JEE - MODULE 2 - PHY - Magnetism, EMI - AC
JEE - MODULE 2 - PHY - Magnetism, EMI - AC
JEE - MODULE 2 - PHY - Magnetism, EMI - AC
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Theory ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Theory ................................................................................................................................................ 84
Teacher’s Note:
Back in the 6th century BC, the Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus had already noticed
the special effects of the magnetic stones and later on magnetic needles were being used
for navigation for voyages by various explorers ! Even Albert Einstein wasn't spared, a
gift of a compass from his father when he was five years old led to a lifetime fascination
with magnetic fields. The future of transportation i.e the motors in electric vehicles is
based on fundamentals of magnetism ! Lets see the origins and applications of the
1. MAGNETIC FIELD AND FORCE If v and B are in the plane of paper, then according to
Right-Hand Rule, the direction of F on positively charged
In order to define the magnetic field B , we deduce an expression particle will be perpendicular to the plane of paper upwards
for the force on a moving charge in a magnetic field. as shown in figure (a), and on negatively charged particle will
Consider a positive charge q moving in a uniform magnetic field be perpendicular to the plane of paper downwards, figure (b).
B , with a velocity V . Let the angle between V and B be .
(i) The magnitude of force F experienced by the moving charge
is directly proportional to the magnitude of the charge i.e.
F q Definition of B
If v = 1, q = 1 and sin = 1 or = 90°, the nfrom (1),
(ii) The magnitude of force F is directly proportional to the
component of velocity acting perpendicular to the direction F = 1 × 1 × B × 1 = B.
of magnetic field, i.e. Thus the magnetic field induction at a point in the magnetic
F v sin field is equal to the force experienced by a unit charge moving
with a unit velocity perpendicular to the direction of magnetic
(iii) The magnitude of force F is directly proportional to the field at that point.
magnitude of the magnetic field applied i.e.,
Special Cases
FB Case (i) If = 0° or 180°, then sin = 0.
Combining the above factors, we get
From (1),
F qvsin B or F = kqv B sin F = qv B (0) = 0.
where k is a constant of proportionality. Its value is found It means, a charged particle moving along or opposite to the
to be one i.e. k = 1. direction of magnetic field, does not experience any force.
F = qv B sin ...(1) Case (ii) If v = 0, then F = qv B sin = 0.
F q vB ...(2) It means, if a charged particle is at rest in a magnetic field, it
experiences no force.
The direction of F is the direction of cross-product of Case (iii) If = 90°, then sin = 1
velocity v and magnetic field B , which is perpendicular to F = qv B (1) = qv B (Maximum).
the plane containing v and B . It is directed as given by the Unit of B . SI unit of B is tesla (T) or weber/(metre)2 i.e. (Wb/m2)
Right- Handed-Screw Rule or Right-Hand Rule. or Ns C–1 m–1
Thus, the magnetic field induction at a point is said to be speed, velocity, momentum and kinetic energy of charged
one Tesla if a charge of one coulomb while moving at right particle will change.
angle to a magnetic field, with a velocity of 1 ms–1 experiences
a force of 1 newton, at that point. Case II. When v, E and B are mutually perpendicular to
each other. In this situation if E and B are such that
Dimensions of B MA 1T 2
F Fe Fm 0 , then acceleration in the particle,
a 0 . It means the particle will pass through the fields
without any change in its velocity. Here, Fe = Fm so qE = q
The force experienced by a charged particle moving in space v B or v = E/B.
where both electric and magnetic fields exist is called Lorentz This concept has been used in velocity-selector to get a
force. charged beam having a definite velocity.
Force due to electric field: When a charged particle carrying
charge +q is subjected to an electric field of strength E , it
experiences a force given by
Suppose a particle of mass m and charge q, entering a
Fe qE ...(3)
uniform magnetic field induction B at O, with velocity v ,
whose direction is the same as that of E . making an angle with the direction of magnetic field acting
Force due to magnetic field: If the charged particle is moving in the plane of paper as shown in figure
in a magnetic field B , with a velocity v it experiences a
force given by
Fm q v B
The direction of this force is in the direction of
v B i.e.
perpendicular to the plane contaning v and B and is
directed as given by Right hand screw rule.
Due to both the electric and magnetic fields, the total force
experienced by the charged particle will be given by
F Fe Fm qE q v B q E v B Resolving v into two rectangular components, we have :
v cos (= v1) acts in the direction of the magnetic field and
v sin (= v2) acts perpendicular to the direction of magnetic
F q E vB ...(4) field.
This is called Lorentz force. For velocity component v2 , the force acting on the charged
Special cases
particle due to magnetic field is F q v 2 B
Case I. When v, E and B , all the three are collinear.. In
or F q v 2 B qv 2 Bsin 90 q vsin B ...(1)
this situation, the charged particle is moving parallel or
antiparallel to the fields, the magnetic force on the charged The direction of this force F is perpendicular to the plane
particle is zero. The electric force on the charged particle
containing B and v2 and is directed as given by Right
qE hand rule. As this force is to remain always perpendicular to
will produce acceleration a ,
m v2 it does not perform any work and hence cannot change
along the direction of electric field. As a result of this, there
the magnitude of velocity v2 . It changes only the direction
will be change in the speed of charged particle along the
of motion of the particle. Due to it, the charged particle is
direction of the field. In this situation there will be no change
made to move on a circular path in the magnetic field, as
in the direction of motion of the charged particle but, the
shown in figure
provides the required centripetal force = mv 2 / r necessary
for motion along a circular path of radius r.
Bq v 2 mv22 / r or v2 Bq r / m
or v sin = B q r/m ...(2)
The angular velocity of rotation of the particle in magnetic
vsin Bqr Bq The linear distance covered by the charged particle in the
field will be
r mr m magnetic field in time equal to one revolution of its circular
The frequency of rotation of the particle in magnetic field path (known as pitch of helix) will be
will be 2m
d v1T v cos
Bq Bq
v ...(3)
2 2m Important points
The time period of revolution of the particle in the magnetic 1. If a charged particle having charge q is at rest in a magnetic
field will be
field B , it experiences no force; as v = 0 and F = q v B sin = 0.
1 2m
T ...(4) 2. If charged particle is moving parallel to the direction of B , it
v Bq
also does not experience any force because angle between
From (3) and (4), we note that v and T do not depend upon
velocity v of the particle. It means, all the charged particles v and B is 0° or 180° and sin 0° = sin 180° = 0. Therefore,
having the same specific charge (charge/mass) but moving the charged particle in this situation will continue moving
with different velocities at a point, will complete their circular along the same path with the same velocity.
paths due to component velocities perpendicular to the 3. If charged particle is moving perpendicular to the direction
magnetic fields in the same time.
of B , it experiences a maximum force which acts
For component velocity v1 vcos , there will be no force
perpendicular to the direction B as well as v . Hence this
on the charged particle in the magnetic field, because the force will provide the required centripetal force and the
angle between v1 and B is zero. Thus the charged particle charged particle will describe a circular path in the magnetic
covers the linear distance in direction of the magnetic field
mv 2
with a constant speed v cos . field of radius r, given by Bqv .
nIBA cos
Note that if the normal drawn on the plane of the coil makes
an angle with the direction of magnetic field, then + = 90°
Let F1, F2 , F3 and F4 be the forces acting on the four current or = 90° – ; And cos = cos (90° – ) = sin
carrying arms PQ, QR, RS and SP of the coil. Then torque becomes,
The force on arm SP is given by,
nIBA sin MBsin M B nIA B
F4 I SP B or F4 = I (SP) B sin (180° – ) = Ib B sin
where, nIA = M = magnitude of the magnetic dipole moment
The direction of this force is in the direction of SP B i.e. of the rectangular current loop
in the plane of coil directed upwards.
M B nI A B
The force on the arm QR is given by F2 I QR B or
This torque tends to rotate the coil about its own axis. Its
F2 = I (QR) B sin = I b B sin value changes with angle between plane of coil and direction
The direction of this force is in the plane of the coil directed of magnetic field.
Special cases The lower end of the coil is connected to one end of a hair
spring S’ of quartz or phosphor bronze. The other end of
Case: 1 If the coil is set with its plane parallel to the direction of this highly elastic spring S’ is connected to a terminal T2. L
magnetic field B, then is soft iron core which may be spherical if the coil is circular
0 and cos 1 and cylindrical, if the coil is rectangular. It is so held within
the coil, that the coil can rotate freely without touching the
Torque, = nIBA (1) = nIBA (Maximum) iron core and pole pieces. This makes the magnetic field
This is the case with a radial field. linked with coil to be radial field i.e. the plane of the coil in
Case: 2 If the coil is set with its plane perpendicular to the all positions remains parallel to the direction of magnetic
direction of magentic field B, then = 90° and cos = 0 field. M is concave mirror attached to the phosphor bronze
strip. This helps us to note the deflection of the coil using
Torque, = nIBA (0) = 0 (Minimum)
lamp and scale arrangement. The whole arrangement is
enclosed in a non-metallic case to avoid disturbance due to
7. MOVING COIL GALVANOMETER air etc. The case is provided with levelling screws at the
Moving coil galvanometer is an instrument used for detection
and measurement of small electric currents. The spring S’ does three jobs for us : (i) It provides passage
of current for the coil PQRS1 (ii) It keeps the coil in position
Principle. Its working is based on the fact that when a current
and (iii) generates the restoring torque on the twisted coil.
carrying coil is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a torque.
The torsion head is connected to terminal T 1. The
Construction. It consists of a coil PQRS1 having large
galvanometer can be connected to the circuit through
number of turns of insulated copper wire, figure. The coil is terminals T1 and T2.
wound over a non-magnetic metallic frame (usually brass)
which may be rectangular or circular in shape. The coil is Theory. Suppose the coil PQRS1 is suspended freely in the
suspended from a movable torsion head H by means of magnetic field.
phosphor bronze strip in a uniform magnetic field produced Let, = length PQ or RS1 of the coil,
by two strong cylindrical magnetic pole pieces N and S. b = breadth QR or S1P of the coil,
n = number of turns in the coil.
Area of each turn of the coil, A = × b.
Let, B = strength of the magnetic field in which coil is
I = current passing through the coil in the direction PQRS1
as shown in figure.
Let at any instant, be the angle which the normal drawn on
the plane of the coil makes with the direction of magnetic field.
As already discussed, the rectangular coil carrying current
when placed in the magnetic field experiences a torque whose
magnitude is given by = nIBA sin .
If the magnetic field is radial i.e. the plane of the coil is
parallel to the direction of the magnetic field then = 90°
and sin = 1.
= nIBA
Due to this torque, the coil rotates. The phosphor bronze
strip gets twisted. As a result of it, a restoring torque comes
into play in the phosphor bronze strip, which would try to
restore the coil back to its original position.
Let be the twist produced in the phosphor bronze strip
due to rotation of the coil and k be the restoring torque per
unit twist of the phosphor bronze strip, then total restoring
torque produced = k .
In equilibrium position of the coil, deflecting torque
= restoring torque
nIBA = k (a) The value of n can not be increased beyond a certain limit
because it results in an increase of the resistance of the
k galvanometer and also makes the galvanometer bulky. This
or I or I G
nBA tends to decrease the sensitivity. Hence n can not be
increased beyond a limit.
k (b) The value of B can be increased by using a strong horse
where G a constant for a galvanometer. It is
nBA shoe magnet.
known as galvanometer constant. (c) The value of A can not be increased beyond a limit because
in that case the coil will not be in a uniform magnetic field.
Hence, I Moreover, it will make the galvanometer bulky and
It means, the deflection produced is proportional to the
(d) The value of k can be decreased. The value of k depends
current flowing through the galvanometer. Such a upon the nature of the material used as suspension strip.
galvanometer has a linear scale. The value of k is very small for quartz or phosphor bronze.
Current sensitivity of a galvanometer is defined as the That is why, in sensitive galvanometer, quartz or phosphor
deflection produced in the galvanometer when a unit current bronze strip is used as a suspension strip.
flows through it.
If is the deflection in the galvanometer when current I is
passed through it, then According to Biot-Savart’s law, the magnitude of the
magnetic field induction dB (also called magnetic flux
Current sensitivity, density) at a point P due to current element depends upon
the factors at stated below :
nBA k (i) dB I (ii) dB d
Is I
I k nBA
(iii) dB sin (iv) dB
The unit of current sensitivity is rad. A–1 or div. A–1. r2
Combining these factors, we get
Voltage sensitivity of a galvanometer is defined as the
deflection produced in the galvanometer when a unit voltage Id sin
is applied across the two terminals of the galvanometer. r2
Let, V = voltage applied across the two terminals of the Id sin
or dB K
galvanometer, r2
= deflection produced in the galvanometer.
Then, voltage sensitivity, VS = /V
If R = resistance of the galvanometer, I = current through it.
Then V = IR
Voltage sensitivity,
where K is a constant of proportionality. Its value depends
the unit of VS is rad V or div. V .
–1 –1 on the system of units chosen for the measurement of the
various quantities and also on the medium between point P
Conditions for a sensitive galvanometer and the current element. When there is free space between
A galvanometer is said to be very sensitive if it shows large current element and point, then
deflection even when a small current is passed through it.
In SI units, K and In cgs system K = 1
nBA 4
From the theory of galvanometer, I
k where 0 is absolute magnetic permeability of free space
For a given value of I, will be large if nBA/k is large. It is so and 0 4 107 Wb A 1m1 4107 TA 1m
if (a) n is large (b) B is large (c) A is large and (d) k is small.
( 1 T = 1 Wb m–2)
Id sin (i) Both the laws for fields are long range, since in both the
In cgs system, dB laws, the field at a point varies inversely as the square of the
distance from the source to point of observation.
In vector form, we may write
(ii) Both the fields obey superposition principle.
0 I d r
0 I d r
or dB
(iii) The magnetic field is linear in the source Id , just as the
4 r 3 4 r3 electric field is linear in its source, the electric charge q.
0 Id sin 0
dB 0
4 r2
It means there is no magnetic field induction at any point on According to Biot-Savart’s law, the magnetic field dB (i.e.
the thin linear current carrying conductor. magnetic flux density or magnetic induction) at point P due
7. If = 90° i.e. the point P lies at a perpendicular position w.r.t. to current element Id is given by
current element, then
0 Id r
dB . 3
0 Id 4 r
dB , which is maximum.
4 r 2
0 Id sin
or dB ...(5)
8. If = 0° or 180°, then dB = 0 i.e. minimum. 4 r2
a a
Also, cos or r ...(7) (iv) When point P lies on the wire conductor, then d and r for
r cos
each element of the straight wire conductor are parallel.
or a tan Therefore, d r 0 . So the magnetic field induction at P = 0.
And, tan
Direction of magnetic field
Differentiating it, we get The magnetic field lines due to straight conductor carrying
d a sec d
...(8) current are in the form of concentric circles with the
conductor as centre, lying in a plane perpendicular to the
Putting the values in (5) from (6), (7) and (8), we get straight conductor. The direction of magnetic field lines is
anticlockwise, if the current flows from A to B in the straight
0 I a sec d cos 0 I
cos d ...(9)
conductor figure (a) and is clockwise if the current flows
4 a2 4 a from B to A in the straight conductor, figure (b). The direction
2 of magnetic field lines is given by Right Hand Thumb Rule
cos or Maxwell’s cork screw rule.
The direction of dB , according to right hand thumb rule,
will be perpendicular to the plane of paper and directed
inwards. As all the current elements of the conductor will
also produce magnetic field in the same direction, therefore,
the total magnetic field at point P due to current through the
whole straight conductor XY can be obtained by integrating
Eq. (9) within the limits – 1 and + 2. Thus
2 2
0 I I
cos d 40 a sin 21
B dB
4 a
1 1
0 I I
sin 2 sin 1 0 sin 1 sin 2 ...(10)
4 a 4 a Right hand thumb rule. According to this rule, if we imagine
the linear wire conductor to be held in the grip of the right
Special cases. (i) When the conductor XY is of infinite length
hand so that the thumb points in the direction of current,
and the point P lies near the centre of the conductor then
then the curvature of the fingers around the conductor
1 2 90 will represent the direction of magnetic field lines, figure
(a) and (b).
0 I 2I
So, B sin 90 sin 90 0 ...(11)
4 a 4 a
(ii) When the conductor XY is of infinite length but the point P
lies near the end Y (or X) then 1 = 90° and 2 = 0°.
0 I I
So, B sin 90 sin 0 0 ...(11 a)
4 a 4 a
Thus we note that the magnetic field due to an infinite long
linear conductor carrying current near its centre is twice
than that near one of its ends.
(iii) If length of conductor is finite, say L and point P lies on
right bisector of conductor, then
L/2 L
1 2 and sin
a L / 2
2 4a L2
Id 0 I
B dB 40
r 2 4 r 2
But d = total length of the circular coil = circumference of
the current loop = 2r
If length d is very small and products for all elements of 12. MAGNETIC FIELD DUE TO INFINITE LONG
closed boundary are added together, then sum tends to be STRAIGHT WIRE CARRYING CURRENT
an integral around the closed path or loop (i.e., ) . Consider an infinite long straight wire lying in the plane of
paper. Let I be the current flowing through it from X to Y. A
Therefore, of B.d over all elements on a closed path
magnetic field is produced which has the same magnitude
B.d = Line integral of B around the closed path or at all points that are at the same distance from the wire, i.e.
the magnetic field has cylindrical symmetry around the wire.
loop whose boundary coincides with the closed path.
According to Ampere’s circuital law,
B.d 0 I ...(14)
0 I 0 2I
or B ...(15)
2r 4 r
Case I. Point P is lying outside the cylinder. Let r be the Here we note that the magnetic field induction is maximum
perpendicular distance of point P from the axis of cylinder, for a point on the surface of solid cylinder carrying current
where r > R. Let B be the magnetic field induction at P. It is and is zero for a point on the axis of cylinder.
acting tangential to the magnetic line of force at P directed
into the paper. Here B and d are acting in the same direction.
Applying Ampere circuital law we have
Consider C 1D 1 and C 2D 2, two infinite long straight
B.d 0 I or
Bd cos 0 0 I
conductors carrying currents I 1 and I 2 in the same
direction. They are held parallel to each other at a
or Bd 0I or B2r 0 I distance r apart, in the plane of paper. The magnetic
field is produced due to current through each conductor
0 I shown separately in figure. Since each conductor is in
or B , i.e., B 1/ r the magnetic field produced by the other, therefore, each
conductor experiences a force.
Case II. Point P is lying inside cylinder. Here r < R. we may
have two possibilities.
D1 r D2
(i) If the current is only along the surface of cylinder which is
so if the conductor is a cylindrical sheet of metal, then current B1 90° I2
through the closed path L is zero. Using Ampere circutal
law, we have B = 0. F1 B F2
(ii) If the current is uniformly distributed throughout the cross- × ×
section of the conductor, then the current through closed B
path L is given by
I Ir I1 B2
I' 2
r 2 2
C1 C2
Applying Ampere’s circuital law, we have
Magnetic field induction at a point P on conductor C2D2
B.d 0 r I ' due to current I1 passing through C1D1 is given by
0 2I1
Ir 2 B1 ...(16)
or 2rB 0 r I ' 0 r2 4 r
According to right hand rule, the direction of magnetic field
0 r Ir
or B i.e., B r B1 is perpendicular to the plane of paper, directed inwards.
2 R 2
A solenoid consists of an insulating long wire closely wound From Ampere’s circuital law
in the form of a helix. Its length is very large as compared to
its diameter.
Magnetic field due to a solenoid
B.d 0 × total current through the rectangle PQRS
Consider a long straight solenoid of circular cross-section.
Each two turns of the solenoid are insulated from each other. = 0 × no. of turns in rectangle × current
When current is passed through the solenoid, then each = 0 n LI ...(19)
turn of the solenoid can be regarded as a circular loop
carrying current and thus will be producing a magnetic field. From (18) and (19), we have
At a point outside the solenoid, the magnetic fields due to BL = 0 n LI or B = 0 n I
neighbouring loops oppose each other and at a point inside
the solenoid, the magnetic fields are in the same direction. This relation gives the magnetic field induction at a point
As a result of it, the effective magnetic field outside the well inside the solenoid. At a point near the end of a solenoid,
solenoid becomes weak, whereas the magnetic field in the the magnetic field induction is found to be 0 n I/2.
interior of solenoid becomes strong and uniform, acting
along the axis of the solenoid. 16. TOROID
Let us now apply Ampere’s circuital law.
Let n be the number of turns per unit length of solenoid and The toroid is a hollow circular ring on which a large number of
I be the current flowing through the solenoid and the turns insulated turns of a metallic wire are closely wound. In fact, a
of the solenoid be closely packed. toroid is an endless solenoid in the form of a ring, figure.
The line integral of magnetic field induction B over the
closed path PQRS is
or B12 r1 = 0 or B1 = 0
Let B3 be the magnitude of magnetic field along the loop 3.
The line integral of magnetic field B3 along the loop 3 is
B3 .d B3d cos 0 B3 2r3
loop 3 loop 3
m1m 2 mm The path along which the compass needles are aligned is
F 2
or F K 1 2 2 , where K is magnetic force known as magnetic field line.
r r
In SI units, K 107 Wb A 1m 1
where 0 is absolute magnetic permeability of free space
0 m1m 2
4 r 2
This is called Coulomb’s law of magnetic force. However, in
cgs system, the value of K = 1.
This corresponds to Coulomb’s law in electrostatics.
SI Unit of magnetic pole strength
Suppose m1 = m2 = m (say),
r = 1 m and F = 10–7 N
From equation (1),
107 107
m m 2
or m 1 or m = +1 ampere-metre
(Am). Therefore, strength of a magnetic pole is said to be
one ampere-metre, if it repels an equal and similar pole, when
placed in vacuum (or air) at a distance of one metre from it,
with a force of 10–7 N.
6. The magnetic poles always exist in pairs. The poles of a
magnet can never be separated i.e. magnetic monopoles do
not exist.
Properteis of magnetic field lines We shall show that the SI unit of M is joule/tesla or ampere
1. The magnetic field lines of a magnet (or of a solenoid metre2.
carrying current) form closed continuous loops.
SI unit of pole strength is Am.
2. Outside the body of the magnet, the direction of magnetic
field lines is from north pole to south pole. Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid
3. At any given point, tangent to the magnetic field line We know that a current loop acts as a magnetic dipole.
represents the direction of net magnetic field ( B ) at that According to Ampere’s hypothesis, all magnetic phenomena
point. can be explained in terms of circulating currents.
4. The magnitude of magnetic field at any point is represented In figure magnetic field lines for a bar magnet and a current
by the number of magnetic field lines passing normally carrying solenoid resemble very closely. Therefore, a bar
through unit area around that point. Therefore, crowded
magnet can be thought of as a large number of circulating
lines represent a strong magnetic field and lines which are
not so crowded represent a weak magnetic field. currents in analogy with a solenoid. Cutting a bar magnet is
5. No two magnetic field lines can intersect each other. like cutting a solenoid. We get two smaller solenoids with
weaker magnetic properties. The magnetic field lines remain
continuous, emerging from one face of one solenoid and
entering into other face of other solenoid. If we were to
move a small compass needle in the neighbourhood of a bar
magnet and a current carrying solenoid, we would find that
the deflections of the needle are similar in both cases.
0ia 2 n dx
dB 3/ 2
2 r x a 2
2 ...(1)
nia 2 nia 2 x U M.B ...(8)
B 0 3 dx 0 3 x x
2r x
Particular Cases
Magnetic declination at a place is the angle between Dividing (24) by (23), we get
magnetic meridian and geographic meridian at that place.
R sin V V
or tan ...(4)
R cos H H
The value of horizontal component H = R cos is different
at different places. At the magnetic poles, = 90°
H = R cos 90° = zero
At the magnetic equator, = 0°
H = R cos 0° = R
Horizontal component (H) can be measured using both, a
vibration magnetometer and a deflection magnetometer.
The value of H at a place on the surface of earth is of the
order of 3.2 × 10–5 tesla.
Memory note
Retain in Memory
Note that the direction of horizontal component H of earth’s
1. The earth’s magnetic poles are not at directly opposite positions
magnetic field is from geographic south to geographic north
on globe. Current magnetic south is farther from geographic
above the surface of earth. (if we ignore declination).
south than magnetic north is from geographic north.
2. Infact, the magnetic field of earth varies with position and 22. MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MATTER
also with time. For example, in a span of 240 years from 1580
to 1820 A.D., the magnetic declination at London has been To describe the magnetic properties of materials, we define
found to change by 3.5° – suggesting that magnetic poles the following few terms, which should be clearly understood
of earth change their position with time. 22.1 Magnetic Permeability
3. The magnetic declination in India is rather small. At Delhi,
declination is only 0° 41’ East and at Mumbai, the declination It is the ability of a material to permit the passage of magnetic
is 0° 58’ West. Thus at both these places, the direction of lines of force through it i.e. the degree or extent to which magnetic
field can penetrate or permeate a material is called magnetic
geographic north is given quite accurately by the compass
permeability of the material. It is represented by r.
needle (within 1° of the actual direction).
Relative magnetic permeability of a mterial is defined as the
21.2 Magnetic Dip or Magnetic Inclination ratio of the number of magnetic field lines per unit area (i.e.
Magnetic dip or magnetic inclination at a place is defined as flux density B) in that material to the number of magnetic
the angle which the direction of total strength of earth’s field lines per unit area that would be present, if the medium
were replaced by vacuum. (i.e. flux density B0).
magnetic field makes with a horizontal line in magnetic meridian.
21.3 Horizontal Component i.e., r
It is the component of total intensity of earth’s magnetic
field in the horizontal direction in magnetic meridian. It is Relative magnetic permeability of a material may also be
represented by H. defined as the ratio of magnetic permeability of the material
In figure, AK represents the total intensity of earth’s magnetic () and magnetic permeability of free space (0)
field, BAK = . The resultant intensity R along AK is
resolved into two rectangular components : r or r 0
Horizontal component along AB is
We know that 0 = 4 × 10–7 weber/amp-metre (Wb A–1 m–1)
AL = H = R cos ...(1) or henry/metre (Hm–1)
Ferromagnetic substances are those in which each individual where C is a constant of proportionality and is called Curie
atom/molecule/ion has a non zero magnetic moment, as in a constant.
paramagnetic substance.
When such substances are placed in an external magnetising
field, they get strongly magnetised in the direction of the field. The hysterisis curve represents the relation between
The ferromagnetic materials show all the properties of
magnetic induction B (or intensity of magnetization I ) of
paramagnetic substances, but to a much greater degree. For
a ferromagnetic material with magnetiziing force or magnetic
intensity H . The shape of the hysterisis curve is shown in
(i) They are strongly magnetised in the direction of external
field in which they are placed. figure. It represents the behaviour of the material as it is
taken through a cycle of magnetization.
(ii) Relative magnetic permeability of ferromagnetic materials is
very large ( 103 to 105)
Suppose the material is unmagnetised initially i.e., B 0
(iii) The susceptibility of ferromagnetic materials is also very
and H 0 . This state is represented by the origin O. Wee
large. m r 1 place the material in a solenoid and increase the current
That is why they can be magnetised easily and strongly. through the solenoid gradually. The magnetising force H
(iv) With rise in temperature, susceptibility of ferromagnetics
increases. The magnetic induction B in the material
decreases. At a certain temperature, ferromagnetics change
increases and saturates as depicted in the curve oa. This
over to paramagnetics. This transition temperature is called
behaviour represents alignment and merger of the domains
curie temperature. For example, curie temperature of iron is
about 1000 K. of ferromagnetic material until no further enhancement in B
is possible. Therefore, there is no use of inreasing solenoid
current and hence magnetic intensity beyond this.
Specific example
In the above circular loop tension in part A and B.
The Phenomenon of producing a transverse emf in a current
In balanced condition of small part AB of the loop is shown below
carrying conductor on applying a magnetic field perpendicular
to the direction of the current is called Hall effect.
Hall effect helps us to know the nature and number of charge
carriers in a conductor.
Consider a conductor having electrons as current carriers.
The electrons move with drift velocity v opposite to the
direction of flow of current
d d
2T sin dF Bid 2T sin BiRd
2 2
d d d
If d is small so, sin 2T. BiRd
2 2 2
Force acting on electron Fm e v B . This force acts
along x-axis and hence electrons will move towards face (2) BiL
T BiR, if 2R L so T
and it becomes negatively charged. 2
CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS If no magnetic field is present, the loop will still open into
a circle as in it’s adjacent parts current will be in opposite
Case 1 : When an arbitrary current carrying loop placed in direction and opposite currents repel each other.
a magnetic field ( to the plane of loop), each element of
loop experiences a magnetic force due to which loop
stretches and open into circular loop and tension developed
in it’s each part.
0 ev v
path B . r .
4 r 2 B
The line integral of magnetising field H for any closed
path called magnetomotive force (MMF). It’s S.I. unit is amp.
8. Ratio of dimension of e.m.f. to MMF is equal to the dimension
In the following situation conducting rod (X, Y) slides at of resistance.
constant velocity if 9. The positive ions are produced in the gap between the two
dees by the ionisation of the gas. To produce proton,
Fcos mgsin Bi cos mgsin B tan hydrogen gas is used; while for producing alpha-particles,
i helium gas is used.
22. If a straight current carrying wire is placed along the axis of 24. If a current carrying conductor AB is placed transverse
a current carrying coil then it will not experience magnetic to a long current carrying conductor as shown then
force because magnetic field produced by the coil is parallel
force. Experienced by wire AB F
0i1i 2 x
to the wire. log e
2 x
23. The force acting on a curved wire joining points a and b as
shown in the figure is the same as that on a straight wire
joining these points. It is given by the expression F iL B
Sol. Tesla is the SI unit of magnetic field induction or magnetic Resultant magnetic field induction at O will be
flux density at a point in the magnetic field. The magnetic
B B12 B22 2 B1 B1 B2
field induction at a point in a magnetic field is said to be 1
tesla if one coulomb charge while moving with a velocity of 0I R 2 0 I R 2
1 m/s, perpendicular to the magnetic field experiences a force 2
3/ 2 3/ 2
of 1 N at that point. 2 x2 R 2 2 x2 R2
Example - 2 Example - 4
What is meant by a magnetic field ? How is it produced ? The ratio of the magnetic field at the centre of a current
carrying circular wire and the magnetic field at the centre
Sol. A magnetic field is the space around a magnet or the space of a square coil made from the same length of wire will be
around a wire carrying current, in which its magnetic effect
2 2
can be felt. (a) (b)
4 2 8 2
A magnetic field may be produced in many ways. For
example, (i) by a magnet (ii) by a current carrying conductor
(c) (d)
(iii) by a moving charge (iv) by a varying electric field. 2 2 4 2
(displacement current)
Sol. (b)
Example - 3 Circular coil
Two small circular loops, marked (1) and (2), carrying
equal currents are placed with the geometrical axes
perpendicular to each other as shown in figure. Find the r
magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field produced
at the point O.
Length L = 2 r
Magnetic field B
Square coil
Sol. Magnetic field induction at O due to current loop 1 is
0 I R
B1 , acting towards left. 0 I sin 1 sin 2
2 x R2
2 3/ 2 Since, B
0 I R 2 0 I R 2 N
B2 , acting towards right. B = 0ni; where n
2 R2 R
2 3/ 2
2 2R
2 3/ 2
Total magnetic field induction is B 4 10 7 0.5 5 10 4 T.
2 0 .1
0 I R 2 0 I R 2 0 I R 2 0 I
B B1 B2
2 2R
2 3/ 2
2 2R
2 3/ 2 2 2 R3 2 2R Example - 9
For the solenoid shown in figure. The magnetic field at
Example-- 6 point P is
Magnetic field lines can be entirely confined within the n turn
core of a toroid, but not within a straight solenoid. Why ?
30° 60°
Sol. It is so because the magnetic field induction outside the P
toroid is zero.
Example - 7 (a)
0 ni
3 1 (b)
3 0 ni
The core of a toroid having 3000 turns has inner and
outer radii 11 cm and 12 cm respectively. Calculate relative
permeability of its core, given that a current of 0.7 amp.
0 ni
3 1 (d)
0 ni
3 1
produces a magnetic field of intensity 2.5 T in the core.
Sol. (a) (iii) For positively charged particle, the direction of force,
0 according to Fleming’s left hand rule will be towards left. So
B . 2 ni sin sin . both tracks A and B correspond to positively charged
particles (i.e. protons and -particles).
From figure = (90o – 30o) = 60o and = (90o – 60o) = 30o
When a moving charged particle is subjected to a
ni ni
B 0 sin 60 sin 30 0
2 4
3 1. perpendicular magnetic field, it describes a circular path of
radius r given by
mv m
Example - 10 r or r
Bq q
Distinguish between Biot Savart’s law and Ampere’s rp mp q m 2e 1
circuital law.
r m q p 4m e 2
or r 2rp i.e. r rp .
Biot-Savart’s Law Ampere’s Circuital Law
1. This law is based on the This law is based on the i.e. track B corresponds to -particle and track A corresponds
principle of magnetism. principle of electromagnetism. to proton.
2. This law is valid for This law is valid for
Example - 12
asymmetrical current symmetrical current
distribution. distributions. An electron and proton enter perpendicularly in a uniform
3. This law is the differential This law is the integral form magnetic field with the same speed. How many times larger
will be the radius of proton’s path than the electron’s ?
form of magnetic field of B or H . Proton is 1840 times heavier than electron.
induction B or
Sol. The charged particle while moving perpendicular to magnetic
magnetising force H . field experiences a force which provides the centripetal force
for its circular motion. The radius r of the circular path traced
Example - 11 by the particle in magnetic field B, is given by Bqv = mv2/r or
A neutron, a proton an electron and an -particle enter a r = mv/Bq or r m if v, B and q are constant.
region of constant magnetic field with equal velocities. Since the value of charge on electron and proton is the
The magnetic field is along the inward normal to the plane same but mass of proton is 1840 times mass of electron,
of paper. The tracks of the particles are shown in figure. rp m p 1840m e
Relate the tracks to the particles. hence 1840 or r = 1840 r .
re me me p e
Example - 13
An electron of energy 2000 eV describes a circular path
in magnetic field of flux density 0.2 T. What is the radius
of the path ? Take e = 1.6 × 10–19 C, m = 9 × 10–31 kg.
Sol. Here, energy of electron, E’ = 2000 eV
= 2000 × 1.6 × 10–19 J = 3.2 × 10–16 J.
B = 0.2 T ; r = ?
Sol. We know that force on a charged particle in the magnetic
1 2E '
field is F q v B or F qvBsin , so As, E ' mv 2 v
2 m
(i) For neutral particle i.e. neutron, q = 0, hence F = 0. It means
neutron will go undeflected i.e. track C corresponds to mv 2 mv m 2E ' 2E 'm
Also, Bev or r
neutron. r Be Be m Be
(ii) For negatively charged particle i.e. electron, the direction of
2 3.2 1016 9 1031
force, according to Fleming’s Left hand rule will be towards 7.5 104 m
right. So track D corresponds to electron. 0.2 1.6 1019
Example - 14
A proton of mass m and charge +e is moving in a circular
orbit of a magnetic field with energy 1MeV. What should
be the energy of -particle (mass = 4 m and charge =
+2e), so that it can revolve in the path of same radius
(a) 1 MeV (b) 4 MeV
(c) 2 MeV (d) 0.5 MeV
2 mK
Sol. (a) By using r ; r same, B same
m Sol. Here, I = 4A ; v = 4 × 106 ms–1 ; a = 0.2 m.
2 2 Magnetic field induction at P is
K q m p 2q p m
Hence p 1= 1
K p q p m q p
4m p
0 2I 107 2 4
B 4 106 T
K = Kp = 1meV. 4 r 0.2
The direction of B , according to Right Hand Thumb rule is
Example - 15
perpendicular to the plane of paper directed inwards.
An electron is passing through a field but no force is
Since proton is moving in opposite direction to the current
acting on it. Under what conditions is it possible, if the
carrying straight wire, hence the proton is moving
motion of the electron be in the (i) electric field (ii)
perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field due to current
magnetic field ?
through straight wire. The force on moving proton of charge
Sol. (i) In electric field, there is always a force on the moving
q due to magnetic field is
electron opposite to the direction of field. Thus the force
will be zero only if electric field is zero. F = qvB sin 90º = (1.6 × 10–19) × (4 × 106) × (4 × 10–6)
(ii) In magnetic field, the force acting on a moving electron is = 2.56 × 10–18 N
F = qv B sin , it is zero if = 0º or 180º. The direction of force on proton, according to Fleming’s
i.e. the electron is moving parallel or antiparallel to the direction Left Hand Rule acts in the plane of paper towards right.
of magnetic field.
Example - 18
Example - 16
Figure shows a rectangular current-carrying loop placed
A charge 3 coulomb is moving with velocity v 4iˆ 3jˆ ms
2 cm away from a long, straight, current carrying
in a magnetic field B 4iˆ 3jˆ Wbm . Find the force
2 conductor. What is the direction and magnitude of the net
force acting on the loop ?
acting on the charge.
Sol. F q v B 3 4iˆ 3jˆ 4iˆ 3jˆ = 3 [0] = 0
0 2I1I 2 10 cm
Force on BC, F1 length BC
4 r1 2A
2 15 25
10 7
25 102 15 cm
2 102 2 cm
= 9.375 × 10 N (repulsive, away from XY)
Example - 21
Therefore the force will act only on the segment SR whose E 2 104
value is iBL and it’s direction is +z. eE evB or v 5 106 m / s
B 4 103
Example - 22 When electron moves perpendicular to magnetic field, the
radius r of circular path traced by electron is
An electron moves straight inside a charged parallel plate
capacitor at uniform charge density . The space between
the plates is filled with constant magnetic field of r
9.1 1031 5 106
7.11 103 m 7.11 mm
induction B . Time of straight line motion of the electron
1.6 10 19
4 10 3
Example - 27
Sol. The working of the cyclotron is based on the fact that a Sol. Torque () on a current loop suspended in a uniform magnetic
heavy positively charged particle can be accelerated to a field is given by = I AB sin i.e. A. Since the area of
sufficiently high energy with the help of smaller values of loop (c) = 0.5 m × 0.5 m is maximum; hence the largest torque
oscillation and electric field, by making it to cross the same will be acting on it. When any wire is bent into a circular
electric field time and again with the use of strong magnetic loop, the torque will be even more because for a given
field. perimeter the area of the circle is maximum.
A cyclotron is used (i) to bombard nuclei with high energy
Example - 30
particles and to study the resulting nuclear reaction (ii) to
produce radioactive substances which may be used in A circular coil of 100 turns, radius 10 cm carries a
hospitals for diagnosing the diseases in the body. current of 5 A. It is suspended vertically in a uniform
horizontal magnetic field of 0.5 T, the field lines making
Example - 28 an angle of 60º with the plane of coil. Calculate the
magnitude of the torque that must be applied on it to
A current carrying circular loop is located in a uniform prevent it from turning.
external magnetic field. If the loop is free to turn, what is
its orientation of stable equilibrium? Show that in this Sol. Here, n = 100 ; I = 5 A ; B = 0.5 T ; = 90º – 60º = 30º ; r = 10
orientation, the flux of the total field (external field + field cm = 0.10 m ;
produced by the loop) is maximum.
0.10 m 2
Sol. The current carrying circular loop behaves as a magnetic A r 2
dipole of magnetic moment M acting perpendicular to its
plane. The torque on the current loop of magnetic dipole Torque, = nIBA sin
moment M in the magnetic field B is 22
= MB sin = IA × B sin , ( M = AI) = 100 × 5 × 0.5 × × (0.10)2 × sin 30º
where is the angle between M and B . The system will be = 3.925 N.m
in stable equilibrium if torque is zero, which is so if = 0º.
Example - 31 1/ 2 1/ 2
2MB 2 20
or 20 rad / s.
What is a radial magnetic field ? How has it been achieved I 0.1
in moving coil galvanometer ? Second Method for (iv)
Sol. Radial magnetic field is that field, in which the plane of the Change in KE of rotation = work done in rotation
coil always lies in the direction of the magnetic field. A radial
1 2
magnetic field has been achieved by (i) properly cutting the I MB cos 1 cos 2 where
magnetic pole pieces in the shape of concave faces. (ii)
using a soft iron core within the coil.
1 0º ; 2 90º , I 0.1 kg m 2 ; MB 20 Nm
Example - 32 1/ 2
2MB cos 1 cos 2
A 100 turn closely wound circular coil of radius 10 cm I
carries a current of 3.2 A. (i) What is the field at the centre
1/ 2
of the coil ? (ii) What is the magnetic moment of this 2 20 cos 0º cos90º
arrangement ? The coil is placed in a vertical plane and is 20 rad / s
free to rotate about a horizontal axis which coincides with
its diameter. A uniform magnetic field of 2 T in the
Example - 33
horizontal direction exists such that initially the axis of
the coil is in the direction of the field. The coil rotates Compare the current sensitivity and voltage sensitivity of
through an angle of 90º under the influence of the the following moving coil galvanometers :
magnetic field. (iii) What are the magnitudes of the torques Meter A : n = 30, A = 1.5 × 10–3 m2, B = 0.25 T, R = 20
on the coil in the initial and final position ? (iv) What is
Meter B : n = 35, A = 2.0 × 10–3 m2, B = 0.25 T, R = 30
the angular speed acquired by the coil when it has rotated
by 90º ? The moment of inertia of the coil is 0.1 kg m2. You are given that the springs in the two metres have the
same torsional constants.
Sol. (i) Here, n = 100, r = 0.10 m, i = 3.2 A, B = 2 T, I = 0.1 kg m2
Sol. For metre A, n1 = 30, A1 = 1.5 × 10–3 m2, B1 = 0.25 T, R1 = 20 .
0 2ni 22 100 3.2
B 107 2 2 10 3 T For metre B, n2 = 35, A2 = 2.0 × 10–3 m2, B2 = 0.25 T, R2 = 30 .
4 r 7 0.10
Current sensitivity of a meter
22 k
M = niA = nir2 = 100 3.2 0.10 10 Am 2
7 Current sensitivity of meter A
Current sensitivity of meter B
(iii) M B MBsin where is the angle between M
n1B1A1 k2 nBA
and B or between A and B . 1 1 1 k k
k1 n 2 B 2 A 2 n 2 B2 A 2 1 2
Initially, = 0º, = MB sin 0º = 0.
Finally, = 90º, = MB sin 90º = MB = 10 × 2 = 20 Nm. 30 0.25 1.5 103 45 9
35 0.25 2.0 103 70 14
d d d d
(iv) I I I I MBsin nBA
dt d dt d Now, voltage sensitivity of a meter
Id MBsin d .
Voltage sensitivity of A
Integrating it within the given conditions, Voltage sensitivity of B
9 R 2 9 30
I d MBsin d
14 R1 14 20
0 0
2 / 2 27
I MB cos 0 MB cos cos 0º MB
2 2 28
Example - 34 Example - 36
The current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer State properties of the material of the wire used for
increases by 20% when its resistance is increased by a suspension of the coil in a moving coil galvanometer.
factor 2. Calculate by what factor the voltage sensitivity Sol. The properties of the material of the wire used for suspension
changes. of the coil in a moving coil galvanometer are as follows :
1. It should have low torsional constant i.e. restoring torque
' 20 120 per unit twist should be small.
Sol. Given, Is Is Is Is ; R ' 2R
100 100 2. It should have high tensile strength.
A galvanometer having 30 divisions has a current In a hydrogen atom, when an electron revolves at a speed v
sensitivity of 20 A/division. It has a resistance of 25 . around an orbit of radius r, the magnetic moment is given by
How will you convert it into an ammeter upto 1 ampere ? e 2r
M . r 2 , T
How will you convert this ammeter into a voltmeter up to 1 T V
volt ? e.v eVr
M= .πr 2 =
2πr 2
Sol. Current sensitivity = 20 A/div. = 20 × 10–6 A/div. where e is charge on electron, m is mass of electron ;
Current for full scale deflection, ig = 20 × 10–6 × 30 = 6 × 10–4 A n denotes the number of orbit and h is Plack’s constant.
Example - 39 C m T '
Sol. As m T ' T
A magnetised needle of magnetic moment 4.8 × 10 J T –2 –1
is placed at 30º with the direction of uniform magnetic
field of magnitude 3 × 10–2 T. What is the torque acting on m 1.2 105
or T' T 300 249.99 K
the needle ? 'm 1.44 105
Why do magnetic lines of force prefer to pass through Sol. Here, r = 400, I’ = 2A, n = 1000 per metre
iron than air ? (i) H = nI’ = 1000 × 2 = 2 × 103 Am–1
Sol. This is because permeability of soft iron is much greater (ii) B = H = 0 r H = 4× 10–7 × 400 (2 × 103) = 1.0 T
than that of air.
(iii) From B = 0 (H + I), where I is intensity of magnetisation,
Example - 41
B 1.0
I H 7
2 103
State two methods to destroy the magnetism of a magnet. 0 4 10
Sol. Here, M = 6.7 × 10–2 Am2, I = 7.5 × 10–6 kg m2 1.0 = 4 × 10–7 × 1000 (2 + Im)
6.70 1.0
Time for one oscillation, T 0.67 s ; B ? Im 2 796 2 794 A
10 4 10 4
I 4 2 I Example - 45
From T* 2 ;B
A magnetic needle free to rotate in a vertical plane, orients
4 22 / 7 7.5 10 6
0.01 T itself with its axis vertical at a certain place on the earth.
6.7 102 0.67
What are the values of
(a) Horizontal component of earth’s field ?
Example - 41
(b) angle of dip at this place.
The susceptibility of magnesium at 300 K is 1.2 × 10–5.
At what temperature will the susceptibility be equal to Sol. H = 0 and = 90º.
1.44 × 10–5 ? The place will be magnetic pole of earth.
Example - 46 Example - 47
In the magnetic meridian of a certain place, the horizontal A ship is to reach a place 10º south of west. In what
component of the earth’s magnetic field is 0.26 G and dip direction should it be steered if declination at the place
angle is 60º. What is the magnetic field of earth at this is 17º west ?
location ?
Sol. Here, H = 0.26 G, = 60º, B = ? Sol. As the ship is to reach a place 10º south of west i.e. along
OA, in the figure, therefore, it should be steered west of
As H = B cos
(magnetic) north at an angle of (90 – 17 + 10) = 83º.
H 0.26 0.26
B 0.52 G
cos cos 60º 1/ 2
R 4 R 4
0I (c) (d)
(d) 2 b a a b 2 4
4 3
Ampere's Law
12. Consider two thin identical conducting wires covered with 18. A horizontal overhead powerline is at a height of 4m from
very thin insulating material. One of the wires is bent into the ground and carries a current of 100 A from east to
a loop and produces magnetic field B1, at its centre when west. The magnetic field directly below it on the ground is
a current I passes through it. The second wire is bent into –7 –1
(0 = 4 × 10 TmA )
a coil with three identical loops adjacent to each other and
produces magnetic field B2 at the centre of the loops when (a) 2.5 × 10 T, southward
current 1/3 passes through it. The ratio B1 : B2 is: –6
(b) 5 × 10 T, northward
(a) 1 : 3 (b) 9 : 1 –6
(c) 5 × 10 T, southward
(c) 1 : 9 (d) 1 : 1
(d) 2.5 × 10 T, northward
19. A current I flows along the length of an infinitely long, 25. Proton, deuteron and alpha particles of same kinetic energy
straight, thin walled pipe. Then are moving in circular trajectories in a constant magnetic
(a) the magnetic field is zero only on the axis of the pipe field. The radii of proton, deuteron and alpha particle are
respectively rp, rd and ra. Which one of the following relation
(b) the magnetic field is different at different points inside
is correct ?
the pipe
(c) the magnetic field at any point inside the pipe is zero (a) r = rp = rd (b) r = rp < rd
(d) the magnetic field at all points inside the pipe is the (c) r > rd > rp (d) r = rd > rp
same, but not zero 26. An electron has a circular path of radius 0.01 m in a
perpendicular magnetic induction 10–3 T. The speed of the
Electromagnetic Interactions electron is nearly
20. If a charged particle is describing a circle of radius r in a (a) 1.76 × 104 m/s (b) 1.76 × 106 m/s
magnetic field with a time period T, then (c) 3.52 × 106 m/s (d) 7.04 × 106 m/s
(a) T 2 r 3 (b) T 2 r 27. The current in wire is directed towards east and the wire is
placed in magnetic field directed towards north. The force
(c) T r 2 (d) T r 0 on the wire is
(a) vertically upwards (b) vertically downwards
21. A deutron of kinetic energy 50 keV is describing a circular
orbit of radius 0.5 metre in a plane perpendicular to magnetic (c) due south (d) due east
field B . The kinetic energy of the proton that describes a 28. A charged particle enters a uniform magnetic field with
circular orbit of radius 0.5 metre in the same plane with the velocity vector at an angle of 45º with the magnetic field. The
pitch of the helical path is p. The radius of the helix will be
same B is
p p
(a) 200 keV (b) 100 keV (a) (b)
(c) 50 keV (d) 25 keV p
22. A bar magnet of length 3 cm has a point A and B along axis (c) 2p (d)
at a distance of 24 cm and 48 cm on the opposite ends. Ratio
of magnetic fields at these points will be Magnetic Force on Current Carrying Conductors
32. Two parallel wires carry currents of 20 A and 40 A in 36. A current I1 carrying wire AB is placed near an another long
opposite directions. Another wire carrying current of 20 A wire CD carrying current I2. Figure. If free to move, wire AB
and anti-parallel to 20A is placed midway between the two will have
wires .The magnetic force on this wire will be
(a) towards 20 A
(b) towards 40 A
(c) perpendicular to plane of wires
(d) zero
33. Through two parallel wires A and B, 10A and 2A of currents
are passed respectively in opposite directions. If the wire
A is infinitely long and the length of the wire B is 2m, then (a) rotational motion only
force on the conductor B, which is situated at 10 cm
distance from A, will be (b) translational motion only
(c) rotational as well as translational motion
(a) 8 × 10–7 N (b) 8 × 10–5 N
(d) neither rotational nor translational motion
(c) 4 × 10–7 N (d) 4 × 10–5 N 37. A charged particle moves through a magnetic field
perpendicular to its direction. Then
34. Two thin, long, parallel wires, separated by a distance d
(a) the momentum changes but the kinetic energy is constant
carry a current of I ampere in the same direction. They will
(b) both momentum and kinetic energy of the particle are not
0 I2 constant
(a) attract each other with a force of 2d
(c) both momentum and kinetic energy of the particle are
0 I2 constant
(b) repel each other with a force of 2d
(d) kinetic energy changes but the momentum is constant
0I2 38. Wires 1 and 2 carrying currents I1 and I2 respectively are
(c) attract each other with a force of 2d 2
inclined at an angle to each other. What is the force on a
small element dl of wire 2 at a distance r from wire 1 (as
0I2 shown in figure) due to the magnetic field of wire 1 ?
(d) repel each other with a force of 2d 2
1 2
35. Three straight parallel current carrying conductors are
shown in the figure. The force experienced by the middle i1
conductor of length 25 cm is: i2
(a) I I dl tan
2r 1 2
(b) I I dl sin
2r 1 2
(a) Zero (b) 6 × 10–4 N toward left (c) I I dl cos
2r 1 2
(c) 9 × 10–4 N toward left (d) 3 × 10–4 N toward right
(d) None of these
Motion of a Charged Particle in Electromagnetic Field A Closed Current Carrying Coil Placed in Magnetic Field
39. An electron is moving along positive x axis. A uniform 44. Due to the presence of the current I1 at the origin
electric field exists towards negative y axis. What should
(a) The forces on AB and DC are zero
be the directions of the magnetic field of suitable magnitude
so that net force on the electron is zero? (b) The forces on AD and BC are zero
(c) The magnitude of the net force on the loop is given by
(a) positive y axis (b) positive z axis
0 II1
(c) negative z axis (d) negative y axis.
2 b a a b
4 3
40. A uniform electric field and a uniform magnetic field are
pointed in the same direction. If an electron is projected in (d) The magnitude of the net force on the loop is given by
the same direction, the electron
0 II1
(a) velocity will increase in magnitude (b – a)
(b) velocity will decrease in magnitude
Magnetic Moment
(c) will turn to its left
45. A wire of length L metre carrying a current I ampere is bent
(d) will turn to its right in the form of a circle. Its magnitude of magnetic moment
will be
41. In a region, steady and uniform electric and magnetic fields
(a) IL/4p (b) I2L2/4p
are present. These two fields are parallel to each other. A
charged particle is released from rest in this region. The (c) I2L/8p (d) IL2/4p
path of the particle will be a 46. A current of 2 ampere is passed in a coil of radius 0.5 m and
number of turns 20. The magnetic moment of the coil is
(a) helix (b) straight line
(a) 0.314 Am2 (b) 3.14 A–m2
(c) ellipse (d) circle
(c) 314 A–m2 (d) 31.4 A–m2
42. A charged particle with charge q enters a region of constant,
47. A steel wire of length l has a magnetic moment M. It is bent
uniform and mutually orthogonal fields E and B with a into L shape from the middle. The new magnetic moment is
velocity v perpendicular to both E and B , and comes out (a) M (b) M / 2
without any change in magnitude or direction of v . Then
(c) M/2 (d) 2M
Classical Magnetism
B E 48. If an electron and a proton having same momenta enter
(a) v E 2 (b) v B 2
B B perpendicularly to a magnetic field, then
(a) curved path of electron and proton will be same (ignoring
B E the sense of revolution)
(c) v E (d) v B 2
E2 E (b) they will move undeflected
43. A particle of charge – 16 × 10 C moving with velocity (c) curved path of electron is more curved than that of proton
10 ms along the x-axis enters a region where a magnetic (d) path of proton is more curved
field of induction B is along the y-axis and an electric field of 49. A thin rectangular bar magnet suspended freely has period
4 –1
magnitude 10 Vm is along the negative z-axis. If the of oscillation of 4 seconds. What will be period of oscillation
charged particle continues moving along the x-axis, the if the magnet is broken into two halves; each having length
magnitude of B is half of original; and one piece is made to oscillate in the
3 2 5 2 same field.
(a) 10 Wb/m (b) 10 Wb/m
16 2 –3 2 (a) 2 s (b) 3 s
(c) 10 Wb/m (d) 10 Wb/m
(c) 1 s (d) 4 s
50. Of the following figure, the lines of magnetic induction due 55. An iron rod of length 20 cm and diameter 1 cm is placed
to a magnet SN, are given by inside a solenoid on which the number of turns is 600. The
relative permeability of the rod is 1000. If a current of 0.5 A is
placed in the solenoid, then the magnetisation of the rod
will be
(a) 2.997 × 102 A/m (b) 2.997 × 103 A/m
(1) (2) (c) 2.997 × 104 A/m (d) 2.997 × 105 A/m
56. The magnetization in the absence of the core will be
(a) 2400 A/m (b) 2.3 × 104 A/m
(c) 7.94 × 10 A/m
(d) zero
57. There are 1000 turns /m in a Rowland’s ring and a current of
2A is flowing in the windings .The value of magnetic
induction produced is found to be 1.0T.When no core is
present then magnetizing field produced in the ring will be
(a) 1000 A/m (b) 1400 A/m
(3) (4)
(c) 2000 A/m (d) 2400A/m
58. A solenoid has core of a material with relative permeability
400.The winding of the solenoid are insulated from the core
and carry a current of 2 ampere. If the number of turns is
1000 per meter, what is magnetic flux density inside the
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4 (a) 0.4T (b) 0.5 T
51. The magnetic induction along the axis of an air cored (c) 0.7 T (d) 1.0T
solenoid is 0.03 T. On placing an iron core inside the 59. The mass of iron rod is 80 gm and its magnetic moment is
solenoid the magnetic induction becomes 1.5T .The relative 10A.m2.If the density of iron is 8 gm/cc, then the value of
permeability of iron core will be intensity of magnetization will be
(a) 12 (b) 40 (a) 106A/m (b) 3000 A/m
(c) 50 (d) 300 (c) 10 A/m
(d) 1A/m
52. A sensitive magnetic instrument can be shielded very 60. The magnetic susceptibility of a material of a rod is 499.
effectively from outside magnetic field by placing it Permeability of vacuum is 4p × 10 –7 H/m. Absolute
inside a box of permeability of the material of the rod in henry/meter is
68. The angles of dip at the poles and the equator respectively
(a) 30°, 60° (b) 90°, 0°
(c) 30°, 90° (d) 0°, 0°
69. At a certain place, the horizontal component of the earth’s
magnetic field is B0 and the angle of dip is 45°. The total
intensity of the field at that place will be
(a) B0 (b) 2 B0
(a) (b)
(Given = 10 in SI units and B H = Horizontal
component of earth’s magnetic field = 3.6 × 10 Tesla)
(D) (a) 14.6 (b) 19.4
(c) 9.7 (d) 4.9
2 2
(a) (b)
16 2 16
2 2
(c) (d)
8 2 8
(a) 1 0 vB, 2 0 vB
7. Hysteresis loops for two magnetic materials A and B are
given below :
0 v B vB
(b) 1 , 2 0
2 2
(c) 1 2 0 vB
0 vB vB
(d) 1 , 2 0
2 2
10. A fighter plane of length 20 m, wing span (distance from
tip of one wing to the tip of the other wing) of 15 m and
These materials are used to make magnets for electric height 5m is flying towards east over Delhi. Its speed is
generators, transformer core and electromagnet core. Then 240 ms–1. The earth’s magnetic field over Delhi is 5 × 10–5 T
it is proper to use : (2016) with the declination angle ~ 0º and dip of such that sin
(a) A for electromagnets and B for electric generators. 2
. If the voltage developed is V between the lower
(b) A for transformers and B for electric generators. 3 B
and upper side of the plane and VW between the tips of the
(c) B for electromagnets and transformers.
wings then VB and VW are close to :(2016 Online Set-2)
(d) A for electric generators and transformers. (a) VB = 45 mV; VW = 120 mV with right side of pilot at
higher voltage.
8. A magnetic dipole is acted upon by two magnetic fields
which are inclined to each other at an angle of 75°. One of (b) VB = 45 mV; VW = 120 mV with left side of pilot at higher
the fields has a magnitude of 15 mT. The dipole attains voltage
stable equilibrium at an angle of 30° with this field. The (c) VB = 40 mV; VW = 135 mV with right side of pilot at high
magnitude of the other field (in mT ) is close to voltage
(2016 Online Set-1) (d) VB = 40 mV; VW = 135 mV with left side of pilot at higher
(a) 11 (b) 36 11. Apparent angles of dip of a magnetic needle due to earth’s
(c) 1 (d) 1060 magnetic field at a particular location on earth are θ and Õ
in two vertical planes which are perpendicular to each
9. Consider a thin metallic sheet perpendicular to the plane other, then true angle of dip (δ) at that location is:
of the paper moving with speed ‘v’ in a uniform magnetic
(2016 Online Set-2)
field B going into the plane of the paper (See figure). If
charge densities 1 and 2 are induced on the left and (a) cot 2 cot 2 cot 2 (b) tan 2 tan 2 tan 2
right surfaces, respectively, of the sheet then (ignore fringe
effects) : (2016 Online Set-2) (c) (d) cos 2 cos 2 cos 2
12. A magnetic needle of magnetic moment 6.7 102 Am 2 17. An electron, a proton and an alpha particle having the
same kinetic energy are moving in circular orbits of radii
and moment of inertia 7.5 106 kg m2 is performing
re, rp, r respectively in uniform magnetic field B. The
simple harmonic oscillations in a magnetic field of 0.01 T.
Time taken for 10 complete oscillations is: (2017) relation between re, rp, r is : (2018)
(a) 6.65 s (b) 8.89 s (a) re rp r (b) re r rp
(c) 6.98 s (d) 8.76 s
13. A magnetic dipole in a constant magnetic field has : (2017) (c) re rp = r (d) re rp =r
(a) maximum potential energy when the torque is maximum. 18. The dipole moment of a circular loop carrying a current I,
is m and the magnetic field at the centre of the loop is B.
(b) zero potential energy when the torque is minimum.
When the dipole moment is double by keeping the current
(c) zero potential energy when the torque is maximum. constant, the magnetic field at the centre of loop is B2.
(d) minimum potential energy when the torque is maximum.
14. In a certain region static electric and magnetic fields exist. The ratio is. (2018)
The magnetic field is given by B B0 ˆi 2ˆj 4 kˆ . If a 1
(a) 2 (b)
test charge moving with a velocity v v 0 3iˆ ˆj 2 kˆ (c) 2 (d) 3
experiences no force in that region, then the electric field 19. A Helmholtz coil has a pair of loops, each with N turns and
in the region, in SI units, is : (2017 Online Set-1) radius R. They are placed coaxially at distance R and the
same current I flows through the loops in the same
(a) E v0 B0 (3iˆ 2ˆj 4k)
ˆ (b) E v B ( ˆi ˆj 7k)
0 0
direction. The magnitude of magnetic field at P, midway
between the centres A and C, is given by [Refer to figure
(c) E v0 B0 (14jˆ 7k)
ˆ (d) E v0 B0 (14ˆj 7k)
given below] : (2018 Online Set-1)
15. A negative test charge is moving near a long straight wire
carrying a current. The force acting on the test charge is
parallel to the direction of the current. The motion of the
charge is: (2017 Online Set-2)
(a) away from the wire
(b) towards the wire
N 0 I N 0 I
(c) parallel to the wire along the current 1
(a) (b) 3
(d) parallel to the wire opposite to the current 52 R 52 R
16. A uniform magnetic field B of 0.3 T is along the positive Z-
direction. A rectangular loop (abcd) of sides 10 cm × 5 cm 4N 0 I 4N 0 I
carries a current 1 to 12 A. Out of the following different (c) 1 (d) 3
(c) (d)
(a) 1 mA (b) 2 mA
(c) 20A (d) 40A
21. A current of 1A is flowing on the sides of an equilateral 26. Two wires A & B are carrying currents I1 and I2as shown
in the figure. The separation between them is d. A third
triangle of side 4.5×10-2 m. The magnetic field at the
wire C carrying a current I is to be kept parallel to them at
centre of the triangle will be : (2018 Online Set-2) a distance x from A such that the net force acting on it is
zero. The possible values of x are : (2019)
(a) 2×10-5 Wb / m 2 (b) Zero
(a) xqr 2 (b) qr 2
3 2 1
(c) qr (d) q r 2
2 2
23. A circular coil having N turns and radius r carries a current
I I2
(a) x 1 d and x d
I. It is held in the XZ plane in a magnetic field Biˆ. The I1 I 2 I1 I 2
torque on the coil due to the magnetic field is: (2019)
I2 I2
(b) x d and x d
Br 2 I I1 I 2 I 1 I 2
(a) (b) B r 2 IN
(c) x d and x
1 2
B r 2 I 1 2
I I 1 I2
(c) (d) Zero
N I1d
24. A rectangular coil (Dimension 5cm 2.5cm ) with 100
I1 I 2
turns, carrying a current of 3 A in the clockwise direction, 27. The magnitude of the magnetic field at the centre of an
is kept centered at the origin and in the X – Z plane. A equilateral triangular loop of side 1 m which is carrying a
magnetic field of 1 T is applied along X-axis. If the coil is
current of 10 A is: [ Take 0 4 10 7 NA2 ](2019)
tilted through 45° about Z-axis, then the torque on the
coil is:
(2019) (a) 18 T (b) 9 T
(a) 0.38 Nm (b) 0.55 Nm (c) 3 T (d) 1 T
(c) 0.42 Nm (d) 0.27 Nm
28. A square loop is carrying a steady current I and the
25. A moving coil galvanometer has a coil with 175 turns and magnitude of its magnetic dipole moment is m. If this
area 1cm2. It uses a torsion band of torsion constant square loop is changed to a circular loop and it carries the
same current, the magnitude of the magnetic dipole moment
10 6 N-m/rad. The coil is placed in a magnetic field B of circular loop will be: (2019)
parallel to its plane. The coil deflects by 1° for a current of
1 mA. The value of B (in Tesla) is approximately: (2019) m 3m
(a) (b)
(a) 104 (b) 102
2m 4m
(c) 101 (d) 103 (c) (d)
29. A thin ring of 10 cm radius carries a uniformly distribution 33. An infinitely long current carrying wire and a small current
charge. The ring rotates at a constant angular speed of 40 carrying loop are in the plane of the paper as shown. The
rad s-1 about its axis, perpendicular to its plane. If the radius of the loop is a and distanceof its centre from the
magnetic field at its centre is 3.8 × 10–9 T, then the charge wire is d (d >>a). If the loop applies a force F on the wire
carried by the ring is close to ( 0 4 10 7 N/A 2 ) then: (2019)
(a) 2 × 10–6 C (b) 3 × 10–5 C
(c) 4 × 10–5 C (d) 7 × 10–6 C
30. A magnetic compass needle oscillates 30 times per minute
at a place where the dip is 45°, and 40 times per minute
where the dip is 30°. If B1 and B2 are respectively the
magnetic field due to the earth and the two places, then
ratio B1/B2 is , where n is: (2019)
8 6 a
31. Find the magnetic field at point P due to a straight line (a) F = 0 (b) F
segment AB of length 6 cm carrying a current of 5A. (see d
d d
34. A bar magnet is demagnetized by inserting it inside a
solenoid of length 0.2 m, 100 turns, and carrying a current
of 5.2 A. The coercivity of the bar magnet is 100 n A/m,
where n is: (2019)
35. A particle having the same charge as of electron moves in
a circular path of radius 0.5 cm under the influence of a
magnetic field of 0.5T. If an electric field of l00V/m makes
it to move in a straight path, then the mass of the particle
is (Given charge of electron = 1.6 × 10-19C) (2019)
(a) 9.1 × 10–31 kg (b) 1.6 × 10–27 kg
(c) 1.6 × 10–17 kg (d) 2.0 × 10–24 kg
(a) 2.0 10 T 5 5
(b) 1.5 10 T
36. At some location on earth, the horizontal component of
(c) 3.0 10 5 T (d) 2.5 10 5 T earth’s magnetic field is 18 × 10"6 T. At this location,
magnetic needle of length 0.12 m and pole strength 1.8
32. A current loop, having two circular arcs joined by two Am is suspended from its mid-point using a thread, it
radial lines is as shown in the figure. It carries a current of makes 45° angle with horizontal in equilibrium. To keep
10 A. The magnetic field at point O will be close to: this needle horizontal, the vertical force that should be
(2019) applied at one of its ends is: (2019)
(a) 3.6 105 N (b) 1.8 105 N
(c) 1.3 10 5 N (d) 6.5 105 N
37. A hoop and a solid cylinder of same mass and radius are
made of a permanent magnetic material with their magnetic
moment parallel to their respective axes. But the magnetic
moment of hoop is twice of solid cylinder. They are placed
in a uniform magnetic field in such a manner that their
magnetic moments make a small angle with the field. If the
oscillation periods of hoop and cylinder are Th and Tc.
respectively, then: (2019)
(a) Th = Tc (b) Th = 2 Tc
(a) 1.0 × 10–7 T (b) 1.5 × 10–7 T
(c) 1.5 × 10-5 T (d) 1.0 × 10-5 T (c) Th = 1.5 Tc (d) Th = 0.5 Tc
38. A paramagnetic substance in the form of a cube with edge 41. A proton and an α-particle (with their masses in the ratio
1 cm has a magnetic dipole moment of 20 × 10–6 J/T when of 1: 4 and charges in the ratio 1:2) are accelerated from
a magnetic intensity of 60 × 103 A/m is applied. Its magnetic rest through a potential difference V. If a uniform magnetic
susceptibility is: (2019) field (B) is set up perpendicular to their velocities, the
(a) 3.3 × 10–2 (b) 4.3 × 10–2
ratio of the radii rp : r of the circular paths described by
(c) 2.3 × 10–2 (d) 3.3 × 10–4
39. The region between y = 0 and y = d contains a magnetic them will be (2019)
field B Bzˆ. A particle of mass m and charge q enters (a) 1: 2 (b) 1 : 2
the region with a velocity v viˆ. If d = , the (c) 1 : 3 (d) c
acceleration of the charged particle at the point of its
42. A paramagnetic material has 1028 atoms/m3. Its magnetic
emergence at the other side is:
susceptibility at temperature 350 K is 2.8 × 10–4. Its
susceptibility at 300 K is: (2019)
qvB 1 ˆ 3 ˆ (a) 3.267 × 10-4 (b) 3.672 × 10-4
i j
m 2 (c) 3.726 × 10-4 (d) 2.672 × 10-4
43. Magnetic materials used for making permanent magnets
qvB 3 ˆ 1 ˆ (P) and magnets in a transformer (T) have different
(b) – i j
m 2 2 properties of the following, which property best matches
for the type of magnet required ? (2020)
qvB ˆj iˆ (a) P : small retentivity, large coercivity
m 2 (b) P : Large retentivity, large coercivity
(c) T : Large retentivity, large coercivity
qvB iˆ ˆj
(d) (d) T : Large retentivity, small coercivity
m 2
40. A particle of mass m and charge q is in an electric and 44. A circular coil of radius 10 cm is placed in uniform magnetic
field of 3.0 × 10–5 T with its plane perpendicular to the field
magnetic field given by E 2iˆ 3 ˆj ; B 4 ˆj 6kˆ . initially. It is rotated at constant angular speed about an axis
The charged particle is shifted from the origin to the along the diameter of coil and perpendicular to magnetic field
point P (x = 1; y = 1) along a straight path. The magnitude so that it under-goes half of rotation in 0.2s. The maximum
of the total work done is (2019) value of EMF induced (in V) in thecoil will be close to
(a) 0.35 q (b) 5q the integer ……… (2020)
I R1
(c) 4a 2 1
(d) 4a 2 1
4. The unit vectors ˆi, ˆj and k̂ are as shown below. What
R2 will be the magnetic field at O in the following figure
0 R1.R 2 I 0 R1 R 2 I
(a) (b)
R 2 R1 4R 2 R 1
0 R1 R 2 I 0 R1 R 2 I
(c) (d)
4R 2 R1 2R1R 2
2. Consider a current carrying loop shown in figure formed
by radial lines and segments of circle whose centers are 0 i ˆ 0 i ˆ
at point P.What is the magnitude of magnetic field (a) 2 j (b) 2 j
4 a 2 4 a 2
induction at point P.
0 i ˆ 0 i ˆ
(c) 2 i (d) 2 k
4 a 2 4 a 2
Ba 1 Ba 2
(a) B 1 (b) B 2
b b
Ba 2 1 Ba 2 1
(c) B 2 1 (d) B 2
b b
6. The magnetic field at the centre of a circular coil of radius 9. A non-conducting ring with radius of 10 cm is uniformly
r is times that due to a long straight wire at a distance r charged with total positive charge of 10 C. The ring
from it, for equal currents. Figure here shows three cases : rotates at constant angular speed of 20 rad/s about an
in all cases the circular part has radius r and straight ones axis passing through its centre perpendicular to plane of
are infinitely long. For same current the B field at the centre the ring. What is magnitude of the magnetic field on the
P in cases 1, 2, 3 have the ratio axis of the ring at 5 cm from the centre?
(a) 143 pT (b) 12 pT
(c) 9 pT (d) 2 pT
10. The ratio of the magnetic field at the centre of a current
(2) carrying circular wire and the magnetic field at the centre
of a square coil made from the same length of wire will be
2 2
(a) (b)
4 2 8 2
3 1 (c) (d)
(a) : : 2 2 4 2
2 2 4 2
11. What is the value of the magnetic field induction at the
3 1 point P mentioned in the figure?
(b) 1 : 1 :
2 2 4 2 d
(c) : :3
2 2 4
I d
1 3 1
(d) 1 : : r
2 2 4 4 2
7. A circular current carrying coil has a radius R. The distance I
from the centre of the coil on the axis where the magnetic
induction will be 1/8th to its value at the centre of the coil, is 0 I 3 2 0 I 3 3
(a) 4 2R d (b) 2 2R d
(a) R / 3 (b) R 3
(c) 2 3 R (d) 2R / 3 0 I 3 3 0 I 3 2
(c) 4 4R d (d) 3 4R d
8. Two circular coils X and Y have equal number of turns and
carry equal currents in the same sense and subtend same 12. The magnetic field due to a straight conductor of uniform
angle at point O. If the smaller coil X is midway between O cross section of radius a and carrying a steady current is
and Y, and we represent the magnetic field due to coil Y at represented by
O as By and that due to smaller coil X at O as Bx, then
(a) (b)
r r
O a O a
By By
(a) 1 (b) 2
Bx Bx
(c) (d)
By1 By1
(c) (d) O r
Bx 2 Bx 4 a O a r
13. What is the magnetic field at O due to current carrying long 16. A current i is flowing in a straight conductor of length L.
wire, forming a loop as shown in figure? The magnetic induction at a point distant L/4 from its centre
will be
I 40i 0i
(a) (b)
5 L 2L
I 2I
(c) (d) Zero
O 2L
I 3I
a a
17. A wire is bent into shape as shown in figure and magnetic
I 3 0 I
(a) 0 downwards (b) outwards field is measured at P1 when current in wire is I, the same
2a 2a
wire is then formed into shape shown in figure .Magnetic
0 I 3 0 I field is measured at P2 when current is again I . If total
(c) outwards (d) downwards
2a 2a length of the wire is same in each case .What is ratio of B1
14. Two thick wires and two thin wires, all of the same materials to B2.
and same length form a square in the three different ways 2l
P, Q and R as shown in figure with current connection
shown, the magnetic field at the centre of the square is l
zero in cases
1 3 3
(a) (b)
2 2
8 2 16 2
(a) In P only (b) In P and Q only (c) (d)
2 5
(c) In Q and R only (d) P and R only 18. Figure shows the cross-sectional view of the hollow
15. Two long parallel wires carry currents I1=3.0 A and I2=3.0 cylindrical conductor with inner radius ‘R’ and outer radius
A, both directed into the plane of paper .What is the ‘2R’, cylinder carrying uniformly distributed current along
magnitude of magnetic field induction at the point P. it’s axis. The magnetic induction at point ‘P’ at a distance
3R/2 from the axis of the cylinder will be
5 cm
13 cm
2R 3R/2
12 cm
(a) Zero (b)
(a) 7.5 T (b) 4 T
7 0i 50i
(c) 3 T (d) 13 T (c) (d)
18R 36R
19. The correct curve between the magnetic induction (B) 23. An electron and a proton enter region of uniform magnetic
along the axis of a long solenoid due to current flow i in it field in a direction at right angles to the field with the
and distance x from one end is same kinetic energy. They describe circular paths of radius
re and rp respectively. Then
(a) re = rp
(b) re < rp
(a) (b) (c) re > rp
(d) re may be less than or greater than rp depending on
the direction of the magnetic field
24. A particle of charge q and mass m moving with a velocity
v along the x-axis enters the region x > 0 with uniform
magnetic field B along the k̂ direction. The particle will
(c) (d)
penetrate in this region in the x-direction upto a distance
O O d equal to
20. A 100 turn closely wound circular coil of radius 10 cm (a) Zero (b)
carries a current of 3.2 ampere .The moment of inertia of
the coil is 0.1 kgm2.The coil is placed in a vertical plane 2mv
and is free to rotate about horizontal axis which coincides (c) (d) Infinity
with its diameter. A uniform magnetic field of 2.0 T in
25. Two ions having masses in the ratio 1 : 1 and charges
horizontal direction exists such that plane of the coil is
1 : 2 are projected into uniform magnetic field
parallel to field .The coil rotates through an angle of 90o
perpendicular to the field with speeds in the ratio 2 : 3.
due to torque. What is the angular speed acquired by the
The ratio of the radii of circular paths along which the
coil when it has rotated by 90o. two particles move is
(a) 12 rad/s (b) 15 rad/s (a) 4 : 3 (b) 2 : 3
(c) 20 rad/s (d) 25 rad/s (c) 3 : 1 (d) 1 : 4
26. There is magnetic field acting perpendicular to plane
21. A proton (mass m and charge +e) and an particle
(mass 4m and charge +2e) are projected with the same of paper inwards. Particles in vacuum move in the
kinetic energy at right angles to the uniform magnetic plane of paper from left to right as shown. The paths
field. Which one of the following statements will be true are numbered as 1 to 3.Which statement is wrong.
(a) The –particle will bent in a circular path with a small
radius than that for the proton
× ××
(b) The radius of the path of the –particle will be greater ×
2 × × ×
than that of the proton
× × ××
(c) The –particle and the proton will be bent in a circular 3 × ×
path with the same radius
(a) 1 could be an –particle’s path
(d) The –particle and the proton will go through the
field in a straight line (b) 2 is for a neutron
(c) 3 is for an electron
22. If a proton, deutron and particle on being accelerated
by the same potential difference, enter perpendicular to (d) 3 is for a proton
the magnetic field, then the ratio of their kinetic energies is 27. An electron (q = 1.6 10–19 C) is moving at right angle to
the uniform magnetic field 3.534 10–5 T. The time taken by
(a) 1 : 2 : 2 (b) 2 : 2 : 1 the electron to complete a circular orbit is
(c) 1 : 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 1 : 2 (a) 2 s (b) 4 s
(c) 3 s (d) 1 s
(a) B (b) B
0 0 × × ×
2v0 v0
(c) B (d) 2B × × ×
0 0
When a proton has velocity v 2i 3j 10 m / s it (a) 14 (b) 15
(c) 16 (d) 18
experiences a force of F 1.28 1013 kN .When its
32. A proton accelerated by a potential difference 500 KV
velocity is along +z axis, it experiences a force along +x
moves though a transverse magnetic field of 0.51 T as
axis. What is magnetic field?
shown in figure. The angle through which the proton
(a) 0.4jT
(b) 0.4jT deviates from the initial direction of its motion is
× × × ×
× × × ×
B (a) 15° (b) 30°
p × × × ×
q (c) 45° (d) 60°
× × × ×
d 33. An electron is moving along the positive X-axis. You want to
× × × ×
apply a magnetic field for a short time so that the electron may
reverse its direction and move parallel to the negative X-axis.
Bqd p This can be done by applying the magnetic field along
(a) sin (b) sin
p Bqd (a) Y-axis (b) X-axis
(c) Y-axis only (d) none of these
Bp pd
(c) sin (d) sin
qd Bq 34. If a charge particle goes with uniform velocity in a region
containing electric and magnetic fields
31. A beam of singly ionized atoms of carbon each charge +e
all have the same speed and enter a mass spectrometer, (a) E must be perpendicular to B
as shown in figure .The ions strike the photographic plate
(b) v must not be perpendicular to E
in two different locations 5 cm apart .The C isotope 6
(c) v must be perpendicular to B
traces a path of smaller radius,15 cm. What is atomic mass
number of other isotope? (d) E must be equal to v B.
35. A charge particle is projected in the magnetic field of 39. A uniform magnetic field B and a uniform electric field E
act in a common region. An electron is entering this region
6i 5j 10 T . The acceleration of the particle is found
of space. The correct arrangement for it to escape
undeviated is
to be i 6j 10 ms . The value of is
6 2
(a) 5 (b) 6 B
(c) 10 (d) 12
v v
36. A charged particle q enters a region of uniform magnetic (a) (b)
field B (directed out of page as shown) and is deflected d
after travelling a horizontal distance a. The magnitude of B
the momentum of the particle is
(c) (d) v
40. A current of 5 ampere is flowing in a wire of length 1.5
metres. A force of 7.5 N acts on it when it is placed in a
uniform magnetic field of 2 Tesla. The angle between the
qB a 2 qBd magnetic field and the direction of the current is
(a) 2 d d (b)
2 (a) 30° (b) 45°
qBa (c) 60° (d) 90°
(c) (d) zero 41. A wire of length 1 m placed in x-z plane carries a current of
37. An electron enters a region where electrostatic field is 1 ampere .The coefficient of friction between the wire and
20N/C and magnetic field is 5T. If electron passes the surface is 0.2 and mass of the wire is 1 kg .The magnetic
undeflected through the region, then velocity of electron field of strength 2 T exists along positive y - axis . Then
will be choose the correct option.
(a) 0.25ms–1 (b) 2ms–1 (a) acceleration of wire is 0.5 m/s2
(c) 4ms–1 (d) 8ms–1 (b) wire will not move at all
38. A particle of charge q and mass m is moving along the x-axis (c) acceleration of wire is 1 m/s2
with a velocity v and enters a region of electric field E and (d) acceleration of wire is 2 m/s2
magnetic field B as shown in figure below for which figure 42. An elastic circular wire of length l carries a current I. It is
the net force on the charge may be zero
placed in a uniform magnetic field B (Out of paper) such
that its plane is perpendicular to the direction of B . The
wire will experience
v X v X
q q
(a) O (b) O
v X v X
q q
(c) O (d) O B
(a) No force (b) A stretching force
(c) A compressive force (d) A torque
43. Same current i = 2A is flowing in a wire frame as shown in 47. A current carrying rectangular coil is placed in a uniform
figure. The frame is a combination of two equilateral triangles magnetic field. In which orientation, the coil will not tend to
ACD and CDE of side 1m. It is placed in uniform magnetic
(a) The magnetic field is parallel to the plane of the coil
field B = 4T acting perpendicular to the plane of frame. The
magnitude of magnetic force acting on the frame is (b) The magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the coil
(c) The magnetic field is at 45o with the plane of the coil
51. Velocity and acceleration vector of a charged particle 55. A battery is connected between two pints A and B on the
circumference of a uniform conducting ring of radius r and
moving in a magnetic field at some instant are v 3iˆ 3jˆ resistance R. One of the arcs AB of the ring subtends an
angle at the centre. The value of the magnetic induction at
and acceleration a 2iˆ xjˆ then select the correct option. the centre due to the current in the ring is
(a) x = – 1.5 (a) proportional to (180° – )
(b) x = 2 (b) inversely proportional to r
(c) magnetic field is along Z axis (c) zero, only if (= 180°)
(d) zero for all values of
(d) speed of the particle is constant
56. A charged particle is released from rest in a region of steady and
52. A current I flows along the length of an infinitely long,
uniform electric and magnetic fields which are parallel to each
straight, thin-walled pipe. Then
other. The particle will move in a
(a) the magnetic field at all points inside the pipe is the (a) straight line (b) circle
same, but not zero
(c) helix (d) cycloid
(b) the magnetic field at any point inside the pipe is zero
57. A rectangular loop carrying a current i is situated near a
(c) the magnetic field is zero only on the axis of the pipe long straight wire such that the wire is parallel to one of the
(d) the magnetic field is different at different points inside sides of the loop and is in the plane of the loop. If steady
the pipe current I is established in the wire as shown in the figure,
the loop will
53. Two very long straight parallel wires carry steady currents I
and –I respectively. The distance between the wires is d. At
a certain instant of time, a point charge q is at a point
equidistant from the two wires in the plane of the wires. Its
instantaneous velocity v is perpendicular to this plane.
The magnitude of the force due to the magnetic field acting
on the charge at this instant is
0 Iqv 0 Iqv
(a) (b)
2d d
20 Iqv (a) rotate about an axis parallel to the wire
(c) (d) zero (b) move away from the wire
(c) move towards the wire
54. Figure shows a square loop ABCD with edge length a. The (d) remain stationary
resistance of the wire ABC is r and that of ADC is 2r. The 58. Two particles, each of mass m and charge q, are attached to
value of magnetic field at the centre of the loop assuming the two ends of a light rigid rod of length 2R. The rod is
uniform wire is rotated at constant angular speed about a perpendicular
axis passing through its centre. The ratio of the magnitudes
of the magnetic moment of the system and its angular
momentum about the centre of the rod is
A C (a) q/2m (b) q/m
i (c) 2q/m (d) q/m
59. Statement-1 : The poles of a magnet cannot be separated 65. Statement-1 : A charged particle is projected into a region
by breaking into two pieces. of magnetic field with certain speed. The kinetic energy
Statement-2 : When magnet is broken into two equal parts, of the charge particle will remain constant.
magnetic moment will be reduced to half. Statement-2 : Work done by the magnetic field on the
(a) A (b) B charged particle will be zero.
70. Pitch of the helical path described by the particle is 74. In figure the loop is released from rest. The initial motion of
the loop is described by
2 mv0 mv0
(a) qB (b) (a) point a moves out of the plane, point c moves into the
5 mv0 6mv0 (b) points a, b, c and d move counterclockwise
(c) (d)
qB qB
(c) point a, b, c and d move clockwise
3v0 (d) point c moves out of the plane, point a moves into the
71. z-component of velocity is after time t =
2 plane
75. In figure, an external torque changes the orientation of loop
2 m m from one of lowest potential energy to one of highest potential
(a) (b) energy. The work done by the external torque is closest to
B 0q B0 q
(a) 0.5 J (b) 0.2 J
m 2m
(c) (d) 4B q (c) 0.3 J (d) 0.4 J
2 B0 q 0
73. In figure, the magnitude of the magnetic torque exerted on When the atomic dipoles are aligned, partially or fully, thre
the loop is closest to is a net magnetic moment in the direction of the field in any
small volume of the material. We define the magnetization
(a) 0.55 N-m (b) 0.15 N-m
(c) 0.45 N-m (d) 0.35 N-m vector I as the magnetic moment per unit volume. It is also
called the intensity of magnetization. With this information,
answer the questions on magnetic materials.
76. If the rod is placed in a magnetic field of 1000 gauss 83. A compass needle which is allowed to move in a horizontal
perpendicular to its axis, then torque acting on it will be plane is taken to an earth magnetic pole. Which of the
followings are wrong?
(a) 1.35 N.m (b) 2.31 N.m
(a) needle will stay in north south direction only
(c) 1.26 N.m (d) 8.7 N.m
(b) needle will stay in east west direction only
Objective Questions (c) needle will stay in any position
(one or more correct answer)
(d) needle will become rigid showing no movement
77. The cyclotron frequency is independent of
84. Which of the following magnetic materials are affected
(a) mass of the particle
by the change in their temperature ?
(b) speed of the particle
(c) radius of circular path of particle (a) Diamagnetic (b) Paramagnetic
(d) charge of the particle (c)Ferromagnetic (d) All of these
78. Two ions have equal masses but one is singly ionized 85. Which of the following statements are correct ?
and the other is doubly ionized .They are projected from
(a) Diamagnetism occur in all material
the same place in a uniform magnetic field with the same
velocity perpendicular to the field (b) Diamagnetism is produced due to partial alignment of
(a) Both ions will go along circles of equal radii permanent magnetic dipoles
(b) Two circles touch each other (c) Magnetic field of induced magnetism is opposite to
(c) The circle described by singly ionized charge will be applied field
double radius to that of other circle (d) Ferromagnetism is produced due to domain formation
(d) The two circles do not touch each other. and their alignment in external magnetic field
79. If a charged particle kept at rest experience an 86. Two identical charged particles enter into a uniform
electromagnetic force then magnetic field with same speed but at angle 30° and 60°
(a) The electric field must not be zero with field. Let a, b and c be the ratio of their time periods,
(b) Magnetic field must not be zero radii and pitches of helical path respectively then
(c) Electric field may or may not be zero
(a) abc = 1 (b) abc > 1
(d) The magnetic field may or may not be zero
80. An electron is moving along positive x-axis. You want to (c) abc < 1 (d) a = bc
apply a magnetic field for a short time so that electron 87. From a cylinder of radius R, a cylinder of radius R/2 is
may reverse its direction and move parallel to negative x- removed, as shown. Current flowing in the remaining
axis. This can be done by applying the magnetic field cylinder is I. Magnetic field strength is
(a) y-axis (b) z-axis
(c) y-axis only (d) z-axis only
81. A charged particle moves in uniform magnetic field. The
velocity of the particle at some instant makes an acute
angle with magnetic field. The path of the particle will be
(a) A helix of uniform pitch
(b) A spiral of increasing radius
(c) A helix of uniform radius
(d) Helix with increasing pitch
82. A hollow tube is carrying an electric current along its
length distributed uniformly over its surface. The magnetic
(a) increases linearly from axis to surface
(a) zero at point A (b) zero at point B
(b) is constant inside the tube
(c) is zero at the axis I I
(c) 30R at point A (d) 30R at point B
(d) is non zero outside the tube
88. A long conductor of radius R carries a current uniformly 91. A thin wire of length is carrying a constant current. The
distributed over its cross-section wire is bent to form a circular coil. If radius of the coil,
thus formed, is equal to R and number of turns in it is
(a) The magnetic field strength is maximum on the surface equal to n, then which of the following graphs
(b) The magnetic field strength is zero on the surface represent(s) variation of magnetic field induction (B) at
centre of the coil
(c) The strength of the magnetic field inside the cylinder
will vary as directly proportional to r, where r is the distance
from the axis.
(d) The energy density of the magnetic field outside the
conductor varies as inversely proportional to 1/r2, where r
is the distance from the axis.
+ + 2+ (a) (b)
89. H , He and O all having the same kinetic energy pass
through a region in which there is a uniform magnetic field
+ +
perpendicular to their velocity. The masses of H , He and
O are 1 amu, 4 amu and 16 amu respectively. Then
(a) H will be deflected most
(b) O will be deflected most
+ 2+
(c) He and O will be deflected equally
(d) all will be deflected equally
90. A particle of charge +q and mass m moving under the (c) (d)
influence of a uniform electric field E ˆi and uniform
shown in figure. The velocities at P and Q are v ˆi and 92. A steady current I flows along an infinitely long hollow
cylindrical conductor of radius R. This cylinder is placed
2v ˆj . Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct ?
coaxially inside an infinite solenoid of radius 2R. The
solenoid has n turns per unit length and carries a steady
y current I. Consider a point P at a distance r from the common
P v E axis. The correct statement(s) is (are)
–26 –19
94. A neutron, a proton and an electron and alpha particle 98. A particle of mass 1 × 10 kg and charge +1.6 × 10
enter a region of constant magnetic field with equal 6
C travelling with a velocity 1.28 × 10 m/s in the +X
velocities. The magnetic field is along the inward normal direction enters a region in which a uniform electric field
to the plane of the paper. The tracks of the particles are E and a uniform magnetic field of induction B are
labelled in figure. The electron follows track......... and the present such that Ex = E y = 0, Ez = – 102.4 kV/m and Bx
alpha particle follows track........... –2 2
= Bz = 0,By = 8 × 10 weber/m . The particle enters this
region at the origin at time t = 0. Determine the location
× × × × × × × –6
(x, y and z coordinates) of the particle at t = 5 × 10 s. If
×B × × × × × × the electric field is switched off at this instant (with the
× A× × × × × × magnetic field still present), what will be the position of
× × × × × × × the particle at t = 7.45 × 10 s ?
× × × × × × × 99. A particle of mass m = 1.6 × 10
kg and charge
D q = 1.6 × 10 C enters a region of uniform magnetic field
× × × × × × × of strength 1T along the direction shown in figure. The
speed of the particle is 10 m/s.
Numeric Type Questions
× × × × ×
95. Protons having a kinetic energy of 5 MeV are moving in × × × × ×
the positive x-direction and enter a magnetic field × × × × ×
× × × × ×
B = 0.0500 kˆ T directed out of plane of paper and F ×
extending from x = 0 to x = 1 m as shown. Calculate the E × × × × ×
y-component of the proton’s momentum as they leave the × × × × ×
× × × × ×
magnetic field. [in 10–21] × × × × ×
× × × × ×
97. A long horizontal wire AB, which is free to move in a vertical (a) Find the value of L if the particle emerges from the
plane and carries a steady current of 20 A, is in equilibrium region of magnetic field with its final velocity at an angle
at a height of 0.01 m over another parallel long wire CD 30° to its initial velocity.
which is fixed in a horizontal plane and carries a steady (b) Find the final velocity of the particle and the time spent
current of 30 A, as shown in figure. Show that when AB is by it in the magnetic field, if the magnetic field now expands
slightly depressed, it executes simple harmonic motion. Find upto 2.1 L.
the period of oscillations. 101. In a hydrogen atom, the electron moves in an orbit of
radius 0.5 Å making 10 revolutions per second. The
magnetic moment associated with the orbital motion of
the electron is .........
102. A charged particle enters a region of uniform magnetic 105. A straight segment OC (of length L) of a circuit carrying
field at an angle of 85° to the magnetic line of force. The a current I is placed along the x-axis. Two infinitely long
path of the particle is a circle. straight wires A and B, each extending from z = – to
103. Two long straight parallel wires are 2 m apart, perpendicular + , are fixed at y = – a and y = + a respectively, as shown
to the plane of the paper. in the figure. If the wires A and B each carry a current I
The wire A carries a current of 9.6 A, directed into the plane of into the plane of the paper, obtain the expression for
the paper. The wire B carries a current such that the magnetic the force acting on the segment OC. What will be the
10 force on OC if the current in the wire B is reversed ?
field of induction at the point P, at a distance of m from the
11 y
wire B, is zero. B ×
O I C x
106. A beam of protons with a velocity 4 × 10 m/s enters a
uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T at an angle of 60° to the
magnetic field. Find the radius of the helical path taken by
the proton beam. Also find the pitch of the helix (which is
the distance travelled by a proton in the beam parallel to
the magnetic field during one period of rotation).
107. A particle of mass m and charge q is moving in a region
where uniform, constant
and magnetic fields E
and B are present. E and B are parallel to each other. At
Find :
time t = 0, the velocity v 0 of the particle is perpendicular
(a) The magnitude and direction of the current in B.
to E (Assume that its speed is always << c, the speed of
(b) The magnitude of the magnetic field of induction at the light in vacuum). Find the velocity v of the particle at time
point S.
t. You must express your answer in terms of t, q, m, the
(c) The force per unit length on the wire B.
vector v0 , E and B and their magnitudes v0, E and B.
104. A pair of stationary and infinitely long bent wires are placed in
the xy plane as shown in figure. The wires carry currents of Subjective Type Question
i = 10 A each as shown. The segments L and M are along the 108. A potential difference of 600 V is applied across the plates
x-axis. The segments P and Q are parallel to the y-axis such that of a parallel plate condenser. The separation between the
OS = OR = 0.02 m. Find the magnitude and direction of the plates is 3 mm. An electron projected vertically, parallel to
magnetic induction at the origin O. 6
the plates, with a velocity of 2 × 10 m/s moves undeflected
y between the plates. Find the magnitude and direction of
the magnetic field in the region between the condenser
plates. (Neglect the edge effects). (Charge of the electron
i –19
= 1.6 × 10 C)
L R M 600 V
i P O S i +
+ –
i +
+ –
+ –
109. There is no change in the energy of a charged particle 112.A square current carrying loop is placed in x-y plane, a
moving in magnetic field although a magnetic force is acting
uniform magnetic field B B0 k is present in the
on it.
region.Match the column 1 with column II
110. Why is phosphor bronze alloy preferred for the suspension
wire of a moving coil galvanometer ? Column–I Column–II
Match The Column Type Questions (a) Magnetic moment of the loop (P) Zero
111. A negative charged particle of mass ‘m’ having charge q (b) Torque on the loop (Q) Minimum
enters in magnetic field B B0 kˆ at point P (3m, 0, 0) with (c) Potential energy of the loop (R) Stable
velocity v0 3jˆ 4k,
ˆ at t = 0 as shown in the figure [Given (d) Equilibrium of the loop (S) Along z- axis
(b) x x'
d d
– (c) x x'
d d
d d
(d) x x'
(a) 1/2 (b) 1
(c) 2/3 (d) 2
5. A circular loop of radius R is bent along a diameter and
2. An ionized gas contains both positive and negative ions.
given a shape as shown in figure. One of the semicircles
If it is subjected simultaneously to an electric field along
(KNM) lies in the x-z plane and the other one (KLM) in
the +x-direction and a magnetic field along the
the y-z plane with their centres at origin. Current I is
+z-direction, then (JEE 2000)
flowing through each of the semicircles as shown in
(a) positive ions deflect towards +y-direction and negative figure. (JEE 2000)
ions towards –y-direction
(b) all ions deflect towards +y-direction
(c) all ions deflect towards –y-direction L y
(d) positive ions deflect towards –y-direction and
I x
negative ions towards –y-direction
3. A particle of charge q and mass m moves in a circular orbit I z
of radius r with angular speed . The ratio of the magnitude K
of its magnetic moment to that of its angular momentum
depends on (JEE 2000) (a) A particle of charge q is released at the origin with a
(a) and q (b) , q and m velocity v v0ˆi . Find the instantaneous force F
(c) q and m (d) and m on the particle. Assume that space is gravity free.
4. Two long parallel wires are at a distance 2d apart. They (b) If an external uniform magnetic field B0ˆj is applied
carry steady equal currents flowing out of the plane of the
determine the force F1 and F2 on the semicircles
paper as shown. The variation of the magnetic field B
KLM and KNM due to the field and the net force F
along the line XX is given by (JEE 2000)
on the loop.
6. A current of 10 A flow around a closed path in a circuit 8. A coil having N turns is wound tightly in the form of a
which is in the horizontal plane as shown in the figure. spiral with inner and outer radii a and b respectively. When
The circuit consists of eight alternating arcs of radii a current I passes through the coil, the magnetic field at
the centre is (JEE 2001)
r1 = 0.08 m and r2 = 0.12 m. Each subtends the same angle
at the centre. (JEE 2001) 0 NI 2 0 NI
(a) (b)
b a
0 NI b 0 IN b
D (c) 2 b a ln a (d) b a ln a
9. Two particles A and B of masses mA and mB respectively
A and having the same charge are moving in a plane. A
uniform magnetic field exists perpendicular to this plane.
i The speeds of the particles are vA and vB respectively and
the trajectories are as shown in the figure. Then
(JEE 2001)
(a) Find the magnetic field produced by this circuit at the
(b) An infinitely long straight wire carrying a current of 10
A is passing through the centre of the above circuit
vertically with the direction of the current being into
the plane of the circuit. What is the force acting on the
(a) mAvA < mBvB
wire at the centre due to the current in the circuit ?
(b) mAvA > mBvB
What is the force acting on the arc AC and the straight
segment CD due to the current at the centre ? (c) mA < mB and vA < vB
7. A non-planar loop of conducting wire carrying a current I (d) mA = mB and vA = vB
is placed as shown in the figure. Each of the straight 10. A long straight wire along the z-axis carries a current i in the
sections of the loop is of length 2a. The magnetic field due
negative z-direction. The magnetic vector field B at a point
to this loop at the point P (a, 0, a) points in the direction having coordinate (x, y) on the z = 0 plane is (JEE 2002)
(JEE 2001)
0 I y ˆi x ˆj
0 I x ˆi y ˆj
z 2 x 2
2 x 2
0 I x ˆj y ˆi
0 I x ˆi y ˆj
(c) (d)
2 x 2
2 x 2
qbB q b a B
(a) (b)
m m
1 ˆ ˆ ˆ
i j k (d)
1 ˆ ˆ
ik qaB q b a B
(c) (d)
m 2m
12. A rectangular loop PQRS made from a uniform wire has 15. A conducting loop carrying a current I is placed in a uniform
length a, width b and mass m. It is free to rotate about the magnetic field pointing into the plane of the paper as
arm PQ, which remains hinged along a horizontal line taken shown. The loop will have a tendency to (JEE 2003)
as the y-axis (see figure). Take the vertically upward
direction as the z-axis. A uniform magnetic field B
B 3iˆ 4 kˆ B0 exists in the region. The loop is held in
the x-y plane and a current I is passed through it. The loop X
is now released and is found to stay in the horizontal
position in equilibrium. (JEE 2002) I
(a) contract
(b) expand
(c) move towards +ve x-axis
P Q (d) move towards –ve x-axis
16. A current carrying loop is placed in a uniform magnetic
field in four different orientations, I, II, III and IV, arrange
them in the decreasing order of potential energy
x S R (JEE 2003)
18. A proton and an alpha particle, after being accelerated (B) Point P is situated at the (Q) The magnetic fields (B)
through same potential difference, enter uniform magnetic mid-point of the line joining at P due to the currents
the centres of the circular in the the wires are in
field, the direction of which is perpendicular to their
wires, which have same radii. opposite direction.
velocities. Find the ratio of radii of the circular paths of
the two particles. (2004)
(a) Find k in terms of given parameters. (C) Point P is situated at the (R) There is no magnetic
field mid-point of the line at P.
(b) If for current i deflection is , find out torsional joining the centres of the
circular wires, which have
constant of spring.
same radii.
(c) If a charge Q is passed suddenly through the
galvanometer, find out maximum angle of deflection. P
22. A magnetic field B = B0ˆj exists in the region a < x < 2a and
(B) Dielectric ring uniformly (q) Magnetic field B = B0 ˆj , in the region 2a < x < 3a, where B0 is a positive
charged rotating with constant. A positive point charge moving with a velocity
angular velocity v v0ˆi , where v0 is a positive constant, enters the
magnetic field at x = a. The trajectory of the charge in this
(C) Constant current in ring io (r) Induced electric field region can be like (JEE 2007)
(D) i = io cos t (s) Magnetic moment B0
21. Two wires each carrying a steady current I are shown in four
configuration in Column – I. Some of the resulting effects 0 x
a 2a 3a
are described in Column – II. Match the statements in
Column – I with the statements in Column – II. constant
– B0
electric field that difference develops has a direction along
the between the ends of the length of the wire. (JEE 2007) z z
Column – I Column – II a 2a 3a
x x
(A) Point P is situated midway (P) The magnetic fields (B) (a) a 2a 3a (b)
between the wires. at P due to the currents
in the wires are in the
same direction. z z
a 2a 3a
x x
(c) a 2a 3a (d)
23. A particle of mass m and charge q, moving with velocity v 26. An electron and a proton are moving on straight parallel
enters Region II normal to the boundary as shown in the paths with same velocity. They enter a semi-infinite region
figure. Region II has a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular of uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the velocity.
to the plane of the paper. The length of the Region II is l. Which or the following statement(s) is/are true ? (2011)
Choose the correct choice(s). (2008) (a) They will never come out of the magnetic field region
(b) They will come out travelling along parallel paths
(c) They will come out at the same time
(d) They will come out at different times.
The figure shows a circular loop of radius a with two long
parallel wires (numbered 1 and 2) all in the plane of the
paper. The distance of each wire from the centre of the loop
is d. The loop and the wires are carrying the same current I.
The current in the loop is in the counterclockwise direction
if seen from above.
q B
(a) The particle enters Region III only if its velocity v
(b) The particle enters Region III only if its velocity v
(c) Path length of the particle in Region II is maximum when
q B
velocity v
(d) Time spent in Region II is same for any velocity v as 27. When d a but wires are not touching the loop. It is found
long as the particle returns to Region I that the net magnetic field on the axis of the loop is zero at a
24. A steady current I goes through a wire loop PQR having height h above the loop. In that case (2014)
(a) current in wire 1 and wire 2 is the direction PQ and RS,
shape of a right angle triangle with PQ = 3x, PR = 4x and QR
respectively and h a
= 5x, If the magnitude of the magneitc field at P due to this
(b) current in wire 1 and wire 2 is the direction PQ and SR,
0 I respectively and h a
loop is k , find the value of k. (2009)
48x (c) current in wire 1 and wire 2 is the direction PQ and SR,
respectively and h 1.2a
25. Which of the field patterns given in the figure is valid for
(d) current in wire 1 and wire 2 is the direction PQ and RS,
electric field as well as for magnetic field ? (2011)
respectively and h 1.2a
28. Consider d >> a, and the loop is rotated about its diameter
parallel to the wires by 30o from the position shown in the
(a) (b) figure. If the currents in the wires are in the opposite
directions, the torque on the loop at its new position will be
(assume that the net field due to the wires is constant over
the loop) (2014)
0 I2 a 2 0 I2 a 2
(a) (b)
(c) (d) d 2d
0 I2 a 2 0 I2 a 2
(c) (d)
d 2d
33. Two infinitely long straight wires lie in the xy-plane along
the lines x = R. The wire located at x = +R carries a constant
current I1 and the wire located at x = –R carries a constant
29. Consider two different metallic strips (1 and 2) of the current I2. A circular loop of radius R is suspended with its
same material. Their lengths are the same, widths are w1
centre at (0, 0,3R ) and in a plane parallel to the xy-plane.
and w2 and thicknesses are d1 and d 2 respectively. Two
This loop carries a constant current I in the clockwise
points K and M are symmetrically located on the
direction as seen from above the loop. The current in the
opposite faces parallel to the x-y plane (see figure). V1
and V2 are the potential difference between K and M in wire is taken to be positive if it is in the j direction. Which
strips 1 and 2, respectively. Then, for a given current I
flowing through them in a given magnetic field strength of the following statements regarding the magnetic field B
B, the correct statement(s) is(are). (2015) is (are) true ? (2018)
(a) If w1 = w2 and d 1 = 2d2, then V2 = 2 V1 (a) If I1 = I2, then B cannot be equal to zero at the origin (0,
(b) If w1 = w2 and d 1 = 2d2, then V2 = V1 0, 0)
34. In the xy-plane, the region y > 0 has a uniform magnetic 35. A circular coil of radius R and N turns has negligible
resistance. As shown in the schematic figure, its two ends
field B1 k and the region y < 0 hasanother uniform magnetic
are connected to two wires and it is hanging by those wires
field B2 k . A positively charged particle is projected from
with its plane being vertical. The wires are connected to a
capacitor with charge Q through a switch. The coil is in a
the origina long the positive y-axis with speed horizontal uniform magnetic field B0 parallel to the plane of
v0 ms 1 at t = 0, as shown in the figure. Neglect gravity the coil. When the switch is closed, the capacitor gets
discharged through the coil in a very short time. By the
in this problem. Let t = T be the time when the particle time the capacitor is discharged fully, magnitude of the
crosses the x-axis from below for the first time. If B2 = 4B1, angular momentum gained by the coil will be (assume that
the average speed of the particle, in ms–1, along the x-axis in the discharge time is so short that the coil has hardly
the time interval T is _________. (2018) rotated during this time) – (2020)
(a) NQB0 R 2 (b) NQB0 R 2
(c) 2NQB0 R 2 (d) 4NQB0R 2
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Teacher’s Note:
Back in the 6th century BC, the Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus had already noticed
the special effects of the magnetic stones and later on magnetic needles were being used
for navigation for voyages by various explorers ! Even Albert Einstein wasn't spared, a
gift of a compass from his father when he was five years old led to a lifetime fascination
with magnetic fields. The future of transportation i.e the motors in electric vehicles is
based on fundamentals of magnetism ! Lets see the origins and applications of the
Various Methods of Producing induced E.M.F.
(1) The total number of magnetic lines of force passing
normally through an area placed in a magnetic field is equal We have learnt that e.m.f. is induced in a circuit, whenever
to the magnetic flux linked with that area. the amount of magnetic flux linked with the circuit is
changed. As = BA cos , the magnetic flux can be
changed by changing B, A or . Hence there are three
methods of producing induced e.m.f.
1. By changing the magnitude of magnetic field B,
2. By changing the area A, i.e., by shrinking or stretching or
changing the shape of the coil.
3. By changing angle between the direction of B and normal
(2) Net flux through the surface = B. d A = BA cos to the surface area A, i.e., changing the relative orientation
of the surface area and the magnetic field.
( is the angle between area vector and magnetic field
vector) If = 0o then = BA, If = 90o then = 0
(3) Unit and Dimension : Magnetic flux is a scalar quantity. It’s This law gives the direction of induced emf/induced current.
S.I. unit is weber (wb), CGS unit is Maxwell or Gauss × cm2; According to this law, the direction of induced emf or current in a
(1wb = 108 Maxwell). circuit is such as to oppose the cause that produces it. This law is
based upon law of conservation of energy.
N m Joule Volt Coulomb
(4) Other units : Tesla × m2
(1) When N-pole of a bar magnet moves towards the coil, the
Amp Amp Amp
= Volt × sec = Ohm × Coulomb = Henry × Amp. It’s flux associated with loop increases and an emf is induced
dimensional formula [] = [ML2T–2A–1] in it. Since the circuit of loop is closed, induced current
also flows in it.
2. FARADAY’S LAWS OF EMI (2) Cause of this induced current, is approach of north pole
and therefore to oppose the cause, i.e., to repel the
(1) First law : Whenever the number of magnetic lines of
approaching north pole, the induced current in loop is in
force (magnetic flux) passing through a circuit changes an
such a direction so that the front face of loop behaves as
emf is produced in the circuit called induced emf. The
north pole. Therefore induced current as seen by observer
induced emf persists only as long as there is change or
O is in anticlockwise direction. (figure)
cutting of flux.
(2) Second law : The induced emf is given by rate of change
of magnetic flux linked with the circuit i.e. e . . For
N turns e ; Negative sign indicates that induced
emf (e) opposes the change of flux. (3) If the loop is free to move the cause of induced emf in the
Induced current (i) Induced charge (q) Induced power (P) coil can also be termed as relative motion. Therefore to
oppose the cause, the relative motion between the
e N d N e 2 N 2 d approaching magnet and the loop should be opposed.
i . dq idt .d P
R R dt R R R dt For this, the loop will itself start moving in the direction of
motion of the magnet.
Induced charge It depends on
is time indepen- time and resistance (4) It is important to remember that whenever cause of induced
emf is relative motion, the new motion is always in the
direction of motion of the cause.
Table : The various positions of relative motion between the magnet and the coil
Position of magnet
Behaviour of face As a north pole As a south pole As a south pole As a north pole
of the coil
Type of magnetic Repulsive force Attractive force Repulsive force Attractive force
force opposed
Magnetic field linked Cross (×), Increases Cross (×), Decreases Dots () Increases Dots () Decreases
with the coil and it’s
progress as viewed
from left
(i) Dead-beat galvanometer : A dead beat galvanometer
When a changing magnetic flux is applied to a bulk piece of means one whose pointer comes to rest in the final
conducting material then circulating currents called eddy currents equilibrium position immediately without any oscillation
are induced in the material. Because the resistance of the bulk about the equilibrium position when a current is passed
conductor is usually low, eddy currents often have large in its coil.
magnitudes and heat up the conductor. This is achieved by winding the coil on a metallic
(1) These are circulating currents like eddies in water. frame the large eddy currents induced in the frame provide
electromagnetic damping.
(2) Experimental concept given by Focault hence also named
as “Focault current”. (ii) Electric-brakes : When the train is running its wheel is
moving in air and when the train is to be stopped by
(3) The production of eddy currents in a metallic block leads
electric breaks the wheel is made to move in a field created
to the loss of electric energy in the form of heat.
by electromagnet. Eddy currents induced in the wheels
(4) By Lamination, slotting processes the resistance path for due to the changing flux oppose the cause and stop
circulation of eddy current increases, resulting in to the train.
weakening them and also reducing losses causes by them
(iii) Induction furnace : Joule’s heat causes the melting of a
metal piece placed in a rapidly changing magnetic field.
(iv) Speedometer : In the speedometer of an automobile, a
magnet is geared to the main shaft of the vehicle and it
rotates according to the speed of the vehicle. The magnet
is mounted in an aluminium cylinder with the help of
hair springs. When the magnet rotates, it produces eddy
currents in the drum and drags it through an angle, which
indicates the speed of the vehicle on a calibrated scale.
(v) Energy meter : In energy meters, the armature coil carries
a metallic aluminium disc which rotates between the poles
of a pair of permanent horse shoe magnets. As the
armature rotates, the current induced in the disc tends
to oppose the motion of the armature coil. Due to this
(5) Application of eddy currents : Though most of the times braking effect, deflection is proportional to the energy
eddy currents are undesirable but they find some useful consumed.
applications as enumerated below
From Faraday’s second laws e ..…(ii)
(3) Motion of conducting rod on an inclined plane : When (1) Induced current :
conductor start sliding from the top of an inclined plane
as shown, it moves perpendicular to it’s length but at an e Bv
angle (90 ) with the direction of magnetic field.
(2) Magnetic force : Conductor PQ experiences a magnetic
force in opposite direction of it’s motion and
Bv B 2 v 2
Fm Bi B
B 2 v T2 2 mgR
So mg vT
R B2 2
× × × × ×
× × × × × × ×
As shown in figure in time t distance travelled by conductor = vt t=0
× × × × ×
Area generated A = lvt. Flux linked with this area = BA = × × ×
×m mg
× ×
d mg
Blvt. Hence induced emf e Bv
SPECIAL CASES (3) Faraday copper disc generator : A metal disc can be
assumed to made of uncountable radial conductors when
Motion of train and aeroplane in earth’s magnetic field
metal disc rotates in transverse magnetic field these
radial conductors cuts away magnetic field lines and
because of this flux cutting all becomes identical cells each
of emf ‘e’ where e Br 2
(A) (B)
Induced emf across the axle of the wheels of the train and it
is across the tips of the wing of the aeroplane is given by e
= Bvlv where l = length of the axle or distance between
the tips of the wings of plane, Bv = vertical component of
earth’s magnetic field and v = speed of train or plane.
(1) Coefficient of self-induction : Number of flux linkages with
For uniform rotational motion with , the flux linked with the coil is proportional to the current i. i.e. N i or
coil at any time t N Li (N is the number of turns in coil and N – total
= NBA cos = NBA cos t N
flux linkage). Hence L = coefficient of self-induction.
= 0 cost where 0 = NBA = maximum flux i
(1) Induced emf in coil : Induced emf also changes in periodic (2) If i = 1amp, N = 1 then, L = i.e. the coefficient of self
manner that’s why this phenomenon called periodic EMI induction of a coil is equal to the flux linked with the coil
when the current in it is 1 amp.
e = NBA sint e = e0 sint where e0 = emf d
dt (3) By Faraday’s second law induced emf e N . Which
amplitude or max. emf = NBA = 0 dt
di di
e e0 gives e L ; If = amp/sec then | e |= L.
(2) Induced current : At any time t, i sint = i0 dt dt
sint where i0 = current amplitude or max. current Hence coefficient of self induction is equal to the emf
induced in the coil when the rate of change of current in
e0 NBA 0
i0 the coil is unity.
(4) Units and dimensional formula of ‘L’ : It’s S.I. unit
weber Tesla m 2 N m Joule Coulomb volt
(1) Inductance is that property of electrical circuits which Amp Amp Amp 2 Amp 2 Amp 2
opposes any change in the current in the circuit.
(2) Inductance is inherent property of electrical circuits. It will volt sec
ohm sec . But practical unit is henry (H).
always be found in an electrical circuit whether we want it amp
It’s dimensional formula [L] = [ML2T–2A–2]
or not.
(3) A straight wire carrying current with no iron part in the (5) Dependence of self inductance (L) : ‘L’ does not depend
circuit will have lesser value of inductance. upon current flowing or change in current flowing but it
depends upon number of turns (N), Area of cross section
(4) Inductance is analogous to inertia in mechanics, because
(A) and permeability of medium ().
inductance of an electrical circuit opposes any change of
current in the circuit. ‘L’ does not play any role till there is a constant current
flowing in the circuit. ‘L’ comes in to the picture only when
11.1 Self Induction there is a change in current.
Whenever the electric current passing through a coil or (6) Magnetic potential energy of inductor : In building a
steady current in the circuit, the source emf has to do
circuit changes, the magnetic flux linked with it will also
work against of self inductance of coil and whatever
change. As a result of this, in accordance with Faraday’s energy consumed for this work stored in magnetic field
laws of electromagnetic induction, an emf is induced in of coil this energy called as magnetic potential energy (U)
the coil or the circuit which opposes the change that of coil
causes it. This phenomenon is called ‘self induction’ and i 1 2 1 Ni
the emf induced is called back emf, current so produced in U 0
Li ; Also U Li i
2 2
the coil is called induced current.
N 2r
L 0 0 n 2 A
(6) Relation between M, L1 and L2 : For two magnetically (7) The various formulae for M :
Two Solenoids
0 N1 N 2 A
M i1 Secondary
(N2 turns)
(N 1 turns)
Two concentric
coplaner square coils
0 2 2 N1 N 2 2
When they are situated close to each other, then net inductance LS = L1 + L2 ± 2M
Mutual induction is absent (k = 0) Mutual induction is present and Mutual induction is present and
favours self inductance of coils opposes self inductance of coils
L1 L2
(CW) M (CW)
Leq = L1 + L2
Current in same direction Current in opposite direction
Winding nature same Opposite winding nature
Their flux assist each other Their flux opposes each other
Leq = L1 + L2 + 2M Leq = L1 + L2 – 2M
L1L 2
(2) Parallel : If two coils of self-inductances L1 and L2 having LP
mutual inductance are connected in parallel and are far L1 L 2
1 1 1 When they are situated close to each other, then
from each other, then net inductance L is
L P L1 L 2 L1L 2 M 2
L1 L 2 2M
Mutual induction is absent (k = 0) Mutual induction is present and Mutual induction is present and
favours self inductance of coils opposes self inductance of coil
L1 L 2 L1L 2 M 2 L1L 2 M 2
L eq L eq L eq
L1 L 2 L1 L 2 2M L1 L 2 2M
(4) Behaviour of inductor : The current in the circuit grows
exponentially with time from 0 to the maximum value
Induced Induced
Main Main i . Just after closing the switch as i = 0, inductor act
+ +
(A) Growth of current (B) Decay of current as open circuit i.e. broken wires and long after the switch
has been closed as i = i0, the inductor act as a short circuit
(1) The value of current at any instant of time t after closing
i.e. a simple connecting wire.
the circuit (i.e. during the rising of current) is given by
i i 0 1 e L ; where i 0 i max = steady state current.
i=0 i=0
(2) The value of current at any instant of time t after opening
from the steady state condition (i.e. during the decaying
E Initially E S i
Just after closing S
of current) is given by i i 0 e L R
(3) Time constant () : It is given as ; It’s unit is second. i = E/R
In other words the time interval, during which the current
in an inductive circuit rises to 63% of its maximum value at E S i
Long after closing S
make, is defined as time constant or it is the time interval,
during which the current after opening an inductive circuit
falls to 37% of its maximum value.
C +q0 v=0
++ + +
E At t = 0, capacitor is ready At t = 0, block is
t=0 L to discharge k
–q0 ready to move
– – –– m
S x=0
i = imax
C vmax
At t = — At t = —
4 , block comes in it's
T q=0 4 , capacitor is fully k
t=— L
discharged i.e. charge q = 0 and m mean position i.e. x = 0 and
current through the circuit is velocity of block becomes
maximum A maximum
S x=0
At t = — ,block reaches it's
k 2
m extreme position other side and
i = imax
C vmax
3T 3T
At t = — , capacitor again At t = —
q=0 4
k 4 , block again reaches
4 L
discharges completely i = imax m it's mean position and it's velocity
B becomes maximum
S x=0
i = imax
C v=0
3T , capacitor again
At t = — 3T
3T q=0 4 At t = —4 , block again reaches
t=— L k
discharges completely i = imax m it's mean position and it's velocity
B becomes maximum
S x=0
C 2 3 4 5 6
Spring E
dc mains
F i B in fig., force on AB will be perpendicular to Efficiency
Pmechanical Pout
Psup plied
Back e.m.f .
E Supply voltage
plane of the paper and pointing inwards. Force on CD will
(8) Uses of dc motors : They are used in electric locomotives,
be equal and opposite. So coil rotates in clockwise sense
electric ears, rolling mills, electric cranes, electric lifts, dc
when viewed from top in fig. The current in AB reverses drills, fans and blowers, centrifugal pumps and air
due to commutation keeping the force on AB and CD in compressors, etc.
such a direction that the coil continues to rotate in the
same direction. 16. DC GENERATOR
(4) Back emf in motor : Due to the rotation of armature coil in If the current produced by the generator is direct current,
magnetic field a back emf is induced in the circuit. Which then the generator is called dc generator.
is given by e = E – iR. DC generator consists of
(i) Armature (coil) (ii) Magnet
Back emf directly depends upon the angular velocity of (iii) Commutator (iv) Brushes
armature and magnetic field B. But for constant magnetic In dc generator commutator is used in place of slip rings.
field B, value of back emf e is given by e or e = k The commutator rotates along with the coil so that in every
cycle when direction of ‘e’ reverses, the commutator also
(e = NBA sint)
reverses or makes contact with the other brush so that in
the external load the current remains in the some direction
giving dc
6. A piece of metal and a piece of non-metal are dropped from 15. If main current through a coil increases (i) so will be
the same height near the surface of the earth. The non- dt
metallic piece will reach the ground first because there will positive (+ve), hence induced emf e will be negative (i.e.
be no induced current in it. opposite emf) Enet = E – e
Vab = iR di
Vab = L — If the strength of current is assumed to remain constant
dt for a small time, dt, then small amount of charge sent in a
small time dt is
20. In RL-circuit with dc source the time taken by the current
dq = I dt ...(2)
to reach half of the maximum value is called half life time
Let q be the total charge sent by alternating current in the
L first half cycle (i.e. 0 T/2).
and it is given by T = 0.693 .
R T/2
E0 I
I0 I
I = I 0 sin O 90° O
(b) (c)
(b) (c)
Figure (b) represents the vector diagram or the phasor
diagram of a.c. circuit containing L only. The vector
or I sin t I 0 sin t ...(2) representing E 0 makes an angle (t) with OX. As current
lags behing the e.m.f. by 90°, therefore, phasor representing
where I0 = E0/R, maximum value of current.
I0 is turned clockwise through 90° from the direction of
This is the form of alternating current developed.
Comparing I0 = E0/R with Ohm’s law equation, viz. current E 0 . I I0 sin t , I0 0 , XL = L
2 xL
= voltage/resistance, we find that resistance to a.c. is
represented by R–which is the value of resistance to d.c. A pure inductance offer zero resistance to dc. It means a
pure inductor cannot reduce dc. The units of inductive
Hence behaviour of R in d.c. and a.c. circuit is the same, R reactance
can reduce a.c. as well as d.c. equally effectively.
1 1 1
XL = L (henry) = ohm
Comparing (2) and (1), we find that E and I are in phase. sec sec amp / sec
Therefore, in an a.c. circuit containing R only, the voltage The dimensions of inductive reactance are the same as
and current are in the same phase, as shown in figure. those of resistance.
q 1 1
V E E 0 sin t Thus X C
C C 2vC
or q = C0 sin t The capacitative reactance limits the amplitude of current in a
If I is instantaneous value of current in the circuit at instant purely capacitative circuit in the same way as the resistance
t, then limits the current in a purely resistive circuit. Clearly, capacitative
reactance varies inversely as the frequency of a.c. and also
dq d
I (C0 sin t) inversely as the capacitance of the condenser.
dt dt
In a d.c. circuit, v = 0, XC =
I = CE0 (cos t)
E0 1 1 sec volt sec .
I sin t / 2 Xc sec ohm
...(2) C farad coulomb / volt amp. sec
1 / C
The current will be maximum i.e.
I = I0, when sin (t + /2) = maximum = 1
From (2), I 0 1 ...(3)
1 / C
6.1 Phasor Treatment
Put in (2), I = I0 sin (t + /2) ...(4)
This is the form of alternating current developed. Let a pure resistance R, a pure inductance L and an ideal
Comparing (4) with (1), we find that in an a.c. circuit capacitor of capacitance C be connected in series to a
containing C only, alternating current I leads the alternating source of alternating e.m.f., figure. As R, L, C are in series,
e.m.f. by a phase angle of 90°. This is shown in figure (b) therefore, current at any instant through the three elements
and (c). has the same amplitude and phase. Let it be represented
The phasor diagram or vector diagram of a.c. circuit containing by I = I0 sin t
C only in shown in figure (b). The phasor I0 is turned
anticlockwise through 90° from the direction of phasor E 0 .
Their projections on YOY’ give the instantaneous values
E and I as shown in figure (b). When E0 and I0 rotate with
frequency , curves in figure (c). are generated.
(i) The maximum voltage across R is VR I0 R dI q
L RI = E = E sin t ...(2)
dt C 0
d 2q dq q
L R E 0 sin t ...(3)
dt 2 dt C
This is like the equation of a forced, damped oscillator. Let
the solution of equation (3) be
q = q0 sin (t + )
q 0 cos t
As VR is in phase with current, it is represented by the d 2q
q 0 2 sin t
vector OA , along OX. dt 2
Substituting these values in equation (3), we get
(ii) The maximum voltage across L is VL I0 X L 2
L [–q0 sin (t + )] + R q0 cos (t + )
As voltage across the inductor leads the current by 90°, it
is represented by OB along OY, 90° ahead of I0 . q0
sin (t ) E 0 sin t
(iii) The maximum voltage across C is VC I0 X C
As voltage across the capacitor lags behind the alternating q 0 [R cos t L sin t
current by 90°, it is represented by OC rotated clockwise 1
sin t ] E 0 sin t
through 90° from the direction of I0 . OC is along OY’.
6.2 Analytical Treatment of RLC series circuit As L = XL and XC , therefore
Let a pure resistance R, a pure inductance L and an ideal q0 [R cos (t + ) + (XC – XL) sin (t + )] = E0 sin t
condenser of capacity C be connected in series to a source
Multiplying and dividing by
of alternating e.m.f. Suppose the alterning e.m.f. supplied is
E = E0 sin t ...(1)
Z R 2 X C X L , we get
At any instant of time t, suppose
q = charge on capacitor
I = current in the circuit q 0 Z cos t C sin t = E sin t
Z Z 0
= rate of change of current in the circuit
dt ...(4)
2 2
R XC XL 2 2
1 or R2 + (XC – XL) = Z
or Z R 2 (X C X L ) 2 ...(12)
tan tan C
EL ...(1)
dW dI
Using (1), EI L I or dW = LI dI
dt dt
Total amount of work done in establishing the current I is
1 2
W dW LI dI
1 2
1 / r C I I
Z R 2 L ...(1)
C 1
Using r , we get
At very low frequencies, inductive reactance XL = L is
negligible, but capacitative reactance (XC = 1/C) is very L 1 1 L
high. R LC R C
As frequency of alternating e.m.f. applied to the circuit is 1 LC 1 L
increased, XL goes on increasing and XC goes on decreasing. or Q
For a particular value of ( = r, say)
1 L
XL = XC Thus Q ...(1)
W E 0 I 0 cos T E 0 I 0
The quantity r is regarded as a measure of P . cos
2 T T 2 2 2
sharpness of resonance, i.e., Q factor of resonance circuit P = Ev Iv cos ...(3)
is the ratio of resonance angular frequency to band width Hence average power over a complete cycle in an inductive
of the circuit (which is difference in angular frequencies at circuit is the product of virtual e.m.f., virtual current and
which power is half the maximum power or current is cosine of the phase angle between the voltage and current.
I0 / 2 . Note: -
The relation (3) is applicable to all a.c. circuits. cos and
10.2 Average Power in RLC circuit or Inductive Circuit
Z will have appropriate values for difference circuits.
Let the alternating e.m.f. applied to an RLC circuit be For example :
E = E0 sin t ...(1)
(i) In RL circuit, Z R 2 X 2L and cos
If alternating current developed lags behind the applied Z
e.m.f. by a phase angle , then
I = I0 sin (t – ) ...(2) R
(ii) In RC circuit, Z R 2 X C2 and cos
Power at instant t, EI (iii) In LC circuit, Z = XL – XC and = 90°
dW (iv) In RLC circuit, Z R 2 X L X C 2 and cos
E 0 sin t I 0 sin t Z
= E0 I0 sin t (sin t cos – cos t sin ) Ev
In all a.c. circuits, I v
2 Z
= E0I0 sin t cos – E0I0 sin t cos t sin
W E 0 I 0 cos sin 2 t dt
sin sin 2 t dt
Power factor = cos =
0 0 Impedance
sin 2 t dt
and sin t dt 0
In a non-inductance circuit, XL = XC
T Power factor = cos = 1, 0 ...(4)
W E 0 I 0 cos R 2 R
Average power in the inductive circuit over a complete This is the maximum value of power factor. In a pure
cycle inductor or an ideal capacitor, = 90°
Power factor = cos = cos 90° = 0 Theory and Working : As the armature coil is rotated in the
Average power consumed in a pure inductor or ideal a magnetic field, angle between the field and normal to the
capacitor, P = Ev Iv cos 90° = Zero. Therefore, coil changes continuously. Therefore, magnetic flux linked
with the coil changes. An e.m.f. is induced in the coil.
current through pure L or pure C, which consumes no
power for its maintenance in the circuit is called Idle current To start with, suppose the plane of the coil is perpendicular
or Wattless current. to the plane of the paper in which magnetic field is applied,
In actual practice, we do not have ideal inductor or ideal with AB at front and CD at the back, figure (a). The amount
capacitor. Therefore, there does occur some dissipation of magnetic flux linked with the coil in this position is
of energy. However, inductance and capacitance continue maximum. As the coil is rotated anticlockwise (or
to be most suitable for controlling current in a.c. circuits clockwise), AB moves inwards and CD moves outwards.
with minimum loss of power. The amount of magnetic flux linked with the coil changes.
According to Fleming’s right hand rule, current induced
11. A.C. GENERATOR OR A.C. DYNAMO in AB is from A to B and in CD, it is from C to D. In the
external circuit, current flows from B2 to B1, figure (a)
An a.c. generator/dynamo is a machine which produces
alternating current energy from mechanical energy. It is
one of the most important applications of the phenomenon C
11.1 Principle
rods. They are fixed and are kept in light contact with R1
and R2 respectively. The purpose of brushes is to pass
on current from the armature coil to the external load R
resistance R. (b)
After half the rotation of the coil, AB is at the back and The current supplied by the a.c. generator is also
CD is at the front, figure. Therefore, on rotating further, sinusoidal. It is given by
AB moves outwards and CD moves outwards and CD
moves inwards. The current induced in AB is from B to e e0
i sin t i 0 win t
A and in CD, it is from D to C. Through external circuit, R R
current flows from B1 to B2; figure (b). This is repeated. e0
Induced current in the external circuit changes direction where i 0 maximum value of current.
after every half rotation of the coil. Hence the current
induced is alternating in nature. Note: -
Suppose to start with, the plane of the coil is not
To calculate the magnitude of e.m.f. induced, suppose
perpendicular to the magnetic field. Therefore, at t = 0,
N = number of turns in the coil,
0. Let , the phase angle. This is the angle which
A = area enclosed by each turn of the coil
normal to the coil makes with the direction of B. The
B = strength of magnetic field equation (4) of e.m.f. induced in that case can be rewritten
as e = e0 sin (t + ).
= angle which normal to the coil makes with B at any
instant t, figure.
A transformer which increases the a.c. voltage is called a
S N step up transformer, A transformer which decreases the
a.c. voltages is called a step down transformer.
Magnetic flux linked with the coil in this position 12.1 Principle
A transformer is based on the principle of mutual
N B . A NBA cos NBA cos t ...(1) induction, i.e., whenever the amount of magnetic flux
where is angular velocity of the coil. linked with a coil changes, an e.m.f. is induced in the
neighbouring coil.
As the coil is rotated, changes; therefore, magnetic flux
linked with the coil changes and hence an e.m.f. is 12.2 Construction
induced in the coil. A transformer consists of a rectangular soft iron core made
At the instant t, if e is the e.m.f. induced in the coil, then of laminated sheets, well insulated from one another, figure.
Two coils P1P2 (the primary coil) and S1S2 (the secondary
d d
e NAB cos t coil) are wound on the same core, but are well insulated
dt dt from each other. Note that both the coils are also insulated
d from the core. The source of alternating e.m.f. (to be
NAB cos t NAB sin t transformed) is connected to the primary coil P1P2 and a
E = NAB sin t ...(2) load resistance R is connected to the secondary coil S1S2
through an open switch S. Thus, there can be no current
The induced e.m.f. will be maximum, when through the secondary coil so long as the switch is open.
sin t = maximum = 1
emax = e0 = NAB × 1 ...(3) S1
Put in (2), e = e0 sin t ...(4)
The variation of induced e.m.f. with time (i.e. with position A.C.
R Output
Laminated Core
During charging, let at an instant, I be the conduction From (2) and (3), we note that there is a magnetic field at R
current in the wires. This current will produce magnetic calculated through one way and no magnetic field at R,
field around the wires which can be detected by using a calculated through another way. Since this contradition
compass needle. arises from the use of Ampere’s circuital law, hence
Let us find the magnetic field at point R which is at a Ampere’s circuital law is logically inconsisten.
perpendicular distance r from connecting wire in a region If at the given instant of time, q is the charge on the plate
outside the parallel plate capacitor. For this we consider a of capacitor and A is the plate area of capacitor, the
plane circular loop C1, of radius r, whose centre lies on magnitude of the electric field between the plates of
wire and its plane is perpendicular to the direction of current q
capacitor is E
carrying wire (figure a). The magnitude of the magnetic 0 A
field is same at all points on the loop and is acting This field is perpendicular to surface S. It has the same
tangentially along the circumference of the loop. If B is magnitude over the area A of the capacitor plates and
the magnitude of magnetic field at R, then using Ampere’s becomes zero outside the capacitor. The electric flux
circuital law, for loop C1, we have through surface S is,
1 q q
B d cos 0 = B 2 r = 0 I or B
2 r
...(2) E E . A EA cos 0
0 A
0 ...(4)
If is the rate of change of charge with time on the plate
of the capacitor, then
d E d q 1 dq
dt dt 0 0
dq d E
or 0
dt dt
Due to battery B, let the conduction current I be flowing
dq through the lead wires at any instant, but there is no
Here, = current through surface S corresponding to conduction current across the capacitor gap, as no charge
changing electric field = ID, called Maxwell’s displacement is transported across this gap.
current. Thus, For loop C1, there is no electric flux, i.e., E = 0 and
displacement current is that current which comes into play d E
in the region in which the electric field and the electric flux dt
is changing with time.
d E
d E I I D I 0 I 0 0 I ...(7)
I D 0 ...(5) dt
For loop C2, there is no conduction current, i.e., I = 0
Maxwell modified Ampere’s circuital law in order to make
the same logically consistent. He stated Ampere’s circuital d E
I + ID = 0 + ID = ID = 0 ...(8)
law to the form, dt
At the given instant if q is the magnitude of charge on the
B.d 0 I I D 0 I 0 d E ...(6)
plates of the capacitor of area A, then electric field E in the
dt gap between the two plates of this capacitor is given by
B x 1 0 B x 2 0
x x
E 0 sin t 2 sin t 1 ...(3)
c c x x
B0 sin t 1 sin t 2 ...(6)
c c
Magnetic flux linked with surface surrounded by
rectangular path PQRS will be The electric flux linked with the surface surrounded by
rectangular path PUTQ is
x2 x2
B Bx dx B sin t c dx
0 x2 x2 x2
x1 x1 E E . ds E x dx E 0 sin t dx
x1 x1 x1
B0 c x2 x
cos t cos t 1
c c
c x x
E 0 cos t 2 cos t 1
d B B 0 c x2 x c c
sin t sin t 1
dt c c
d E x x
or cE 0 sin t 2 sin t 1
x x dt c c
B 0 c sin t 2 sin t 1 ...(4)
c c
x x
Using Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, we have c E 0 sin t 1 sin t 2 ...(7)
c c
d B In space, there is no conduction current. According to
E .d dt Ampere Maxwell law in space
Since E and B are in phase, we can write. Putting values from (6) and (7), we get
E = c B at any point in space.
B 0 0 0 cE 0 0 0 c cB 0
1 1 B 02
or 1 0 0 c 2 or c ...(8) In terms of maximum magnetic field, u av ,
0 0 2 0
20.1 Radiowaves
Theses are the electromagnetic wave of frequency range
5 9
from 5 × 10 Hz to 10 Hz. These waves are produced by
The energy of electromagnetic wave (U) crossing the area oscillating electric circuits having an inductor and
of cross-section at P normally in time t is the energy of capacitor.
wave contained in a cylinder of length c t and area of Uses : The various frequency ranges are used for different
cross-section A. It is given by U = uav (c t) A types of wireless communication systems as mentioned below
The intensity of electromagnetic wave at P is, (i) The electromagnetic waves of frequency range from 530
kHz to 1710 kHz form amplitude modulated (AM) band. It is
U u ct A used in ground wave propagation.
I av u av c
A t A t (ii) The electromagnetic waves of frequency range 1710 kHz
1 to 54 Mhz are used for short wave bands. It is used in sky
In terms of maximum electric field, u av 0 E 20 ,
2 wave propagation.
1 (iii) The electromagnetic waves of frequency range 54 Mhz to
so, I 0 E 02 c 0 E 2rms c
2 890 MHz are used in television waves.
(iv) The electromagnetic waves of frequency range 88 MHz to 20.5 Ultraviolet rays
108 MHzfromfrequency modulated (FM) radio band. It is
The ultraviolet rays were discovered by Ritter in 1801. The
used for commercial FM radio. 14 16
frequency range of ultraviolet rays is 8 × 10 Hz to 5 × 10
(v) The electromagnetic waves of frequency range 300 MHz
to 3000 MHz form ultra high frequency (UHF) band. It is Hz. The ultraviolet rays are produced by sun, special lamps
used in cellular phones communication. and very hot bodies. Most of the ultraviolet rays coming
from sun are absorbed by the ozone layer in the earth’s
20.2 Microwaves atmosphere. The ultraviolet rays in large quantity produce
Microwaves are the electromagnetic waves of frequency harmful effect on human eyes.
range 1 GHz to 300 GHz. They are produced by special Uses : Ultraviolet rays are used :
vacuum tubes. namely ; klystrons, magnetrons and Gunn (i) for checking the mineral samples through the property of
diodes etc. ultraviolet rays causing flourescence.
Uses :
(i) Microwaves are used in Radar systems for air craft (ii) in the study of molecular structure and arrangement of
navigation. electrons in the external shell through ultraviolet
(ii) A radar using microwave can help in detecting the speed absorption spectra.
of tennis ball, cricket ball, automobile while in motion. (iii) to destroy the bacteria and for sterilizing the surgical
(iii) Microwave ovens are used for cooking purposes. instruments.
(iv) Microwaves are used for observing the movement of trains (iv) in burglar alarm.
on rails while sitting in microwave operated control rooms.
(v) in the detection of forged documents, finger prints in
20.3 Infrared waves forensic laboratory.
Infrared waves were discovered by Herschell. These are (vi) to preserve the food stuff.
the electromagnetic waves of frequency range 3 × 10 Hz
to 4 × 10 Hz. Infrared waves sometimes are called as 20. 6 X–rays
heat waves. Infrared waves are produced by hot bodies The X–rays were discovered by German Physicst W.
and molecules. These wave are not detected by human 16 21
Roentgen. Their frequency range is 10 Hz to 3 × 10 Hz.
eye but snake can detect them. These are produced when high energy electrons are
Uses : stopped suddenly on a metal of high atomic number.
Infrared waves are used : X–rays have high penetrating power.
(i) in physical therapy, i.e., to treat muscular strain.
Uses : X–rays are used :
(ii) to provide electrical energy to satellite by using solar cells
(iii) for producing dehydrated fruits (i) In surgery for the detection of fractures, foreign bodies
(iv) for taking photographs during the condition of fog, smoke like bullets, diseased organs and stones in the human body.
etc. (ii) In Engineering (i) for detecting faults, cracks, flaws and
(v) in green houses to keep the plants warm holes in final metal products (ii) for the testing of weldings,
(vi) in revealing the secret writings on the ancient walls casting and moulds.
(vii) in solar water heaters and cookers (iii) In Radio therapy, to cure untracable skin diseases and
(viii) in weather forecasting through infra red photography malignant growth.
(ix) in checking the purity of chemcials and in the study of
(iv) In detective departments (i) for detection of explosives,
molecular structure by taking infrared absorption spectrum.
opium, gold and silver in the body of smugglers.
20.4 Visible light (v) In Industry (i) for the detection of pearls in oysters and
It is the narrow region of electromagnetic spectrum, which defects in rubber tyres, gold and tennis balls etc. (ii) for
is detected by the human eye. Its frequency is ranging testing the uniformity of insulating material.
14 14
from 4×10 Hz to 8×10 Hz. It is produced due to atomic (vi) In Scientific Research (i) for the investigation of structure
excitation. of crystal, arrangement of atoms and molecules in the
The visible light emitted or reflected from objects around complex substances.
us provides the information about the world surrounding us.
Example - 1
Sol. If the metal ring is cut somewhere, e.m.f. will be induced, Example - 5
but no induced current can flow. Therefore, there will be
When current in a coil changes with time, how is the
no opposing force on the falling magnet. Hence
back e.m.f. induced in the coil related to it ?
acceleration of falling magnet will remain equal to ‘g’
Example - 4 Sol. Back e.m.f. induced in the coil, e L
Three identical coils A, B and C are placed with their where L is coefficient of self-inductance of the coil and dI/
planes parallel to one another, figure. Coils A and C carry dt is the rate of change of current through the coil. The
current as shown. Coils B and C are fixed. The coil A is variation of –e with t is shown in figure.
moved towards B with uniform speed. Is there any induced
current in B.
Example - 8
O X A plot of magnetic flux () versus current (I) is shown in
figure, for two inductors A and B. Which of the two has
larger value of self induction ?
Example - 6
The magnetic flux through a coil perpendicular to
its plane and directed into paper is varying according Sol. As L = /I, therefore L for A > L for B.
to the relation = (5t + 10t + 5) milliweber. Calculate
the e.m.f. induced in the loop at t = 5 s. Example - 9
Sol. Here, = (5 t + 10 t + 5) milli weber A solenoid of length 50 cm with 20 turns per cm and
= (5 t + 10 t + 5) × 10 Wb
–3 area of cross section 40 cm completely surrounds
another co–axial solenoid of the same length, area of
d cross section 25 cm with 25 turns per cm. Calculate
As e (in magnitude) the mutual inductance of the system.
Sol. Here, l = 50 cm m
d 2
e 2 –3 –3
(5t + 10 t + 5) × 10 Wb/sec = (10t + 10) × 10 volt
Total no. of turns in outer solenoid
At t = 5 sec, N1 = 20 × 50 = 1000
e = (10 × 5 + 10) × 10 volt = 0.06 volt. Area of cross section of outer solenoid,
2 –4 2
Example - 7 A1 = 40 cm = 40 × 10 m
Total no. of turns in inner solenoid,
Find the change in current in an inductor of 10 H
–2 N2 = 25 × 50 = 1250
in which the e.m.f. induced 300 V in 10 sec. Also,
find the change in magnetic flux. Area of cross section of inner solenoid,
2 –4 2
A2 = 25 cm = 25 × 10 m
Sol. Here, dI = ? L = 10 H, e = 300 V, dt = 10 sec., d = ?
0 N1 N 2
M A2
As e
4 107 1000 1250 25 10 4
= 7.85 × 10 henry..
dI 1/ 2
300 10
10 2
Example - 10
300 10 2
A long solenoid of length 1 m, cross sectional area 10
dI 0.3A
10 cm2, having 1000 turns has wound about its centre a small
coil of 20 turns. Compute the mutual inductance of the
Also, e two circuits. What is the emf in the coil when the current
dt in the solenoid changes at the rate of 10 Amp/s ?
d = e dt = 300 × 10 = 3 Wb
Sol. Let N1 = number of turns in solenoid ;
i N 1200
12 104
2 N 2 0 1 1 A 2 –7 –3
L = 4 × 10 ×
= 2.304 × 10 henry
Example - 44
2 0 1 2 2 i1 dI 2 0
(b) Here N2 = 300, 40 amp / sec.
dt 0.05
0 N1 N 2 A 2 dI 0 N1 N 2 A dI
Mutual inductance M As e M
dt dt
410 7 1000 20 10 10 4
–7 –4
e = 4 × 10 × 1200 × 0.3 × 12 × 10 × 40 = 0.023 volt
M = 2.51 × 10–5 H
Example - 12
Magnitude of induced emf = E2 = M
dt A coil of 100 turns and 1 cm radius is kept coaxially
within a long solenoid of 8 turns per cm and 5 cm radius.
E2 = 2.51 × 10–5 × 10 = 2.51 × 10–4 V. Find the mutual inductance.
Sol. The mutual inductance between solenoid and coil is given L 80 8 E 200
s, I0 4A
R 50 5 R 50
by M = 0 Np Ns A
From I = I0 1 e
t /
where Np = number of turns per metre of the solenoid
primary and Ns = Total number of turns in the coil 50 8
I 0 I 0 1 e t / ; t log e 2 0.693 1.109s
M = (4 × 10 ) (1000) × (20) (10 × 10 )
–7 –4 100 5
1 2 1
Maximum energy stored LI0 80 4 640 J
= 25.1 × 10–6 henry
2 2
or M = 25.1 micro henry
Induced e.m.f., Example - 16
Example - 17 Example - 20
A small resistor R (say, a lamp) is usually put in parallel A wheel with 10 metalllic spokes each 0.5 m long is
rotated with a speed of 120 rpm, in a plane normal to
to the current carrying coil of an electromagnet,
(figure). What purpose does it serve ? earth’s magnetic field at the place. If the magnitude of
the field is 0.40 gauss, what is the induced e.m.f. between
the axle and rim of the wheel.
0r 1
Average linear velocity, v r
2 2
As e.m.f. induced across the ends of each spoke
e= Bl 2
Sol. When current in the coil of a large electromagnet is
switched off, magnetic flux changes at a very high rate. 22
–4 –5
Therefore, induced e.m.f. is very high and may cause e = 0.4 × 10 × 0.5 × × 2 × 0.5 = 6.28 × 10 volt
sparking which would damage the insulation. The small
resistor R placed in parallel provided a conducting path of As all spokes are connected in parallel between the axle
and the rim, therefore net e.m.f. induced is the same as that
the e.m.f induced. In this way, risks of high voltages and
induced across the ends of each spoke.
sparking etc. are reduced.
Example - 21
Example - 18
A parallel plate capacitor made of circular plates each
A bulb connected in series with a solenoid is lit by a.c.
of radius 10.0 cm has a capacitance 200 pE. The
source. If a soft iron core is introduced in the solenoid,
capacitor is connected to a 200 V a.c. supply with an
will the bulb glow brighter ? –1
angular frequency of 200 rad s .
Sol. No, the bulb will glow dimmer. This is because on (a) What is the r.m.s. value of the conduction current ?
introducing soft iron core in the solenoid, its inductance L
(b) Is the conduction current equal to displacement current ?
increases, the inductive reactance XL = L increases and
hence the current through the bulb decreases. (c) Peak value of displacement current.
(d) Determine the amplitude of magnetic field at a point
Example - 19
2.0 cm from the axis between the plates.
19.An ideal inductor when connected in a.c. circuit does
not produce heating effect though it reduces the current Sol. Here, R = 10 cm = 0.1 m;
–12 –10
in the circuit. Explain why ? C = 200 pF = 200 × 10 F = 2 × 10 F;
–1 –2
Sol. An ideal inductor is a coil having some inductance (L) but Erms = 200 V; = 200 rad s ; r = 2.0 × 10 m.
no ohmic resistance R. Amount of heat produced in time
2 E rms
t = I Rt. As R = 0, therefore, heat produced = 0. However, (a) I rms C E rms
1/ C
the inductor offers inductive reactance XL = L = 2 v L
to the a.c. Therefore, the current is reduced. = 200 × (2 × 10 ) × 200
= 8 × 10 A = 8 A
(b) Yes, because ID = I (ii) In circuit (b), current will decrease as inductive reactance
XL = L = 2 v L will increases with increasing frequency.
(c) I 0 2 I rms 2 8 10 6
(iii) In circuit (c), current will increase as capacitative reactance
= 11.312 × 10 A 1 1
XC will decrease on increasing the
(d) Consider a loop of radius r between two circular plates of C 2vC
parallel plate capacitor placed coaxially with them. The frequency.
area of this loop A’ = r . By symmetry, the magnetic field
Example - 23
B is equal in magnitude and is tangentially to the circle
at every point. In this case, only a part of displacement Determine the virtual value of alternating current shown
current ID will cross the loop of area A’. Therefore, the in figure.
current passing through the area
A' r 2 D2 r 2 2A
R2 R
As Ev . Ev 2 220
= 1.414 × 220 = 311.08 volt
~ ~ (ii) Let Em be the mean or average potential difference
(a) E (b) E
2 E0
C As E m
2 311.08 14 311.08
Em = ± 198.14 volt.
22 / 7 22
Example - 25
Example - 28
Can a capacitor of suitable capacitance be used to control
Three series capacitors of capacitances 2.0, 3.0 and
a.c. in place of the choke coil ?
6.0 F are charged by a 60 V battery. Find the total
Sol. Yes, this is because average power consumed/cycle in an energy stored.
ideal capacitor is also zero. Therefore, like a choke coil, a
condenser can reduce a.c. without power dissipation. Sol. Here, C1 = 2.0 F, C2 = 3.0 F, C3 = 6.0 F
V = 60 V,
Example - 26
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
An electric lamp which runs at 80 volt d.c. and consumes As C C C C 2 3 6 1
10 ampere is connected to 100 volt, 50 Hz a.c. mains. S 1 2 3
v = 50 k c/s = 50 × 10 c/s, L = ?
I0 2 I v 1.414 1.037 A = 1.47 A
Impedance is minimum at resonance where
1 1
v or L 4 2 v 2 C
2 LC
As R 2 X C2 Z 2 VC 415
(iii) VC I v X C , X C 638.5
I v 0.65
X C Z2 R 2 882 202 85.7
1 1 1
Example - 32 XC ;C
C 2vC 2 v X C
A resistor of 12 , a capacitor of reactance 14 ohm and
a pure inductor of inducatance 0.1 H are joined in series 1
C 4.99 106 F
and placed across 200 V, 50 Hz a.c. supply. Calculate 2 3.14 50 638.5
(i) current in the circuit (ii) phase angle between current
(iv) Let C’ be the capacitance that would produce resonance
and voltage. Take = 3.
with L = 1.0 H, then
Sol. Here, R = 12 , XC = 14 ohm, L = 0.1 H 1
Ev = 200 V, v = 50 hz, Iv = ?, = ? 2 LC '
XL = L = 2 v L = 2 × 3 × 50 × 0.1 = 30 ohm. 1
4 2 v 2 L
Z R 2 X L X C 12 2 30 14 = 20 ohm
2 2
C' –6
4 3.14 50 1 = 10.1 × 10 F = 10.1 F
2 2
E v 200
Iv = 10 A
Z 20 Example - 34
Power in secondary, Ps = Es × Is = 3 × 5 = 15 W
Example - 37
Yes total energy is conserved
When a current flows in the coil of a transformer, then
Example - 35
why does its core become hot ?
How much current is drawn by the primary coil of a
Sol. When alternating current flows through the coil of a
transformer which steps down 220 V to 22 V to operate
transformer, its core gets magnetised and demagnetised
device with an impedance of 220 ohm.
repeatedly. The energy spent in magnetising the core is
Sol. Here, Ip = ?, Ep = 220 V, Es = 22 V not returned fully in demagnetisation. This energy left in
the core appears in the form of heat.
Es 22
Rs = 220 ohm; Is 0.1 A Example - 38
R s 220
Why is the core of a transformer made of a magnetic
E Ip material of high permeability ?
In an ideal transformer, s
Is E p
Sol. When permeability of magnetic material of transfomer core
is high, almost whole of magnetic flux will be linked with
Es 22 0.1
Ip Is 102 A the core. Therefore, magnetic flux linked with the
Ep 220
secondary coil will almost be equal to the amount of
magnetic flux linked with the primary coil. Therefore,
Example - 36
energy loss due to leakage of magnetic flux will be reduced
The number of turns in the primary and secondary coils considerably.
of an ideal transformer are 2000 and 50 respectively.
Example - 39
The primary coil is connected to a main supply of 120 V
and secondary to a night bulb of 0.6 . Calculate What is intensity of electromagnetic wave ? Give its
(i) Voltage across the secondary, relation in terms of electric field E and magnetic field B.
(ii) Current in the bulb, Sol. Intensity of electromagnetic wave is defined as the energy
crossing per second per unit area perpendicular to the
(iii) Current in primary coil,
direction of propagation of electromagnetic waves. The
(iv) Power in primary and secondary coils. intensity of electromagnetic wave at a point is
1 1 B02 Example - 45
i = uav c where uav 0 E 02 and c is the velocity
2 2 0
If you find closed loops of B in a region in space, does it
of electromagnetic wave. necessarily means that actual charges are flowing
across the area bounded by the loops ?
1 1 B02
I 0 E 02 c c
2 2 0 Sol. Not necessarily. A displacement current (such as that
between the plates of a charging capacitor) can also
Here E0 and B0 are maximum values of electric field and
magnetic field respectively. produce loops of B .
Example - 40 Example - 46
State two applications of Infrared radiations. Give difference between displacement current and
conduction current.
Sol. Infrared radiations are used (i) to treat muscular strain (ii)
for taking photographs during the conditionss of fog, Sol. Conduction current is due to flow of electrons in the circuit.
smoke etc. It exists even if the flow of electrons is at uniform rate.
Example - 44
Example - 49
4 10 7 0.15 6.5 10 2
Using (i), we have, B
2 12 102
A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency 25 MHz
travels in free space along the x–direction. At a
= 1.35 × 10 T. particular point in space and time the electric vector is
(iii) For a point 15 cm from the axis, r = 15 cm = 0.15 m.
ˆ Calculate B
E 6.3V / mj. at this point.
4 107 0.15
Using (ii), we have, B
= 2 × 10 T E 6.3 V / m
2 0.15 Sol. B –8
= 2.1 × 10 T = 2.1 × 10 T
C 3 108 m / s
(b) From equations (i) and (ii) we note that B is maximum if r =
As E is along y–direction and wave is travelling along x–
R = 12 cm = 0.12 m
direction, therefore, B is along z–direction, i.e.,
0 ID 4 10 7 0.15
= 2.5 × 10 T.. –8
2R 2 0.12 B = 2.1 × 10 k̂ tesla.
Example - 48 Example - 50
A magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given Suppose that the electric field part of an electromagnetic
–7 3 11
by By = 3 × 10 sin (0.314 × 10 x + 3.14 × 10 t) tesla. wave in vacuum is
(a) What is the wavelength and frequency of the wave ? E = 3.1 N/C cos [(1.8 rad/m)y + (5.4 × 10 rad/s) t] î
(b) Write down an expression for the electric field. (a) What is the direction of motion ?
(x is in metre and t in second).
(b) What is the wavelength ?
–7 3 11
Sol. Given, By = 3 × 10 sin (0.314 × 10 x + 3.14 × 10 t) (c) What is the frequency v ?
(a) Comparing it with a standard equation for a progressive (d) What is the amplitude of the magnetic field part of
wave travelling along the negative direction of x-axis is the wave ?
(e) Write an expression for the magnetic field part of
2 2x 2vt
y r sin x vt r sin = r sin the wave.
Sol. (a) From the given equation, it is clear that the direction of
5.4 108
motion of e.m. wave is along negative y direction i.e. along (c) v 85.9 106 86 MHz.
2 2 22 / 7
ĵ .
(b) Comparing the given equation with the equation E = E0 E0 3.1
(d) B0 1.03 108 T 10.3nT.
cos (ky + t), we have c 3 108
k = 1.8 rad/m; = 5.4 × 10 rad/s; E0 = 3.1 N/C (e) B = B0 cos (ky + t) k̂ = (10.3 nT) cos
2 2 22 / 7 8
[(1.8 rad/m) y + (5.4 × 10 rad/s) t] k̂
3.492m 3.5 m.
k 1.8
EMI & AC 126
(c) 1 V (d) 5 V 8R 8R
4. The instantaneous magnetic flux in in a circuit is 10. A conducting ring of radius r is rolling without slipping with
= 4t – 4t + 1. The total resistance of circuit is 10 . At a constant angular velocity in figure. If the magnetic field
strength is B and is directed into the page then the e.m.f.
t s, the induced current in circuit is induced across PQ is
(a) 0 (b) 0.6
(c) 0.2 (d) 0.4
5. A loop of area 0.1 m rotates with a speed of 60 rps
perpendicular to a magnetic field of 0.4 T. If there are 100
turns in the loop, maximum voltage induced in the loop is
(a) 15.07 V (b) 1507 V
(c) 250 V (d) 150.7 V
6. A coil having n turns and resistance R is connected with 2 B r 2
a galvanometer of resistance 4R . This combination is (a) Br (b)
moved in time t seconds from a magnetic flnx W1 weber to
W2 weber. The induced current in the circuit is 2 2 r 2 B
(c) 4Br (d)
W2 W1 n W2 W1 11. A conducting square loop of side L and resistance R moves
(a) (b)
5 Rnt 5 Rt in its plane with a uniform velocity v perpendicular to one of
its sides. A magnetic induction B, constant in time and space,
W2 W1 n W2 W1 pointing perpendicular to and into the plane of the loop
(c) (d)
Rnt Rt exists everywhere.
EMI & AC 127
×A × × × × B×
× × × ×
v v × ×
× × ×v ×
× D× × × × C×
× × × ×
× × × ×
× × N × ×
(a) 0.5 V (b) 1 V
× × v × × (c) 0.75 V (d) 2 V
16. Two solenoids of same cross-sectional area have their
(a) zero lengths and number of turns in ratio of 1 : 2. The ratio of self-
(b) BvR2/2 and M is at higher potential inductance of two solenoids is
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
(c) BRv and Q is at higher potential
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 4
(d) 2RBv and Q is at higher potential
17. When the current changes from + 2 A to –2 A in 0.05 s, an
13. A metal rod moves at a constant velocity in a direction emf of 8 V is induced in a coil. The coefficient of self-
perpendicular to its length. A constant uniform magnetic induction of the coil is
field exists in space in a direction perpendicular to the rod
(a) 0.2 H (b) 0.4 H
as well as its velocity. Select the correct statement (s) from
the following : (c) 0.8 H (d) 0.1 H
18. The current passing through a choke coil of 5H is decreasing
(a) The entire rod is at the same electric potential –1
at the rate of 2 As . The e.m.f. developed across the coil is
(b) There is an electric field in the rod (a) – 10V (b) + 10V
(c) The electric potential is highest at the centre of the rod (c) 2.5 V (d) –2.5 V
and decrease towards its ends
19. What is the self inductance of an air core solenoid 1 m long,
(d) The electric potential is lowest at the centre of the rod diameter 0.5 m, if it has 500 turns ? Take = 10.
and increases towards its ends. –4
(a) 3.15 × 10 H
(b) 4.8 × 10 H
14. One conducting U-tube can slide inside another as shown –4
(c) 5 × 10 H
(d) 625 × 10 H
in figure, maintaining electrical contacts between the tubes. 20. For a coil having L = 2 mH, current flows at the rate of 10
The magnetic field B is perpendicular to the plane of the ampere/sec. The emf induced is
figure. If each tube moves towards the other at a constant
(a) 2V (b) 1 V
speed v, then the emf induced in the circuit in terms of B, l
and v, where l is the width of each tube, will be (c) 4 V (d) 3 V
EMI & AC 128
(c) (d)
43. In the circuit shown in figure, what will be the reading of the (a) 2 V (b) 3 V
voltmeter ? (c) 4 V (d) 0 V
48. An alternating voltage E = 200 sin (100 t) volt is connected
to a 1 F capacitor through an A.C. ammeter. The reading of
ammeter is
(a) 10 mA (b) 20 mA
(c) 40 mA (d) none of these
49. For the LR circuit shown in figure, the phase angle if
(a) 300 V (b) 900 V frequency is 100/ is
(c) 200 V (d) 400 V
44. In the circuit shown in figure, if value of R = 60 , then the
current flowing through the condenser will be
1 4 1 4
(c) tan (d) cos
7 7
(a) V = 100 V, I = 2 A (b) V = 100 V, I = 5 A 51. The power factor of an a.c. circuit having resistance r and
inductance L connected in series to an a.c. source of angular
(c) V = 1000 V, I = 2 A (d) V = 300 V, I = 1 A
frequency is
46. In L-C-R series A.C. circuit, the phase angle between current
and voltage is (a) R/L (b) L/R
(a) Any angle between 0 and /2 (c) R / R 2 2 L2 (d) zero
(b) /2
52. In an AC circuit, V and I are given by V = 100 sin (100t) V, i =
(d) any angle between 0 and /2
100 sin 100t mA. The power dissipated in circuit is :
47. In the circuit shown in figure the r.m.s. value of e is 5 V and 3
r.m.s. value of voltage drop across L is 3 V. 4
(a) 10 W (b) 10 W
(c) 2.5 W (d) 5 W
53. A (100 W, 200 V) bulb is connected to a 160 V supply. The
power consumption would be
(a) 64 W (b) 80 W
(c) 100 W (d) 125 W
The r.m.s. value of voltage across R will be
EMI & AC 131
54. In an A.C. circuit, voltage applied is V = 220 sin 100 t. If the ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES
impedance is 110 and phase difference between current
and voltage is 60°, the power consumption is equal to Characteristics of E-M Waves
(a) 55 W (b) 110 W 61. The electromagnetic waves
(c) 220 W (d) 330 W (a) travel with the speed of sound
55. The average power dissipation in a pure capacitor in AC
(b) travel with the same speed in all media
circuit is
(c) travel in free space with the speed of light
(a) CV 2 (b) CV
(d) do not travel through a medium
(c) 2 CV
(d) zero 62. The oscillating electric and magnetic field vectors of
56. In an a.c. circuit, V and I are given by electromagnetic wave are oriented along
V = 100 sin (100 t) volt (a) the same direction and in phase
I = 100 sin (100 t + /3) mA. (b) the same direction but have a phase difference of 90°
The power dissipated in the circuit is
4 (c) mutually perpendicular direction and are in phase
(a) 10 watt (b) 10 watt
(c) 2.5 watt (d) 5 watt (d) mutually perpendicular directions but has a phase
57. In an ac circuit, with voltage V and current I the power difference of 90°
dissipated is
Electromagnetic Spectrum
(a) VI
1 63. Which of the following is of shortest wavelength ?
(b) VI
2 (a) X–rays (b) –rays
1 (c) microwaves (d) radiovaves
(c) VI
2 64. The correct sequence of the increasing wavelength of the
(d) depends on the phase angle between V and I. given radiation sources is
58. In series LR circuit, XL = 3 R. Now a capacitor with XC = R is (a) radioactive sources, X-rays tube, crystal oscillator, sodium
added in series. The ratio of new to old power factor is vapour lamp
(a) 2 (b) 1/ 2 (b) radioactive source, X-rays tube sodium vapour lamp,
(c) 2 (d) 1 crystal oscillator
Resonance (c) X-ray tube, radioactive source, crystal oscillator, sodium
vapour lamp
59. At resonance, in a series LCR circuit, which relation does
not hold ? (d) X-rays tube, crystal oscillator, radioactive source, sodium
vapour lamp.
1 1
(a) (b)
LC LC Equation of Wave
1 1 65. A radiowave has a maximum magnetic field induction of 10
(c) L (d) C 4
C L T on arrival at a receiving antenna. The maximum electric
60. A series LCR circuit is tuned to resonance. The impedance field intensity of such a wave is
of the circuit now is (a) zero
(b) 3 × 10 V/m
1/ 2 1/ 2 –9 –13
2 1
2 1
2 (c) 5.8 × 10 V/m (d) 3.3 × 10 V/m
(b) R L
(a) R L
C C 66. Which of the following relation is correct
1/ 2 (a) 0 E 0 0 B0 (b) 0 0 E 0 B0
2 1
(c) R L (d) R
C (c) E 0 0 0 B0 (d) 0 E 0 0 B0
EMI & AC 132
67. If o amd 0 represent the permittivity and permeability of Numerical Answer Type Questions
vacuum and and represent the permittivity and Electromagnetic Induction
permeability of medium, then refractive index of the medium
72. A body enters in an MRI machine in 10 s. If the magnetic
is given by
field is 1.5 T and circumference of the MRI machine is 0.9 m,
0 0 then find out the magnitude of emf induced (in millivolt) in
(a) (b) 0 0 the body.
73. A long solenoid of radius 2 cm has 100 turns/cm and carries
0 0 a current of 5 A. A coil of radius 1 cm having 100 turns and
(c) 0 0 (d) a total resistance of 20 is placed inside the solenoid co-
axially. The coil is connected to a galvanometer and the
68. The magnetic field in a travelling electromagnetic wave
current in the solei10id is reversed in direction. If the charge
has a peak value of 20 nT. The peak value of electric field
stength is flown through the galvanometer is k 104 C , then find k.
(a) 3V/m (b) 6V/m
Take 2
(c) 9V/m (d) 12V/m
69. An EM wave from air enters a medium. The electric fields 74. In an R-L circuit, R 4, L 0.5H and emf of cell=6 V..
The work done (in mJ) in changing the current from 0.80 A to
are E1 = E 01 x cos 2 v t in air and 0.81 A through the circuit is
75. A long solenoid of diameter 0.1 m has 2 104 turns per
E 2 = E 02 x cos k 2z ct in medium, where the wave metre. At the centre of the solenoid, a coil of 100 turns and
number k and frequency refer to their values in air. The radius 0.01 m is placed with its axis coinciding with the
solenoid axis. The current in the solenoid reduces at a
medium is non-magnetic. If r and r refer to relative
1 2 constant rate to 0 A from 4 A in 0.05s. If the resistance of the
permittivities of air and medium respectively, which of the
coil is 10 2 , the total charge in C flowing through
following options is correct ?
the coil during this time is
1 r1
(a) = 4 (b) = 2 76. A small piece of metal r 20 of volume 10 cm 3 has a
r2 r2
uniform magnetic field 4 T inside it. The magnetic energy
r1 r1
(c) = 4 (d) = 2
stored in the metal is J , then find .
r2 r2
Maxwell Equations 77. A solenoid having 500 turns and length 2 m, has radius of 2
cm. Then self-inductance (in millihenry) of solenoid is
70. According to Maxwell’s hypothesis, a changing electric field
gives rise to 78. A simple electric motor has an armature resistance of 1
(a) an e.m.f. (b) electric current and runs from a dc source of 12 V. When unloaded, it draws
(c) magnetic field (d) pressure radiant a current of 2 A. When a certain load is connected,
71. Maxwell’s modified form of Ampere’s circuital law is its speed becomes one-half of its unloaded value. Then the
current (in ampere) it draws is
B.ds 0
79. In an ac dynamo, the peak value of emf is 60 V. The induced
emf (in V) in the position when the armature makes an angle
B.d 0 I of 30 with the magnetic field perrendicular to the coil, will
1 dq
(c) B.d I
0 dt
80. An electric motor operating on a 60 V dc supply draws a
current of 10 A. If the efficiency of the motor is 50%, the
d E
(d) B.d I
0 0 0
resistance (in ohm) of its winding is
EMI & AC 133
Alternating Current 86. The voltage time (V-t) graph for triangular wave having
peak value V0 is as shown in the figure. The rms value of
81. If the rms value of current i 3 4sin t / 3 is x
ampere, then find x 2 . V in time interval from t=0 to T/4 is . Find n.
82. If the current in an AC circuit is given by
Electromagnetic Waves
N rad 2 rad
E y 2.5 cos 2 106 t 10 x
C s m
Ez 0
If the wave is moving along x-direction with frequency x
hertz and its wavelength is y metres, then find y .
7. An arc lamp requires a direct current of 10 A at 80 V to 12. In a coil of resistance 100 , a current is induced by
function. If it is connected to a 220 V (rms), 50 Hz AC changing the magnetic flux through it as shown in the
supply, the series inductor needed for it to work is close figure. The magnitude of change in flux through the coil
to : (2016) is: (2017)
(a) 0.08 H (b) 0.044 H
(c) 0.065 H (d) 80 H
2 E0 2 E0
(a) ĵ sin kz cos t (b) ĵ sin kz sin t
c c (a) 200 Wb (b) 225 Wb
(c) 250 Wb (d) 275 Wb
2 E0 2 E0
(c) ĵ sin kz sin t (d) ĵ cos kz cos t 13. An ideal capacitor of capacitance 0.2F is charged to a
c c
potential difference of 10 V. The charging battery is then
9. Magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given disconnected. The capacitor is then connected to an ideal
by B B0 sin (k x t) ˆjT Expression for corresponding inductor of self inductance 0.5 mH. The current at a time
when the potential difference across the capacitor is 5 V,
electric field will be :
is : (2018 Online Set-1)
Where c is speed of light (2017 Online Set-1)
(a) 0.34 A (b) 0.25 A
(a) E B0 csin (k x t) kˆ V / m (c) 0.17 A (d) 0.15 A
14. At the centre of a fixed large circular coil of radius R, a
(b) E 0 sin (k x t) kˆ V / m much smaller circular coil of radius r is placed. The two
c coils are concentric and are in the same plane. The large r
coil carries a current I. The smaller coil is set to rotate with
(c) E B0 c sin (k x t) kˆ V / m
a constant angular velocity about an axis along their
common diameter. Calculate the emf induced in the smaller
(d) E B0 c sin (k x t) kˆ V / m
coil after a time t of its start of rotation.
10. A small circular loop of wire of radius ‘a’ is located at the (2018 Online Set-2)
centre of a much larger circular wire loop of radius b. The
two loops are in the same plane. The outer loop of radius 0 I 0 I
(a) r 2 sin t (b) r 2 sin t
b carries an alternating current I = I0 cos (t). The emf 2R 4R
induced in the smaller inner loop is nearly : (2017 Set-1)
0 I 2 0 I 2
(c) r sin t (d) r sin t
0 I0 a 2 0 I0 a 2 4R 2R
(a) . sin (t) (b) . cos (t)
2 b 2 b 15. A coil of cross-sectional area A having n turns is placed in
a uniform magnetic field B. When it is rotated with an
a2 0 I0 b2 angular velocity , the maximum e.m.f. induced in the coil
(c) 0 I0 sin (t) (d) cos (t)
b a will be : (2018 Online Set-3)
11. A sinusoidal voltage of peak value 283 V and angular 3
frequency 320/s is applied to a series LCR circuit. Given (a) 3nBA (b) nBA
that R = 5 , L = 25 mH and C = 1000 F. The total impedance,
and phase difference between the voltage across the 1
source and the current will respectively be :(2017 Set-2) (c) nBA (d) nBA
and frequency 0 the current exhibits resonance.
The quality factor, Q is given by : (2018)
(a) ( C) (b)
0 0 (c)
0 L 0 R
(c) (d)
19. An alternating voltage V(t) = 220 sin 100 pt is applied to a
purely resistive load of 50 W. The time taken for the current
to rise from half of the peak value to the peak value is :
(a) 5 ms (b) 2.2 ms
(c) 7.2 ms (d) 3.3 ms
20. A circuit connected to an ac source of
emf e e0 sin 100t with t in seconds, gives a phase
23. Two coils ‘P’ and ‘Q’ are separated by some distance,
When a current of 3A flows through coil ‘P’, a magnetic
difference of between the emf e and current i. Which flux of 103 Wb passes through ‘Q’. No current is passed
of the following circuits will exhibit this? (2019) through ‘Q’. When no current passes through ‘P’ and a
(a) RL circuit with R = 1 kW and L = 10 mH current of 2A passes through ‘Q’, the flux through ‘P’ is:
(b) RL circuit with R = 1 kW and L = 1 mH
(c) RC circuit with R = 1 kW and C = 1 ìF (a) 6.67 104 Wb (b) 3.67 103 Wb
(d) RC circuit with R = 1 kW and C = 10 ìF. (c) 6.67 103 Wb (d) 3.67 104 Wb
EMI & AC 137
24. A transformer consisting of 300 turns in the primary and 28. A series AC circuit containing an inductor (20 mH), a
150 turns in the secondary gives output power of 2.2 kW capacitor (120 ìF) and a resistor (60 &!) is driven by an AC
If the current in the secondary coil is 10 A, then the input source of 24 V /50 Hz. The energy dissipated in the circuit
voltage (in V) is : (2019) in 60s is: (2019)
(a) 5.65 × 10 J
(b) 2.26 × 10 J
25. A coil of self inductance 10 mH and resistance 0.1 is
connected through a switch to a battery of internal (c) 5.17 × 102 J (d) 3.39 × 103 J
resistance 0.9. After the switch is closed, the time taken 29. A power transmission line feeds input power at 2300 V to
for the current to attain 80% of the saturation value is a step down transformer with its primary windings having
[take ln 5 = 1.6] (2019) 4000 turns. The output power is delivered at 230 V by the
(a) 0.324 s (b) 0.103 s transformer. If the current in the primary of the transformer
is 5A and its efficiency is 90%, the output current would
(c) 0.002 s (d) 0.016 s be: (2019)
26. The figure shows a square loop L of side 5 cm which is (a) 50A (b) 45A
connected to a network of resistances. The whole setup (c) 35A (d) 25A
is moving towards right with a constant speed of 1 cm s-1.
30. A solid metal cube of edge length 2 cm is moving in a
At some instant, a part of L is in a uniform magnetic field
positive y-direction at a constant speed of 6 m/s. There is
of 1 T, perpendicular to the plane of the loop. If the
a uniform magnetic field of 0.1 T in the positive z-direction.
resistance of L is 1.7 Ù, the current in the loop at that
The potential difference between the two faces of the cube
instant will be close to : (2019)
perpendicular to the x-axis, is: (2019)
(a) 12 mV (b) 6 mV
(c) 1 mV (d) 2 mV
31. The self-induced emf of a coil is 25 V. When the current in
it is changed at uniform rate from 10 A to 25 A in 1s, the
change in the energy of the inductor is: (2019)
(a) 740 J (b) 437.5 J
(c) 540 J (d) 637.5 J
32. In the circuit shown, figure the switch S1 is closed at time
t = 0 and the switch S2 is kept open. At some later time (t0),
(a) 60 A (b) 170 A the switch S1 is opened and S2 is closed. the behaviour of
(c) 150 A (d) 115 A the current I as a function of time ‘t’ is given by: (2019)
27. Consider the LR circuit shown in the figure. If the switch
S is closed at t = 0 then the amount of charge that passes
through the battery between t = 0 and t is (2019)
(a) (b)
7.3EL EL
(c) (d)
R2 7.3R 2
EMI & AC 138
33. A copper wire is wound on a wooden frame, whose shape 38. An elliptical loop having resistance R, of semi major axis
is that of an equilateral triangle. If the linear dimension of a, and semi minor axis b is placed in magnetic field as
each side of the frame is increased by a factor of 3, keeping shown in the figure. If the loop is rotated about the x-axis
the number of turns of the coil per unit length of the with angular frequency , the average power loss in the
frame the same, then the self inductance of the coil: loop due to Joule heating is (2020)
(a) Decreases by a factor of 9
(b) increases by a factor of 27
(c) increases by a factor of 3
(d) Decreases by a factor of 9 3
34. In the above circuit figure C F , R2 50,
3 abB 2 a 2 b2 B2 2
L H , and R1 10 . Current in L-R1 path is I1 and in
10 (a) (b)
C-R2 path it is I2. The voltage of A. C source is given by,
V 200 2 sin 100t volts. The phase difference between 2 a 2 b2 B2 2
(c) (d) Zero
I1 and I2 is (2019)
39. A 750 Hz, 20 V (rms) source is connected to a resistance of
100 , and inductance of 0.1803 H and a capacitance
of 10 F all in series. The time in which the resistance
(heat capacity 2 J/ºC) will get heated by 10ºC. (assume no
loss of heat to the surroundings) isclose to : (2020)
(a) 245 s (b) 365 s
(c) 418 s (d) 348 s
40. A uniform magnetic field B exists in a direction
(a) 60° (b) 150°
perpendicular to the plane of a square loop made of a
(c) 90° (d) either (b) or (c) metal wire. The wire has a diameter of 4 mm and a total
35. A 10 m long horizontal wire extends from North East to length of 30 cm. The magnetic field changes with time at
South West. It is falling with a speed of 5.0 ms- 1, at right a steady rate dB/dt = 0.032 Ts–1. The induced current in
angles to the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic the loop is close to (Resistivity of the metal wire is 1.23 ×
field, of 0.3 × 10-4 Wb/m2. The value of the induced emf 10–8m) (2020)
in wire is : (2019) (a) 0.53 A (b) 0.61 A
(a) 1 .5 × 10 V–3
(b) 1.1 × 10 V
(c) 0.34 A (d) 0.43 A
(c) 2.5 × 10–3V (d) 0.3 × 10–3V
41. A small bar magnet is moved through a coil at constant
36. A circular coil of radius 10 cm is placed in uniform magnetic
speed from one end to the other. Which of the following
field of 3.0 × 10–5 T with its plane perpendicular to the field
series of observations will be seen on the galvanometer
initially. It is rotated at constant angular speed about
G attached across the coil? (2020)
an axis along the diameter of coil and perpendicular to
magnetic field so that it under-goes half of rotation in 0.2s.
The maximum value of EMF induced (in V) in the coil
will be close to the integer …… . (2020)
37. An inductance coil has a reactance of 100 . When an
AC signal of frequency 1000 Hz is applied to the coil, the
applied voltage leads the current by 45º. The self-
inductance of the coil is : (2020)
(a) 6.7 107 H (b) 5.5 105 H Three positions shown describe : (a) the magnet’s entry
(b) magnet is completely inside and (c) magnet’s exit.
(c) 1.1 101 H (d) 1.1 102 H
EMI & AC 139
0 Ivl 0 Ivl
(a) (b)
2 Rr Rr
20 Ivl 0 Ivl
(c) (d)
Rr 4 Rr
45. An AC circuit has
R 100, C 2 F and L 80 mH connected in series.
The quality factor of the circuit is: (2020)
(a) 20 (b) 2
(c) 0.5 (d) 400
46. A part of a complete circuit is shown in the figure. At some
instant, the value of current I is1A and it is decreasing at
42. A series L-R circuit is connected to a battery of emf V. If a rate of 102A s-1. The value of the potential difference VP
the circuit is switched on at t = 0, then the time at which - VQ, (in volts) at that instant, is _______. (2020)
the energy stored in the inductor reaches times of
its maximum value, is: (2020)
47. In a series LR circuit, power of 400 W is dissipated from a
L n L n source of 250 V, 50 Hz. The power factor of the circuit is
(a) R n (b) R n 0.8. In order to bring the power factor to unity, a capacitor
n 1 n 1
of value C is added in series to the L and R. Taking the
L n 1 L n 1 n
(c) R n (d) R n value of C as F , then value of n is _____.
n 1 n 3
43. Two concentric circular coils, C1 and C2, are placed in the (2020)
XY plane. C1 has 500 turns, and a radius of 1 cm. C2 has 48. A long solenoid of radius R carries a time (t) dependent
200 turns and radius of 20 cm. C2 carries a time dependent
current I t I 0 t 1 t . A ring of radius 2R is placed
current I (t) = (5t2 – 2t + 3) A where t is in s. The emf
coaxially near its middle. During the time instant 0 t 1 ,
induced in C1 (in mV), at the instant t = 1s is . The the induced current I R and the induced EMF VR in
value of x is …………. . (2020) the ring changes as: (2020)
44. An infinitely long straight wire carrying current I, one (a) Direction of I R remains unchanged and VR is
side opened rectangular loop and conductor C with a
maximum at t = 0.5
sliding connector are located in the same plane, as shown
in the figure. The connector has length l and resistance R. (b) Direction of I R remains unchanged and VR is zero at
It slides to the right with a velocity v. The resistance of t = 0.25
the conductor and the self inductance of the loop are
negligible. The induced current in the loop, (c) At t = 0.5 direction of I R reverses and VR is zero
as a function of separation r, between the connector and
the straight wire is : (2020) (d) At t = 0.25 direction of I R reverses and VR is maximum
EMI & AC 140
49. Consider a circular coil of wire carrying current I, forming 54. At time t = 0 magnetic field of 1000 Gauss is passing
a magnetic dipole. The magnetic flux through an infinite perpendicularly through the area defined by the closed
plane that contains the circular coil and excluding the loop shown in the figure. If the magnetic field reduces
linearly to 500 Gauss, in the next 5 s, then induced EMF in
circular coil area is given by i . The magnetic flux through
the loop is: (2020)
the area of the circular coil area is given by 0 . (a) 56 V (b) 28V
Which of the following option is correct? (2020)
(c) 30 V (d) 48V
(a) i 0 (b) i 0
55. As shown in figure, a battery of emf is connected to an
(c) i 0 (d) i 0
inductor and resistance in series. The switch is closed at
50. A LCR circuit behaves like a damped harmonic oscillator. = 0. The total charge that flows from the battery, between
Comparing it with a physical spring-mass damped t = 0 andt =tc(tc is the time constant of the circuit) is
oscillator having damping constant ‘b’, the correct (2020)
equivalence will be (2020)
1 1 1
(a) L ,C , R
b m k
(b) L k , C b, R m
(c) L m, C k , R b
(d) L m, C ,R b
51. A loop ABCDEFA of straight edges has six corner points (a) 2 (b)
eR eL2
A(0,0,0), B(5,0,0), C(5,5,0), D(0,5,0), E(0,5,5), F(0,0,5). The
magnetic field in this region is B 3i 4k T . The (c)
R e
quantity of flux through the loop ABCDEFA (in Wb) is
(2020) 56. In a fluorescent lamp choke (a small transformer) 100 V of
52. A planar loop of wire rotates in a uniform magnetic field. reversible voltage is producedwhen choke changes current
Initially at t = 0 , the plane of the loop is perpendicular to in from 0.25 A to 0 A in 0.025 ms. The self- i n d u c t a n c e
the magnetic field. If it rotates with a period of 10s about ofchoke (in mH) is estimated to be (2020)
an axis in its plane, then the magnitude of induced emf will 57. In LC circuit the inductance L = 40mH and C = 100 F. If
be maximum and minimum, respectively at (2020)
(a) 2.5 sec and 5 sec (b) 5 sec and 7.5 sec a voltage V t 10sin 314t is applied to the circuit,
(c) 2.5 sec and 7.5 sec (d) 5 sec and 10 sec the current in the circuit is given as (2020)
53. An emf of 20V is applied at time t = 0 to a circuit containing
in series 10mH inductor and 5Ù resistor. The ratio of the (a) 10cos 314t (b) 0.52 cos 314t
currents at time t = ¥ and t = 40s is close to(take e2 = 7.389)
(2020) (c) 0.52sin 314t (d) 5.2 cos 314t
(a) 1.06 (b) 1.46
(c) 1.15 (d) 0.84
EMI & AC 141
e e
(c) (d)
0.1 O X O X
1 2t 1 2t
×× × × P d a
×× ×
×× × v
×× × b
×× × × v
(i) (ii)
(a) a (b) b
(c) c (d) d
Bv R1 R 2 B 2 v
4. A flexible wire bent in the form of a circle is placed in a (a) R R R (b)
uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of 1 1 2 R 1 R 1R 2
the coil. The radius of the coil changes as shown in
figure. The graph of induced emf in the coil is represented Bv R1 R 2 B2 v
(c) R R R R R (d) R R R R R
by 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
EMI & AC 142
6. A conductor of length l and mass m can slide without 9. In the circuit shown in figure, X is joined to Y for a long
any friction along the two vertical conductors time and then X is joined to Z. The total heat produced
connected at the top through a capacitor. A uniform in R2 is
magnetic field B is set up to the plane of paper. The
voltage across the capacitor in terms of distance x
through which it falls is
LE 2 LE 2
(a) (b)
2R12 2R 22
LE 2 LE 2 R 2
(c) (d)
(a) Bl2gx (b) B gx 2R1R 2 2R13
10. In the circuit shown in figure, X is the joined to Y for a
(c) B 2gx (d) Bx 2g long time and then X is joined to Z. The total heat produced
7. The length of a wire required to manufacture a solenoid in R2 is
of length l and self induction L is (cross-sectional area
is negligibile)
2L 0 L
(a) 0 (b)
4L 0 L
(c) 0 (d) LE 2 LE 2
(a) (b)
2R12 2R 22
8. An inductor of inductance L = 400 mH and resistors of
resistances R1 = 4 and R2 = 2 are connected to battery
LE 2 LE 2 R 2
of emf 12 V as shown in the figure. The internal (c) (d)
resistance of the battery is negligible. The switch S is 2R1R 2 2R13
closed at t = 0. The potential drop across L as a function 11. Figure shows a rectangular coil near a long wire. Calculate
ot time is the mutual inductance of the combination is
0 a b 0 a b
(a) n 1 (b) n 1
2 c 2 c
12 3t
(a) 6e V (b) e V
t 0 a b 0 a b
(c) n 1 (d) n 1
(c) 6 (1 – e
(d) 12 e V c 2 c
EMI & AC 143
12. A small square loop of wire of side l is placed inside a large 16. Plane figures made of thin wires of resistance R = 50 milli
square loop of wire of side L(L>>l). The loops are ohm/metre are located in a uniform magnetic field
coplanar and their centres coincide. The mutual perpendicular into the plane of the figures and which
inductance of the system is proportional to : decrease at the rate dB/dt = 0.1 m T/s. Then currents
(a) l/L (b) l2/L in the inner and outer boundary are. (The inner
radius a = 10 cm and outer radius b = 20 cm)
(c) L/l (d) L2/l
13. Two concentric and coplanar coils have radii a and b
(>>a) as shown in figure. Resistance of the inner coil is × × × × × × ×
R. Current in the outer coil is increased from 0 to i, then
the total charge circulating the inner coil is × × × b× × × ×
× × × ×a × × ×
× × × × × × ×
× ×D × × ×C × ×
Area B
(a) X, A (b) X R2
(c) Y, A2 (d) Y, R2
15. Two identical circular loop of metal wire are lying on a
table without touching each other. Loop A carries a B02 r 2 B 0 10r 3
current which increases with time. In response, the loop (a) (b)
(a) remains stationary B02 2 r 4 R B02 2 r 4
(c) (d)
(b) is attracted by the loop A 5 R
(c) is repelled by the loop A
(d) rotates about its CM, with CM fixed
EMI & AC 144
19. A conductor ABOCD moves along its bisector with a 22. A rectangular loop with a sliding connector of length
velocity of 1 m/s through a perpendicular magnetic field of l = 1.0 m is situated in a uniform magnetic field B = 2T
1 wb/m2, as shown in fig. If all the four sides are of 1m perpendicular to the plane of loop. Resistance of connector
length each, then the induced emf between points A & D is is r = 2. Two resistance of 6 and 3 are connected as
shown in figure. The external force required to keep the
connector moving with a constant velocity v = 2m/s is
× × B× × × A× ×
× × × × × × ×
O 90° v
× × × × × × × v
× × C × ×D× ×
c l d
x y
mgR mgR
1 (a) (b)
(a) B 2 (b) B 2 B B2 2
mgR mgR
1 (c) (d)
(c) B 2 (d) Zero B3 3 B2
24. A wire of length 1 m is moving at a speed of 2ms–1
21. A conducting rod PQ of length L = 1.0 m is moving with a perpendicular to its length and a homogeneous magnetic
uniform speed v = 2 m/s in a uniform magnetic field B = 4.0 T field of 0.5 T. The ends of the wire are joined to a circuit of
directed into the paper. A capacitor of capacity C = 10 F resistance 6 . The rate at which work is being done to
is connected as shown in figure. Then keep the wire moving at constant speed is
1 1
× × × P × (a) W (b) W
12 6
× × × × ×
A 1
v W
B× × × × × (c) (d) 1W
× × × × ×
Q 25. How much length of a very thin wire is required to obtain
a solenoid of length l0 and inductance L
(a) qA = + 80 C and qB = – 80 C
2L 0 4L 0
(b) qA = – 80 C and qB = + 80 C (a) (b)
0 02
(c) qA = 0 = qB
(d) Charge stored in the capacitor increases exponentially 4L 0 8L 0
with time (c) (d)
0 0
EMI & AC 145
(a) 1/ 2 a (b) 3 / 2 a (i) Find the velocity of the rod and the applied force F as
functions of the distance x of the rod from R.
(c) 2 / 3 a
(d) 1/ 3 a (ii) What fraction of the work done per second by F is
converted into heat?
38. The voltage time (V–t) graph for triangular wave having 42. A circuit containing a two position switch S is shown in
peak value. V0 is as shown in figure figure.
R3 C
R1 E1
1 A E2 R2 B
The rms value of V in time interval from t = 0 to T/4 is 2 S 3V R4
V0 V0
(a) (b) 10 mH
3 2
44. A rectangular frame ABCD, made of a uniform metal wire, 47. A pair of parallel horizontal conducting rails of negligible
has a straight connection between E and F made of the resistance shorted at one end is fixed on a table. The
same wire, as shown in figure AEFD is a square of side distance between the rails is L. A conducting massless rod
1 m and EB = FC = 0.5 m. The entire circuit is placed in a of resistance R can slide on the rails frictionlessly. The rod
steadily increasing, uniform magnetic field directed into is tied to a massless string which passes over a pulley
the plane of the paper and normal to it. The rate of change fixed to the edge of the table. A mass m tied to the other
of the magnetic field is 1 T/s. The resistance per unit length end of the string hangs vertically. A constant magnetic
of the wire is 1/m. Find the magnitudes and directions of field B exists perpendicular to the table. If the system is
the currents in the segments AE. BE and EF. released from rest. Calculate :
× × × × × ×
× × × × × × L R
× × × × × ×
× × × × × ×
× × × × × ×
Region I Region II
× × × × ×
A × × × × ×
× × × × × R2
r × × × × × B D
O × × × B× ×
× × × × × 49. A metal rod OA and mass m and length r kept rotating with
C × × × × × a constant angular speed in a vertical plane about 1
D × × × × × horizontal axis at the end O. The free end A is arranged to
× × × × × slide without friction along a fixed conducting circular ring
in the same plane as that of rotation. A uniform and constant
(a) Obtain an expression for the magnitude of the induced magnetic induction B is applied perpendicular and into
current in the loop. the plane of rotation as shown in figure. An inductor L and
(b) Show the direction of the current when the loop is an external resistance R are connected through a switch S
entering into the region II. between the point O and a point C on the ring to form an
(c) Plot a graph between the induced emf and the time of electrical circuit. Neglect the resistance of the ring and the
rotation for two periods of rotation. rod. Initially, the switch is open.
EMI & AC 148
× × × × × ×
S × × × × × B
(a) (b)
× × ×O × × ×
R × × × × × ×
56. Two different coils have self inductance L1 = 8 mH, L2 = 2 (a) The maximum current in circuit during the motion of
mH. The current in one coil is increased at a constant rate.
The current in the second coil is also increased at the M
rod is v 0
same rate. At a certain instant of time, the power given L
to the two coils is the same. At that time the current the (b) The rod moves for some distance and comes to
induced voltage and the energy stored in the first coil permanently rest
are i1, V1 and W1 respectively. Corresponding values for
(c) The velocity of rod when current in the circuit is half
the second coil at the same instant are i2, V2 and W2
respectively. Then - 3
of maximum is v0
(a) i1/i2 = 1/4 (b) i1/i2 = 4 2
(d) The rod oscillates in SHM
(c) W2/W1 = 4 (d) V2/V1 = 1/4
60. In the figure shown R is a fixed conducting ring of negligible
57. The magnetic flux (f) linked with a coil depends on time t resistance and radius 'a'. PQ is a uniform rod of resistance
as = atn, where a is a constant. The induced e.m.f. in the r. It is hinged at the centre of the ring and rotated about
coil is e: this point in clockwise direction with a uniform angular
velocity . There is a uniform magnetic field of strength B
(a) lf 0 < n < 1, e = 0
pointing inwards, 'r' is a stationary resistance.
(b) If 0 < n < 1, e 0 and |e| decreases with time
(c) If n = 1, e is constant
(d) If n > 1, |e| increases with time. B
58. If B and E denote induction of magnetic field and energy P Q
density at the midpoint of a long solenoid carrying a current r
I, then which of the following graphs is/are correct? R
(a) current through r is zero
(a) (b) 2
(b) current through r is 2Ba /5r
(c) Direction of current in external r is from centre to
(d) Direction of current in external r is from circumference
to centre.
(c) (d)
61. Two straight conducting rails form a right angle where
their ends are joined. A conducting bar in contact with the
59. A loop is formed by two parallel conductors connected by rails start at the vertex at t = 0 and moves with a constant
a solenoid with inductance L and a conducting rod of velocity v along them as shown. A magnetic field B is
mass M which can freely slide over the conductors. The directed into the page. The induced emf in the circuit at
conductors are located in a uniform magnetic field with any time t is proportional to :
induction B perpendicular to the plane of loop. The
distance between conductors is l. At t = 0, the rod is given × × × × × × × ×
a velocity v 0 directed towards right and the current through × × × × × × × ×
the inductor is initially zero.
× × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × v×
× × × × × × × ×
× × × × × × × ×
B × × × × × × × ×
V0 × × × × × × × ×
(a) t0 (b) t
(c) v (d) v2
EMI & AC 150
62. A coil of inductance 1H and resistance 10is connected 65. In steady state, the current flowing through 3 H inductor is:
to a battery of emf 50 V (negligible internal resistance) at (a) 3 A (b) 6 A
t = 0. The ratio of the rate at which magnetic energy is
stared in the coil to the rate at which energy is supplied by (c) 9 A (d) none of these
the battery : 66. In steady state the current flowing through 6 H inductor is:
(a) At t = 0.1 sec is 0.74 (b) At t = 0.1 sec is 0.37 (a) 3 A (b) 6 A
(c) Increases with time. (d) Decreases with time.
(c) 9 A (d) none of these
63. In an ac circuit shown below in figure, the supply voltage
has a constant rms value V but variable frequency f. At Passage : 2
resonance, the circuit Using the following comprehension, solve Q. 105 & 106
A wire loop enclosing a semicircle of radius R is located
on the boundary of a uniform magnetic field B. At the
moment t = 0, the loop is set into rotation with constant
angular acceleration about an axis O conducting with
the line of vector on the boundary. The clockwise e.m.f.
direction is taken to be positive.
(a) has a current I given by : I
(b) has a resonance frequency 500 Hz
(c) has a voltage across the capacitor which is 180° out of
phase with that across the inductor
(d) has a current given by I
1 1
3H (a) (b)
18V S
64. Current as a function of time in the battery is :
(a) 9 (1 – e–t/3) A (b) 9 (1 – e–t/6) A (c) (d)
(c) 9 (1 – e–2t/3) A (d) none of these
EMI & AC 151
Column–I Column–II
(A) just after the closing at switch S (P) More
(B) along time after the closing of S (Q) less
(C) just after S is reopened, a long (R) same
time later
(D) a long time after the reopening (S) zero of S
74. In series R-L-C circuit, R = 100 , C F, and
71. Now the switch s is opened, just after opening the S, 100
L mH, is connected to an ac source as shown in figure.
what is the potential difference Vab across the resistance 4
R1 ?
(a) 72 V (b) 36 V
(c) 56 V (d) 90 V
EMI & AC 152
The rms value of ac voltage is 220 V and its frequency is 78. Fig. shows a uniform magnetic field of induction B
50 Hz. In column I some physical quantities are mentioned confined to a cylindrical volume of radius R. B is
while in column II information about quantities are increasing at a constant rate of 0.01 T/s. What is the
provided. Match the entries of column I with the entries of instantaneous acceleration experienced by an electron
column II. placed at C distant r from centre. Assume r = 5 cm. [in 107]
Column I Column II
(a) average power dissipated in (p) zero × ×
× × C
the resistor is × × R
× × × ×
(b) average power dissipated in (q) non-zero × × × ×
the inductor is × ×
(c) average power dissipated in (r) 160
79. A copper rod of length 0.19 m is moving with uniform
the capacitor is velocity of 10m/s parallel to a long wire carrying a current
(d) RMS voltage across the (s) 185.6 of 5 A. The rod itself is perpendicular to the wire with its
capacitor is ends at distance of 0.01 m and 0.20 m from it. Calculate
the emf induced in the rod. [in v]
Integer Type Questions 80. A coil has an inductance of 10 H and a resistance of 2 .
75. The potential difference across a 4 H inductor varies with It is connected to a 10 V battery. How long will it take for
time as shown. The current is zero at time t = 0. Find the the magnetic energy to reach 1/4 of its maximum value ?[in sec]
current (in A) at t = 2 sec. 81. An LCR series with 100 resistance is connected to an
A.C. source of 220 V and angular frequency 300 rad/
sec. When only the capacitance is removed, the current
leads, the voltage by 60°. When only the inductance is
removed, the current leads the voltage by 60°. Calculate
the current (in A) in the LCR circuit.
82. The electric current in a circuit is given by i = i0 (t/) for
some time. The rms current for the period t = 0 t = is
76. A square loop of side (L/2) enters in a uniform magnetic . What is the value of x ?
field B = 4 T which acts in a region of length L = 2 m. The x
loop moves with constant acceleration of 1 m/sec . The 83. Find the time required for a 50 Hz alternating current
resistance per unit length of the square frame is 1/m . to change its value from zero to the rms value
Find the magnetic force (in N) on the frame at time t = 1 sec.
in ms .
84. A solenoid has an inductance of 10 H and a resistance of
2. It is connected to a 10 V battery. How long will it take
for the magnetic energy to reach 1/4 of its maximum value?
85. A coil has a resistance of 10 an and inductance of 0.4
Henry. It is connected to an Ac source of 6.5 V, Hz.
77. A rectangular loop has a sliding connector of length 1.0 The average power consumed in the circuit is w. Find
m. The loop is situated in a uniform magnetic field B = 4 the value of x.
T perpendicular and into the plane of the loop. The
resistance of the connector is 2. Find the external force FILL IN THE BLANKS
required to keep the connector moving with a constant 86. A uniformly wound solenoidal coil of self-inductance 1.8
velocity of v = 2 m/sec (in N). × 10–4 H and resistance 6 is broken up into two identical
coils. These identical coils are then connected in parallel
across a 15 V battery of negligible resistance. The time
constant for the current in the circuit is .......... s and the
steady state current through the battery is .......... A.
EMI & AC 153
B(t) A B
× × r P
× × v
× × × × ×
× × × × D C
× ×× ×× ×
× ×a× ×
×× ××
(a) in AD, but not in BC
(a) is zero (b) decreases as 1/r (b) in BC, but not in AD
(c) increases as r (d) decreases as 1/r2 (c) neither in AD nor in BC
2. A coil of wire having finite inductance and resistance (d) in both AD and BC
has a conducting ring placed co-axially within it. The 5. Two circular coils can be arranged in any of the three
coil is connected to a battery at time t=0, so that a time situations shown in the figure. Their mutual inductance
dependent current I1 (t) starts flowing through the coil. If will be : (2001, S)
I2 (t) is the current induced in the ring and B (t) is the
magnetic field at the axis of the coil due to I1 (t) then as a
function of time (t > 0), the product I2(t) B(t): (2000, 2M)
(a) increases with time
(b) decreases with time (a) (b) (c)
(c) does not vary with time
(a) maximum in situation (a)
(d) passes through a maximum
(b) maximum in situation (b)
3. A thermocole vessel contains 0.5 kg of distilled water at
30°C. A metal coil of area 5 × 10 –3 m2, number of turns (c) maximum in situation (c)
100, mass 0.06 kg and resistance 1.6 is lying (d) the same in all situations
horizontally at the bottom of the vessel. A uniform time
varying magnetic field is set-up to pass vertically 6. An inductor of inductance L = 400 mH and resistors of
through the coil at time t = 0. The field is first increased resistances R1 = 2 and R2= 2 are connected to a battery
from 0 to 0.8 T at a constant rate between 0 and 0.2 s and of emf E = 12 V as shown in the figure. The internal
then decreased to zero from zero at the same rate between resistance of the battery is negligible. The switch S is closed
0.2 and 0.4 s. The cycle is repeated 12000 times. Make at time t =0. (2001, 5M)
sketches of the current through the coil and the power
dissipated in the coil as a function of time for the first
two cycles. Clearly indicate the magnitudes of the
quantities on the axes. Assume that no heat is lost to
the vessel or the surroundings. Determine the final
temperature of the water under thermal equilibrium.
Specific heat of metal = 500 J/kg-K and the specific heat What is the potential drop across L as a function of time?
of water = 4200 J/kg-K. Neglect the inductance of coil. After the steady state is reached, the switch is opened.
(2000, 10M) What is the direction and the magnitude of current through
R1 as a function of time?
EMI & AC 154
(a) (b)
e e
(c) (d)
t t
EMI & AC 155
12. In the circuit shown A and B are two cells of same emf E but PASSAGE–I
different internal resistances r1 and r2 (r1 > r2) respectively. The capacitor of capacitance C can be charged (with the
Find the value of R such that the potential difference across help of a resistance R ) by a voltage source V , by closing
the terminals of cell A is zero a long time after the key K is
switch S1 , while keeping switch S2 open. The capacitor
closed. (2004, 4M)
can be connected in series with an inductor L by closing
switch S2 and opening S1 .
15. Initially, the capacitor was uncharged. Now, switch Sl is
closed and S2 is kept open. If time constant of this circuit is
, then : (2006, 6M)
R C S1
13. A long solenoid of radius a and number of turns per unit
length n is enclosed by cylindrical shell of radius R
thickness d (d < < R) and length L. A variable current i = i0 (a) after time interval , charge on the capacitor is CV/2
sin t flows through the coil. If the resistivity of the material (b) after time interval 2, charge on the capacitor is
of cylindrical shell is , find the induced current in the CV/[(1 – e–2)]
shell. (2005, 4M) (c) the work done by the voltage source will be half on
the heat dissipated when the capacitor is fully charged
(d) after time interval 2, charge on the capacitor is CV/
[(1 – e–1)]
16. After the capacitor gets fully charged, S1 is opened and S2
is closed so that the inductor is connected in series with
the capacitor. Then, (2006, 6M)
(a) at t = 0, energy stored in the circuit is purely in the form
of magnetic energy
(b) at any time t > 0, current in the circuit is in the same direction
(c) at t > 0, there is no exchange of energy between the
inductor and capacitor
(d) at any time t > 0, maximum instantaneous current in the
circuit may V
17. A field line is shown in the figure. This field cannot
14. An infinitely long cylinder is kept parallel to an uniform represent. (2006, 5M)
magnetic field B directed along positive z-axis. The direction
of induced current as seen from the z-axis will be:
(2005, 2M)
(a) clockwise of the +ve z-axis
(b) anticlockwise of the +ve z-axis
(c) zero
(a) Magnetic field (b) Electrostatic field
(d) along the magnetic field
(c) Induced electric field (d) Gravitational field
EMI & AC 156
PASSAGE–2 22. The figure shows certain wire segments joined together to
Modern trains are based on Maglev technology in which form a coplanar loop. The loop is placed in a perpendicular
magnetic field in the direction going into the plane of the
trains are magnetically leviated, which runs its EDS Maglev
figure. The magnitude of the field increases with time. I1
and I2 are the currents in the segments ab and cd. Then,
There are coils on both sides of wheels. Due to motion of (2009)
train, current induces in the coil of track which levitate it.
This is in accordance with Lenz’s law. If trains lower down
then due to Lenz’s law a repulsive force increases due to
which train gets uplifted and if it goes much high then
there is a net downward force due to gravity. The advantage
of Maglev train is that there is no friction between the train
and the track, thereby reducing power consumption and
enabling the train to attain very high speeds.
Disadvantage of Maglev train is that as it slows down the
electromagnetic forces decreases and it becomes difficult
to keep it levitated and as it moves forward according to (a) I1 > I2
Lenz law there is an electromagnetic drag force. (b) I1 < I2
18. What is the advantage of this system? (2006, 6M) (c) I1 is in the direction ba and I2 is in the direction cd
(a) No friction hence no power consumption (d) I1 is in the direction ab and I2 is in the direction dc
(b) No electric power is used 23. Two metallic rings A and B, identical in shape and size but
having different resistivities A and B, are kept on top of
(c) Gravitation force is zero
two identical solenoids as shown in the figure. When
(d) Electrostatic force draws the train
current I is switched on in both the solenoids in identical
19. What is the disadvantage of this system ? (2006, 6M) manner, the rings A and B jump to heights hA and hB,
(a) Train experiences upward force according to Lenz’s law respectively, with hA > hB. The possible relation(s) between
(b) Friction force create a drag on the train their resistivities and their masses mA and mB is (are) (2009)
(c) Retardation
(d) By Lenz’s law train experience a drag
20. Which force causes the train to elevate up ? (2006, 6M)
(a) Electrostatic force (b) Time varying electric field
(c) Magnetic force (d) Induced electric field
21. If the total charge stored in the LC circuit is Q0, then for
t0 (2006, 6M)
(a) the charge on the capacitor is Q Q 0 cos
2 LC
25. A long circular tube of length 10 m and radius 0.3 m carries 28. In the method using the transformers, assume that the
a current I along its curved surface as shown. A wire loop ratio of the number of turns in the primary to that in the
of resistance 0.005 and of radius 0.1 m is placed inside secondary in the step-up transformer is 1 : 10. If the power
the tube with its axis coinciding with the axis of the tube. to the consumers has to be supplied at 200 V, the ratio of
The current varies as I = I0 cos 300 t where I0 is constant. If the number of turns in the primary to that in the secondary
the magnetic moment of the loop is N 0I0 sin (300 t), then in the step-down transformer is (2013)
N is. (2011) (a) 200 : 1 (b) 150 : 1
(c) 100 :1 (d) 50 :1
A point charge Q is moving in a circular orbit of radius R in
the x–y plane with an angular velocity . This can be
considered as equivalent to a loop carrying a steady
current . A uniform magnetic field along the positive
z–axis is now switched on, which increases at a constant
26. A pulse of light of duration 100 ns is absorbed completely rate from 0 to B in one second. Assume that the radius of
by a small object initially at rest. Power of the pulse is 30 the orbit remains constant. The applications of the
8 –1
mV and the speed of light is 3 × 10 ms . The final magnetic field induces an emf in the orbit. The induced
momentum of the object is : (2013) emf is defined as the work done by an induced electric
–17 –1 –17 –1
(a) 0.3 × 10 kg–ms (b) 1.0 × 10 kg–ms field in moving a unit positive charge around a closed
(c) 3.0 × 10
–17 –1
kg–ms (d) 9.0 × 10
–17 –1
kg–ms loop. It is known that, for an orbiting charge, the magnetic
dipole moment is propotional to the angular momentum
PASSAGE - 3 with a proportionality constant .
29. The magnitude of the induced electric field in the orbit at
A thermal power plant produces electric power of 600 kW
any instant of time during the time interval of the magnetic
at 4000 V, which is to be transported to a place 20 km away
field change is (2013)
from the power plant for consumer’s usage. It can be
transported either directly with a cable of large current (a) (b)
4 2
carrying capacity or by using a combination of step-up (c) BR (d) 2 BR
and step-down transformers at the two ends. The 30. The change in the magnetic dipole moment associated
drawback of the direct transmission is the large energy with the orbit, at the end of the time interval of the magnetic
dissipation. In the method using transformers, the field change, is : (2013)
dissipation is much smaller. In this method, a step-up
2 BQR 2
transformer is used at the plant side so that the current is (a) BQR (b)
reduced to a smaller value. At the consumers’ end a step-
BQR 2 2
down transformer is used to supply power to the (c) (d) BQR
consumers at the specified lower voltage. It is reasonable
31. At time t = 0, terminal A in the circuit shown in the figure is
to assume that the power cable is purely resistive and the
connected to B by a key and an alternating current I (t) =
transformers are ideal with a power factor unity. All the
I0cos ( t), with I0 = 1 A and = 500 rad s–1 starts flowing
current and voltage mentioned are rms values.
in it with the initial direction shown in the figure. At
27. If the direct transmission method with a cable of resistance
–1 7
0.4 km is used, the power dissipation (in %) during t , the key is switched from B to D. Now onwards
transmission is (2013)
only A and D are connected. A total charge Q flows from
(a) 20 (b) 30
the battery to change the capacitor fully. If C = 20 F, R =
(c) 40 (d) 50
10 and battery is ideal with emf of 50 V, identify the
correct statement(s). (2014)
EMI & AC 158
(b) The current in the left part of the circuit just before
t is clockwise.
Answer Key
Scan the QR code and check detailed solutions.
Scan the QR code and check detailed solutions.
54. (d) 55. (d) 56. (d) 57. (c) 44. (015.00)
58. (d) 59. (a) 60. (d) 61. (d)
62. (b) 63. (c) 64. (b) 65. (a)
66. (c) 67. (c) 68. (b) 69. (b)
70. (0) 71. (c) 72.
73. 4.78 10 2 m 74. 0.302Am
75. QR 76. 6.3 T
104. 10 T , perpendicular to paper outwords
0 l 2 L2 a 2
DIRECTION TO USE - 105 2 ln a 2 k̂ ,zero
Scan the QR code and check detailed solutions.
mv 0 ˆ πm
100. (a) L= 2B q ; (b)vf =-v 0 i, t AB = B q
0 0
Scan the QR code and check detailed solutions.
0 qV0 I ˆ
5. (a ) F ˆ F 4BIRiˆ
k; (b)F1 F2 2BIRi,
6. a ) 6.54 10 5 T (vertically upword or outward normal to the
paper); b) Zero 8.1106 N (inward)
ˆ ˆ mg
11. (b) 12. (a ) P to Q;(b)lbB0 (3k 4i);(c) 6bB
13. ωmax 14. (b) 15. (b)
16. (c) 17. (d) 18.
19. (a) k=BNA, (b)K ; (c) Q
π 21i
Answer Key
Br 2 t
Br 2 1 e L ,
49. ((a) e , (b) (i) i
2 2R
B2r 4 mgr
(ii) net cos t )
4R 2
Scan the QR code and check detailed solutions. 50. (c) 51. (b, d) 52. (a, b, c, d) 53. (c, d)
54. (a, d) 55. (a, b, d) 56. (a, c, d) 57. (b c, d)
58. (a, d) 59. (a, c, d) 60. (b, d) 61. (b, d)
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (b) 62. (b, d) 63. (a, b, c) 64. (d) 65. (b)
5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (d) 66. (a) 67. (a) 68. (a) 69. (b)
70. (a) 71. (a)
9. (a) 10. (a) 11. (b) 12. (b)
72. (a–p; b–r; c–s; d–q)
13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (a) 73. (a–p; b–r; c–r; d–r,s)
17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (d) 74. (a – q, s; b – p; c – p; d – q, r)
21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (b) 75. (0002) 76. (0004) 77. (0008) 78. (0004)
25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (c) 79. (0030) 80. (0003) 81. (0002) 82. (0003)
83. (0005) 84. (3.465s) 85. (0005)
29. (d) 30. (b) 31. (d) 32. (d)
86. (3 × 10–5, 10)
33. (b)
34. (a) 104A/s, (b) Zero (c) 2.0A, (d) 1.732 × 10–4
35. (d) 36. (b) 37. (b) 38. (a)
39. (b) 40. (d) 41. (a)
42. (a) 3V, 40.5W, (b)
(i) 0.6A,
(ii) 1.386 × 10–3s, 4.5 × 10–4J
B 0 av B2a 2 v
43. (a) i anticlockwise (b) F 0 ĵ
(c) v
B2a 2 g gmR
1 e kT Where K 0 , v1 2 2
mR K B0 a
7 6 1
44. A E to A , B to E , A F to E
22 22 22
45. ( 0.02 m / s , direction of induced current is clockwise)
1 Br 2
46. (a) , (b) anticlockwise
2 R
Scan the QR code and check detailed solutions.
7. (d) 8. (b0)
d di 1 0I 0
9. (a) iR L , (b) n 2 Li1 ,
dt dt R 2
(c) )
n 4
10. (a) 11. (b) 12. . ( R r1 r2
0 Ldna 2 I 0 cos t
13. i 2 R