2023 Instagram Strategy Ebook 1
2023 Instagram Strategy Ebook 1
2023 Instagram Strategy Ebook 1
s t r a t e g y
Abigail Frances
View Time
increasing importance
profile views
As we can see, the most important factor that they
look at is now Content view time. This is how many
seconds on average, people are staying on your post
for. NOTE: this applies to all content types, not just
video content!
Understanding the
As previously mentioned, although this is the most up-
to-date information regarding how the algorithm
ranks content, there is more than one algorithm.
Instagram also released a little bit of information
about how some of the individual algorithms work (in
terms of figuring out what to show YOU as an
audience member). So here's why you see certain
things on your feed, and in certain orders.
4 Key algorithms we
know about
As to how certain individual algorithms work, there
are four that we have information from Instagram
specifically about, these are:
In you home feed and stories, you will see the recent
posts shared by people you follow, in preference of
different 'signals'. Everyone's feed will be different,
depending on how these signals understand you and
your activity
1) Information 2) Information
about the post about the poster
popularity, content type, your relationship with the
video length, location tags, poster (i.e. how often you
etc. interact with them)
3) Your activity 4) your history of
what you're typically interaction
interested in, how many poists how interested you might be in
you like, which posts you seeing a particular persons
interact with post (whether your comment on
their posts, DM each other, etc)
Made up of recommendations of photos and videos
that the algorithm finds for you, based on assumptions
of your interests
explore page
How it works:
The algorithm will base what you see on the explore
page and what comes up on your recommendations
by looking at the content you already like, and what
other people with similar interests to you also like.
Reels Algorithm
The reels algorithm focuses on content that is
entertaining or funny, with an eye towards promoting
smaller, new & original creators.
2) Your history of
1) Your Activity poster interaction
Reels you've engaged with Most likely to be someone you don't
recently, and watched all know - but someone you've
the way through interacted with in the past might
be bumped up (same as Explore)
3) Information 4) Information
about the reel about the poster
how many times people have
Audio track used, AI video
interacted with this account in the
understanding, general popularity
past few weeks, how popular their
content is deemed to be
Penalty Algorithm
Community Guideline violations that result in your
account being down-ranked and even removed
Posting 'harmful' content
Using 'spammy' growth techniques
(follow/unfollow) co-ordinated group activities
(follow loops, engagement groups)
Purchasing followers or likes
Being reported as spam or harassment
Using 'trending' audio Posting 'harmful' content
Using NEW audio no one is 'spammy' techniques
using yet co-ordinated group activities
Use a hook and save most (follow loops, engagement
valuable content until last groups)
create shorter clips Purchasing followers or likes
Make your clip entertaining Being reported as spam or
& funny harassment
platform changes
From introducing straight-from-app scheduling
tools, to allowing music on static posts - 2022 really
was as much a year of change, than the year
Who is on Instagram?
According to social pilot's research of Instagram's
current demographics:
optimising your
account for 2023
The first thing I want your to do to prepare for
2023, is to do a bit on Instagram spring cleaning.
Take a good hard look at your profile, and ask
Does this explain clearly what I do?
Does this give people a reason to follow me?
Is this clear and niche?
Is it clear who I'm posting for?
Having an optimised profile isn't just about the
way it looks, or having. a visually aesthetic feed. It
is about making sure people know: what you do,
how you do it, and who you do it for. IT's to give a
sense or professionalism or personality, make the
value that it provides clear, and most importantly:
makes your profile more discoverable!
profile picture
Your profile picture is the first thing new potential
followers and customers will see when landing on
your page. And this is what they will associate you
with - so make sure it's relevant! If you're a
business coach - dress smart and opt for a
professional headshot! If you're a personal trainer
- show yourself at the gym! Here are some general
Do's and Don't's when it comes to selecting your
profile pic!
Just like your profile picture, you want your username
to be relevant, and recognisable. You also want your
username to be memorable and uncomplicated.
Here's a few rules of thumb when it comes to picking
the perfect name and username!
bio name
Did you know that your bio name is the only part of
your profile apart from your username that is
searchable? Take advantage of Instagram's new
longer bio name option. Place keywords your ideal
audience may be searching for within your bio
name. This way you will come up in search results for
this search term.
why follow?
how I help
what to do next (CTA)
Instagram is not just a social media app any more,
it's also a search engine. This has been made very
clear in recent months, not only with Mosseri (the
head of Instagram) himself saying that hashtags are
primarily used for 'categorising content' rather than
improving reach.
B E F O R E Y O U P O S T . . .
Do you know what action you want your audience
to take after viewing your post?
Does this post TOPIC make sense with the CTA (i.e., if I
am promoting the Content Academy, I should be
posting about content)
Have you made sure you only have ONE core purpose
for each post?
Not sure which purpose to use? Here's a few examples of
different purposes you can apply to your posts (it's not JUST
follows & sales!):
start building
generating drive
conversations profile brand
views awareness
leads sales
becoming nurturing
improving driving growing
a thought your engagement
community traffic followers
MICRO-CONTENT: is short, entertaining and easy to
consume. It shouldn't take a user more than a few seconds to
consume this type of content. Micro-content includes:
quotes, graphs, infographic, and reels
MACRO-CONTENT: is longer form content, that builds and
strengthens connections, and keeps your existing audience
coming back for more. This includes posts such as: valuable
carousels, IG Lives, blog-like captions, and IGTVs.
micro content vs. macro content
micro-content macro-content
Great for attracting new great for nurturing existing
audiences audience
Ranks well in hashtags & explore great for building trust &
Fun & entertaining relationships
Quick to consume Great for selling
Education & Instructive
In short, there are two important things you need to take into account
when creating content on Instagram:
What people want to consume, and how many people are creating that
type of content at that time, will alwayd fluctuate and change! Let's take
for example, when reels first came out:
As there were a lot of people wanting to consume this form of content,
but very few creators making it (as least to the standard the audience
wanted) that small pool of creators were getting shown to a large pool of
consumers - making their reach explode!
As time went on, the number of people wanting to consume that content
stayed relatively the same, but the amount of people creating it, exploded
to a huge amount
At this point, there are more people creating the content format, than
people can really consume. Therefore, as competition for reach has
increased, it's far harder to get to the top, as there's smaller and smaller
portions of pie to be had!
The demand for carousels has most likely decreased, a bit - as people
become more used to the short-form video style. HOWVER - the supply
for carousels has gone down SIGNIFICANTLY as people start to focus more
and more on reels, making them the key content factor in their strategy.
The demand for carousels is still high, and has maybe decreased a bit, the
supply has drastically increased. Therefor, those who are supplying the
carousels, now have a MUCH better chance of being seen by those who
want to consume them.
Although the demand for carousels has stayed relatively the same, the
demand for reels has grown - the supply for reels now outweighs the
demand, whereas the supply for carousels is now smaller than the
demand - making is easier to get mass reach!
It's looking as if the supply/demand might go back the other way for a
bit in light of Adam Mosseri's recent announcement that Instagram are
levelling out the reach of photos and carousel posts.
Now that Mosseri has stated that Instagram will focus more on photos,
everyone and their Nan has made a post about this, and many people
have either blown this out of proportion or completely misunderstood
this to mean 'photos are the way to grow on Instagram now' - the
demand for each content type will stay the same, but supply of
carousels/singles will go up - and the supply of reels (for a bit) will go
down. Essentially flipping the theory around the other way.
Now I think this will only apply to the first half of 2023, as the hype
surrounding this new image boom fades away.
As a result, at least for right now before everybody forgets about this all,
or a large Instagram 'guru' convinces reels are the way to go again -
you're actually better off making reels then you are carousels or singles!
You may have even noticed yourself over the past few weeks since this
announcement that your reach on carousels and singles has gone
down, whereas your reels reach may have gone up. This might not last
forever, and definitely will not last forever at THIS much effect - so do
yourself a favour, and create a few reels and video content whilst
everyone else is creating carousels and single posts ;)
Now I think this will only apply to the first half of 2023, as the hype
surrounding this new image boom is likely to fade away.
being original & non-trends
Instagram have touched on this point a lot this year. The
platform is looking to promote original content this means
content. This means content you have created yourself, and is
exclusive to instagram - not other platforms. So no re-posts
(this is extended to reposting your own colder content as
well). Reposting old content can be a great way to post more
without trying as hard - but instead of reposting, try
repurposing. Take an old post and make it new, give them a
whole new look and updated the captions! You can also do
this by taking an old post, and remaking it in a new format -
such as taking info you put into a carousel, and making those
key points into a reel!
Trends are great for reach and a few quick views, but
they're not brilliant for conversions, memorability,
positioning yourself as an expert, or standing out on the
app. Instead of copying the same tired trends, create
original and exciting content, use trending music simply
as a tool to boost your reach, and if you can, even
create your own trend. The reach you see as an
originator of a trend will far outperform being one of
many performing the same thing.
return of authenticity
You may have heard of the recent trend of 'de-influencing'.
Essentially a trend starting on TikTok, but then migrating to
other platforms - where in retaliation to the influencer trend -
people are activly discouraging you from purchasing popular
items, going to popular locations, or doing popular things
Now this isn't to say you shouldn't stop working with trends all
together, but if you are going to participate in a trend - do
something DIFFERENT with it!
Algorithm Points
Now you understand the algorithms, here's the strategy to go
with it: make sure Instagram knows exactly: who you are, what
type of content you post, what you post about, and who your
posts are for.
-Inspiring creativity
-Discovering new things
-Spark Connections
Inspire Creativity
How can your content help to inspire the creativity of other
creators? I can think of a few ways and Instagram tools that
would signal to the algorithm that your content does this.
Other ways you can 'inspire creativity' with your content, could
be by creating a reels trend that is copied many times (for this
the audio doesn't have to be original!), creating or making up a
meme that people copy (remember: Instagram has AI image
recognition software, it CAN recognise memes and what's
trending/where they started!) The best way to create a
trending meme, is to focus on pop culture. What TV shows or
movies are trending? What's everyone talking about? Is there
an epic celeb moment that's spreading like wildfire? Locate it
when it's just starting to trend, make a funny and re-creatable
trend around it that goes with any niche, and POST! Good
recent examples: the 2022 'little miss' memes, the 'these gays
are trying to murder me' meme (white lotus).
To ensure that your content helps to reach this goal, there are
three things you should focus on:
self development
study tips
organisation accounts
-stationary/aesthetic desk accounts
mindset/productivity hacks
AI tools, tutorials & softwares
AI art & fashion
accounts dedicated to helping people with specific
disorders/health problems (i.e. PCOS, ADHD, MS etc)
These are just ones that I personally have noticedd that are at a
similar stage to where my niche was when I started. There will
be many more, many that you may have been exposed to that I
wouldn't of have because of our differing interests!
Spark Connections
Perhaps one of the most important ways Instagram can increase
their user satisfaction, is to ensure that people are connecting. If
your content and account is actively showing that it both
creates and maintains connections and community, then by
golly - Instagram will appreciate you! And the more you help
Instagram to reach their goals, the more they'll see your
account in a favourable light, and want to showcase you to the
world, to essentially, help them It's all a game! But you can
totally take advantage of this one. Even if your account is still
relatively small!
In order to convince Instagram that your account is in fact
helping to build & maintain connections (which in turn, keeps
people on the app for longer -ensuring more ad space cor
them.... the more you know) - then you need to focus on these
three things:
1) creating conversations
2) creating a community
3) being an active messenger
4) using practical engagement
5) increasing story interactions
Post controversial posts and opinions, rile people up, post about
topics that tend to have very polar views (reels/no reels -
Andrew Tate: good or bad? Feminism and feminist topics e.g.
body count, what women wear, gender pay gap, Harry &
Meghan Vs. The Royal Family) all of these make people want to
TALK -no matter which side they are on!
Utilise your caption and content to include conversational CTAS
(cal-to-actions). Ask your audience what their opinion is, ask
them a question for them to answer in the comments. When you
receive a comment, reply back with another question to keep
the conversation going, invite people to your DMs if they want
to talk about it further!
Approach your audience as if they are all one little secret
society. Include inside jokes and references in your posts &
stories. Have fun with them. Use your own unique tone of voice.
Play on their fears and goals. Give them a collective name or
greeting! Sign off with your actual name. Actually talk to them
and create real relationships.
Now, this is the one that I really need to get better at! REPLY TO
overwhelming, especially if you're suffering from various
disorders that make this more difficult. If like me you struggle
with this, set aside a certain day and hour in that day to focus
on just this! Or tell yourself you will reply to 5 messages before
bed every night! Remember to check your message requests,
top requests and hidden messages too!
I believe this may have originated from the idea that it takes 90 days
to form a habit, but don't quote me on that one.
Lucas built his previous account to 100k+ followers in just one year,
when I asked him how he managed it so quickly. He simply replied
that he dedicated to showing up (as in really showing up, speaking o
the camera and all) and connecting to his audience as much as he
possibly could - for 90 days straight! If he ever missed a day, he'd
have to go back to square one and start again.
I've taken it on myself to try the same challenge, and oh my. I don't
know whether it's the accountability, the stronger connections I'm
building, or simply that I'm more present on the app - but sales and
following have taken a skyrocket since I've started (even if I have had
to go back to the start twice!) Check out my funky whiteboard
tracker below. Will you be trying this? I'd love to know!
In conclusion, a lot has changed on the app since
the beginning of 2022, and many incredible leaps
and updates were made this year alone. Instagram
is not the same app that it was two or three years
ago, and thus - our approach to our content
strategy should change as well!
Abi x