This document is a certificate issued by a teacher certifying that Sudarshan Ghosh of Class XI, Roll Number 29, successfully completed an English project under the teacher's supervision according to CBSE norms and guidelines during the 2023-2024 academic year. The certificate is signed by the teacher.
This document is a certificate issued by a teacher certifying that Sudarshan Ghosh of Class XI, Roll Number 29, successfully completed an English project under the teacher's supervision according to CBSE norms and guidelines during the 2023-2024 academic year. The certificate is signed by the teacher.
This document is a certificate issued by a teacher certifying that Sudarshan Ghosh of Class XI, Roll Number 29, successfully completed an English project under the teacher's supervision according to CBSE norms and guidelines during the 2023-2024 academic year. The certificate is signed by the teacher.
This document is a certificate issued by a teacher certifying that Sudarshan Ghosh of Class XI, Roll Number 29, successfully completed an English project under the teacher's supervision according to CBSE norms and guidelines during the 2023-2024 academic year. The certificate is signed by the teacher.
SUDARSHAN GHOSH of class XI, Roll No 29 has successfully completed theEnglish Project under my supervision and as per the norms and guidance of CBSE during the academic year 2023- 2024 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Despite my efforts and hard work, this project file would not have been possible without the kind of support and help of many individuals. I would like to thank our principal, Mr. Raj Paulson Shekhar and my school for providing me with the facilities, required for doing my project. I am highly indebted to our English teachers, Mrs. Mili Debroy, Mrs. Chhanda Dutta Ghosh, Mr. Gourab Das and for their invaluable guidance which has sustained my efforts in all the stages of this project work. I would also like to extend my appreciation and gratitude towards my parents without whom this project could not have been completed on time. INDEX SN.NO CONTENT PG.NO TEACHER’S SIGNATURE 1 INTRODUCTION 6 2 Role of 7-10 Grandparents in children’s life 3 Pen-picture of 11-12 Khushwant Singh’s grandmother 4 Moral Values Learnt 13-15 from the chapter 5 Conclusion 15 INTRODUCTION “The Portrait of a Lady” by Khushwant Singh is based on a real story. The whole story discusses the life journey about his grandmother which he had listened from her in his childhood. In this story, the writer has discussed the relationships with the grandma throughout her life journey. Before writing this story he minutely observed the daily activities of his grandmother. In order to disclose the portrait of his grandmother, he has provided her actual appearance along wither the emotional attachment with other family members. The relationship between the grandmother as well as grandson is beautifully presented in this story. The innocence of their relationship also shows an example of admiration as well as love can be clearly seen. During the separation from his grandmother, the author’s mental condition was also beautifully portrayed in such a wide canvas. ROLE OF GRANDPARENTS IN CHILDREN’S LIFE
Grandparents can play many important roles in the
lives of their beloved young children. Depending on how far away they live and other circumstances, they can be caregivers, teachers and playmates. They are trusted advisors for their adult children who are now parents themselves. For many families, grandparents provide regular child care. In some cases, they are primary caregivers to their grandkids. And whether they live nearby or stay in touch from afar, the love and emotional closeness that grandparents provide makes a big, positive impact on their grandchild’s healthy development.All of these roles are important, and there are many more special things grandparents do for their little ones, but here are five to be celebrated.
1. Grandparents give advice
Being the parent of a baby or toddler is a joy, but it’s
not always easy. Especially for new parents. And little ones grow and develop so fast that parenting routines that work one day may not the next. When in doubt, parents often go online for answers. But the sources of parenting information they trust the most are their own parents (usually their mothers or mothers-in-law), more than friends, pediatricians or websites.The lived experience and wisdom of grandparents can be especially helpful and calming in moments of parental frustration or panic.Of course, some advice from grandma or grandpa may not align with what we now know about child development — like whether or not you can spoil a baby — but their intuition and long-term perspective can be comforting to a parent who isn’t sure what to do sometimes and doesn’t want to make mistakes. Grandparents know that there’s no such thing as a perfect parent
2. Grandparents teach young children.
Grandparents can bring a special enthusiasm to the
time they spend with their little ones, and that helps a child learn and grow. They help children learn by playing, talking and reading together while giving them focused attention. And they teach more directly by telling stories and sharing family and cultural traditions. Grandparents are also in a unique position to reinforce limits and lessons from parents while also listening, wiping away tears and showing their grandchild that they understand
3. Grandparents provide child care.
More than just occasional help, many families rely on
grandparents for regular, trusted child care for their little ones. According to ZERO TO THREE, 1 out of 4 children under age 5 are cared for by grandparents while their parents work or attend school. That’s the same number of children enrolled in formal child care programs.While many grandparents rise to the challenge, it’s not always easy. About half of grandparents surveyed feel some level of disagreement or tension about approaches to child care, and 2 out of 5 say the job of caregiving is tiring..
4. Grandparents love.
The most important thing that grandparents bring
their little ones is love. Babies, toddlers and preschoolers learn and grow through close, caring relationships with the adults in their lives. The attention, interaction and unconditional love from grandparents (and parents, of course) helps a young child feel safe and secure. And that’s what they need for healthy brain development.So, the love of a grandparent makes a real, lasting impact on a young child’s future. Research also shows that a close, involved relationship is good for grandparents, too, contributing to healthier, happier and possibly even longer lives.
5. Learning important life lessons
As the saying goes, the most valuable lessons in life
are free. Grandparents are the best teachers when it comes to learning valuable lessons like giving charity, being polite or even basic etiquettes like being respectful to your neighbours. They shower your kids with love but also know when to pull strings when the going gets tough. Additionally, grandparents are often known to entertain children with stories of family history with a valuable lesson, in the end, accompanied by a good laugh and occasional tears of joy. Grandparents are so important in a child’s life to teach many important life lessons in their early time. MORAL VALUES LEARNT FROM THE CHAPTER
The grandmother used to recite her prayers in the morning
so that the author could learn them by heart. However, the author listened to them for very different reasons. He loved his grandmother’s voice but never cared to learn them.The grandmother always went to school with the author as the temple in which she used to offer her prayers was close to the school. Here, she went with the author and the priest gave them knowledge of the alphabets and the morning prayer.However, many things changed when they moved to a city. Firstly, the grandmother found herself to be very helpless as she could no longer help the author in his lessons as everything was in English. She was also quite unhappy about the schools not teaching the students about Hindu scriptures and Gods. She also did not encourage things like music being taught in school as music was not meant to be learnt by decent and sober people.
Animals are said to have no intelligence but they do
have feelings and it is out of feeling concern or love for human being that they let themselves be domesticated the recognise relationship and bond will with humans relationship between Khushwant Singh grandmother and the dog as well as the sparrow is just one of them again mother was a very kind hearted lady she loved feeding the animals in the village used to carry tail chapati with her hand on her way back from school feed the straight dogs the dog love the grandmother and their developed between them in the City there were nose did dog show the grandmother to feeding sparrow the sparrows gather around her and she threw little crumbs of bread to them these sparrow sat on a head lake and shoulder it was there way of showing affection to her and grandmother died they came in huge number to Mourn that shows that animals recognise and valued relationships that they are more compassionate more effectionate and more dependable than most human being.
Khushwant Singh's grandmother was a very old lady.
She was short, fat and slightly bent. Her face was wrinkled. She had white hair. She was very affectionate. She was closely involved in bringing up the author. The two lived in the village. She was a caring grandmother. She would wake him early in the morning and get him ready for school. She served him breakfast and took him to school. She waited for him in the temple. She prayed while he studied. She returned with him.
She was kind and benevolent. She used to feed dogs
in the village. In the city she took to feeding the sparrows. She was a deeply religious lady. Her lips were always moving in a silent prayer. She was always telling the beads of her rosary. She went to the temple and read the scriptures.
She was a strong woman with strong beliefs.
Although she was not formally educated, she was serious about the authors education. She could not adjust herself to the western way of life, Science and English education. She hated music. She was distressed to know that there was no teaching about God and holy books at Khushwant's new English school. On the whole, she was a nice, affectionate, kind hearted and religious lady. PEN-PICTURE OF KHUSHWANT SINGH’S GRANDMOTHER Appearance
Khushwant Singh's grandmother is an old woman
with a wrinkled face and a toothless mouth. She wears a white cotton sari with a border, which she keeps tucked over her head and ears.
Khushwant Singh's grandmother is a very traditional
and conservative woman. She is strict and disciplined in her ways and expects others to follow her lead. She has a very strong will and is not afraid to speak her mind.
Beliefs and Values
Khushwant Singh's grandmother is deeply religious
and follows the Sikh faith. She believes in the importance of family and tradition and is very proud of her heritage. She is also very superstitious and believes in the power of fate. Relationships
Khushwant Singh's grandmother has a close
relationship with her grandson. She is protective of him and wants him to follow in the traditional ways of their family. She also has a strained relationship with her daughter-in-law, who she sees as being too modern and not respecting their traditions.
Final Thoughts
Overall, Khushwant Singh's grandmother is a
complex character who embodies the traditional values and beliefs of her Sikh faith. She is a strong- willed woman who is proud of her heritage and expects others to follow in her footsteps. Despite her strictness, she cares deeply for her family and wants the best for them. CONCLUSION To sum up, in the portrait of a lady summary, the writer and his grandmother had a beautiful bond between them and loved each other a lot. The story tells us how beautiful a relationship can become between a grandson and his grandmother. This project has helped me a lot to understand deeply about the stories I read and about the poets and writers who write these it has given me more understanding about how a past and the surrounding of a poet affects their content thus I am very thankful to my teacher as this project will also help me in my future. ZOOM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Senior secondary(affiliated to CBSE, Delhi)
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