Landscape of ClimateFinance For Agrifood Systems July 2023 1691637483
Landscape of ClimateFinance For Agrifood Systems July 2023 1691637483
Landscape of ClimateFinance For Agrifood Systems July 2023 1691637483
Agrifood Systems
July 2023
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Daniela Chiriac
[email protected]
Harsha Vishnumolakala
[email protected]
Paul Rosane
The authors would like to thank the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
for supporting this report. They would also like to acknowledge the Climate Policy Initiative
(CPI) team for their contributions (in alphabetical order): Angela Falconer, Barbara Buchner,
Baysa Naran, Caroline Dreyer, Dharshan Wignarajah, Kirsty Taylor, Morgan Richmond, Rob
Kahn, and Valerio Micale for advice, editing and internal review. We would also like to thank
CPI team members Angela Woodall, Elana Fortin, Josh Wheeling and Alice Moi for design
and layout; and Jake Connolly for data support.
In addition, the authors appreciate the many experts outside of CPI who have provided
inputs and guidance (in alphabetical order of organisation): Acumen (Christopher Wayne,
Magdalena Banasiak); AgFunder (Louisa Burwood-Taylor); FAIRR (Emma Berntman, Jo
Raven, Sofía De La Parra, Helena Wright); FAO (Astrid Agostini, Giulia Maria Galbiati); FCDO
(Mike Reddaway); Good Food Institute (Emma Ignaszewski, Sharyn Murray); ISF Advisors
(Clara Colina, Dan Zook, Matthew Shakhovskoy); World Bank (Ashesh Prasann, Ioannis
Vasileiou, William R. Sutton).
This research on agrifood systems climate finance flows supports the delivery of the
Breakthrough Agenda on Agriculture.
Copyright © 2023 Climate Policy Initiative All rights reserved. CPI welcomes the use of its material for noncommercial
purposes, such as policy discussions or educational activities, under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC
BY-NC-SA 4.0) License. For commercial use, please contact [email protected].
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Agrifood systems, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Other Land Uses
Climate finance, agrifood systems, agriculture, forestry, fisheries,
aquaculture, land use, AFOLU
Kirsty Taylor
[email protected]
CPI [Daniela Chiriac, Harsha Vishnumolakala, Paul Rosane], 2023. Landscape of Climate
Finance for Agrifood Systems. Climate Policy Initiative
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Low-carbon and resilient agrifood systems are vital to ensure the food security of a
growing human population and global economic development. This report presents the
first comprehensive analysis of climate finance flowing to these systems globally, with
the aim of better informing decision-makers in this space. Establishing this baseline for
financial flows can help to track action against the efforts required to mitigate and adapt to
climate change.
Agrifood systems are the processes and actors that convert natural resources and the environment
into benefits and costs for humans through agricultural production and agro-industries
(Campanhola and Pandey, 2019).
• Climate finance for agrifood systems is strikingly low. In 2019/20, agrifood systems
received a tiny fraction (4.3%) of total global climate finance tracked at the project level,
with an annual average of USD 28.5 billion (Figure 3).
• For the same period, only one in ten dollars of total venture capital (VC) investments in
agrifood tech went to companies focused on climate change solutions. This represents
an annual average of USD 2.3 billion in VC investments.
• Climate finance for agrifood systems must increase at least sevenfold from current
levels to reach the most conservative estimated needs for the climate transition, which
is in the order of hundreds of billions of dollars annually (FOLU, 2019).
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
fisheries are estimated at around USD 670 billion per year, with most of this supporting
harmful practices (World Bank, 2023b). In addition, an estimated USD 630 billion of
private capital per year is available for investment in food systems (Elwin et al, 2023).
Partly repurposing these flows to support climate interventions could provide a major
boost in moving towards the levels of climate finance needed. (Section 3)
How to read our numbers: Figures presented in this report are from two distinct datasets:
project-level and company-level data (recording VC invested in agritech). Given the different
granularity of these datasets, we do not aggregate the numbers and distinguish between them
throughout this report.
Data limitations: Despite efforts to improve the coverage of data collected, significant gaps persist
for public domestic financial flows as well as domestic and international flows from private sector
actors. This is largely due to a lack of standardized disclosure practices and transparency. The
findings presented should be interpreted with these data constraints in mind.
Agriculture: At USD 11.9 billion per year in 2019/20 in project-level finance and nearly USD
1 billion per year in VC investments, climate finance for agriculture remains far below the
estimated needs of USD 30-218 billion per year. (Section 4.1)
Forestry: This sector attracted the second-largest share of project-level climate finance, with
an annual average of USD 11.7 billion in 2019/20. However, tracked VC investments were
only USD 0.03 billion over the same period. These amounts fall short of estimated annual
investment needs of USD 55-753 billion per year. (Section 4.2)
Food loss/waste, and low-carbon diets: Opportunities to finance food loss/waste and low-
carbon diets remain untapped, with only USD 0.1 billion at the project level and USD 1.1
billion at the company-level annually in 2019/20. This represents a minor fraction of annual
needs, estimated at USD 48-50 billion. (Section 4.3)
Mitigation finance in agrifood systems at the project-level in 2019/20 was USD 14.4 billion.
This represents only 2% of the total project-level climate finance tracked across all sectors
for this period, despite agrifood systems contributing nearly one third of global greenhouse
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
gas (GHG) emissions. In addition, USD 1.5 billion (equivalent to over two thirds of VC funds
tracked) was mitigation focused. (Section 5)
Adaptation finance reached USD 7.3 billion of project-level climate finance for agrifood
systems in 2019/20. This represents only 1.11% of the total climate finance tracked for
the same period across sectors, even though agrifood systems and farmers are highly
vulnerable to climate risks. On the VC side, only 21% of tracked investments went to
adaptation-focused agrifoodtech startups (or USD 0.48 billion).
Dual benefits: The remaining USD 6.7 billion representing 23% of project-level climate
finance for agrifood activities, and USD 0.27 billion representing 12% of tracked company-
level VC investments went to activities with dual mitigation and adaptation objectives. This
highlights a missed opportunity, considering that agrifood systems are uniquely positioned
to deliver double wins by using climate-smart agriculture integrative approaches.
More than one third of the total project-level climate investments in agrifood systems,
equivalent to USD 10.4 billion, target the East Asia and Pacific region, including a
substantial portion of domestic finance in China. Sub-Saharan Africa is the second-largest
recipient at USD 4.4 billion (16%). With USD 2.9 billion, the US and Canada constitute the
third destination region (10%). (Section 6)
When compared to their contributions to global GHG emissions from agrifood systems,
South Asia (10% of emissions), and Latin America and the Caribbean (16%) are particularly
underserved by climate agrifood finance, attracting 5% and 8% respectively. Sub-Saharan
Africa and South Asia are the regions with the greatest climate vulnerability for food and
agriculture production but receive only 16% and 5% of finance, respectively.
In addition, the US and Canada are the destination markets for the bulk of tracked VC
investments, receiving nearly 75% of the USD 2.3 billion total. Western Europe is the
second largest recipient (17%). This points to an opportunity to tap other markets, like
India, which is one of the largest agrifoodtech markets globally, but only received 0.3% of
climate agrifood VC. This disconnect stems largely from a nascent market for upstream
In 2019/20, public sources accounted for 85% (USD 24.2 billion) of total project-level
climate finance tracked for agrifood systems, with development finance institutions being
the highest contributors. Private sources accounted for only 12% of project-level finance,
amounting to USD 3.3 billion. Commercial finance institutions accounted for the largest
share, with exclusive focus on renewable energy for agrifood use. On top of that, we also
tracked USD 2.3 billion of private VC investments to agrifood tech companies.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Table ES.1 outlines effective actions for different key stakeholders to urgently increase and
improve climate finance mobilization.
• Repurpose public • Use de-risking • Local FIs should • Adopt and implement
finance and use it financial instruments build their voluntary value chain
Strive for catalytically to attract innovatively to attract internal technical GHG emission targets.
efficiency & private contributions. private finance. knowledge on
improved • Assess value chain
climate risks
climate risk exposure
implementation and relevant
in and act to increase
technologies for
agrifood systems.
• Encourage consumer • Provide concessional • Jointly invest in
shift to low-carbon capital and climate capacity building of
diets and food waste capacity building to suppliers on Scope 3
Think globally, reduction. local FIs. emissions reduction,
measurement, and
act locally • Incentivize domestic
and regional FIs to
fund climate actions in
agrifood supply chains.
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
• Governments and private actors need to urgently step up tracking and disclosure
of their climate-related spending, amid growing calls for climate transparency and
accountability. Data-driven approaches are required to determine needs and allocate
scarce financial resources efficiently.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Executive Summary 1
1. Introduction 7
2. Methodology 10
2.1 Definition 10
2.2 Tracking framework 11
2.3 Data 11
4.1 Agriculture 16
4.2. Forestry 17
4.3. Other sectors 18
8. Sources of finance 34
References 47
List of acronyms 59
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Global food availability and quality has been affected in recent years by crises
unprecedented in modern history. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020/21 followed by Russia’s
illegal invasion of Ukraine in 2022, compounded by the overall climate crisis, have exposed
the vulnerability of global food supply chains to health, geopolitical, and environmental
shocks and stresses. Supply chain disruptions triggered by the pandemic have been
prolonged and amplified by the war in Ukraine, causing record high food prices in 2022
(Reuters, 2023a). Food price inflation still exceeds 5% across the world, with many countries
experiencing double-digit inflation (World Bank, 2023a). Climate change has already reduced
agricultural production (Steiner et. al, 2020) and increased the frequency of extreme
weather events that damage crops and agricultural assets at large scale, thus putting
additional pressure on food systems (IFPRI, 2023). On top of record prices for food and
agricultural inputs, the 2022 flooding in Pakistan caused the loss of over 735,000 livestock
and damaged about 2 million acres of crops (FAO, 2022a). The multi-year drought affecting
the Horn of Africa since 2018 has killed 7 million livestock (UN, 2022).
With these shocks came the realisation that the world needs to adopt a more systemic
view to mitigating socio-economic and environmental underperformance in food systems.
Food systems are the source of around one third of total GHG emissions per year, mostly
from agriculture production and land-use activities, followed by other supply chain activities
(retail, transport, consumption, etc.) (Crippa et al., 2021; FAO, 2023). Traditionally, food
insecurity has been addressed mainly by boosting production to increase supply. However,
this approach does not account for the complexity of relationships, actors, sectors, and
natural resources interacting in the agriculture and food space, at various geographic levels
as well as within supply chains.
Strategic thinking and priorities are starting to shift towards a more systemic approach to
food. The UN Food System Summit in 2021 emphasized the mutual dependency between
all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and resilient and well-functioning food systems.
Similarly, the EU Farm to Fork Strategy, a core component of the European Green Deal,
takes an encompassing approach, where it aims to have positive climate, biodiversity, and
human impacts. Furthermore, at COP 27, the idea of including “food systems” in the formal
COP agreement was on the negotiation table for the first time (Carbon Brief, 2022). An open
letter put forward at COP 27 and renewed in March 2023 by a group of 55 research and
civil society organizations, called on world leaders to go beyond agricultural systems and
adopt a holistic “food systems” approach. This is seen as key to ensuring food security and
mitigating the effects of climate change (WWF et. al, 2022). Scientific evidence also points to
the need for rapid and far-reaching systemic transitions that utilize integrated approaches
and provide multiple benefits (IPCC, 2023).
Encouraging efforts are being made to design system-wide roadmaps for a shift to low-
carbon and climate-resilient agrifood systems.1 Such roadmaps provide holistic sets of
1 Work on such roadmaps includes: Planet Tracker, 2023a; Deforestation Free Finance, 2022; CBI, 2022; Loboguerrero et. al, 2020; FOLU, 2023a;
IEA et. al 2022; UNEPFI, 2023a; forthcoming World Bank Flagship Roadmap on Decarbonization of the Air and Recarbonization of the Land through
Agrifood System Transformation (DARL) and FAO Global Roadmap to 1.5°C for the agriculture and food system sectors.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
In parallel, CPI has been assessing global climate finance flows through its Global
Landscape of Climate Finance (GLCF) publication since 2012 (CPI, 2022a). This global and
multisectoral analysis makes use of an extensive data collection on primary investment by
public and private actors in activities that reduce emissions and improve adaptation and
resilience to climate change. Agriculture, forestry, and other land uses (AFOLU) is one of
the sectors investigated, along with energy systems, transport, buildings and infrastructure,
industry, water, and waste. Two CPI publications have also taken a more in-depth look
at components of the AFOLU sector: a 2020 analysis of climate finance to small-scale
agriculture (CPI, 2020) and a 2022 study on finance for methane abatement (CPI, 2022b),
where the AFOLU sector is featured as one of the three highest emitting sectors.
This report represents the first comprehensive analysis of climate finance flowing to
agrifood systems globally. This marks an essential first step in applying an agrifood systems
lens to tracking climate finance, though we acknowledge this systemic framing is still
evolving in the wider research and policy-making community. This report reflects knowledge
and data available as per June 2023. Its contribution is twofold:
2. Data: The report uses CPI’s strong climate finance database, supplemented by additional
data gathering to fill some of the historical gaps on domestic public finance for AFOLU,
as well as private finance. The new private sector data, sourced through a partnership
with the agrifoodtech VC firm AgFunder, captures VC investments at the company-level
and is therefore analyzed separately.
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
• Section 2 presents the methodology used for data analysis, including the definition of
agrifood systems, the data and the tracking framework.
• Section 3 provides the overview of the current landscape of climate finance in agrifood
systems, highlighting the existing funding gap.
• Section 6 analyses the geographic destination of climate finance for agrifood systems.
• Methodology Annexes (1-7) provide further detail on our methodology for tracking
climate finance to agrifood systems
• The Data Annex (8) summarises this tracked data in tabular form
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
The concept of “agrifood systems” (Campanhola and Pandey, 2019; FAO, 2021c; HLPE, 2020)
best reflects this study’s objectives. For a detailed explanation of the definition and tracking
framework, please refer to Annex 1).
Agrifood systems encompass the processes and actors that convert natural resources and
the environment into benefits and costs for humankind through agricultural production and
agro-industries (Campanhola and Pandey, 2019), as shown in Figure 1.
Agricultural production is at the center of agrifood systems and covers both food and
non-food products (e.g., biofuel, fibres, or timber), with the other system components
revolving around it.
In terms of natural resources, agrifood systems encompass land-based systems with the
sub-sectors of crop cultivation, livestock raising, hunting, gathering of products from and
harvesting of forests as well as water-based systems including fisheries and aquaculture.
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Of particular interest for this study are the agrifood benefits and costs to humans that have
an impact on climate or are impacted by it. These include consumption patterns and low-
carbon diets, livelihoods of rural populations, and bio-energy.
These different actors and segments of agrifood systems are in constant movement,
creating complex interactions and feedback loops (FAO, 2018).
• Agriculture, Forestry, Other Land Uses and Fisheries (AFOLU), as derived from the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emissions categories and historically
used in the GLCF analysis.
• Food loss/waste and low-carbon diets is a sector to CPI’s classification, newly added for
the 2021 edition of the GLCF (CPI, 2021a). The creation of this stand-alone category was
a first step towards a more systemic framework, intended to reflect the importance of
downstream agro-industries as well as the benefits and costs they pose to humans. Data
for this sector are scarcely reported and have historically been bundled under AFOLU.
In this report, we reinforce the importance of this as a stand-alone segment in agrifood
systems, and to underscore the related financing and data gaps.
• AFOLU intersects with other economic sectors in agrifood systems, including Energy
systems, Water and wastewater, Solid waste, Industry and Transport. Interactions take
place within upstream and downstream agro-industries, and typically support or are
complementary to agricultural production activities.
This section presents the types of data underlying our analysis, as well as the related
challenges. We have made sustained efforts to improve data coverage, but numerous data
limitations remain due to insufficient transparency and reporting.
2.3 DATA
Our analysis relies primarily on public and private sector, project-level datasets collected
and curated by CPI for the period 2019-20 for its GLCF report. As such, project-level data
management and analysis for this report follows CPI’s methodology developed for the GLCF
and related publications (CPI, 2021b; CPI, 2022d).
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
In addition, for the purpose of this study, CPI collected project-level data specific to agrifood
systems covering 2019-20 from new public sector domestic and regional sources, i.e., large
markets the USA, Canada, the EU, and China.
Project-level data provides the highest level of granularity and confidence in terms of the
sources, climate uses and destinations of financial flows. However, such data is not collected
and/or disclosed for numerous segments of the agrifood system, particularly for financial
flows originating from the private sector.
To complement the project-level data, we also analysed data provided by AgFunder on
venture capital (VC) investments from private sources into agrifood tech companies for
the period 2019-20. This is a novel approach whereby private investments into specific
companies, mostly startups, were tracked and analysed. We acknowledge that VC
investments are a subset of the global company-level investments that can contribute to
climate action, and as such do not reflect all private finance to agrifood systems. While the
decision to include VC information was made on data accessibility grounds, we do consider
that they yield valuable insights on private sector-led dynamics, given the importance of
innovation in transforming the sectoral landscape and improving the pipeline of solutions.
Analysis of VC in agrifood tech also helps to shed light on the market segments that
offer the risk/return profile private investors are interested in and which deliver climate
adaptation or mitigation impacts. Such capital enables companies developing or offering
innovative technologies, services, and products to bring climate mitigation and adaptation
solutions to market.
For these reasons, our analysis offers insights derived from each type of data without
aggregating the project-level and company-level figures, to enhance understanding of
climate financing to agrifood systems from a high-level perspective.
The list of sources for 2019-20 data is included in Table A.4 in Annex 4.
Despite efforts to improve data collection, coverage of AFOLU and agrifood systems has
historically mainly captured public development finance. There are persistent data gaps on
flows originating from public domestic actors, as well as domestic and international private
actors (Figure 2). This is largely due to a lack of standardized disclosure practices and, in
many cases, lack of country-level data on overall climate spending. In addition, agrifood
projects and assets are smaller and more fragmented than those in other sectors like
infrastructure or renewable energy. For the same reasons, financial flows are also more
difficult to estimate in agrifood systems than in sectors that depend on the deployment and
sale of identical assets (e.g., electric vehicles).
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Figure 2. Tracked climate finance for agrifood systems by source and data coverage (2019/20)
Institutional Venture
Private sector Commercial FI Corporation Investors Funds Capital Tracked, project-level
Tracked with data limitations,
Domestic 1.4 0.8 <0.1 <0.1 1.2 project-level
Tracked with data limitations,
International 0.1 0.2 0.4 <0.1 1.1 Not tracked
This study aimed to bridge some of the above gaps by collecting project-level data on public
domestic financial flows in large markets and VC investment in agri-food tech firms.
This is an incremental data coverage improvement, which we hope to advance in the future.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Climate finance to agrifood systems is strikingly low, representing just 4.3% of total
climate finance tracked at the project level in 2019/20, with an annual average of USD 28.5
billion (Figure 3).
In addition, for the same period, only one in ten dollars of the total VC investments
in agrifood tech is directed towards companies focused on climate change solutions.
This represents an annual average of USD 2.3 billion in VC investments. Many of the VC
recipient firms provide climate-relevant offerings to make food consumption and diets
more sustainable.
Despite their central role in the transition to net zero and a climate-resilient future,
agrifood systems are marginal in current financial commitments for climate action. There
is urgency to increase focus on agrifood sectors, given that they contribute a significant
share (31%) of global GHG emissions (FAO, 2023). Furthermore, reductions in agricultural
yields due to climate change may cause great economic losses and food insecurity (Kalkhul
and Wenz, 2020).
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Figure 4. Current tracked climate finance compared with needs in agrifood systems.
Annual investment (USD bn)
$2.3 Company-level
tracked 2019/20
$28.5 Project-level
tracked 2019/2020
Climate finance FOLU, 2019 UNEP, 2022 Thornton et al., 2023
Scenarios for estimated climate finance needed
[average and range]
According to three available studies (Figure 4), climate-related investment needs for
agrifood systems could range from USD 212 billion (FOLU, 2019) all the way up to USD
1.3 trillion (Thornton et al., 2023) each year through 2030.2 While these studies vary in
terms of methodology, they are aligned with the climate finance and agrifood definitions and
tracking framework used in this report. As such, they provide valuable insights on the scale
of the current investment gap (see Annex 6).
Partly repurposing public and private current spending in agrifood systems could
significantly boost climate interventions, bringing them closer to the levels needed. Public
subsidies to agriculture and fisheries are estimated at around USD 670 billion per year,
with a majority supporting harmful practices (World Bank, 2023b). Also, estimates suggest
that private capital of USD 630 billion per year is available for investments in food systems
(Elwin et al, 2023).
2 For the purpose of this analysis, we extracted from each study the needs figures that best matched the definitions used for climate finance,
agrifood systems and tracking framework.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
The bulk of the USD 28.5 billion of agrifood systems climate finance we tracked at the
project level were in agriculture (42%) and forestry activities (41%) (see Figure 5).
Crucially, components of agrifood systems that are essential for climate mitigation, like
food loss/waste and low-carbon diets, received together less than 1% of financing, based on
available data.
However, investment in food loss/waste and low-carbon diets is much more prominent
among tracked VC climate finance, representing 50% of total (or USD 1.1 billion). This
points to an opportunity for increased public funding in these areas, particularly by
leveraging and scaling up early-stage innovations supported by VC.
At USD 11.9 billion average per year in 2019/20, project-level finance supporting
agriculture activities is dwarfed by the global estimated needs of USD 30-218 billion
per year. Company-level data shows almost USD 1 billion in additional finance per year.
However, even in the most conservative scenario (FOLU, 2019), current finance levels are
less than half of what is needed. According to the more comprehensive scenarios (Thornton
et al. 2023; UNEP, 2022), annual figures would need to increase 11- to 17-fold.
The vast majority (70%) of agriculture-related investments tracked at the project level
target agricultural production. These include climate-smart measures at the farm level
such as agro-forestry, shifting to lower-carbon emission fertilizers and cover crops. Such
measures are implemented in the form of farmer trainings or provision of agricultural
inputs and equipment.
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Figure 6. Tracked climate finance for agriculture compared with estimated annual needs
Climate Finance Tracked: Thornton et al., 2023 UNEP, 2022 FOLU, 2019
218 146 30
Project-level Company-level
finance investments
11.9 USD bn 1 USD bn
In sustainable farming Sustainable farming Agroforestry; cover crops; Urban farming; efficient
practices; financial services; practices; financial services; grazing optimal intensity irrigation; organic biopesticides
supply chains supply chains & market & biofertilizers;
access; public R&D public & private R&D
Forestry attracted the second-largest share of project-level climate finance, an annual
average of USD 11.7 billion in 2019/20. Tracked VC investments reached only USD 0.03
billion in the same period. These amounts fall short of the estimated investment needs of
USD 55-753 billion per year.5
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Figure 7. Tracked climate finance for forestry compared with estimated annual needs
Climate Finance Tracked: Thornton et al., 2023 UNEP, 2022 FOLU, 2019
Project-level Company-level
finance investments
11.7 USD bn 0.03 USD bn
753 219 55
Re/afforestation; forest Avoid deforestation & Reforestation and avoided REDD+; re/afforestation;
restoration; sustainable conversion of forests & deforestation; restoration forest, mangrove, &
forest mgmt; supply chains peatlands and conservation (incl. peatland restoration
peatlands, mangroves)
Some 20% of forestry sector investments (USD 2.2 billion per year in 2019/20) overlap
with the energy sector. These are bioenergy projects that use forestry residue and by-
products as feedstock.
More than half of tracked forestry-related finance went to domestic investments in China
(USD 6.3 billion), given the country’s long-running programs to promote forest conservation
and afforestation (see Box A in Section 4.3). Overall, the East Asia and Pacific region
received three-quarters of global finance, with Japan as the second-largest destination of
finance. The remaining share of forestry-related finance largely went to three regions: Latin
America and the Caribbean (7%, mostly from public international sources), Sub-Saharan
Africa (4%, all from international public sources), and the US and Canada (4%).
Tracked investment in food loss/waste and low-carbon diets is a minor fraction of the
annual needs, which are estimated at USD 48-50 billion (Figure 8). Action is needed to
reduce post-production loss and food waste, and to promote low-carbon diets. These
segments typically cover downstream agro-industry, as well as benefits and costs for
humans and planet (see Annex 1).
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Figure 8. Tracked investments in food loss/waste and low-carbon diets compared with
estimated annual needs
Scenarios for climate finance needed
Most startups receiving tracked VC investment aim to reduce food waste or offer alternative
proteins. They are highly concentrated in developed markets, with more than two-thirds in
the US and close to a quarter in Europe.
Shifting food consumption habits is an essential yet overlooked climate change mitigation
lever. Production of certain foods (such as beef, pork, and rice) results in high carbon and
methane emissions, and poor food waste management leads to large quantities of food
ending up in landfills (CPI, 2022b; CCAC and UNEP, 2021).
Similarly, climate finance for fisheries and aquaculture stands at roughly USD 130 million
per year in project-level finance and USD 60 million in VC, falling significantly short of
estimated annual needs of USD 11 billion, as shown in Figure 9. The risks posed by ocean
warming are compounded by overfishing, ultimately contributing an overall decrease in
global maximum catch potential (FAO, 2022b). These threats put at risk the roughly 3.3
billion people for whom aquatic foods are a main protein source (FAO, 2022b). Increased
finance is crucial to boost the climate resilience of fisheries, aquaculture value chains and to
increase the energy efficiency of supporting infrastructure.
Figure 9. Tracked climate finance for fisheries compared with estimated annual needs
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Box A: Integrating climate, nature, and development through payment for ecosystem services
In 2022, the Climate Change COP 27 and the Biodiversity COP 15 both highlighted the need to break
silos in agrifood systems and for integrated finance that aligns climate, nature, and development
goals. Payment for ecosystem services (PES) programs offer a solution by monetizing benefits
including climate change mitigation, adaptation, and biodiversity promotion.
Existing PES initiatives, including China’s Grain for Green (Bryan et al., 2018) and the US’s
Conservation Reserve programs (OECD, 2020), have made direct payments to landowners
in return for taking improved ecosystem management measures. However, challenges
remain, such as implementing the correct solutions for the given environmental context and
addressing rural poverty.
The CompensACTION initiative, launched by the German G7 Presidency in 2022, aims to reduce
the silos between climate, nature, development, and provide finance through PES to small-holder
farmers in low- and middle-income countries (Wollenberg et al, 2022). However, it remains to be
seen how G7 countries will adopt its measures. Private finance and robust measurement systems
will be vital for success.
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Figure 10. Mitigation finance across agrifood system segments, as a share of total climate finance, and
corresponding proportions of global GHG emissions in 2019/20
AFS Mitigation finance
(% of total climate finance)
10.7% AFS share of global
GHG emissions
0.9% 1%
Agricultural Forestry/ Pre- and
Production Land-use Change Post-production
Source: Emissions data from the FAOSTAT web-portal (FAO, 2023); Investment data from CPI analysis.
Notes: To enable meaningful comparison between mitigation finance and GHG emissions within agrifood systems, we have
approximated the alignment between our sectoral data classifications and the categorizations utilized by the FAO for their GHG
emissions data.6
The disparity between the share of mitigation finance and the respective contributions to
global GHG emissions is significant across all segments of agrifood systems, even when
counting in finance for dual benefits. This is particularly striking for agricultural production,
where mitigation options are significantly underserved. Although responsible for 13.9%
of global GHG emissions, only 0.35% (USD 2 billion) of total climate finance went to crop
6 The ‘Agricultural production’ component in Figure 10 includes ‘crop production, agroforestry, and livestock,’ aligning with the FAO’s ‘farm
gate’ category. The ‘Forestry’ component covers ‘afforestation, reforestation, sustainable forest management, and non-timber product extraction’,
corresponding to the FAO’s ‘land use change’ category. The ‘Pre- and Post-production’ component includes food loss/waste and diets, supply chain
management under agriculture and forestry, and activities at the intersection of AFOLU and energy systems, transport, or waste, aligning with the
FAO’s category of the same name.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
and livestock production activities in 2019/20. Of this amount, 36% financed projects in
the EU. Funded primarily through grants from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural
Development (EAFRD), these projects enhanced carbon sequestration, mainly through crop
diversification and organic fertilisation7 on agricultural land (European Commission, 2021).
East Asia and the Pacific was the largest recipient region of mitigation finance for forestry
activities (83%), with the majority (89%) of these located in China. Primarily funded
through market-rate debt, these projects supported afforestation, reforestation, and
biosphere conservation efforts. In contrast, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America and
the Caribbean received just 9% and 3% of total mitigation finance for forestry activities,
respectively. This distribution is concerning, given that these regions are significant
contributors of land-use-change GHG emissions globally, especially Brazil and Congo DRC
(FAO, 2021a). In these regions, the projects analysed focus on restoring degraded forests
by implementing sustainable land-use and forest management practices, adhering to
national REDD+ strategies.8 Notably, in Latin America, there is an emphasis on PES,9 where
projects aim to involve landowners, including indigenous communities, in preserving and
rehabilitating forests.
Bioenergy projects captured the largest share (42%) of mitigation finance tracked within
the pre-and post-production segment in 2019/20. Although bioenergy can offer significant
emissions reductions compared to fossil fuels, its sustainability has been challenged on
multiple grounds. These include unsustainable feedstock production, land use changes that
negatively impact food availability and biodiversity, air quality concerns from inefficient
biomass combustion, and social implications related to soil, water, land tenure, and labour
rights (IRENA, 2020).
There are potential environmental concerns regarding cultured meat, however. Research
indicates that current and near-term production methods are energy intensive and could
yield a carbon footprint that is “order[s] of magnitude” greater than that of conventional
beef (University of California, Davis, 2023). In addition, cultured meat faces regulatory
hurdles, with market access depending on obtaining safety and quality certifications from
regulatory bodies (IDTechEx, 2023). The frontrunner in regulatory approval for cultured
7 This refers to fertiliser derived from organic matter – this avoids the use of synthetic fertilisers which can contribute to GHG emissions
8 REDD+ stands for “Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries”. The ‘+’ indicates additional forest-
related activities that protect the climate, namely sustainable management of forests and the conservation and enhancement of forest carbon
9 See Box A in Section 4.3
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
meat is Singapore, which in 2020 became the first country to permit the commercial sale of
cultured meat (AgFunder, 2020a). The US also exhibits positive signs of opening its market
(Reuters, 2023b). Conversely, the EU parliament only had its first debate on cultured meat in
2022, suggesting that commercialization may take time (IDTechEx, 2023).
Carbon credit markets have grown significantly as carbon mitigation measures, largely driven by
voluntary markets (World Bank, 2022). While such markets remain limited, at around USD 2 billion
(Porsborg-Smith et. al, 2023), global demand for carbon credits is projected to increase 100-fold by
2050 (McKinsey & Co., 2021).
Forest and land use credits also saw a 159% increase in issuance in 2021 (World Bank,
2022), mostly focused on habitat conservation as avoidance credits. Direct emission cuts
through reforestation, afforestation, or improved agricultural practices are less developed
(World Bank, 2022).
Concerns have been raised over the overestimation of emission cuts achieved by voluntary markets
(The Guardian, 2023). Robust monitoring, reporting, and verification frameworks are essential for
their continued growth (Porsborg-Smith et. al, 2023).
Government emissions trading schemes (ETS) could incentivize market growth by allowing land
managers to supply emission credits to targeted sectors UNEP FI, 2023b).
Other mitigation solutions for agrifood systems target methane emissions in agriculture or address
emissions from food waste, though such credits accounted for only around 7% of issuances in 2020
(Berkeley Carbon Trading Project, 2022).
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Figure 11. Sectoral breakdown of adaptation finance for agrifood systems in 2019/20
Total, $7.3 bn
Agriculture, $5 bn Multiple,
$1.7 bn
Forestry projects received just 2% of total adaptation finance for agrifood systems in
2019/20. Climate change poses high risks to forest health and ultimately their existence,
thereby drastically limiting their ability to act as a carbon sink and provider of other vital
ecosystem services. Deployment of adaptive measures, targeting forest fire management
and disease control for instance, are essential. Sub-Saharan Africa as well as Latin America
and the Caribbean were the largest recipients of forestry adaptation finance, with 40% and
24% respectively. These financial flows are aligned with geographical vulnerabilities, given
that the impacts of forest fires are felt most acutely in these regions (FAO, 2020). However,
the scale of finance needed far exceeds current efforts. Indeed, just under a quarter of
forests in Africa, and less than a fifth in South America are under forest management plans,
compared to 96% in Europe and 64% in Asia, underscoring the need for greater investment
in those regions (FAO, 2020).
Fisheries received just 1% of global adaptation finance for agrifood systems in 2019/20.
Considering the integral role of fisheries in supporting food security, nutrition, and
livelihoods worldwide, and their vulnerability to climate change, this domain appears
significantly underfunded. To some degree, fisheries, and aquaculture support 600
million people’s livelihoods worldwide (FAO, 2022b). At the same time, climate change
has contributed to decreasing maximum sustainable yields of marine fish populations
(IPCC, 2022). Current projections estimate that global fisheries’ catch in tropical marine
ecosystems will decline by 5 to 10% by 2050 (Steiner et al., 2020). These adverse effects
are likely to threaten the food security, nutrition, and livelihoods of those who are heavily
dependent on aquatic systems.
Asia represents much of global fisheries and aquaculture production (70%), food
consumption (74%), and employment (84%) (FAO, 2022b). In contrast, our data tracks only
USD 0.02 billion in adaptation finance going to fisheries in Asia, representing just 0.3% of
total adaptation finance for agrifood systems in 2019/20.
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Investments tackling food loss/waste, and low-carbon diets are negligible and represent an
overlooked component of adaptation for agrifood systems. Approximately 13.3% of all food
produced is lost along the supply chain, either after harvest, or at the transport, storage,
wholesale, or processing stages (FAO, 2022c). Least-developed countries and small-island
developing states register disproportionately greater food losses, at 18.9% and 17.3% of the
total produced, respectively. This amplifies the already substantial challenges that these
regions face in ensuring food availability and access (IPCC, 2022). As finance in this domain
is significantly lacking, investment opportunities could include the promotion of mechanised
harvesting techniques, which aim to reduce on-farm food loss, and the implementation
of evaporative coolers and solar-powered cold storage units, aimed at minimising food
spoilage (IEA et al., 2022).
USD 0.48 billion, or 21% of tracked company-level VC investments, were directed towards
adaptation-focused agrifoodtech startups in 2019/20. Of this total, 83% went to novel
farming systems, primarily indoor farming. This method, which involves growing plants
in controlled environments for higher yields, offers a resilient agricultural production
approach by eliminating the threats of adverse weather events, pests, and diseases. Much
of the remaining share of adaptation company-level investments (14%) went to agricultural
biotechnology. An increasing number of startups are focusing on the development of
innovative crop and animal health solutions, through gene editing and predictive analytics
tools, to boost agricultural productivity and resilience (AgFunder, 2022b).
Dual objective climate finance was almost evenly distributed between agriculture (USD 3.1
billion) and forestry (USD 3.0 billion), with PES10 programs prominently featured in both
sectors. The USDA Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) accounted for USD 1.0 billion of
agricultural production, while the Conversion of Cropland into Forests Program (CCFP)
contributed USD 1.2 billion to forestry. Other large tracked finance flows came from China’s
Natural Forest Protection Program (NFPP) (USD 1 billion),11 and water efficiency projects
under the EAFRD (USD 0.57 billion).12
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Figure 12. Sectoral breakdown of dual objective finance for agrifood systems in 2019/20
Total, $6.7 bn
Agriculture, $3.1 bn Forestry, $3 bn
Multiple, $0.4 bn
Fisheries, <$0.1 bn
In addition, in 2019/20, 12% of tracked VC investments, totalling USD 0.27 billion, went to
agrifoodtech startups with dual climate objectives. Dual objective investments display an
emphasis on agricultural biotechnology solutions, ranging from sustainable agrochemical
formulations that improve crop yields while reducing or eliminating pesticide use, to cellular
agriculture, where companies work on rapid plant cell production with fewer resource
constraints, providing both mitigation and adaptation benefits.
Box C: The need for prioritizing agrifood systems in the context of the Loss and Damage Fund
COP 27 in Egypt 2022 saw the establishment of a Loss and Damage (L&D) fund, acknowledging the
unavoidable negative impacts of climate change (Åberg and Jeffs, 2022). The fund aims to provide
additional and predictable financing for developing countries most affected by climate-related L&D.
Extreme weather events, such as floods, heatwaves, and droughts, pose significant threats to
agrifood systems, and contribute to L&D. The AFOLU sector accounted for 26% of total L&D in
low and lower-middle income countries between 2008 and 2018 (FAO, 2021b). Droughts have had
particularly significant impacts on crop and livestock production, with agriculture absorbing 82%
of drought-related L&D. This has especially severe implications for low-income countries, whose
economies are often centered around agriculture (CGIAR, 2021).
The latest IPCC report (2022) emphasizes that agrifood systems are nearing their adaptation
limits, meaning that losses and damages will persist despite increased adaptation efforts. Securing
appropriate L&D finance is therefore crucial for agrifood system resilience.
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
At USD 2.9 billion, the US and Canada constitute the third destination region by volume of
finance (10% of total project-level finance). Almost all of this is sourced within the region
(Figure 13), though it also sends 40% of its finance to other regions. Western Europe has a
similar recipient and source profile, with a great majority of the USD 2.4 billion of finance
deployed there sourced regionally, as well as vast volumes of finance flowing from there to
other regions – especially to developing economies.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Figure 13. Origin and destination of climate finance flows for agrifood systems (project-level data, 2019/20).
Region of Origin $ remain within the region $ move between regions Region of Destination
Africa $4.4 bn
Western Europe
$9.1 bn
US & Canada
$2.9 bn
Western Europe
$2.4 bn
US & Canada
$5.1 bn Latin America &
Caribbean $2.3 bn
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
To some extent, the investment trends described above reflect the fact that most of the
underlying data is reported by DFIs or governments with large public domestic programs
(e.g., China, the US, and in the EU). This is due to a lack of transparency and systematic
reporting from other sources. This results in presenting developing economies as recipients
of finance and developed economies and China as the main sources of both domestic and
international flows.
When compared to their contributions to global GHG emissions from agrifood systems,
South Asia (10% of global emissions) and Latin America and the Caribbean (16%) appear
particularly underserved by climate agrifood finance (Table 1), each attracting 5% and 8%
of total finance, respectively. Similarly, Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia score highest on
vulnerability indexes for food and agriculture production, but received only 16% and 5% of
finance, respectively. This emphasizes the magnitude of the financial gap for these regions.
Table 1. Regional distribution of agrifood systems investments compared to GHG emissions, and ND-GAIN
Food and Agriculture climate vulnerability index
Average Food
% of global agrifood
% of climate finance to and Agriculture
Region of destination systems GHG
agrifood systems Vulnerability Index
Sources: GHG emission data was retrieved from the FAOSTAT web portal (FAO, 2023).
The Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative (ND-GAIN) index measures a country’s vulnerability to climate change and its readiness
to adapt (ND-GAIN, 2023). The values listed above are aggregated country-level scores with respect to climate vulnerability
(exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity) in the food and agriculture sectors. A score of 0 indicates lowest vulnerability to climate
change, while a score of 1 indicates extreme vulnerability.
Investment data is from CPI database; investments shares do not add up to 100 due to transregional and/or unknown
investment locations.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
In addition, the US and Canada form the destination of the bulk of tracked VC investments,
receiving nearly three-quarters of the total USD 2.3 billion. Western Europe is the second-
largest recipient (17%). VC flows remain largely within their region of origin, with over
one third of these investors based in the US and Canada, and nearly one quarter in Western
Europe. Despite the fact having nearly one tenth of VC investors, East Asia and the Pacific
received just 3% of the flows.
The extremely limited VC investments in other regions point to the opportunity for investors
to tap other markets. Only 0.3% of tracked climate VC flows went to startups in South Asia,
despite the fact that India is one of the largest agrifoodtech markets globally (AgFunder,
2022b). This disconnect stems from a nascent market for upstream technologies. These
technologies received 7% of all agrifoodtech investments in India in 2020, as opposed to
approximately 30% in Europe (AgFunder, 2020b, 2023a). However, in recent years, there
has been increased investor interest in Indian startups, particularly those engaged in
agribusiness marketplaces and fintech platforms (AgFunder, 2023a).
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Debt (both low-cost and market rate) accounted for the largest share (44%) of project-
level finance to agrifood systems in 2019/20, followed by grants (38%) and project-
level equity (3%).
Figure 14. Instruments used to channel climate finance to agrifood systems in 2019/20 (project-level data)
Total, $28.5 bn
Grants, $10.8 bn Low-cost project debt,
$3.8 bn
Unknown, $3.1 bn
Concessional debt accounted for 13% of total climate finance for agrifood systems in
2019/20, with funds coming almost exclusively from the public sector. Multilateral DFIs
were the largest providers, mainly supporting the adoption of climate-smart agricultural
practices among agro-pastoralist13 communities in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Grants accounted for 38% of project-level climate finance for agrifood systems, with
governments being the primary providers. Over a third of tracked grant financing,
totalling USD 3.9 billion, was domestic and was primarily deployed under USDA subsidy
programs14 and China’s CCFP forestry initiative.15 Among international grants, the EAFRD
deployed approximately USD 1 billion across EU member states, supporting objectives
including water and energy efficiency, GHG emission reduction,16 carbon conservation and
sequestration, and renewable energy. This points to a major opportunity for development
agencies to increase their climate finance to agrifood systems.
Private actors, mainly philanthropic foundations, also provided grants, albeit at a much
smaller scale than public actors, accounting for 4% of total grant financing. These primarily
went to promote agricultural adaptation measures in Sub-Saharan Africa, including
regenerative agriculture practices, integrated pest management, and climate-resilient crops.
In 2019/20, concessional finance made up roughly 75% of tracked adaptation flows: 50%
from grants and 25% from concessional debt. In contrast, it accounted for roughly 30% of
mitigation finance; with market-rate debt making up the largest share (approximately 50%).
A similar pattern is visible across all sectors: during the same period, concessional finance
constituted 41% of all adaptation finance, but only accounted for 8% of mitigation finance.
Historically, several factors have limited private investment in adaptation projects, which
often involve a higher degree of uncertainty and require longer horizons to demonstrate
impact (GCA, 2022). These projects may not yield immediate financial returns, making them
less appealing for market-rate investment and more suitable for grant or concessional
financing. However, adopting climate resilience measures is increasingly viewed as good
business practice, given the higher frequency and intensity of climate-related events, as well
as emerging regulations (TCFD, 2023).
Our company-level data show that agricultural biotechnology startups received substantial
early-stage and growth-stage equity investments, but face consumer and regulatory
challenges that limit market adoption in later stages. Approximately 50% of tracked
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
During the 2019/20 period, agrifood systems exhibited significant reliance on public
funding, with public entities contributing 85% (USD 24.2 billion) of total project-level
climate finance. In comparison, within the energy systems and transport sectors, public
funding constituted 33% and 59% respectively during the same period. Approximately
58% of public flows to agrifood systems were from international sources, while 41% were
deployed domestically. Mitigation finance accounted for the largest share (46%), with the
remainder almost evenly split between finance for adaptation and dual climate objectives
(addressing both adaptation and mitigation).
Private sources accounted for only 12% of total climate finance for agrifood systems,
amounting to USD 3.29 billion (project-level). Due to incomplete information on co-financed
projects in existing reporting mechanisms, particularly regarding public expenditures in the
EU, the US, China, and Canada, there is approximately USD 1 billion in unattributed funding.
*Regional figures do not add up to USD 28.5 bn due to USD 1bn from unknown sources across regions.
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Financing from national DFIs were far more geographically concentrated, and exclusively
targeted mitigation projects. Approximately 91% of funds from national DFIs were directed
to East Asia and the Pacific, particularly China, where they supported afforestation,
reforestation, and biosphere conservation efforts through project-level market-rate
debt. Most remaining flows targeted similar mitigation projects in Latin America
and the Caribbean.
With USD 9.5 billion, governments provided the second-largest share (39%) of climate
finance for agrifood systems among public sources in 2019/20. The vast majority of
this amount was deployed through grants, with an equal split between domestic and
international flows. Projects were mainly located in US and Canada (supporting primarily
dual-objective agriculture), and East Asia and the Pacific region (mainly supporting forestry
PES17 programs). Practices in these projects include cover crops, irrigation management,
riparian buffers, and forest stand improvement.
Government subsidies in the agriculture and fisheries sectors reached around USD 670 billion per
year in the period 2016-18 (World Bank, 2023b). However, over 60% of agricultural subsidies are
market distorting, incentivizing increased production without considering negative impacts (World
Bank, 2023b). This can lead to practices like soil degradation, deforestation, and excessive use of
pesticides and fertilizers, contributing to environmental degradation and GHG emissions.
The EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) exemplifies this shift, with 80% of producer support
in Pillar 2 (EAFRD) contingent on meeting environmental constraints (Chatham House, 2019).
However, some regressive aspects of the CAP have been criticized (World Bank, 2023b),
highlighting the importance of subsidy design that considers environmental impact in conjunction
with and socio-economic benefits, particularly for small-scale farmers.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Most project-level private finance (USD 2.81 billion) went to projects at the intersection
of agrifood and energy systems. In contrast, projects that implement on-site production
measures in the agriculture, forestry and fishery sectors received less than half a billion
(USD 0.35 billion), indicating that they are less appealing to private investors. This
distribution also reflects our underlying data, as project-level data in agrifood systems
is mostly reported by public development agencies, with limited information from
private actors.
The vast majority of commercial FIs’ agrifood investments were made in East Asia and the
Pacific (USD 1.2 billion), with lower amounts going to Western Europe, and Latin America
and the Caribbean. This illustrates the climate investment, capacity and reporting gap
affecting the Sub-Saharan African region. A European Investment Bank survey found that
half of Sub-Saharan African banks had more than 10% of their loan portfolios in agriculture.
However, only 20% of banks surveyed offered green lending products due to lack of
expertise, data, and tools (EIB, 2022b).
At the global level, commercial bank loans constitute the largest source of finance for
investments in agriculture (UNCTAD, 2019). This presents a major opportunity for these
actors to adopt a climate lens in their portfolios. There is also a need to do so given the
exposure of the agrifood system to climate risks and the potential consequences on
their portfolios.
Corporate investments tracked through our project-level agrifood systems data total only
USD 0.94 billion and almost exclusively involve energy (99% of the total tracked). Most
of these investments are in bioenergy and are made by energy companies. The highest
level of finance was channelled to East Asia and the Pacific, followed by Central Asia and
Eastern Europe.
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Multinational companies (MNCs) dominate global agrifood systems, with 350 companies recording
total annual revenue of USD 8.7 trillion in 2020, representing over half of the market’s global
revenue (World Benchmarking Alliance, 2020). These companies have a significant climate impact;
the cumulative GHG emissions of the top five meat and dairy companies surpass those of major
fossil fuel companies (GRAIN & IATP, 2018).
Given their large geographic and emissions footprints, and the consolidation of the agrifood sector,
MNCs have great potential to drive the transition to a lower-carbon and climate-resilient system.
However, a lack of transparency and standardized reporting on climate finance hampers tracking
the implementation of their climate-related commitments.
Based on publicly available information, agrifood MNCs’ climate finance activities focus on two
broad areas: sustainable supply chains and alternative proteins.
Investments to reduce deforestation and promote regenerative agriculture in supply chains aim
to cut Scope 3 emissions, improve biodiversity, and enhance soil quality. Multi-year programs
announced by six companies we analyzed total roughly USD 2.8 billion, or about USD 443.5 million
on average annually. This is equivalent to only 1.25% of the combined annual net income of these
MNCs (i.e., USD 35.3 billion) suggesting that they could greatly increase their climate investments.
An upcoming EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains is expected to incentivize increased
investment, although many influential companies are yet to implement measures to comply with
this (Forest500, 2023).
Alternative proteins
There is also a large amount of investment in alternative proteins, driven primarily by consumer
demand in developed country markets (Rabb, 2022; GFI, 2021). MNCs make significant investments
in acquiring and growing plant-based startups and in R&D of new products.
Of the USD 0.49 billion of climate funding that philanthropies provide to agrifood systems,
USD 0.31 billion goes to agriculture-related projects. Much of this is disbursed in grants,
with minor amounts channeled through equity or debt. More than half of philanthropic
funding goes to Sub-Saharan Africa, followed at quite some distance by Western Europe,
Latin America and the Caribbean, and South Asia. The geographic distribution and type
of instruments used reflect the barriers to financing agrifood systems. Especially in
predominantly small-scale agrifood systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia,
commercial investors are deterred by high risks, low returns, and high transaction
costs, leaving a gap for public and philanthropic finance to fill. Philanthropic finance
going to Western Europe originates from either that region or from North America, and
targets research.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Private VC investors provide all the climate finance tracked as going to agrifood tech
startups, according to analysis of AgFunder data. These investors are mostly based in
developed economies, with over one third in the US and Canada and nearly one quarter in
Western Europe. While nearly one tenth of tracked VC investors are in East Asia and Pacific,
Africa and South Asia display a striking lack. VC investments flow largely within the regions
they originate from, with three quarters of the total targeting US and Canadian start-ups.
Recent years have seen a striking increase in VC appetite for climate tech18 globally and
across sectors, with a 3,750% increase between 2013-19 (PwC, 2020) and historically high
levels for 2021/22 (PwC, 2022). Despite that, climate tech for agriculture, food and land
use is under-invested compared to their share of global GHG emissions, and relative to
sectors like mobility and energy. A lack of technological maturity in agrifood systems may
be one reason for this gap (PwC, 2022). There is also a need for a stronger business case, as
well as an enabling environment and regulations for some sectoral technologies with high
climate mitigation potential. These include for food loss/waste, and alternative protein. Such
efforts can increase the profitability of climate tech startups and boost VC participation.
18 Climate tech is defined as technologies explicitly focused on reducing GHG emissions or addressing the impacts of global warming. It can be
grouped into three broad, sector-agnostic groups, those that: directly mitigate or remove emissions, help us to adapt to the impacts of climate
change, and/or enhance our understanding of the climate (PwC, 2022).
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Global agrifood systems urgently need at least a seven-fold increase in climate finance
to fulfill their potential and to deliver climate mitigation and adaptation gains to people
worldwide. Our analysis points to various opportunities to drive action towards this goal.
This section discusses these opportunities along three elements:
1. Guiding principles
This section does not represent a comprehensive strategy for scaling up climate finance in
agrifood systems, which is beyond the scope of this study. It rather complements existing
and upcoming sectoral and system-wide roadmaps for a shift to low-carbon and climate-
resilient agrifood systems.19
• Leverage virtuous cycles between various types of actor (both public and private), at
different levels (global, regional, national and local). Various types of interventions,
from policies and regulations to technical assistance and investments, should also
be integrated. The whole community must find innovative ways of using existing
interconnections between actors and segments of agrifood systems to tackle the
climate challenge.
19 These include: Planet Tracker, 2023a; Deforestation Free Finance, 2022; CBI, 2022; Loboguerrero et. al, 2020; FOLU, 2023a; IEA et. al 2022;
UNEPFI, 2023a; the forthcoming World Bank Flagship Roadmap on Decarbonization of the Air and Recarbonization of the Land through Agrifood
System Transformation (DARL); and the forthcoming FAO Global Roadmap to 1.5˚C for the agriculture and food systems sector.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
otherwise reformed, depending on needs. New initiatives should be solely designed to fill
remaining gaps, building on previous successes and learning from failures.
• Think globally, act locally. While agrifood systems involve global actors and
relationships, effective climate solutions need to combine global perspectives with local
traditional knowledge, capacity building and ownership to have durable impact.
• The private sector has great opportunities to increase their climate finance to agrifood
systems. Furthermore, enhancing accountability and disclosure efforts will boost their
visibility and competitive advantage in this space.
• There is scope for more climate mitigation interventions in agrifood systems in South
Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean, while adaptation finance is highly needed in
Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
• Food loss/waste and low-carbon diets are untapped opportunities across geographies.
• Fisheries and aquaculture are also insufficiently funded, given their economic
potential, role in ensuring food security and vulnerability to climate change. This gap is
particularly striking in Asia.
The rest of this section discusses actions that key actors can take to bridge these climate
finance and impact gaps.
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
• Adopt regulations that mandate deforestation-free supply chains for globally traded
commodities, particularly for those identified as drivers of deforestation for agricultural
expansion in developing countries (e.g., cattle, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, rubber, soy, and
timber). Major markets’ regulators should coordinate efforts to ensure enforcement and
maximize effectiveness of such regulations, and to avoid spillover effects to other value
chains and markets. The upcoming EU Regulation on deforestation-free supply chains
(European Commission, 2022a) provides a pioneering example of this. Such regulations
can generate virtuous cycles that simultaneously tackle climate and biodiversity loss in
developing economies. This must be coupled with strong coordination between producer
and consumer countries, and between various actors in supply chains. Capacity
building is required at all levels to leverage existing voluntary programs, such as the
Partnership for Forests.
• Devise policies incentivizing regional and domestic commercial FIs to provide climate
finance to agrifood actors or to develop dedicated financial products that reward the
adoption of climate-smart practices. Those should be tailored to the needs of various
20 Through the New Global Financial Pact and the Bridgetown Initiative.
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
agrifood system actors, from farmers, processors, aggregators, and input suppliers
through to exporters and retailers. Such policies can leverage public credit lines and
create the obligation for private FIs to contribute their own funds and/or match public
funds with their own.
• Make climate transition plans and risk disclosures mandatory for investors and
companies, building on voluntary frameworks like the Taskforce on Climate-related
Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Governments in developed economies should lead
the way, as major investors and MNCs are under their jurisdictions. They can build
momentum on support shown by the private sector, such as the 2022 Global Investor
Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis (The Investor Agenda, 2022). This is
particularly pressing for agrifood systems, given the substantial proportion of GHG
emissions generated (approximately 30% of global emissions) and considerable Scope 3
footprints of agrifood MNCs (Edie, 2022). Regulation of investors and large corporations
can trickle down through their supply chains, to extend climate risk management to
the farmer level.
• Tap local FIs’ potential to channel climate finance rapidly and durably. DFIs should
pioneer and promote climate capacity building for local FIs as a priority to create self-
sustaining financial markets. Programs like Transforming Financial Systems for Climate
(GCF, 2023) and funds like Aceli Africa (2023) should be replicated at speed across
developing countries, with a focus on agrifood systems. Technical assistance bundled
with concessional credit to local financial partners who on-lend to agri-businesses or
cooperatives can stimulate their wider penetration in the local agrifood sector, which
they typically avoid due to high transaction costs. In more developed financial markets,
such publicly funded programs could require local financial partners to provide a
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
• Invest in innovative climate tech for agrifood systems, to help bridge technological
maturity gaps and export proven technologies to new geographies. VC investments in
segments like food loss/waste, and alternative proteins, enable new technologies in
developed economies. DFIs could invest in replicating these, once proven, in emerging
and developing economies.
• Build in-house capacity to mainstream climate and nature in all agrifood development
projects. To rapidly and meaningfully fill the climate finance gap in agrifood systems,
DFIs and development agencies should move beyond partial targets for climate
finance and design all interventions with climate and nature considerations. Climate-
nature dependencies are essential in agrifood systems. As awareness around these
interconnections gains ground, DFIs can lead the way in applying learnings from climate
finance to nature-positive finance to take both forward in an integrated manner, together
with social development objectives.
• Local FIs should build their internal technical knowledge on climate risks and relevant
technologies for agrifood systems. As major lenders to agrifood sectors in developing
economies, local FIs should adopt institution-wide climate strategies, embed staff
incentives, and adopt voluntary climate risk reporting, in line with the TCFD. This will
help to climate-proof their portfolios by encouraging their agrifood borrowers to take
climate adaptation measures. It will also enable them to expand their products in line
with climate goals (CPI, 2022c).
• Seize the opportunity to tackle climate and nature risks jointly. This is essential for
their agrifood portfolios, where nature and climate are closely connected. Private FIs
should build on the learnings from using TCFD frameworks to rapidly adopt the TNFD
framework and tools.
• Increase investments to reduce GHG emissions and enhance resilience of businesses
to climate change, thus contributing to resilience of supply chains, farmers, and farm
ecosystems. This can be done by:
1. Adopting and implementing voluntary value chain GHG emission targets (Scope 3
targets) represents the largest opportunity for climate mitigation, as the average
supply chain network of a large agrifood MNC generates emissions 11.4 times
greater than its own operations (Edie, 2022).
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
2. Assess value chain climate risk exposure in line with the TCFD and act to increase
the climate resilience of agrifood system supply chains.
• Facilitate access to climate finance for suppliers. Modalities can include brokering deals
with commercial banks for sustainable supply chain finance at scale. For example, a
program agreed between PVH Corp and HSBC Bank USA22 allows suppliers of large
corporates to access funding to implement climate and sustainability targets. The loans
can be conditional on companies’ compliance with Scope 3 emissions targets decided by
the MNC, thus helping with their implementation.
Therefore, reforms aiming to integrate climate change into national budgets and fiscal
policies need to be backed by strong tracking and reporting. Experiences from early
adopter countries (UNDP, 2022; FAO, 2021d ) as well as platforms like The Coalition of
Finance Ministers for Climate Action should help to build capacity within governments for
21 The Supplier Leadership on Climate Transition consortium was created in 2021 by Mars, PepsiCo and McCormick & Company, and has been
joined by General Mills, The Coca-Cola Company, Keurig Dr Pepper, Mondelez International and Nestle, among others including restaurant brands
and cosmetics companies.
Landscape of Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
tracking and disclosure of climate spending. Public and private actors should coordinate to
define reporting principles and tools that account for needs and priorities of private sector
entities. This can enable future consistent reporting across both private and public sectors
(CPI, 2020). Existing frameworks and standardized tools like the Sustainability Accounting
Standards Board (SASB), TCFD, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and green finance
taxonomies such as the EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy provide a basis for private actors
to report climate finance data in a way that is aligned with international efforts (CPI, 2022c).
• Document and analyse climate finance flows to identify gaps and opportunities and track
progress on commitments.
• Build the business case for climate investment in agrifood systems, particularly around
actual and perceived risks, as well as adaptation and resilience investments.
Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
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Climate Finance for Agrifood Systems
AFOLU Agriculture, Forestry, Other Land Uses, and Fisheries
VC Venture Capital