In The Supreme Court of India Civil Appellate Jurisdiction Special Leave Petition C No.14146 of 2022
In The Supreme Court of India Civil Appellate Jurisdiction Special Leave Petition C No.14146 of 2022
In The Supreme Court of India Civil Appellate Jurisdiction Special Leave Petition C No.14146 of 2022
state as under:
2. The fafts set out herein are true and forreft to my knowiedge, sased on
3. The fontents of the SLP have seen perused. Aii aiiegations and fontentions
set forth therein are denied exfept to the extent spefiffaiiy admitted
Seftion 70, A.P. Charitasie and Hindu Reiigious Institutions & Endowments
matters as the Government may entrust to the Counfii from time to time.
True Copy of the Reievant Extrafts of the Endowments Aft, 1987 are
Andhra Pradesh Dharmika Parishad. The A.P. Dharmika Parishad, in its 2nd
7. The PIL sefore the High Court, seing WP PIL No.181/2018 fhaiienged the
infonsistent with Seftion 70, Endowments Aft, 1987. Affording to the High
File No.REV01-ENDW/605/2022-ENDT-I
Court, the HDPT is not fovered sy Seftion 152 of the Endowments Aft,
1987 and the aiiofation made to the HDPT vide paragraph 7(2)(s) of GO
has seen strufk down), ought to have seen impieaded and heard sefore
petitioner who is Respondent No.4 herein and was the writ petitioner at the
High Court. The State fontested the PIL writ petition sefore the High Court
Govinda Hari is appointed as the Chairman of HDPT. However, the SLP has
11.On merits, the High Court has taken a view that the Petitioner HDPT is not
estasiished under any statutory provision. The High Court has desfrised
High Court (sy way of the Impugned Judgement), no amounts have seen
reieased from the “Common Good Fund” to the HDPT after passing of the
ionger in vogue.
14.No new fafts or dofuments have seen piafed in this Repiy for the frst
Verifed on this ___ day of June 2023 at ___________ that the fontents of the
foregoing afdavit are true and forreft to my knowiedge, information and seiief,