Recent Developments in Polydopamine-Based Photocatalytic Nanocomposites For Energy Production - Physico-Chemical Properties and Perspectives 2021

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Recent developments in polydopamine-based photocatalytic

nanocomposites for energy production: Physico-chemical properties
and perspectives
Daniel Aguilar-Ferrer 1, Jakub Szewczyk 1, Emerson Coy *
NanoBioMedical Centre, Adam Mickiewicz University, Wszechnicy Piastowskiej 3, 61-614 Poznań, Poland


Keywords: Light-driven photocatalysis might address many global energy concerns due to its implications for hydrogen
Photocatalysis production and the imperative need to reduce fossil fuel dependency. Polydopamine (PDA) is a popular mussel-
Composites inspired material with extensive applicability in biomedical and drug delivery fields, which has recently been
gathering attention in the fields of catalysis and photocatalysis. PDA is highly attractive for catalysis due to its
Functional materials
large number of functional groups and its easy polymerization on virtually any surface. In photocatalysis,
Hydrogen production however, its properties have not been well described and strongly depend on the generation of heterojunctions
(PDA/Semiconductor). In this review, we summarize the latest developments and studies on photocatalytic
nanocomposites based on PDA. We will introduce general aspects such as structure and polymerization control.
Then, we will focus on aspects of relevance for photoactive materials, such as chromatic control and electrical
properties. We will present and discuss the recent literature on metal oxides and metal sulfides and some
emergent materials focusing on photoactive and photocatalytic applications. Finally, we will outline some of the
opportunities in the field. We hope this review serves as a reference for researchers and allows the growing
community to focus on future developments for PDA-based photocatalytic nanocomposites.

1. Introduction tested in several applications, as previously mentioned; however, they

all share an essential aspect, the constants search for new green solutions
Polydopamine (PDA) is a biomimetic polymer that has made a in chemistry in order to diminish our environmental impact [6]. Among
sizable impact in nanotechnology, biomedicine, and other fields, these, water remediation and photocatalysis have gained significant
although relatively new in material chemistry. In recent years, bio­ attention, especially in recent years [7–9]. The enormous consumption
mimetics has become one of the most exploited trends in science, and of dyes and other chemical reagents contributed to the increment of
this phenomenon does not only apply to materials science [1–3]. In environmental pollution, and in an attempt to deal with this problem,
response to this trend, polydopamine was developed and described for solar-driven photocatalytic decomposition has shown promising results
the first time in 2007 [4,5]. The inspiration came from the interest in as a sustainable solution [7]. On the other hand, in the energy sector, the
replicating and understanding the mussel adhesive properties, where demand for new functional materials is still growing, as new perspec­
one of the proteins - responsible for this phenomenon -was rich in tives and challenges appear, especially in those fields where the need for
dopamine and lysine units. Further works were carried out with a strong environmental protection meets fast development [10–13].
focus on dopamine polymerization, which resulted in the preparation of Polydopamine, with its versatile properties and biomimetic nature,
polydopamine – a new, biocompatible polymer with strong adhesive may address many engineering and scientific issues. Up to date, poly­
properties and a relatively simple polymerization process [6]. dopamine has been used in many fields, e.g. preparation of the Li-ions
Soon after the discovery of PDA, and in significant part due to its batteries, synthesis of antibacterial materials, biosensors engineering,
exceptional adhesive properties, which allow it to attach to virtually any molecular imprinting, tissue engineering and bioimaging [14]. How­
surface, many composites were developed. These materials have been ever, one emerging aspect that still has not been thoroughly reviewed in

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (E. Coy).
The authors contributed equally and are listed alphabetically.
Received 31 March 2021; Received in revised form 28 July 2021; Accepted 7 August 2021
Available online 11 August 2021
0920-5861/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

Please cite this article as: Daniel Aguilar-Ferrer, Catalysis Today,
D. Aguilar-Ferrer et al. Catalysis Today xxx (xxxx) xxx

the literature is the photocatalytic applications of PDA. Polydopamine comprehensive view of the importance of PDA-based nanocomposites in
shares many essential features with an amorphous organic semi­ photocatalysis in the following decades.
conducting polymer such as Melanin [15–18], making it a powerful ally
in band structure engineering and electron transfer processes. However, 1.1. Structure and physico-chemical properties
most of the physical-chemical properties of PDA are still elusive, and its
role in efficient photocatalysis has been mainly phenomenologically 1.1.1. Structure
described. Therefore, much research is expected in the following years It is essential to take a step back and explain what the melanin group
in the field, aiming to understand the properties of PDA and its role at is to discuss the structure of polydopamine. Melanin is a systematic
the interface of PDA/Semiconductor nanomaterials for photocatalytic name for a family of heterogeneous, polymeric pigments widely found in
water splitting. biology. This name originates from the Greek word “melanos”, which
In this review article, the most critical applications and finding on means black or very dark, which is the most characteristic property of
the photocatalytic performance of PDA will be described. First, we will melanin [19]. A division into further subgroups is as follows, eumelanin,
focus on the most relevant properties for the photocatalytic process, pheomelanin, and neuromelanin, mainly found in animal tissues,
such as color, morphology, synthesis control, and catalytic pathways. whereas allomelanin and pyomelanin are primarily found in microor­
We will discuss the inherent properties of PDA from the point of view of ganisms and plants (Fig. 1a) [20]. Describing the structure of individual
photocatalytic applications and describe the most critical developments compounds belonging to this group turns out to be difficult due to its
in this field to date. Finally, some of the possible developments in the high chemical complexity, poor solubility in most common solvents and
field and current challenges are addressed to provide a clear and high molecular weight [19,21,22]. However, over the past two decades,

Fig. 1. (a) Five categories of melanin: eumelanin, neuromelanin, pheomelanin, pyomelanin and allomelanin (color: purple, yellow, pink, blue and green, respec­
tively), (b) chemical structures of eumelanin monomers: tyrosine, l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA), dopamine, 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI), 5,6-dihydroxyin­
dole- 2-carboxylic acid (DHICA), and tyramine. Adapted with permission from W. Cao, X. Zhou, N.C. McCallum, Z. Hu, Q.Z. Ni, U. Kapoor, C.M. Heil, K.S. Cay, T.
Zand, A.J. Mantanona, A. Jayaraman, A. Dhinojwala, D.D. Deheyn, M.D. Shawkey, M.D. Burkart, J.D. Rinehart, N.C. Gianneschi, Unraveling the Structure and
Function of Melanin through Synthesis, J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2021). Copyright 2021 American Chemical Society [19] (c) Some
structures of PDA proposed in the literature, (d) general structural proposal for PDA (only two possibilities out of other tautomers are shown) at the top of the picture
and less likely alternative possibilities of bridging in PDA in the bottom of the picture. Adapted with permission from J. Liebscher, R. Mrówczyński, H.A. Scheidt, C.
Filip, N.D. Haìdade, R. Turcu, A. Bende, S. Beck, Structure of polydopamine: A never-ending story?, Langmuir. 29 (2013) 10539–10548.
la4020288. Copyright 2021 American Chemical Society [23]. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

D. Aguilar-Ferrer et al. Catalysis Today xxx (xxxx) xxx

significant progress was made in the synthesis and investigation of 1.1.2. Optical properties
eumelanin based materials, especially in the case of PDA [6,20,23–28]. Among some of the most striking and recently explored aspects of
It is important to remark that PDA itself has been considered as the PDA, nanocomposites are their optical properties strongly dependent on
conventional stand-in for synthetic eumelanin. their nano and microstructure. This section will describe some of the
Meanwhile, recent investigations suggest that PDA is distinct from essential aspects and recent findings regarding the interaction of PDA
natural eumelanins. Firstly, an essential characteristic of the structure of membranes and coated materials with visible light.
natural eumelanin is the 5,6-dihydroxyindole- 2-carboxylic acid
(DHICA) unit. Certain eumelanins have more than 50% of these subunits Color. The majority of the PDAs materials are dark-black solids
[17,29]. In turn, PDA-based eumelanin contains mainly 5,6-dihydrox­ in color. There have been attempts to explain this feature based on the
yindole (DHI) subunits, but this content is even further increased with supramolecular arrangement of PDA chains, as described in the litera­
the use of a Tris buffer, a commonly used base in synthetic routes ture [23]. However, some studies indicated that the absorption spectrum
(described in Sections 1.2.1 and [19]. The chemical structures of eumelanin material was derived from the subunits of its primary
of eumelanin monomers, including those of which polydopamine is structure. Therefore, a characteristic black color was not a consequence
made, are shown in Fig. 1b. Secondly, PDA has more planar oligomeric of any higher-order organization [25]. In another study, the first
structures due to the lack of the pendant –COOH responsible for a larger demonstration of the deposition of PDA nanoparticles onto human hair
energy barrier of rotation and the inter-unit bond between adjacent was presented [35]. The influence of oxidation conditions on the
moieties in DHICA [30]. Finally, ultrafast fluorescence spectroscopy and resulting color was also investigated. Increasing concentration of base
theoretical studies suggest that intramolecular excited-state proton (ammonium hydroxide) resulted in a darker color, whereas the addition
transfer (ESPT) can only proceed in a DHICA (not in a DHI) dimer [31]. of H2O2 yielded warmer colors and orange/gold shades [35]. Melanin is
Therefore, the superior photoprotection based on ESPT is mainly absent a black component of human hair. Different content of melanin and its
in PDA-based materials [19,31]. compositions are known to result in different individual colors [36]. It is
Various studies have been performed on PDA, including chemical puzzling that the same group of substances is responsible for the entire
spectroscopy and mass spectrometry [19]. As a result, several hypoth­ palette of countless colors in the natural world because melanin is
eses for the structure of PDA were described. However, two general essential for the structural color of organisms. Structural colors can be
categories can be distinguished. The first one is that PDA is a supra­ found in the vivid coloring of organisms such as birds and insects
molecular aggregate of monomeric and/or oligomeric species– e.g. [37–39]. A famous example is the peacock feathers– inside them,
consisting of dopamine-quinone, dopamine, DHI, or eumelanin-like rod-shaped melanin granules form a periodic microstructure that ab­
derivatives– that are held together through the weak interactions such sorbs scattered light and provides its bright color.
as hydrogen bonding, p–p stacking, p–cation assembly and charge In recent years, a significant contribution to the subject of structural
transfer [21,32–34]. The second category of hypotheses states that PDA colors was carried out, the obtained variations have been well described
is polymeric in nature and is formed by covalent coupling of the oxidized and documented in the literature [40–42]. In 2015 a method for
and cyclized dopamine monomers via aryl–aryl linkages [23,24]. Some obtaining non-iridescent bright structural color materials from black
PDA structures proposed in the literature are shown below (Fig. 1c and PDA particles that mimic black melanin granules was reported [43]. In
d). this case, amorphous structures for non-iridescent structural colors and
Two great works are worth mentioning here. It was demonstrated nanostructural elements for bright ones were combined. The normalized
that PDA could not consist of single indoline units just held together by reflection spectra peaks of the materials obtained using PDA from 130 to
hydrogen bonding [23]. Instead of this, the occurrence of the C− C 256 nm particles increased with the particle size from deep blue, blue,
connections between the monomer units was postulated. The presence green, yellowish-green, orange to red. The experiment proved that the
of PDA oligomers in a different state of saturation (or unsaturation) was structural colors could be created by matching the size of the PDA black
proved by high-resolution mass spectrometry (HR-MS). Moreover, this particles [43]. In another study, the formation of dopamine-melanin
method evidenced that aminoethyl chains were found more likely than films of thickness range 50− 200 nm, at an air/dopamine solution
five-membered N-heterocycles in the oligomer PDA chain. Finally, a interface under static conditions was described [44]. Underneath these
structural model of polydopamine was drawn, as composed of mixtures films, spherical melanin granules were formed in a bulk liquid phase.
of different oligomers, with the occurrence of indole units and Firstly, the described structure colors were obtained as follows: the film
open-chain dopamine units [23]. edge and dish wall connections were cut off. Then, the solutions (under
In another recent paper, atomic force microscopy (AFM)-assisted the films) were slowly pumped off using a small syringe to settle down
single-molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) was applied to investigate the dopamine melanin film onto the dish bottom. Finally, the full
the structure of PDA [24]. SMFS is a technique that has been recognized dopamine-melanin thin-film reflectors were obtained after a drying
as a powerful approach to study noncovalent and covalent interactions procedure (Fig. 2a). The dependence of the dopamine concentration and
at a single-molecule level or intramolecular interactions. In the cited reaction time on the film thickness was investigated, described in detail
work, SMFS was used to study the cohesive and adhesive interactions of in Section 1.2.2. Thin film and granules with a double-layered structure
polydopamine, and it was shown that PDA films contain polymer chains were transferred onto a solid substrate in order to mimic the structures
of high molecular weight, with covalently connected subunits [24]. In present in birds plumage (keratin layer)/(melanin granules) (Fig. 2b).
turn, the intramolecular interactions included in PDA chains are The reflectance of the resulting surfaces was measured in the range of
non-covalent, which makes them weak and reversible. In addition, the visible light spectrum, and they exhibited a maximal reflectance
time-dependent force spectroscopy was applied during the early stages value of 8− 11%, which is comparable to that of bird plumage, around
of the PDA coating formation. This study revealed that the film forma­ 11% (Fig. 2c) A different color spectrum of reflectors was obtained,
tion starts with the adsorption of a small oligomeric species, which then depending on the film thickness. (Fig. 2d) [44].
undergoes further polymerization to form higher-molecular-weight PDA Furthermore, the preparation of magnetically- responsive PDA par­
chains finally. Researchers considered this as evidence of the polymeric ticles using holmium-bearing surfactants (DDAH) was demonstrated in
nature of polydopamine [24]. Despite the ongoing controversy on the 2016. The PDA/DDAH particles were successfully collected by a mag­
final structure of PDA, it is easily tailored, resulting in many optical netic field, causing a change in the structural colors of the resulting
properties, which are of great interest for photocatalytic and surface sediments [45]. In another study, the change in the structural color of
engineering applications. hairy PDA particles caused by the increase in the distance between the
PDA particles by modifying them with PHEMA-bearing “hairs” was

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Fig. 2. (a) Scheme of the film-production procedure, (b) SEM photography of film and granules with a double-layered structure, (c) charts of the reflectance of the
resulting surfaces in the range of the visible light spectrum, (d) Comparison of different colors of reflectors, depending on the Tris-buffer concentration - resulting in
different thickness. Adapted with permission from T.F. Wu, J.D. Hong, Dopamine-melanin nanofilms for biomimetic structural colouration, Biomacromolecules. 16
(2015) 660–666. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society [44].

described. The reflection peaks for the samples of the hairy PDA were organisms, is well known for protection against ultraviolet (UV) radia­
red-shifted to 487 nm from the 473 nm reflection peak of the reference tion due to its unique optical properties, primarily refractive and ab­
[46]. sorption specificity [53]. It is worth mentioning the role of the
Significant progress has also been made in structural colouration imaginary part of the refractive index (κ), which defines the bulk ab­
based on thin films engineering by assembling PDA nanoparticles. sorption property of a material. The imaginary index is linearly related
Structural color change dependence on the film’s thickness by utilizing to the absorption coefficient (α) according to the equation κ = 4απλ where λ
the hygroscopicity of PDA particles [47,48] or controlling the thickness is a wavelength in meters. The imaginary refractive index of synthetic
of multilayer films by the layer-by-layer (LBL) method [49] were melanin nanoparticles monotonically decreases with a wavelength, from
investigated, and a variety of iridescent colors were obtained. PDA thin 0.33 (λ = 400 nm) to 0.09 (λ = 800 nm), while the light absorption of
films can also be created via the self-polymerization of dopamine at the solid films depends on the parameters of the fabrication process [53].
water/air interface (which will be explained in Section 1.2.2). With an Despite this, the PDA coatings/films have been much better tested for
appropriate synthesis procedure, a composite of nanoparticles with a their optical properties. Different values of κ were reported, depending
thin film on their top can be created. This thin film act as a on the experimental preparation and aims of a given study. Firstly, from
light-absorbing layer [44], or the structural colouration effect is ob­ 0.286 (λ = 400 nm) to 0.083 (λ = 800 nm) [54]. Secondly, 0.064 for
tained due to the hierarchical structure of the PDA membrane [41]. λ = 500 nm [55]. Finally, κ ≈ 0.2 at λ = 260 nm and κ ≈ 0 for
Later, uniform PDA thin film deposition on a silicon wafer resulted in λ > 460 nm [51].
large-scale and angle-independent structural colors with a high refrac­ The refractive index (n) is a significant parameter that affects the
tive index and uniformity [50]. Structural color engineering by coating a light scattered by a material. The Light scattering ability is increasing
uniform polydopamine film of a precise thickness (from 30 to 250 nm) with the increment in the n parameter. Melanin’s refractive index is
on a silicon nitride substrate was also investigated [51]. With the higher than most polymers and biomaterials [53,56]. Reported values
described procedure, one could tailor the reflectance of the surface along were 1.7 < n < 1.8 in the 400–800 nm region [47,57,58], ~1.7–1.85 in
with the visible wavelength range. The color, a consequence of the the 400–1000 nm region [59] and ~1.55 in the 400–800 nm region for
interferential phenomenon, is uniform and easily tunable from blue to PDA and melanin particles [60]. In turn, for thick PDA films, the value
red by increasing the polydopamine thickness [51]. In another study, the ~1.5 in the 300–900 nm region was reported [51]. Also, the real part of
method to tune color visibility and mechanical properties of the refractive index was found to be 1.74 at a wavelength of 589 nm
angle-independent colloidal amorphous arrays (CAA) coating on a [48]. In general, the refractive index of PDA depends on the materials’
textile substrate with PDA was proposed. Both factors were improved, microstructure and particle shape or size and thus the preparation
especially the visibility of the light colors [52]. method [61].
In recent years, the influence of various factors on the optical Optical absorption. The optical absorption of PDA has been properties of PDA has been noted. According to the cited study, one can
extensively studied and is well described in the literature, especially in a control these parameters by using UV radiation [59]. PDA exhibits a
recent review that combines color, emission and absorption mechanism peak (~500 nm) in the real part (n) of RI with the highest values
[53]. As already mentioned, PDA shares many characteristics with reaching 1.81 ± 0.01 for before UV treatment and 1.88 ± 0.01 for after
Melanin, which is a ubiquitous dark pigment widespread in many living UV treatment. Moreover, this treatment increases n, up to 4.5%, from

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360 to 1700 nm and around 25% increment in the imaginary (κ) spectra have been observed in both coated nanoparticles and films/
component for both regions below 600 nm (~36% especially coatings. In the case of Eumelanin, it shows two characteristic broad
< 400 nm). The increase in the κ component is exciting as melanin Raman peaks, similar to the G and D bands in graphene and graphite.
becomes a more efficient UV blocker after UV exposure. Surprisingly, They were originating at around 1380 cm− 1 from the linear stretching of
the melanin absorbs more light (< 600 nm) after intense UV exposure, C–C bonds within their aromatic rings and at around 1580 cm− 1 from in-
which could be a mechanism to explain melanin’s photoprotective plane stretching of the aromatic rings [72]. For a further, more in-depth
behavior [59]. analysis, deconvolution of these broad peaks can be performed. The
deconvolution of a wide peak at 1596 cm-1 by two components via Fluorescence. Synthetic eumelanins have meager radiative Lorentzian fitting shows the following values: 1525 and 1596 cm-1.
quantum yields and, simultaneously, efficient UV and visible energy Furthermore, the analysis showed a clear relationship correspondence of
dissipation characteristics [62]. It has been postulated that the high the present peaks 1206 to C–OH or/and C–O, 1386 cm-1 to N–H and
degree of polymerization and the complex molecular structure, leading C–– O, 1528 to C–– C, and 1595 to C–N [73]. Table 1 below summarizes
to intramolecular or intermolecular stacking of backbones, was unfa­ the respective frequencies for the characteristic signals from PDA in the
vorable for their fluorescent properties [63,64]. In turn, in a chemical most cited and/or recent publications.
disorder model with non-covalent self-assembly, the oligomers of DA The following experiment can be cited as an exciting example of
were the primary source of a strong fluorescence. Therefore, the studying the interaction of polydopamine with infrared. Characteriza­
reduction in π–π bondings between the structural units in PDA seems to tion of the growth of polydopamine thin films (on Si substrate) was
be a significant improvement for fluorescent properties [65,66]. carried out by means of in situ IR spectroscopic ellipsometry [76]. The
Different groups have proposed four (iv) fabrication strategies during amplitude of vibrational bands increased with the ongoing oxidation
the most recent years: oxidation and degradation (i and ii), which aim at process from time t = 1 h to t = 22 h. It was additionally shown that the
regulating π–π stacking interaction; conjugation (iii), in order to PDA films are stable in air conditions as the infrared spectra (bands
decrease intermolecular or intramolecular coupling, and carbonization assigned to polydopamine) did not change significantly over 30 days.
(iv) by introducing sp2 carbon inside the nanoparticles [67]. Moreover, the influence of the different oxidation processes with the
For PDA coatings, the same principle also applies. Investigation of KIO4 as an oxidant was investigated in this study. This was achieved by
the quenching efficiency (QE) of PDA of protein-PDA films have been recording the spectrum of the DPA films, which showed a strong ab­
done and described [68]. The thicker was the film, the more prominent sorption around 1724 cm-1 assigned to the formation of C– – O groups in
was quenching effect, most possibly due to an increase of density of the the PDA film, probably in place of numerous ─OH groups occurring in
conjugated chain in the PDA film. The fluorescence of a labeled protein PDA film achieved in Tris buffer [76]. Table 2 below summarizes the
was significantly quenched (up to 80% QE) when attached to thick PDA respective frequencies for the characteristic signals from PDA in the
film. The influence of pH value and deposition time factors turned out to most cited and/or recent publications.
be as follows: a higher pH value or longer deposition time resulted in When considering the signals originated from polydopamine-based
thicker PDA film (see Section and simultaneously lowered photocatalytic nanocomposites, in the majority of cases, the resulting
fluorescent efficiency [68]. Raman or infrared spectra are a combination of the stacked materials
In the case of nanoparticles, their size significantly influences their [80]. For example, it was shown that when comparing the Raman
fluorescence properties. Varying the DA concentration and NaOH:DA spectra of MoS2 and PDA, the spectrum of MoS2@PDA nanoparticles was
ratio in synthetic melanin nanoparticle synthesis could be used to ach­ essentially the “sum” of the two. In this case, the two more substantial
ieve satisfactory control of batch mean diameter in the sub-100 nm peaks at 385 cm− 1 and 409 cm-1 originate from MoS2 and the two
range (from 28 to 117 nm) [69]. A method for synthesizing fluorescent weaker ones at 1353 cm-1 and 1583 cm− 1 correspond to PDA [80].
PDA NPs with a diameter of less than 10 nm was developed [70]. Above Nevertheless, some interesting effects were recently reported, which we
mentioned structures were formed by oxidative polymerization in NaOH will discuss briefly. As it was described in the other study, before
solution (pH 11) with magnetic stirring for 30 min at room temperature modification of ZnO nanorods with the PDA, composites had specific
and then introducing the hydrochloric acid to reduce the polymerization FTIR peaks at 400 cm-1 and 560 cm-1, which correspond to ZnO vibra­
speed. The prepared solution was filtered using a 0.22 µm aperture to tional modes. The formation of ZnO/PDA composites resulted in a shift
remove large nonfluorescent PDA NPs and achieve even higher purity of the FTIR peaks position by 12–20 cm-1 to lower values of wave­
[70]. numbers [81]. In another study, CdTe@PDA-MPA QDs were synthesized
A different experiment showed that fluorescent PDA nanoparticles following a standard method reported in the literature by using mer­
have an exciting potential to work under extreme conditions [71]. It was captopropionic acid (MPA) as a capping agent. Raman spectroscopy
the first reported strategy for the large-scale synthesis of fluorescent measurements revealed the differences in the structure of the
PDANPs at room temperature via self-exothermic redox reaction in a CdTe@MPA-PDA particles with respect to PDA, namely, the signal
rapid, facile, and green process. The following synthesis conditions were corresponding to C-N is noticeably enhanced by using the laser of
proposed as the optimum conditions to prepare fluorescent PDANPs.: 532 nm. Thus, according to these results, the authors concluded that it is
the buffer pH value at 6.0 and DA concentration with 7.0 mg ml-1. The possible to suggest that CdTe@MPA-PDA particles possess a higher
as-prepared nanoparticles could be used in a wide pH range and shown number of indole moieties than pure PDA particles. Moreover, the
good performance to resist high ionic strength. Moreover, their corre­
sponding fluorescence intensity almost remained constant for 120 min
Table 1
[71]. Further and in-depth explanations of PDA properties can be found Exemplary, frequently cited polydopamine-derived peaks recorded by Raman
in an extensive and recently published review article [67]. spectroscopy with references to the literature.
Peak origin Peak position [cm-1] Raman scattering and infrared spectroscopy. Despite the amor­
phous nature of PDA, several studies have been able to probe some of the C–
–C Vibration in the aromatic ring 1607, 1581 and 1543 [74]
1528 [73]
structural arrangements of PDA by optical methods allowing for the Deformation of catechol groups 1581 [75]
identification of the organic constituents of PDA, most of which show N–H bending vibrations 1516 [74]
strong similarities with Eumelanin. Some of them will be mentioned in C–
–C or N–H 1386 [73]
this chapter. It is essential to mention that most of the Raman studies Stretching of catechol groups 1370 [75]
Aromatic C–N stretching mode of the indole structure 1337 [74]
have been performed on coatings and thin films, while the infrared
C–O or C–OH 1206 [73]

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Table 2 partial graphitization process plays a significant role in the mechanical

Exemplary, frequently cited polydopamine-derived bands recorded by mid- strengthening of polydopamine films and can be easily controlled by
infrared spectroscopy with references to the literature. modulating the laser power (Fig. 3a). In this experiment, the laser
Band origin Band position [cm-1] annealed PDA coatings (LAPDA) were obtained. It was shown, that the
Methylene groups in PDA(─CH3) 2870, 2940 [77]
roughness of LAPDA film can be reduced from ~230 to ~15 nm by
2930 [78] means of selective nanoparticles ablation during the BLA process
─C––O in the quinone-like structure 1728 [76] (Fig. 3b). It is visible in the diagram that the roughness decreases
–C stretching in the ring or ─NH2 1596, 1608 [76] (Fig. 3c). However, the authors stated that the main contributor for
C─C stretching in the benzene ring or ─NH in the heterocycle 1510, 1518 [76]
roughness is the randomly agglomerated PDA NPs, not the initial film
–C in rings 1450 [76]
O-H vibrational bending in catechol groups 1350 [79] thickness. During the scratch test with a diamond tip, the average
C-O stretching vibrations 1275 [79] scratch depth for the pristine PDA was 18.5 ± 1.1 nm under 50 μN
average load, whereas the LAPDA films were still undamaged at this
load (Fig. 3d). Scratches in LAPDA films were only observed at a much
relative intensity of the FTIR band corresponding to -OH stretching higher load, 500 μN (Fig. 3e). Herein, the scratch depth of a 37 nm thick
mode for CdTe@MPA-PDA particles was higher than that for PDA. LAPDA film was only 2.1 ± 0.8 nm, whereas the scratch depth of a new
Furthermore, the shifts of the FTIR bands corresponding to the aromatic PDA film was equal to the whole film thickness (248 nm). This result is
ring, C-N vibrational modes, and a new intense band assigned to ϒC-H (at more than a 100 times increase in scratch resistance [90]. For better
648 cm− 1) suggested the modification of the polymeric structure for reference, the authors performed scratching experiments on bare sub­
CdTe@MPA-PDA particles [82]. strates (TiO2 and quartz) at a load of 500 μN, resulting in average
scratch depths of 16.8 ± 1.2 nm for TiO2 and 10.5 ± 1.0 nm for quartz
1.1.3. Mechanical properties (Fig. 3e). This indicated that the scratch resistance of the organic LAPDA
Although typically disregarded as merely an engineering aspect of film is even better than hard inorganic solids. Moreover, the described
materials, the mechanical properties of PDA are of crucial importance procedure did not adversely affect the secondary advantages of the PDA
towards application. The adhesive nature of PDA and its mussel-inspired coatings, such as antifouling properties [90].
origin suggest a robust mechanical performance. However, it was shown The stability and adhesion strength of polydopamine free-standing
that the PDA functional coatings exhibit rather poor mechanical per­ films may depend on many factors [91]. Such nanomembranes are sta­
formance [83]. The first data was reported for melanin in dry conditions, ble under gentle mechanical manipulation and can be laminated un­
incited study Young’s Modulus was equal 3,2 ± 0,53 GPa [84]. For derwater, in an orientation-dependent manner, to polydimethylsiloxane
Polydopamine coatings, this value was measured both experimentally (PDMS) elastomer substrate. Two morphologically different surfaces of
(from 4,3 to 10,5 GPa) and in silico (5,0 ± 1,7 GPa) [85,86]. Other the PDA membrane can be distinguished, the basal side, which readily
experimental works have investigated the mechanical response experi­ adheres to PDMS in underwater environments, and the apical side,
mentally by nanoindentation, showing a soft response of 2.3 ± 0.8 GPAs which does not adhere. In the cited study, characteristic delamination
[87]. Thin films of PDA have been recently investigated in both rates were independent of the PDA thickness. Moreover, the delamina­
free-standing [88] and supported manner [89], with values of 6–12 GPa tion process is slower for films synthesized from more highly concen­
and 13 ± 4 GPAs, respectively. Despite the differences, many attempts trated precursor solutions (e.g., 10 mM dopamine). This may be
to enhance the mechanical properties of PDA have been reported (i.e. by explained by the cooperative adhesive action of primary amines in the
incorporation of oxidizing agents, cross-linkers, or carbonization of the PDA films, i.e. these prepared from low aqueous concentrations of
films at ultrahigh temperatures) [83]. dopamine (e.g., 0.5 mM) contain lower concentrations of primary
A computational model of the heterogeneous PDA system by amines. Also, delamination of the PDA films is significantly accelerated
mimicking the polymerization process of 5,6-Dihydroxyindole via by solutions containing group I cations. The time for complete delami­
controlled in silico covalent cross-linking between DHI monomers was nation is 12 h in the absence of NaCl and 1 min in the 200 mM NaCl
proposed [86]. It was found that simulated Young’s Modulus was a solution (pH 10) [91].
function of the degree of crosslinking, and the value was in a range of During their synthesis, the adhesion of polydopamine thin films to
4.1–4.4 GPa. At the highest degree of cross-linking (equal to 70%) the the metals oxides substrates is multimodal. It was experimentally shown
model mimicked and supported the previously proposed averaged that hydrogen bonding between PDA and SiO2 is disrupted in mono­
tetrameric (linear and cyclic) structures for poly(dopamine) and valent salt solutions [91]. Metal cations (e.g. sodium) may competitively
melanin and resulted in mechanical properties in agreement with adsorb to the silica surface and thus, disrupt interfacial hydrogen bonds.
experimental and simulation studies on natural melanin. The possibility Raising the pH of the NaCl solution from pH 9–10 has deprotonated
of tuning the chemical structure and the mechanical properties of PDA catechols. However, adhesion may be stabilized by increasing the pre­
coatings by controlling the extent of polymerization was also demon­ cursor’s concentration during film synthesis or by adding multivalent
strated (via in silico). Based on these experiences, conclusions can be cations in the delamination buffer (i.e. Ca2+, Fe3+). Thus, it was stated
drawn that in order to achieve enhanced mechanical properties of the that catechol groups within a PDA network are necessary but not suffi­
PDA coatings, longer reaction time or more oxidative agents should be cient for underwater adhesion [91].
applied to introduce more cross-links in the system [86]. In the case of nanoparticles, a suspicion may appear that the me­
In turn, a straightforward way to improve the mechanical properties chanical properties are not that important as in the case of coatings.
of PDA coatings turned out to be a thermal treatment process at 130 ◦ C However, it has been proven that they depend on the size of the NPs
[83]. Changes in properties such as resistance to dissolution (under [92]. In a recent study, the impact of NH4OH / dopamine ratio on the
solvent conditions that usually dissolve PDA coatings) and scratch NPs diameter and further on the Young’s Modulus was investigated.
resistance were observed. Molecular mechanical analysis performed by Indeed, NPs hydrodynamic diameter was strongly dependent on the
single-molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) revealed significant changes ratio mentioned above, with the NPs size decreasing from around
that suggest enhanced intermolecular interactions in the structure. Thus, 300 nm (for the ratio 10) to approximately 60 nm (for the ratio 50). It is
these results suggest that thermal treatment causes chemical and worth underlining that the Young’s Modulus of NPs decreased with their
structural changes in the bulk PDA coating and simultaneously size. PDA nanoparticles with a mean diameter of 290 ± 2 nm,
improving its mechanical performance [83]. 161 ± 2 nm, 131 ± 2 nm and 106 ± 2 nm, exhibited a Young’s modulus
Another physical method of improving the mechanical properties of of 480 ± 108 MPa, 365 ± 59 MPa, 313 ± 76 MPa and 188 ± 42 MPa
the PDA coatings relied on the Blue diode Laser Annealing (BLA) [90]. A respectively. A given explanation suggested that PDANPs with different

D. Aguilar-Ferrer et al. Catalysis Today xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3. (a) Mechanical strengthening via partial graphitization induced by the Blue diode laser scheme, (b) charts of the roughness of the sample with a clear
improvement after BLA process, (c) thickness and roughness dependence on the laser power, (d) results of the scratch resistance tests with a diamond tip under the;
(d) 50 and (e) 500 μN loads (the scale bar is 2 µm) [90].

sizes shows different geometric pecking orders of the oligomers/pol­ was also used to modify the surface of steel [98], polymers [99] and
ymers in the core of NPs. Compared to other polymeric nanomaterials, carbon [100,101] materials into more hydrophilic. In one study,
the Young’s modulus values for PDANPs are relatively low [92]. This graphite carbon/PDA (GC/PDA) electrodes- to be used as electro­
could be related to the nature of the polymer but also their self-assembly chemical biosensor interfaces- were prepared in another study, and
process. As mentioned before, PDA exhibits a complex and heteroge­ again, the PDA coating turned out to be highly beneficial in terms of
neous structure, being the main reason behind the continued studies and tuning the hydrophilic properties. The measured water contact value for
debate in its polymerization mechanism [23]. the bare GC was 80 ± 2◦ , while for all samples from GC/PDA group, it
Despite the mechanical differences and still open debate on the was below 50◦ [101].
elastic modulus of PDA, the literature suggests that PDA shows a rather
significant wear resistance, which combined with their inherent toler­ 1.1.5. Electrical conductivity
ance to water, provides essential protection for sensitive or easily In the 1970s, reversible electrical switching properties of eumelanin
degradable photoactive materials, as it will be shown in Section 2.3. were discovered [15]. Since then, melanin, and in particular eumelanin,
has been widely regarded as an amorphous organic semiconductor. In
1.1.4. Wettability this model, the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) level cor­
Despite a variety of available materials for energy production and responds to the valence band in semiconductor whereby the Lowest
water remediation described in the literature, a large number of them Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (LUMO) level correspond to the con­
suffer from poor water wettability, which is a critical aspect of their duction band in semiconductors [14]. As it was mentioned in Section
application. As expected, the high hydrophilic behavior of the surfaces is 1.1.1, the eumelanin structure is composed of aromatics and conjugated
highly desirable [93,94]. The modification with PDA coatings may give molecules stacked by the π-bondings [23]. As a result, both HOMO and
rise to new perspectives by tuning their hydrophilic properties. In a LUMO levels in eumelanin are characterized by the π-system. The
pioneering study in 2011, Haeshin Lee and coworkers used the adhesive movement of charge carriers through this system would lead to con­
properties of PDA to increase the hydrophobicity of different surfaces by ductivity and semiconducting properties in eumelanin [14]. Without
using PDA as an interfacial process [95]. However, detailed studies were moisture, eumelanin and polydopamine show typically low values
reported recently, exploring the wettability of PDA-modified melanine across 10− 13 S m-1 in a vacuum, while under a humid atmosphere
foam (PDA-MF) by analyzing their water contact angle. Water droplets (relative humidity = 100%), it was reported to increase up to 10− 5
could be quickly absorbed into the PDA-MF, and it was spread over the S m-1. These variations in humidity would change the local dielectric
surface within 0.5 s, indicating the super hydrophilic properties of the constant, as water is being absorbed by eumelanins [102]. In turn,
PDA-MF surface. Authors suggest that this can be ascribed to the another model describes eumelanin as an electronic-ionic hybrid
abundant catechol and amine groups originating from the PDA coating conductor rather than an amorphous organic semiconductor. It was
[96]. In another work, MoS2 was facilely modified by hydrophilic pol­ demonstrated that upon the absorption of water, free carriers would be
ydopamine (PDA) coating in a self-polymerization process. In that study, generated according to the comproportionation reaction. Simultaneous
the samples were denoted as MoS2/PDA-t, wherein t stands for the soak production of extrinsic free radicals (electrons) and hydronium ions
time. The wettability was characterized by the water contact angle (protons) gives rise to hybrid ionic-electronic behaviors [18].
measurement, revealing a typical hydrophobicity of the MoS2 surface The method of preparation may be necessary for the electrical con­
with an angle equal 71.0◦ . Importantly, with the coating of PDA, ductivity of polydopamine [103]. By using oxidative chemical vapor
MoS2/PDA-4, MoS2/PDA-12 and MoS2/PDA-24 showed decreased deposition (o-CVD) it was possible to generate conjugated and conduc­
values of 60.50◦ , 52.00◦ and 42.50◦ , respectively [97] Moreover, PDA tive PDA from dopamine [103]. The experimental setup of the o-CVD in

D. Aguilar-Ferrer et al. Catalysis Today xxx (xxxx) xxx

the tube furnace was shown (Fig. 4a). During the described procedure, of the electrical conductivity, up to 9 × 105 S m-1 (Fig. 5: a) [108].
PDA was deposited on glass substrates in the presence of the DA Simultaneously, according to other research, PDA and cPDA films
monomer, oxidation agents and under N2 atmosphere at a reaction heat-treated below 600 ◦ C were electrically insulating; thus- no Seebeck
temperature of 300 ◦ C. O-CVD method induces rapid growth of PDA, voltage could be measured. In turn, for samples heat-treated between
with a deposition rate of 5–6 nm per minute (Fig. 4b). In order to 600 and 900 ◦ C, a significant increase in electrical conductivity was
investigate the surface properties, i.e. topography and roughness, the observed with increasing temperature of treatment, reaching 1 × 104
authors applied atomic force microscopy. The images revealed homo­ S m-1 (Fig. 5: b) [104].
genously formed, pinhole-free surfaces (Fig. 4c). To examine the struc­ There are available reports about composites modification with the
tural variety of o-CVD PDA, thus the influence of discrete structural PDA towards better electrical properties, and some of the latest will be
designs on the electronic properties, Fourier transform infrared spec­ described briefly. In one of them, composite fibers were prepared
troscopy, and Raman spectroscopy studies were applied (Fig. 4d and e, through PDA modification and electroless plating with the Ag nano­
respectively). For a better comparison, o-CVD PDA was placed on the particles. The deposition rate of PDA onto the fiber surface was signif­
charts together with the actual monomer dopamine hydrochloride and icantly improved by using CuSO4/H2O2 as an oxidative mixture. The
solution-polymerized PDA. The obtained polydopamine layer not only electrical resistance of PET/PDA/Ag fibers was measured by a two-point
turned out to be chemically consistent with the reference but also multimeter, exhibiting a value of 0.76 Ω over a length of 1 cm, indi­
showed interesting electrical properties with a conductivity of 40 S m-1 cating good conductivity after deposition of silver nanoparticles. After
at 300 K, which was measured by using 4-probe specimen, over a five cycles of standard washing, the electrical resistance of the fibers
representative time scale and in inert conditions (Fig. 4f) [103]. increased to 1.78 Ω over a length of 1 cm, indicating good stability of
Moreover, PDA can be carbonized by pyrolysis (heat treatment in the obtained composites [109]. Carbonized delignified wood/ polydop­
atmosphere of protective gas) as a result, carbonized PDA (cPDA) is amine composite (CDW/PDA) embedded in epoxy was designed, where
created and exhibits high electrical conductivity [104–106]. Reported the most beneficial pyrolysis temperature was 1200 ◦ C. This exhibits
values of electrical conductivity of cPDA, were as high as 1.2 × 105 higher EC (0.46 S m-1) than its counterpart filled with plain CDW (0.32
S m-1 [107] and 2.6 × 105 S m-1 [105]. Further research was carried S m-1). Authors state that the nitrogen atoms introduced to the
out to investigate the influence of pyrolysis temperature on Seebeck graphite-like lattice served as electron donors, simultaneously promot­
coefficient, electrical conductivity, and power factor respective to ing the n-type conductivity and improving the overall electrical con­
annealing temperature (600, 700, 800 and 900 ◦ C) [104]. For all tem­ ductivity [110]. In turn, PDA/rGO/Cu/STA (stearic acid) cotton was
peratures, Seebeck coefficients showed negative values, indicating that prepared by immersing the cotton fabric in PDA/rGO and copper
cPDA is an n-type semiconductor. The highest electrical conductivity ion-containing solutions. According to the authors, PDA/rGO cotton is
(1 × 104 S m-1) was reported for a sample pyrolyzed at 800 ◦ C [104]. In nonconductive. However, after in situ growth of the copper nano­
another study, graphene films (GFs) were fabricated by vacuum filtra­ particles, the resistance of PDA/rGO/Cu decreased to 0.85 Ω. After
tion of graphene oxide-polydopamine (GO-PDA) solutions and graphi­ modification with stearic acid, the resistance increased slightly to
tization of the obtained GO-PDA films. The thermal annealing 0.95 Ω. In order to investigate the stability of the electrical properties of
temperature had a significant effect on the electrical properties of the the fabric, the bending test was carried out for 1000 cycles, with a slight
materials. The high-temperature thermal annealing fully repaired the increase in the resistance noted. However, the resistance was still lower
defects of GO sheets and increased the grain size, leading to the increase than 4 Ω after 1000 bends [111].

Fig. 4. (a) Experimental setup of the o-CVD in the tube furnace for preparation of conjugated and conductive PDA, (b) deposited polydopamine layer growth rate
presented on the chart, (c) AFM image of the obtained surface, (d) Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), (e) Raman spectra of the obtained samples with clear bands
originating from PDA, (f) electrical conductivity vs temperature chart for obtained coating. Reprinted from Thin Solid Films. 645, H. Coskun, A. Aljabour, L.
Uiberlacker, M. Strobel, S. Hild, C. Cobet, D. Farka, P. Stadler, N.S. Sariciftci, Chemical vapor deposition - based synthesis of conductive polydopamine thin-films,
320–325, Copyright (2021), with permission from Elsevier [103].

D. Aguilar-Ferrer et al. Catalysis Today xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 5. (a) Electrical (black) and thermal (red) curves representing conductivities of GF-2 thermally annealed at different temperatures. Reprinted from Carbon N. Y,
149, R. Zou, F. Liu, N. Hu, H. Ning, X. Jiang, C. Xu, S. Fu, Y. Li, X. Zhou, C. Yan, Carbonized polydopamine nanoparticle reinforced graphene films with superior
thermal conductivity, Copyright (2019), with permission from Elsevier [108]. (b) Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity, and power factor respective to
annealing temperature. Adapted with permission from H. Li, Y. V. Aulin, L. Frazer, E. Borguet, R. Kakodkar, J. Feser, Y. Chen, K. An, D.A. Dikin, F. Ren, Structure
Evolution and Thermoelectric Properties of Carbonized Polydopamine Thin Films, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 9 (2017) 6655–6660.
i.6b15601, Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society [104]. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

Another work revealed the effect of three metal ions, i.e., Cu2+, Mg2+ 1.2. Synthesis mechanism for nanocomposite
and Na+, on PDA synthesis and its further conversion to cPDA. Both
Cu2+ and Mg2+ interacted with PDA, which therefore influenced the 1.2.1. Direct polymerization
electrical properties of heat-treated thin films. However, the effect was Since the discovery of polydopamine [4], its exact polymerization
neither clear nor stable. Depending on the pyrolysis temperature, the has not been unveiled, and its actual structure is still unknown. Thus,
presence of cations increased or decreased the effect. In contrast, the different theories about the structure and the polymerization process
presence of Na+ ions during the synthesis of PDA did not show any have been proposed in the past 10 years [23]. As a reminder, it should be
significant effect [106]. emphasized that in this review, we shortly summarize some of them, and
It is important to remark that the previous results pose a critical case we aim to explain their main contributions to the PDA field and its
towards polydopamine as a carrier extractor and conductive junction. current state of the art, especially towards the application of PDA in
Moreover, the variations of electrical conductivity, which are increasing photocatalysis. It is indubitably that having a clear picture of the mo­
with hydration levels, provide an essential benchmark for their use in lecular structure of PDA would make any attempt to understand its
environmental remediation and photocatalysis. electronic, catalytic and physicochemical properties a more manageable
task; nevertheless, by carefully compiling experimental results, a few of
1.1.6. Other electrochemical properties the structural properties of PDA can be inferred and analyzed.
Although, as described earlier in this article, there is no scientific PDA can be synthesized in the laboratory by an oxidative polymer­
consensus yet on the structure of polydopamine, important properties ization of dopamine hydrochloride induced by alkaline pH, typically 8
resulting directly from its structure have been identified, e.g. bandgap or 8.5. In the overwhelming majority of the experiments carried out so
energy value. In the cited study, the electronic properties of polydop­ far, Tris buffer (tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane) is used to obtain
amine and the influence of electron beam irradiation (EBI) were studied the previously mentioned appropriate pH. The molecular mechanism of
[112]. In order to achieve this, PDA powders and films were exposed to formation of the polymer mentioned above is supposed to share several
an electron beam with various doses to investigate the effect of radiation characteristics with that of melanin biosynthesis [115–117]. Dopamine
on morphology, structure, and bandgap – which is the most important is transformed through an oxidative pathway into 5,6 dihydroxyindole
from the point of view of this review. The bandgap energy was desig­ to continue through further polymerization steps in such a process. Due
nated with the UV Vis absorption spectra, and by Using the Kubelka-­ to those similarities, this shows a possible initial PDA structure based on
Munk function, the obtained value was 1.56 eV. The energy of the melanine possible structure, which units are DHI dimers, trimers or
HOMO and LUMO levels were calculated as − 4.85 eV and − 3.29, tetramers [118–120] that are covalently bonded [4]. Despite that, it has
respectively. The most significant influence of the EBI modification was been reported that aside from this covalent polymerization way, some
assigned to the irradiation dose equal to 50 kGy [112]. studies show possible physical self-assembly between dopamine and
The changes in bandgap (and other properties) were attributed to the DHI forming a physical trimer made by one molecule of DHI and two of
influence of EBI on the conjugation system. In addition, the distortion of PDA that interacts by π stacking and hydrogen bonds, which could play
phenyl rings, irradiation-induced ring-opening reaction, the formation an important role in the PDA creation [21]. Those two pathways are not
of the intramolecular hydrogen bond, and the enhanced interaction mutually exclusive, and in fact, both of them could contribute to PDA
between PDA and substrate could be another reason for these changes formation. C-C connections that hold the PDA units were demonstrated
[112]. Furthermore, PDA exhibits interesting electrical properties when by using several analytical methods [23]. Also, it was shown that those
combined with systems with various types of materials. According to the units are not made only by DHI and dopamine dimers or trimers.
current state of the art, it behaves differently in combination with Instead, they could be made by DHI and indoledione units with different
organic and inorganic materials [112–114]. degrees of saturation. Additionally, by HR-MS it was proved that also an
open chain of dopamine units appears in the structure. These results are
in agreement with previous theories regarding the existence of covalent
polymerization with real C-C bonds holding the units, this does not
ensure that units can not interact by hydrogen bonding and π-π stacking

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but according to the opinion of these authors, it is unlikely to happen with the appropriate roughness [132]. Despite that, another parameter
[23]. that affects film thickness is pH. Thickness is higher when pH increases
Polydopamine presents a high degree of disorder and amorphous from pH 5–8.5. Thus, achieving a final PDA coated structure with the
character and is insoluble in polar and nonpolar solvents. As standard roughness and thickness required by controlling these parameters is
analytical techniques typically need to solubilize the sample in a solvent, possible. A reported concentration influences the kinetics of PDA
insolubility is an essential issue as it presents enormous limitations when deposition, surface energy, thickness, and roughness [120].
analytical techniques are used; thus, the experimental results are not Beyond roughness and thickness control, the solvent choice can also
conclusive. As a possible solution, non-invasive techniques like (FTIR) affect the final polymer composition. While in most of the previous re­
[121], electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) [121], X-ray photoelec­ ports about PDA, aqueous solvents were used, there are other solvent
tron spectroscopy (XPS) [34] or ultraviolet spectroscopy (UV) [23] can possibilities with lower surface tension that can modify or alter the
be carried out, and some characteristics of the structure can be properties of the substrate. Besides, during the PDA polymerization
confirmed. However, they do not offer an entirely accurate result. process, the possibility of having unreacted dopamine [21] and surplus
Regarding more invasive mass spectroscopy techniques, the results are tris buffer [33] unavoidably and unfortunately will be added to the
ambiguous, and it is not easy to provide a clear view of the PDA struc­ coating. This can be an issue because depending on the final compound
ture. For instance, m/z peaks values up to 1226 were obtained by using added to the resulting PDA structure, and its physicochemical properties
electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) [119]. Meanwhile, can be altered. In the case of having unreacted dopamine in the final
matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MAL­ structure, the resulting PDA compound starts to show cytotoxic effects
DI-MS) showed m/z peaks until 402, which shows that the results are not [21]. However, in other circumstances, incorporation of -CH2-OH
compatible [122]. groups from Tris buffer could provide to PDA significant antibacterial
A combined 13C/1H/2H solid-state NMR on deuterated samples was properties [133]. To avoid Tris buffer incorporation [134,135] another
carried out for more accurate results and looking to overcome those buffer can be used, such as amine-free organic ones or inorganic sol­
analytical limitations. Its results show that more than half of the phenyl vents, but on the other hand, this can aggravate and boost the creation of
ring positions are protonated in the final material, and most phenyl/ PDA aggregates [6].
indole rings are rigid due to the already said π-π interaction, which could
be the reason why aggregation in PDA oligomers occur [123]. Also, it 1.2.2. Air/water interface
was found that water molecules experiment a slow diffusion inside PDA The use of conventional solution processing methods to prepare
so, when the polymerization process is prepared in deuterated solvents, large-scale homogeneous melanin thin films is an arduous task, mainly
appears an exchange between deuteron (D) from D2O and –OH labile due to the insolubility of natural and synthetic melanin [16]. Never­
protons of the PDA structure. This exchange competes with the poly­ theless, several attempts have been made to prepare DOPA melanin thin
merization process, and it is supposed that –OH groups from catechol are films by room temperature solvent evaporation (casting) or spin coating
involved at the beginning in hydrogen bonds during PDA oxidation [16,26,136].
addressing poor deuteron incorporation to the final structure. Thereby, Meanwhile, during the autopolymerization of dopamine, three types
this phenomenon could be used to study the polymerization mechanism of polydopamine can be distinguished, the membrane at the surface of
and the role of different molecules caged in the final PDA sample [123]. the solution, the nanoparticles embedded in the solution, and the thin
layer deposited on a substrate immersed in the solution [137]. However, Thickness control. Nowadays, PDA has established itself as an no membrane formation can be observed on the surface of the vigor­
essential surface modification polymer [6], the presence of 3,4-dihy­ ously stirred dopamine solution. The increased supply of oxygen and the
droxy-L-phenylalanine leads to a high 3,4-dihydroxybenzene (catechol) higher concentration of reagents do not affect this observation. This
content. Furthermore, PDA includes a high primary and secondary effect originates from intense shear stress (due to magnetic stirring of the
amine amount because of lysine (Lys) and histidine residues [115]. solution), removing PDA aggregates at that interface by applying
Combining these two compounds (catechol and amine) seems to be why stresses sufficient to disrupt the forming films [138]. However, by use of
PDA exhibits such excellent adhesion properties [4]. On the one hand, the appropriate static or soft-stirring conditions, It is possible to obtain
with a straightforward polymerization method and incredible adhesion nanofilms formed at an air/solution interface during the development of
capabilities, this substance can cover almost every inorganic or organic dopamine-melanin aggregates in a dopamine solution [138]. As was
substrate regardless of size and shape by a simple dip-coating process or explained before in Section 1.1, the oligomers assemble in an ordered
an ultrafast sprayable easy method [124]. On the other hand, high ve­ manner through π− π stacking to form small fundamental aggregates
locity and difficulties in conducting the polymerization process raise (size approximately 2− 20 nm) in a supramolecular architecture. It has
thickness and aggregation control complexity. been reported that the oxygen-rich region at the air-water interface
Based on the classical coating processes [4] (which provides the significantly enhances the crosslinking of PDA [139]. The aggregates
following conditions, 2 mg of dopamine hydrochloride per Tris buffer become trapped at the air/water interface due to their hydrophobicity
milliliter (10 mM), pH 8.5), some synthesis parameters have been [140] and form the dopamine-melanin nanofilms. Additionally, a crucial
studied for the last years to know their influence on the final coating. aspect of controlling is the rapid water evaporation, which must be
Results show that PDA surface energy is not dependent on dopamine avoided during the preparation of dopamine-melanin films. This is
concentration, but PDA film cover thickness increases when concen­ because convective flows disturb the stationary state at the interface and
tration flows from 0.1 to 5 mg ml-1. Also, in general, roughness increases hinder the formation of a homogeneous film. A widely used and
with thickness when dopamine concentration increases between 3 and cost-effective method to reduce evaporation or avoid the appearance of
5 mg ml-1 [6]. By applying a lower concentration of dopamine to inhomogeneities is the use of a partial covering lid on the reaction vessel
different substrates like particles [6,34,125–127], fibers [128] or [44].
nanotubes [129], it is possible to reduce PDA particle formation and, Due to solid adhesive forces between dopamine-melanin structures
therefore, to reduce aggregation and surface roughness [130]. However, and solid surfaces, such a membrane is continuous and smooth, with a
the thickness is going to be compromised due to its dependence on uniform thickness and can be easily transferred to other substrates or
dopamine concentration. Aiming to solve this issue, another proper supports. Studies performed by AFM on the dopamine-melanin films
method to reduce roughness is to decrease the immersion time of the reveal that the top surface is relatively smooth with a roughness of
substrate [131]. If more thickness is required, it is possible to repeat the 36.0 ± 1.2 nm [44].
process as many times as necessary to achieve the final needful thickness PDA thin films (50− 200 nm thick) are formed at an air/solution
interface under static conditions as described in the literature [44]. The

D. Aguilar-Ferrer et al. Catalysis Today xxx (xxxx) xxx

thickness of dopamine-melanin films relied on the concentration of Control of morphological properties. A critical observation was
dopamine solution and the reaction time, which increased linearly with the fact that the properties of PDA films have been changed after post-
both of these factors [44]. The film thickness increased linearly with the incubation in solutions containing redox-inactive metal cations (NaCl,
reaction time within 24 h with the determined growth rate of 3.2 nm h-1 MgCl2 and CaCl2). However, in the mentioned study, PDA films oxidized
using an aqueous dopamine HCl solution with concentrations of 10 mM. in bulk solutions were investigated [143]. A comparison between
The average thickness of obtained PDA films from 10 mM, 20 mM, free-standing polydopamine films generated at the air/solution interface
40 mM solutions within 24 h were determined to be 105, 132, and in the presence of various metallic cations (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Co2+)
179 nm, respectively. Moreover, UV-Vis absorption spectra for thin was demonstrated [144]. These results were enriched with a comparison
films and nanoparticles formed in a liquid were investigated. The between obtained films and PDA nanoparticles generated in the solution
absorbance at 280 nm in both spectra was attributed to phenolic groups phase. For preparing PDA (Na/Mg/Ca/Co) films and nanoparticles, the
on the dopamine. The PDA film exhibited a monotonic broad absorption standard procedure described earlier in Section 1.3.1 was used, with an
band, compatible with natural and synthetic melanins [44]. additional 100 mM of appropriate salts dissolved in water (NaCl,
Later studies describe the fabrication of a humidity sensor with rapid MgCl2⋅6H2O, CaCl2, CoCl2⋅6H2O). What is interesting, the reactions
response and high sensitivity by self-assembling PDA thin films at the were separatable from each other by different color changes [144].
air/solution interface. Unlike in the previously described procedure, this The addition of ions induced different effects on the speed of
time, aniline was used as the deprotonating agent. Two milliliters of oxidative polymerization of dopamine. Sodium ions showed no influ­
aqueous dopamine⋅HCl solution (10 mM) containing 5 mM aniline was ence, calcium and magnesium ions slightly accelerated polymerization,
poured into a plastic Petri dish (35 mm × 10 mm) at room temperature while cobalt (II) ions significantly speeded it up [144]. Another inter­
and lidded. The polymerization time was maintained for 6, 12, 18, and esting observation was the different colors of the PDA films. A
24 h [141]. Once again, the film thickness was controlled at the nano­ blue-green color for Ca-PDA films, mirror-like shiny for an Mg-PDA film,
scale range by adjusting the reaction time. However, although the and black for others. Scanning electron microscopy of the samples’
conditions were similar to those reported above [44], the growth rate cross-sections has proved previously mentioned dependence, that the
was 7.9 nm h− 1. color of PDA films is related to the films’ morphology and thickness:
Fully formed films from the air/water interface with a continuous, which is equal to 145 nm, 195 and 270 for Na-PDA, Mg-PDA and
smooth surface and uniform thickness at the nanoscale level were re­ Ca-PDA, respectively (Fig. 6) [144]. Moreover, a difference between the
ported and studied employing Field Emission Scanning Electron mi­ upper and lower surfaces of the membrane was noted.
croscopy (FE-SEM) [141]. Further examination of the film surface The results show a smooth upper surface and a less smooth lower
morphology was carried out using AFM revealed that the surface was surface with different size nanoparticles on it. All upper surfaces pre­
compact and smooth (Rms = 0.46 ± 0.09 nm) at the nanoscale level, sented a larger water contact angle than the lower surfaces, and this may
on the 250 × 250 nm area [141]. In the same study, the electrical result from a higher crosslinking degree of PDA in upper sections [144].
resistance of melanin self-assembled films was measured as the absolute AFM characterizations of PDA films at different reaction times have been
humidity increased from 0% to 100%. The measured value decreased by conducted. The growth of film thickness using AFM has been investi­
more than two orders of magnitude, indicating that PDA films are sus­ gated, for all groups of samples approached its limit in several days. A
ceptible to environmental humidity with an excellent response (5–7 s) study of 20 days on the thickness of membranes provided the following
and recovery (6–9 s) times [141]. This effect can be attributed to charge results: 800 nm for Co-PDA film, 500 nm for Ca- PDA film, and 400 nm
carriers (protons) production in melanin by water-involved compro­ for pristine PDA, Na-PDA or Mg-PDA films [144].
portionation reaction, as previously mentioned in Section 1.1.4. Thus, One of the possible ways to obtain films with improved stability is
increasing the water content in melanin will change the above­ the enzyme oxidation by laccase, a multicopper-containing polyphenol
mentioned process, leading to a high charge carrier concentration and oxidase [145,146]. The formation of such a modified film can be divided
increased conductivity [141]. into numerous stages. Firstly laccase adsorbs at the interface, forming a
The surface properties of a polydopamine layer at the air-water dense layer. Secondly, the subsequent interaction of DA with laccase
interface were examined by dilatational surface rheology, ellipsom­ results in the rapid formation and growth of a PDA domain. Finally, the
etry, and Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) [142]. The studies evalu­ concentration of PDA in the film increases gradually, leading to an in­
ated the dynamic surface elasticity, film thickness, refractive index, and crease in the surface elasticity up to values that are about seven times
lateral film heterogeneity. When the concentration increased (from higher than those for pure laccase or pure PDA films. In the following
0.75 mg ml-1 to 2 mg ml-1), a significant increase in the dynamic surface experiment, the mixed films demonstrated higher stability under
elasticity was observed, with approximately a maximum value of deformation than a fragile film of pure PDA. A uniform continuous film
approx. 60 mN m-1 (at a concentration of 1 mg ml-1). When further with higher surface elasticity was formed even at low DA concentrations
increasing the concentration of the initial solution was carried out, (0.1 g l-1 and 0.5 g l-1). The improved stability of PDA-laccase films
decreased dynamic surface elasticity (in the concentration range from results most probably as a consequence of the formation of additional
2 mg ml-1 to 5 mg ml-1) was noted. The refractive index at a concen­ links between the PDA building blocks during polymerization [146].
tration of 5 g l-1 was increasing for 16 h after the surface formation,
approaching 1.706. Meanwhile, the corresponding maximum value at 2. Applications in photocatalysis
the concentration of 2 g l-1 solutions was only 1.662 [142]. That was
probably due to the inaccuracy of the BAM, caused by polydopamine 2.1. Application in catalysis (catechol chemistry)
layer incomplete coverage, which could not be detected below the
spatial resolution of the apparatus. For all samples – except the highest Because of its adhesive property [4], PDA can be firmly attached to
initial concentrations of dopamine – the surface film has not reached many substrates like metal, metal oxide, or metal sulfide surfaces [147].
complete homogeneity. A state of separate close-packed domains is The attaching process consists of an “in-situ” oxidative polymerization
present for lower concentrations after a long surface lifetime, while the of dopamine under alkaline conditions whereby tuning synthesis pa­
high concentration samples show a transition from this state to a ho­ rameters such as dopamine concentration or dipping time, among others
mogeneous uniform film. Lower concentration films have low surface [148]. Using this process, it is possible to achieve a final structure made
elasticity due to the loss of their integrity during deformation [142]. by a nanoparticle surrounded by a PDA shell. It is generally considered
Finally, a very recent study has shown the apparition of a supra­ that this PDA layer will induce to the nanomaterial a biocompatible
molecular ordering that resembles 2D-like ordering, which opens a character and it is not going to serve only as a coating material but can
whole new field to investigate PDA selforganizing thin films [89]. also act as a template for future nano construction. For instance, a new

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Fig. 6. Scanning electron microscopy images of the upper and lower surfaces and cross-sections of PDA coatings were obtained with the influence of various ions
(sodium, magnesium, calcium and cobalt, respectively). The layer thickness was also marked for the first four cross-sections images [144] - Published by The Royal
Society of Chemistry.

method where PDA acts as a template allows immobilizing TiO2 nano­ used in other applications, PDA can act as an immobilization platform
particles on cotton fabrics by in situ reductions [149]. for some biomolecules or enzymes like polyethylene glycol or vascular
Dopamine monomers are supposed to interact first with the surface endothelial growth factor [168–170], paramagnetic metal ion chelates
of the nanomaterial to be coated, catechol units exhibit a strong affinity as PDA-Mn2+, Mn3+ or Fe3+ can be used as T1 contrast agents [171,
towards several kinds of metal ions, and then take part in the self- 172]. At last, catechol/o-quinone moieties provide redox properties that
polymerization to obtain the final PDA shell. This self-polymerization allow reduction and deposition or collections of several metals such as
is pH sensible. Some studies based on ultraviolet-visible absorption Ag, Cu or Au [173–175]. Therefore transition metal oxides can be loaded
spectra exhibit that catechol is reduced at pH 7, therefore the coordi­ on carbonized PDA working electrodes aiming for oxygen reduction
nation complexes are not crosslinked [150], but at pH 8.5, this reaction [176,177].
self-polymerization process is taking place, and covalent bonds between Nevertheless, although most of those reactions and applications are
the rings are created [151]. Additionally, dopamine is known to present focused on being employed in biological and medical scenarios due to
a redox nature as it can reduce metal nanomaterials and induce the the non-poisonous character of PDA, the amino groups and the phenolic
creation of “seeds” without using any conventional seeding material or hydroxyl groups can be used in organocatalyst behavior in aldol re­
redactor [147]. This leads to an exciting way of creating nanoparticles actions, which, although in some cases, can create undesirable side ef­
that use PDA-NPs as templates to grow, for instance, AuNPs [152], and fects [178], advocate for the unique catalytic capabilities of PDA.
achieving a pomegranate-like structure where there are gold nano­
particles embedded into a PDA sphere. This strategy is also compatible
with other metals like Cu or Ag [153] and has also been used to prepare 2.2. Applications in light-driven environmental remediation
spiky FeOOH structures [154–159]. Regarding the type of interaction
between catechol and metals, a bonding study revealed that As a typical carbon-based material, PDA itself does not have photo­
cross-linkage strength and stiffness are similar to a covalent bond that catalytic activity. However, numerous studies prove that PDA can syn­
depend on the type of metal and the coordination state [160]. For ergize with semiconductor photocatalysts and create additional π-π*
instance, studies carried out with (AFM) and surface force apparatus electron transfer channels to enhance photocatalytic performance [14].
(SFA) exhibit that a single L-Dopa residue can contact a wet TiO2 surface Since polydopamine has been used and studied in many fields and en­
with a reversible non-covalent interaction but with high strength vironments [28], we focused only on the latest literature reports in this
(0.8 nN) [161]. review.
Besides the biocompatibility mentioned above induced by PDA, it is Numerous functional groups in polydopamine, including catechols,
possible to combine metal ions, metal oxides, metals, or plasmonic amines, and imines, can serve as anchors for efficient organic contami­
materials with PDA to improve their catalytic behavior [147]. Addi­ nant removal. Moreover, due to excellent adhesive properties and hy­
tionally, the functionalization of nanoparticles with PDA improves their drophilicity, it can modify various materials. PDA has demonstrated
colloidal stability [153], thus avoiding aggregations that can compro­ good light-harvesting ability and photothermal conversion perfor­
mise the catalytic activity in the final suspension. Since the discovery of mance, beneficial to solar-driven water desalination [179–181]. A
these hybrid materials, although several initial applications have been bilayer structure composed of two environmentally sustainable mate­
proposed, to this day, biomedicine and environmental remediation rials, polydopamine (PDA) particles and bacterial nanocellulose (BNC),
fields have gathered much attention. Those fields have attracted this was proposed to obtain both superb optical/photothermal activity
recognition because of PDA’s biocompatible and nonpoisonous charac­ (~98% light absorption) and high porosity (~93%). A permeate flux of
teristics, so in terms of biomedicine, it can be used in antibacterial 1.0 kg m-2 h− 1 under 1 sun irradiation (1 kW m-2) and a high solar
coatings or drug transport and delivery [130,162–164]. In turn, energy-to-collected water efficiency of 68% were achieved [181]. Be­
regarding environmental issues, it is possible to apply PDA to separate sides, the interfacial photothermal disinfection activity of the membrane
and deplete poisonous and biological materials [165,166]. Within those under solar light was reported, leading to the effective killing of adhered
fields, PDA-based composites have shown the capability of carrying out bacteria, thus reducing microbial accumulations and prolonging the
different reactions encompassing several reactants, such as thiols or membrane life by stopping the biofilm formation [181]. A renewable
amines as nucleophiles [167]. Moreover, PDA has the possibility of been and bioinspired PDA functionalized cellulose aerogel (PDA-CA) for
soluble contaminant adsorption, and oil-polluted for seawater and

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wastewater purifications was proposed [182]. Due to the porous struc­ photocatalysts’ light-harvesting ability was gradually improved with
ture of CA, broad sunlight absorption spectrum in PDA, and excellent increasing PDA/substrate ratio. In particular, the 10% PDA/g-C3N4
photothermal conventional effect, the proposed hybrid material composite has shown high efficiency in degrading organic dyes methy­
exhibited an extraordinary water steam generation rate of ~1.36 kg m-2 lene blue (MB), Rhodamine B (RhB), and phenol under visible light
h− 1 of ~86% efficiency illuminated by 1 sun. Moreover, due to its irradiation. The degradation efficiency of MB was around 98% after 3 h,
enhanced hydrophilicity and underwater lipophobicity, the PDA-CA and even after four cycles, the catalysts could remain degradation effi­
also showed promising anti-oil-fouling behavior [182]. ciency higher than 90% [187].
Since the first report showing that the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 A novel strategy to construct a visible-light-driven 2D–2D hetero­
can be significantly improved with the coating of PDA [183], similar junction catalyst comprising graphitic-carbon nitride (g-C3N4) and
hybrid materials have been studied in photocatalytic environmental calcined ZnAl-Layered double hydroxide (ZnAl-LDH) had been estab­
remediation [14]. A core-shell nanostructure of TiO2@PDA leads to lished via the polydopamine cross-linking method. The goal was to
much better catalytic activity for TiO2 under visible light, while both achieve photocatalytic activity for p-nitrophenol under visible-light
pure PDA and TiO2 nanospheres show no significant photocatalytic ac­ (> 420 nm). In order to explain the charge separation observed in the
tivity under visible light irradiation. During the described experiment, it heterojunction, a z-scheme charge transfer mechanism via PDA bridges
was identified that a 1 nm PDA surface coating over TiO2 nanospheres was proposed. This mechanism relies on the recombination of photo-
exhibits relatively high conversion efficiency of solar energy for the induced electrons directly on the ZnAl-LDH valence band through the
photodegradation of organic dyes, i.e. Rhodamine B (RhB). This study PDA channel, and the holes capture at the conduction band energy level
was described in details in Section 2.4.1. of the g-C3N4. The PDA on the interface caused strong light harvesting
Composite nanomaterials based on polydopamine was reported to be and electron transport capabilities by improving visible-light absorption
an excellent reducing agent, which can convert Fe3+ to Fe2+. For this and regulating the photo-generated carriers for efficient separation
purpose, magnetically recyclable multi-functional Fe3O4@PDA nano­ through π-π* electron transfer [188]. Because the inorganic photo­
composites were prepared. In such a procedure, Fe3O4 nano-cores were catalytic layer and polymeric membrane typically exhibit poor
introduced to promote magnetic recycling. Reductive polydopamine compatibility [189] and thanks to polydopamines’ versatile adhesive
(PDA) shells were introduced to improve the recycling efficiency of properties, ultra-thin membranes modified with laminar PDA in recent
Fe3+/Fe2+ and avoid sludge formation. According to this study, what is years coating gained much attention in many fields, also in water
essential is that the Fe3O4@PDA system can operate in a wide pH range, remediation [28,190–192]. However, in this review, we mainly focus on
from 3 to 9. Even after the 10th recycling run, it still achieved over 99% studies where photocatalytic performance is evaluated.
degradation efficiency with a total organic carbon degradation rate of Interestingly enough, a strategy to execute heterogeneous photo­
80% [184]. catalytic coupling reactions using PDA and a noble metal nanoparticles
Another variation of a similar composite turned out to be a novel catalyst was described [193]. In this model, a PDA nanofilm acted as a
Fe3+ -stabilized magnetic polydopamine composite (Fe3O4/PDA-Fe3+). light-harvesting and transformation interface. To achieve a multicom­
The described system was constructed, systematically characterized, ponent system, authors first decorated PDA nanofilm onto the surface of
and subsequently applied, which was reported for the first time. The silica gel (SG) or polyurethane sponge (PS). Secondly, noble metal
proposed solution turned out to be a versatile adsorbent for the treat­ nanoparticles (catalysts) were applied onto the resulting PDA surface
ment of Methylene blue (MB) in complex wastewater over a wide pH through an in situ nucleation and growth process. In principles,
range (3− 10). The maximum adsorption capacity of the adsorbent electron-hole pairs, photogenerated in the PDA under irradiation of
(qmax) was as high as 608.8 mg g-1. The enhanced catalytic performance visible light, are separated along with the PDA networks. Then, the
compared with Fe3O4/PDA composite results from the introduced Fe3+ electron transfers to the catalyst nanoparticle’s conduction band,
ions, which act as MB sorption sites through the process of complexing resulting in the enhanced catalytic activity [193]. Described systems
Fe3+ with electronegative atoms (such as N and S) in Methylene blue. were used for photocatalytic Suzuki coupling reactions involving a
The authors also stated that MB could be selectively adsorbed and broad range of aryl bromides/iodides and arylboronic acid substrates
separated by Fe3O4/PDA-Fe3+ from complex wastewater (e.g. mixed dye [193].
solutions of MB/Methylene orange (MO), MB/RhB, or aqueous solution Despite the leading role of nanoparticulate materials in photo­
with high salinity). Finally, this composite could be repeatedly used catalytic applications, some studies have use membranes or pseudo-2D
without significant loss of adsorption performance, thus indicating its structures for filtration and water remediation. Nanofiltration mem­
satisfactory stability and renewability [185]. branes were used to provide self-cleaning properties. Thus, a new type of
Other materials have also been studied, and this is the case of composite was developed using PDA as a multipurpose element [189].
CdS@PDA composite nanoparticles (described in detail in Section 2.5.2) In the first step, a polydopamine/polyethyleneimine intermediate layer
with tunable inorganic patchy densities via different Cd2+ amounts was fabricated on a polyacrylonitrile substrate via a co-deposition
(1.5 wt% for CdS@PDA-1 and 8.4 wt% for CdS@PDA-2) was reported. method. In the second step, the mineralization of a photocatalytic
The purpose was to overcome numerous drawbacks of a CdS photo­ layer consisting of β-FeOOH nanorods took place. Apart from a suitable
catalyst, described in detail in the above-mentioned (Section 2.5.2). filtration property, the β-FeOOH nanorods provided photocatalytic ef­
After 3 h of photocatalytic MB degradation reaction progress, at the ficiency for dye degradation under visible light irradiation in the pres­
weight of catalyst equal 0.03 mg ml-1, 33% and 67% of total organic ence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Moreover, the β-FeOOH layer
carbon (TOC) were removed with CdS@PDA-1 and CdS@PDA-2, exhibits good stability during cyclic photocatalytic filtration. Finally,
respectively. Meanwhile, the removal of TOC with a pure CdS reached the bio-glue effect of the PDA–PEI layer immobilizes the β-FeOOH
only 15% within the same time. This result confirmed that the modifi­ nanorods via strong coordination complexes between Fe3+ and catechol
cation with PDA enhanced the catalytic ability of CdS for MB photo­ groups, providing extra stability to the β-FeOOH nanomaterials [189].
degradation. The photostability and reusability of both CdS@PDA-1 and In another study, the multi-scale, hierarchical PDA@M-PAN/TiO2
CdS@PDA-2 catalysts were further evaluated by collecting and reusing membrane was developed [190]. The fabrication process was as follows:
them, and it was noted that they maintained their photocatalytic ac­ firstly, electrospinning of hydrophilic polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nano­
tivities even after three rounds of testing [186]. fibers. Then, modification with electrospray PAN/TiO2 spheres, and
Indirectly, PDA has been used as a multifunctional platform, as in the finally, coating by the polydopamine membrane via in-situ growth. The
case of polydopamine/graphitic carbon nitride (PDA/g-C3N4) photo­ flux and efficiency of the PAN-based membrane increased after poly­
synthetic systems. Herein PDA played multiple roles: a light absorption dopamine deposition, which was due to the enhanced wettability. This
substance, an electron transfer acceptor, and an adhesive interface. The approach led to a membrane with superhydrophobic (with a water

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contact angle ~ 0◦ ), and underwater superoleophobic (with an oil their lifetime and efficiency (Section 1.1.3.). The most widespread ap­
contact angle of around 152◦ ) properties. The tested and described plications architecture mentioned above is found on metal-oxides/PDA
photocatalytic efficiency is of great importance. An excellent value for nanocomposites, which are typically used in the reduction of organic
the organic pollutant (~98%) was achieved. It is worth emphasizing pollutants, direct aldol reaction, catalytic transfer hydrogenation (CTH),
that after 5 cycles, the water flux still maintained a high level, simul­ oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), MRI contrast agents, Li-ion Batteries,
taneously showing good recyclability. Additionally, this membrane therapy and theranostics or Suzuki couplings [147].
showed enhanced water permeation and hydrophilic properties in An application that can fully exploit PDA composites’ capabilities is
comparison with a pure PAN membrane. Finally, the membrane shows their use in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). PEMFCs are
good mechanical stability and water transportability [190]. promising energy converting devices due to their high power density,
efficiency, low or zero emissions, robust performance, and their possi­
2.3. Applications on photocatalysis bility of using different kinds of fuels [201,202]. PEMFCs have just
opened a promising field in the clean energy industry by their active role
It is generally accepted that PDA is not directly exploitable as a in generating renewable hydrogen gas, one of the most essential and
photoactive material and that its photocatalytic properties are relatively promising energy vectors for the future. In order to understand a bit
marginal (see optical properties, Section 1.1.2.). It is necessary to know more this mechanism, here we shortly introduce the reactions that occur
and control the nanomaterial characteristics to achieve a suitable and in the cell are; hydrogen oxidation at the anode, showed in Eq. (1), and
efficient photocatalytic activity. Like adsorption rate or photo stability, oxygen reduction at the cathode, showed in Eq. (2) [203].
some of them are strongly dependent on the material structure, so
Anode H2 →2H + + 2e− (1)
controlling it is possible to tune these characteristics into the desirable
ones. However, the most crucial attribute could be the capacity of the 1
catalysts to produce electron-hole pairs (charge separation rate) and Cathode O2 + 2 H + + 2e− → H2 O (2)
their ability not to recombine the carriers. These two phenomena can be
enhanced by surface modification with PDA, thus ameliorating photo­ H+ + e− →H∗ (3)
catalytic behavior by PDA incorporation in a nanocomposite can pro­
voke different types of concentrations defects that can affect optical and H+ + e− + H∗ → H2 (4)
electronic properties of the catalyst, thus leading to changes in excitonic
(e-h pair) (See Section and Section In short, an exciton H∗ + H∗ → H2 (5)
is an electrically neutral quanta of electronic excitation energy that
travels in a periodic structure of a crystal transporting energy but not H2 O (l) + ∗ → OH + + e− + H+ (6)
charge [194]. Under appropriate light irradiation, photoactive material
absorbs a photon that excites an electron of the valence band, moving it OH + → O∗ + e− + H+ (7)
to the conduction band. As a direct consequence, it will leave a posi­
H2 O (l) + O∗ → ∗ OOH + H + + e− (8)
tively charged hole placed in the valence band, whereby this hole will
interact via coulombic forces with the moving electron. The necessary
∗OOH → O2 (g) + e− + H+ (9)
excitation energy to produce an electron-hole pair forming a bound
stationary state is not related to any particular parent atom (ion), and it The advantage over direct combustion of O2 and H2 is that it pro­
can be transferred from one ion to the next one. When this takes place duces thermal energy. Meanwhile, PEM fuel cells transform the chemi­
along the crystal, it creates “excitation waves” called excitons [195]. cal energy, which is liberated from the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen,
PDA can contribute to this exchange by enhancing the e-h charge sep­ into electrical energy. In general, two different mechanisms for
aration and simultaneously decreasing the recombination rate by of­ hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in acid media are postulated;
fering additional bands where electrons or holes can be placed. As a Volmer-Heyrovsky and Volmer-Tafel. The initial solution protons
result, it improves the composites’ catalytic behavior [196,197]. In adsorption to create H* (H+ + e- →H*) is the Volmer reaction shown in
order to achieve these objectives, among others, like e.g. tuning bandgap Eq. (3), which is considered to be quick (* is referred to as the active site
value, creating a heterojunction, improving redox, and colloidal stabil­ of the catalyst). From this point, two possibilities appear, Herovsky and
ity, a strategy that has recently gathered attention is to combine PDA Tafel (see Eqs. (4 and 5), respectively). For the first one, one solvated
with a photoactive semiconductor material such as TiO2, ZnO, ZnS, proton from the solution reacts with the adsorbed intermediate H* to
Fe3O4. As a result, the photocatalytic response of the as-obtained com­ create H2 (H+ + e- + H*→ H2), on the other hand, the second option
posites is enhanced, and in some cases, it is possible to shift the ab­ proposes that H2 is being created from two adsorbed intermediates
sorption spectra from ultraviolet towards the visible region [188]. placed next to each other which are going to react (H* + H* → H2)
The photocatalytic behavior of PDA/Semiconductor hybrids can be [204–207]. Regarding oxygen evolution reaction (OER) involves four
enhanced by creating core-shell nanocomposites. This effect is present elementary electron steps represented in Eqs. (6–9) [205,206,208].
because, like in the case of melanin, PDA posses semiconducting prop­ Firstly, the H2O molecule is dissociated on the surface of the catalysts
erties. These nanocomposites can be understood or investigated as giving. As a result, H+ and *OH. Secondly, *OH is dissociated into H+
semiconductor junctions. It is well known that direct contact between and *O. Thereby, in third place, another H2O is reacting with *O pro­
two semiconductors with different bandgaps is resulting in the creation ducing H+ and *OOH. Finally, in the fourth step, *OOH is dissociated
of a heterojunction in which the final behavior strongly depends on the into H+ and O2, releasing oxygen molecules from the catalyst’s surface
energy band alignment at the interface (straddling gap, staggered gap [209]. It should be noticed that hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) and
and broken gap) [114,188]; hence the final bandgap is modified or oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) can be treated as the reverse of HER
tuned. Consequently, the final nanostructure may exhibit improved light and OER [207]. Those reactions can be carried out efficiently on Pt
absorption capabilities and electron/carrier flux, influencing its electrocatalysts [210,211], but they suffer from the general drawbacks
biocompatibility, electrical conductivity, electron transfer rate. of Pt catalyst and architectures. Moreover, they are expensive, not
Moreover, in photocatalytic applications, it can decrease the abundant in nature and own insufficient durability. Recently, consid­
recombination rate of photogenerated electrons and holes. Furthermore, ering these disadvantages, non-noble metal-based electrocatalysts have
an additional aspect of PDA, is that by creating a PDA-shell, PDA can attracted attention [212,213] as a promising new way to obtain better
also act as an “environmental isolator” that protects photocatalysts from results with low cost-effective nanocatalysts.
stoichiometry losses and environmental damages [198–200], improving

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Despite the limitations, it is possible to improve the efficiency of Table 3

these catalysts by tuning their composition and morphology [214]. Examples of several catalysts and the PDA coating process or the PDA role in
However, the slow kinetics of the cathodic oxygen reduction reaction synthesizing the final material and its reported applications.
(ORR) is a drawback in terms to obtain a low cost-effective non-noble Catalyst PDA coating process/PDA role Applications
metal catalyst that gives an adequate performance. Despite the ad­ at the synthesis
vances, a standard method to enhance the activity of PEMFCs and TiO2/PDA • Self-polymerization on the • Organic dyes depletion (MB
decrease the Pt load amount, many works have focused on dispersing Pt TiO2 substrate [183] [240], MO, MV and RhB
nanoparticles on carbon support [215,216]. There exists an optimum • Electrochemical [199])
polymerization on the TiO2 • Pentachlorophenol
size of Pt nanoparticles for the maximum hydrogen oxidation reaction
substrate [343] photodegradation [252]
(HOR), and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity showed by elec­ • Photoelectric • Selective oxidation of
trochemical studies [217]. Another strategy is to substitute carbon polymerization on the TiO2 sulfides with aerial O2 [247]
materials with nitrogen-doped carbon because due to electronegativity, substrate [240]
nitrogen atoms can create charged sites that will improve the charge and ZnO/PDA • Self-polymerization on the • Photocatalytical CO2
ZnO substrate [81] reduction [275]
mass transfer during the ORR process [218]. • Solar cells [273,276]
Meanwhile, the main drawback should be noted, that the precursor ZnS/PDA • Self–polymerization on the • Photocatalytic H2 production
synthesis such as polypyrrole and polyaniline need to be catalyzed in ZnS substrate [114] [114]
harsh conditions [147]. By trying to avoid that, recent studies have CdS/PDA • Self–polymerization on the • Photoelectrochemical water
CdS substrate [342] splitting [342]
successfully tried to use polydopamine as the nitrogen-doped carbon
PDA/MXene • Direct reaction between • Wastewater remediation and
precursor because of the facility to create coordination bonds with MXene and PDA seawater desalination [344]
metallic ions and covalent bonds with thiol or/and amine groups via microspheres [344]
Schiff base reactions and/or Michael addition [4,14,219]. In this way, PEG@MPMF • Self–polymerization on • Solar to thermal energy
successful nitrogen-doped carbon sheets designed as an anode material melamine foam and further conversion [345]
addition of MXene
for sodium-ion batteries were efficiently synthesized by using poly­
dispersion [345]
dopamine as a carbon precursor [220]. MoS2@sponge • Self-polymerization on the • Solar desalination [346]
A widely used and quite simple approach is based on the carbon­ sponge [346]
ization of PDA to achieve active nitrogen sites, which show a high level MoS2/PDA • Self-polymerization on • Capacitive deionization [97]
MoS2 [97]
of electroactive graphitic and pyridinic enhanced electroconductivity,
MoS2/PDA/ • Self-polymerization on • Hydrogen evolution reaction
thereby efficient ORR activity [221]. In this case, metal catalysts can be TiO2 TiO2 nanotubes [347] [347]
quickly loaded into PDA and then metal oxides supported by MoSe2 • Self-polymerization on • Hydrogen evolution reaction
nitrogen-doped carbon materials with catalytic efficiency to ORR. polystyrene fibers used as a [348]
Furthermore, high stability can be achieved by a further carbonization hard template for
synthesizing MoSe2 [348]
process [147]. For instance, carbonized PDA-Fe3O4 spheres were syn­
MC@MoSe2 • MC obtained from PDA • Hydrogen evolution reaction
thesized using a one-pot fabrication method and were tested as ORR calcination [349] [349]
catalysts in a Zn-air battery. High ORR activity of carbonized PDA-Fe3O4 TiO2/MoS2/ • Self-polymerization on • Antibacterial activities [350]
was demonstrated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) measurements, which PDA/RGD TiO2/MoS2 NAs [350]
WS2/black- • Self-polymerization on B- • Photoelectrochemical
exhibited a cathodic peak at − 0.27 V. The number of electrons trans­
TiO2 TiO2/CoA/AuNPs/WS2/ biosensor for detecting
ferred per oxygen molecule was close to 4, and the stable discharge ITO electrode [351] histone acetyltransferase
voltage was over 200 h [222]. Those results carbonized metal-PDA is a [351]
rather stable, low-cost and efficient material for ORR in fuel cell and MoSe2@PDA- • Self-polymerization on • Chemo-photothermal
battery performance. Finally, due to the similar electronic structure, Dox MoSe2@PDA-Dox [352] synergistic therapy [352]
Fe3O4/PDA • Self-polymerization on • Enrichment of polycyclic
larger atomic radius and smaller electronegativity, it is possible to add
Fe3O4 [163,184] aromatic hydrocarbons from
sulfur into the N-doped carbons and thus improve the catalytic activity environmental water
[223]. Studies have shown that CdS NPs can be used as a sulfur source samples [163]
and template; meanwhile, PDA can be a nitrogen and carbon source • Co-catalyst for Fe3+
reduction in advanced
[224]. However, templating and carbonizing studies are not inherent in
oxidation processes [184]
photocatalytic applications. Therefore, in the following sections, we Fe3O4/PDA- • Self-polymerization of • Selective adsorption and
compile the most important developments on PDA/Semiconductors and Fe3+ dopamine on Fe3O4 separation of Methylene blue
compile some of the key studies (Table 3). surfaces under an aerobic from complex wastewater
atmosphere in the presence [185]
of Fe3+ [185]
2.4. Metal oxides Fe3O4/C-PDA • FeCl3 and dopamine • Oxygen evolution reaction
reaction to achieve Fe(III)/ and cathode at Zn-Air battery
2.4.1. TiO2/PDA composites DOPA which was further [222]
Titanium oxide (TiO2) is a direct bandgap n-type semiconductor with calcinated to achieve
an energy gap larger than 3 eV [225] (i.e. 3.0 eV for rutile and 3.2 eV for
anatase) which presents an absorption edge around 410 nm [226],
photoactive response under 400 nm [227]. These values have limited to
a certain extent the development of TiO2 photocatalysts. However, other decahedral, 2D anatase and rectangular prisms structures with different
properties such as large availability and rather well-understood elec­ crystalline and exposed planes, which strongly influence their photo­
tronic structure and environmentally friendliness have sustained its in­ catalytic activity under UV light irradiation [233]. However, its bandgap
terest in the literature [227–232]. Despite its limitations, TiO2 has been properties and its necessity for UV light have limited many of the
used as an efficient photocatalyst and more importantly, it is a material large-scale applications of TiO2 [234]. In order to address these draw­
that is considered a model photocatalyst in the field. backs, several methods have been proposed and tested to shift its per­
Several TiO2 nanoparticles of different shapes and sizes can be syn­ formance towards visible light. Among the most common approaches
thesized through a solvothermal method using titanium (IV) tetrafluo­ are phase control [235], atomic doping [236], and surface modification
ride as a titanium precursor. By modifying the reaction environment, [232], being this latter the most popular one. However, it still presents
capping agents and parameters, it is possible to obtain octahedral,

D. Aguilar-Ferrer et al. Catalysis Today xxx (xxxx) xxx

some complications since commonly employed surface modifiers, like absorption, accelerating the photogenerated electrons and their transfer,
Ag, Au or [Ru(bpy)3]3+, can improve TiO2 catalytic behavior, but they thus improving photocatalytic behavior and decreasing the recombi­
present low stability and are expensive [237–239]. nation rate [197]. In order to understand the first phenomenon, it is
An additional possibility is using PDA as a surface modifier in TiO2/ necessary to know the characteristics of the interactions between PDA
PDA nanocomposites, which has shown the capability of shifting the and TiO2. However, unfortunately, an accurate representation of the
bandgap and achieving visible light absorption, thus maximizing its TiO2 and PDA heterojunction mechanism is not known, although some
solar light spectrum absorption and providing a more efficient nano­ theoretical approaches have been proposed [241]. The main idea of this
catalyst [183]. It is worth mentioning the first studies of TiO2 as a theory is that in TiO2/PDA nanocomposites, the polydopamine units are
photocatalyst. In 1972 it was discovered that TiO2, could work as an bonded to Ti atoms through catechol linkers. Also, the reaction between
electrode, and in fact, could drive the water-splitting reaction under UV different metal oxides and enediols have been studied. It was suggested
light [225]. The TiO2/PDA nanostructures, due to the combination of that a dipole moment between Ti-ligand could be induced by the
optical properties from their constituents, can enlarge the absorption interaction between TiO2 and dopamine [242]. Therefore, the optical
range, improving the photocatalysis of splitting water reaction, making properties and electronic structure of TiO2 could be changed in this
it accessible under solar light conditions. TiO2/PDA nanocomposites, for manner. These assumptions mean that TiO2/PDA nanocomposites, with
example, nanorods, can be synthesized via “in situ” self-polymerization, a homogeneous layer of PDA, show a new p orbital, which allows elec­
electropolymerization or photoelectric polymerization, of which the last trons generated under visible light excitation to be transferred directly
one is providing the most uniform and percolated layers [240]. The from the edge of this new p-orbital to the conduction band of TiO2. In
preparation of PDA layers was also found to be thickness dependent, this case, PDA is used as a “photosensitizer” that allows the excitation of
with the most suitable PDA shell thickness at around 1 nm (in photo­ TiO2 under visible light and enhanced the carrier separation. This can
degradation of organic dyes) [183]. Interestingly enough, thicker layers also be understood as a Type II heterojunction (staggered gap), which is
do not hinder performance but tend to show a similar response to bare created when a direct pathway for electron transport through a photo­
TiO2. injector is made [183,243] (Fig. 7a). Considering the second phenom­
Regarding these studies, it has been proved that PDA modifies the enon, PDA induces spatial separation of photogenerated charges (holes
surface of TiO2, thus appearing as a new hybrid system, combining the placed on dopamine) and electrons within the TiO2 lattice, effectively
photo-electronic properties of bare TiO2 and those of, yet to be correctly enhancing the photocatalytic behavior by denying charge recombina­
described, PDA materials. Despite the uncertainty of the true origin of tion [244].
these improvements, PDA shells show an enhancement in light Overall, the experimental research has shown that the bandgap of

Fig. 7. (a) Creation, through an in-situ polymerization process, of TiO2/PDA structure from TiO2 and polydopamine precursor. A heterojunction between TiO2 and
PDA is created and stimulated by visible light, (b) UV–vis absorption spectra of PDA, pristine TiO2, TiO2/DA and TiO2/PDA varying PDA coating thickness. TEM
images: (c) TiO2/PDA nanocomposite with a 1 nm uniform layer of PDA, (d) TiO2/PDA with 2 nm PDA uniform layer, (e) TiO2/PDA with 4.5 nm PDA uniform layer,
(f) pristine Anatase TiO2. Reproduced from Ref. [183] with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry. Photocatalytic degradation study of (g) Methyl orange
(MO) under UV-Vis light irradiation, (h) methyl violet (MV) under UV-Vis light irradiation, (i) Rhodamine B (RhB) under Vis light irradiation, (j) Rhodamine B (RhB)
under UV-Vis light irradiation. Reprinted from Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 570, X. Sun, L. Yan, R. Xu, M. Xu, Y. Zhu, Surface
modification of TiO2 with polydopamine and its effect on photocatalytic degradation mechanism, (2019) 199–209. Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier.

D. Aguilar-Ferrer et al. Catalysis Today xxx (xxxx) xxx

TiO2 Anatase of 3.2 eV was shifted to 2.35 eV by covering it with PDA 2.4.2. ZnO/PDA composites
([PDA] = 4 mg ml-1 during 2 h), thus showing a significant shift to­ Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is an n-type semiconductor with a broad bandgap
wards visible light and allowing for the exploitation of both UV and Vis of 3.4 eV, which presents an absorption edge around 380 nm [253] and
spectra (Fig. 7b). Additionally, as mentioned before, it was shown that remarkable room-temperature luminescence [196]. ZnO is composed of
this enhancement was thickness dependent. Different PDA thickness oxygen and zinc atoms which are tetrahedrally bonded (wurtzite type
TiO2/PDA nanocomposites are shown in Fig. 7c (1 nm), Fig. 7d (2 nm), unit cell). The positive charge and negative charge center can be dis­
Fig. 7e (4.5 nm) and basic pristine anatase TEM image shown in Fig. 7f, placed by external forces triggering lattice distortion, unleashing
having significant photocatalytic performance when PDA thickness was piezoelectric properties [254]. Regarding the radiative routes, both UV
~1 nm [244]. The photoelectrochemical studies comparing bare TiO2 and Vis maxima have a strong dependence on the particle size [255,
with TiO2/PDA nanocomposites reported the photocurrent for the 256], and by studying this parameter, it was shown that visible emission
different shells. This behavior is increased at low overpotential values. is due to the transition of photo-generated electrons from the conduction
Otherwise, below 0.3 V at the coated photoanode, it is possible to notice band to a lower band [255]. Another possible explanation is that oxygen
spike-like peaks that suggest a higher recombination rate at this elec­ vacancies are responsible for the recombination centers that allow
trode. The PDA coated material showed a ≈ 35% increased photocurrent visible luminescence of ZnO [257–259].
compared with bare TiO2, a stable photocurrent density of 3.1 x 10-3 Several ZnO nanoparticles can be synthesized, allowing for many
mA cm-2 [245]. This thickness dependency suggests tunneling and morphologies and superior levels of control. Among them, ZnO nano­
confinement effects presence, although the possibility of ordinated early spheres or nanobundles can be obtained by thermal decomposition or
stages ordinated growth and critical thickness is not discarded. thermolysis using N.N’-bis(salicylaldehyde)ethylenediamine)zinc(II) as
In other studies, TiO2@PDA photocatalysts examined under UV-Vis a precursor [260]. Also, several nanostructures like nanotubes [261],
light irradiation showed faster methyl orange (MO) and methyl violet nanowires/nanorods [262,263] or nanotretapods [264] can be grown
(MV) depletion rates, when compared with bare TiO2. The improve­ by multiple methods, including thermal evaporation, electrodeposition
ments are from 87.1% (bare TiO2) to 95.2% for methyl orange, or vapor deposition. This large availability and versatility of morphol­
improving the catalytic efficiency by 8.1% (Fig. 7g). Regarding methyl ogies have positioned ZnO among the most widely studied photoactive
violet, the catalytic behavior improved 9.9% from 85.7% (bare TiO2) to materials. Furthermore, as a part of its electronic and optical properties,
95.6%, (Fig. 7h). Additionally, by modifying the TiO2 surface with PDA, ZnO nanoparticles have been used as antibacterial material and have
the photocatalytic efficiency of degrading Rhodamine B (RhB) showed shown the ability of light-driven processing wastewater. Although its
an improvement of 35.0% under Vis light irradiation (Fig. 7i). However, optical activity can be compared with TiO2, its absorption edge is
it is improved only by 4,86% under UV-Vis light (Fig. 7j), showing that broader, extending to part of the visible region, thus resulting in better
the functionalization of TiO2 with PDA exhibits an immediate performance under sunlight [265,266]. Nevertheless, ZnO is sensible to
improvement in the visible spectra [244]. photo-corrosion, presenting low stability and experimenting with a fast
Additional strategies have been investigated in order to improve the recombination rate. These drawbacks have been addressed by coupling
photocatalytic performance of TiO2 composites further, for example, ZnO with other semiconductors, doping it with metals or functionalizing
improving the surface area and available active sites. All of them aiming its surface with different organic polymers, effectively increasing its
to achieve better photo-degradation performance of the already en­ applicability [267]. Therefore, functionalizing the ZnO surface with
hances TiO2/PDA nanocomposite. Among these examples, we find a PDA can result in overcoming those issues. PDA incorporation in a
study in which a soft catalytic adsorbent is combined with PDA-modified nanocomposite can provoke different types of concentration defects that
bacterial cellulose (BC) in the shape of a nanofiber BC/PDA/TiO2. The can affect optical and electronic properties of ZnO, thus leading to
results were successful in fulfilling all these essential requirements changes in excitonic (e-h pair) and photoluminescence [81].
allowing 6,4. 5.7 and 4.8 times faster photo-degradation of MO, RhB and Studies on ZnO/PDA materials have shown similar trends observed
methylene blue (MB) (respectively) than commercial P25 and other in TiO2/PDA materials. For example, bandgap values of ZnO/PDA
TiO2- based photocatalysts. Also, BC/PDA/TiO2 showed excellent sta­ nanorods (Fig. 8a) were influenced by dopamine concentration showing
bility and reusability with only a 5.5% of decrement in the degradation saturation at concentrations of 0.5–0.7 mg ml-1, HRTEM images of
efficiency after 5 cycles [246]. Another interesting result was achieved different dopamine concentration ZnO/PDA interfaces are shown in:
by the combination of TiO2 and PDA with another catalyst such as Fig. 8b (0.3 mg ml-1), Fig. 8c (0.5 mg ml-1), Fig. 8d (0.7 mg ml-1) [81].
TEMPO. It has been shown that a strong synergistic effect between Studying several concentrations of PDA, it was found that all the values
TEMPO and PDA exists and helps to achieve better conversion for se­ were lower than the one for ZnO single crystal, for instance, an average
lective oxidation of sulfides with aerial O2 [247]. value of 3.22 eV for [PDA] = 0.3 mg ml-1 or 3.18 eV for [PDA] =
Overall, core-shell nanocomposites have large possible applications 0.5 mg ml-1 (Fig. 8e). Therefore a clear trend appeared, in which lower
in different fields like biology, catalysis, energy conversion or storage bandgap values were observed at higher PDA concentration (thickness),
device [248]. TiO2 is a promising material with several applications in as shown in Fig. 8f. Additionally, the reduction of vacancies and charge
different fields related to photocatalysis, photovoltaics, sensors or pho­ transfer from ZnO towards PDA could lead to this behavior. Similar ef­
to/electrochromic [231,249–251]. Many applications can be enhanced fects are exhibited by acceptor-doped ZnO nanostructures or
or improved by modifying them with different inorganic and organic Schottky-type junction [268]. Typically, photoluminescence emission
dyes [228]. PDA can also unveil new utilities, for instance, the regula­ spectra is a simple method that can be used to detect surface defects
tion of toxic intermediates in hazardous waste depletion reactions. In the [269,270]. In such cases, the emission vs excitation power plot enables
pentachlorophenol (PCP) photodegradation process, 2 toxic in­ us to know the quantum efficiency and the defect concentration [271,
termediates are created, 1,4 benzoquinone (TCBQ) and 272]. The authors reported on the PL spectra ZnO/PDA nanorods at
trichlorohydroxy-1,4- benzoquinone (OH-TrCBQ), unveiling a new issue room temperature, which showed 2 peaks located in the UV and Vis
by inducing a second pollution source. As the PDA layer can promote region corresponding with exciton and defect emission (Fig. 8g) [73,
electrons transfer from H2O2 and O2.- to the P25 (TiO2) conduction band, 269]. After variations in thickness (Fig. 8h) of the PDA, the PL spectra
ROS can be synthesized at the surface of the photocatalyst P25@PDA exhibited a small peak shift. The UV peak at 378 nm was downshifted to
provoking TCBA and OH-TrCBQ synthesis. As ROS are the reactive a shorter wavelength while, the Vis peak was shifted to a longer
compounds that lead to the synthesis of the toxic intermediates, their wavelength.
dynamic control can be regulated by P25/PDA control [252]. As a result, PDA deposition over ZnO was demonstrated to decrease
oxygen vacancies from 1.5 x 1015 cm-3 to 1.2 x 1014 cm-2 resulting in a
photoluminescence quantum efficiency decrease, from 0.28 to 0.12,

D. Aguilar-Ferrer et al. Catalysis Today xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 8. (a) TEM image of ZnO/PDA nanorod (0.5 mg ml-1). HRTEM images of: (b) ZnO/PDA interface (0.3 mg ml-1), (c) ZnO/PDA interface (0.5 mg ml-1), (d) ZnO/
PDA interface (0.7 mg ml-1) [81] Optical characterization of ZnO/PDA nanorods varying PDA concentration, (e) bandgap estimation graphical representation, (f)
Bandgap variation with dopamine concentration, (g) PL spectra, (h) Change of the PL peak position for UV and Vis range [81], (i) Organic solar cell device structure,
(j) Current density vs voltage (JV) characteristics PBDT-ITIC with different PDA/ZnO ETLs under AM 1.5 G solar irradiation (100 mW/cm-2), (k) various ETLs in
optimal conditions J-V curves of PBDT-ITIC solar cells, (l) External quantum efficiency spectra. Reproduced from Ref. [273] with permission from the Royal Society
of Chemistry.

respectively. The PDA coating also modified the activation energies in those characteristics, ZnO/PDA nanocomposites can be used as an
ZnO/PDA decreasing exciton binding energy from 0.053 to 0.044 eV. electron transfer layer (ETL). Studies that implement ZnO/PDA as ETL in
Moreover, the PDA layer influenced photoluminescence quenching. The inverted non-fullerene organic (PBDBT:ITIC) solar cells [273] and pol­
increment of PDA thickness enhanced PDA light absorption, thus ythieno[3,4-b]-thiophene/benzodithiophene:[6,6]-phenyl-C70-butyric
increased the quenching effect [81]. Furthermore, the changes in the acid methyl ester (PTB7:PC70BM) bulk heterojunction solar cell [276],
thickness of the PDA layer and the decreasing defect concentration can have shown an increased photovoltaic behavior when PDA is imple­
explain the reduction of PL intensity; meanwhile, the decreasing of mented along ZnO for electron transport. Regarding PBDBT:ITIC solar
activation energies and the peak shifting could be due to forming an cells, several devices (Fig. 8i) were designed varying PDA thickness, 4,
additional local electrical field between PDA and ZnO [73]. Addition­ 10 and 22 nm, showing ZnO/PDA (10 nm PDA thickness) the best re­
ally, photo-induced electron-hole pair recombination kinetics has a sults in current vs voltage measurement (Fig. 8j and k) and external
strong influence on the catalytic efficiency of photocatalysts. PL emis­ quantum efficiency (Fig. 8l). It produced the highest efficiency;
sion arises by recombining free carriers and having lower emission in­ Jsc = 17.86 mA cm-2, Voc = 0.88 V and FF = 70.91% allowing
tensity sign that the recombination rate is low with higher separation PCE = 11.14% obtaining an enhanced electrical conductivity, which
efficiency [274]. Moreover, regarding ZnO/PDA composites, catechol, evidences that the PDA layer improves carrier lifetime, charge extrac­
besides being the PDA group that attaches to the surface of ZnO (binding tion and decreases charge recombination [273]. About PTB7:PC70BM
hydroxyl groups from PDA with ZnO surface oxygen vacancies), can act solar cells, samples with PDA thickness about 30–40 nm and 80–100 nm
as an electron trap due to their electron-withdrawing nature, avoiding showed an increment of 9.8% for Voc, 23.2% in case of FF and 13.8% for
the recombination of electron and holes (e-h pairs) decreasing the fast PCE. However, the trend was not the same for Jsc, which decreases with
recombination rate and improving the photocatalytic behavior [196]. DPA. Even so, devices with ZnO/PDA showed a higher photoelectric
The available results agree with the direct Z-scheme ZnO/PDA photo­ conversion efficiency over the full absorption spectra than the one with
catalyst, which favors charge separation and enlarges light-harvesting only bare ZnO as ETL [276].
for photocatalytic performance, such as in the case of the CO2 reduc­
tion reaction [275]. As a newfangled application, PDA can be used in
solar cells and enhance photovoltaic performance. The strong adhesive 2.5. Metal sulfides
properties of PDA combined with the strong chelating behavior towards
metal ions leads to the construction of low-defect and uniform PDA thin Metal sulfides are excellent candidates for photocatalysis due to their
films on ZnO, with enhanced electron transfer performance. Because of large availability and optical properties. However, they suffer from
many drawbacks as photocatalytic aqueous environments strain their

D. Aguilar-Ferrer et al. Catalysis Today xxx (xxxx) xxx

chemical stability [277]. Here we present some of the recent advance­ alignment generates a considerable reduction of the bandgap (Fig. 9a).
ments in the field of metal sulfides and PDA nanocomposites, Studies have shown that coating ZnS by PDA, adds a layer of ZnSO to the
nanocomposite, as a direct consequence of this band alignment,
2.5.1. ZnS/PDA composites photoexcited electrons will be trapped in ZnSO conduction band;
ZnS is an n-type semiconductor that presents a direct bandgap energy meanwhile, counter holes will be placed in the valence states of PDA.
value between 3.6 and 3.9 eV [278]. Its high reduction potential and the Recombination of charge carriers is going to be prevented by the charge
fast production of photocarriers allows ZnS based nanocatalysts to be separation between ZnSO (also ZnS) and PDA.
employed in photochemical applications like the reduction of CO2, H2 Additionally, the interface between ZnS/ZnSO presents a type I iso­
production or purification of wastewater [279–283]. Different shapes type heterojunction (n-n), which enhances the accumulation of photo­
and sizes have been synthesized, like rods, tubes, spheres or wires, and generated carriers in the ZnSO end of the interface (Fig. 9b). By all of
as in the case of other semiconductor materials, they can be prepared these features, photocatalytic activity is enhanced [114]. Researched
with several methods. In general, the shape and final structure of the studied the influence of PDA shell in the final bandgap value, several
nanomaterials strongly depend on the characteristics of the organic samples with different thicknesses were synthesized i.e. ZnS/PDA1
stabilizers, like concentration or molecular weight. The most employed (1.2 nm), ZnS/PDA2 (2.1 nm), ZnS/PDA3 (3.5 nm). The calculated
methods in the literature are; a one-pot process that uses ZnCl2 and bandgaps values using Kubelka-Munk function [292] provided values of
ZnSO4 as zinc precursors and Na2S as sulfur precursor, sol-gel method 3.64, 3.57 and 3.54 eV, respectively, respectively, with a pristine ZnS
[278] and hydrothermal synthesis with zinc nitrate, zinc acetate and bandgap value of 3,73 eV [114].
zinc chloride as zinc precursors [284,285]. A recent H2 production experiment by exploiting ZnS and PDA
Though ZnS photocatalysts have appropriate characteristics to act as interface showed results in agreement with that theory. 1.2 nm PDA
a straightforward catalyst, it has shown instability induced by the shell in ZnS/PDA1 nanocomposites exhibited a maximum hydrogen
oxidation of sulfide ions, which is mainly caused by photogenerated production rate of 2162.5 µmol h-1 g-1, maintaining 78.7% of its pho­
holes. This photo corrosion is a drawback to the applicability of many toactivity after 24 h of continuous irradiation, see Fig. 9c and d, [114]
sulfides, including zinc sulfides, since they do not meet photocatalytic what it makes ZnS/PDA competitive with other high-performing pho­
and environmental stability requirements [286–289]. Several strategies toactive composites [295,296]. The transient photocurrent was also
have been developed to minimize those problems and increase the studied and compared with bare pristine ZnS (Fig. 9e). In this scenario,
photochemical activity of sulfides, like doping with metal or metal/ions, ZnS/PDA nanocomposites showed higher photocurrent density than
use of sacrificial agent/layers or surface modification, and coating with pristine ZnS due to the higher charge efficiency given by the
conductive polymers [278,290–294]. The surface modification with well-organized heterojunction interface. Fast charge-carrier recombi­
PDA has been posed as a solution to this instability issue. Additionally, nation through direct bandgap for bare ZnS provoked a fast decay in
ZnS/PDA nanocomposites present a doubly staggered heterojunction, photocurrent, not the same situation for ZnS/PDA nanocomposites that
which is beneficial for the efficiency of the composites. This type II band showed stable photocurrent during visible light irradiation. Finally,

Fig. 9. (a) ZnS, ZnS1− xOx (ZnSO) and 5,6- dihydroxyindole (DHI) electronic band structures. Black and red lines represent filled and unfilled states, respectively, (b)
Representation of ZnSO, ZnS and PDA heterojunction and photocatalytic process considering charge carrier transfer. Oxygen incorporation in ZnSO decreases the
conduction band edge, enlarging the light absorption region. Meanwhile, the LUMO of the DHI has an energy of 2.38 eV and is located above the conduction band
edge of pristine ZnS, and its HOMO energy is around 1.5 eV above the fermi level of pristine ZnS [114]. Photocatalytic study for different PDA shell thickness values:
ZnS/PDA1 (1.2 nm), ZnS/PDA2 (2.1 nm), ZnS/PDA3 (3.5 nm), (c) Photocatalytic H2 production, (d) Time-dependent photocatalytic activity, (e) transient photo­
current response with and without light illumination, (f) electrochemical impedance spectra. Reprinted from Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 280, Y. Kim, E. Coy,
H. Kim, R. Mrówczyński, P. Torruella, D.W. Jeong, K.S. Choi, J.H. Jang, M.Y. Song, D.J. Jang, F. Peiro, S. Jurga, H.J. Kim, Efficient photocatalytic production of
hydrogen by exploiting the polydopamine-semiconductor interface, 119423. Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

D. Aguilar-Ferrer et al. Catalysis Today xxx (xxxx) xxx

electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were contribute to photogenerated e-h pairs being trapped and causing redox
done to investigate charge transfer. As a result, more considerable reactions on the CdS surface under aerobic conditions. As a consequence
charge transfer resistance for pristine ZnS (17.48 Ω) than for ZnS/PDA of photocorrosion, photocatalysts become unstable and catalytic per­
(6.62 Ω) showing a superior efficiency and reaction rate for the PDA formance is decreased [330]. This situation is worsened by Cd’s rather
nanocomposite (Fig. 9f) [114]. hazardous effect on aquatic life and human health [331,332].
Overall, researchers have demonstrated that PDA attaches covalently Aiming to decrease photocorrosion several strategies have been
on ZnS surfaces, adding a thin oxide layer, which enhances the photo­ studied in recent years. Strategies such as combining CdS with micro
activity of the composite. Moreover, the efficiency of the ZnS/PDA was [333] and mesoporous materials [333,334], create composites with
boosted as well as its chemical stability. The results are essential since other layered oxides [335], coupling with metallic or non-metallic cat­
they are one of the first studies showing direct bandgap reduction on a alysts [334], creating core/shell structures [336], or building hetero­
none metal oxide semiconductor, and at the same time, show similar junctions [337]. As expected, one of the most efficient ones is the
trends on thickness dependence and bandgap tuning, which advocates preparation of passivating layer, which, although it tends to hinder some
for intrinsic PDA electronic effects [114]. of the performance, retains most of the material’s properties.
A photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting study using CdS/PDA
2.5.2. CdS/PDA nanocomposites nanoarrays synthesized on FTO substrate as catalysts compared the bare
Another excellent sulfide material, which, although extremely CdS and CdS/PDA/Co-Pi photocatalytic behavior. Linear sweep vol­
promising, has suffered from its somewhat hazardous degradation in tammetry (LSV) under AM 1.5 G simulated sunlight illumination
aquatic media, is Cadmium Sulfide (CdS). CdS is an n-type semi­ (100 mW cm-2) was performed to study CdS, CdS/PDA and CdS/PDA/
conductor that presents a narrow gap of 2.4 eV [297], making it one of Co-Pi (Fig. 10a). Photocurrent intensities showed firstly an increment
the most prominent photocatalysts for photocatalytic H2 production which, while PDA deposition was higher, turned into a decrement. This
[298–300]. CdS photocatalysts can absorb light in the visible region at provoked the largest photocurrent density at 1 h for CdS/1PDA, exhib­
shorter wavelengths than 516 nm, where it shows excellent photo­ iting that the heterojunction built between CdS and PDA (Interface is
chemical properties and quantum efficiency [301]. Moreover, it also shown in Fig. 10b and c) can promote charge separation of photo­
presents a good carrier transportation capacity, producing photo­ generated carriers and the remain of PDA in this particular case could
generated electrons and holes within a considerable period. This effect stand against this phenomenon [338]. EIS was used to check this, giving,
extends the photogenerated carriers life, thus improving photocatalytic as a result, smaller charge transfer resistance for CdS/1PDA than for
activity [302]. Due to these properties, CdS is employed in photo­ bare CdS. 3063 Ω vs 3359 Ω respectively (Fig. 10d) agreement that the
catalytic hydrogen production, degradation of pollutants and reduction charge transfer is improved when exists an interface between CdS and
of CO2 [303,304]. DPA [339,340]. Two different effects explained this. Firstly, when the
Different structures have been studied in the case of CdS, and their thickness is relatively large, as the effective transfer length of charge
influence on photocatalytic performance was evaluated. First, zero- carriers is limited, they might not be transferred to the surface [114,
dimensional structures (0D) can be obtained through several methods, 341], and secondly, the light that reaches the surface of CdS/1PDA is
i.e. combustion method, biogenic synthesis, complex thermolysis, reduced because of the absorption of the dark PDA layer which becomes
sonochemical method or chemical precipitation, among others darker with time [342]. Regarding photocurrent density, for CdS/1PDA,
[305–311]. Even though it presents a large surface area, it tends to nanocomposite obtained a value of 1.08 mA cm-2 (0.28 V vs RHE),
agglomerate in an aqueous solution, thus decreasing photocatalytic ef­ which is 2.4 times more than the one for bare CdS. Also, photocurrent
ficiency. One-dimensional nanostructures (1D) such as nanowires, stability studies showed that it decreased for bare CdS more than for
nanorods and tetrapods can be synthesized by using ligand assisted CdS/1PDA, indicating that the interface between CdS and PDA could
growth [312–315], metal particle seed growth [316–318], ion exchange promote the hole concentration in CdS by creating a built-in field, thus
[298] and ligand-assisted growth [315,319]. Those structures exhibit a ameliorating the photoelectric performance.
large specific surface area/volume ratio, fast separation of photo­ Aiming to promote the PEC performance of the nanocomposite, Co-
generated carriers, and quantum confinement effects in radial and Pi co-catalyst was added on the surface of the CdS/1PDA photoanode
bulk-like carrier transport in the axial direction [318,320–322]. (Fig. 10e) before, several Co-Pi thicknesses, controlled by different times
Recently, 2-dimensional CdS nanosheets have shown excellent photo­ of photoelectric deposition (2.5 min, 5 min, 7.5 min, and 10 min), CdS/
catalytic properties [322–324]. It is possible to obtain two-dimensional 1PDA/Co-Pi nanocomposites were synthesized. CdS/1PDA/5Co-Pi
structures (2D) from the one-step chemical solvothermal method [325], showed the smallest radius leading to the best transfer and charge sep­
which show higher photocatalytic efficiency than 0D and 1D CdS aration, decreasing the e-h recombination due to the Co-Pi catalyst.
nanoparticles [326]. 3-dimensional structures present a high surface/­ Moreover, photocurrent stability was enhanced, and it exhibited
volume ratio and low density [324,327,328]. Different kinds of such photocurrent density value up to 2.68 mA cm-2 at 0.28 V vs RHE, which
structures exist, e.g. hierarchical dendritic CdS, hollow spheres or is 5.7 times higher than bare CdS and 5.87 times higher than CdS/1PDA
porous nanosheet-assembled flowers [326]. Most of these structures can [342], see Fig. 10f.
be created by a self-assembly process and the accumulation of CdS in The resulting heterojunction with PDA showed an increment in
different structures, granular or nanosheets [329]. Moreover, these photocatalytic behavior due to the appropriate match of bandgap edges
structures have shown to be more conducive and exhibit improved between CdS and PDA, making charge separation more efficient [200]
photocatalytic activity [326]. and decreasing the recombination rate [245]. Furthermore, by adding
Although the aforementioned CdS properties make it a promising another co-catalyst, those improvements can be enhanced and used in
catalyst, it is also common for the CdS nanocatalyst to suffer from photo water splitting reactions [342] (see Fig. 10g).
corrosion during the photocatalytic process, directly affecting the
application of CdS and CdS-based photocatalysts in the industrial field. 2.6. Emergent materials
Three different aspects cause this photo corrosion. The first one is
because sulfur ions are going to be combined with the photogenerated Despite being used as a surface modifier that can create hetero­
electron-hole pairs created during the process and are going to be junctions with well-known semiconductor metal oxides, polydopamine
oxidized into sulfur. The second one implies that photogenerated holes can be incorporated into another material, creating a photosensitizer
on the surface of CdS provoke anode corrosion during the catalytic shell and acting on another purpose such as, for instance, templates.
process. The last one is that the photocatalytic process leads to the Here we summarized the most recent and promising emergent materials,
emergence of defects on the surface of the CdS photocatalysts which which contain PDA in their structure for such diverse applications as

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Fig. 10. (a) LSV plot for CdS, CdS/1PDA and CdS/1PDA/5Co-Pi photoanodes under AM 1.5 G illumination, (b) TEM image of CdS/1PDA, c) HRTEM image of CdS/
PDA where the thickness of the PDA layer is shown, (d) EIS plot for CdS, CdS/1PDA and CdS/1PDA/5Co-Pi photoanodes, (e) Top-view SEM image of CdS/PDA/Co-Pi,
(f) Photocurrent-time (I-T) graphical representation of CdS, CdS/1PDA and CdS/1PDA/5Co-Pi photoanodes at 0.28 V vs RHE under simulated sunlight illumination
for a consistent 3600 s, (g) Proposed mechanism for CdS/PDA/Co-Pi acting as photoanodes for photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting, The interface between
CdS and PDA as mentioned promotes charge separation which decreases the charge concentration and corrosion of CdS achieving an improvement of PEC activity
besides the photoanode stability. Once Co-Pi OER is co-catalyst, it can act as a hole transfer channel where Co2+ can be oxidized by the photogenerated holes towards
Co3+ or Co4+, species that can improve the photostability of the composite by banning charge recombination and promoting water oxidation kinetics. Reproduced
from Ref. [342] with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry.

environmental remediation, fight against cancer or antibacterial per­ of MXenes they might be combined with polydopamine for two main
formance in artificial implants. reasons. Firstly, it was demonstrated that the bandgap alignment of
Solar light can be used as an environmental-friendly and renewable MXene could be modulated by means of surface chemistry. Secondly, the
energy source for wastewater purification and seawater desalination. surface of the MXenes is terminated by functional groups (-OH, -O, and
Nevertheless, its use to achieve water steam is restricted by several -F), which are beneficial for creating the contact interfaces between
factors like low energy conversion efficiency, low solar spectrum ab­ MXene and other semiconductors. Moreover, a layered structure with
sorption or complex synthesis. the conductive metal cores in MXene ensures an excellent metallic
conductivity and electron acceptance ability [355]. To date, there were
2.6.1. MXenes a few reports in the literature that a PDA/MXene heterojunction has
A new material made by PDA and MXene has been developed, been manufactured [191,344,356]. Interestingly, the PDA@MXene
achieving overcoming these issues. It is an exciting example of a rela­ photothermal layered heterojunction in combination with a PVDF filter
tively new family of materials bases on transition metal carbide, nitride membrane exhibited outstanding water solar to-vapor generation per­
or carbonitrides (MXene). Since their discovery in 2011, they have formance with an efficiency of 85.2% under 1 sun illumination. Un­
become widely studied photocatalytic materials [353]. MXene has the doubtedly, significant light absorption (~ 96%) and great photothermal
following formula: Mn+1XnTx where M represents the early transition conversion were the essential features. This can be accomplished by the
metal (e.g. V, Ti, Zr and Nb), X symbolizes carbon and/or nitrogen, and characteristics of the composite where; MXene amplifies the light ab­
T stands for the surface functional groups (such as –O, − OH and –F) sorption range of PDA, and the wrapping structure creates water
[354]. The n range from 1 to 3, resulting in M2XTx, M3X2Tx and M4X3Tx transportation channels whiting the holes of the microspheres. On the
structures, respectively [354]. To improve the photocatalytic properties other hand, the PVDF membrane allows water transportation towards

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the heating surface meanwhile, the hydrophilicity of MXenes and PDA carriers’ recombination rate improving photocatalytic performance
contributes to the properly wettability of the photothermal membrane [370]. Besides the varying morphology, other techniques can be used to
[344]. Moreover, considering the high solar absorption of PDA and modify bandgap energy. Decorate MoS2 catalysts with chemical dopants
MXene composites, they can be combined with phased change materials is one of them, wherein impurities introduced by dopants can trap
(PCMs) to enhance solar to thermal energy conversion as another photogenerated charge carriers [371], and as a direct consequence,
possible application. New composite PCM (CPCM) has been developed Visible light absorption will be increased [372,373]. Typical used
recently by caging polyethylene glycol (PEG) with combining melamine metallic dopants are Ni [374], Co [374], Ag [371] or Fe [375] and the
foam (MFO) and Mxene under the action of PDA. As a result, PEG/MPMF most common non-metallic dopants include P [376] and N [377,378].
CPCM (PEG@MPMF) showed a melting enthalpy value up to 186.2 J/g, Apart from doping, another ingenious method to alter bandgap values is
representing 99.5% of pure PEG, good heat storage properties improved to create heterojunction between MoS2 and other semiconductors
light absorption and outstanding shape stability and reusability after [379–381]. Creating MoS2@PDA nanocomposites can be a suitable
100 thermal cycles [345]. These results show an improvement in solving nanostructure to enhance the photocatalysis performance of MoS2.
classical PEC thermal material issues like liquid phase leakage, poor Hitherto MoS2@PDA nanocomposites have not been deeply studied.
photothermal conversion efficiency and low thermal conductivity There is a lack of literature about properties and applications. A study
[357], presenting possible applications of these materials in about how MoS2@PDA nanocomposites can be used in capacitive
energy-saving buildings or solar energy storage systems. deionization (CDI) exhibits lower inner resistance because of their better
Besides PDA/MXene, another recent material developed for solar wettability, and much higher specific capacitance bared MoS2. As a
desalination applications is the MoS2-based evaporator (MPU-PPU). It is result, the electrosorption rate and desalination capacity are amelio­
formed by a double layer structure (DLS) where there are two layers. The rated. These facts added to the electrochemical stability given by PDA
bottom layer originated from a polyurethane (PU) sponge that has been place MoS2@PDA nanocomposites in a promising material for the CDI
coating with PDA that will act as an insulation layer and water pump due process [97].
to its hydrophobicity. The top layer is made of MoS2 nanoparticles Continuing within the environmental remediation field, water-
embedded onto 3D porous PU sponge frameworks. In this case, it is splitting devices incorporation is a promising method to obtain H2 and
going to be responsible for solar light absorption and photothermal O2 usable in energy applications. However, their large-scale production
conversion. The final result was achieved with a straightforward con­ and commercial applications need to develop low-energy and high-
struction process and exhibited good mechanical flexibility, high evap­ efficiency photoelectrocatalysts able to catalyze its reactions without
oration efficiency of 85% under low illumination of 1.0 kW m-2 and high the use of expensive noble metal catalysts, which present several eco­
evaporation efficiencies over 90% when the illumination was solar nomic drawbacks (see Section 2.3). Regarding hydrogen evolution re­
(1.5–2.5 kW m-2). These fantastic results were achieved because of the action (HER), recent research has led to the development of a self-
high photothermal efficiency, localized heating effect, hydrophilic bot­ sustained photo-driven PMFC which can be fabricated with MoS2
tom layer, which can promote fluid flow to the hot region above and nanomaterial and, thus, the construction of an electrode made by MoS2/
finally, a porous structure that allows adequate water supply and vapor PDA/TiO2 towards HER is possible. This nanocomposite can increase
channel. Superior desalination performance, joined with excellent charge separation of photogenerated carriers through bio-electrons
recyclability, provides great potential in possible commercial use [346]. assistance, and under neutral conditions, it provides special dual-
electrons (ebio/epho) route for nanomaterials synthesis and HER. The
2.6.2. VdW materials (MoS and MoSe2) amorphous MoS2/PDA/TiO2 electrode perform outstanding catalytic
Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is a semiconductor that possesses an and photoelectrochemical behavior, low overpotential, 351 mV vs SHE
indirect bandgap of 1.3 eV in bulk. It is considered unsuitable for and an astonishing H2 evolution rate up to 0.003 m3 m-3 min-1 in com­
inducing photocatalytic reactions due to the impossibility of separating parison with the sample without the biosynthesis. Boosting continuous
charge carriers properly [358]. Nevertheless, MoS2 2-dimensional hydrogen generation can be achieved due to the ameliorated electricity
nanoparticles, like nanosheets, modify indirect bandgap to a direct energy from the PEMFC reactor by serving as a built-in bias [347].
bandgap of 1.9 eV, turning the MoS2 2D bandgap into a suitable VIs light Another interesting material is molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2), which
harvesting. This fact, added to the high disponibility of MoS2 on earth, has recently received lots of attention due to its mechanical changes in
turns it into a promising VIS responsive photocatalyst [359]. Among the confiment [382].
different applications reported in the literature are hydrogen production Using polystyrene (PS) fibers covered with PDA as a rigid template is
[360], photosynthesis [361] and environmental remediation [362,363]. possible to obtain a photocatalyst towards HER made of molybdenum
2D-MoS2 nanoparticles or sheets can be synthesized by several diselenide, which is decorated by porous carbon fiber (MoSe2-PCF). PDA
methods classified into mechanical exfoliation, chemical exfoliation and covered PS fibers by in-situ polymerization, and PDA carbon fiber holds
bottom-up approaches [364,365]. All of them have their advantages and a highly conductive framework and nanoscale channels with a highly
drawbacks. Among them, to create MoS2 nanosheets, chemical exfolia­ textured surface responsible for facilitating nucleation and growth of
tion is one of the better options because it can provide a large amount of MoSe2 nanosheets uniformly. Because of the synergistic effects of MoSe2
mono or few-layered nanosheets with higher carrier mobility than other and porous carbon fiber substrate, MoSe2-PCF was able to perform good
methods, like mechanical exfoliation, making it suitable to scale up HER activity with a small onset potential of about 70 mV, low Tafel
[366,367]. slope (65 mV dec-1) and better long-term stability in acidic media if
However, photogenerated e-h pairs suffer from fast recombination, compared with another non-precious metal catalyst. As a final result,
difficulties in separating the photocatalysts after the reaction and a MoSe2-PCF nanocomposite appears as a promising catalyst to HER
limited amount of active edge sites, thus decreasing the practical [348]. Apart from being incorporated as a final material, PDA can be
application of MoS2 based nanocatalysts. Some strategies have been used during the synthesis process and be modified to achieve the final
developed in order to minimize those problems. It is well known that the structure. In the particular case of MC@MoSe2 hierarchical hollow
size and shape of MoS2 influence photocatalytic performance [368]. nanoboxes, PDA is calcinated during the synthesis achieving a final
Therefore by using different precursors like (NH4)2S, Na2S or CH4N2S, it N-doped carbon (NC) layer that will act as a hollow template and highly
is possible to obtain different morphologies, as the transition from bulk conductive substrate. Enhanced catalytic performance towards HER is
to nanostructures has a strong influence in the catalytic behavior, for accomplished due to the combination of functional and structural ad­
instance, in MoS2 nanosheets, bandgap shifts from indirect 1.2 eV to vantages of NC and two-dimensional layered transition metal dichal­
direct 1.9 eV by decreasing the number of layers from 8 to 1 [369]. cogenides (TMDs), endowing MC@MoSe2 nanoboxes with abundant
Changes in bandgap values help minimize photogenerated charge active edges and high conductivity. The optimal thickness of MoSe2 shell

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MC@MoSe2 nanoboxes showed a low onset potential of 61 mV, photothermal nanocarrier is made of selenide molybdenum coated by a
extremely small overpotential of 164 mV vs RHE at 10 mA cm-2, great PDA shell, and anticancer drug doxorubicin (Dox) loaded in it
reduced Tafel slope value of 55 mV dec-1 and a higher exchange current (MoSe2@PDA-Dox) has been studied. By adding PDA onto the surface of
density of 0.102 mA cm-2. Finally, by density functional theory (DFT) MoS2 nanosheets, the anchor places for loading Dox are being provided,
calculations and experimental results, strong electronic coupling be­ and it is possible to enhance MoS2 photothermal effects, simultaneously
tween NC and MoS2 has been proved, allowing to an increased carrier decreasing cytotoxicity. The final MoSe2@PDA nanocomposite showed
density placed around Fermi level and activating H* adsorption places good biocompatibility, stability and high photothermal conversion ef­
with reduced ∆GH making MC@MoSe2 nanoboxes a promising material ficiency, while it was possible to load doxorubicin in it, thus creating an
towards HER catalysis [383]. efficient therapeutic agent capable of releasing Dox induced by pH and
Besides environmental remediation, polydopamine-based materials heat control. In vivo experiments, MoSe2@PDA-Dox exhibited severe
are of great importance in another actual and global concern application damage to tumor tissue by NIR-induced high located hyperthermia and
that is aimed to solve and eradicate health problems. Recently, new fast drug release appearing as a great platform to combine chemical and
hybrid materials with PDA have been developed to sort out problems PTT for anti-cancer treatment [403].
with artificial implants, specifically to fight against cancer or achieve an
early diagnosis of several diseases. After implantation, the major issues 2.6.3. FexOx/PDA composites in photocatalysis?
of artificial implants are possible infections provoked by bacteria and Several iron oxides are existing, with different crystalline structures
insufficient bone tissue integration, leading to a possible implant failure and properties. These magnetic materials have found extensive appli­
[384,385]. A common method to enhance antimicrobial properties of cability in several fields, e.g., a drug carrier, hyperthermia and cancer
implants is to release antimicrobial agents like Zn, Ag or Cu [386–388], therapy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic separation, pro­
but a principal and severe drawback appear, associated with toxicity ton exchange membranes, or sensors. Among others, the most common
aggravated by high concentrations [389,390]. The suggested method to structures are magnetite (Fe3O4), hematite (α-Fe2O3) and maghemite
overcome this disadvantage is a new bio-functionalized titanium dioxide (γ-Fe2O3) [404]. However, despite the typical application of Iron oxides
(TiO2)/molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)/polydopamine (PDA)/arginine-­ in catalysis [405–407] and photocatalysis [408], not many studies
glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) nanorod arrays (NAs) prepared on Ti. The explore PDA’s enhancement or interactions with Iron Oxides. Instead,
composition of TiO2/MoS2/PDA/RGD NAs, both in vitro and in vivo, most of the studies focus on the fabrication advantages of PDA in order
under 660 nm (vis light) and 808 (NIR light) irradiation possess aston­ to anchor or template metal oxides in functional architectures [154,159,
ishing antibacterial activity. By applying those light wavelength dual 189,198,409]. Nevertheless, here we summarize some of the most
irradiation, MoS2- doped NAs are generating a hyperthermia and reac­ exciting properties of different iron oxides, which we believe can be
tive oxygen species (ROS) which synergistic effects enhance the bacte­ studied in a combination of PDA heterojunctions.
rial membrane permeability, killing almost all the bacteria within Magnetite is a semiconductor material with a narrow optical gap that
10 min and also destroying the biofilm. This material not only has presents high carrier mobility durability and a cheap-straightforward
antibacterial activity,moreover, it promotes the osteogenic activity. Cell fabrication method [410]. Previous studies about finding a value for
experiments shows that TiO2/MoS2/PDA/RGD encourage proliferation optical gap reported its range between 0.1 and 1 eV [411], but more
and differentiation of osteoblasts, accomplishing a big potential in the recent studies show that magnetite nanoparticles present a direct and
noninvasive treatment of post-implantation infection [350]. indirect bandgap of 2.40 eV and 2.45 eV, respectively [412,413].
PDA can be part of nanoplatforms designed for diagnosis. As a part of Meanwhile, thin films prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
histone post-translational modification, histone acetylation works by present values of 2.78 eV for direct and 2.17 eV for indirect bandgaps
genome stability regulation in repairing DNA damages, controlling [414]. It is possible to assert that the crystallite size influences optical
nutrient metabolism and chromosome transcription [391,392]. Histone properties of magnetite due to the confinement effect [415–417].
acetylation has been associated with several human diseases, like can­ Among those changes are optical properties, which affect nano­
cer, Alzheimer’s, leukemia or cardiovascular [393]. This process is materials’ photocatalysis behavior [414].
catalyzed by histone acetyltransferase (HAT) using coenzyme A as an Magnetite nanoparticles can be synthesized by several methods,
acetyl group donor. Therefore the content of histone acetyltransferase whereby controlling the synthesis parameters it is possible to tune their
has a strong influence on the expression level of histone acetylation. By shape and size. For instance, it is possible to obtain spherical particles up
developing a fast, sensitive and selective method for histone acetyl­ to 25 nm [418]. In turn, with the hydrolysis method, it is possible to
transferase detection, it is possible to obtain an early diagnosis about obtain larger particles up to 50 nm with cubo-octahedral structures
histone HAT-based diseases and the discovery of HAT-based drugs. [419], among other morphologies and sizes obtained with other
Novel heterojunction made by black TiO2 and WS2 with photo­ methods like sol-gel technique [420] or thermal decomposition [421].
electrochemical activity was enhanced with a solid-state electron donor Although the literature in this aspect is too vast to be summarized very
PDA, acting as a photoelectrochemical biosensor. The final result briefly, it is essential to remark that these nanoparticles’ general
showed a wide linear range from 0.01 to 500 nM for HAT detection with applicability and tunability are well established.
a detection limit of 0.0033 nM (S/N = 3), good selectivity, reproduc­ Another material is α-Fe3O4, which is an n-type semiconductor, that
ibility and stability being a great potential platform for the detection of presents a narrow bandgap (2.2 eV) [422], lower than TiO2 and ZnO.
the abovementioned diseases [351]. This property, combined with its chemical stability, high surface area,
Regarding cancer, standard procedures to treat it such as radiation and capacity to absorb light up to 600 nm (collects 40% of the solar
therapy, chemotherapy or surgery are accompanied by rather severe spectrum energy), makes it a promising material for photocatalytic ap­
damage to the patient health. Therefore, a significant number of recent plications. Due to the bandgap value and VB edge located lower than the
advances in nanotechnology have been focused on cancer diagnosis and water oxidation potential, its most promising application is photo­
therapy [394–396]. Within these applications, photothermal therapy electrochemical water splitting (PEC). It presents a theoretical photo­
has attracted much attention due to being a low-invasive technique. It current of Jsc = 12.6 mA cm-2 under AM 1.5G solar irradiation allowing
consists of creating a high located and controlled hyperthermia by using a PCE = 15.5% [423,424]. Nevertheless, a high concentration of iron
optical energy and photothermal agent, thus leading to reactions inside ions is produced in the used bulk, requiring secondary treatment [425].
the tumor and achieving cancer cell depletion as a result. Carbon-based Moreover, it possesses a high e-h recombination effect, short
materials [397–399] and gold nanoparticles-based materials [400–402] excited-state lifetime (~1 ps) [426–428], and low diffusion length
have been the most investigated for these applications, but other pos­ (~2–4 nm) [429,430], so its efficiency in collection and charge sepa­
sibilities based on materials combined with PDA have appeared. The ration as PEC anode is limited. Also, the conduction band of hematite is

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below H2 evolution potential, so an external bias is required [431]. • Further research and development on the abovementioned MoS2 and
Despite these aspects, no studies have explored the PDA/ α-Fe3O4 for MoSe2 and other materials with a 2D structure known as the van der
photocatalytic applications. Nevertheless, this research has much room Waals system raise the possibility of new types of quantum hetero­
since several methods and techniques to synthesize α-Fe3O4 nano­ structures with atomically sharp interfaces between 2D layers of
particles are available. All of which can provide a large variety of dissimilar materials [449]. Especially, the family of transition-metal
morphologies and nanoparticle sizes. Nanoparticles, nanotubes, nano­ dichalcogenides (TMDs) is worth mentioning here because it in­
wires, nanoflowers and hollow spheres have been synthesized through cludes several semiconductors with bandgaps ranging from 0.5 eV to
solution-based methods like hydrothermal [432–434], sol-gel [435,436] 3 eV. Various heterostructured electrocatalysts have been obtained
and solvothermal [437,438], also is possible to create nanorod arrays, and tested, namely: MoS2/MoSe2 [450], MoS2/rGO [451], MoS2/VS2
nano-dendritic structures, nanowires and thin films with gas-phase [452], MoS2/WS2 [453]. But in order to fully exploit the potential of
deposition technique [439–444]. van der Waals heterostructures for photocatalytic applications, huge
Finally, regarding maghemite, a sharp absorption below 600 nm is progress in material science is needed. This can be achieved by
observed. The experimentally reported bandgap is 2.0 eV [445]. How­ further modification with polydopamine coatings or interfacial
ever, it is possible to find other different values for other kinds of membranes. Moreover, laminar heterojunction between polydop­
structures such as nanofibers which reported bandgap is ~4.2 eV [446]. amine and semiconductors may prove to be an interesting direction,
To obtain different shapes and sizes of maghemite nanoparticles several especially those including 2D materials and stacked composites.
methods can be performed. For example, maghemite particles of average However, the procedure for obtaining PDA thin layers at the air/­
diameter 8 nm can be grown by a coprecipitation method by using Fe2+ water interface should be improved [138,142,454], especially
and Fe3+ salts as an iron precursor in an alkaline medium. Moreover, it is focusing on the control of truly 2D-like PDA structures [89]. One of
possible to obtain smaller particles using this method, even down to the possible ways to obtain films with improved stability is enzyme
2 nm, by adding citrate during γ-Fe2O3 crystal growth [447]. Another oxidation, but only the laccase enzyme has been investigated so far
possible method to obtain maghemite nanoparticles is to synthesize [146], opening further opportunities and studies.
maghemite nanoparticles before, by coprecipitation method (average • Moreover, different properties of the upper and lower surfaces of the
diameter of 7 nm) or modified Massart method (13 nm of average membrane were noted (e.g. roughness and probably water contact
diameter) and in a further step transform them into maghemite by angle), which is a challenge for surface engineering [144]. Also, in
aeration oxidizing [448]. the experiments described in Section 1.2.2, films have not reached
Until now, there is a shortage of information about FexOy/PDA and complete homogeneity, which might be an essential aspect to
its applications in photocatalysis, because most of the applications explore in the future, as large scale transferable systems are more and
exploit them as co-catalyst or in the biomedical field [159,163,184,185, more needed. Furthermore, no conclusive method for transferring
222]. Although the field has not been fully explored yet, many nano­ membranes to a pre-prepared substrate has been systematically
materials are available. Nanometer to micrometer magnetic particles described, except for the rather rudimentary straightforward
have recently attracted attention because of their possible applications scooping from the solution surfaces. Nevertheless, more complex and
on magnetic recording and in a large of different biological and medical sophisticated methods such as Langmuir Blodgett/Schaefer might be
applications (vide supra). Here, hematite and magnetite present suitable more featured in the following years.
characteristics for acting as proper photocatalysts. By surface modifi­ • Considering metal oxides, some of which have already been well
cation via PDA, it would be possible to enhance their photocatalysis described, for instance, for TiO2 and ZnO [114,225,229,254], but for
activity by solving problems like low diffusion length and high recom­ other materials, it is not so well studied (i.e. FexOy). Heterojunction
bination rate aggregation or low chemical stability. between metal oxides and PDA has already been described, but at
this point, most of the studies report on experimental enhancements
3. Conclusions and further perspectives without providing much understanding of the fundamental mecha­
nism and their complex interplay [73]. For example, ZnO nano­
Many new findings related to polydopamine can be expected in the particles have already shown applicability in wastewater treatment,
future. As it was shown here, there are several unexplored possibilities thanks to their photocatalytic activity. Though the ZnO optical ab­
and architectures, which are waiting for their exploitation and investi­ sorption edge is wider, reaching even a part of the visible region, thus
gation. In general terms, we would like to mention, e.g. variations of the resulting in better performance under sunlight, this advantage has
original oxidation methodology, chemical post modifications of PDA, not been well explored, especially in view of the PDA enhancements
and the use of DA-derivatives or analogs [27]. However, in this review, reviewed here [265,266]. Furthermore, the coupling of the pizo­
we emphasize the photocatalytic performance and energy applications electric response and PDA/ZnO composites is also still missing in the
of PDA-based nanocomposites. Most of the referenced works addressed literature. It is known that the PDA layer decreases e-h pairs
these issues directly or indirectly, showing the growing interest in these recombination, influences photoluminescence quenching, decreases
materials. Based on the presented literature, we can foresee the incre­ activation energies, and shifts the absorption peak of ZnO semi­
ment of studies and projects in this field PDA-based photocatalysis, conductors, thus improving photocatalytic performance [73,275].
emphasizing the control of its Physico-chemical properties. Among these This could also prove to be one of the more exciting research areas
studies, the following areas could be of high interest. over the PDA in the coming years.
• An exciting group of metal oxides are magnetic particles because
• Metal Sulfides like ZnS, MoS2, CdS and others, are n-type semi­ such nano or microparticles with photocatalytic properties could be
conductors with appropriate bandgap structures what makes them a used in many different fields, e.g. remediation, biological or medical
great candidate for photocatalytic applications [278–281,298–300, applications [422]. So far, in the literature, there is little information
358]. However, they suffer from photocorrosion and fast charge about FexOy@PDA heterojunctions and their applications in photo­
carriers recombination [297,300,358]. But the latest studies have catalysis. Whereas, modification of hematite or magnetite surface
revealed the following relationship when preparing a composite with PDA influences and eliminates some disadvantages, such as low
from them and PDA, such heterojunctions are advantageous for diffusion length, high recombination rate, the tendency to aggrega­
photocatalytic reactions with respect to the charge transport, charge tion or low chemical stability. Nevertheless, most of the studies are
separation, and cycle stability [114,342]. That is why one should focused on the applications of FexOy@PDA nanomaterials on
expect a significant increase in publications describing such biomedicine [154,189,198,409], especially in photothermal therapy
solutions. [455]. However, the inherent overlapping between electron transfer,

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