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Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

Instituto Tecnológico de Aguascalientes

Sistemas de Generación de Energía

Comparative Chart

Eduardo Castillo Barba


Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1


Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1



Thermal power station

Comparative chart

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1


The present document has the purpose to clearly explain the way
in the thermal power stations works, next, each one of the
components that make up the thermal power station is shown with
its definition, its function and the types that exist.

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

Thermal Power Station

Thermal Power Station

Thermoelectric power plants are those that transform the chemical energy
contained in a fuel into electrical energy.

Basic operation: The fuel burns and produces heat that heats the water and
transforms it into high-pressure steam. This steam hits the blades of a turbine
that is connected to an electric generator and produces electricity.


1. Boiler 4. Feeding system 7. Water heater

2. Condenser 5. Generator 8. Water pump
3. Deaerator 6. Turbine 9. Water treatment system

Types of thermoelectric plants:

• coal power plants

• fuel thermal power plants
• combined cycle power plants
• biomass power plants
• solid waste power plants
• nuclear power plants
• solar thermal power plants

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

Comparative Chart

Definition Types Behavior Main Components

Fixed 1.- Chimney: It is a protruding part that

serves as a release conductor, through which
Nature of Portable steam, smoke and combustion gases are
Service Locomotive released when the interaction of fluids is
Marine carried out.
2.- Burner: It is the main piece to carry out the
Coal combustion.
Liquid Fuel 3.- Home: The function of this compartment
Kind of is to contain the burner to produce internal
Fuel Solid Fuel heat. Inside it, hot gases are generated as a
Gaseous result of the fuel.
4.-Boiler body: Represents the exterior
Mixed Fuels structure where the hearth and heat
A steam generator is a large closed
Hot Water Boiler exchange tubes are contained and has
container in which, by means of
For the interior and exterior insulation to prevent
heat, the combustion of a fuel is Superheated Water Boiler
Energy heat loss and burns to personnel. It also has
produced that, when burned, the
Needs of Satured Steam Boiler covers and registers to allow access for
liquid water that is inside, is
the The fuel is led to the burners and there the maintenance.
transformed into steam at a Superheated Steam Boiler
Process combustion takes place for which a spark and 5.-Exchange tubes: These conductors are
pressure greater than
Heat Flow Boiler oxygen will be necessary. responsible for transferring the flow of heat
atmospheric, to used in industrial
Using fans, it introduces preheated oxygen into between the water and the gases. They also
processes of all kinds. For the Natural Shot the boiler so that the air with a much higher cause steam bubbles.
Boiler Shot Forzed Shot temperature allows more heat to be obtained 6.-Water Level Control: Verifies that the
The combination of a boiler and a
and increases the combustion performance. water level inside the boiler is a safe level for
superheater is known as a steam By Support Sopported boil
The heat produced by the combustion it to ignite. During operation, monitor and
generator. Sistem Suspended Boiler transforms the water into steam and is sent to correct errors; if the level drops, it sends a
For the One Step the steam turbines. signal to the feed pump to start and inject
Its basic principle consists of a Number of
Divers Steps more water, if it continues to go down, for
chamber where combustion Steps
safety it sends another signal to the burner to
occurs, with the help of combustion Boiler of Convection
For the turn off and does not allow it to burn. turn on
air and through an exchange Radiation Boiler
way to to a safe level; and if the water level rises, it
surface, heat transfer is carried out.
transmit sends a signal to stop the pump.
Boiler of conduction
heal 7.-Water Injection Pump: When the water
Water Boiler drops below the minimum operating level, it
receives the signal from the water control
and starts, taking water from the condensate
tank and introducing it to the boiler; on the
For the other hand, when it exceeds a security level
Flow preset, it also shuts off so as not to exceed the
Dispositio Boiler of Smoke tubes level or drown the boiler.
8.-Air System: This system is the essential
element to maintain combustion. It must be
regulated according to consumption of
Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861
Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

steam and in an adequate proportion to the

fuel, to maintain the flame with a non-
polluting combustion and economic.
9.-Fuel System: This system maintains
adequate fuel supply for the combustion that
takes place in the furnace of the boiler.
It is a closed enclosure in which the The steam extracted from the turbines is
steam leaves the turbine and is There is no direct contact condensed as it passes over tubes containing
forced to give up its latent heat of between the exhaust steam and water from the cooling system. The steam
vaporization. Surface
the cooling water. condenses when it comes in contact with the
• Converts used steam to water for Condenser
It can be air cooled or water cold surface of the tubes and due to the
return to generator or boiler as cooled transfer of heat to the cooling water by 1.-Serpentine
feedwater. This lowers the conduction and convection.
Condenser operational cost allowing the reuse 2.- Fan
of the feed water.
• Increases cycle efficiency by 3.-Dissipation fins
allowing the cycle to There is direct cooling contact The cooling water is sprayed onto the exhaust
work with the largest possible between exhaust steam and steam and there is direct contact between the
temperature and pressure exhaust water. exhaust steam and the cooling water.
gradients between the heat source
and heat sink.
The necessary air flow is
obtained as a result of the
difference in densities between The cooling towers cool the hot water by
the colder air from outside and pulverizing it in the form of rain drops that fall
the humid air from inside the into a framework or exchanger fill where they
tower. They use tall chimneys to are cooled by means of an air current that
obtain the desired draft. flows in the opposite direction, the already
In these types of towers, the air is
cooled water falling into a tank that collects
Induced 1.-The body
sucked in by a fan located at the and, where appropriate, will be distributed by
Shot 2.-Fan(If that is the case)
top of the tower. a circuit.
3.-Drop separator
Air enters through the lower openings above
A cooling tower is an installation 5.-Air Entrance
The air is forced by a fan located the water tank and passes through the tower
whose function is the dispersion of Forzed 6.-Hot Water Entrance
at the bottom of the tower and is from bottom to top. This intake of air can occur
Cooling heat from the water, which jointly Shot 7.-Water Outlet
discharged at the top. naturally in natural draft towers or forced
tower involves the transfer of heat and 8.-Hot Air Outlet
through strategically placed fans.
mass (controlled evaporation by
direct contact of water with air).
Air enters the sides of the tower Heat transfer occurs when water (at a higher
flowing horizontally through the temperature) and air (at a lower temperature)
falling water. These towers come together in the tower fill, where heat
Cross Flow
require more air and have a lower exchange between the two fluids takes place.
operating cost than upstream
Open circuit (single-pass) cooling withdraws large volumes of saline or fresh
1.-Water source
surface water, passes it through the power plant once, and returns most of it back
Open to the source with small amounts consumed along the way by evaporation .
circuit Although open circuit cooling is efficient and has low infrastructure and operating
costs, the discharged water is warmer than room temperature water, causing
thermal pollution, which can harm aquatic ecosystems.

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

Cooling towers extract water and then circulate it again until it evaporates, 1.-Cooling Tower
producing a cooling effect. Since evaporation induces cooling, closed circuit 2.-Pump
cooling towers consume the water they take in. 3.-Condencer
Dry cooling systems operate like radiators in automobiles by circulating a coolant
within a series of closed pipes along with air blown over the system to cool the
Air pipes. Air-cooled systems extract and consume less than 10% water than wet- 1.-Refrigerant
Cooling cooled systems. However, dry cooling systems have higher capital costs, and 2.-Radiators
reduce the overall efficiency of the plant, which increases costs and emissions per
unit of electricity generated.
The rotor is mounted on a shaft that rests on
two bearings or bearings. The air gap that
Alternators generate electricity
Alternator separates the rotor from the stator is called the
in alternating current
air gap and is necessary for the machine to
rotate. Normally, both in the stator and in the 1.-Stator – This is the stationary component.
rotor, there are windings made with copper It contains a set of electrical conductors
An electric generator is a device
conductors through which currents circulate wound in coils over an iron core.
that converts mechanical energy
Generator supplied or transferred to an external circuit
obtained from an external source
that constitutes the electrical system. One of 2.-Rotor / Armature – This is the moving
into electrical energy as the output.
Dynamos generate electricity in the windings creates a flux in the air gap and is component that produces a rotating
direct current. called an inductor. The other winding receives magnetic field.
the flux from the first and is called induced.
Likewise, the inductor could be placed in the
stator and the armature in the rotor or vice
A turbine is a machine that The rotating blades are like deep
transforms rotational energy from buckets. High-velocity jets of
a fluid that is picked up by a rotor incoming steam from carefully
system into usable work or energy. shaped nozzles kick into the
blades, pushing them around
A Steam Turbine is a mechanical with a series of impulses, and
device that extracts thermal energy bouncing off to the other side Turbines are turbomachines since they
1.-The rotor
from pressurized steam and with a similar pressure but much- transmit and modify energy. A turbine is made
transforms it into mechanical reduced velocity up of a series of blades that allow fluid to enter
Turbine 2.-The casing
work. Because the turbine In a reaction turbine, there is a the turbine, pushing the blades. These blades
generates rotary motion, it is second set of stationary blades spin as fluid flows through them, capturing
3.-The blades
particularly suited to driving attached to the inside of the some of the energy as rotational motion.
electrical generators turbine case. These help to speed
up and direct the steam onto the
rotating blades at just the right
angle, before the steam dissipates
with reduced temperature and
The feeding water are all those waters of any
origin that can be used with advantage and 1.-Pump
The feeding system comprises the safety to feed boilers. Water in general comes
supply of either a fuel or an element Water This system is responsible for from rivers, lakes, wells and rain water. 2.-Cooling Tower
to a system, for this it is considered Feeding supplying the feed water to the The water supplied to the boiler to generate
from a deposit to the supply System system steam is called boiler feedwater. After use, the 3.-Water source
actuators. steam produced in the boiler condenses and
returns to the boiler as recovered condensate, 4.-Controllers
along with additional fresh water or make-up

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

water. Boilers require high-quality water to

function efficiently. If the feed water contains
impurities, it will not be suitable for use in the
This system depends on the fuel we use to be
able to determine if pumps are necessary, as it 1.-Fuel
Fuel This system is in charge of
is in the case of liquid and gaseous fuels, in this 2.-Pump
Feeding supplying the fuel to create the
case we need a deposit, level controllers to 3.-Controller
System combustion in the system.
know when the boiler needs it. , thermometers 4.-Valve
and valves that will allow passage.
It consists of adding substances to the water that react with calcium magnesium
ions, transforming them into insoluble compounds, which are separated from the 1.-Lime
water by conventional physical processes (decantation and filtration).
Ions Unwanted dissolved ions in the water and effluent are exchanged for other ions
1.-A substance which have a similar charge
exchange with a similar charge.
Deionizati The deionization consists of the elimination of the electrically charged dissolved
1.- Electrodes
on substances that it contains, this is done through electrodes.
This process consists of removing a large part of the ions from the water, acids,
Dealkaliza salts or minerals, which mostly occur naturally. The main ions that generate
tion alkalinity in the water are bicarbonates and carbonates, and precisely these are
two of those that are sought to be eliminated using various treatments.
The water treatment system are all
The main objective of distillation is to separate a mixture of various components
those processes that have the
taking advantage of their different volatilities, or to separate volatile materials 1.-Heat Source
purpose of purifying the water and
Distillatio from non-volatile ones. The distillation process consists of heating a liquid until its 2.-Conteiners
Water increasing its quality for its safe use
n most volatile components pass into the vapor phase and, later, cooling the vapor 3.-Water outlet
treatment within the system.
until these components are recovered in liquid form through a condensation 4.-Water entrance
System Water treatment varies according
to the needs of each particular
1.-Pressure vessels and membranes
facility, different processes can be Process by which a sample of water is purified by removing the particles in
2.-Reverse osmosis in sliding structure
used to improve its quality. Inverse suspension. Reverse osmosis technology is a type of physical-chemical treatment
3.-Cartridge filter
osmosis that copies nature to remove impurities from water, passing it through semi-
4.-High pressure reverse osmosis pump
permeable membranes.
5.-Control panel
Membrane process in which ions are transported across an ion exchange
membrane using electrical energy as the driving force. Membranes have a high
density of ionic groups attached to them, which allow the selective transport of
ions through the membrane depending on their charge. Counter-ions (of opposite 1.-Membranes
charge) are allowed to pass while co-ions (same charge) are prevented from
passing. This process takes place between two electrodes under the influence of an
electric field.
It uses a direct exposure system to First, the steam from the steam generator
heat the feed water. In this enters a smaller high-pressure turbine, and as
system, the water is exposed to the steam continues to expand and lose its
A feedwater heater is a device used direct contact with the heating pressure, it is discharged into a larger low-
Water 2.-Turbine
to gradually heat water that is sent Open steam. Water is cascaded down pressure turbine. Typically, the steam used to
Heater 3.-Proces Heater
to a steam boiler. horizontal trays into a closed heat the feedwater heater is drawn from the
container. The steam enters the exhaust of the high pressure steam turbine.
bottom of the container and heats Feedwater heaters use steam drawn from the
the water as it rises. turbine to raise the temperature of the water

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

Feed water is pumped through going to the boiler. The water first passes
the tubes and steam is circulated through low-pressure heaters and to the
through the shell, thus heating the deaerator where excess oxygen is removed.
water indirectly. The water Feedwater then passes to high-pressure
formed by condensing steam heaters where it is heated and further
inside the casing is then piped pressurized.
back to the feedwater supply
tank for reuse.
1.-Internal Steam Distribuitor Piping
The spray-type deaerator contains a spray nozzle in the feedwater inlet space. it is 2.-Internal Perforated Pipe
The purpose of a Deaerator is to then preheated and deaerated and sent to the storage section. Steam is also added 3.-Perforated Trays
remove unwanted dissolved gases in the storage section to maintain the water at its saturated temperature. 4.-Low Pressure Steam
and dissolved oxygen from the 5.-Boiler Feedwater
boiler feedwater before it is passed Tray type deaerators contain perforated trays within the top of the Deaer section.
Deaerator 1.-Spray Nozzle
to the boilers. Most deaerators are The volume of the lower portion is high to be used as storage for the boiler feed
2.-SprayNozzle Sgroud
designed in such a way that the water. Feedwater to the deaerator enters the perforated trays wherever the area
dissolved oxygen content within Tray type and residence time grow to meet the steam. The water then goes to the horizontal
4.-Steam Supply Pipe
the leaving water is 7 ppb per WTC. storage section where the steam is passed through a bubbler pipe to remove any
5.-Preheating Section
remaining dissolved gases and maintain the stored water at its saturation
6.-Deaeration Section
At the heart of the process, boiler
A pump is any device meant to facilitate the
feed pumps feed water at high
motion of a fluid. Pumps displace fluids,
Water temperature and pressure to a
causing it to move down or out of a pipe. Most
Pump steam generator such as a boiler
pumps use some sort of compressional action
or an energy recovery generator
to displace the fluid. This compressional
to produce power.
action sometimes necessitates a motor that
Condensate pumps are required acts to put pressure on the fluid to displace it. 1.-A housing
to handle the low pressure water This motor can be powered by a variety of
It is a mechanical device using leaving the condenser, therefore fuels, as long as it has the necessary power to
suction or pressure to raise or move Condensat this service often requires
Pump displace the fluid. Most pumps are either 2.-An impeller
liquids, compress gases, or force air e Pumps vertical canned pumps suitable positive displacement or rotodynamic.
into inflatable objects such as tires. for use in low or zero NPSH
applications. All pumps use basic forces of nature to move a 3.-An Engine
Cooling water pumps circulate liquid. As the moving pump part (impeller,
large volumes of water, from vane, piston diaphragm,etc.) begins to move,
Cooling cooling towers and other sources, air is pushed out of the way. The movement of
Water such as lakes or rivers, to the air creates a partial vacuum (low pressure)
Pumps condenser. They generally which can be filled up by more air, or in the
require high flow rates, but little case of water pumps, water.

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

Images of Every System


Coal thermal power station. Fuel thermal power station.

Combined cycle power plant. Biomass thermal power station.

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

Urban solid waste thermal plant. Nuclear power plant.


Fixed boiler Portable boiler

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

Locomotive boiler. Marine boiler.

Coal boiler. Liquid fuel boiler.

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

Biomass boiler. Mixed fuel boiler.

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861
Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

Condenser. Surface condenser.

Stream condenser Desaerator

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1


tray type sprinkler type

Cooling Tower:

Induced Forced Cross flow

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1


Alternator. Generator.


Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

Feeding system

• 6 Fuel feeding system.

• 14 Water feeding system.

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

Sistemas de Generación de Energía U1

Water treatment. Water Heaters.

Water Pumps

Eduardo Castillo Barba 19150861

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