb = 1500 cm² Sleeper
sketch with the main σsb = 30 N/cm²
10000 cm² Ballastbed
σ = 5 N/cm²
Load transfer works on /substructure
the principle of stress
reduction, which means
layer by layer, as Figure 1.9: Principle of load transfer
depicted schematically
in Figure 1.9. The
greatest stress occurs between wheel and rail and is in the order of 30 kN/cm2 (= 300 MPa).

Modern Railway Track 2 WHEEL-RAIL INTERFACE

2.1 Wheel-rail guidance
A rail vehicle basically consists of a body supported by secondary suspension on bogies in which
the wheelsets are mounted and damped by means of primary suspension. Track guidance of
the wheel is achieved in principle by making the following two provisions:

− The tires are conical instead of cylindrical which means that in straight track a centering
force is exerted on the wheelset if there is slight lateral displacement. The centering
effect promotes a better radial adjustment of the wheelset in curves. This leads to more
rolling, less slipping and hence less wear.
− The tires have flanges on the inside of the track to prevent derailment. In case of more
considerable lateral displacement both in curves and on switches, the lateral clearance
between wheelset and track is often no longer sufficient to restrict lateral displacements
adequately by means of the restoring mechanism previously discussed. Should the
wheel flange touch the rail head face, this can result in high lateral forces and wear.

2.2 Wheelset and track dimensions

Generally the track gauge is used as a distance measured between the two rails, more
specifically the distance between the inside of the railheads measured 14 mm below the surface
of the rail. By choosing 14 mm the measurement is less influenced by lipping or lateral wear on
the rail head and by the radius r = 13 mm of the rail head face. On normal track the gauge is
1435+10-3 mm with a maximum gradient of 1:300. For new track, however, NS apply the
following standards:

− Mean gauge per 200 m: 1435+3-1 mm

− Standard deviation within a 200 m section less than 1 mm.

Mean wheel circle

Track width 70 mm

Track width 1500 (nominal)



1:20 (1:40)
Flange gauge Inside gauge 1360
Track gauge Flange gauge 1426
Track gauge 1435

Track distance 4.00 – 4.50 m

Figure 2.1: Wheelset and track dimensions for straight normal gauge track

Modern Railway Track 2 WHEEL-RAIL INTERFACE

Here r1 - r2 is the instantaneous difference in rolling Δr = r1 - r2

radius of the wheel treads; generally speaking this is a
non-linear function of the lateral displacement y of the
Worn profile
wheelset with respect to the central position. The
difference between conical and worn profiles is given in
Figure 2.7. To enable numerical comparisons e is at a
certain lateral displacement y y=ў.

With a conical profile the conicity is constant and (2.8) Conic profile
becomes (see also): y

∆ ( + )−( − ) ≈2γe
=½ = ½ = (2. 9)
y y
In the next paragraph the effects resulting from
progressive non-linear behavior of the effective conicity Flangeway clearance
and its influence on the running stability of vehicles and
rail wear are dealt with in greater detail.

2.6 Worn w heel profiles Figure 2.7: y-∆r curves. Difference between conical and
worn wheel profiles

A perfectly conical wheel profile is

unstable as far as its shape is concerned,
but will take on a shape that is stable as y Δs
the effect of wear. In addition, conical
profiles have the disadvantage that a
substantial lateral movement will, because
of the two-point contact, lead directly to
an impact. If the profile of the rail and
ρr ½ Δr
wheel tire at the point of contact is
assumed to be circular, it can be deduced
from ρr

Figure 2.8 that in the case of lateral

displacement y of the wheelset with ρw
respect to the track, the contact point on
the rail will over a distance translate to: ρw– ρr
∆ = (2. 10) ρr = radius of rail
ρw = radius of wheel
Moreover, if the value of y is small
compared to the radii, the following
relationship holds true:
Figure 2.8: Displacement of contact point on rail due to wheelset

∆ = tan ɸ 2 = 2 (2. 11)

Modern Railway Track 2 WHEEL-RAIL INTERFACE

give a stable equilibrium, but will instead induce a highly frequent jumping to and fro between
two points on the curve.

2.7.6 Spin

Apart from slip in the

longitudinal and lateral
direction a third quantity also Rotation Vector
exists: the so-called spin which Force on Rail
also participates in Rolling
transmitting the friction force. Running direction
Spin or rotational slip arises if
Spin Wheel
the small contact area
between wheel and rail is not
parallel to the rotation axis of γ Force on Wheel

the wheelset. The rotation Figure 2.23: Effect of spin

vector of the wheelset can
then be decomposed in a
component parallel to the contact area (this is pure rolling), and a component perpendicular to
it, which is the rotational slip or spin as indicated in Figure 2.23.

The spin is defined as:

sin sin y
ɸ= = (2. 16) Slip
It should be noted that the spin ø has a
dimension [1/m].

When spin takes place, the relative

movements between wheel and rail will
also partly be taken up by elastic distortion
and partly by slip. The result will be that in
the contact area forces are generated with edge
varying magnitude and direction, the x

resultant of which produce a force in the

lateral direction. This can be clarified by
means of Figure 2.24.

In this picture, which was used in

numerical considerations about contact dy
mechanics, the contact ellipse is divided
into a grid of small elements. Each element
shows the magnitude and direction of the dx
slip regarding that element.

Figure 2.24: Origination of pure spin

Modern Railway Track 9 SLAB TRACK

After adjustment, the rail is made stress free by means of heating before the compound is
poured into the groove (Figure 9.52).

9.8.3 Experiences w ith embedded rail

Many pilot tracks of embedded rail have been applied over the last 30 years, 246 m paved-in as
well as main-line track. Nearby Deurne (The Netherlands) in 1976, a pilot was constructed in
heavily used track with speeds up to 160 km/h. The track existed of a series of 6 meters of
prefabricated slabs containing the gullies supported underneath with old NP46 rails [201]. The
experiences were qualified as positive. In 1994, the rails were renewed, but the wear of those
rails was considerably less compared to the adjacent track.

Another large pilot concerned 3 km track nearby Best (The Netherlands) which came into
operation in October 1999 and is currently being monitored.

The superstructure consists of a 42 cm thick slab with longitudinal reinforcement providing the
slab with a high flexural strength. The slab lies on top of a concrete road bed and stabilized
subsoil. The cross section of this track structure is shown in Figure 9.48, while the construction
process of this test track is illustrated in Figure 9.49 up to and including Figure 9.54.

Embedded Rail

0.6 m

Concrete slab

Sand bed

2.5 m

Figure 9.48: Cross section of the embedded rail superstructure near Best

Figure 9.49: Installing of the rails Figure 9.50: Positioning of the rails by means of wedges

Modern Railway Track 10 THE RAIL

Figure 10.4: Filling process of converter

A water-cooled oxygen lance is lowered into

the furnace and high-purity dry oxygen is
blown onto the metal at very great speed.
The oxygen combines with carbon and
other unwanted elements, thus eliminating
these impurities from the molten charge.
The carbon is blown down to less than
0.1%. During the "blow" lime is added as a
flux to help carry off the oxidized impurities
as a floating layer of slag.

The positioning of the lances, the

determination of the volume of oxygen to
be injected, the additions to be made and
Figure 10.3: Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) (Corus)

Modern Railway Track 11 SWITCHES AND CROSSINGS


11.1 The standard turnout
Turnouts are used to divide a track into two, sometimes three tracks. The purpose of crossings
is to allow two tracks to intersect at the same level. If a complete train is to pass from one track
to another while moving and without being subdivided, turnouts are essential in the absence of
turntables or traversers.

It must be possible to run through switches and crossings in both directions. A normal or single
turnout, as shown in Figure 11.1, allows movement of traffic in a straight direction on the
through track or in a divergent direction. A picture of the right-hand turnout is given in Figure

Intersection point Rear of turnout

Clamping (heel) Through rail
Front of turnout Wing rail
Stock rail Crossing
Switch point Check rail
Switch blade Closure rail

Half set of switch


R=... m

Figure 11.1: Standard right-hand turnout

The turnout consists of three major


− Set of switches (switch blades);

− Common crossing;
− Closure rail.

These parts will be discussed

separately below.

Figure 11.2: Picture of right-hand turnout


Figure 12.61: Formation rehabilitation machine AHM 800 R

Figure 12.62: Example of tracks after formation rehabilitation with geotextile


16.10.4 Quasi-static signals

In addition to the dynamic signals, quasi-static signals are produced for cant, curvature, and
gauge. The measuring principles are presented schematically in Figure 16.84. Problems due to
drift and lack of initial conditions mean that the quasi-static cant is not determined by
integration of the rate gyro signal, but by making use of the lateral car body acceleration,
curvature, and recording speed as indicated in Figure 16.84.


Y ≅ Κv 2 − gφB 1 θ
Κ = ≈ YS = YL + YR + 1435 mm
φ = φ B − Δφ
θ = θ1 + θ 2

g θ1 θ2
gφB L
Κv 2
Y″ R
φB θ YR

All signals low pass filtered with 3rd order Bessel filter

Figure 16.84: Recording principle for BMS-1 quasi-static signals

Two other transducers are, in addition to the two linear displacement transducers between car
body and bogie frame in the measuring bogie, installed in the second bogie to record curvature
according to the principle sketched in Figure 16.84. The quasi-static gauge is directly derived
from the line-scan camera signals.

All three quasi-static signals are low-pass filtered with a 3rd-order Bessel filter. The phase
relationship is linear and causes a distance delay of 27.5 m. As the curvature recorded in fact
corresponds to the car center, the delay of the signal in relation to the measuring bogie
amounts to 35 m or 20 m for forwards and backwards running respectively. With the
introduction of VRA this delay can be corrected.

16.10.5 Signal combination for determining track parameters

The track parameters produced by the former BMS system of NS are derived from a
combination of signals provided by 16 transducers, i.e. 1 rate gyro, 2 accelerometers, 10
LVDTs, 2 line-scan cameras, and 1 tachometer. The location of the various transducers is
indicated in Figure 16.85. The track parameters are derived from the following expressions:


= − +∆ (16.6)


16.18 Weld geometry standards

Force geometry relationship

Dynamic components of the wheel rail contact force have a significant impact on track
deterioration and should therefore be kept as low as possible. Weld geometry plays an
important role as a main contributor to high-frequency loads. At TU Delft this aspect was given
high priority in the early beginning of the 21 century, with a study aiming at developing a
theory, with associating algorithm, to describe dynamic component of the vertical wheel rail
contact force. The algorithm should be such that it could be implemented in a PDA, or hand-
held computer, fast enough to make real time calculations within seconds.

The existing ways of weld

geometry assessment were
based on considering
measured versines which were
then tested against maximum
allowable values. From the
theory developed at TU Delft it
became apparent that the
versine approach was not
correct for representing forces,
but that instead the inclination
of the geometry, in fact the
first derivative of the
measured versines, should be
taken. All the filtering and
analyzes are made in a PDA
and presented to the user in a
normalized way via so-called
Figure 16.131: Best Paper Award, WCRR Montreal 2006
quality indices (QI). The
theory behind this concept was
documented in various publications, amongst others [309, 310]. The paper ‘Force-based
Assessment of Weld Geometry [309] received the Best Paper Award for Infrastructure at the
WCRR in Montreal, Canada, June 2006.

The vertical wheel rail contact force is approximately proportional to the square of the speed. In
this way the standards are speed dependent. Furthermore the contact force is linearly related to
the inclination (first derivative dy/dx of the geometry).

= ∗ ∗ (16.43)

The inclination is determined from the versines measured with the RAILPROF on a base of 1 m,
sampled at an interval of 5 mm. During data processing the samples are averaged (low-pass


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