YC4A90 T20 (A93A1) 中英文图册
YC4A90 T20 (A93A1) 中英文图册
YC4A90 T20 (A93A1) 中英文图册
Parts Catalogue of YC4A90-T20(A93A1) Diesel Engine
2015 年 1 月
前 言 Foreword
感谢您选用广西玉柴机器股份有限公司的产品,并感谢您阅读《 YC4A90-T20(A93A1)柴油机零件图册》!
Thanks for using Yuchai engine and reading the “Parts Catalogue of YC4A90-T20(A93A1) Diesel Engine”!
玉柴的服务宗旨是:“倾我所有、尽我所能、竭诚用户、诚信天下”,为了更好地履行玉柴的服务宗旨,我们编印了《 YC4A90-T20(A93A1)柴油机零
The service principles of Yuchai are to try our best to serve you,and serve you wholeheartedly and faithfully.In oder to carry out
them better,we edit and print Parts Catalog of YC4A90-T20(A93A1), for your reference only. We hope this catalog can let users know
better about our products’construct and configuration.
随着产品技术和生产的不断改进和发展, 《 YC4A90-T20(A93A1)柴油机零件图册》中的有关内容将会有不同程度的变更,变更不再另行通知特请用户
With the product improvement, part of content will change to some extend, and please note that Yuchai don’t notice anymore. If users
want to get the latest information, please contact us.
Deficiencies may appear in this“Part Catalogue of YC4A90-T20(A93A1) Diesel Engine”, and your comments and suggestions are
appreciated honestly!
Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Co. Ltd.
序号 No. 图号 Part No. 名 称 Descriptions 页数 Page 备注 Remark
1 D7QGN-1001000/01 发动机悬置总成 Engine Suspension Assembly
2 A94G4-1002000/02 气缸体总成 Cylinder Block Assembly
3 B7B01-1002200/14 齿轮室部件 Gear Housing Parts
Cylinder Head& Cylinder Head Cover
4 B7B01-1003000/07 气缸盖及气缸盖罩总成
5 A8300-1004000/01 活塞及连杆总成 Piston Connecting Rod Assembly
6 A8601-1005000/03 曲轴减震器总成 Crankshaft Vibration Damper Assembly
7 A8600-1006000/02 凸轮轴总成 Camshaft Assembly
8 B8800-1007000/04 配气机构总成 Valve Train Assembly
D7019-1008100/05& 进气管部件&进气接管部
9 Intake Pipe Assembly
D7019-1008500/04 件
10 D7100-1008200/07 排气管部件 Exhaust Pipe Assembly
11 油底壳总成&油标尺总成 Oil Sump Assembly& Oil Dipstick Assembly
12 A8601-1010000/04 机油集滤器总成 Oil Collector Assembly
13 B8800-1011000/07 机油泵总成 Oil Pump Subassembly
14 B8805-1012000/02 机油滤清器部件 Oil Filter Assembly
15 BY4T6-1013000/01 机油冷却器总成 Oil Cooler Assembly
16 A93A1-1104000/01 供给系管路总成 Fuel Supply Pipeline Assembly
17 A8WG9-1105000/01 柴油滤清器总成 Fuel Filter Assembly
18 D7QGN-1109000/03 空气滤清器总成 Filter assembly
19 A93A0-1111000/01 喷油泵总成 Injection Pump Assembly
20 J3200-1112000/05 喷油器总成 Injector Assembly
21 A93A1-1130000/01 喷油泵附件总成 Pump annex assembly
22 A93A1-1201000/01 消声器总成 Muffler assembly
B7B06-1303000/01& 散热器水管及软管总成& Radiator Water Pipe Assembly&
B7A00-1306000/13 调温器总成 Thermostat Assembly
24 631-1305000/08 放水开关总成 Water Drain Cock Assembly
25 A93A1-1307000/02 水泵总成 Water Pump Assembly
26 A93A1-1308000/01 风扇总成 Fan Assembly
27 BY5G0-1600000/01 动力输出总成 Power Output Assembly
28 A93A1-3509000/02 气制动空气压缩机总成 Pneumatic Air Compressor Assembly
29 B7B09-3701000/03 发电机总成 Alternator Assembly
30 D7QGF-3708000/01 起动机总成 Starter Assembly
31 B0000-3904000/01 铭牌 Data Plate
EWP=Easy wear part (易损件)
图 Drawing