The Impact of Financial Performance On The Profitability of The Indonesian Banking During The Covid-19 Pandemic
The Impact of Financial Performance On The Profitability of The Indonesian Banking During The Covid-19 Pandemic
The Impact of Financial Performance On The Profitability of The Indonesian Banking During The Covid-19 Pandemic
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Effect of CAR on ROA The objective of this study was to examine the impact
It is said that CAR has no effect on ROA, so hypothesis of the Covid-19 pandemic on Indonesia, which has reduced
1 is rejected. The higher the CAR, the better the risk the profits of public and private banks. The selected banks
tolerance of any risky credit/assets. A high CAR can finance are the 4 banks that have the largest number of assets. The
operations and contribute commensurately to profitability. LDR and BOPO variables had an effect on ROA during the
The Covid-19 epidemic hit Indonesia, causing the CAR of Covid-19 pandemic but on the other hand the CAR and NPL
the banking system to decrease, so the capital for variables had no effect on ROA. Banks must be able to
professional activities was not large. The impact of Covid-19 maintain ROA ratios so that the level of investor confidence
caused investors to hold money to invest due to the decrease can grow. With so many investors, the operational activities
in investor confidence due to Covid-19. This is in line with and distribution of bank credit funds will be even greater
the research results of Astohar (2019), Asima (2017) and because one of the sources of bank income is through credit
Ihsanul (2022) that CAR has no effect on ROA. interest. There are still limited variables in this study, for that
further researchers can add other variables to produce more
The effect of LDR on ROA accurate research. The number of companies and periods has
LDR is stated to have a positive effect on ROA, so also been added to make the results more accurate.
Hypothesis 2 is accepted. The increasing LDR value will
affect the increase in ROA. During the Covid-19 pandemic, REFERENCES
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