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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Personal Relationships

Quarter 2 - Module 1

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

 Discuss an understanding of personal relationships, including the
acceptable and unacceptable expressions of attractions.

 Express ways of showing attraction, love and commitment.


Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will
disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to
successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page
of this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances
learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


 Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing
the lessons in the module.
 Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
 Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what
learnings and skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
 Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
 Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This
aims to help you discover and understand new concepts and skills.
 Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
 Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of
the lessons.
 Check your understanding - It will verify how you learned from the
 Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the
entire module.

This module will help you to …
 discuss an understanding of teen-ager relationships, including
the acceptable and unacceptable expressions of attractions; and
 express ways of showing attraction, love, and commitment.

Let us start your journey in learning more on Personal

Relationships. I am sure you are ready and excited to
answer the Pretest. Smile and cheer up!

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Use a separate sheet of paper.

1. What should be considered before engaging in a committed relationship?

a. Compatibility
b. Maturity
c. Readiness
d. All of the above

2. Which of the following are signs of abusive relationship?

a. Avoiding friends
b. Apologizing for partner’s behavior
c. Bruises, scratches and other signs of injuries
d. All of the above

3. Which of the following is NOT an element of a healthy relationship?

a. Trust one another
b. One person makes all the decisions
c. Respect one another
d. Open and honest communication

4. Which is the first meaningful relationship that every human encounters?

a. Husband-wife relationship
b. Father –son relationship
c. Mother-child relationship
d. Brother-sister relationship

5. Which of the following kinds of relationships will a person most likely to
have in the future when emotional needs are not met during childhood?
a. Problematic relationship
b. Cold attachments
c. Afraid of commitment
d. All of the above

6. Being associated with other people formed by emotional bonds and close
interactions with certain degree of connection is referring to_______.
a. Acquaintance
b. Family
c. Friends
d. Partner

7. Usually, what is the first thing to notice as basis for attraction?

a. Attractiveness
b. Proximity
c. Reciprocity
d. Similarity

8. It is a self-disclosure that leads to a meaningful conversations and

nurture companionship for one another.
a. attraction
b. Intimate Phase
c. Commitment Phase
d. Communication

. 9. When two individuals are attracted to one another and decided to love
each other, what kind of relationship do they develop?
a. Acquaintance
b. Friendship
c. Romantic Relationship
d. All of the above

. 10. According to research, this is the most essential quality in any

relationship characterized by a complex set of emotions with feelings of
affection and warmth. What is it?
a. Love
b. Attraction
c. Self-worth
d. Commitment
Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your
facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!


Direction: List down the salient characteristics of people in your life.

Family Friends Partner


After describing their characteristics, reflect on how that characteristics

affect you by filling out the table below:
Family Friends Partner


Directions: Indicate by ticking (/) if personal relationship influences you in

the following circumstances. Who influences you and why?

_______ 1. Study habits____________________________________________________.

_______ 2. Spiritual beliefs_________________________________________________.
________3. Managing stress________________________________________________.
________4. Financial matters________________________________________________
_______ 5. Dealing with friends_____________________________________________.
________6. Personal style/grooming_________________________________________.
________7. Recreational activities____________________________________________.
________8. Music preference________________________________________________.
________9. Food choices_____________________________________________________.
_______10. Fashion sense___________________________________________________.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “relationship”? You’d
probably think of anybody you are closely associated with like your family,
friends, and other people whom you have connections with. How about
“personal relationships”? Is it distinctive from other relationship status? This
is what this module is all about. The scope of its contents is focused on
partnership or romantic relationship, the acceptable and unacceptable
expressions of attraction, and ways of expressing, attraction, love and


Personal Relationships

A relationship is how two or more people are associated with one

another. It defines who we are because through our interaction with others we
learn our humanity. This concept of relationship is broad and it varies. It is
continually generating diverse meanings from person to person, but most
people interpret it as a state of connectedness through interactions from
mutual experiences that create emotional bonds with one another.

A. Personal Relationships

This relationship refers to an emotional bond and close connection with

other individual. These bonds often grow and strengthened by mutual
experiences. Levels of attachments and intimacy are two characteristics that
define a personal relationship pertaining to one’s degree of commitment to
another individual. These types of relationships include family, friendships,
acquaintanceships, and romantic affair.


1. Family Relationships
The concept of "family" is an essential component in any discussion of
relationships, but this greatly varies. The census defines family as "two or
more persons who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption and live together
as one household. They are connected through some form of kinship but
throughout the years, its meaning evolves into some typical characteristics
that family establishes like support, mutual trust, regular interactions, shared
beliefs, values, security, and a sense of community.

2. Friendships
A friendship can be thought of as a close tie between two people often
built upon mutual experiences, shared interests, proximity, and emotional
attachment. Friends can turn to each other in times of need. Friends are
people we trust, respect and care about. They are the people whom we feel
easy to confide with and want to spend time with.

3. Acquaintanceships
Acquaintances are people you may casually encounter in your everyday
routine but you do not have close emotional bonds together. It is important to
be polite and respectful to acquaintances to avoid stress and conflict with
people around you. Relationships usually start from being an acquaintance
that over time, evolve into different status level.

4. Romantic Relationships
This is a type of relationship which is closely associated with privacy and
intimacy between two individuals. This relationship comprises one of the most
meaningful aspects of life, providing a source of deep fulfillment. The need for
human connection appears to be innate but the ability to form healthy, loving
relationships should be learned. Romantic relationship characterizes close
interactions built upon attraction, love, and commitment.


1. Initiation Phase – attention is more concentrated on attraction. The

selection process during this phase is shallow since romantic
relationships mainly focuses on physical characteristics and basic
consideration for having partners who have similar characteristics as
what makes attractive to a person.

2. Affiliation Phase – the getting to know each other period. It is the stage
that develops more comfortable feelings around through companionship,
setting a friendly atmosphere, and building rapport rather than

3. Intimate Phase – This time, paired relationship is having intimacy

which is the deep feelings of emotional attachment that often leads to
being passionate with one another.

4. Committed Phase – In this phase, romantic relationships are

established and exclusive. This is more ideal in late adolescents since
they can be more caring towards their romantic partners and capable of
resolving conflict within the relationship.

B. Impersonal or Social Relationships

It is a type of dealing with other individuals without any reference to
attachment or emotional connection but rather a commitment to an entity
such as a business organization, a principle, or a cause just like in a case of a
customer and an assistant. This relationship is just a mere interaction
connected by the circumstances of why they are in the same place at the same

1. Know yourself first.

Before expressing attraction to somebody, you should be aware of your
own needs, wants, and limitations. Self-awareness means being true to
yourself, having no pretentions to acknowledge what you say, promise, or even
intend to do. Being sincere draws impact as you pursue relationship with a
partner and if that person is willing to accept you as who you are, then that
would be a good start of a healthy, loving relationship.

2. Know the other person

One of the best ways to express attraction is by knowing the likes and
dislikes of the other person. Try to build a foundation by getting to know the
interests and concerns of the one you are attracted to. Show that you care by
paying attention to details and giving unconditional regard to whatever that
person is saying or doing.

3. Establish a good rapport

Find common activities you enjoy doing that will enhance your
companionship like joining a club, involving into sports, or hiking with other
friends. It is satisfying to express attraction with someone whom you can
relate to on a personal level. The healthiest relationships have partners who

routinely check in with themselves, their partner, and their relationship to see
how things are going and to make change as necessary.

4. Taking Responsibility is Important

Being accountable for any responsibility creates trust and
dependability. When you take responsibility for your behaviors, you
demonstrate to your partner your willingness to adjust or be flexible which in
turn encourages your partner to be open and authentic. Romantic
relationships are dynamic. They continuously change through everyday ups
and downs experienced by both partners. In a concept that what happens to
“me” and to “you” ultimately affects “us.”

5. Look for the good in people

There’s a saying that we judge ourselves by our intentions and we judge
others by their reactions. Make it your new habit to look for the intentions
behind people’s behavior. So often when we understand where someone comes
from, we let go of judgment. Practice listening to understand instead of
listening to respond. This means asking questions to understand what the
other person means or needs to express instead of waiting for a chance to
interrupt and voice your opinion.


Generally, we are attracted to someone who treats us the way we expect

to be treated and we normally avoid someone who doesn’t treat us well or one
who doesn’t meet our needs. The following are some of the unacceptable
expressions in a relationship:

1. Not being mindful

Insensitivity to the feelings of others can cause strain on your
relationship. When you want to build a life with someone, you should be
willing to accept every part of that person, including the people they care
about. Not considering values, principles, and anything that the person gives
importance is an inconsiderate expression. Be mindful of what you say, do, or
intended to do. Note that healthy relationships reflect an ongoing effort
from both partners to address the needs of “me,” “you,” and “us,” and your
actions do not occur in isolation; they influence both your partner and your
shared relationship.

2. Putting you down

No one has the right to make you feel bad about yourself. Whether
blatant or subtle, if your partner criticizes your looks, your hair, your laugh,
your intelligence, or anything, they’re not worth your time. Do not start with a

chaotic atmosphere of relationship. Every relationship in whatever phase or
status has its ups and downs, but if you always have misunderstanding while
you are not yet in a steady relationship, it might be time to think twice about
pursuing a romantic relationship with that person.

3. Not giving you importance

When you feel down or having a bad day, is your partner willing to give
you time and effort to reach you out? If they’re not there for you when you
need someone the most, why are you with them? There’s a stereotype that
men always forget anniversaries and birthdays. Whether that’s true or not, it’s
not okay. It’s normal for something to slip our minds, but your partner should
remember those little things that are important to you.

4. Manifesting aggression
In an ideal relationship, partners should be patient and give support to
one another. However, if they are engaging in destructive behavior that is
negatively affecting you, and they refuse to seek help, you might want to
consider leaving. There is only so much you can do, and it is not your fault
that they are not willing to be helped or to help themselves.

5. Controlling Behavior
You should have a life outside your relationship, away from your
partner. It is not their place to tell you who you can see and when you can see
them, what to eat, or how to dress. This controlling behavior can be a warning
sign of abuse and should be taken seriously. Unnecessary sacrifices lead to
more sacrifices later on. Have you heard of someone saying they got rid of their
pet because their fiancé didn’t like cats? Or quit their job, left their family, and
moved across the country (or world) for someone who wouldn’t do the same for
them? To compromise is a must in a relationship, but if you feel like you’re
giving up everything while your significant other is sacrificing nothing,
something’s not right.


The right to emotional support.

The right to be heard by the other and to respond.
The right to have your point of view, even if this differs from your partner's.
The right to have your feelings and experiences acknowledged as real.
The right to live free from accusation and blame.
The right to live free from criticism and judgment.
The right to live free from emotional and physical threat.
The right to live free from angry outbursts and rage.
The right to be respectfully asked, rather than ordered.


Attraction - is a force that draws people together. It serves as the first step
towards liking someone that evokes interest or admiration. This results in
positive feelings to develop a so-called “Chemistry” between two people. Some
factors for attraction are Physical Attractiveness, Proximity, Similarity, and

1. Physical Attractiveness – Attraction can be based on personality, looks or

both. Generally, the appearance is primarily noticed about the person.

2. Proximity – This promotes familiarity. People are more likely to become

attracted to somebody if they encounter them repeatedly. Repeated exposure
or physical nearness breeds liking.

3. Similarity – Individuals preferred to be partnered with same characteristics

such as age, race, religion, social class, personality, education, intelligence,
and attitude. It is simply because commonality fastens understanding.

4. Reciprocity – It refers to liking back the person or mutual liking.

Reciprocity tends to like others who are reciprocating the liking.

Love - is a feeling of deep affection and a complex set of emotions for another
person. The most spectacular, indescribable, deep, euphoric feeling for
someone and considered the most powerful human emotion. Love is what
makes a person want to keep their commitment no matter what happens.
Love’s three main qualities: intimacy, passion, and compassion.


1. Intimacy – Is the bond that develops when two individual share thoughts
and feelings they don’t share with anyone else. It involves emotional closeness
and connectedness characterized by attitudes of mutual trust, caring, and
acceptance. It shows a close union in a personal level that creates synchrony
between two people.

2. Passion – Is about feelings of a person with emotional enthusiasm that

compels warmth and closeness in a relationship. Passionate love is
characterized by extreme emotions, attraction, and affection. When these
intense emotions are reciprocated, people feel elated and fulfilled.
Unreciprocated love leads to feelings of despondency and despair.

3. Compassion – Compassionate love is characterized by a sympathetic
mutual concern for one another. It shows willingness to go out of their way to
help the physical, mental, or emotional pains of their partner. This love
usually develops by showing kindness and empathy out of feelings of mutual
understanding and shared respect for one another, attachment, and trust.

Commitment – is the promise or decision to stand by the other

person through the ups and downs of the relationship. It is about wanting and
deciding to stay together as a couple in the future despite any changes and
challenges that life brings. It is an act of deciding to consistently fulfill and live
by agreements made with another person. It is sticking to it for as long as
possible where the values of integrity and respect serve as a guide to one’s
behavior and thinking.

1. Personal Dedication – Is an obligation that you have voluntarily agreed to

fulfill without being threatened and is willing to be held accountable for the
results. It is an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action.
Committing involves dedicating oneself into something or someone willingly by
choosing through freedom of choice.

2. Constraint Commitment - Forms of committed relationships bind into a

contract under the general rule. This commitment is one of the most important
principles of success among couple’s relationships holding them together
through ups and downs of life just like marriage wherein the state or quality of
being dedicated is being constraint under the legalities of the law.


Direction: Reflect as you read the adage below. It will allow you to gain
understanding of the lessons ahead of you.

“Relationships of all kinds are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, within
an open hand, the sand remains were it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze
tightly to hold on the sand trickles through your fingers, you may hold on to some of it,
but most will be spilled. A relationship is like that. Held loosely, with respect and
freedom for the other person, it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too
possessively, and the relationship slips away and is lost”.

Kaleel Jamison, The Nibble Theory

Guide Question:
1. What can you say about relationship as discussed in the box?
2. Do you agree with the author’s statement? Why or why not?
3. What unacceptable expression manifests from the excerpt?
4. How freedom is compared to sand in hand?
5. How is being possessive in a relationship make it slips away?


Direction: As you reflect on understanding relationships, create your own

definition using the Acronym loving relationship in the box below:


L– E–


O– A–



N– S-


G– I-



Direction: Draw a big heart divided into two. On the left side of the heart;
describe yourself in terms of values, principles, and goals in life. On the other
half of the heart; describe the characteristics of your “ideal partner” or the
person you want to have in your romantic relationship.

Guide Questions for your reflection:

What is your dream or vision of a fulfilling love relationship?


Directions: In a separate sheet of paper mark ( /) If you agree with the statement

and (X) if you disagree.

_____ 1. Healthy relationships require a certain level of maturity.

_____ 2. Relationships are static and unchangeable.

_____ 3. Mental health has nothing to do with the status of personal affairs.

_____ 4. Social Media is an ideal platform for expressing feelings for anybody.

_____ 5. The long-distance relationship doesn’t require any commitment.

_____ 6. Personal relationship pertains to emotional intimacy with somebody.

_____ 7. Attraction is not evoking interest or liking for someone.

_____ 8. Abuse infringes the rights of the other individual in any relationship.

_____ 9. In a relationship, the word “Partner” is referring to any gender preference.

_____10. Attraction is a force that draws people together.

 Relationship is how two or more people are associated with one
 Personal relationships have a certain degree of connection and
commitment which includes family relationships, friendships,
acquaintanceships, and romantic relationships.
 Impersonal relationship is dealing with other individuals without any
reference to attachment but mere interaction and connection by the

 Romantic Relationship is the intimate connection formed between two

individuals. Its phases are:

 Initiation Phase is just based on attraction;

 Affiliation Phase is the building rapport stage;

 Intimate Phase is characterized by being passionate with one another;

 Committed Phase wherein romantic relationships are established and

exclusive towards their partners.

 Attraction is a force that draws people together. This results into a so-
called “Chemistry” between two people. Some factors for attraction are
Physical Attractiveness, Proximity, Similarity, and Reciprocity.

 Love - is a feeling of deep affection and a complex set of emotions for

another person. Love is what makes a person want to keep their
commitment no matter what happens. It has three main qualities:
intimacy, passion, and compassion.

 Commitment – is the promise or decision to stand by the other

person through the ups and downs of the relationship. It is an act of
deciding to consistently fulfill and live by agreements made with another

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Use a separate sheet of paper.

1. Raymond and Sheila are in this phase of romantic relationship because

they are showing deep emotional attachment with one another.
a. Initial Phase
b. Affiliation Phase
c. Intimate Phase
d. Commitment Phase

2. What stage of romantic relationships is established when two individuals

are better at resolving conflict within the relationship?
a. Affiliation Phase
b. Initial Phase
c. Intimate Phase
d. Commitment Phase

3. Ana tends to like Mike because Mike likes her. What is this type of
attraction that tends to like others who reciprocate their liking?
a. Physical Attractiveness
b. Proximity
c. Similarity
d. Reciprocity

4. Carla start liking Kier and find him attractive because they are always
together. This kind of attraction says repeated exposure or physical
nearness breeds liking. What type of attraction is this?
a. Physical Attractiveness
b. Proximity
c. Similarity
d. Reciprocity

5. When someone evokes interest, pleasure or express liking for someone

and wants to draw closeness with that person, what principle is taking
a. Attraction
b. Affiliation
c. Commitment
d. Intimacy

6. Margarette wants to make sure that she knows her suitor very well
before she enters into a romantic relationship with anyone. In what
phase she is still into?
a. Initial Phase
b. Affiliation Phase
c. Intimate Phase
d. Commitment Phase

7. This refers to looks that is usually the first thing to notice as basis for
a. Physical Attractiveness
b. Proximity
c. Similarity
d. Reciprocity

8. This type of attraction tends to pick partners who are similar to

themselves in characteristics such as age, race, religion or personality.
a. Physical Attractiveness
b. Proximity
c. Similarity
d. Reciprocity

9. This is the phase wherein romantic attention and selection process is

shallow since romantic relationships mainly focus on physical
a. Initial Phase
b. Affiliation Phase
c. Intimate Phase
d. Commitment Phase

10. When Edward proposed to marry Grace, her long-time partner, and
said “yes! She wants Edward to be her loving husband. This
phase wherein they are both ready to settle down is in what phase of
romantic relationship?
a. Affiliation Phase
b. Initial Phase
c. Intimate Phase
d. Commitment Phase



Bernabe, Ayessa (2016) .Personal Development. Mindshapers Co., Inc. Manila

Delena, Mary Irene (2017). Personal Development, Beyond Selfies. Mandaluyong
Anvil Publishing Inc .

Santos, Ricardo (2016). Personal Development. Manila. REX Book Store.

Case, Melona et. al, (2019). Personal Development. Quezon City. Lorimar Publishing,

Online Sources:


Name ____________________________________________ Grade and Section ___________

School: ______________________ Date: _____________ Subj. Teacher: _______________
Quarter: 2 Module No.: 1

MELC: Discuss an understanding of personal relationships, including

the acceptable and unacceptable expressions of attraction;
Express ways of showing attraction, love and commitment.

Topic: Personal Relationships

Journal Entry

Directions: Read and analyze each question. Write your answers on a

separate sheet of paper.

1. What unacceptable expression of attraction you are in favor of and why

is it unacceptable to you?

2. Do you think self-awareness plays a vital role in aspect of attraction?

How important is it?

3. How do you build your rapport in your relationships during this


4. Give one situation for each of the following: attraction, love and
commitment that you have showed or experienced. What are your
realizations in expressing these?

5. As a teen-ager, how can you become responsible in building future



1. D 1. C
2. D 2. D
3. B 3. D
4. C 4. B
5. D 5. A
6. B 6. B
7. A 7. A
8. D 8. C
9. C 9. A
10. A 10. D

Management and Development Team

Schools Division Superintendent: Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V

Chief Education Supervisor: Aida H. Rondilla
CID Education Program Supervisor: Amalia C. Solis
CID LR Supervisor: Lucky S. Carpio
CID-LRMS Librarian II: Lady Hannah C Gillo
CID-LRMS PDO II: Albert James P. Macaraeg
Editor: Hernani D. Patches Jr. RPm, LPT (Content)
Mary Jane B. Angeles (Language)
Writer: Geraldine SD. Andal RPm, RGC, LPT


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