10 1108 - Ijpsm 07 2015 0132
10 1108 - Ijpsm 07 2015 0132
10 1108 - Ijpsm 07 2015 0132
ICT and sustainability in smart
cities management
Francesco Bifulco, Marco Tregua, Cristina Caterina Amitrano and
132 Anna D'Auria
Department of Economics, Management, Institutions,
Received 7 July 2015 University of Naples – Federico II, Naples, Italy
Revised 30 October 2015
14 December 2015
Accepted 15 December 2015 Abstract
Purpose – Contemporary debate is increasingly focused on ICT and sustainability, especially in
relation to the modern configuration of urban and metropolitan areas in the so-called smartization
process. The purpose of this paper is to observe the connections between smart city features as
conceptualized in the framework proposed by Giffinger et al. (2007) and new technologies as tools, and
sustainability as the goal.
Design/methodology/approach – The connections are identified through a content analysis
performed using NVivo on official reports issued by organizations, known as industry players within
smart city projects, listed in the Navigant Research Report 2013.
Findings – The results frame ICT and sustainability as “across-the-board elements” because they
connect with all of the services provided to communities in a smart city and play a key role in smart
city planning. Specifically, sustainability and ICT can be seen as tools to enable the smartization
Research limitations/implications – An all-in-one perspective emerges by embedding
sustainability and ICT in smart interventions; further research could be conduct through direct
interviews to city managers and industry players in order to understand their attitude towards the
development of smart city projects.
Practical implications – Potential approaches emerging from this research are useful to city
managers or large corporations partnering with local agencies in order to increase the opportunities for
the long-term success of smart projects.
Originality/value – The results of this paper delineate a new research path looking at the
development of new models that integrate drivers, ICT, and sustainability in an all-in-one perspective
and new indicators for the evaluation of the interventions.
Keywords ICT, Sustainability, Community services, Smart city management, Smartization
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
Many cities, due to rapid population growth, face two conflicting issues. On the one
hand, problems include the overexploitation of resources, an inadequate number of
services, and an increase in pollution. On the other hand, sustainable goals must be
achieved to overcome these criticalities.
The integration of new aspects brought to take into account different and innovative
factors in governance and management of the urban areas, and this process turned the
focus on more complex conceptualizations such as the “smart city” (Schaffers et al., 2011)
in which human and social capital and traditional and modern communication
infrastructures are combined to carry on the sustainable economic growth and a higher
International Journal of Public
quality of life through a proper management of available resources (Caragliu et al., 2011).
Sector Management
Vol. 29 No. 2, 2016
pp. 132-147 This work has been supported by the project OR.C.HE.S.T.R.A. (Organizational of Cultural
© Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Heritage for Smart Tourism and Real-time Accessibility) in the Italian National Operative
DOI 10.1108/IJPSM-07-2015-0132 Program 2007-2013.
The challenges in smart cities have fuelled the search for better quality services and have ICT and
led cities to begin the process of smartization, a path towards the integration of sustainability
technology in every aspect of the urban environment to offer a better quality of life to its
Since the twenty-first century, an increasing number of smart city projects
have emerged using a variety of methods, dimensions, and typologies to address
cities’ specific policies, objectives, funding, and scopes for their planned projects 133
(Amitrano et al., 2014).
In recent years, the conceptualization of a smart city has generated a large number
of studies from scholars, central or local institutions, and industry players involved in
smart projects (Nam and Pardo, 2011). The connected streams of research aimed at
creating models for smart city projects has led to the identification of pivotal elements,
usually known as “characteristics” (Giffinger et al., 2007) or “drivers” (Meijer and
Rodríguez-Bolívar, 2015). The latter term indicates the propelling role of the above-cited
elements in the development and improvement of urban and metropolitan areas.
The value of these features is strictly related to the decisions of local governments
and city managers because they can guide the urban context through the smartization
process (Previtali and Bof, 2009). However, the related framework remains complex and
diversified, as like as differences emerge when comparing features of local contexts
influencing smart projects (Neirotti et al., 2014). More recently, attention has focused on
both sustainability as the goal for smartization and on ICT (information and
communications technology – or technologies) as a relevant tool or as the key to
addressing smart processes (Meijer and Rodríguez-Bolívar, 2015), especially given the
findings contained in official reports released by organizations and local agencies.
To identify the results that have already been achieved through smart projects and,
in particular, to investigate how to attain a smart city, this paper analyses two
connections: the first between ICT and individual smart city drivers and the second
between sustainability and individual smart city drivers. The results lead the authors
to consider ICT and sustainability as across-the-board elements for smart city projects
due to the central role they play in performing smart activities.
2. Literature review
2.1 The conceptualization of smart cities
Currently, urban and metropolitan contexts are increasingly influenced by
globalization processes (Berry, 2008) and new technologies (Demirkan, et al., 2011).
ICTs are now heavily involved in the governance and management of cities, where they
are used as tools and as resources to improve quality of life, achieve sustainable
development, and create a more open and innovative urban context through the
participation of several actors (Anthopoulos and Tougountzoglou, 2012).
Accordingly, a popular topic in this field is the smart city, which is a new
configuration of the urban and metropolitan contexts based on a set of linked features
to improve citizens’ quality of life, as the urban development policies are often
addressed by urban managers dealing with the smart city discourse (Vanolo, 2014).
The smart city began its evolution in the 1970s, when urban contexts adopted a
digital configuration (Ishida and Isbister, 2000) that focused on technologies and
non-material structures embedded in the physical space of the city. More recently, the
integration of new aspects of everyday life turned the focus to more complex
innovations, supported by broadband networks and collective intelligence determining
the development of the city (Elmquist et al., 2009; Schaffers et al., 2011).
IJPSM Indeed, over time, scholars, central and local institutions, and large corporations
29,2 driven by globalization have offered numerous contributions and have proposed
several definitions (i.e. digital, intelligent, ubiquitous, wired, hybrid, information,
creative, learning, humane, knowledge, and smart) aimed at describing the renewed
configurations adopted within the local contexts (Nam and Pardo, 2011). As introduced
above, the most commonly used labels are “digital city” and “smart city”, and while
134 scholars do not agree on the definitions of these two labels (Shen et al., 2011; Tregua
et al., 2015), projects led by supranational institutions share the perspective that a
sustainable city represents the evolution of the smart city concept. Anyway, smart
interventions in cities have even been criticized, due to issues like poor or fragmented
inclusiveness (Walravens, 2011) and splintering urbanism (Vanolo, 2014), and more
generally the usage of “smart” just as a label (Hollands, 2008).
Newly developed technology for city (Feldman and Audretsch, 1999) retains an
important role in both conceptualizations; indeed, when reviewing the literature, it is
clear that in the digital city, ICT represents the infrastructures that shape the city, and
in the smart city, ICT is regarded as a set of tools for the governance and management
of urban and metropolitan areas to improve services through innovative technologies
(Anttiroiko et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2013).
The various aspects characterizing the smart city conceptualization can be
summarized through two of the most relevant definitions:
(1) “we believe a city to be smart when investments in human and social capital
and traditional (transport) and modern (ICT) communication infrastructures
fuel sustainable economic growth and a high quality of life, with a wise
management of natural resources, through participatory governance”
(Caragliu et al., 2011, p. 50); and
(2) “the more recent interest in smart cities can be attributed to the strong
concern for sustainability, and to the rise of new Internet technologies, such as
mobile devices (e.g. smart phones), the semantic web, cloud computing, and
the Internet of Things (IoT) promoting real world user interfaces” (Schaffers
et al., 2011, p. 434).
The inclusion of these different elements in smart cities is based on a model known as the
“triple helix” (Etzkowitz, 2003), which involves different and complementary features
such as knowledge, entrepreneurship, and institutions. The evolutionary offspring of the
“triple helix”, namely, the “quadruple helix” and the “quintuple helix” (Carayannis and
Campbell, 2010), are based on the inclusion of civil society and natural environment. For
this purpose, civil society is defined as the community of users who have an essential role
in governance and management – not including the local administrator – and who
become operators and users or, better, cre-actors (Tregua et al., 2015), while the natural
environment is seen as the context framing these interventions and even as something to
be safeguarded when performing smart interventions.
y y
om om
on on
ec ec
su t
sta nt en
nme nm
bil iro o
ity v IC
T vir
en en
govern le govern
le ance peop ance
Figure 1.
Nodes clustered by
word similarity
IJPSM from the analysis is useful to represent one of the six drivers, the ICT, or the
29,2 sustainability. The focus of the two research questions led us to perform a cluster
analysis to depict the relationships emerging between the semantic areas based on the
concept of sustainability and the semantic areas describing the drivers of the
smartization process.
The results relate to the role of sustainability and ICT in terms of the drivers arising
140 from the literature; the links that emerge from these are used to express the relationships
among the created nodes if their likelihood is equal to or higher than 0.75 based on
Jaccard’s index. The results show a strong level of cohesion in how organizations
approach smart cities, so the focus was on those relationships with a result of 0.75 and
above. These results are represented in the following figure (Figure 2), which depicts the
relationships between the six smart city drivers and ICT and sustainability.
The links indicated by a continuous line are of a likelihood equal to or higher than
0.75 on Jaccard’s proximity index (ranging from 0 to 1), while those depicted by a dotted
line have a likelihood level lower than 0.75.
Regarding the links between ICT and the six drivers (Table II), the software analysis
offered the highest levels of likelihood for relationships between ICT and people, ICT and
living, and ICT and the environment, which are all over 0.75 on Jaccard’s index.
economy y economy
T 0.7 0.7
IC 0.70
0.6 0.9
9 3
Figure 2.
ICT and
classified using
Jaccard’s proximity
index mo g mo g
bilit bilit
y livin y livin
5. Conclusions
This paper contributes to literature on smart cities, namely, on contributions on urban
management, by highlighting a perspective that goes beyond a mere “technology-
centric vision” (Vanolo, 2014), specifically a multifaceted issue, as it has been recently
defined by Hollands (2015); the results and considerations presented above are useful to ICT and
frame ICT and sustainability as “across-the-board elements” because they connect with sustainability
all of the drivers of a smart city (Giffinger et al., 2007) and play a key role in smart city
planning. Specifically, sustainability and ICT can be seen as tools to enable the
smartization process, as partially highlighted by Li et al. (2015) as it concerns ICT, and
by Hollands (2015) when investigating the role of sustainability. The results achieved
in this research give the opportunity to enlarge the existing perspectives as they just 143
focus on the drivers (Giffinger et al., 2007; Nam and Pardo, 2011; Schaffers et al., 2011).
Moreover, a focus on ICT was missing when scholars investigated sustainability in
smart cities (Huston et al., 2015); a similar consideration arose when scholars focused on
ICT without taking into account the relevance of sustainability (Kolsaker and Lee-
Kelley, 2008; Bulu, 2014). By adopting a perspective based both on ICT and
sustainability we joined the research avenue proposed by Vanolo (2014) when stating
“urban visioning is increasingly reduced to a single technology-centric vision of the city
of the future” (p. 897). A focus on communalities emerging from the analysis of different
approaches to smartization is interesting, since in previous studies (Neirotti et al., 2014;
Hollands, 2015) scholars just paid attention to dissimilarities depending on local actors
and factors.
From a practical perspective, city managers can choose to lever on ICT to improve
services and thus quality of life, leading to sustainability goals. The evidence presented
in this paper comes from official reports in connection with different geographical
areas; completed projects such as these are useful for city managers planning smart
interventions or for large corporations partnering with local agencies in cities aimed at
becoming smarter. Anyway, local issues have to be taken into account when planning
interventions, due to the features arising from each specific local context. Furthermore,
as the documents we collected represent ideas, strategies, and the performance of
smartization processes, new insights can be attained in future through investigations
on new performances and further deployment of smart interventions.
Finally, the links emerged in the analysis can be further investigated, as
sustainability management is a common topic in the recent literature about city
managers. To follow this research path, new models that integrate drivers, ICT, and
sustainability in an all-in-one perspective can be proposed and, in line with these
models, new indicators for the evaluation of the interventions can be developed.
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About the authors ICT and
Francesco Bifulco is an Associate Professor in Management at the University Federico II of sustainability
Naples. He led national projects on smart cities and on hi-tech innovations in cultural heritage
activities. He chaired sessions in international conferences, he participated to national and
international conferences, and he published books and papers about innovation. His main areas
of interest are innovation management, service marketing, consumer behaviour, and service
innovation. Francesco Bifulco is the corresponding author and can be contacted at: francesco.
[email protected] 147
Marco Tregua is a Research Fellow in Management at the University Federico II of Naples
and an Adjunct Professor in Business Management at the University “Magna Græcia” of
Catanzaro. He participated to national and international conferences and he published papers on
value creation on international journals. His main areas of interest are service logic, network, and
transport services.
Cristina Caterina Amitrano is a PhD Student in Business Economics at the University
Federico II of Naples. She participated to national and international conferences and published
papers about innovation in smart cities on international journals. Her main areas of interest are
cultural heritage management, service innovation, and smart ecosystems.
Anna D’Auria is a PhD in Tourism Management at the University Federico II of Naples. She
participated to national and international conferences and published papers about territorial
development on international journals. Her main areas of interest are sustainable development,
tourism, and arts management.
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