Spss of Mental Health Issues of LMD Students of Larbi Ben Mhidi

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The mind state of the EFL students

Third year EFL students of the English Department at Larbi Ben M’hidi

University come from diverse social backgrounds and are currently navigating

unique life trajectories, each one of them is different and unique and has a life

story of their own. These stories are exceptional and each one of them got a

specific impact on their mental health.

And in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the state of mental

health among this cohort, we kindly request you to complete the following

questionnaire. This will enable us to identify potential areas of concern and

facilitate the implementation of targeted interventions to support the mental

health and well-being of our students.


1-Your gender is:

 Female
 Male

Your gender Frequency Percentage Average Standard

is deviation
Female 55 87.3 1.13 0.33
Male 8 12.7
Total 63 100

Your gender is

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Femal 55 87.3 87.3 87.3

Male 8 12.7 12.7 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The analysis focuses on how the participants' genders are distributed based on the data

presented. The information shows that out of the 63 individuals, 55 (87.3%) of them

identified as female and 8 (12.7%) as male.

We can determine the average and standard deviation in order to better evaluate the data.

Calculating the average and standard deviation in this situation is not suitable, though,

because the data represent categorical variables (gender). Statistical metrics like these are

frequently applied to numerical data.

In this instance, the frequency and percentage columns give a clear picture of the participants'

gender distribution. While the percentage denotes the proportion of participants inside each

category, the frequency denotes the number of participants in each category.

The findings show that there is a clear gender gap among the study participants, with females

making up the majority of them. This finding might point to a future pattern where males are

more likely to pursue work options than scholarly endeavours, particularly during their

undergraduate years. This finding supports the theory that decisions people make at this time

of their lives may be influenced by societal circumstances and job aspirations.

2- What is your age range?

 20-25
 25-30
 30-50
 Other

What is your Frequency Percentage average Standard

age range? deviation
20-25 54 85.7 1.17 0.46
25-30 7 11.1
30-50 2 3.2
Total 63 100

What is your age range?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide 20-25 54 85.7 85.7 85.7

25-30 7 11.1 11.1 96.8

30-50 2 3.2 3.2 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data supplied shows the age demographics of the study subjects in various age brackets.

The bulk of participants (85.7%) were between the ages of 20 and 25, while just 11.1% were

between the ages of 25 and 30. 3.2% of participants, a very small proportion, were in the 30–

50 age bracket. The participants' age distribution had a mean of 21.33 and a standard

deviation of 0.98.

This information demonstrates that a sizeable percentage of the participants were young, in

line with the age range of typical university students. The concentration of participants

between the ages of 20 and 25 shows that this cohort constitutes the bulk of the sample and
may offer insightful information about the experiences and viewpoints of young adults in

regard to the study's goals. When evaluating the study results, it is crucial to take the age

distribution of the participants into account since it may affect how generalizable and

applicable the findings are to different age groups.

According to the data, a sizable majority of survey students (85.7%) were between the ages

of 20 and 25, which is the normal age for people seeking higher education. This result

indicates that the majority of participants fall within the age bracket that is consistent with the

typical academic trajectory. On the other side, fewer participants (11.1%) were into the 25–30

age bracket. People who take a vacation from their education, either to get work experience

or deal with personal issues, may be a part of this group. It's also possible that some

participants in this age group ran into difficulties while pursuing their education, which

caused them to put off finishing their coursework. In addition, just 3.2% of participants were

in the 30–50 age range.

This subgroup may include people who chose to continue their education later in life for a

variety of reasons, including personal circumstances, financial limitations, or a desire to

enhance their professional chances. Age can impact viewpoints, experiences, and the

relevance of the study's findings to other age groups, hence it is crucial to take these age-

related trends into account when evaluating the data and interpreting the results.

3-Do you feel that this is your actual age?

 Yes
 No

Do you feel Frequency Percentage average Standard

that this is deviation
your actual
Yes 25 39.7 1.60 0.49
No 38 60.3
Total 63 100

Do you feel that this is your actual age?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valid cumuli

Valid Yes 25 39.7 39.7 39.7

No 38 60.3 60.3 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

When asked if they believe their current age to be their real age, 39.7% of the participants

responded "Yes" based on the information given. As opposed to this, 60.3% of the

participants responded "No." This implies that a sizeable percentage of the participants do not

believe their current age truly represents their true age. This question's average score is 1.60,
which suggests a propensity for "No" responses. The participants' responses may have been

variable, as indicated by the standard deviation of 0.49. The factors influencing how they

perceive their age and how those factors connect to their individual situations and

experiences merit more investigation.

According to the data and participant replies, only 39.7% of the students said they felt their

real age was consistent with their current age, while 60.3% said they did not. When

participants choose to say "No," they offered insightful details about their own experiences.

These pupils talked about going through trying times, feeling stress, pressure, challenging

conditions, losing a loved one, and coping with overthinking and exhaustion as a result of

issues. On the other hand, individuals who chose "Yes" spoke of feeling happier, younger,

and like their lives were going well.

According to the examination of these answers, a significant percentage of the participants

may be dealing with challenges that cause a gap between their perceived and actual ages.

Stress, pressure, challenging situations, and personal losses appear to affect how they view

their age. On the other hand, people who feel younger and happier might have a more upbeat

attitude on life, which might affect how old they think they are.

It is crucial to remember that these conclusions are based on self-reported data, and that each

person's views and experiences will be unique. However, this information illuminates the

potential impact of many events on the participants' assessment of their age and offers

insightful information on the participants' subjective views about it. A deeper knowledge of

the participants' well-being and how it relates to how they perceive their age may result from

further study and investigation of these replies.

4- How long have you been studying English in the department?

How long Frequency Percentage average Standard

have you deviation
English in the
4-5 Years 25 39.7 1.60 0.49
3 Years 38 60.3
Total 63 100

From the collected data, it can be observed that 39.7% of the participants in the English

language department have studied for 4-5 years, while the other 60.3% of the participants

have studied for 3 years. The average time spent learning English for the participants was

3.92 years with a standard deviation of 0.49. These results showed that the majority of
students (60.3%) studied in the English department for 3 years. In particular, the distribution

of participants by different study periods provides an insight into students' academic journeys

and level of English language experience.

5- Did you ever take time off from studying at school or university?

 Yes, I did.
 No, I didn’t.
Did you ever take time off from studying at school or university

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Yes, i did 25 39.7 39.7 39.7

No, i didn't 38 60.3 60.3 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data reveals that out of the total participants, 39.7% (25 out of 63) indicated that they

have taken time off from studying at school or university. On the other hand, the majority of

respondents, 60.3% (38 out of 63), reported that they have not taken any breaks from their

studies. The average for this question is 1.60, with a standard deviation of 0.49, suggesting a

moderate level of variability in the responses. These findings highlight that a significant

portion of the participants have experienced interruptions in their academic journey, while the

majority have maintained a continuous study pattern.

From questions 4 and 5, it can be concluded that the majority of participants (60.3%) chose

the opportunity to study English at the department for three years and they are the same

which said “no”, they didn’t take a break from studying. This means that a large number of

participants did not drop out or take a break from school. This indicates that they are more

likely to continue in the program without requiring an additional academic year or repeating

any academic year. On the other hand, the participants (39.7%) who chose to study English

for 4-5 years there are the same who choose “yes” and an answer, and they may have chosen

a different path. This might include cases where some students decide to repeat a year or take

a break, resulting in longer English study duration, also it is important to note that individual

circumstances and personal preferences may influence their decision to extend their studies

beyond the normal three-year period.

6- Was English your first choice?

 Yes
 No

7- If your answer is No, please tell us what was your first choice?


Was English
your first Frequency Percentage Average
Yes 45 71.4
No 18 28.6 1.28 0.45
Total 63 100
Was English your first choice?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Yes 45 71.4 71.4 71.4

No 18 28.6 28.6 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data showed that 71.4% (45 out of 63) of the participants indicated that English was their

first choice of study. In contrast, 28.6% (18 out of 63) indicated that English was not their

initial choice. The mean for this question is 1.28 and the standard deviation is 0.45, indicating

a moderate degree of response variation. These results show that most of the participants

were willing to choose English as their main field of study, but a small number had other

What was Frequency Percentage average Standard
your first deviation
English 45 71.4 1.28 0.46
Medical 12 20
Other 6 8.6
The data shows that 45 out of the 63 students 71.4% stated that they would first choose to

study English. This high number shows that many individuals were drawn to studying

English because of the English language, culture, or environment in general, however, 20%

of respondents (12 individuals) said that their first option was a career in medicine, such as

becoming a dentist or doctor. These individuals could have had a particular passion for the

healthcare industry or aspired to work in medicine. It's noteworthy to note that a lower

percentage of participants (8.6%, or 6 individuals) stated that they had previously thought of

pursuing different careers including journalism, law, teaching ENS, or continuing their

studies in management and business.


Mental Health

Mental health refers to how well we can cope with the challenges and

emotions of everyday life. It involves our ability to think, feel, and act in ways

that allow us to enjoy life, build positive relationships with others, and handle

difficult situations. It is an essential factor for overall well-being, and students

need to prioritize their mental health, especially in the academic field in order to

achieve their best protentional and to be successful on the academic and the

personal level.

Filling out this questionnaire would help us in discovering your experience with

mental health during college time and identifying potential areas of concern to

be improved in hope of making your academic experience better and worth it.


8- Have you ever experienced any mental health issues during your time at university?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe, not sure

Have you
any mental Standard
Frequency Percentage Average
health issues deviation
during your
time at
Yes 21 33.3
No 25 39.7
Maybe, not 17 27.0 1.94 0.78
Total 63 100

Have you ever experienced any mental health issues during your time at university?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Yes 21 33.3 33.3 33.3

No 25 39.7 39.7 73.0

Maybe, not 17 27.0 27.0 100.0


Total 63 100.0 100.0

According to the collected data, 33.3% of the participants (21 people) reported that they had

encountered mental health problems during their study journey. This shows that a large part

of the participants faced mental health problems during their studies and that’s might be due

to stress, anxiety, pression or unknown life problems on the other hand, 39.7% of the

participants (25 people) indicated that they had no mental health problems during the years of

study. Notably, 27.0% of participants (17 people) were unsure or undecided if they had a

mental health problem because they were not sure or maybe they didn’t understand

themselves, which may indicate a lack of awareness or difficulty identifying and

acknowledging such problems, however these findings highlight the prevalence of mental

health problems among university students and the need for adequate support and resources

to address and decrease or control this issue.

9- To what extent do you think that college effects your mental health?
 Not at all
 Very little
 Somewhat
 Extremely

To what extent do you

think that college
Frequency Percentage
effects your mental
Not at all 4 6.3
Very little 10 15.9
Somewhat 26 41.3
Extremely 23 36.5
Total 63 100

To what extent do you think that college effects your mental health?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Not at all 4 6.3 6.3 6.3

Very little 10 15.9 15.9 22.2

Somewhat 26 41.3 41.3 63.5

Extremely 23 36.5 36.5 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

Participants were questioned about how much they believed college had impacted their

mental health based on the data gathered. 6.3% (4 participants) of the total said college had

no impact on their mental health. 10.5% of respondents (15.9%) claimed that college had

minimal impact on their mental health, and 41.3% of respondents (26 persons) noted how

college had in some way impacted their mental health. On the other side, a sizeable

percentage of 36.5% (23 respondents) said that attending university had a huge influence on

their mental health. These results show that a sizable proportion of participants thought

college had a major effect on their mental health, and from this data we can conclude that

university has a huge impact on student's wellbeing.

10- Do you think that mental health effects your quality time at university?

 Definitely
 Somewhat
 Very Little
 Not at All
Do you think Frequency Percentage average Standard
that mental deviation
health effects
your quality
time at
Definitely 31 49.2 1.75 0. 90
Somewhat 21 33.3
Very Little 7 11.1
Not at All 4 6.3
Total 63 100

Do you think that mental health effects your quality time at university?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Definitely 31 49.2 49.2 49.2

Somewhat 21 33.3 33.3 82.5

Very Little 7 11.1 11.1 93.7

Not at All 4 6.3 6.3 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

In this question the statistics showed that 49.2% of respondents (31 individuals) believed that

their mental health will unquestionably influence their quality of life in college. 21 persons,

or 33.3%, claimed that their mental health in some way impacted their quality time. 6.3% (4

individuals) and 11.1% (7 people) respectively indicated mental health had no influence on

their quality time while 11.1% (7 people) felt it had a minimal impact.

And for those who indicated that university affects their quality time, it is likely because they

experience feelings of pressure, stress, and anxiety, which can have a negative impact on

their mental well-being and time management, also we should put in consideration that the

demanding nature of academic responsibilities, such as assignments, exams, and coursework,

creates a constant sense of pressure and stress which can be overwhelming and leave little

time for the personal activities or self-care.

11- How often do you experience mental health problems that affect your academic

 All the time

 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never

How often do Frequency Percentage Average Standard

you deviation
that affect
All the time 16 25.4 1.87 0.61
Sometimes 39 61.9
Rarely 8 12.7
Total 63 100

How often do you experience mental health problems that affect your academic

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide All the time 16 25.4 25.4 25.4

Sometimes 39 61.9 61.9 87.3

Rarely 8 12.7 12.7 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

We can see from the findings, 16.4% of the participants (out of 63) said their mental health

issues "always" influence their performance in class, furthermore, 39 out of 63 people

(61.9%) reported having these problems "sometimes." 12.7% of the participants, or 8 out of
63, said they encountered these issues "rarely" this suggests that the majority of students

experience mental health issues, which have varied degrees of an influence on their learning

quality and academic performance.

12- When do you usually experience mental health problems that affect your academic

 During exams
 Before exams
 While presenting (oral presentation)
 Other options

When do you Frequency Percentage Average Standard

usually deviation
that affect
During exams 15 23.8
Before exams 26 41.3
16 25.4
presentation) 2.21 0.92
Other options 6 9.5
Total 63 100
When do you usually experience mental health problems that affect your academic

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide During exams 15 23.8 23.8 23.8

Before exams 26 41.3 41.3 65.1

While 16 25.4 25.4 90.5

presenting (oral

Other options 6 9.5 9.5 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

Well, the data of this question reveals that 15 student of the participants (23.8%), claimed to

have mental health issues that have an impact on their ability to function academically,

particularly during examinations. Additionally, 26 out of 63 respondents (41.3%) stated

having similar difficulties prior to tests. 25.4% (16 out of 63) of those giving oral

presentations said they had mental health problems while doing so. 9.5% of respondents (6

out of 63) said "Other options" when asked when they typically have mental health issues

that affect their academic performance and we can conclude from these statistics that oral

presentation and exams release a huge stress on the student mental state.
13- How Much do you agree with the following statements?

I think mental health affects my ability to concentrate during class.

 Strongly agree.
 Somewhat Agree
 Neither agree nor disagree
 Somewhat disagree.
 Strongly disagree

I think
health affects Standard
Frequency Percentage Average
my ability to deviation
during class.
Strongly 44 69.8 1.43 0.75
Somewhat 13 20.6
Neither agree 4 6.3
nor disagree
Somewhat 2 3.2
Total 63 100

I think mental health affects my ability to concentrate during class.

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Strongly agree. 44 69.8 69.8 69.8

Somewhat 13 20.6 20.6 90.5


Neither agree 4 6.3 6.3 96.8

nor disagree

Somewhat 2 3.2 3.2 100.0


Total 63 100.0 100.0

69.8% of participants which are 44 out of 63, they strongly do believe that their mental health

affects their ability to focus in class and according to the statistics this shows that many

students believe that their mental health has a direct Influence on their ability to concentrate

and pay attention in class, additionally, 20.6% (13 out of 63) of respondents said they only

slightly agreed with this statement, showing that a sizable proportion of students are aware of

the impact mental health has on their ability to concentrate, on the other side, just a small
portion, 6.3% (4 out of 63), agrees or disagrees somewhat, and only 3.2% (2 out of 63)

strongly disagrees, these results underline the significance of mental health in terms of

ruining students' productivity and concentration in the classroom.

I think that mental health state, stress and anxiety affects the quality of learning.
 Strongly agree.
 Somewhat Agree
 Neither agree nor disagree
 Somewhat disagree.
 Strongly disagree.

I think that Frequency Percentage Average Standard

mental deviation
health state,
stress and
affects the
quality of
Strongly 50 79.4
Somewhat 8 12.7
Neither agree 2 3.2 1.35 0.83
nor disagree
Somewhat 2 3.2
Strongly 1 1.6
Total 63 100
I think that mental health state, stress and anxiety affects the quality of learning.

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Strongly agree. 50 79.4 79.4 79.4

Somewhat 8 12.7 12.7 92.1


Neither agree 2 3.2 3.2 95.2

nor disagree

Somewhat 2 3.2 3.2 98.4


Strongly 1 1.6 1.6 100.0


Total 63 100.0 100.0

The analysis shows that a large number of participants which is 79.4% (50 out of 63),

strongly agree that their mental health state, stress, and anxiety have a huge impact on the

quality of their education, this shows that a significant majority of students are aware of the

connection between mental health and learning effectiveness, additionally, 12.7% of

respondents (8 out of 63) said they only slightly agreed with this statement showing that a

sizable portion of students understand the link between their mental health and how well they
study. however, just a small portion, 3.2% (2 out of 63), agrees or disagrees with the

assertion, and the same proportion somewhat disagrees. 1 out of 63 people, or 1.6%, strongly

disagree with the statement, and I truly believe that he did not pay attention to the statement

or he might be mistaken.

14- How often do you engage in self-care to manage your mental health issues?
 Always
 Often
 Sometimes
 Never

How often do Frequency Percentage Average Standard

you engage deviation
in self-care to
manage your
Always 11 17.5 2.48 0.98
Often 22 34.9
Sometimes 19 30.2
Never 11 17.5
Total 63 100

How often do you engage in self-care to manage your mental health issues?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Always 11 17.5 17.5 17.5

Often 22 34.9 34.9 52.4

Sometimes 19 30.2 30.2 82.5

Never 11 17.5 17.5 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The results revealed that 17.5% (11 of 63) of the participants always used self-care to manage

their mental health issues and challenges, this suggests that a small but significant percentage

of students consistently use self-care as a method to deal with mental health, and 34.9% (22

of 63) reported regularly practicing self-care, indicating that more students regularly struggle

with managing their mental health, also 30.2% (19 of 63) responded that they occasionally

used self-care, and 17.5% reported that they never use self-care to address their mental

health, overall, these findings demonstrate the necessity of educating students about the

advantages of self-care routines in order to manage mental health concerns and advance

general overall well-being.

15- Do you feel that your university provides adequate support and resources for students
struggling with mental health?
 Yes
 No
 Other

Do you feel Frequency Percentage Average Standard

that your deviation
support and
resources for
with mental
Yes 5 7.9 1.97 0.36
No 55 87.3
Other 3 4.8
Total 63 100

Do you feel that your university provides adequate support and resources for
students struggling with mental health?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Yes 5 7.9 7.9 7.9

No 55 87.3 87.3 95.2

Other 3 4.8 4.8 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data shows that only 7.9 % believe that their universities provide sufficient support and

resources for students who are struggling with mental health, however this demonstrates how

poorly satisfied pupils are with available resources, on the other hand the majority of the

students (87.3% 55 of 63) gave negative responses, suggesting that they don't think their

university offers enough help for mental health difficulties and that maybe because some of

them have struggled with mental health challenges and they did not found any support, rather

than the reason behind their mental health issues might be caused by the university itself,

however, this research suggests that university support services may have gaps that might

have an impact on students' academic progress and overall well-being, also a small category

4.8% (3 of 63) chose "Other," indicating that individuals may have conflicting or ambiguous

views on the sufficiency of campus mental health facilities and assistance.

16- Do you think that your department should provide more education on mental health
awareness and resources?
 Yes
 No
Do you think Frequency Percentage Average Standard
that your deviation
provide more
education on
Yes 55 87.3 1.13 0.33
No 8 12.7
Total 63 100

Do you think that your department should provide more education on mental health
awareness and resources?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Yes 55 87.3 87.3 87.3

No 8 12.7 12.7 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data shows that the majority of respondents (55 out of 63, 87.3%) said that their

department should provide more training and information on mental health resources and

awareness, this demonstrates the tremendous desire and gratitude among students for further

assistance in comprehending, controlling and managing their mental health challenges, this

research emphasizes how critical it is to increase understanding, lessen stigma, and inform

students of the services available for mental health support, however, fewer respondents (12.7

percent (8 of 63)) claimed that they did not believe or see that their department required to

provide greater training on mental health services and awareness.

17- Do you think that if a student learned how to properly manage their mental health state,
their academic life and scores would improve for the better?

 Yes
 No

Do you think Frequency Percentage Average Standard

that if a deviation
learned how
to properly
manage their
health state,
academic life
and scores
improve for
the better?
Yes 61 96.8 1.03 0.18
No 2 3.2
Total 63 100

Do you think that if a student learned how to properly manage their mental health
state, their academic life and scores would improve for the better?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Yes 61 96.8 96.8 96.8

No 2 3.2 3.2 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data showed that most participants (96.8% (61 out of 63)) believed that students'

academic lives and grades would be better if they learned how to properly manage their

mental health, this showed that individuals had a high belief in the association between

academic success and mental health and these students truly understand how essential it is to

be aware of mental health concerns and how it may affects their ability to succeed and gather

better grades. On the contrary a tiny minority of respondents (3.2%) only 2 students, they had

a whole different viewpoint, showing that they did not necessarily think that having mental

health issues would boost their academic achievement.

18- Are you happy and motivated with this specialty?

 Yes
 No
 Other

Are you Frequency Percentage Average Standard

happy and deviation
with this
Yes 37 58.7 1.76 0.94
No 4 6.3
Other 22 34.9
Total 63 100

Are you happy and motivated with this specialty?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Yes 37 58.7 58.7 58.7

No 4 6.3 6.3 65.1

Other 22 34.9 34.9 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data show that over the 63 respondents only37 answered "Yes" when asked if they were

happy and motivated with this specialty. 22 respondents fell into the "Other" category,
presenting replies that don't fit into a simple "Yes" or "no." And the other four respondents

replied with "No," suggesting they are not pleased and exciting with this speciality.

And for case of the percentages, it can be seen that 58.7% of the respondents selected "Yes,"

demonstrating their motivation and contentment. 6.3% of respondents said "No," while

34.9% selected "Other”, overall we may infer from the statistics that the vast majority of

respondents (58.7%) reported happiness and motivation with their speciality due to their

feeling of motivation and exactness studying this filed, on the contrary a minor percentage

(6.3%) of respondents said they weren't content and motivated and yet a sizable chunk

(34.9%) of respondents gave answers in the category "Other" suggests a spectrum of different

viewpoints and unknow thoughts.

19- Do you feel comfortable talking to your EFL teachers or language instructors about your
mental health issues?

 Always
 Frequently
 Occasionally
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never

Do you feel Frequency Percentage Average Standard

comfortable deviation
talking to
your EFL
teachers or
about your
Always 2 3.2 4.81 1.35
Frequently 4 6.3
Occasionally 3 4.8
Sometimes 11 17.5
Rarely 18 28.6
Never 25 39.7
Total 63 100

Do you feel comfortable talking to your EFL teachers or language instructors about
your mental health issues?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Always 2 3.2 3.2 3.2

Frequently 4 6.3 6.3 9.5

Occasionally 3 4.8 4.8 14.3

Sometimes 11 17.5 17.5 31.7

Rarely 18 28.6 28.6 60.3

Never 25 39.7 39.7 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data shows that 2 people (3.2%) out of the 63 students said that they felt comfortable

"Always" talking about their mental health difficulties with their EFL teachers or language

and when asked how often they felt comfortable, four students (6.3%) said "Frequently,"

whereas three students (4.8%) said "Occasionally", additionally, 25 students (39.7%) stated

they felt comfortable discussing their mental health difficulties with their EFL professors or

language teachers "Never," whereas 11 students (17.5%) said they felt comfortable

"Sometimes," 18 students (28.6%), and the majority of 25 students (39.7%) said they felt

comfortable "Rarely, and for the percentage: Based on the percentages, it is evident that the

majority of students (39.7%) said they had never felt at ease talking about their mental health

problems with their EFL professors or language instructors, also 28.6% of students said they

seldom felt comfortable. The remaining percentages show varied degrees of comfort; smaller

percentages report feeling comfortable occasionally (17.5%), occasionally (4.8%), regularly

(6.3%), and usually (3.2%), we can conclude that the big majority is underline under the

category of “ Rarely and Never” and that maybe because they’ve never felt comfortable to

share their true emotions and thoughts with their EFL teachers, and that’s may go back to

many reasons like the fact that some teachers may seem cruel or hard to deal with, some also

may look difficult and stubborn and others may have a reputation in the department for being

hard to deal with which results in a feeling of avoidance between the teachers and students.

20- What stresses you out the most about learning English?

 Oral presentations
 Exams and tests
 Scores
 Teachers
 The educational programme
 Something else, please specify.
What Frequency Percentage Average Standard
stresses you deviation
out the most
Oral 27 42.9 2.16 1.37
Exams and 18 28.6
Scores 7 11.1
Teachers 3 4.8
The 8 12.7
Total 63 100

What stresses you out the most about learning English?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Oral 27 42.9 42.9 42.9


Exams and 18 28.6 28.6 71.4


Scores 7 11.1 11.1 82.5

Teachers 3 4.8 4.8 87.3

The educational 8 12.7 12.7 100.0


Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data shows that from 63 students only 27 (42.9%) said that participating in oral

presentations was the part which caused them the biggest amount of stress and for exams and

tests were noted by 18 students (28.6%), also for scores were particularly identified as a

significant source of stress by 7 students (11.1%).

Also, teachers (who received 3 responses, or 4.8%) and the educational plan (8 responses, or

12.7%) were additional stressors.

However, the majority of students which is about (42.9%) pointed that oral presentations as

the most challenging part of learning English, according to the statistics, exams and tests

were claimed to be stressful by 28.6% students, while scores were mentioned as a severe

stressor by 11.1% of respondents, in addition, teachers (4.8%) and the educational curriculum

(12.7%) were mentioned as stressors in smaller amounts.

For oral presentations it is claimed to be the most stressful type of situation for students and

that’s maybe due to many aspects like the lack of confidence for some students and others

may have social anxiety disorder or speaking in public phobia, and according to 28.6% of

students, tests and exams cause stress, reflecting the pressure and anxiety associated with

assessment and evaluation, additionally, a sizable percentage of respondents (11.1%) said that

their stress levels are influenced by their grades, particularly their dread of receiving bad


21- What do you think that teachers can do to help you improve your learning journey?
regarding mental health?
From the answers of this question, 99% of the responses focused mainly on using QSM

questions that are based on understanding and limiting the lesson like no more than “5”

lesson in an exam and using better techniques that keeps the students motivated and

interested with the lesson.


In this section, we are hoping to seek insights into the effect of

scores on student's attitude and how they deal with the feelings and

emotions that appear from getting a low or good score.


22- When was the last time you had a low grade (bad mark) at university?
 Yesterday
 A week ago
 A month ago
 A very long time ago

When was Frequency Percentage Average Standard

the last time deviation
you had a
low grade
(bad mark) at
A week ago 6 9.5 3.44 0.67
A month ago 23 36.5
A very long 34 54.0
time ago
Total 63 100

When was the last time you had a low grade (bad mark) at university?
Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide A week ago 6 9.5 9.5 9.5

A month ago 23 36.5 36.5 46.0

A very long 34 54.0 54.0 100.0

time ago

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data shows that from 63 students, 6 students (9.5%) stated that they had received a poor

grade (low mark) just one week prior, and a month earlier about 23 students (36.5%) earned a

bad grade, while the majority of 34 students (54.0%) said it had been a very long time since

they had a bad score, we can conclude that the majority of respondents (54.0%) stated in the

survey that it has been a very long time since they obtained a bad mark at university and this

indicates that the majority of responders have recently had successful academic years.

Yet a sizable number of respondents (36.5%) (23 student) claimed to have received a poor

grade one month prior, suggesting that they had very recently some academic difficulties in

their learning journey, however, a smaller category of 6 students (9.5%) got a low grade as

recently as one week ago, indicating that some people may still be having academic


23- How did you feel about getting a bad mark (low grade)?

 Sad
 Angry
 Anxious
 Nothing
 Other

How did you Frequency Percentage Average Standard

feel about deviation
getting a bad
mark (low
Sad 24 38.1 2.19 1.12

Angry 11 17.5
Anxious 22 34.9

Nothing 4 6.3
Other 2 3.2
Total 63 100
How did you feel about getting a bad mark (low grade)?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Sad 24 38.1 38.1 38.1

Angry 11 17.5 17.5 55.6

Anxious 22 34.9 34.9 90.5

Nothing 4 6.3 6.3 96.8

Other 2 3.2 3.2 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data shows that 24 out of the 63 student (38.1%) said they felt depressed after getting a

poor grade, and 11 student (17.5%) said they were upset, while 22 (34.9%) said they were

worried, and only two students (3.2%) fell into the "Other" category, offering replies that

don't fit into the specified alternatives, while four respondents (6.3%) said they felt nothing at

all, however, based on the results' percentages, the majority of students (38.1%) claimed to

experience sadness after earning a low grade, also (34.9%) reported feeling apprehensive,

while (17.5%) reported feeling furious, and (6.3%) said they had no specific feelings, while

3.2% said they had "Other" feelings.

It is clear from the research that getting a negative grade (low mark) causes most of the

students to experience a range of emotions, for sadness it was the most often reported

emotion, with 38.1% of respondents reporting it, so we conclude that a sizable majority of

people experience disappointment or discouragement when their academic performance falls

short of expectations.
24- What were the causes behind getting bad scores?

 Stress
 Anxiety
 Not having been prepared
 Difficulty of the assignment
 All of the above
 None of the above
 Other
What were the causes behind getting bad scores?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Stress 13 20.6 20.6 20.6

Anxiety 6 9.5 9.5 30.2

Not having 22 34.9 34.9 65.1

been prepared

Difficulty of the 5 7.9 7.9 73.0


All of the above 15 23.8 23.8 96.8

None of the 2 3.2 3.2 100.0


Total 63 100.0 100.0

What were Frequency Percentage Average Standard

the causes deviation
getting bad
Stress 13 20.6 3.14 1.50
Anxiety 6 9.5
Not having 22 34.9
Difficulty of 5 7.9
All of the 15 23.8
None of the 2 3.2
Total 63 100

The data shows that 13 student (20.6%) out of the 63 blamed their low ratings grades to stress

and 22 student (34.9%) blamed lack of preparation for their poor performance, while 6

students (9.5%) chose fear, also the assignment's complexity was mentioned as a contributing

factor by 5 students (7.9%), additionally, 15 student (23.8%) said that a combination of all

the previously stated factors contributed to their poor test results, and only 2 (3.2%) students

has chosen “none of the above”.

In addition, the most chosen reason for poor results was not being prepared, which was cited

by 34.9% of student, and about 20 student 6% noted stress, and 9.5% stated anxiety. 7.9% of

those surveyed said the task was tough and difficult, also, a big percentage of respondents

(23.8%) claimed that the combination of all the variables is the reason behind their poor test

results, 3.2% of the students reported having none of the mentioned factors.
According to the statistics, being unprepared was the most often chosen reason for poor

performance, with a sizable percentage (34.9%) attributing their poor performance to this

reason, this suggests that a lack of preparation, such as insufficient studying or a lack of

comprehension of the subject, has a big impact on academic achievement.

And as we can notice that 20.6% of respondents cited stress as the reason for their poor

grades this highlights the negative effects of stress on academic performance, also 9.5%

expressed anxiety, indicating that emotional issues may play a role in lowering the students'


25- How do you cope with having a low grade?

 I take it easy.
 I blame myself.
 I blame my teacher.
 I will make more efforts next time.
 I simply don’t care at all.

How do you
cope with Standard
Frequency Percentage Average
having a low deviation
I take it easy. 14 22.2
I blame 27 42.9
I blame my 6 9.5
teacher. 2.38 1.10
I will make 16 25.4
more efforts
next time.
Total 63 100
The data shows that out of 63 student, 14 (22.2%) said they relax and taking it easy as a

coping strategy after receiving a poor grade and 27 student (42.9%) felt like it’s their fault

and blamed their selves while 6 students (9.5%) said they were feel like blaming the teacher

is the right thing to do, In order to deal with receiving a poor grade, 16 student (25.4%) said

they would put in more effort the next time.

However, based on the percentages, blaming themselves was the most often stated coping

strategy, used by 42.9% of students and that’s might be due to the realization the it’s non

one’s fault expects the student regarding his scores, also 22.2% of respondents said they were

taking it easy and that’s the chilling type and which is also the right thing to do cause regret

and feeling negative emptions won't change the score, while 9.5% blamed the teacher and

They might be right sometimes to think or feel this way because they may find that some

teachers are cruel and don’t encourage their students.

26- How do you feel when you get a good grade?

 Happy
 Excited
 Nothing
 Other

How do you Frequency Percentage Average Standard

feel when deviation
you get a
good grade?
Happy 34 54.0 1.56 0.69
Excited 24 38.1
Nothing 4 6.3
Other 1 1.6
Total 63 100
How do you feel when you get a good grade?

Percentage Percentage
Frequency Percentage valide cumulé

Valid Happy 34 54.0 54.0 54.0

Excited 24 38.1 38.1 92.1

Nothing 4 6.3 6.3 98.4

Other 1 1.6 1.6 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data shows that 34 of the 63 (or 54%) said they are pleased when they get a good grade,

in comparison, four respondents (6.3%) reported feeling nothing, while about 14 student

(38.1%) said they were excited and only one (1.6% of respondents) gave a comment that

didn't fall within one of the predetermined categories, falling under the "Other" category.

The data revels based on the percentages that happiness was the most often stated emotional

reaction to obtaining a good grade, with 54.0% of respondents saying they have experienced

it whenever they get a good grade and 38.1% of the students reported excitement, indicating a

high positive response to academic accomplishment, and a tiny category (6.3%) claimed to

have no reaction to receiving a high grade or a good mark which might sounds weird and odd

for many, however another neutral reaction one student (1.6% ) gave a response that didn't

fall within one of the predetermined categories and he choose “others”.

Overall, is clear from the data that the majority of students (54.0%) said they are pleased with

a good grade and felt happy getting it, this suggests that being successful in school provides a

happy, contented, proud and positive effect on the student’s mental health.
27- To what extent does a good mark improve your mental health status?

 To a Great Extent
 Somewhat
 Very Little
 Other
To what extent does a good mark improve your mental health status?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide To a Great 46 73.0 73.0 73.0


Somewhat 14 22.2 22.2 95.2

Very Little 2 3.2 3.2 98.4

Other 1 1.6 1.6 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

To what Frequency Percentage Average Standard

extent does a deviation
good mark
improve your
To a Great 46 73.0 1.33 0.62
Somewhat 14 22.2
Very Little 2 3.2
Other 1 1.6
Total 63 100
The data shows that from 63 student about 46 student (73.0%) reported that a good mark

improves their mental health status to a great extent and 14 student (22.2%) said it somewhat

helps their mental health, while only 2 students (3.2%) said it just slightly improves their

mental health and only one student (1.6% of respondents) gave a comment that didn't fall

within one of the predetermined categories, falling under the "Other" category.

We can see that the vast majority of students (73.0%) thought that getting a good grade had a

substantial positive influence and greatly improved their mental health and a moderate

improvement in mental health was reported by 22.2% of respondents, while a small

improvement was cited by 3.2% of respondents and the last 1.6% of respondents had a

unique viewpoint that wasn't expressly covered by the established alternatives.

We can conclude from the data that it is clear that the majority of the students (73.0%)

believe that getting a good grade significantly improves their mental health., this implies that

academic progress and success might enhance happiness, self-assurance, and good feelings.

The link between excellent grades and better mental health underlines the significance of

academic achievement as a factor that can have a favourable impact on wellbeing.


The link between Mental health and Academic Performance

Here we are concluding this study of “investigating the relationship

between mental health and academic performance” by examining the

correlation relationship between students’ mental health and their academic


Your answers will clarify the impact of mental health on students’

academic achievement and help us in identifying the potential areas for

improving and elaborating the supporting system of students' mental health.


28- Do you think that scores affect the quality of life and your mental health?

 Yes
 No

Do you think Frequency Percentage Average Standard

that scores deviation
affect the
quality of life
and your
Yes 53 84.1 1.16 0.37
No 10 15.9
Total 63 100

Do you think that scores affect the quality of life and your mental health?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Yes 53 84.1 84.1 84.1

No 10 15.9 15.9 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data shows that 53 of the 63 students (84.1%) claimed that scores had an impact on their

quality of life and mental health while scores do not matter in this aspect, according to ten

respondents (15.9%).
And based on the percentages, the majority of students (84.1%) agreed that the test results do

have an impact on students' quality of life and mental health, and only 15.9% of students said

that scores had no bearing on these factors.

It is clear from the data that the majority of students (84.1%) think that test results do have an

impact on life quality and mental health and this implies that people believe there is a

connection between academic success and happiness, showing that they view their grades as

having an impact on their general quality of life and mental health.

Also, the data shows fewer students (15.9%) expressed the opinion that test results had no

bearing on one's quality of life or mental health, and this suggests that these people may value

other elements of their lives more or have different ideas on the relevance of academic

success since they do not believe there is a clear correlation between their academic

performance and their wellbeing.

29- How much do you feel that your mental health affects your academic performance

 Not at all
 Somewhat
 To a Great Extent

How much Frequency Percentage Average Standard

do you feel deviation
that your
health affects
Not at all 4 6.3 2.43 0.61
Somewhat 28 44.4
To a Great 31 49.2
Total 63 100

How much do you feel that your mental health affects your academic performance

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Not at all 4 6.3 6.3 6.3

Somewhat 28 44.4 44.4 50.8

To a Great 31 49.2 49.2 100.0


Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data shows that 4 (6.3%) of the overall 63 student felt that their mental health had no

impact at all on their academic achievement, however, 28 student (44.4%) said that their

mental health has some influence on how well they do in school, 31 students (49.2%) said
that their mental health had a significant impact on their academic performance, and 6.3%

percent of student said that their mental health had no impact on their academic performance

at all, while the majority (49.2%) said that mental health had a considerable impact on their

academic performance, and a sizeable number (44.4%) admitted a modest impact on their

academic performance.

We can conclude from the statistics that a sizeable percentage of the students that (49.2%)

think that their mental health has a major impact on their academic performance, this

suggests that they believe there is a direct link between their mental health and their academic

performance, it implies that when a person's mental health is impaired, it can significantly

affect their academic success and performance, and for the other 44.4% of student said their

mental health had a moderate influence on their academic achievement this shows that

although the impact may not be as noticeable as for those who experience a large deal of

influence they are aware of a link between mental health and academic performance.

30- Have you noticed any changes in your grades or academic performance since
experiencing mental health problems (if you ever did)?

 Yes
 No
 Not sure

Have you Frequency Percentage Average Standard

noticed any deviation
changes in
your grades
or academic
problems (if
you ever
Yes 38 60.3 1.70 0.91
No 6 9.5
Not sure 19 30.2
Total 63 100

Have you noticed any changes in your grades or academic performance since
experiencing mental health problems (if you ever did)?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Yes 38 60.3 60.3 60.3

No 6 9.5 9.5 69.8

Not sure 19 30.2 30.2 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

The data shows that over 63 student, 38 (60.3%) said they had seen changes in their academic

performance or grades since beginning to experience mental health issues and 19 students

(30.2%) were unsure or could not give a clear answer, while 6 students (9.5%) said they had

not seen any changes and according to this data we can observe that the majority of students

(60.3%) claimed that after encountering mental health issues, their grades or academic

performance had changed, a sizable majority of respondents (30.2%) were unclear or could

not give a clear answer, while a tiny percentage (9.5%) did not notice any changes.

We can conclude that a big percentage of students (60.3%) stated that they had seen changes

in their academic performance or grades since beginning to experience mental health issues,

this shows that mental health problems may affect academic performance and may cause

changes or losses in grades and degradation of level.

However, a lower proportion of students (9.5%) claimed that they had not seen any changes

in their academic performance or grades after beginning to experience mental health issues.

This suggests that some people may have been resilient or had excellent coping mechanisms

since they were still able to maintain their academic achievement in spite of their mental

health issues.

31- How would you rate your overall stress level related to university tasks or exams?
 Very low
 Low
 Moderate
 High
 Very high
How would you rate your overall stress level related to university tasks or exams?

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Very low 2 3.2 3.2 3.2

Low 3 4.8 4.8 7.9

Moderate 27 42.9 42.9 50.8

High 25 39.7 39.7 90.5

Very high 6 9.5 9.5 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

How would Frequency Percentage Average Standard

you rate your deviation
overall stress
level related
to university
tasks or
Very low 2 3.2 3.48 0.86
Low 3 4.8
Moderate 27 42.9
High 25 39.7
Very high 6 9.5
Total 63 100
The data shows that 2 students (3.2%) out of the 63 student said they felt very little overall

stress from exams and tests while the majority of them fell into higher stress categories, with

27 person (42.9%) reporting a moderate stress level, 25 person (39.7%) reporting a high

stress level, and only 6 students (9.5%) reporting a very high stress level and the last three

students (4.8%) indicated a low degree of stress.

We can notice that the majority of students said that they were either somewhat (42.9%) or

highly (39.7%) stressed out about their academic exams or tests and that’s due to their feeling

of stress and anxiety and fewer students (3.2%) and (4.8%) reported having low or very low

stress levels. In addition, 9.5% of students said they were under a lot of stress.

It is clear from the statistics that a sizable number of students (42.9%) expressed a moderate

degree of stress linked to schoolwork or tests this shows that a sizable proportion of students

feel a mild level of stress as a result of their academic endeavours.

Additionally, a sizable portion of respondents (39.7%) reported having high levels of stress,

showing that a sizable proportion of students experience severe worry when it comes to

academic exams or tests.

32- What strategies do you use to deal with stress and anxiety caused or related to university?
 Exercise
 Talking with friends or family
 Listening to music
 Meditation
 Other

What strategies do you use to deal with stress and anxiety caused or related to

Pourcentage Pourcentage
Fréquence Pourcentage valide cumulé

Valide Exercise 7 11.1 11.1 11.1

Talking with 22 34.9 34.9 46.0

friends or family

Listening to 6 9.5 9.5 55.6


Meditation 4 6.3 6.3 61.9

Other 24 38.1 38.1 100.0

Total 63 100.0 100.0

What Frequency Percentage Average Standard

strategies do deviation
you use to
deal with
stress and
caused or
related to
Exercise 7 11.1 3.25 1.53
Talking with 22 34.9
friends or
Listening to 6 9.5
Meditation 4 6.3
Other 24 38.1
Total 63 100

The data shows that exercise was mentioned as a coping mechanism by 7 students (11.1%)

for stress and anxiety brought on by or connected to attending university, 22 student (34.9%)

reported conversing with friends or family as a coping mechanism, whereas 6 student (9.5%)

and 4 student (6.3%) stated listening to music and doing meditation, A bigger percentage of

respondents (24, or 38.1%) mentioned other tactics that were not mentioned in the data.

The most often indicated tactic, according to the percentages, was talking with friends or

family, which was mentioned by 34.9%, while meditation and listening to music were both

stated by 9.5% and 6.3%, exercise was noted by 11.1%, over all we can conclude that

students used a wide range of coping mechanisms to manage stress and anxiety brought on by

or associated with their studies and the most often reported technique is talking to friends or

family to reduce and manage their stress and anxiety, on the other hand less students

indicated listening to music and practicing meditation, suggesting that while these coping

mechanisms may be less popular, some people still use them to deal with stress and anxiety.

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