Bunker Down Rules
Bunker Down Rules
Bunker Down Rules
Game Setup
1. Step 1: Hand each person a player board and a white board marker.
3. Take out the building cards and choose or randomly select one side of each
of the building cards. (First-time players should use the black side of all the
building cards). Lay the cards in a row, near the center of the table for all
players to see.
4. The most recent player who built something is the starting active player.
and write
roll How to Play
The game is played where players will complete 5-7 rounds (2-4 player game)
where each round includes: Building Phase and Horde Phase
Step 1: Roll dice.
Step 2: Create and choose dice sets.
Step 3: Build items on board.
Step 4: Rotate active player.
Step 1: Add walls
Step 2: Add Zombies
Step 3: Continue to next round
set. No players may use the discarded dice set. (unless they steal). When a
BUILDING PHASE player rests, they make a single mark on the circles provided on their player
Step 1: Roll dice.
board. Each rest provides the option to steal for a future turn. When a player
The active player will take all the six dice and roll them on the table. There are steals they have the choice to use either one of the active player's dice sets
two types of dice in the game. 3 Location Dice and 3 Building Dice. rather than the dice set provided to them. You cannot steal while you are the
active player and you cannot rearrange the dice sets when stealing an active
Location Dice
player’s set. When a player steals they make a second mark indicating the use
Location dice provide you with the locations where you may build. The dice of the steal. Unused rests provide 1 bunker point at the end of the game. You
provides the option for 5 different colors (red, blue, green, yellow and orange) may steal once per player turn. There are no limits to the total number of rests
with a 6th wild color (black).
a player can accumulate over the course of the game.
Each of the colors on a location dice represents a row and a column matching SPECIAL NOTE: Active players may come in contact with unplayable
a color on the board. For example, if you roll a green dice then you are allowed dice sets. In the case the active player chooses an unplayable dice set,
to build an item in the green column or the green row.
the player must rest and follow the resting rules as explained earlier.
For example: You roll the dice where there is red, green and blue on the Step 1: Add Walls
3 location dice. Also, your options on the building dice are trap, food Simultaneously, all players build walls. Walls can be placed anywhere on the
and medical. You decide to pair red and trap; along with green and player board and have no limitations. Quantity of walls differ between rounds
food. The remaining two dice, blue and medical is given as an option and are displayed at the top of the player board.
for the other players to use.
Additionally, if a player chooses a wild dice (black) then they can place the Building walls are essential to survive the zombie horde. You must build walls
building on any location on the board. However, for each chosen wild dice in order to make sure your items are protected and accessible to the human
(black) the player must immediately add a new zombie to their board. This is (H). The border of the map is already walled off but unfortunately there is one
an additional zombie beyond those added during the horde phase. entrance for the zombie horde to enter (Z). You will suffer “losses” (-3 points
each) if you don’t plan ahead in building your limited walls effectively.
Step 3: Build items on board.
The active player will draw the two symbols representing their built items Building walls: walls can be built on the lines provided on your map. A single
(more information on symbols in “building cards”) on their player board within wall includes one solid straight line that extends the length of one square as
the constraints of their chosen dice sets.
shown below. The straight line can be vertically or horizontally made. At the
beginning of the game, there are two walls already created near the human (H)
Additionally, the remaining players can choose to draw a symbol within the and the zombie (Z).
The active player may choose to rest during their turn rather than place a dice
IMPORTANT: Built items ONLY provide bunker points if they are protected. 3. Determine the winner. The player with the most bunker points wins the
Protected items cannot be accessible to the zombie horde AND do not require game. In the case of a tie, the winner is the player with the least amount of
the human to walk through a zombie location to access item. Walls separate penalties. If a tie persists then the winner is the player with the least amount
zombies from built items but the human can go through the walls as desired. of rests.
Building Cards
Step 2: Add Zombies
Simultaneously, all players add 2 zombies. Zombies must be added adjacently
Building cards provide different ways to earn bunker points. These cards are
to a pre-existing zombie. Zombies cannot be added through walls and the 2
double sided (black and white sides). You will choose, at the beginning of the
zombies added do not need to be touching each other.
game, which side to play on. For first-time players, it is recommended to begin
with the black side of the cards. Each card has a symbol. This symbol is what
Penalties occur when you are Overrun. Each penalty represents negative 3 you draw on your board to represent the item.
bunker points. There is no limit to the total # of penalties a player can acquire.
Trap Symbol = or
Overrun: Being overrun means you cannot add a zombie on your board. You
may have built a perfect structure that blocks all the zombies off from your built Traps (black): Building a trap provides 2 bunker points if a zombie is trapped
items. However, you made the mistake of not creating space for the zombies. If inside of it by the end of the game. This trap cannot be built on a space already
you cannot add a zombie you take a penalty by marking a circle at the bottom occupied by a zombie. Draw a circle when the trap is set and fill in the circle
of your player board. EACH zombie that cannot be added represents a single when a zombie occupies the space. This trap does NOT need to be
penalty. In the case a zombie needs to be added to a square already occupied protected.
by a built item, the zombie engulfs the item and it’s eliminated (but does NOT
count as a penalty).
Traps (white): Building a trap provides 1 bunker point per zombie touching its
surrounding wall. It NEEDS to be protected from the zombie horde.
For example, in a two player game you are in the final round. You have
to add 2 zombies but you only have one space left and it is occupied by
food. You cover the food space with a zombie and then you take a Food Symbol =
Food (black): Building food provides 7 points for every two food items that are
Step 3: Continue to next round. touching adjacently. A single space filled with food can only be used for one
Cross out the current round square to show you have finished and continue set. For example, a group of 4 food pantries provide 14 points and a group of 3
onto the next round.
food pantries only provides 7 points. A wall between the two food pantries
creates separation. Therefore, the food items are not touching and do not
provide points..
END OF GAME AND SCORING Food (white) Building food provides 1 point for any walls touching its square.
The borders of the board are already walled off and counts towards your total
The end of the game sequence is triggered after all players been the active number of walls.
player during the final round. Players follow the remaining steps:
Water symbol =
1. Cross out built items that are unprotected. Built items accessible by the
zombie horde and/or items the human cannot access do not earn bunker Water (black): Building water provides 3 points per separated water station
built. Water stations that are touching refer to spaces that are adjacent to the
2. Add up your total bunker points. On the right side of the board, players are square. Walls DO separate.
provided a space to help count the bunker points they received per built
item category.
Water (white): Multiply the number of separated water stations by the number You cannot split a room more than once and the split must be a single straight
of waters stations built in the corners of the player board. Walls DO separate line that has equal space on both sides.
and only one water can occupy each corner of the player board.
For example: You built 5 total water stations on your board. Two of them
are touching each other adjacently without a wall separating. Three of
the stations are built on the corners of the map. To score you multiple 3
by 4 to provide you with 12 bunker points.
Tools Symbol =
X Example BOARD
Tools (black): Building tools provides 1 bunker point plus 1 additional bunker Based on first-time player building cards.
point per unique item that touches it adjacently. Fortification, zombies and
additional tools DO NOT count as unique items.
The player has 2 playable FOOD providing 7 bunker points. Two food meet the requirements to
Tools (white): Building tools provides 1 bunker point plus 1 additional bunker gain BP because they are adjacent without a wall separating. Unfortunately, food cannot be
point per unique item that is in its column. Fortification, zombies and additional used in sets of two multiple times and the third food is separated by a wall.
tools DO NOT count as unique items.
*To receive any points you must have at least one medical supply built. Ties
take the two placements values combined and then split in half, rounded down.
The player was unable to add a zombie and The player has used the rest action 3 times.
gained 1 penalty. The player marked a circle Two of those rests were used to complete a
For example. Player 1 has the most and receives 10 bunker points. and loses 3 points at the end of the game. steal while one is left providing 1 bunker point.
Player 2 and 3 tie for 2nd. These players combine 2nd and 3rd bunker
points to make 9 points and then split them to each receive 4 points.
player 4 receives no points.
Fortification: Building a fortification wall does not give you bunker points alone
6 + 7 + 9 +
11 + 14 + 1
- -2
= 46
and both sides of the card are exactly the same. Fortification allows you to split
the room in half providing two spots to either put items or zombies. You may
split a room vertically, horizontally or diagonally.
Adjacent: Adjacent refers to spaces that are above, below, left and right of the
space. Adjacent does not refer to spaces diagonally. In the case a square was
fortified by a diagonal line, that space has 3 adjacent spots.
Location Dice: Dice that represent the locations a built item can be placed.
Building Dice: Dice that represent the buildings you are allow to build if
Protect and Unprotected: Protected items are items that are not accessible by
the zombie horde and doesn’t require a human to walk through a zombie
location to access it. Human (H) can go through walls but zombies cannot.
Unprotected items are accessible by zombies and/or require the human to walk
through a zombie location to access item.
Symbol: The drawn picture that represents a built item on a building card.
Rest: An action the active player may choose instead of placing a dice set on
their board.
Steal: The bonus action provided from resting that gives a passive player the
option to use an active players dice set rather than the dice set provided to
Overrun: When you cannot add a zombie to your board and receive a penalty.
A game designed and developed by Kyle Dyck
© 2020 Kyle Dyck All Rights Reserved