Hadi Saadat - Power System-Chapter 4 .
Hadi Saadat - Power System-Chapter 4 .
Hadi Saadat - Power System-Chapter 4 .
GMRC] = gmd is developed for the evaluation of GMR and GMD. This func
tion is very useful for computing the inductance and capacitance of single-circuit
or double-circuit transmission lines with bundled conductors. Alternatively, the
function [L, C] = gmd2LC returns the line inductance in mH per km and the
shunt capacitance in /zF per km. Finally the effects of electromagnetic and electro
static induction are discussed. A new GUI program named lcgui is developed for
the computation of transmission line parameters. This is a user-friendly program,
which makes the data entry for various configurations very easy.
Typical lattice-type structure for 345-kV transmission line.
The selection of an economical voltage level for the transmission line is based
on the amount of power and the distance of transmission. The voltage choice^to
gether with the selection nTmndnrtnr .size is mainly a process of weighing
losses, audible noise, and radio interference level against fixed charges on the in
vestment. Standard transmission voltages are established in the United States by
the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Transmission voltage lines op
erating at more than^O kV are standardized at 69 kV, 115 kV, 138 kV, 161 kV,
230 kY<345 kV; 500 kV, 765 kV line-to-line. Transmission voltages above 230 kV
are usually referred to as ex^aJu^hjvolta^e_(^y) and those at 765 kV and above
are referred to as ultra-high yaltagc.^ The most commonly used conductor
materials for high voltage transmission lines are ACSR (aluminum conductor steel-
reinforced), AAC (all-aluminum conductor), AAAC (all-aluminum alloy conduc
tor), and ACAR (aluminum conductor alloy-reinforced). The reason for their pop
ularity is their low relative cost and high strength-to-weight ratio as compared to
copper conductors. Also, aluminum is in abundant supply, while copper is limited
in quantity. A table of the most commonly used ACSR conductors is stored in file
acsr.m Characteristics of other conductors can be found in conductor handbooks
or manufacturer’s literature. The conductors are stranded to have flexibility. The
strands surrounded by
alnnwHMW as shown in Figure 4.2. Each layer of strands is spiraled in the opposite
direction of its adjacent layer. This spiraling holds the strands in place. The script
file acsr.m has been updated to the GUI program named acsrgui.
Cross-sectional view of a 24/7 ACSR conductor.
T + t2
J?2 — Ri (4.2)
T + tx
L- j (4.3)
Flux linkage of a long round conductor.
The magnetic field intensity Hx, around a circle of radius x9 is constant and
tangent to the circle. The Ampere’s law relating Hx to the current Ix is given by
inductance of the conductor can be defined as the sum of contributions from flux
linkages internal and external to the conductor.
A simple expression can be obtained for the internal flux linkage by neglecting the
skin effect and assuming uniform current density throughout the conductor cross
section, i.e.,
For a nonmagnetic conductor with constant permeability /zo, the magnetic flux
density is given by Bx — ^Hx, or
where is the permeability of free space (or air) and is equal to 47t x 10~7H/m.
The differential flux d(i) for a small region of thickness dx and one meter length of
the conductor is
The flux d(f>x links only the fraction of the conductor from the center to radius x.
Thus, on the assumption of uniform current density, only the fraction 7nr2/7rr2 of
the total current is linked by the flux, i.e.,
BX^^HX = ^- (4.13)
Flux linkage between Pi and P2.
Since the entire current I is linked by the flux outside the conductor, the flux link
age dXx is numerically equal to the flux d(f)x. The differential flux d(j)x for a small
region of thickness dx and one meter length of the conductor is then given by
27T /£>! X
2xlO“7Zln^ Wb/m
= 2 x ICT7 In H/m (4.16)
Consider one meter length of a single-phase line consisting of two solid round
conductors of radius ri and t'2 as shown in Figure 4.5. The two conductors are
separated by a distance D. Conductor 1 carries the phasor current 1\ referenced
into the page and conductor 2 carries return current 12 = —Ii. These currents set
up magnetic field lines that links between the conductors as shown.
Single-phase two-wire line.
Li = 2 x IO*7 Q+ln^
=2*’o-7(>^+‘4) (4.19)
Let Fj = ne 4, the inductance of conductor 1 becomes
The series inductance per phase for the above single-phase two-wire line can be
expressed in terms of self-inductance of each conductor and their mutual induc
tance. Consider one meter length of the single-phase circuit represented by two
coils characterized by the self-inductances Ln and L22 and the mutual inductance
L12. The magnetic polarity is indicated by dot symbols as shown in Figure 4.6.
The flux linkages Ai and A2 are given by
Ai — Lulx 4- L12I2
A2 — L21-Z1 4- L22I2 (4.24)
h Ln
The single-phase line viewed as two magnetically coupled coils.
Ai = (Ln - £12)A
A2 = (-£21 + £22) £ (4.25)
Comparing (4.25) with (4.20) and (4.21), we conclude the following equivalent
expressions for the self- and mutual inductances:
£n = 2 x 1 (I 7 In 7
_7 1
L22 ~ 2 x 10 In -y
L12 = £21 = 2 x 10“7 In T (4.26)
The concept of self- and mutual inductance can be extended to a group of n con
ductors. Consider n conductors carrying phasor currents Ii, Ta, • • •, -Tn, such that
Il + I2 + ' * ■ + ’ + In ~ 0 (4.27)
Aj = Lali + Lijlj j i (4.28)
Consider one meter length of a three-phase line with three conductors, each with
radius r, symmetrically spaced in a triangular configuration as shown in Figure 4.7.
Three-phase line with symmetrical spacing.
la + /& + /c 0 (4.30)
Aa = 2 x 10~7 (la In p 4- 4 In ~ In
Xa = 2xlO"7^Glnp-/Jn^
7 D
— 2 x 10 7 Ia In — (4.32)
Because of symmetry. Xb = Ac — Aa, and the three inductances are identical.
Therefore, the inductance per phase per kilometer length is
where r' is the geometric mean radius, GMR, and is shown by Ds. For a solid
round conductor, Ds — re~~ 4 for stranded conductor Ds can be evaluated from
(4.50). Comparison of (4.33) with (4.23) shows that inductance per phase for a
three-phase circuit with equilateral spacing is the same as for one conductor of a
single-phase circuit.
Three-phase line with asymmetrical spacing.
or in matrix form
A — LI (4.35)
L = 2x 10~7 Ini
lnsb (4.36)
L lllZ>n lnlfe
where the operator a — 1Z1200 and a2 — 1Z2400. Substituting in (4.34) results in
= 2 x 10~7 fin + a2 In + a In
la \ r' D12 D13J
Lb = ~ = 2x ICT7 (a In —J— 4-In4-a2ln—J—
lb \ Di2 r D23J
Lc = = 2 x 10~7 fa2ln-i- +aln-|— 4-ln~) (4.38)
Ic \ D13 D23 r'J
Examination of (4.38) shows that the phase inductances are not equal and they
contain an imaginary term due to the mutual inductance.
A per-phase model of the transmission line is required in most power system anal
ysis. One way to regain symmetry in good measure and obtain a per-phase model
is to consider transposition. This consists of interchanging the phase configuration
every one-third the length so that each conductor is moved to occupy the next phys
ical position in a regular sequence. Such a transposition arrangement is shown in
Figure 4.9.
A transposed three-phase line.
Since in a transposed line each phase takes all three positions, the inductance
per phase can be obtained by finding the average value of (4.38).
2 x ICT7
L “ ln 7T- ~ ln
3 -D12 d23
This again is of the same form as the expression for the inductance of one phase
of a single-phase line. GMD (geometric mean distance) is the equivalent con
ductor spacing. For the above three-phase line this is the cube root of the prod
uct of the three-phase spacings. Ds is the geometric mean radius, GMR. For
stranded conductor Ds is obtained from the manufacturer’s data. For solid con
ductor, Ds ~ rf = re~i.
In modem transmission lines, transposition is not generally used. However,
for the purpose of modeling, it is most practical to treat the circuit as transposed.
The error introduced as a result of this assumption is very small.
-2 x 1(T7
£a = Al
1 /n
= 2n x IO”7 ln l P^Dab'D<.~: Da™
\/r'TDabDac - ■ ■ Dan
t _ La + Lb + Lc + Ln
^av — 1 (4.46)
Since all the subconductors of conductor x are electrically parallel, the inductance
of x will be
t — ^av — La + Lb + Lc + • • • + Ln
±jx — — - (4.47)
n n~
substituting the values of L„, Lb, Lc, ■ ■ ■, Ln in (4.47) results in
GMD is the mnth root of the product of the mnth distances between n strands of
conductor x and m strands of conductor y. GMRX is the n2 root of the product of
n2 terms consisting of r' of every strand times the distance from each strand to all
other strands within group x.
The inductance of conductor y can also be similarly obtained. The geometric
mean radius GMRy will be different. The geometric mean distance GMD, how
ever, is the same.
Cross section of a stranded conductor.
From Figure 4.11, the distance from strand 1 to all other strands is:
= 2.1767r
With a large number of strands the calculation of GMR can become very tedious.
Usually these are available in the manufacturer’s data.
Extra-high voltage transmission lines are usually constructed with bundled con
ductors. Bundling reduces the line reactance, which improves the line performance
and increases the power capability of the line. Bundling also reduces the voltage
surface gradient, which in turn reduces corona loss, radio interference, and surge
impedance. Typically, bundled conductors consist of two, three, or four subcon
ductors symmetrically arranged in configuration as shown in Figure 4.12. The sub
conductors within a bundle are separated at frequent intervals by spacer-dampers.
Spacer-dampers prevent clashing, provide damping, and connect the subconductors
in parallel.
d ) d d
Examples of bundled arrangements.
Db xdxdxdx2-i)i= 1.09 ^Ds x d3 (4.53)
The method of GMD can be used to find the inductance per phase. To do
this, we group identical phases together and use (4.49) to find the GMD between
each phase group
Transmission line conductors exhibit capacitance with respect to each other due to
the potential difference between them. The amount of capacitance between con
ductors is a function of conductor size, spacing, and height above ground. By defi
nition, the capacitance C is the ratio of charge q to the voltage V, given by
C = ~ (4.59)
Electric field around a long round conductor.
The charge on the conductor gives rise to an electric field with radial flux
lines. The total electric flux is numerically equal to the value of charge on the
conductor. The intensity of the field at any point is defined as the force per unit
charge and is termed electric field intensity designated as E. Concentric cylinders
surrounding the conductor are equipotential surfaces and have the same electric
flux density. From Gauss’s law, for one meter length of the conductor, the electric
flux density at a cylinder of radius x is given by
where £q is the permittivity of free space and is equal to 8.85 x 10 12 F/m. Substi
tuting (4.60) in (4.61) results in
7 (4.62)
The notation V12 implies the voltage drop from 1 relative to 2, that is, 1 is under
stood to be positive relative to 2. The charge q carries its own sign.
Consider one meter length of a single-phase line consisting of two long solid round
conductors each having a radius r as shown in Figure 4.15. The two conductors are
separated by a distance D. Conductor 1 carries a charge of q± coulombs/meter
and conductor 2 carries a charge of qz coulombs/meter. The presence of the sec
ond conductor and ground disturbs the field of the first conductor. The distance of
separation of the wires D is great with respect to r and the height of conductors
is much larger compared with D. Therefore, the distortion effect is small and the
charge is assumed to be uniformly distributed on the surface of the conductors.
Assuming conductor 1 alone to have a charge of q-^ the voltage between
conductor 1 and 2 is
v qi 1 D (4.64)
Vl2(9l) - 2^ln 7
Single-phase two-wire line.
Now assuming only conductor 2, having a charge of q<z, the voltage between con
ductors 2 and 1 is
TZ ® . D
V2'i«> = 2^ln7
tz Q2 , r
- 2^ln D (4.65)
Equation (4.68) gives the line-to-line capacitance between the conductors. For the
purpose of transmission line modeling, we find it convenient to define a capacitance
C between each conductor and a neutral as illustrated in Figure 4.16. Since the
1 C12 2 1 c 2
o------ 11------- o o ■o
Illustration of capacitance to neutral.
voltage to neutral is half of V12, the capacitance to neutral C = 2C12, or
C= F/m (4.69)
Recalling so = 8.85 x 10~12 F/m and converting to /iF per kilometer, we have
C =----- /iF/km (4.70)
The capacitance per phase contains terms analogous to those derived for inductance
per phase. However, unlike inductance where the conductor geometric mean radius
(GMR) is used, in capacitance formula the actual conductor radius r is used.
Consider n parallel long conductors with charges qi, q2,... ,qn coulombs/meter as
shown in Figure 4.17.
710 O
Multiconductor configuration.
Assume that the distortion effect is negligible and the charge is uniformly
distributed around the conductor, with the following constraint
Ql + q2 + • • • 4- qn — 0 (4.71)
Using superposition and (4.63), potential difference between conductors i and j
due to the presence of all charges is
n Dkj
In (4.72)
27T£0 Dki
When k ~ i, Da is the distance between the surface of the conductor and its center,
namely its radius r.
Consider one meter length of a three-phase line with three long conductors, each
u ith radius r, with conductor spacing as shown Figure 4.18.
Three-phase transmission line.
Qa + qb + qc = 0 (4.73)
We shall neglect the effect of ground and the shield wires. Assume that the line is
transposed. We proceed with the calculation of the potential difference between a
and b for each section of transposition. Applying (4.72) to the first section of the
transposition, Vab is
( , ^12-D‘23f7i3 r3
X'ab (3)27r£0 ^ln—+
, ^12^23^13^
+</c n r>i2£>23/W (4.77)
/ , (^12^23-C>13)3 , j r
Vab o (4.78)
2tt60 \ r (D12D23Dl3y3 J
Note that the GMD of the conductor appears in the logarithm arguments and is
given by
Therefore, Vab is
TZ 1 / GMD r
Vab = z----- Qa In-------- + qb In gmd) (4.80)
27T£0 \ r
Similarly, we find the average voltage Vac as
/ , GMD
Vac = \Qa In —- ----- 1- qc In (4.81)
27T£0 GMD J
This is of the same form as the expression for the capacitance of one phase of
a single-phase line. GMD (geometric mean distance) is the equivalent conductor
spacing. For the above three-phase line this is the cube root of the product of the
three-phase spacings.
The procedure for finding the capacitance per phase for a three-phase transposed
line with bundle conductors follows the same steps as the procedure in Section
4.13. The capacitance per phase is found to be
The effect of bundling is to introduce an equivalent radius rb. The equivalent ra
dius rb is similar to the GMR (geometric mean radius) calculated earlier for the
inductance with the exception that radius r of each subconductor is used instead of
Ds. If d is the bundle spacing, we obtain for the two-subconductor bundle
rb = Vrxd (4.88)
rb = y/rx d2 (4.89)
rb = 1.09 yV x d3 (4.90)
The expression for GMD is the same as was found for inductance calculation and
is given by (4.55). The GMRC of each phase group is similar to the GMRl, with
the exception that in (4.56) rb is used instead of Db. This will result in the following
where rb is the geometric mean radius of the bundled conductors given by (4.88) -
(4.90). The equivalent geometric mean radius for calculating the per-phase capaci
tance to neutral is
For an isolated charged conductor the electric flux lines are radial and are orthog
onal to the cylindrical equipotential surfaces. The presence of earth will alter the
distribution of electric flux lines and equipotential surfaces, which will change the
effective capacitance of the line.
The earth level is an equipotential surface, therefore the flux lines are forced
to cut the surface of the earth orthogonally. The effect of the presence of earth
can be accounted for by the method of image charges introduced by Kelvin. To
illustrate this method, consider a conductor with a charge q coulombs/meter at a
height H above ground. Also, imagine a charge -q placed at a depth H below
the surface of earth. This configuration without the presence of the earth surface
will produce the same field distribution as a single charge and the earth surface.
Thus, the earth can be replaced for the calculation of electric field potential by a
fictitious charged conductor with charge equal and opposite to the charge on the
actual conductor and at a depth below the surface of the earth the same as the
height of the actual conductor above earth. This imaginary conductor is called the
image of the actual conductor. The procedure of Section 4.13 can now be used for
the computation of the capacitance.
The effect of the earth is to increase the capacitance. But normally the height
of the conductor is large as compared to the distance between the conductors,
and the earth effect is negligible. Therefore, for all line models used for balanced
steady-state analysis, the effect of earth on the capacitance can be neglected. How
ever, for unbalanced analysis such as unbalanced faults, the earth’s effect as well
as the shield wires should be considered.
a b c
Q— r»i2 = 35'---- 0— d23 = 35'----- 0
Conductor layout for Example 4.2.
44 097
L — 0.2 In = 1.38 mH/km
and from (4.92) the capacitance per phase is
0 0556
C = f 44.097 0 0083 /iF/km
ln 0.056
a b c
0,0 O|O O|O
r—P12 = 35'- ~------ 7^23 = 35z
-D13 = 70'-
Conductor layout for Example 4.3.
The conductors have a diameter of 0.977 in and a GMR of 0.3924 in. Bundle
spacing is 18 in. Find the inductance and capacitance per phase per kilometer of
the line and compare it with that of Example 4.2.
Conductor radius is r — = 0.4885 in, and from Example 4.2 GMD =
44.097 ft. The equivalent geometric mean radius with two conductors per bundle,
for calculating inductance and capacitance, are given by (4.51) and (4.88)
Comparing with the results of Example 4.2, there is a 23.3 percent reduction in
the inductance and a 28.9 percent increase in the capacitance.
The function [GMD, GMRL, GMRC] = gmd is developed for the computa
tion of GMD, GMRl, and GMRc for single-circuit, double-circuit vertical, and
horizontal transposed lines with up to four bundled conductors. A menu is dis
played for the selection of any of the above three circuits. The user is prompted
to input the phase spacing, number of bundled conductors and their spacing, con
ductor diameter, and the GMR of the individual conductor. The specifications for
some common AC SR conductors are contained in a file named acsr.m. The com
mand acsr will display the characteristics of AC SR conductors. Also, the function
[L, C] = gmd21c in addition to the geometric mean values returns the inductance
in mH per km and the capacitance in /zF per km.
A new GUI program named lcgui is developed for the computation of trans
mission line parameters. This is a user-friendly program, which makes the data
entry for various configurations very easy.
The command acsr displays the conductor code name and the area in cmils for the
ACSR conductors. The user is then prompted to enter the conductor code name
within single quotes.
result in
a c'
OraSn = n m-o-o
Hy — 7 m
H23 = 6.5 m
0^0— S33 = 12.5 m —0-0
c a'
Conductor layout for Example 4.5.
result in
Enter (1 or 2) -> 1
Enter spacing unit within quotes ’m’ or ’ft’ —> ’m’
Enter row vector [Sil, S22, S33] = [11 16.5 12.5]
Enter row vector [H12, H23] = [7 6.5]
Cond. size, bundle spacing unit: ’em’ or ’in’ -» ’in’
Conductor diameter in inch = 1.427
Geometric Mean Radius in inch = 0.564
No. of bundled cond. (enter 1 for single cond.) = 2
Bundle spacing in inch = 18
GMD = 11.21352 m
GMRL = 1.18731 m GMRC = 1.25920 m
L = 0.4491
C = 0.0254
a b c a1 2 b' d
0— 8 m ■0 8m -0 Sn = 9 m 0 8m 0• 8 m —0
Conductor layout for Example 4.6.
result in
Transmission line magnetic fields affect objects in the proximity of the line. The
magnetic fields, related to the currents in the line, induces voltage in objects that
have a considerable length parallel to the line, such as fences, pipelines, and tele
phone wires.
The magnetic field is affected by the presence of earth return currents. Car-
son [14] presents an equation for computation of mutual resistance and inductance
which are functions of the earth’s resistivity. For balanced three-phase systems the
total earth return current is zero. Under normal operating conditions, the magnetic
field in proximity to balanced three-phase lines may be calculated considering the
currents in the conductors and neglecting earth currents.
Magnetic fields have been reported to affect blood composition, growth, be
havior, immune systems, and neural functions. There are general concerns regard
ing the biological effects of electromagnetic and electrostatic fields on people.
Long-term effects are the subject of several worldwide research efforts.
Since A12 due to It, is zero. The flux linkage between conductors 1 and
2 due to current Ic is
W)-0.24 In mWb/km
a b c
3.6 m Q 3.6 m -0
\ \ / /
Dai Da2 Dci DC2 4 m
' \ z'
® ® +
—H 1.2 mH—
Conductor layout for Example 4.6.
Thus, the induced voltage in the telephone line per kilometer length is
Transmission line electric fields affect objects in the proximity of the line. The
electric field produced by high voltage lines induces current in objects which are
in the area of the electric fields. The effects of electric fields becomes of increasing
concern at higher voltages. Electric fields, related to the voltage of the line, are the
primary cause of induction to vehicles, buildings, and objects of comparable size.
The human body is affected with exposure to electric discharges from charged
objects in the field of the line. These may be steady current or spark discharges.
The current densities in humans induced by electric fields of transmission lines are
known to be much higher than those induced by magnetic fields.
The resultant electric field in proximity to a transmission line can be obtained
by representing the earth effect by image charges located below the conductors at
a depth equal to the conductor height.
When the surface potential gradient of a conductor exceeds the dielectric strength
of the surrounding air, ionization occurs in the area close to the conductor surface.
This partial ionization is known as corona. The dielectric strength of air during fair
weather and at NTP (25°C and 76 cm of Hg) is about 30 kV/cm.
Corona produces power loss, audible hissing sound in the vicinity of the line,
ozone and radio and television interference. The audible noise is an environmental
concern and occurs in foul weather. Radio interference occurs in the AM band.
Rain and snow may produce moderate TVI in a low signal area. Corona is a func
tion of conductor diameter, line configuration, type of conductor, and condition of
its surface. Atmospheric conditions such as air density, humidity, and wind influ
ence the generation of corona. Corona losses in rain or snow are many times the
losses during fair weather. On a conductor surface, an irregularity such as a con
taminating particle causes a voltage gradient that may become the point source of
a discharge. Also, insulators are contaminated by dust or chemical deposits which
will lower the disruptive voltage and increase the corona loss. The insulators are
cleaned periodically to reduce the extent of the problem. Corona can be reduced by
increasing the conductor size and the use of conductor bundling.
The power loss associated with corona can be represented by shunt conduc
tance. However, under normal operating conditions g, which represents the resis
tive leakage between a phase and ground, has negligible effect on performance and
is customarily neglected, (i.e., g = 0).
4.1. A solid cylindrical aluminum conductor 25 km long has an area of 336,400
circular mils. Obtain the conductor resistance at (a) 20°C and (b) 50°C. The
resistivity of aluminum at 20°C is 2.8 x 10-8 Q-m.
4.4. A single-phase transmission line 35 km long consists of two solid round con
ductors, each having a diameter of 0.9 cm. The conductor spacing is 2.5 m.
Calculate the equivalent diameter of a fictitious hollow, thin-walled conduc
tor having the same equivalent inductance as the original line. What is the
value of the inductance per conductor?
4.5. Find the geometric mean radius of a conductor in terms of the radius r of an
individual strand for
(a) Three equal strands as shown in Figure 4.25(a)
(b) Four equal strands as shown in Figure 4.25(b)
(a) (b)
Cross section of the stranded conductor for Problem 4.5.
4.6. One circuit of a single-phase transmission line is composed of three solid 0.5-
cm radius wires. The return circuit is composed of two solid 2.5-cm radius
wires. The arrangement of conductors is as shown in Figure 4.26. Applying
the concept of the GMD and GMR, find the inductance of the complete line
in millihenry per kilometer.
Transmission line electric fields affect objects in the proximity of the line. The
electric field produced by high voltage lines induces current in objects which are
in the area of the electric fields. The effects of electric fields becomes of increasing
concern at higher voltages. Electric fields, related to the voltage of the line, are the
primary cause of induction to vehicles, buildings, and objects of comparable size.
The human body is affected with exposure to electric discharges from charged
objects in the field of the line. These may be steady current or spark discharges.
The current densities in humans induced by electric fields of transmission lines are
known to be much higher than those induced by magnetic fields.
The resultant electric field in proximity to a transmission line can be obtained
by representing the earth effect by image charges located below the conductors at
a depth equal to the conductor height.
When the surface potential gradient of a conductor exceeds the dielectric strength
of the surrounding air, ionization occurs in the area close to the conductor surface.
This partial ionization is known as corona. The dielectric strength of air during fair
weather and at NTP (25°C and 76 cm of Hg) is about 30 kV/cm.
Corona produces power loss, audible hissing sound in the vicinity of the line,
ozone and radio and television interference. The audible noise is an environmental
concern and occurs in foul weather. Radio interference occurs in the AM band.
Rain and snow may produce moderate TVI in a low signal area. Corona is a func
tion of conductor diameter, line configuration, type of conductor, and condition of
its surface. Atmospheric conditions such as air density, humidity, and wind influ
ence the generation of corona. Corona losses in rain or snow are many times the
losses during fair weather. On a conductor surface, an irregularity such as a con
taminating particle causes a voltage gradient that may become the point source of
a discharge. Also, insulators are contaminated by dust or chemical deposits which
will lower the disruptive voltage and increase the corona loss. The insulators are
cleaned periodically to reduce the extent of the problem. Corona can be reduced by
increasing the conductor size and the use of conductor bundling.
The power loss associated with corona can be represented by shunt conduc
tance. However, under normal operating conditions g, which represents the resis
tive leakage between a phase and ground, has negligible effect on performance and
is customarily neglected, (i.e., g = 0).
4.1. A solid cylindrical aluminum conductor 25 km long has an area of 336,400
circular mils. Obtain the conductor resistance at (a) 20°C and (b) 50°C. The
resistivity of aluminum at 20°C is 2.8 x 10~8 Q-m.
4.4. A single-phase transmission line 35 km long consists of two solid round con
ductors, each having a diameter of 0.9 cm. The conductor spacing is 2.5 m.
Calculate the equivalent diameter of a fictitious hollow, thin-walled conduc
tor having the same equivalent inductance as the original line. What is the
value of the inductance per conductor?
4.5. Find the geometric mean radius of a conductor in terms of the radius r of an
individual strand for
(a) Three equal strands as shown in Figure 4.25(a)
(b) Four equal strands as shown in Figure 4.25(b)
C ross section of the stranded conductor for Problem 4.5.
4.6. One circuit of a single-phase transmission line is composed of three solid 0.5-
cm radius wires. The return circuit is composed of two solid 2.5-cm radius
wires. The arrangement of conductors is as shown in Figure 4.26. Applying
the concept of the GMD and GMR, find the inductance of the complete line
in millihenry per kilometer.
0-5 m—0—5 m—0 10 m 0-5 m-0
s------------- v-------------/
Conductor x Conductor y
Conductor layout for Problem 4.6.
a b c
0— D 0 D —0
- ------------------- 2D ------------------- -
Conductor layout for Problem 4.7.
a 6 c
Q— D12 -8m —Q— £>23 = 8 m —Q
Conductor layout for Problem 4.8 (b).
4.9. A three-phase transposed line is composed of one ACSR, 1,431,000-cmil,
47/7 Bobolink conductor per phase with flat horizontal spacing of 11 m as
shown in Figure 4.30. The conductors have a diameter of 3.625 cm and a
GMR of 1.439 cm. The line is to be replaced by a three-conductor bun
dle of ACSR, 477,000-cmil, 26/7 Hawk conductors having the same cross-
sectional area of aluminum as the single-conductor line. The conductors have
a diameter of 2.1793 cm and a GMR of 0.8839 cm. The new line will also
have a flat horizontal configuration, but it is to be operated at a higher volt
age and therefore the phase spacing is increased to 14 m as measured from
the center of the bundles as shown in Figure 4.31. The spacing between the
conductors in the bundle is 45 cm. Determine
(a) The percentage change in the inductance.
(b) The percentage change in the capacitance.
a b c
Q— £>12 = 11 m —— £>23 = 11 m —
-----------------------Du — 22 m------------------------ *•
Conductor layout for Problem 4.9 (a).
Conductor layout for Problem 4.9 (b).
*<-------------------- Dis — 28 m
Conductor layout for Problem 4.10.
Hu — 10 m
H'23 — 9m
O^e— SC1C2 17 m
Conductor layout for Problem 4.11.
Conductor layout for Problem 4.13.
4.15. Since earth is an equipotential plane, the electric flux lines are forced to cut
the surface of the earth orthogonally. The earth effect can be represented by
placing an oppositely charged conductor a depth H below the surface of the
earth as shown in Figure 4.37(a). This configuration without the presence
a b c
Q----- 4 m ------ @----- 4 m------- Q
d e
Conductor layout for Problem 4.14.
of the earth will produce the same field as a single charge and the earth sur
face. This imaginary conductor is called the image conductor. Figure 4.37(b)
shows a single-phase line with its image conductors. Find the potential dif
ference Vab and show that the equivalent capacitance to neutral is given by
q qa qb = ~qa
✓ ' I ' X
/ X
/ >' I ' ' X
/ f
i I V \
h\ '
I I I I » \
i I I I ‘
) I V
i t 1
I I i I
1 I / t
\ t I I I
\ / !
\ I J
I 1
~q q<i qb
(a) Earth plane replaced (b) Single-phase line and its image
by image conductor
Conductor layout for Problem 4.15.