Posibilidad Acido Lactico

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pubs.acs.org/journal/ascecg Research Article

Sustainable Lactic Acid Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass

Yalin Li, Sarang S. Bhagwat, Yoel R. Cortés-Peña, Dongwon Ki, Christopher V. Rao, Yong-Su Jin,
and Jeremy S. Guest*
Cite This: ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2021, 9, 1341−1351 Read Online

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sı Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Lignocellulosic biomass is a promising feedstock for

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sustainable biofuels and bioproducts. Among emerging bio-

products, lactic acid has attracted significant interest because of
its growing application in many industries (e.g., packaging,
medical, and pharmaceutical). In this study, BioSTEAMan
Downloaded via on August 9, 2023 at 23:35:48 (UTC).

open-source platformwas leveraged for the design, simulation,

and evaluation (via techno-economic analysis, TEA, and life cycle
assessment, LCA) of lignocellulosic lactic acid biorefineries. With a
minimum product selling price (MPSP) between $1.38 and 1.91
kg−1 (5th−95th percentiles, baseline at $1.57 kg−1), the biorefinery
was capable of producing market-competitive lactic acid (market price between $1.7 and 2.1 kg−1), and its performance could be
further enhanced (e.g., MPSP down to $1.09 kg−1, global warming potential of 2.79 kg CO2-eq·kg−1, and fossil energy consumption
of 31.7 MJ·kg−1) with advancements in key technological parameters (fermentation yield and separation process conversions) and
optimization in process operation. Sensitivity analyses focused on the fermentation unit (across titer, yield, and productivity; neutral
vs low-pH fermentation) and feedstock characteristics (carbohydrate content and price) were also included to quantify their impact
on the sustainability of the biorefinery. Overall, this research highlights the ability of agile TEA/LCA to screen promising biorefinery
designs, prioritize research needs, and establish a road map for the continued development of bioproducts and biofuels.
KEYWORDS: biorefinery design, techno-economic analysis (TEA), life cycle assessment (LCA), sensitivity, uncertainty, fermentation,
carbohydrate content, feedstock price

It is critical for the society to displace the use of fossil fuels to
and beverages (as an acidulant, in preservative and flavoring
agents, etc.); its polymers (e.g., polylactic acid) and esters (e.g.,
curb greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.1 ethyl lactate) are increasingly used in packing, medical,
Although petrochemicals only make up 16% of the oil-derived pharmaceutical, and food industries because of their
products in the U.S., their total value is on par with petroleum biodegradable and biocompatible properties.9 Currently, lactic
fuels (gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel), which represent 76% of oil- acid is predominantly (around 90%) produced from
derived products.2 To decarbonize the economy, a range of fermentation of 1G sugars (e.g., corn starch and sugarcane
technologies to produce petrochemical alternatives from first- juice);4,9 if it can be made profitably and with lesser
and second-generation (1G and 2G) feedstocks have been environmental impacts, 2G (e.g., lignocellulose-derived) lactic
proposed and some 1G bioproducts have been commercial- acid and its derivatives may expedite the phasing out of high-
ized. Because of their noncompetitiveness with food supply volume, energy- and emission-intensive fossil-based plastics
and their potential to be provided at lower prices in large and toxic solvents such as N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP),
quantities (e.g., sufficient to displace 30% of U.S. petroleum toluene, acetone, and xylene.11
consumption3) across a wide range of geographic locations,3,4 Despite recent achievements and ongoing efforts in
2G feedstocks have been found to reduce life cycle lignocellulose-derived lactic acid production (e.g., feedstock
environmental impacts of biofuels relative to 1G feedstocks,5,6 supply12,13 and mutagenesis and metabolic engineering of
further motivating a shift in focus from 1G to 2G bioproducts. microorganisms10 ), published techno-economic analyses
Among the emerging bioproducts, lactic acid is one of the
most promising given its fast-growing market (projected
average annual growth rate >5% between 2018 and Received: November 3, 2020
20237−9). It has two optical enantiomersL-(+)-lactic acid Revised: December 22, 2020
and D-(−)-lactic acidthat can be obtained by microbial Published: January 12, 2021
fermentation, but the L-form is the dominant commercial
product and will be the focus of this study.9,10 Lactic acid and
its salts (e.g., calcium lactate) have been widely used in food

© 2021 American Chemical Society https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c08055

1341 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2021, 9, 1341−1351
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Figure 1. Simplified block flow diagram for conversion and separation processes. (A) Three conversion configurations were considered in this
study, and each of them was evaluated under (B) neutral and low-pH fermentation scenarios. Two separation configurations were designed to
accommodate the two fermentation scenarios (the two configurations were consistent for all three conversion configurations). In low-pH
fermentation, step 2 (dashed rectangle and associated chemical streams) was eliminated as lactic acid would not be converted to calcium lactate.
Acronyms in the figure denote solid/liquid separation (S/L separation) and wastewater treatment (WWT). Some streams are not included for
figure clarity; the process diagram flow in the system report includes the full set of details.27

(TEAs) and life cycle assessments (LCAs) of lactic acid productivity combinations) and to set targets for future
biorefineries have primarily focused on single or discrete sets of research. We further connected the design and performance
assumptions without the flexibility to account for the variations of the biorefinery to the feedstock supply chain by assessing
in feedstocks or to evaluate the implications of technological the implications of different feedstock carbohydrate contents
advancements on biorefinery sustainability (in both economic and prices. Altogether, conclusions from this study provide
and environmental aspects) under uncertainty. Therefore, this critical insights into the prioritization of research and
disconnect between the rapidly evolving state-of-technology development in multiple disciplines along the lactic acid
and static constrained approaches to TEA and LCA limits the value chain, supporting the continued advancement toward a
utility of system analyses, underscoring the need for more sustainable bioeconomy.

robust methodologies to explore the potential for the
sustainable production of lignocellulose-derived lactic acid METHODS
under uncertainty.
System Description. The biorefinery includes three inside-
The objective of this study was to characterize the potential battery-limit processes (pretreatment, conversion, and separation)
for sustainable lactic acid production from lignocellulosic and two outside-battery-limit processes (wastewater treatment and
feedstocks. To this end, we leveraged BioSTEAM, an open- facilities; Figure S1 in the Supporting Information). Incoming
source platform in Python,14−16 for the design, simulation, and lignocellulosic feedstocks (2000 metric tonnes per day as in Humbird
evaluation (via TEA and LCA) of biorefineries. Compared to et al.,18 representing all feedstocks available within a 50 mile radius;
conventional process simulation tools (e.g., Aspen Plus), the baseline composition of the feedstock was set to be the same as in
ability of BioSTEAM to automate system design and Humbird et al.18), which have been preprocessed to meet the quality
simulation allows for agile and rapid uncertainty and sensitivity specifications (e.g., size, ash, and moisture19), are pretreated with
analyses, enabling in-depth assessment of the variations in dilute sulfuric acid to depolymerize the majority of the hemicellulose
and a minor fraction of cellulose (i.e., glucan) into their respective
biorefinery performance and identification of key factors
sugar oligomers and monomers. The pretreated slurry is then
driving cost and environmental impacts.14−17 In particular, conditioned and sent to the conversion process for saccharification
we designed three different conversion (saccharification and (enzymatic hydrolysis) of cellulose and fermentation of glucose and
fermentation) configurations and two scenarios (neutral and xylose to L-(+)-lactic acid. Although emerging pretreatment
low-pH fermentation) to evaluate the system across the entire technologies such as ionic liquid20 and deacetylation and mechanical
fermentation design space (i.e., all possible titer, yield, and refining21 can lead to higher solid loading (which is beneficial for

1342 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c08055
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Figure 2. Uncertainties (box and whisker plots) and breakdowns (stacked bar charts) of (A) minimum product selling price (MPSP), (B) 100-year
global warming potential (GWP100), and (C) fossil energy consumption (FEC). Whiskers, boxes, and the middle line represent 5th/95th, 25th/
75th, and 50th percentiles from 1000 Monte Carlo simulation, respectively. Diamonds and stacked bar charts report results for baseline values. In
panel (B), P and C for natural gas represent emissions associated with production and onsite combustion, respectively. Tabulated breakdown data
for capital and material costs, heating and cooling duties, electricity usage, GWP100, and FEC are available online.27

downstream processes), their current costs remain prohibitively acid and gypsum (CaSO4), but this step is eliminated in the low-pH
high22,23 and they were thus not considered in this study. fermentation scenario. The crude lactic acid stream is then purified by
Three configurations for the conversion process were designed to esterification (lactic acid to ethyl lactate) and hydrolysis (ethyl lactate
evaluate the biorefinery across the entire titer−yield fermentation to lactic acid) coupled with distillation and flash for light and heavy
performance space (Figure 1A, described in the Supporting impurity removal. The final product is 88% L-(+)-lactic acid (on
Information): (configuration 1) dilution of the saccharified stream weight basis) with majority of the impurities being water and ethyl
with batch fermentation; (configuration 2) concentration of the lactate. Although alternative technologies (e.g., solvent extraction and
saccharified stream via multi-effect evaporation with batch fermenta- electrodialysis; more details in Section S1.2 in the Supporting
tion; and (configuration 3) concentration of the saccharified stream Information) have been considered for the separation process, the
with continuous fermentation. Through a preliminary analysis, each of sequential esterification−hydrolysis technology selected for this study
these configurations was demonstrated to be the optimal choice for is the most mature one with successful industrial application at the
the specific titer−yield combinations across the cost and environ- commercial scale.9,25,26
mental impact metrics examined in this study (more details in the Wastewater streams are treated by anaerobic digestion (with
Results and Discussion). Across the full titer−yield performance coproduction of biogas), aerobic digestion, a membrane bioreactor,
space, these three configurations were evaluated under two scenarios: and reverse osmosis, and the treated water is reused in other
a neutral fermentation scenario where common, neutrophilic strains processes. Wastewater sludge is dewatered using a belt thickener and
are used in fermentation and lime is added to neutralize the generated centrifuge. Facilities in the biorefinery include a boiler (onsite heat
lactic acid and prevent product inhibition (due to pH drop) and a production), cooling tower (CT, cooling demand management), heat
low-pH fermentation scenario where acid-resistant strains are used exchanger network (heat integration to minimize utility demands),
and lime addition is eliminated. Key parameters (e.g., titer, yield, and process water center (water reuse management), and other auxiliary
productivity) for the fermentation unit were selected based on units for storage, air distribution, and clean-in-place.
literature data that (i) used lignocellulosic feedstocks and (ii) We executed the design, simulation, and evaluation of the
converted both glucose and xylose (i.e., realized cofermentation) biorefinery using BioSTEAM,14,15 which enables rigorous mass and
into lactic acid (Figure S2 and Table S3 in the Supporting energy flow tracking through the biorefinery. Influent and effluent
Information). Although diauxic utilizationwhere glucose and xylose streams of each unit are automatically simulated using BioSTEAM to
are used sequentially (as opposed to simultaneously)could occur,24 determine mass and energy flows throughout the system, and these
its effect would already be reflected in the data given that overall streams are subsequently used with operating parameters and
fermentation parameters (e.g., yield calculated as the total amount of equipment cost algorithms for unit design and cost calculation.
produced lactic acid divided by the sum of glucose and xylose rather Process details (conversion, separation processes, and facilities) and
than individual yield from glucose or xylose) were used. lists of major units in the biorefinery are included in the Supporting
After fermentation, the broth is directed to the separation process Information. Baseline values of key parameters are included in Table
(Figure 1B) for product recovery. In the neutral fermentation S5 in the Supporting Information. All Python scripts (including
scenario, sulfuric acid is added to convert calcium lactate into lactic biorefinery setup and system analyses) and a system report (including

1343 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c08055
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a process flow diagram, stream and cost tables, unit design by feedstock cost (23% [20−27%]); the remaining system
specifications, and utilities) for the baseline simulation are available accounted for much smaller shares (tabulated data available
online.27 online27). The high capital and operating costs associated with
System Analyses under Uncertainty. We performed TEA for the boiler came from the large heating demand of the system,
the designed biorefinery using BioSTEAM’s discounted cash flow rate
of return analysis to calculate the minimum product selling price which in turn required a large boiler (hence high capital cost);
(MPSP) of lactic acid to achieve a net present value of zero. The as the energy in the biogas and solid waste (lignin and
biorefinery was modeled as an nth plant (i.e., a successful industry has unconverted carbohydrates) was unable to satisfy the heating
been established with mature technologies). Key construction (e.g., demand, a substantial amount of natural gas (27% [21−31%]
warehouse and site development), fixed operating (e.g., labor burden of the annual material cost) was purchased to overcome the
and property insurance), and financial (e.g., depreciation and taxes) energy deficit. Another noteworthy aspect is that 26% [20−
parameters followed assumptions in previous studies18,22 and are 28%] of the annual material cost was associated with lactic acid
included in the Python script.27 All costs and prices shown are neutralization (to calcium lactate with lime during fermenta-
presented in 2016 U.S. dollars.
We conducted LCA in Python using the simulated stream (input
tion, 17% [12−18%]) and calcium lactate acidulation (back to
chemicals and emissions) and utility inventories from BioSTEAM. lactic acid with sulfuric acid in the separation process, 9% [8−
The system boundary of the LCA was set to the biorefinery fence line 20%]), suggesting that the material cost (and thus the MPSP)
and the functional unit was set to 1 kg of produced lactic acid (88% could be substantially reduced in the low-pH fermentation
on weight basis, the L-form) to be consistent with the TEA. Impact scenario because of the elimination of these chemicals.
characterization factors were collected from the literature and their Examining the breakdown of heating and cooling demands,
sources were noted in the script.27 To focus on the biorefinery, we the separation process was found to be the predominant utility
excluded impacts associated with the feedstock (highly sensitive to the user with 93% [91−94%] of the total heating demand and 89%
feedstock type and assumptions of land use change28,29) and wastes [88−91%] of the total cooling demand. In particular, around
(highly sensitive to end-of-life assumptions; e.g., gypsum as a
coproduct or waste30,31). Impacts resulting from infrastructure
46% of demand for both utilities was associated with the first
construction were also excluded to be consistent with the U.S. flash unit (step 3 in Figure 1B), which was used to remove
renewable fuel standard (RFS).32 Our presentation of environmental water and volatile organics to concentrate the dilute lactic acid
impacts focused on two impact categories100-year global warming solution. These results indicated that a higher lactic acid titer
potential (GWP100) and fossil energy consumption (FEC)which after fermentation could lead to lower utility usage (because
were selected based on their prominence in the literature and their less water would need to be removed) and lower material (less
relevance to policies and legislation.30,33 natural gas for the boiler) and capital (smaller boiler and CT
Uncertainty analysis was conducted for the baseline biorefinery units) costs, thus lowering the MPSP. Notably, by pairing
design (configuration 1 with the amount of dilution water in Figure
available hot and cold streams, the heat exchange network unit
1A set to zero) for the neutral fermentation scenario using Monte
Carlo simulation with Latin hypercube sampling (1000 simulations) offsets 11% [10−12%] and 15% [13−16%] of the overall
and included 27 parameters. A full list of the evaluated parameters, heating and cooling demand, respectively, with a negligible
their uncertainty ranges, and literature references are provided in (<1%) increase in capital cost (pinch diagram included in
Table S5 in the Supporting Information. We assigned triangular Figure S3 in the Supporting Information). With regard to
distributions for parameters with strong literature support, and we electricity, consumption was more evenly distributed, but the
assigned uniform distributions for parameters for which literature fact that the boiler and CT used nearly 40% of the total
values were lacking (detailed description on the choice of the electricity again suggested that heating and cooling utility-
distribution type and range is included in the Supporting related factors had sizeable impacts on the economics of the
Information). The sensitivities of MPSP, GWP100, and FEC to all
uncertain inputs were determined via Spearman’s rank correlation
biorefinery (electricity cost accounted for roughly 10% of the
coefficients (Spearman’s ρ) using the Monte Carlo simulation data. annual operating cost).
For select parameters which had large uncertainties and were likely to At different internal rates of return (IRRs), the MPSP varied
have significant impacts on biorefinery performancethis included from $1.19−1.69 kg−1 at 0% IRR and $2.18−3.07 kg−1 at 40%
fermentation titer, yield, productivity, and feedstock carbohydrate IRR (5th−95th percentiles) and the median value crossed the
content and pricewe performed separate analyses to characterize lower ($1.7 kg−1) and upper ($2.1 kg−1) market price at 14%
the sustainability implications of uncertainty around these parameters. and 27% IRRs, respectively (Figure S4 in the Supporting
All analysis results are available online.27

Information). These results fell within the range of MPSPs
reported in previous studies for lignocellulose-derived lactic
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION acid ($0.46−3 kg−1 at 8−31.1% IRR) with varying biorefinery
Financial Viability under Uncertainty. The MPSP of designs and assumptions (literature data and corresponding
lactic acid was estimated to be $1.57 kg−1 (baseline) with a assumptions shown in Figure S4).34−39 Generally, the studies
range of $1.38−1.91 kg−1 [hereinafter, 5th−95th percentiles that reported the lowest MPSPs assumed (i) high solid loading
are shown in brackets]. A total of 70% and >99% of the in pretreatment and conversion processes (>50% higher than
simulated results were below the lower ($1.7 kg−1) and upper those assumed in this study) and (ii) cofermentation that
range ($2.1 kg−1) of the market price, respectively, indicating utilized both glucose and xylose. This variation in the MPSP
that the designed biorefinery was likely to be financially viable with solid loading and substrate utilization was consistent with
(Figure 2A). Across the biorefinery, the boiler and the this study: higher solid loadings would lessen the utility
separation process were the most capital-intensive components intensity of separations and save both operating and capital
(35% [33−37%] and 22% [20−25%] of the total capital cost, costs, and cofermentation would substantially increase the
respectively), while the wastewater treatment, conversion, and overall lactic acid yield (per kg of feedstock) compared to
pretreatment processes (in descending order) each accounted utilizing glucose or xylose alone. In this study, cofermentation
for roughly 10% of the total capital cost. For material costs, the and solid loadings of 30% (pretreatment) and 20%
boiler (32% [26−36%]) and the conversion process (30% (saccharification) were assumed, which had been experimen-
[24−33%]) were the largest contributors, which were followed tally demonstrated (Figure S2 and Table S3 in the Supporting
1344 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c08055
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Figure 3. Spearman’s ρ values between input parameters and MPSP, GWP100, and FEC. EH represents enzymatic hydrolysis (i.e., saccharification),
EH solid loading represents the solid concentration during EH, enzyme loading represents the amount of enzyme added per gram of cellulose
during EH. TCI ratio represents total capital investment as a % of the value estimated by BioSTEAM, ES represents esterification, and HY
represents hydrolysis. Bullet points indicate the parameters that affect biorefinery mass and energy (M & E) flows, annual lactic acid production,
capital cost, and operating cost. A total of 27 parameters were selected for sensitivity analysis (full list, distributions, and ρ values included in Table
S5 in the Supporting Information) and only parameters with absolute values of ρ ≥ 0.1 for MPSP are shown here. Crossed circles indicate that
GWP100 or FEC were not appreciably (absolute value of ρ < 0.05) affected by the parameters. Parameters with absolute values of ρ ≥ 0.1 for
GWP100 or FEC are included in Figure S6 in the Supporting Information. The impact of changing each individual parameter to its minimum or
maximum value on MPSP, GWP100, and FEC is also included in Figure S6.

Information for cofermentation data; Tao et al.40 for solid in the separation process, experimentally based models and
loading data; and Table S5 in the Supporting Information for data44−46 were used to derive reaction conversions, which were
values used in simulations) and reflect the state of technology. around 19% for the esterification unit and 80% for the
Environmental Impacts under Uncertainty. The base- hydrolysis unit. However, much higher conversions (e.g., 88−
line GWP100 and FEC of lactic acid production were 5.92 98.5% for esterification and 95−98.5% for hydrolysis33,41,42,47)
[4.99−7.05] kg CO2-eq·kg−1 and 77.2 [62.9−93.3] MJ·kg−1, were used in previous studies. If similar optimistic assumptions
respectively (Figure 2B,C). Similar to MPSP, GWP100 and in fermentation (lactic acid yield of 0.95 g·g−1 from glucose
FEC were dominated by conversion- and separation-related and xylose), esterification (90% conversion), and hydrolysis
chemical inputs and emissions. In particular, 59% [53−63%] of (90% conversion) units were used, GWP100 and FEC would
GWP100 and 72% [67−75%] of FEC were associated with the decrease from 5.92 to 3.56 CO2-eq·kg−1 and 77.2 to 44.5 MJ·
natural gas used in the boiler. Thus, reducing the heating kg−1, respectively, and MPSP would also decrease from the
demand was not only important for lowering the MPSP but baseline of $1.57 kg−1 to $1.02 kg−1 (Figure S5 in the
was also critical for limiting environmental impacts. Moreover, Supporting Information). Moreover, using renewable heating
the boiler and CT units were heavy electricity users (23% [21− sources (e.g., from an on-farm biogas plant48) or diverting a
23%] and 16% [15−16%], respectively; the boiler used portion of the biomass directly to the boiler49 could also
electricity for pumping and flue gas desulfurization, etc.; reduce environmental impacts. For example, with 25% of
Figure 2A), and the electricity overall accounted for 13% [12− natural gas from renewable sources and 25% of feedstocks
16%] of GWP100 and 13% [12−15%] of FEC. Besides natural directly diverted to the boiler (values chosen for illustrative
gas and electricity, lime used in the fermentation unit was also purposes), GWP100 and FEC could be further reduced to 2.79
a notable contributor to GWP100 (15% [14−18%]) and FEC CO2-eq·kg−1 and 31.7 MJ·kg−1, respectively. Although this
(5% [4−5%]), indicating the potential environmental benefits change would increase MPSP slightly to $1.09 kg−1 (because
of employing acid-resistant strains for low-pH fermentation. less feedstock would be available for lactic acid production),
The remaining impacts were attributed to all other materials this final price is still well below the commercial market price
used throughout the biorefinery, which were relatively small range.
(totaling 12% [10−14%] for GWP100 and 10% [9−13%] for Drivers of Cost and Environmental Impacts. To
FEC) compared to those discussed above. systematically assess the cost and environmental impact drivers
Compared to the GWP100 of 0.7−3.3 CO2-eq·kg−1 and FEC of the biorefinery, we conducted a sensitivity analysis using
of 24−56 MJ·kg−1 reported in the literature using similar Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients, where the absolute
production routes from lignocellulosic feedstocks,30,41−43 value of Spearman’s ρ represents the strength of the rank
results herein were relatively higher. This disparity is due to correlation and the symbol (+ or −) of ρ represents positive or
the conservative assumptions used in this study, which were negative correlation.
based on experimental data. For example, in the fermentation MPSP was most sensitive (i.e., absolute value of Spearman’s
unit, lactic acid yields as high as 0.98 g·g−1 from glucose (for ρ ≥ 0.1) to 12 of the examined parameters, which affected
1G and 2G lactic acid) and 0.95 g·g−1 from xylose, arabinose, MPSP through mass and energy flows, annual lactic acid
galactose, and mannose (for 2G lactic acid) have been used in production, and capital and/or operating costs (Figure 3 and
the published literature,30 which were much higher than the Table S5 in the Supporting Information). Of these 12
0.76 g·g−1 (median value of collected experimental data) for parameters, one set impacted MPSP through the production
only glucose and xylose assumed in this study. Similarly, for the of lactic acid either by affecting the available sugar substrate
esterification and hydrolysis units (steps 4 and 7 in Figure 1B) (glucan to glucose conversion) or lactic acid fermentation
1345 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c08055
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Figure 4. (A,B) MPSP, (C,D) GWP100, and (E,F) FEC at different titer and yield combinations at baseline productivity (0.89 g·L−1·h−1) for neutral
[left panel; (A,C,E)] and low-pH [right panel; (B,D,F)] fermentation scenarios. For a given point on the figure, the x-axis value represents the yield
(same for glucose and xylose), the y-axis value represents the titer, and the color represents the value of MPSP, GWP100, or FEC (values at the same
titer−yield combination are from the same simulation). Although configuration 3 could be implemented across the space occupied by
configurations 1−3 and configuration 2 could be implemented in the space occupied by configurations 1−2, each configuration was optimal (lowest
MPSP, GWP100, and FEC) in the region defined in the legend. Three different configurations (configurations 1−3, legend) were designed to
simulate all potential titer−yield combinations. Detailed descriptions of the three configurations and results for different productivities are included
in the Supporting Information.

yield. A second set of these parameters, on the other hand, the mass and energy flows of the biorefinery but affect MPSP
impacted MPSP through the recovery of lactic acid and by impacting the capital or material costs.
included enzymatic hydrolysis (i.e., saccharification) solid With regard to environmental impacts, both GWP100 and
loading (determined the amount of water impurities to be FEC were most sensitive to boiler efficiency, lactic acid
removed in the separation process), esterification conversion, fermentation yield, enzymatic hydrolysis solid loading,
and hydrolysis conversion. Together, these two sets of esterification conversion, and hydrolysis conversion (Figures
parameters affected the annual production of lactic acid (for 3 and S6B,C in the Supporting Information), which was
a fixed feedstock rate). Additionally, many of these parameters consistent with the utility-driven breakdown of these two
also directly influenced total capital and operating costs indicators (Figure 2B,C). Notably, although an increase in all
because of the large costs of the respective equipment, these parameters would lessen the energy intensity of the
materials, and utilities. Aside from these two sets of biorefinery and thus reduce GWP100 and FEC, parameters
parameters, boiler efficiency had substantial effects on the other than the boiler efficiency also indirectly affected GWP100
energy flows through the biorefinery and thus MPSP (because and FEC by increasing total annual lactic acid production
of the utility-driven nature of the total operating cost). The (thereby reducing the impacts and energy consumption per 1
remaining six parameters did not have significant impacts on kg of lactic acid, the functional unit of the LCA). Moreover,
1346 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c08055
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the fact that Spearman’s ρ was negative for each of these five concentrated crude lactic acid stream would reduce the capital
parameters across MPSP, GWP100, and FEC demonstrated that and operating costs of the subsequent separation process.
improvements in these parameters would simultaneously Because of the separation-intensive nature of the biorefinery,
support the pursuit of economic and environmental goals. the benefits of a higher titer generally outweighed the increased
Finally, it should be noted that the analysis here was conducted expenses, but the magnitude of the net benefits diminished
for the baseline biorefinery design (configuration 1 with with the increasing titer. As configuration 3 was operating at
dilution water set to zero) for the neutral fermentation higher titers than configurations 1 and 2, the benefits from
scenario. For this design, the titer of lactic acid fermentation increasing the titer were generally less substantial than the
was a function of the pretreatment process and fermentation benefits from increasing the yield.
yield. Thus, the titer was excluded from this analysis, but its Contrary to MPSP, GWP100 and FEC were primarily
effects on the biorefinery were decoupled from other affected by titer and were much less sensitive to yield,
parameters and discussed in detail in the following section. decreasing from around 7.3 to 4.3 kg CO2-eq·kg−1 and from 95
Setting Targets for Fermentation. Titer, Yield, and to 53 MJ·kg−1 when transitioning from a titer of 75 g·L−1 to a
Productivity. As demonstrated in the sensitivity analysis, the titer of 200 g·L−1, respectively. This observation was consistent
performance of the fermentation unit has significant with the fact that these two indicators were dominated by
implications for MPSP, GWP100, and FEC. Thus, identifying environmental impacts associated with natural gas and
and pursuing specific targets for fermentation parameters have electricity usage in the separation process. Although concen-
the potential to advance the sustainability of lactic acid trating the saccharified stream required the addition of a multi-
production from lignocellulosic biomass. To this end, we effect evaporator unit with associated heating and cooling
simulated the biorefinery across the entire titer−yield perform- demands, the costs and environmental impacts associated with
ance space (i.e., all potential combinations of values for these this unit were minor relative to the savings in the separation
two parameters) at a range of productivities to quantify how process (<1% contribution to total capital and operating costs
future improvement in the fermentation unit would impact the and <10% contribution to GWP100 and FEC even in the most
sustainability of the biorefinery. To enable specific titer−yield concentration-intensive case at a titer of around 200 g·L−1 and
combinations (e.g., different titers at a given yield), we yield of roughly 0.5 g·g−1). Therefore, a more concentrated
evaluated three potential process configurations in parallel lactic acid stream after fermentation would alleviate separation
(introduced in the Methods, Figure 1A): (i) configuration 1, needs, reduce utility usages, and lessen environmental impacts.
dilution of the saccharified stream (after enzymatic hydrolysis) One counterintuitive finding was that at the same titer, FEC
followed by batch fermentation; (ii) configuration 2, increased with increasing yield. This stemmed from the fact
concentration of the saccharified stream via multi-effect that at higher yields, more sugar was converted to lactic acid
evaporation followed by batch fermentation; and (iii) rather than biogas in the anaerobic digester during wastewater
configuration 3, concentration of the saccharified stream treatment, which increased the natural gas usage per kg of
followed by continuous fermentation. Each of these three lactic acid produced and thus higher FEC. For instance, if yield
configurations was optimal (i.e., lowest MPSP, GWP100, and increased from 0.5 to 0.8 g·g−1 at a fixed titer of 150 g·L−1, the
FEC) among feasible designs for the particular region of the natural gas usage would increase from 0.68 to 0.83 kg·kg−1
titer−yield performance space (Figure 4). lactic acid. Because natural gas accounted for >70% of FEC in
Within each configuration, MPSP benefitted from higher the baseline design, this resulted in higher FEC.
titer and yield (Figure 4A), with values spanning $1.91−1.27 For MPSP, GWP100, and FEC, higher productivity would
kg−1, $2.59−1.19 kg−1, and $3.16−1.33 kg−1 for configurations lead to improvement (i.e., reduction) in these metric indicators
1 through 3, respectively. Moving between configurations, across all configurations and the entire titer−yield performance
however, could lead to situations where higher titer results in space. However, unlike titer and yield, which affected
higher MPSP. For example, an MPSP of $1.57 kg−1 was configurations 1 through 3 to a similar relative magnitude,
simulated for the baseline titer of 97.5 g·L−1 and yield of 0.76 variations in productivity had much more pronounced effects
g·g−1 in configuration 1 (dilution water set to zero), but for configuration 3 than for configurations 1 and 2 (Figure 4 vs
increasing the titer to 150 g·L−1 would actually increase MPSP Figures S7 and S8 in the Supporting Information). This was
slightly to $1.59 kg−1. This was due to the change from due to the continuous fermentation in configuration 3, which
configuration 1 to 3, which was necessary to achieve the higher had a large capital cost and electricity demand for mixing. In
titer (150 g·L−1) at the same yield. In this example, the higher fact, the capital cost and electricity usage of the fermentation
capital and operating costs associated with configuration 3 unit could represent around 50% of the total capital cost and
could not be offset by the economic benefits from the higher 20% of overall electricity usage in the biorefinery at the
titer, thus leading to the higher MPSP. Additionally, the minimum productivity examined (0.18 g·L−1·h−1), respectively.
relative impact of titer and yield improvements also depended Because the batch fermenter used for configurations 1 and 2
on the location in the titer−yield performance space. In had a much smaller capital cost and required much less power
configurations 1 and 2, improving either titer or yield could for mixing, the effects of productivity on the biorefinery were
lead to a notable reduction in the MPSP; in configuration 3, more limited.
however, the MPSP contour line was near-vertical, indicating Low-pH Fermentation. In addition to the baseline
that increasing titer would have a limited impact on the MPSP, biorefinery with neutral fermentation, a low-pH fermentation
while increasing yield would lead to a more substantial scenario was also evaluated where lime addition during
reduction in the MPSP. This was due to the tradeoffs between fermentation and the subsequent acidulation reactor and
the capital and operating costs of the conversion and gypsum filter were avoided (Figure 1B without dashed
separation processes. At a fixed productivity, a higher titer chemicals and processes). This transition could reduce the
would lead to longer fermentation time and thus a more MPSP by $0.25−0.66 kg−1 (to $0.93−2.66 kg−1; Figure 4B),
expensive conversion process, but the resulting more GWP100 by 0.83−1.79 kg CO2-eq·kg−1 (to 3.08−5.55 kg CO2-
1347 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c08055
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Figure 5. (A) MPSP and (B) GWP100 and FEC at different feedstock carbohydrate contents and prices (price only affected MPSP). In both graphs,
titer (97.5 g·L−1), yield (0.76 g·g−1), and productivity (0.89 g·L−1·h−1) of the fermentation unit were the same as the baseline. The discontinuity at
59% (baseline carbohydrate content) was due to the change in the conversion process configuration to achieve the set titer at the given yield.
Carbohydrate contents of grass clippings and switchgrass were from Roni et al.13

eq·kg−1; Figure 4D), and FEC by 5.0−15.1 MJ·kg−1 (to 42.4− Linking Feedstocks to the Biorefinery. Because of the
83.0 MJ·kg−1; Figure 4F). This substantial improvement was diverse sources (e.g., bioenergy crops and agroindustrial
expected as lime addition in fermentation accounted for wastes) of lignocellulosic biomass, compositions and prices
roughly 17% of the annual material cost, 15% of the total of these feedstocks could vary significantly.3,13 This hetero-
GWP100, and 5% of the total FEC. Similar to the neutral geneity is particularly salient at present given that the supply
fermentation scenario, titer and yield impacted MPSP to chain of lignocellulosic feedstocks has not been established and
varying degrees across the titer−yield performance space for no mature market exists for such feedstocks.3,12,52 Therefore, it
low-pH fermentation (Figure 4B), but only improvements in is critical to understand how changes in feedstock composition
titer could substantially reduce GWP100 and FEC. Additionally, and prices could propagate through the biorefinery to impact
benefits from higher productivity rates were largely limited to the MPSP, GWP100, and FEC (Figure 5). Under the same titer
the continuous fermentation configuration (i.e., configuration (97.5 g·L−1), yield (0.76 g·g−1), and productivity (0.89 g·L−1·
3) and were most evident at lower productivities (Figure 4 vs h−1) assumptions as the baseline, the cost of low-carbohydrate
Figures S7 and S8 in the Supporting Information). feedstocks such as grass clippings (29% carbohydrate content)
Collectively, this comprehensive evaluation of the fermenta- needed to be lower than $50 dry ton−1 for the produced lactic
tion unit across the potential performance space reveals that acid to be competitive with the upper market price at $2.1
although both lactic acid titer and yield are critical to the kg−1, and the MPSP was not competitive with the lower
economics of the biorefinery, titer represents the greatest market price at $1.7 kg−1 even if the feedstock was free. If high-
opportunity to reduce environmental impacts. Additionally, carbohydrate feedstocks such as switchgrass were used, , the
productivity is more influential for high-titer, low-yield biorefinery could afford a feedstock price of up to $200 dry
ton−1 and the MPSP would still be in the market range. For
combinations where the more capital- and operating-intensive
GWP100 and FECtwo indicators that were almost exclusively
continuous fermentation is required. More specifically, across
affected by the fermentation titerchanges in feedstock
all feasible configurations, a minimum yield of 0.45 g·g−1 must
carbohydrate content would only lead to minor changes
be achieved for biorefineries employing neutral fermentation to
(6.28 to 5.88 CO2-eq·kg−1 and 79.1 to 77.3 MJ·kg−1,
be competitive with the upper market price ($2.1·kg−1) at the
respectively) across the examined 25−70% carbohydrate
baseline productivity (0.89 g·L−1·h−1). Under the low-pH range. This correlation between the feedstock carbohydrate
fermentation scenario, however, this requirement could be content, feedstock price, and quantitative economic and
relaxed down to about 0.38 g·g−1. To have lower GWP100 and environmental indicators for the biorefinery is critical for
FEC than fossil-based lactic acid (around 5.3−5.5 CO2-eq·kg−1 feedstock and supply chain researchers to evaluate tradeoffs
and 75−91 MJ·kg−1, respectively30,50), minimum titers of between feedstock quality, operating decisions, and sustain-
about 110 g·L−1 are required for the neutral fermentation ability targets. For example, if only around 50% carbohydrate
scenario, whereas those of only around 75 g·L−1 are needed for content can be realized at the baseline feedstock price ($71.3
the low-pH fermentation scenario. Therefore, the use of acid- dry ton−1) and the price will be doubled for feedstocks with
resistant strains for low-pH fermentation could substantially the baseline carbohydrate content (59%),12 it is more
enhance the sustainability of the biorefinery. This research economical to set 50% rather than 59% as the target for
direction appears to be particularly promising given the recent feedstock carbohydrate content for lower MPSPs, and this
progress in metabolic engineering, which has demonstrated change will only have minimal impacts on GWP100 and FEC
acid-resistant strains capable of reaching titers of 117−154 g· (<1%).
L−1 and yields of 0.58−0.89 g·g−1 from glucose.51 Future Conclusions and Path toward Sustainable Lactic Acid
advancements in this area to realize similar levels of Biorefineries. In this study, BioSTEAMa fast, robust, and
performance for xylose and lignocellulose hydrolysates would open-source platformwas employed to automate the design,
ultimately lead to market-competitive lactic acid with simulation, and evaluation of a lignocellulosic biorefinery for
significantly lower environmental impacts. lactic acid production. Under the current state of technology,
1348 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c08055
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the MPSP of the generated lactic acid was below the market of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801,
price range, but the GWP100 and FEC were higher or close to United States; orcid.org/0000-0002-8863-4758
those of fossil-derived lactic acid, primarily because of the large Sarang S. Bhagwat − DOE Center for Advanced Bioenergy
heating demand of the separation process. However, improve- and Bioproducts Innovation and Department of Civil and
ment in key technological parameters and biorefinery Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-
operations could significantly reduce the environmental Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, United States;
impacts and further enhance the market competitiveness of orcid.org/0000-0002-2620-2829
the biorefinery. Specifically, sustainable lactic acid production Yoel R. Cortés-Peña − DOE Center for Advanced Bioenergy
can be achieved through a more efficient separation process and Bioproducts Innovation and Department of Civil and
(with higher esterification and hydrolysis conversions) and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-
higher fermentation titers, the latter of which could be Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, United States;
achieved through (i) higher solid loading in pretreatment orcid.org/0000-0003-1742-5059
and saccharification, (ii) concentration of the saccharified Dongwon Ki − Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and
stream, or (iii) more robust (i.e., higher yielding and acid- Environment, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
resistant) microbial strains. Future developments in low-utility Urbana, Illinois 61801, United States; DOE Center for
separation processes such as solvent extraction and electro- Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation, University
dialysis will also greatly enhance the sustainability of the of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801,
biorefinery because of the large expenses and environmental United States; orcid.org/0000-0003-2977-677X
impacts associated with product recovery. With regard to Christopher V. Rao − DOE Center for Advanced Bioenergy
biorefinery operations, use of renewable natural gas or and Bioproducts Innovation and Department of Chemical
diversion of biomass to the boiler will greatly reduce and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Illinois at
environmental impacts. As the annual lactic acid production Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, United States;
is around 219,000 metric tonnes for the designed biorefinery orcid.org/0000-0001-5606-4204
(equivalent to around 42% of the global market volume9), Yong-Su Jin − DOE Center for Advanced Bioenergy and
diversion of biomass can also be a risk mitigation strategy for Bioproducts Innovation and Department of Food Science and
low market demand. Moreover, with the increasing deploy- Human Nutrition, University of Illinois at Urbana-
ment of renewable electricity and a “cleaner” grid, environ- Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, United States;
mental impacts of the biorefinery can be further reduced. orcid.org/0000-0002-4464-9536
Overall, conclusions from this study support the production of Complete contact information is available at:
lactic acid from lignocellulosic feedstocks and illustrate how https://pubs.acs.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c08055
agile and robust system analyses can quickly identify system
cost and environmental drivers, examine the entire feasible Notes
technology space, balance economic and environmental
The authors declare no competing financial interest.

tradeoffs, and prioritize future research and development.

sı Supporting Information
We would like to thank Dr. Eberhard Morgenroth for
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at providing advice on the biorefinery design. This work was
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c08055. funded by the DOE Center for Advanced Bioenergy and
Bioproducts Innovation (U.S. Department of Energy, Office of
Supplementary descriptions of the biorefinery (including Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research
the conversion process, separation process, and facili- under Award Number DE-SC0018420). Any opinions,
ties), selection of uncertainty distributions, literature findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in
fermentation data, supplementary uncertainty and this publication are those of the author(s) and do not
sensitivity analysis results, and MPSP, GWP100, and necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Energy.

FEC results at different productivities (PDF)

Corresponding Author
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