Safety Sign
Safety Sign
Safety Sign
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Next i will send you the qc report of the completed task schedule and the initial daily report forms.
Next i will send you the qc report of the completed task schedule and the initial daily report forms.
GSO Yard Ablution Unit Modification and Installation at BDSC
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Next i will send you the qc report of the completed task schedule and the initial daily report forms.
Next i will send you the qc report of the completed task schedule and the initial daily report forms.
Next i will send you the qc report of the completed task schedule and the initial daily report forms.
Next i will send you the qc report of the completed task schedule and the initial daily report forms.
19 February 2023
Dear Sirs:
On behalf of K2 International LLC., we would like to thank you for the opportunity to bid on the above-mentioned project with Amentum on this
pressing matter.
K2 is pleased to provide the required services RFP-OMSS-UR-01 (Amendments 1 and 2) for the GSI Yard Ablution Unit Modification and
Installation at the Baghdad Diplomatic Support Center (BDSC) in support of Amentum’s (PAE) prime contract No. SAQMMA- 12-D-0165 awarded
by the US Department of State.
K2 is a privately held US company based in Virginia with its main operation in the Baghdad, Iraq for over 15 years. K2 is a Woman Owned Small
Business entity with more than 55 combined years of overseas operational experience in the Middle East and North Africa, specialized in supply,
construction management, design, and maintenance. K2 maintains an extensive presence and offices in Baghdad—inside the Green Zone.
K2’s unique experience as an international operator allows us to leverage the local work force and supply chain to maintain facilities using the
highest level of standards through our on the ground training, oversight, and mentoring. With offices in Virginia and in Washington, DC, and
regional offices in Iraq, Kazakhstan, and Tunisia (covering Libya), K2 is staffed by a team of seasoned expats and host country nationals who have
been successfully delivering projects in the Middle East since 2004. Our experiences have covered such projects in construction management,
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life support, engineering, O&M services, food services and training. A small mention of some of our valued clients are and have been the Italian
Embassy, Baghdad; the French Embassy, Baghdad; the Australian Embassy, Baghdad; UNAMI; US DoD and DoS; NATO.
K2’s international management team has proven experience in the harshest environments in the Middle East and have worked under some of
the most challenging conditions. They are quite well known to the decision makers of the local government, various international organizations
and embassies in Iraq and enjoy an excellent reputation. The team draws upon its skills in performing the demanding administrative side of
international organizations’ contracts as well as international accepted program and project management practices. Complimenting this core
group of expat management professionals, has access to several well qualified sub-contractors if needed to execute works in most of the core
fields in construction, engineering, and technical services.
K2’s team covers all disciplines of operations and maintenance, engineers: civil, electrical, and mechanical, as well as architectural and design
services. Together this team has delivered projects valued at multimillions of dollars in multiple sectors, including operations and maintenance,
power transmission and distribution for the Government of Iraq, Ministry of Defense (Iraq) facilities projects, PAE and more than 18 embassies in
Committed to safety first, K2’s dedicated on-site construction managers are currently updating their OSHA and other safety certifications. They
have been thoroughly vetted by means of their extensive engineering and construction experiences in county. K2 applies orthodox project
management tools for cost and schedule baseline management to ensure good stewardship of its resources. Among these tools are critical path
method scheduling, daily and safety and coordination meetings along with weekly progress meetings with the client, as required or requested.
K2 is committed to responsive corporate behavior that will result in meeting or exceeding Amentum’s expectations. To achieve this result, K2
promotes decentralized decision making. K2’s vetted on-site professionals are empowered with decision making authority that commits the
resources of the company.
Moreover, K2 has a major operation in the Green Zone and is registered with the Iraqi Ministry of Trade, the Prime Minister’s Office and with the
requisite Iraqi security organizations for the Green Zone.
K2 specialized in bespoke management teams specific to the task. Flexibility and rapid response are our cornerstones for providing the optimum
solution to our client’s requirements. With our global network of expertise in supply, project management, we deliver on time, on budget, every
time. Our unique experience operating under extreme conditions makes us uniquely qualified to take on construction and supply projects and
bring value to our partnerships. We are able to create a competitive edge by continuous studying new trends and methodologies which we can
use on our projects to save both time and money.
The senior management has lived and engaged in the MENA regions for over 30 years and as such, they have a strong understanding of the local
culture and language, with that is their ability to adopt to local requirements and methods. Utilizing a network of consultants for specific
assignments, our in-country senior management is dedicated to mentoring our qualified local partners.
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Our philosophy is “we never give up”. And with our belief that customer comes first, we strive to understand the needs of our clients to adopt
the “thinking outside the box” mentality when the situations occur so that we find a viable solution for our client.
K2 understands that our mission under this requirement is to provide Amentum a solution for the prefab ablution unit modifications and
installation services along with all site preparation—to include electrical, plumbing, metal works, HVAC/R, sanitary and super-chlorination, with
interior partitions for ablution unit RSHSO438240. K2 will be responsible for supplying all materials, equipment, personnel, and labor to perform
these services.
It is understood that K2 will have ninety (90) working days to complete the works, upon the NTP notification.
K2 will ensure the works are executed in a professional manner, adhering to the project schedule and all necessary building codes set
forth in the Statement of Work (SOW).
K2 works will be executed during normal work hours at BDSC, unless otherwise agreed upon.
K2 will ensure that the safety of its employees and visitors will be met during the contract performance period.
K2 will provide a qualified project manager along with both skilled and unskilled labor for the project.
K2 will provide drawings and materials lists to the Facility Manger for approval.
K2 will locate all utilities and communications lines prior to any excavation works. K2 will notify the Facilities Manager 72 hours in
advance when the excavation works will commence for his review and approvals.
K2 will submit to the Facility Management Office as build drawings which will identify all utility works related to the project prior to final
K2 will clean the site daily and remove any debris and at the end of the project, all debris, remaining construction materials will be
removed and the site will be readied for the client.
K2 will be responsible for all modifications and installations of ablution unit RSHSO438240 and all tasks associated with the project.
K2 will provide all skilled supervision, skilled labor, tools, materials, equipment, consumables and other items needed to execute the
works in a timely and professional manner.
K2 will be responsible for the fixtures, site construction, installation of the unit, which will include all requirements and components for
the project.
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K2 will barricade off the worksite and provide safety signage to alert people of the construction on the site.
K2 is fully aware there may be hurdles to overcome as a result of changes that can occur on a near-daily basis when it comes to organize access
of materials, equipment—as well as staff onto the BDSC.
These hurdles include escorting staff—which is a key element in this equation—as well as obtaining access permissions for materials through the
checkpoints that are controlled and issued by the Iraqi military. Thanks to our long-term relationships, K21 is well connected in both these areas
and are confident we can overcome most of these obstacles; however, these issues can arise out of the blue on any single day with the potential
of having a direct impact on the execution of works/tasks.
Being established with the proper authorities for such a long time, we believe that we have certain advantages as we have maintained a very
clean record with the authorities when it comes to these matters.
While there is capacity for the execution of certain tasks on hand, the nature of the project on hand might require the mobilization of additional
skills/capacities and capabilities. Yet, K2 is in a position to start the works on hand almost immediately with the capacities available inside the IZ
and the ability to add further capacities and capabilities should they be needed to secure performance levels and timelines.
While this is not subject to this RFP, it is worth mentioning that the options to provide quality materials have improved over the past years. Our
long-term experience with the execution of various construction and technical services contracts with USAID, UNITED NATIONS and various
embassies in Iraq provides confidence in the ability to meet potential requirements.
However, importing specific materials and specified products might provide major time delays as we have experienced when we had to bring in
specific electrical materials from Italy or bulletproof glass from Turkey for certain construction contracts. At this point we do not foresee importing
specific materials – it will be necessary though to procure project-specific tools etc which we have covered in the mobilization cost part of the
We have built and continue to maintain good relations to the local authorities as well as the customs, an essential part of our projects.
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Management Plan
Based on our previous experiences in other engineering/design and construction projects in Baghdad--for example the construction of the Italian
Embassy in Baghdad which K2 performed as the lead organization, we keep the decision-making process very simple to ensure speedy
processing of upcoming requirements.
The below table demonstrates that working with K2 means quick, well-informed decision-making processes to ensure a maximum customer
Jon Aquino
We have foreseen several very qualified staff (also with a vast level of work experience in Iraq).
DBA Insurance
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K2I holds a valid DBA insurance policy which can be used for the project at hand. Depending on the time of a possible contract award, the policy
needs to be renewed/extended. The corresponding costs are listed in the line-item prices.
Safety Plan
HSE has always been the main focus of K2’s operation and projects. Our HSE strategy concentrates on outcomes and looks beyond the
traditional role of simply preventing personal injuries. We believe that the major goal for the future is to create a working environment that
promotes employee empowerment.
K2’s HSE policy allows the employee to assist the company in clarifying ‘what works’, ‘what works best’, and what is not worth the effort. This
allows for concentrating on strategic objectives and finding proper solutions with all key contractors, clients and partners.
K2’s HSE mission is to ensure that the risk to the employee’s health and safety while engaged in work activities is minimized and properly
controlled. This means reducing risks and protecting people by achieving the following goals:
Continue reducing injury and work-related illness rates and days lost from work.
Continue improving the working environment of all project areas.
Preventing any major incidents in high-hazard operations.
Methodology of SOW
We had a site visits to get a good impression of the work which needs to be executed. Based on these brief surveys and orientation visits We
propose the following course of action to execute the required scope conveyed by Amentum.
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The existing AREA of CHU trailers placed there will be adjusted to give space for ABLUTION to be properly placed.
The surrounding placement of the ablution will be cleaned and the Irregular surfaces will be removed to make it smooth before it is
compacted to strengthen the soil and prevent soil sloping n during the excavation of the sewer tank
All blocks are embedded in the ground in accordance with the proper design of the staircase to be installed and fit in the ablution unit to
avoid the potential for slips, trips, and fall hazards.
while repairing and strengthening the ablution installation, our skilled worker’s plumbers, carpenters, and electricians start cleaning the
strips and remove the unnecessary ones attached to the old ablution unit before it is installed. has been cleared.
Once the ablution unit is placed on its solid foundation, excavation begins for the installation of the sewage tank and digging to bury the
main power line.
Ablution floor arrangement, laying of men's and women's toilet partitions, and a laundry partition laying new electrical lines and other
accessories as per given specification from SOW. everything that will be used is listed and can be found in the list of materials line items
When the construction is completed in accordance with the specifications of the sow, various tests will be performed such as water
leakage. if there is a return of the smell of sewage, electricity will be tested to see if all the loads can be used at the same time all
electrical equipment such as washing machines dryer water heater water pump air conditioner, and their lights
The entire Ablution and its surroundings will be cleaned and cleaned outside before the turnover.
The total performance period from receipt of NTP is envisioned to be 60 working days, broken down per the following intermediate milestone
Construction Team
The key personnel and managing authority will be the existing K2I operation and logistics management at K2I premises inside the Green Zone.
Our best reference would be the Italian Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq for our most recent works there which was the construction and installation of
the generator cover on their compound.
The construction and installation services offered in this proposal will be performed by K2I’s own labor pool and equipment. K2 is in possession of
most necessary assets and manpower. Equipment that is needed on a case-by-case basis (like heavy equipment, concrete pump, concrete mixer,
etc…) will be rented for the duration of the construction process.
In order to be able to act as a whole and use our strength to outperform competitors in construction and maintenance services, K2’s Quality
Management and Quality Control do not just consist of reviews after a work product is completed but focus on preventing problems or errs. This
“pre-acting”, not “re-acting” attitude helps to maintain high-quality services throughout our operations.
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K2 has established and implemented a quality management system (QMS) that focuses on meeting customer requirements and enabling
employees to do their jobs right the first time. The design of the QMS is influenced by varying customer needs, particular objectives, the services
provided, the processes employed, and the size and structure of our organization. It is recognized that success comes from focusing on doing
things right the first time, on time, every time, meeting customer requirements, and exceeding their expectations.
Quality is dependent upon a systematic approach to process management aimed at ensuring that customer needs are understood and met. The
QMS creates a framework for clearly defining process controls, the interaction between processes, and verification activities. This ensures that
processes are performed in a well-defined and controlled environment. The system focuses on quality assurance through prevention rather than
quality control through detection.
K2 Quality Control Plans are also utilized to define how the quality system requirements and customer requirements are to be met for specific
services or projects. Quality Control Plans are tailored to the needs of the customer; thus, they may vary widely. They specify the applicable
processes and the resources to be applied to a specific service, project, or contract. Quality Control Plans are designed around the results or
performance objectives of the customer and are used to ensure the quality of services and to determine success in meeting the specified contract
requirements. They help ensure a common understanding of specific requirements and lay the groundwork for a strong business relationship
between K2I and its customers, and contractors.
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. Category Amount Requirement time day
1 Site Manager 1 45
2 Safety Officer 1 45
3 Carpenter 1 20
4 Plumber 1 20
5 H-Vac/Eelctrician 1 20
6 Welder 1 8
7 Labor 30
No. Category Amount Requirement time day
1 Backhoe 1 3
2 Crane 1 3
3 Compactor 1 2
4 Dumptruck 1 2
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5 Flatbed Trailer 1 1
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DAYS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Clearing The Area
Soil Filling and Compacting
Clearing old Ablution
Installatkion and Renovation
Cleaning and Clearing
As Amentum is working inside the secured area of the Green Zone, if one does not have badging, permission must be approved for entry into the
Green Zone—or escorted in.
Since K2 is located less than 350 meters from the US Embassy compound, where Amentum is based, K2 has all the approvals and licenses to
work inside the Green Zone. As such, the K2 personnel is badged. Our accessibility to the US Embassy is not a problem for us.
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While there is the capacity for the execution of certain tasks on hand, the nature of the project on hand might require the mobilization of additional
skills/capacities and capabilities. Yet, K2I is in a position to start the works on hand practically immediately with the capacities available inside the
Green Zone. We also have further capacities and capabilities should they be needed to secure performance levels and timelines.
While this is not germane to this RFP, it is worth mentioning that the options to provide quality materials have improved over the past years. Our
long-term experience with the execution of various construction and technical services contracts with USAID and also UNITED NATIONS in Iraq
provides confidence in the ability to meet potential requirements.
However, importing specific materials and specified products might provide major time delays as we have experienced when we had to bring in
specific electrical materials from Italy or bulletproof glass from Turkey for certain construction contracts. At this point we do not foresee importing
specific materials – it will be
necessary though to procure project-specific tools etc which we have covered in the mobilization cost part of the proposal.
We understand that building and maintaining good relations with the local authorities as well as the customs is essential.
Past Performance
Design/build CHUs, helipad, infrastructure, and power, Kirkuk Regional Air Base
Power transmission, distribution, and security, Iraqi Ministry of Defense
Force protection projects
Design/installation of electrical and sewage projects, US Embassy, Baghdad
Refurbishment of Czech Embassy, Baghdad
Rebuild of water and fire suppression system, USAID, Baghdad
Electrical and sewage projects for the US Embassy in Baghdad.
Containerized housing unit project at the Kirkuk Regional Air Base for the US Department of State
NATO Projects
Supply to the French Military based on Union III
Project Cost
Based on mentioned approach elements of this Renovation and Installation cost project cost to be
$32,890.50 USD. ( ). This includes all materials, heavy/equipment, tools, human resources and insurance.
We trust that our proposal meets the requirements and expectations for a quick solution to a pressing problem. We are on standby to start work as
soon as we receive a green light.
Should you have any questions or concerns arising from our proposal, we at K2 are available at any time for clarification.
Very respectfully,
Next i will send you the qc report of the completed task schedule and the initial daily report forms.
Hans Kunz
Country Manager
Email: [email protected]
USA: +1 703 618 2876
IRAQ: + 964 772 777 0721