Assessing The Level of Scientific Literacy Ability of Fresh Science Education Students in Tertiary Institutions in South-South Nigeria
Assessing The Level of Scientific Literacy Ability of Fresh Science Education Students in Tertiary Institutions in South-South Nigeria
Assessing The Level of Scientific Literacy Ability of Fresh Science Education Students in Tertiary Institutions in South-South Nigeria
Owo. W. J, Green. B.
Department of Integrated Science, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt
Abstract: The changing and demanding nature of the world around us requires man to advance
his knowledge and skills for him to be able to cope with the changes and demands. This survey
study therefore assesses the level of scientific literacy (SL) ability of year one science education
students in tertiary institutions in South- South Nigeria using a scientific literacy test (SLT)
developed by the researchers based on three competencies (explaining phenomena scientifically,
designing and evaluating science investigations, and interpreting data and evidence
scientifically). The instrument was administered on a sample of 2,025 students in the 2022/2023
session from selected institutions. Results showed that majority of the students have low ability
to design and evaluate investigations, and low ability to interpret data and evidence. However, a
good proportion of them show high ability in explaining phenomena and high ability in the
overall SL. The results implicitly revealed integrated science (ITS) education students to be
better in all the three competencies and the overall SL than their colleagues in biology, chemistry
and physics education. It was recommended that science teachers, students and government
should play their roles to ensure meaningful science teaching and learning in schools as to help
the students gain higher scientific literacy.
Keywords: Scientific literacy, Science, education, students.
Globally science education is recognized as the tool that transforms the individual as well as the
society. It provides man with skills necessary for him to function and be relevant in any
environment he finds himself. The increasing importance of science has made every nation to
introduce science subjects into the school curriculum and is compulsorily learnt by the citizens
either at the primary, secondary or tertiary level of education.
Science is a way of knowing and its learning helps man gain knowledge about the nature,
interactions and uses of things in the universe. The learning of science encourages the
development of scientific skills such as critical and logical thinking, problem-solving skill,
intrapersonal and interpersonal skills that are crucial for man to develop their full potential,
survive, work and improve himself and the environment. These skills and abilities are needed by
science students especially the would-be science teachers to equip them in science teaching to
promote science learning. DeBoer's (2000) comprehensive analysis of the historical development
of science education revealed the existence of a minimum of nine discrete objectives associated
with science education, all of which are intricately linked to the overarching objective of
fostering scientific literacy.
In the comity of scientists, scientific literacy has come to be an important global discourse in
relation to the aims and relevance of science education (McGregor &Kearton, 2010). For,
according to Osborne (2007) the primary goal of any science education should be to develop
scientific literacy. Gyllenpalm et al. (2010) highlighted scientific literacy as a general goal of
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science education, stressing that students need to develop in scientific knowledge and
understanding about scientific concepts and skills.
The concept of scientific literacy lacks a universally agreed-upon definition (Millar, 2008;
Osborne, 2007). Instead, multiple definitions exist, influenced by various perspectives and
interpretations (Fensham, 2004; Kolstø, 2001). However, all these definitions emphasise the
importance of students' capacity to apply scientific knowledge in addressing real-world issues
that are relevant to their daily lives (DeBoer, 2000; Ajayi, 2018). Scientific literacy, as defined
by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), refers to the ability to utilise
scientific knowledge to discern inquiries and formulate evidence-based inferences, thereby
comprehending and facilitating decision-making regarding the natural environment and the
modifications induced by human actions (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development, 2013). Science literacy necessitates individuals to possess knowledge and
comprehension of scientific principles, procedures, and applications, enabling them to effectively
employ scientific methods to address human, environmental, and social challenges encountered
in daily existence.
However, Norris and Phillips (2003) have posited that scientific literacy encompasses various
components, namely: (i) a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and
principles of science, and the ability to differentiate them from non-scientific information, (ii) a
comprehension of the relevance and significance of science, (iii) knowledge of the characteristics
and criteria that define scientific inquiry, (iv) the freedom to engage in the process of learning
about science, (v) the capacity to think in a scientific manner, (vi) the ability to apply scientific
knowledge to solve problems, (vii) the acquisition of knowledge necessary for informed
participation in science-related matters, (viii) an understanding of the nature of science and its
interaction with culture, (ix) an appreciation for and comfort with science, including its capacity
to inspire wonder and curiosity, (x) the capability to comprehend the risks and benefits
associated with scientific advancements, and (xi) the aptitude to critically analyse scientific
information and effectively engage with scientific expertise.
To Simpson and Anderson (1981:96), one is said to be scientifically literate if he/she;
Demonstrates proficiency in comprehending and applying fundamental concepts, principles,
laws, and theories of science in appropriate contexts.
Exhibits a comprehensive understanding of the nature of science and the scientific
Utilises scientific processes effectively for problem-solving, decision-making, and other
applicable purposes.
Recognises the interdependence between science, technology, and society, and
comprehends their reciprocal interactions.
Possesses a well-developed set of science-related skills that facilitate successful engagement
in various careers, leisure activities, and other roles.
Exhibits attitudes and values that align with those upheld by the scientific community and a
society that values freedom.
Cultivates interests that contribute to personal fulfilment, enhanced quality of life, and a
lifelong commitment to science and continuous learning.
A scientifically literate person can survive in the face of fast-paced social life with changes in
lifestyle. Scientific literacy is connected to several competencies, having knowledge and
understanding, and the capacity to co-opt scientific values (Sengdala &Yuenyong, 2021).
Scientific literacy is a major goal of science education. This central goal for teaching science at
schools can only be achieved when the schools (through the teachers) develop and promote in
learners the understanding of the following values which underlie science and to a large extent
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Research Questions
1. What is the level of students’ ability to explain phenomena scientifically?
2. Will the level of students’ ability to design and evaluates science investigations be high or
3. What is the level of students’ ability to interpret data and evidence scientifically?
4. Will the students have high level of scientific literacy?
The research design utilised in this study was descriptive in nature. The study employed a
combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies to gather data (McCombes, 2019).
The subjects consisted of 2,025 fresh (year 1) science education students in the 2022/2023
academic session, specifically, those studying education combined with either, biology (BIO),
chemistry (CHE), Integrated science (ITS), and physics (PHY) in selected tertiary schools in
South-South, Nigeria.
The instrument used to gather data was scientific literacy test (SLT) developed by the
researchers based on the three science literacy competencies advocated by OECD (2013), which
include explaining phenomena scientifically, designing and evaluating science investigations,
and interpreting data and evidence scientifically. SLT consisted of 40 multiple choice objective
questions and 20 essay questions covering selected topics in basic biology, chemistry and
physics. The test was subjected to content, construct and face validity. Its reliability value was
Before engaging the subjects in the study, consent was obtained from the Dean of faculty, Head
of Departments as well as the subjects. Afterward, the subjects were given the SLT to respond to.
In some of the institutions, the instrument was administered by research assistants.
Data analysis
Responses from the subjects were scored (For the multiple choice, correct option =1mark, wrong
option = 0, and Essay = 3marks each), and then analysed using percentage.
Table 1 shows science education students’ ability to explain phenomena scientifically. It shows
that while 22.57% of the total respondents have low ability, 77.43% of them possessed high
ability to scientifically explain phenomena. The table also indicated that the average score for the
students was 71.11%. On the percentage responses classified by course of study, the table
indicates that while low level of students’ ability to explain phenomena decreases in the order:
PHY (34.16%) > CHE (25.31%) BIO(21.95%) > ITS (12.50%), the high ability followed the
sequence: ITS (87.50%) >BIO (78.05%)> CHE (74.69%) >PHY(65.84%).
Table 1: Levels of students’ ability to explain phenomena scientifically
0- 49 457 (22.57%) 178 165 45 69 Low
(21.95%) (25.31%) (12.50%) (34.16%)
50- 1568 (77.43%) 633 487 315 133 High
Above (78.05%) (74.69%) (87.50%) (65.84%)
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However, considering literacy of the respondents by course of study, the table revealed that,
while the percentage of students with low ability level of SL follows the order: PHY(50.99%) >
BIO (48.09%) > CHE(44.32%) >ITS(35.0%), the high level SL is in the order: ITS (65.0%) >
CHE (55.67%) > BIO(51.91%)> PHY(49.01%). This implies that above half of the science
education students are scientifically literate with the exception of their counterparts in physics
education. However, integrated science education students are more scientifically literate than
their colleagues in chemistry, physics and biology education.
Table 4: Level of scientific literacy of science education students
0- 49 908 (44.84%) 390 289 126 103 Low
(48.09%) (44.32%) (35.0%) (50.99%)
acquiring low SL. Science students in some schools have not perform a single science practical
or experiments either because of lack of facilities or the teacher could not engage the students in
practical classes (Yuliati, 2017 in Fitria, 2022). Again, some teachers teach students to pass with
high grade rather than helping them to see the importance of science learning in equipping them
with skills and competencies to be able to face problems in everyday life (Laslo & Baram-
Tsabari, 2021). Many of the strategies promote memorization than critical thinking (Aina, 2017).
Strategies such as guided discovery (Chatila & Sweid, 2020), scientific argument (Soysal,
2015).collaborative learning (Sekerci & Canpolat (2014) could be utilized to develop and
promote students’ SL. According to Agustin and Supahar (2021) the mode of science teaching
and learning that does not change or give room for the learner to actively engage in learning but
only aims enhancing students’ test scores cannot enhance students' scientific literacy skills.
Purwani (2018) profess that student scientific literacy competencies can be improved or obtained
if students are learning with scientific problems. The students need to be taught with scientific
problems capable of engaging them in learning that will cause them to be motivated and curious
to go into discovery and inquiry.
Students’ ability to interpret data and evidence scientifically was found to be low. This finding is
in accord with the finding of Sutrisna & Anhar (2020) and Henukh et al. (2021) but in disaccord
with the finding of Noor (2021). Henukh et al. (2021) reported that the average score obtained by
students was 49% while Noor (2021) reported 60 % for Malaysian student. Again, the low ability
of students to interpret data and evidence could be attributed to the teachers role in science
teaching, student’ learning and evaluation of science learning. The pattern of teaching and
evaluation of science has great influence on the way students learn. Instead of presenting science
to students using strategies and materials that promote analytical thinking skill that can help
them to interpret or give meanings to data and evidence, science teachers adopt strategies that
encourage memorization. For example, some teachers often evaluate science leaning with
questions that require students to list, mention, state or define instead of questions that will
require them to distinguish between A and B, calculate or deduce from the information presented
in charts, tables or diagrams amongst others.
The success of scientific literacy hinges on the role played by the teacher throughout the learning
process. It is the teacher that plans and execute the learning the learning process. His efforts can
bring the students to gain or improve their scientific literacy skills and so improve scientific
literacy in schools (Adnan , et al, 2021 in Fitria, 2022 ) or mar students’ acquisition of scientific
literacy skills
Although the average score of the overall scientific literacy presented in table 4 is lower than
24.4 (68.6%) reported by Garner-O’Neale and Ogunkola (2015) for undergraduate chemistry
students in Barbados, the result demonstrated that many of the students showed good level of
scientific literacy. This result corresponds with that of Murti and Aminah (2018) which found
out that the average score for Indonesian students was 59.6%.
Worthy of note is the highest proportion of ITS students with high ability level in all theSL
competencies stated above as well as in the overall SL measured. This indicates that, among the
fields of study in science education, ITS has the highest proportion of students that are
scientifically literate. This outcome of the study does not come as a surprise. The study of
Integrated Science (ITS) offers students numerous possibilities to gain a full understanding of
nature due to its foundation in the interconnectedness of the cosmos. This approach provides a
wide range of evidence that contributes to a holistic comprehension of the natural world. The
study of integrated science provides learners with the opportunity to develop a knowledge of the
underlying interconnectedness of scientific disciplines, the shared methodologies employed in
addressing scientific problems, and the practical applications of science in daily life.
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