Range Accuracy
No trip 0.00 – 9.99 Ω ± 5% ± 5 digits
No trip 10.00 – 99.9 Ω
No trip 100 - 500 Ω
± 3% ± 3 digits
± 3% ± 3digits
Multifunction Installation Tester
High Current 0.00 - 500 Ω ± 3% ± 3 digit
Index Specifications and tolerances
Safety information and explanation of symbols used .................................................... 3
2 23
Safety information and explanation of
The main display shows that the fault current was applied for over 2000 milliseconds (2
seconds) without tripping the RCD. The secondary display confirms that this passes the symbols used
requirements of the 17th edition.
Because the MP-MFT20 is a multifunction tester used for testing both live and dead
In the event of the RCD failing the test and tripping within 2 seconds at half the rated current circuits there are different safety issues that apply to the individual functions. Before
the main display will show the trip time and the secondary display will show ‘FAIL’. A short 2 using your MP-MFT20 please read these instructions paying particular attention to the
tone alert will also sound. general safety warnings below and those at the start of each section.
After displaying the result for a few seconds the tester will switch to the 180° phase polarity Before using the tester check the case and the test leads for damage.
setting in readiness for the next test. (Figure 6)
If any damage is noticed the unit should be withdrawn from service and returned to
When both tests have been conducted at the x½ setting press the multiplier button to change
MEET for repair.
the test current to the x1 setting.
Press the test button to conduct a test at the x1 setting at 0°. The result will be shown as a It is important for safety that only one set of leads can be fitted at a time. In the
pass if RCD trips within 300ms. After displaying the result for a few seconds the tester will unlikely event that the interlock cover is damaged the tester should be withdrawn
switch to the 180° phase polarity setting in readiness for the second test at the x1 current from service and returned to Kewtech for repair
If the 30mA setting has been selected a x5 current option will be available by using the Caution read this manual for safety information
multiplier button. This option is not available, or required, for other ratings.
30mA Automatic test Do not make any modifications to the instrument or use it in any manner not
intended by the manufacturer.
The Auto test function will set up the tester to automatically conduct all 6 tests by a single
press of the test button. All you have to do is reset the RCD after it trips.
The Continuity and Insulation functions are rated at 500V Category III
Upon completion of the auto test routine the results for each setting can be recalled by using
The Loop and RCD functions are rated at 300V Category IV
the RCD-RECALL button to cycle through the routine.
When installing batteries observe correct polarity do not mix old and new batteries
Ramp test - Dispose of used batteries in accordance with local regulations – Never incinerate
Use the rotary switch to select the rating of the RCD. batteries.
Press the multiplier button until the symbol is displayed. To clean the tester wipe with a damp cloth with a mild soap solution taking care
not to allow water ingress into the input terminals. Do not use solvents and do not
Press the test button to start the test. The fault current applied will increment in 3mA steps immerse. Allow the tester to fully dry before use.
until the RCD trips.
If nuisance tripping on a circuit is a problem this function can be used to retest the RCD with The MP-MFT20 is fuse protected against damage by accidental connection to an over-
other appliances systematically connected and removed. voltage supply. The fuse is located inside the battery compartment and can be
For example a 30mA RCD may trip at 12mA on ramp test with an appliance connected accessed by removing the two small battery cover retaining screws on the back
and then at 27mA with the appliance removed. You will know that the appliance is leaking of the case. Always ensure that test leads are disconnected before removing the
approximately 15mA. battery cover.
22 3
The broken fuse indicator on the LCD will flag if the fuse has blown. It must be replaced
RCD test procedure
with the correct type:
Fuse type: F 500mA fast blow ceramic 500V.
Select the type and rating of the RCD to be tested with the rotary function selector switch.
The enclosure is double insulated
Connect the 4mm plugs of the chosen test lead to the corresponding L, N & E terminals of
the MP-MFT20 and connect the other end to the socket or circuit terminals under test.
>550V Protected against over voltage to 550V
If using the distribution board test lead set MP-ACC063 observe the correct polarity by
For safety reasons the tester is shipped without batteries fitted. To install batteries remove connecting the Brown probe to the Live conductor, Blue to Neutral and Green to Earth.
the two small crosshead screws on the back of the instrument that retain the battery cover
and fit four Alkaline batteries type AA / LR6 in accordance with the polarity shown. Touch the touch-pad area next to the test button. There should be no change in the indication
given. If the Voltage/Polarity LED flashes Red and a warning tone is emitted when the touch-
The MP-MFT20 complies fully with the requirements of EN61010. pad is touched a potentially dangerous polarity reversal exists see page 7 for example. Do
not proceed. If in any doubt advise the customer to contact the electricity supply company
The following table details the operating ranges for the individual functions compliant with the immediately.
performance requirements of EN61557.
User selected test
The recommended order of tests is firstly at ½x the rated current followed by a test at the
rated current and finally, for 30mA RCD’s only, 5x the rated current.
CONTINUITY 0.00 Ω - 19.99 kΩ. 0.1 Ω - 9.99 kΩ. IN>200mA
Uq < 7V The default test parameters of x½ for the current multiplier and 0° for the phase polarity will
be automatically selected for the first test. These will be displayed on the LCD along with the
INSULATION 0.00 MΩ - 1999 MΩ 0.1 MΩ - 1990 MΩ. IN = 1mA
Line-Neutral voltage.
LOOP HI-I 0.01 Ω - 500 Ω 1.04 Ω - 500 Ω.. 230V Press the test button and a test will be conducted at these settings. If successful and the
50Hz RCD has failed to trip a single beep will sound and the main display will be similar to figure 5.
LOOP NO-TRIP 0.01 Ω - 500 Ω. 1.04 Ω - 500 Ω. 230V
RCD TRIP TIME 5 ms – 1999 ms 38 ms – 1999 ms.
Displaying result of 1st ½x test Changed polarity ready for 2nd test
(Figure 5) (Figure 6)
4 21
L > Greater than
K < Less than
J Milliseconds (thousandths of a second)
I Seconds
H AC Volts
Ramp test (AC = standard general purpose RCD) Features of the MP-MFT20
G Indicates the type of RCD being tested
The MP-MFT20 also includes a diagnostic Ramp test feature. In this mode rather than applying a
F Shows Auto Test sequence has been selected
steady fault current and measuring the time taken for the RCD to trip,= the MP-MFT20 gradually The MP-MFT20 is packed with design features that maximise both convenience and safety. These
180° (negative) include:
increases the fault current and identifies
additional leakage
will start from at(positive)
= 0° which the RCD trips.
This is particularly useful in diagnostic testing of circuits
15mA, 30mA and 150mA where nuisance tripping is a problem
and helps to identify the difference between
C This isantheover sensitive
test multiplier RCD
selected and
e.g. for aexcessive
30mA RCD testleakage
will be made at Large display
from poor insulation or equipment withB high leakage.
Indicates RCD rating selected (I n) 30mA or 100mA To give the clearest results the MP-MFT20 uses a large auto-backlit LCD which makes reading the
A Battery condition ( = good) test results easy even when used in poorly lit areas.
20 5
Special polarity test function RCD Test Function
It is a little known fact that a system can be reverse wired with Line (Phase) to earth/neutral
and earth/neutral to Line (Phase). The sockets will all work and conventional loop testers will
show and test that everything is correct despite this very dangerous wiring condition. Caution
Although extremely rare, this incorrect wiring condition can exist so if your test shows this
fault do not proceed – if in any doubt advise your customer to contact their supply company Although fully protected against over voltage to 440V this tester should only be
immediately. used on a 230V supply
The MP-MFT20 will test all of the most commonly encountered RCD’s of both standard (AC) type
and selective (ACS) type across the full range of tests required by the 17th Edition of the
CORRECT POLARITY wiring regulations.
Test requirements
) cut-out fuse
From supply Phase i. It operates with a maximum disconnection time of 300ms (AC type) when a fault at its
LINE ( FUSE 100A Line (Phase)
company to meter rated current is introduced. This is referred to as the x1 test.
ii. It is not prone to ‘nuisance’ tripping and does not trip when a fault of half its rated
NEUT Neutral to meter current is introduced. This is referred to as the x½ test
To main earthing
terminal iii. In the case of an RCD rated at 30mA there is an additional requirement that it operates
with a maximum disconnection time of 40ms when a fault of five times its rated
current is introduced. This is referred to as the x5 test
Solid brass
connecting block For the reasons explained below all of the above tests have to be conducted at both 0° and
180° this means that four tests (or for 30mA RCD’s six tests) have to made for each RCD.
The user friendly design of the KT63 simplifies the test process by enabling you to do any of
REVERSED POLARITY these tests by making just two function selections.
Typical supply service
cut-out fuse
From supply
RAL FUSE 100A Neutral to meter Automatic test
company For the most commonly encountered 30mA RCD the test process is even simpler. Just turn
the rotary selector to the ‘30mA AUTO’ setting and the MP-MFT20 will conduct all six required
Line (Phase) tests at the single touch of a button.
LINE to meter
e) To main earthing
Pass or Fail result
In addition to displaying the time taken for the RCD to trip the MP-MFT20 will also indicate
whether it has passed or failed the test requirements of the 17th edition.
Solid brass
connecting block
6 19
High current test (Ze)
The high current should only be conducted with the distribution board test lead set MP-ACC063
Audible tones
configured in 2 wire mode. Do not use this function with the MP-KAMP12 mains lead or the
distribution lead set in 3-wire configuration. A simple selection of audible tones is used to supplement the visual display. These help the
user by providing intuitive feedback during testing. In addition to warning about dangerous
or unstable supply conditions they provide a very quick confirmation that the measurement
Rotate the function selector to the HIGH position.
process is taking place and, upon completion of the test, a warning if the results are likely to
be regarded as a failure.
Connect the test lead probes to the circuit under test and press the test button.
The meaning of the tone for each individual function is covered in detail in the relevant
section. Generally however there are five types of tone emitted.
The result will be shown in the primary display and the mains voltage will be shown in the
secondary display.
Danger In the event of a potentially dangerous situation such as
Press the PFC-LOOP button to show the PFC/PSC in the primary display and the impedance in connecting to a live supply when configured for insulation
the secondary display area. A rising siren type alarm testing. Will be accompanied by the Red Voltage/Polarity
warning LED flashing.
Note: The reading described here as PFC/PSC will be the prospective fault current for the
circuit being immediately tested. This is known as PSC in the case of a test between Live and Warning An unsuitable supply configuration such as a mains supply
Neutral or PEFC for a test between Live and Earth conductors. with incorrect polarity or having the leads connected
A continuous 2 tone alarm wrongly will be accompanied by the Red Voltage/Polarity
The 17th edition wiring regulations 2008: amendment 1 2011, call for an IPF value to be warning LED flashing.
recorded, this is the higher of the PSC and PEFC as described above.
Wait-Test in progress Emitted whilst a measurement is in progress. The same
Hands Free Loop testing tone is sounded when used in Handsfree mode to indicate
A steady beeping sound that continual measurement is being made
The hands free feature can be used in either No Trip or high current test modes.
Test completed Sounded upon completion of a measurement to indicate
To enable the hands free feature simply press the HANDS FREE button once, The that the result is being displayed
‘HANDSFREE’ annunciator will appear flashing on the LCD and will continue to do so until A single beep
cancelled by a further press of the HANDS FREE button or by changing the function selector
switch. Alert Sounded when a test returns a result that is likely to be
regarded as a failure e.g. An insulation test that gives a
When the HANDSFREE annunciator is flashing all you need to do is connect the test lead to a A short 2 tone alarm result of less than 2 MΩ
mains supply and the test will be automatically carried out.
18 7
Overview of the switches and LCD
Test lead inputs
Continuity Mains supply wiring and voltage test
Null Button
When first connected to a mains supply the MP-MFT20 will automatically conduct a safety
test to ensure that the Live, Neutral and Earth conductors are all connected correctly and
that the supply voltage is in the acceptable range (207-253V).
If all is well the VOLTAGE/POLARITY warning LED will light Green and the supply voltage will be
PFC-Loop displayed in the primary display area.
RCD Recall
In the event of a problem with either the mains voltage supply or reversed connections the
Hands free VOLTAGE/POLARITY warning LED will light Red, a warning tone will be sounded and testing will
Button be inhibited.
Loop Test Procedures
The Primary display of the large LCD shows the result of the test being conducted. At the Providing that the connections are correct and the supply voltage is within the correct range
same time a secondary display area shows supporting information e.g. for an insulation test the VOLTAGE/POLARITY LED will light Green, the MP-MFT20 will start taking some background
the main display shows the resistance of the insulation whilst the secondary display confirms measurements and will display the Line-Neutral supply voltage.
the test voltage applied.
Touch the touch-pad area next to the test button. There should be no change in the indication
RCD RCD RCD Continuity given. If the Voltage/Polarity LED flashes Red and a warning tone is emitted when the touch-
Phase multiplier Ramp Null pad is touched a potentially dangerous polarity reversal exists see page 7 for example. Do
not proceed. If in any doubt advise the customer to contact the electricity supply company
Primary immediately.
Primary Press the test button to start the loop test. While measurement is being taken the primary
display display will go blank whilst the secondary display will continue to show the supply voltage
mode accompanied by a steady beeping tone.
Hands The result of the test will be shown in the primary display.
Free Busy
A single press of the PFC- Loop button will toggle the display so that the PFC is shown in the
Broken primary display and the impedance in the secondary display. A further press will toggle the
results between the primary and secondary displays.
temperature Battery Secondary Greater than Secondary
status display mode / less than display
8 17
Lead configuration for No-Trip testing Test lead inputs
In No-trip mode the tester can be used with the mains lead MP-KAMP12 when testing at 13A
socket outlets, or the distribution board lead set MP-ACC063 for testing at other points in the The test lead input/output terminals are separated into two groups by the clear sliding
circuit. In No-trip mode the 3 colour coded prods/crocodile clips of the test lead should be interlock cover.
connected to the corresponding Line, Neutral and Earth terminals. When slid to the left (figure 1) the interlock cover exposes only the Blue/Black terminal
(marked -) and the Brown/Red terminal (marked +). These are used for the Continuity and
Insulation test functions.
Lead configuration for High current 2-wire testing For both of these functions two of the test leads from the MP-ACC063 set are used. The Brown
The high current test mode requires the use of the distribution board lead set MP-ACC063 4mm Plug should be connected to the Brown/Red socket (+) and the Blue 4mm plug
configured in 2-wire mode. connected to the Black/Blue socket (-)
To arrange the test leads in 2-wire mode pull the blue prod or crocodile clip off the blue test
lead and plug the Blue probe into the back of the Green 4mm connector as shown below.
You will now have the Earth and Neutral leads connected together ready for connection to the
Earth or Neutral conductor to be tested.
Moving the interlock cover to the right (figure 2) blanks off these inputs and exposes the
Blue (Neutral), Green (Earth) and Brown (Line) inputs that are used for Loop and RCD testing.
This allows for connection of either the 13A mains lead (MP-KAMP12) or the 3-pole test lead set
MP-ACC063 for the live testing functions.
When using these lead sets the Brown 4mm plug is connected to the Brown/Red socket (L),
the Blue 4mm plug to the Blue/Black socket (N) and the Green 4mm plug to the Green socket
Fig 3. Prods in 2 wire testing configuration
16 9
Continuity Test Function Whilst No-Trip testing at points on the final circuit will normally function with a high level of
accuracy, it should be noted that the low current measurement technique used is more likely
to be adversely affected by external factors.
Circumstances such as testing at seldom used socket outlets with tarnished contacts or
testing a circuit with a lot of background noise from electronic apparatus can result in the
If accidentally connected to a live circuit the Red warning LED will flash, a rising
occasional erroneous reading.
siren type alarm will sound and testing will be inhibited. If this happens disconnect
the probes from the circuit and isolate the circuit before continuing.
For this reason it is recommended that multiple measurements are made when using the No-
trip mode and any isolated odd results are ignored. When taking multiple readings the tester
The tester is protected against being damaged by accidental connection to a live
should be disconnected from the supply between consecutive tests.
circuit but for personal safety it is essential to ensure that the circuit is dead before
working on it.
For safety reasons the No-Trip mode is recommended for all measurements made on TT
Continuity Test Procedure
* Where practical all other equipment powered by the same circuit should be switched off
Fit the Brown test lead from the MP-ACC063 set into the Brown/Red(+) input terminal and the
before testing. This will reduce the chances of the RCD tripping as a result of combined
Blue lead into the Blue/Black (-) input terminal. Fit either the test prod or crocodile clip to the other
end of the test lead.
Select the Continuity test function by rotating the selection switch to the ‘CONTINUITY’ setting. PFC/PSC
In both Loop test modes the MP-MFT20 will also display the supply voltage and at the touch
Lead Nulling of the PFC button the PFC/PSC will be displayed.
The purpose of continuity testing is to establish the resistance of the circuit under test.
However the continuity test function will measure the overall resistance of the circuit between Test lead configuration
the two input terminals on the tester, this will include the resistance of the test leads, an
The MP-MFT20 Loop test function can be used with 2 different types of connecting lead. It is
element that is not wanted in the final result. Traditionally this would mean that the resistance
important to understand and use the correct lead configuration for each test mode or you
of the test leads would have to be measured and manually deducted from each subsequent
may not obtain the correct results.
reading. The MP-MFT20 has a handy feature known as lead nulling that does this calculation for you.
To use the lead nulling feature hold the tips of the test prods very firmly together (or clip the Lead options
jaws of the crocodile clips together) and press the ‘CONTINUITY NULL’ button on the tester. 1 Ref: MP-KAMP12 The mains lead with 3 x 4mm plug to 13A plug
This will start a measurement of the resistance of the pair of test leads and display the result. 2 Ref: MP-ACC063 The 3-Pole distribution board test lead set that can be fitted with either
prod tips or crocodile clips as required.
The lead is an integral part of the tester set-up and should accompany the tester when being
returned for re-calibration or service. Do not use any other type of mains lead or test lead set.
10 15
Loop test functions The word ‘NULL’ will now appear in the display and all subsequent continuity tests conducted
by pressing the Orange test button will automatically deduct this value before displaying the
result. To confirm that this is working press the Orange test button with the prod tips still
Caution connected together and the display should show zero resistance.
Although fully protected against over voltage to 440V this tester should only be You can now use the Orange test button to measure the resistance of a circuit in either
used on a 230V supply manual or Hands Free mode and the result shown will be that of the circuit tested and not
include the resistance of the test leads.
Important note for calibration check box users: The smart loop test system used
by the MP-MFT20 is immune to sudden high value changes such as voltage spikes. This will continue as long as the ‘NULL’ indicator appears lit in the LCD, which will be
As a result when changing calibration or check box loop values the tester or the until the tester is switched off either manually or as a result of the Auto off feature. If the
supply must be switched off between changes
instrument is powered off by either method it will be necessary to null the leads again before
further testing.
Over temperature. If this symbol shows in the display the temperature of the unit has
reached a point where the performance accuracy could not be guaranteed. Allow the
tester to cool down before proceeding Hands Free continuity testing
To enable the hands free feature simply press the HANDS FREE button once, The
The MP-MFT20 Loop test function has 2 modes for Loop testing that allow the user to conduct ‘HANDSFREE’ annunciator will appear flashing on the LCD and will continue to do so until
the most accurate test possible whether or not the circuit under test is protected by an RCD. canceled by a further press of the HANDS FREE button or by changing the function selector
High Current mode When the HANDSFREE annunciator is flashing a single press of the Orange test button will
For Ze testing at the distribution board or at any point upstream of RCD protection there is toggle continuous testing on and off.
a traditional fast high current test mode. The high current mode is a 2-wire test that enables
the user to test the true impedance of both the Line-Neutral Loop and the Line–Earth Loop Once started a steady beeping tone will be emitted to indicate that measurement is being
and therefore to establish both the PSC (prospective short circuit current) and the PFC taken.
(prospective fault current) for the installation.
After a second or two the test result will be displayed in the primary display area and an
Unlike most testers that only measure the resistance of the Loop, the high current mode audible tone will indicate either by a single beep that the result is a value under 20 KΩ or by
of the MP-MFT20 will measure the true Impedance of the Loop which includes an element of a short 2-tone alarm that the result is a value over 19.99 KΩ. The secondary display area
reactance. This can be significant where the distribution board is close to the mains supply will show the terminal voltage being applied.
transformer and is therefore much more accurate than older Loop testing techniques. You
should be aware that because of this there may well be variations in readings compared The tester will continue to take measurement and any further change to the resistance of
to ordinary loop testers or to the no-trip function of this tester, particularly when the the circuit will be indicated by an audible tone as described above and a change of result on
measurement is made near to the mains supply transformer. the display.
This is achieved by testing at a current that is too low to trip an RCD on an otherwise
healthy circuit.* The No Trip test is a 3-wire test that also checks the Live, Neutral / Earth
conductors are correctly connected before running the loop test.
14 11
Hands Free Insulation testing
Insulation Test Function To enable the hands free feature simply press the HANDS FREE button once, The
‘HANDSFREE’ annunciator will appear flashing on the LCD and will continue to do so
until cancelled by a further press of the HANDS FREE button or by changing the function
Caution selector switch.
Do not touch the metal jaws of the crocodile clips (or prod tips) when using the Insulation test When the HANDSFREE annunciator is flashing a single press of the Orange test button will
function in either manual or hands free mode as they will be energised during testing. toggle continuous testing on and off.
The Insulation function is for use on dead circuits only. If accidentally connected to a live Once started a steady beeping tone will be emitted to indicate that measurement is being
circuit the Red warning LED will flash, a rising siren type alarm will sound and testing will be
After a second or two the test result will be displayed in the primary display area and an
The tester is protected against being damaged by accidental connection to a live circuit but audible tone will indicate either by a single beep that the result is a value above 2MΩ or by
for personal safety it is essential to ensure that the circuit is dead before working on it a short 2-tone alarm that the result is a value under 2MΩ. The secondary display area will
show the terminal voltage being applied.
All equipment and appliances should be disconnected from the circuit under test. Attached
equipment may be damaged by the higher voltages applied during testing and may return an
artificially low test result. The tester will continue to take measurements and any further change to the resistance of
the circuit will be indicated by an audible tone as described above and a change of result
There may be capacitance on the circuit being tested (a longer than normal test time will on the display.
indicate this condition). Your tester will automatically discharge this but do not disconnect the
test leads until this auto discharge has completed. Whilst testing in hands free mode continues the Red warning LED will flash to warn of the
voltage between the prod tips/crocodile clips.
Insulation test procedure
A further single press of the test button will suspend measurement.
Fit the Brown test lead from the MP-ACC063 set into the Brown/Red (+) input terminal and
Blue lead into the Blue/Black (-) input terminal. Fit either the test prod or crocodile clip to the
other end of the test lead.
Select the voltage range that you wish to test at by turning the function selection switch to
the 250V, 500V or 1000V setting within the Insulation test range.
Connect the Brown test probe to the phase conductor and the Blue probe to the other
conductor being tested and press the Orange test button.
During Insulation testing the MP-MFT20 will audibly indicate that measurement is being made
by emitting a steady beeping sound.
The Red Voltage/Polarity LED will flash to warn that there is a voltage potential at the probe
tips/crocodile clips and the primary display will show only the dashes chasing across the
LCD that also indicate that measurement is being made. The secondary display will show the
voltage being applied during the test.
Once the test is complete the result will be shown in the LCD primary display area whilst the
secondary display will revert to 0V to confirm that there is no longer any voltage between the
test probes. A single beep will indicate that the result of the test is resistance above 2 MΩ
whilst a short 2-tone alarm will sound if the result is below 2 MΩ.
12 13 [email protected]