Fitter CTS2.0 NSQF-4
Fitter CTS2.0 NSQF-4
Fitter CTS2.0 NSQF-4
(Duration: Two Years)
Revised in July 2022
Version: 2.0
Developed By
1. Course Information 1
2. Training System 3
3. Job Role 8
4. General Information 10
5. Learning Outcome 13
6. Assessment Criteria 15
7. Trade Syllabus 23
FIRST YEAR: The practical part starts with basic fitting in the beginning and the candidate also
imparted training on allied trades viz., Sheet Metal, Welding (Gas & Arc) which leads to multi-
skilling. In the basic fitting the skills imparted are sawing, filing, marking, chipping,
measurement, riveting, soldering, brazing, drilling and observation of all safety aspects is
mandatory. The accuracy achieved is of±0.25 mm. The safety aspects cover components like
OSH&E, PPE, Fire extinguisher, First Aid and in addition 5S being taught.
Different drilling operations (through, blind, angular), reaming, offhand grinding, tapping,
dieing, different fits viz., sliding fit, etc., scraping, fastening (nuts & bolts, riveting, studs,
screws, etc.,). The accuracy achieved is of± 0.04 mm and angular accuracy to 30minutes.
Different turning operations on lathe (step, grooving, chamfering, drilling, boring, knurling &
threading), simple repair, overhauling and lubrication work on machine are being taught in the
SECOND YEAR: Power tool operation, different complex assembling and fitting, fastening,
lapping, making gauges, pipe works and pipe joints, Dismantling, overhauling& assembling
valves are covered. The accuracy achieved is of an accuracy of ± 0.02 mm & 10 minutes.
Making & using drill jigs, making of critical components, repair & maintenance of power
transmission system, making of template &complex gauges, identify different Pneumatic &
hydraulic components and circuit construction, repair & maintenance of machinery like lathe,
drill, grinding, bench drilling, Inspection of Machine tools, Accuracy testing of Machine tools
and erection of simple machines are being performed as part of practical training.
different types of iron, properties and uses, special files, honing, Metallurgical and metal
working processes such as Heat treatment, the various coatings used to protect metals,
different bearing, working material with finished surface as aluminium, duralumin and
stainless steel, topics related to non-ferrous metals, Method of lubrication are also covered
under theory part.
Fitter trade under CTS is one of the most popular courses delivered nationwide through
network of ITIs. The course is of two years duration. It mainly consists of Domain area and Core
area. The Domain area (Trade Theory & Practical) impart professional skills and knowledge,
while Core area (Employability Skills) imparts requisite core skills, knowledge and life skills.
After passing out of the training program, the trainee is awarded National Trade Certificate
(NTC) by DGT which is recognized worldwide.
Read & interpret technical parameters/document, plan and organize work processes,
identify necessary materials and tools;
Perform task with due consideration to safety rules, accident prevention regulations and
environmental protection stipulations;
Apply professional skill, knowledge, core skills & employability skills while performing
Check the job/assembly as per drawing for functioning, identify and rectify errors in
Document the technical parameters related to the task undertaken.
Can join industry as Technician and will progress further as Senior Technician, Supervisor
and can rise to the level of Manager.
Can become Entrepreneur in the related field.
Can appear in 10+2 examination through National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) for
acquiring higher secondary certificate and can go further for General/ Technical
Table below depicts the distribution of training hours across various course elements
during a period of two years: -
Every year 150 hours of mandatory OJT (On the Job Training) at nearby industry,
wherever not available then group project is mandatory.
Trainees of one-year or two-year trade can also opt for optional courses of up to 240 hours in
each year for 10th/ 12th class certificate along with ITI certification, or, add on short term
The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of course
through formative assessment and at the end of the training programme through summative
assessment as notified by the DGT from time to time.
a) The Continuous Assessment (Internal) during the period of training will be done by
Formative assessment method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning
outcomes. The training institute has to maintain individual trainee portfolio as detailed in
assessment guideline. The marks of internal assessment will be as per the formative
assessment template provided on
b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment method. The All India
Trade Test for awarding NTC will be conducted by Controller of examinations, DGT as per the
guidelines. The pattern and marking structure are being notified by DGT from time to time. The
learning outcome and assessment criteria will be basis for setting question papers for final
assessment. The examiner during final examination will also check individual trainee’s profile
as detailed in assessment guideline before giving marks for practical examination.
For the purposes of determining the overall result, weightage of 100% is applied for six
months and one-year duration courses and 50% weightage is applied to each examination for
two years courses. The minimum pass percent for Trade Practical and Formative assessment is
60% & for all other subjects are 33%.
procedures and practices, has produced work undertaking different work with those
which demonstrates attainment of a high demanded by the component/job/set
standard of craftsmanship. standards.
A high level of neatness and consistency
in the finish.
Minimal or no support in completing
the project.
Fitter General; Sizes metal parts to close tolerances and fits and assembles them using hand
tools for production or repairs of machines, or other metal products. Studies drawings to
understand specification of different parts, fittings or assembles to be made and their
functions. They select materials, appropriate tool and equipments to carry out their work.
Holds the work in Vice, Cuts and shapes required parts to dimensions and specifications by
processes of sawing, chipping, filing, grinding, drilling holes, screw cutting, scrapping etc., using
hand tools for making specimens or finished components. Measures object while working
using foot rules, calipers, micrometer, gauges etc. and checks for correct filing with square.
Gets half-finished object marked or marks it himself using face plate, marking block scriber,
vernier, height gauges, vee-blocks, angle plate, sine plate, slip gauges, combination set, etc.
depending on accuracies required, to indicate guide lines for finished sizes, holes to be drilled
and pitch centres, threads to be cut and other working details as specified in drawing or
sample. Clamps object securely in correct position in vice and files it to required dimensions
according to punch marks and guide lines frequently measuring it with calipers, micrometre,
vernier, gauges etc, makes holes with drill, cuts threads with taps and dies ensuring that they
are square or at required angle to base. Measures finished article with dial indicator,
micrometre, vernier, height gauges, screw gauges, plug gauges, sine bar, slip gauge, etc
according to prescribed accuracies. May make parts separately and assemble those with
screws, rivets, pins, etc. as specified so as to make complete unit according to drawing.
Dismantles or removes worn out, broken or defective parts using hand tools or power tools
and replaces them by repaired or new ones. Performs repairing and maintenance work
(including preventive maintenance) of simple machines, dismantles and replaces different
components to construct circuit of Pneumatics and Hydraulics. Tests completed article/
assembly to ensure correct performance. May do simple turning of parts on machines and
perform welding, brazing, and like operations. May explain heat treatment processes viz.,
annealing, hardening, tempering etc. May specialize in particular type of machine or product
and be designated accordingly. May suggest alterations.
In addition, Fitter have the ability to visualize the job, good coordination, mechanical
attitude, manual dexterity and perform work related mathematical calculations.
Plan and organize assigned work and detect & resolve issues during execution.
Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the team. Communicate with required
clarity and understand technical English. Sensitive to environment, self-learning and
NTC/NAC passed in the Trade of “Fitter” With three years’
Essential Qualification:
Relevant Regular / RPL variants of National Craft Instructor
Certificate (NCIC) under DGT.
Essential Qualification:
Regular / RPL variants of National Craft Instructor Certificate
(NCIC) in relevant trade
Regular / RPL variants NCIC in RoDA or any of its variants under
3. Engineering Drawing B.Voc/Degree in Engineering from AICTE/UGC recognized
Engineering College/ university with one-year experience in the
relevant field.
03 years Diploma in Engineering from AICTE / recognized board of
technical education or relevant Advanced Diploma (Vocational)
from DGT with two years’ experience in the relevant field.
NTC/ NAC in any one of the Mechanical group (Gr-I) trades
categorized under Engg. Drawing’/ D’man Mechanical / D’man
Civil’ with three years’ experience.
Essential Qualification:
Regular / RPL variants of National Craft Instructor Certificate
(NCIC) in relevant trade
1. Plan and organize the work to make job as per specification applying different types of
basic fitting operation and Check for dimensional accuracy following safety
precautions. [Basic fitting operation – Marking, Hacksawing, Chiselling, Filing, Drilling,
Taping and Grinding etc. Accuracy: ± 0.25mm] CSC/N0304
2. Manufacture simple sheet metal items as per drawing and join them by soldering,
brazing and riveting. CSC/N03001
3. Join metal components by riveting observing standard procedure. CSC/N0304
4. Join metal component by arc welding observing standard procedure. CSC/N0304
5. Cut and join metal component by gas (oxyacetylene) CSC/N0304
6. Produce components by different operations and check accuracy using appropriate
measuring instruments. [Different Operations - Drilling, Reaming, Taping, Dieing;
Appropriate Measuring Instrument – Vernier, Screw Gauge, Micrometer] CSC/N0304
7. Make different fit of components for assembling as per required tolerance observing
principle of interchange ability and check for functionality. [Different Fit – Sliding,
Angular, Step fit, ‘T’ fit, Square fit and Profile fit; Required tolerance: ±0.04 mm,
angular tolerance: 30 min.] CSC/N0304
8. Produce components involving different operations on lathe observing standard
procedure and check for accuracy. [Different Operations – facing, plain turning, step
turning, parting, chamfering, shoulder turn, grooving, knurling, boring, taper turning,
threading (external ‘V’ only)] CSC/N0110
9. Plan & perform simple repair, overhauling of different machines and check for
functionality. [Different Machines – Drill Machine, Power Saw, Bench Grinder and
10. Read and apply engineering drawing for different application in the field of work.
11. Demonstrate basic mathematical concept and principles to perform practical
operations. Understand and explain basic science in the field of study.
12. Make & assemble components of different mating surfaces as per required tolerance
by different surface finishing operations using different fastening components, tools
and check functionality. [Different Mating Surfaces – Dovetail fitting, Radius fitting,
Combined fitting; Different surface finishing operations – Scraping, Lapping and
Honing; Different fastening components – Dowel pins, screws, bolts, keys and
cotters; Different fastening tools-hand operated & power tools, Required tolerance -
±0.02mm, angular tolerance ± 10 min.] CSC/N0304
13. Make different gauges by using standard tools & equipment and checks for specified
accuracy. [Different Gauges – Snap gauge, Gap gauge; Specified Accuracy - ±0.02mm]
14. Apply a range of skills to execute pipe joints, dismantle and assemble valves & fittings
with pipes and test for leakages. [Range of skills – Cutting, Threading, Flaring, Bending
and Joining] CSC/N0304
15. Make drill jig & produce components on drill machine by using jigs and check for
correctness. CSC/N0304
16. Plan, dismantle, repair and assemble different damaged mechanical components
used for power transmission & check functionality. [Different Damage Mechanical
Components – Pulley, Gear, Keys, Jibs and Shafts.] CSC/N0304
17. Identify, dismantle, replace and assemble different pneumatics and hydraulics
components. [Different components – Compressor, Pressure Gauge, Filter Regulator
Lubricator, Valves and Actuators.]
18. Construct circuit of pneumatics and hydraulics observing standard operating
procedure& safety aspect.
19. Plan & perform basic day to day preventive maintenance, repairing and check
functionality. [Simple Machines – Drill Machine, Power Saw and Lathe] CSC/N0304
20. Plan, erect simple machine and test machine tool accuracy. [Simple Machines – Drill
Machine, Power Saw and Lathe]
21. Read and apply engineering drawing for different application in the field of work.
22. Demonstrate basic mathematical concept and principles to perform practical
operations. Understand and explain basic science in the field of study.
1. Plan and organize the work Plan & Identify tools, instruments and equipment for
to make job as per marking and make this available for use in a timely manner.
specification applying Select raw material and visual inspect for defects.
different types of basic Mark as per specification applying desired mathematical
fitting operation and Check calculation and observing standard procedure.
for dimensional accuracy Measure all dimensions in accordance with standard
following safety specifications and tolerances.
precautions. [Basic fitting Identify Hand Tools for different fitting operations and
operation – marking, make these available for use in a timely manner.
Hacksawing, Chiselling, Prepare the job for Hacksawing, chiselling, filing, drilling,
Filing, Drilling, Taping and tapping, grinding.
Grinding etc. Accuracy: ± Perform basic fitting operations viz., Hacksawing, filing,
0.25mm] CSC/N0304 drilling, tapping and grinding to close tolerance as per
specification to make the job.
Observe safety procedure during above operation as per
standard norms and company guidelines.
Check for dimensional accuracy as per standard procedure.
Avoid waste, ascertain unused materials and components
for disposal, store these in an environmentally appropriate
manner and prepare for disposal.
2. Manufacture simple sheet Identify Hand Tools for Sheet Metal work, Soldering,
metal items as per drawing Brazing & riveting and make these available for use in a
and join them by soldering, timely manner.
brazing and riveting. Mark and develop various forms as per drawing using sheet
CSC/N0301 metals.
Make of simple items with sheet metal as per drawing.
Prepare the job for Soldering, Brazing &riveting.
Identify different type of rivets and use as per requirement.
Identify tools for drilling and use these tools.
Mark according to drawing.
Drill through holes on the job.
Solder, Braze and Rivet to prepare a job as per given
drawing / sample following standard practices.
Observe safety procedure during riveting as per standard
norms and company guidelines.
3. Join metal components by Identify Tools and equipments for riveting and make these
6. Produce components by Ascertain and select tools and materials for the job and
different operations and make this available for use in a timely manner.
check accuracy using Plan work in compliance with standard safety norms.
appropriate measuring Produce component by observing standard procedure.
instruments.[Different Check the dimensions of the produced components to
Operations - Drilling, ensure dimensions are within prescribed limit.
Reaming, Taping, Dieing; Avoid waste, ascertain unused materials and components
Appropriate Measuring for disposal, store these in an environmentally appropriate
Instrument – Vernier, manner and prepare for disposal.
Screw Gauge, Micrometer]
7. Make different fit of Recognize general concept of Limits, Fits and tolerance
9. Plan&perform simple Ascertain and select tools and materials for the repair,
repair, overhauling of overhauling and make this available for use in a timely
different machines and manner.
check for functionality. Plan work in compliance with standard safety norms.
[Different Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the
Machines – Drill Machine, team.
Power Saw, Bench Grinder Select specific parts to be repaired and ascertain for
and Lathe] appropriate material and estimated time.
Repair, overhaul and assemble the parts in the machine
with the help of blueprint.
Check for functionality of part and ascertain faults of the
part/ machine in case of improper function.
Rectify faults of assembly.
10. Read and apply Read & interpret the information on drawings and apply in
engineering drawing for executing practical work.
different application in the Read &analyze the specification to ascertain the material
field of work. requirement, tools and assembly/maintenance parameters.
Encounter drawings with missing/unspecified key
information and make own calculations to fill in missing
dimension/parameters to carry out the work.
13. Make different gauges by Ascertain and select tools and materials for the job and
using standard tools & make this available for use in a timely manner.
equipment and checks for Plan work in compliance with standard safety norms.
specified accuracy. Produce gauge by observing appropriate method and as per
[Different Gauges – Snap specification of drawing.
gauge, Gap gauge; Perform Lapping of gauge to obtain required finish as per
Specified Accuracy - drawing.
±0.02mm] CSC/N0304 Check tolerance and specified accuracy of gauge with
appropriate measuring instruments as per drawing.
Avoid waste, ascertain unused materials and components
for disposal, store these in an environmentally appropriate
manner and prepare for disposal.
14. Apply a range of skills to Ascertain and select tools and materials for the job and
execute pipe joints, make this available for use in a timely manner.
dismantle and assemble Plan to Dismantle and assemble valves and pipe fittings.
valves & fittings with pipes Dismantle valves and fittings in pipes applying range of
and test for skills andcheck for defect as per standard procedure.
leakages.[Range of skills – Demonstrate possible solutions in case of defect and agree
Cutting, Threading, tasks within the team for repair or replacement.
Flaring, Bending and Assemble valves and various pipe fittings using range of
Joining ] CSC/N0304 skills and observing standard procedure.
Test for leakage and appropriate functioning of valves.
Avoid waste, ascertain unused materials and components
for disposal, store these in an environmentally appropriate
manner and prepare for disposal.
15. Make drill jig & produce Set up workplace/ assembly location with due
components on drill consideration to operational stipulation
machine by using jigs and Ascertain and select tools and materials for the job and
check for correctness. make this available for use in a timely manner.
CSC/N0304 Collect information related to standard procedure,
methods and tools to make drill jigs.
Mark the components as per drawing.
16. Plan, dismantle, repair and Select and ascertain tools and materials for the job and
assemble different make this available for use in a timely manner.
damaged mechanical Plan to dismantle, repair and assemble mechanical
components used components used for power transmission as per drawing
for power transmission & and collecting necessary information.
check functionality. Perform dismantling and appropriate repairing of
[Different Damage mechanical components with accuracy applying range of
Mechanical Components – skills and appropriate repairing processes.
Pulley, Gear, Keys, Jibs and Check the accuracy of the repaired components with
Shafts.] CSC/N0304 appropriate gauge & instruments.
Assemble the repaired mechanical components observing
standard procedure.
Comply with safety rules when performing the above
Check different parameters of power transmission e.g.
R.P.M, slackness of belts, matching of gears/ clutches, loss
of RPM etc.
Check for functionality of power transmission system or
any assembly as per standard parameters.
17. Identify, dismantle, replace Select and ascertain tools for the job and make this
and assemble different available for use in a timely manner.
pneumatics and hydraulics Identify different pneumatics and hydraulics components.
components. [Different Plan to dismantle and replace pneumatics & hydraulics
components – Compressor, circuit as per drawing and collecting necessary information.
Pressure Gauge, Filter Perform dismantling and replacing of different components
Regulator Lubricator, with accuracy applying range of skills and standard
Valves and Actuators.] operating procedure.
Assemble different components.
Check functionality of the components.
18. Construct circuit of Select and ascertain tools for the job and make this
pneumatics and hydraulics available for use in a timely manner.
19. Plan & perform basic day Ascertain preventive maintenance/repair procedure as per
to day preventive manual of machine and select appropriate tools &
maintenance, repairing equipment for undertaking job.
and check functionality. Interpret construction, alignment and assembly of different
[Simple Machines – Drill parts of machine.
Machine, Power Saw and Plan to carry out the preventive maintenance/repair task
Lathe] CSC/N0304 with appropriate accuracy of simple machine by collecting
necessary information.
Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the
Perform preventive maintenance/dismantle, repair parts
and assemble sub-assemblies of simple machine as per
layout plan and standard procedure.
Put the machine in operation complying Standard
operating procedure.
Check for proper functioning of repaired machine and
other parameters of simple machine as per manual after
Dispose unsalvageable materials as per standard
20. Plan, erect simple machine Ascertain erection procedure as per manual of machine
and test machine tool and select appropriate tools & equipment for undertaking
accuracy. [Simple job.
Machines – Drill Machine, Interpret construction, alignment and assembly of different
Power Saw and Lathe] parts of machine.
Set up workplace/ assembly location with due
consideration to operational stipulation
Plan to carry out the erection of simple machine by
collecting necessary information.
Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the
Erect simple machine as per layout plan and standard
Put the machine in operation complying Standard
operating procedure.
Check alignment of erected machine and other parameters
of simple machine as per manual after erection.
Dispose unsalvageable materials as per standard
21. Read and apply Read & interpret the information on drawings and apply in
engineering drawing for executing practical work.
different application in the Read &analyze the specification to ascertain the material
field of work. requirement, tools and assembly/maintenance parameters.
Encounter drawings with missing/unspecified key
information and make own calculations to fill in missing
dimension/parameters to carry out the work.
Professional Skills
Reference Learning Professional Knowledge
Duration (Trade Practical)
Outcome (Trade Theory)
with Indicative Hours
Professional Plan and organize 1. Importance of trade All necessary guidance to be
Skill 212 Hrs; the work to make training, List of tools & provided to the new comers to
job as per Machinery used in the become familiar with the
Professional specification trade. (1 hr.) working of Industrial Training
Knowledge applying different 2. Safety attitude Institute system including
37Hrs types of basic fitting development of the stores procedures.
operation and Check trainee by educating them Soft Skills, its importance and
for dimensional to use Personal Protective Job area after completion of
accuracy following Equipment (PPE). (5 hrs.) training.
safety precautions. 3. First Aid Method and basic Importance of safety and
[Basic fitting training. (2 hrs.) general precautions observed
operation – marking, 4. Safe disposal of waste in the in the industry/shop
Hacks awing, materials like cotton floor.
Chiseling, Filing, waste, metal chips/burrs Introduction of First aid.
Drilling, Taping and etc. (2 hrs.) Operation of electrical mains
Grinding etc. 5. Hazard identification and and electrical safety.
Accuracy: ± 0.25mm] avoidance. (2 hrs.) Introduction of PPEs.
(Mapped NOS: 6. Safety signs for Danger, Response to emergencies e.g.;
CSC/N0304) Warning, caution & power failure, fire, and system
personal safety message. failure.
(1 hrs.) Importance of housekeeping
7. Preventive measures for & good shop floor practices.
electrical accidents & steps Introduction to 5S concept &
to be taken in such its application.
accidents. (2 hrs.) Occupational Safety & Health:
8. Use of Fire extinguishers. Health, Safety and
(7 hrs.) Environment guidelines,
9. Practice and understand legislations ®ulations as
precautions to be followed applicable.
while working in fitting
jobs. (2 hrs.) Basic understanding on Hot
10. Safe use of tools and work, confined space work
equipments used in the and material handling
trade. (1 hrs.) equipment. (04 hrs.)
Professional Make different fit of 79. Make sliding ‘T’ fit. (21 hrs.) Interchange ability: Necessity
Skill 126Hrs; components for in Engg, field definition, BIS.
assembling as per Definition, types of limit,
Professional required tolerance terminology of limits and fits-
Knowledge observing principle basic size, actual size,
28Hrs of interchange ability deviation, high and low limit,
and check for zero line, tolerance zone
functionality. Different standard systems of
[Different Fit – fits and limits. British standard
Sliding, Angular, Step system, BIS system. (05 hrs.)
fit, ‘T’ fit, Square fit 80. File fit- combined, open Method of expressing
and Profile fit; angular and sliding sides. tolerance as per BIS Fits:
Required tolerance: (08 hrs.) Definition, types, description
±0.04 mm, angular 81. File internal angles of each with sketch. Vernier
tolerance: 30 min.] 30minutes accuracy open, height gauge: material
(Mapped NOS: angular fit. (12 hrs.) construction, parts,
CSC/N0304) graduations (English & Metric)
uses, care and maintenance.
(04 hrs.)
82. Make sliding fit with angles Pig Iron: types of pig Iron,
other than 90o (21 hrs.) properties and uses.
Cast Iron: types, properties
and usesWroughtiron:-
properties and uses.
Steel: plain carbon steels,
types, properties and uses.
Non-ferrous metals (copper,
aluminium, tin, lead, zinc)
properties and uses. (05 hrs.)
83. Scrap on flat surfaces, Simple scraper- flat, half
curved surfaces and parallel round, triangular and hook
surfaces and test. (04 hrs.) scraper and their uses. Blue
84. Make & assemble, sliding matching of scraped surfaces
flats, plain surfaces. (12 (flat and curved bearing
hrs.) surfaces). Testing scraped
85. Check for blue match of surfaces: ordinary surfaces
bearing surfaces- both flat without a master plate. (04
and curved surfaces by wit hrs.)
worth method. (5 hrs.)
86. File and fit combined radius Vernier micrometer, material,
and angular surface parts, graduation, use, care
(accuracy ± 0.5 mm), and maintenance. Calibration
angular and radius fit. (15 of measuring instruments.
hrs.) Introduction to mechanical
87. Locate accurate holes & fasteners and its uses.
make accurate hole for stud Screw thread micrometer:
fit. (2 hrs.) Construction, graduation and
88. Fasten mechanical use. (05 hrs.)
components / sub-
assemblies together using
screws, bolts and collars
using hand tools. (5 hrs.)
Professional Skills
Reference Learning Professional Knowledge
Duration (Trade Practical)
Outcome (Trade Theory)
with Indicative hrs.
Professional Make & assemble 115. Make ‘H’ fitting. (13 hrs.) Screws: material, designation,
Skill 255Hrs; components of 116. Power tools: Practice specifications, Property
different mating operation of power tool classes (e.g. 9.8 on screw
Professional surfaces as per for fastening. (5 hrs.) head), Tools for tightening/
Knowledge required tolerance by 117. Tightening of bolt/ screw loosening of screw or bolts,
70Hrs different surface with specified torque. (2 Torque wrench, screw joint
finishing operations hrs.) calculation uses.
using different 118. Selection of right tool as Power tools: its
fastening for Tightening or constructional features, uses
components, tools loosening of screw/bolt & maintenance. (06 hrs.)
and check as per accessibility. (1 hr.)
functionality. 119. Assembly sliding for using Locking device: Nuts- types
[Different Mating keys, dowel pin and (lock nut castle nut, slotted
Surfaces – Dovetail screw, ± 0.02 mm nuts, swam nut, grooved nut)
fitting, Radius fitting, accuracy on plain surface Description and use.
Combined fitting; and testing of sliding Various types of keys,
Different surface fitting job. (13 hrs.) allowable clearances &
finishing operations – 120. File & fit angular mating tapers, types, uses of key
Scraping, Lapping and surface within an pullers. (06 hrs.)
Honing; Different accuracy of ± 0.02 mm &
fastening components 10 minutes angular
– Dowel pins, screws, fitting. (12 hrs.)
bolts, keys and
cotters; Different 121. Drill through and blind Special files: types (pillar,
fastening tools-hand holes at an angle using Dread naught, Barrow,
operated & power swivel table of drilling warding) description & their
tools, Required machine. (09 hrs.) uses.
tolerance - ±0.02mm, 122. Precision drilling, reaming (07 hrs.)
angular tolerance ± 10 and tapping and Test-
min.] Job. (12 hrs.)
(Mapped NOS: 123. Make Dovetailed fitting Templates and Radius/fillet
CSC/N0304) and radius fitting. (18hrs.) gauge, feeler gauge, hole
gauge, and their uses, care
and maintenance.
(05 hrs.)
124. File and fit, combined fit Slip gauge: Necessity of using,
with straight, angular classification & accuracy, set
surface with ± 0.02 mm of blocks (English and Metric).
accuracy and check Details of slip gauge. Metric
adherence to sets 46: 103: 112. Wringing
specification and quality and building up of slip gauge
standards using and care and maintenance.
equipment like Vernier- (06 hrs.)
micrometresetc.(18 hrs.)
125. Drilling and reaming, Application of slip gauges for
small dia. holes to measuring, Sine Bar-Principle,
accuracy & correct application & specification.
location for fitting. (4 Procedure to check
hrs.) adherence to specification
126. Perform drilling using ‘V’ and quality standards. (05
block and a clamp. (1 hrs.)
127. Make male and female
fitting parts, drill and
ream holes not less than
12.7 mm. (18 hrs.)
128. Make Sliding Diamond Lapping: Application of
fitting. (22 hrs.) lapping, material for lapping
129. Lap flat surfaces using tools, lapping abrasives,
lapping plate. (5 hrs.) charging of lapping tool.
Surface finish importance,
equipment for testing-terms
relation to surface finish.
Equipment for tasting
surfaces quality – dimensional
tolerances of surface finish.
(06 hrs.)
130. Prepare Stepped keyed Honing: Application of
fitting and test job. (16 honing, material for honing,
hrs.) tools shapes, grades, honing
131. Lapping holes and abrasives. Frosting- its aim
cylindrical surfaces. (5 and the methods of
hrs.) performance. (05 hrs.)
Centre of Gravity
Centre of gravity - Centre of gravity and its practical application
Area of cut out regular surfaces and area of irregular surfaces
Area of cut out regular surfaces - circle, segment and sector of
Related problems of area of cut out regular surfaces - circle,
segment and sector of circle
Area of irregular surfaces and application related to shop
Elasticity - Elastic, plastic materials, stress, strain and their units
and young’s modulus
Elasticity - Ultimate stress and working stress
Heat Treatment
Heat treatment and advantages
Heat treatment - Different heat treatment process –
Hardening, tempering, annealing, normalising and case
Estimation and Costing
Estimation and costing - Simple estimation of the requirement
of material etc., as applicable to the trade
Estimation and costing - Problems on estimation and costing
In-plant training/ Project work
Learning outcomes, assessment criteria, syllabus and Tool List of Core Skills subjects
which is common for a group of trades, provided separately in
LIST OF TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT (For batch of 20candidates)
117. Stop cock 25NB (2-way, Threaded end) 2 nos.
118. M.S. Pipe 150NB, Sch.40, ERW, IS:1239 as required
119. G.I. Pipe 25mm, Sch.40, ERW as required
Slip-on Forged steel Flange 150NB, ANSI-B16.5,
Class#150 4 nos.
Bolt & Nut with washer (May be M20x2.5x90Long (part 20 nos.
manufactured in-house) thread - Hex. Head)
Ratchet type Die head of 2 nos.
Pipe threading die with handle 1/2”, 3/4" and 1"
Jigs & Fixture (sample)-For
123. demonstration (May be manufactured
in-house) 1 no.
Pulleys (for V-belt or Flat belt) to fit on 50mm dia. Shaft
with key slot 1 no.
Steel keys (May be manufactured in- to fit with key slot of shaft &
house) pulley 2 nos.
126. Damaged old spur gear to fit 50mm dia. Shaft 2 nos.
127. V-belt and Flat belt to fit on pulley 1 each
128. Packing gasket PTFE gasket roll small size 1 no.
Washer, clutch, keys, jib, cotter &circlip minimum 25mm size, carbon
steel material 2 each
Hollow punch Straight Shank Hollow Punch
Sets 5-12mm 1 set
Drill Drift (May be manufactured in- 200mm hardened and black
house) finish 2 nos.
Bearing different types each type of diameter 25mm
(min.) 1 each
Lifting sling 8mm Nominal Dia. Single leg
sling 2 nos.
Bearing extractor Universal gear puller 2 or 3
jaws adjustable 1 no.
135. Pulley extractor - do - 1 no.
(Note: - Those additional items are to be provided for the Allied Trade Training where the
Sheet Metal trade does not exist.)
136. Trammel 300 mm 1 no.
137. Pocker 2 nos.
138. Prick punch 100 mm 2 nos.
139. Mallet. Dia. 100 mm X 150 mm 2 nos.
140. Aviation Snips straight Cut 300 mm 2 nos.
141. Flat headed hammers with handle. 2 nos.