Lesson 6 Level 2-Letter Sound and Introduction Sight Words

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Key: TS Teacher to Student

SS Student to Student

TST - Teacher Student Teacher

Lesson Plan – HNS & MMB – Mabap/ Oslo Adult Literacy


Lesson 6

Introduction to basic words, sight words, and

identifying classroom objects.

Date: 26th – 27th August, 2023

Grade: Level 2

Learning outcomes and target language:

• Students will review the phonetic alphabet and vowels learned in the
previous lesson and sound out non-compound words that are spelled
with the phonetic alphabet and vowels • Students will identify and
pronounce basic English words using more graphemes

• Students will practice reading simple sentences using sight words.

Total Lesson time: 100 Minutes

Resources and preparation:

• Board

• Various school objects (e.g., pencil, pen, eraser, book, ruler)

• Level 1 reading books (from hall) (Make sure that the text in the book
covered phonemes that will be taught in the lesson). If necessary,
proceed to level 2 reading book.

Note to teacher:

It is important to provide positive feedback and reinforcement throughout the

lesson to encourage participation and engagement. Also, consider the
students' individual needs and adjust the difficulty level of the activities
accordingly. Encourage teamwork and collaboration by having the students
work together on some of the activities.

Activity 1: Reading as a class (TST) –(10 Minutes)

Reading: Level 1 book from the hall

Activity 2: Lead: Recap from lesson 1 and home work (15 minutes)

Summarise what the students learned in level 1 (Introduction to Alphabets,

Phonemes, and vowels) to insure that they retained what was taught.

1. Begin by writing the Phonemes learned in the previous lesson on the

board, one at a time (e.g., /b/, /f/, /s/, /m/, /p/, /t/, /d/, /n/, /k/ /g/).

2. Test the students on the vowels /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/

3. Ask the students to provide a word that start with each phonemes.
Encourage them to think of words related to the lesson or everyday
objects. This was set as a homework so they should already be able to
have some words already prepared. Write to students suggested
words next to each phonemes on the blackboard.

N:B: If there is any vocabulary with grapheme or dipthong sounds that have
not yet been introduced to them, then write these words on the blackboard and
un derline the new sound. For example, if Pa Issa provided ‘Tree’ as a word
he found for his homework, then you need to write this on the blackboard and
sound out the ‘ee’ sound and provide other examples with a brainstorm
for practice e.g.

Brainstorm example or ‘ee’ sound

Three (adjective)
See (verb)
Bee (noun)
Teeth (noun)
Seed (noun)
Green (adjective)

Where more dipthongs/graphemes appear from any of [these] words, then do

another brainstorm on the blackboard to practice them.

For example, ‘teeth’ contains the ‘th’ sound, so practice enunciating

(pronouncing ‘th’) and then do another brainstorm: -

(Example 2 brainstorm ‘th’ sound): -

Tell the students to now return to the text that was covered in the reading
books from the start o the lesson and, in pairs to identify words that contain
any of the sounds just learned.
Activity 2: Quick fire letter game TST
Time: 20 Min

1. Choose a word and write it on the board. For example, "cat".

2. Ask the students to come up with a word that starts with the last letter

of "cat". For example, "tiger".

3. Write the new word on the board and ask the students to come up with

another word that starts with the last letter of "tiger". For example,
4. Keep going until the students can't think of any more words or until the
time is up.
5. To make it more challenging, you can add rules such as: the word must

be a noun, the word must have at least 3 letters, etc.

6. Have them come up with their own on their own sheet of paper. They

can work in pairs and use their reading and vocabulary books but they
must know the meanings of the words.
7. Encourage the students to spell the words correctly and to help each
other out if they get stuck.
Activity 3. Understanding sight words
Time: 25 Min TST

1. Write several very simple sentences on the board using sight words

(e.g. "The cat sat on the mat." "I see a red ball.")
2. Erase one of the sight words in each sentence and write it on the board
3. Ask the students to come up one by one and fill in the missing sight

word in the sentence on the chalkboard using the word written on the
board separately.
4. Repeat the activity with more challenging sentences as the students

become more comfortable with the concept.

5. To increase the difficulty of the activity, ask the students to come up

with their own sentences using any of the sight words on the board.
6. Provide positive feedback and reinforcement throughout the activity to

encourage participation and engagement.

Note: You can adjust the difficulty level of the sentences based on the level of
your students.
See example sight words below
Read through with the class the text again from the Level 1 book and then ask
the students to work in pairs to identify any of the sight words that were just
covered. Note, is doesn’t matter if not all of the sight words are in the text.

Activity 4. Pronouncing basic school objects

Time: 10 mins TS

1. Begin by holding up an object, such as a pencil, and ask the students

to identify it.
2. Once the object has been identified, ask the students to repeat the
name of the object after you, focusing on correct pronunciation.
3. Repeat this process with several other objects, such as a pen, eraser,
book, ruler, etc.
4. To increase the difficulty, you can ask the students to spell the names
of the objects or to use them in a sentence.
5. You can also have the students take turns holding up the objects and
identifying them while the other students repeat the name after them.
Provide positive feedback and reinforcement throughout the activity to
encourage participation and engagement.

Activity 5: Brainstorm
Time 10 Min

Ask the students to read out the words in the picture below

Do another brainstorm activity to practice the following phonemes covered in

the picture: -

Example words:
Look (Verb)
Took (Verb, past tense)
Cook (Verb)
Tree (Noun)
Bee (Noun)
See (Verb)
Mouse (noun)
Found (Verb, past tense)
Ground (noun)
Extension activity


Read level 1 Book or level 2 if they are ready

Write down any words they don’t understand
Write down words containing any of the sounds covered in the lesson
Bring these words to next lesson

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