1980-Axons From CNS Neurones Regenerate Into PNS Grafts
1980-Axons From CNS Neurones Regenerate Into PNS Grafts
1980-Axons From CNS Neurones Regenerate Into PNS Grafts
13. Stouffer, R. L., Nixon, W. E .. Gulyas, B. J. & Hodgen, G. D. Endocrinology 100,506-511 avulsed dorsal root ganglia contained a mean of 5,850 myel-
14. Williams, M. T., Roth, M. S., Marsh, J. M. & LeMaire, W. J. J. c/in. Endocr. Metab. 48, inated axons (s.e. = 510, n = 6); those in rats with intact spinal
437-440 (1979). roots and ganglia contained a mean of 10,950 myelinated axons
IS. Bernard, J. J. Reprod. Fert. 43,453-460 (1975). (s.e. = 1,660, n = 5). These results suggest that dorsal and
16. Goldenberg, R. L., Bridson, W. E. & Kohler, P. 0. Biochem. biophys. Res. Commun. 48,
101-108 (1972). ventral roots contributed to the innervation of the grafts but
17. Thanki, K. H. & Channing, C. P. Endocrinology 103, 74-80 (1978). were not the sole source of axons. They do not exclude the
18. Rolland, R., Gunsalus, G. L. & Hammond, J. M. Endocrinology 98, 1083-1091 (1976).
19. McNatty, K. P .. Hunter, W., McNeilly, A. S. & Sawers, R. S. J. Endocr. 64, 555-571 (1975). possibility that the grafts were entirely innervated by axons
20. Eiler, H. & Nalbandov, A. V. Endocrinology 100, 331-338 (1977). originating from dorsal root ganglia and motor neurones 12 .
21. Hammond, J. M. & Krall, E. Biochem. biophys. Res. Commun. 91, 284-288, 1979.
22. Gibori, G., Richards, J. S. & Keyes, P. L. in Ovarian Follicular and Corpus-Luteum A third group of experiments were carried out to identify the
Function, 112 (eds Channing, C. P., Marsh, J. & Sadler, W. A.) 53-69 (Plenum, New cellular origin of axons in the graft. In 15 rats, a segment of the
York, 1979). spinal cord at least 10 mm long was removed and a sciatic nerve
23. Thorneycroft, I. H. & Stone, S.C. Contraception 5, 129-136 (1972).
graft of equal length was inserted. The roots were left intact.
Three to four months later the operative site was re-exposed and
horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was injected into the spinal cord
immediately rostral or caudal to the graft. After 2 more days,
Axons from CNS neurones each animal was killed and labelled neurones were sought in a
regenerate into PNS grafts 10-mm segment of the non-injected spinal cord stump,
immediately adjacent to the graft (Fig. 1). After injection rostral
to the graft, the mean number of labelled neurones seen in the
P.M. Richardson, U. M. McGuinness & A. J. Aguayo caudal spinal cord stump was 48 (0, 8, 28, 40, 169); after
The Neurosciences Unit, Montreal General Hospital and injection caudal to the graft, the mean number in the rostral
McGill University, 1650 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, Canada H3G 1A4 stump was 6 (0, 0, 1, 6, 23). In five control animals, the graft was
crushed with jeweller's forceps immediately before HRP
injection and no HRP was seen 2 d later in spinal neurones on
Axons in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and central the other side of the graft. We conclude that neurones in the
nervous system (CNS) form sprouts after injury1- 3 • Elongation experimental groups were not labelled spuriously because of
of regenerating axonal sprouts has been observed as the excep· interstitial diffusion through the graft, flow in the cerebrospinal
tion within the adult mammalian CNS but is the rule in the PNS fluid or extravasation into the systemic vasculature. Labelling is
of mammals as weD as in the CNS of some fish and amphibians 4 • thought to have resulted from incorporation of HRP into axon
The relative importance of intrinsic neuronal properties and terminals at or near the spinal cord-graft junction and retro-
axonal environment in determining the extent of axonal grade axonal transport across the graft to perikarya in the
regrowth is unknown5 • Neuroglial cells, nerve growth factor and adjacent spinal cord. In segments below the graft, labelled
target tissues such as smooth muscle are known to influence
neuronal responses to injury6 ' 7 , Here we have examined the
capacity of transected axons originating in the CNS to regrow
into nerve grafts containing Schwann cells.
The surgical technique used, a modification of that previously
described 8 ·9 , was carried out in young adult Sprague-Dawley
rats. In the first group of 16 animals, a 5-mm segment of the
midthoracic spinal cord was removed and an autologous sciatic
nerve graft was inserted sub-pially between the two stumps of
the spinal cord. One to four months later, the animals were
anaesthetised and perfused. The grafts and adjacent spinal cord
tissue were examined by light and electron microscopy. The
perineurium surrounding the common peroneal and posterior
tibial fascicles of the sciatic nerve was clearly identifiable in
cross-sections through the middle of the graft and contained
many myelinated or unmyelinated axons ensheathed by
Schwann cells. The ultrastructural appearance of each graft was
similar to that of a regenerated peripheral nerve. The grafts were
in gross continuity with the proximal and distal spinal cord Fig. 1 Left, 2-4 months after the original operation, HRP (20%
stumps. At the spinal cord-graft interfaces, small cysts were Sigma VI) was injected through a glass pipette into the spinal cord
frequently found but were rarely greater than 1 mm in diameter. immediately rostral (or caudal) to the sciatic nerve graft. The
In electron micrographs, the marginal spinal cord tissue was injection of small quantities of HRP (0.5 J..LI in 30 min) was designed
seen to contain many astrocytic processes and to be surrounded to minimise the possibility of a false positive result due to the
by a basal lamina. Small, irregular dome-like neuroglial struc- extravasation of enzyme and not to label every axon crossing the
tures were observed to protrude towards the graft at the ragged graft. Vaseline was spread extradurally and subdurally about the
edge of the spinal cord tissue. These protuberances resemble graft before injection, dry cotton batting was placed about the
pipette during the injection and mineral oil was injected through
structures seen at the interface of optic nerve grafts and the pipette as it was withdrawn. Two days later, the animal was
peripheral nerves 10 and also at the normal dorsal root entry perfused with glutaraldehyde. From a 10-mm segment of the spinal
zone 11 • Occasional fibres were found where the axon was sur- cord immediately across the graft from the injection site, specimens
rounded by peripheral myelin (periodicity 15.0 nm) and were removed and rinsed overnight in sucrose buffer. Approxi-
Schwann cell cytoplasm on one side of a node of Ranvier and mately 300 sections, each 20 J..Lm thick, were cut on a freezing
central myelin (periodicity 13.6 nm) and astrocytic processes on microtome, mounted, incubated with tetramethyl benzidine and
the other. From these morphological observations we conclude hydrogen peroxide and counterstained with neutral red 24 . Right,
that some axons crossed the border between the graft and spinal composite diagram illustrating the position of labelled nerve cell
cord, although the direction in which they grew could not be bodies in the spinal grey matter below the graft in four animals after
HRP injection above the graft. Each animal is represented by a
different symbol. Few neurones are labelled in the tips of the dorsal
Because of the potential ability of axons in the dorsal and horns and in the lateral portion of the anterior horns. Because of
ventral spinal roots to innervate such grafts, all roots crossing the the small amount of HRP injected and the short length of the spinal
pia-arachnoid at the graft site as well as the corresponding dorsal cord surveyed, it is assumed that more spinal neurones project into
root ganglia were avulsed in other rats. Grafts in rats with the graft than are shown here.
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