PY0791 Assessment Brief 002 Research Proforma RESIT 2022-23 (1) - Tagged

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Assignment Brief 2022-23

Programme: MSc Psychology

Module Code: PY0791

Module Title: Historical Psychology and Qualitative Research Methods

Assessment title Assessment 002: Qualitative Research Methods Proforma

Sitting Re-sit

Submission Time
To be submitted by 16:00 UK local time on 24th August 2023
and Date:

Word Limit: See template (size limited response boxes)

Weighting This coursework accounts for 20% of the total mark for this module.

Submission of
This assignment should be submitted electronically.

It should be submitted online via Turnitin by the given deadline. You will find a Turnitin
link on the module’s eLP (Blackboard) site in the Assessments folder. The link is
labelled as ‘PY0791 Assessment 002: Qualitative Research Methods Proforma’ and
says ‘SUBMIT YOUR FINAL ASSIGNMENT HERE’ underneath it. It must be formatted
as a Microsoft word document (.doc) or a PDF.
Submissions will not be accepted via any other means. If you do not submit your
assignment using the designated online assignment submission tool on Blackboard, it
will be treated as a non-submission leading to a failed assessment.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment arrives before the submission
deadline stated above. See the University policy on late submission of work below.
It is also your responsibility to ensure you obtain proof from Turnitin confirming your
submission. When you successfully submit to Turnitin you will see a screen that states
Submission Complete! You will see your submitted assignment after the Submission
Complete! screen disappears. You are advised to click the digital receipt icon to
download a digital receipt. This receipt is a record and evidence of your submission
date and time. This is what you will need to produce if there is any query about your
submission (including date and time) and where it was submitted to. Your digital
receipt will not be automatically emailed to you. If you do not have this digital receipt
from Turnitin assume your work has not been successfully submitted. 
If you cannot
If you cannot submit your assignment on time please contact Ask4Help through the
submit your
Help and Support section of the Student Portal to apply for a Short Extension (of time)
assignment on
(SE) or Personal Extenuating Circumstances (PECs). Note that your Module Tutor
cannot grant you an extension to the submission date and time.

Students with a
If your DSSR allows for negotiated deadlines for coursework / assignments (consistent
with programme requirements and subject to published procedures) please follow the
university guidance in relation to Late Authorisation requests and make your request
for an extension via your Student Portal.

Please see the final page of this assignment brief for details of assessment regulations,
policies and guidance.
policies and


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Assignment Brief 2022-23

You are required to use the findings from your Assessment 003: Qualitative Report to propose a sensible
follow up study. You will complete a research proforma for this study, describing in detail how you would
plan further research.

NOTE: If you are resitting both assessment 002 and 003, you can complete the proforma describing in detail
a qualitative study that would be conducted for your assessment 003 resit.

Responses will be in the form of text-response boxes. You will be asked to consider previous literature, your
rationale, sampling approaches, procedure, timescales, a rationale for your chosen methodology, analysis,
and reflexivity. The assessment load will be 20% of the module assessment (MKU1, MKU2, MIPSA1,

You will need to fill in proforma boxes as they are sized, maintaining font Arial 11, using Microsoft Word. The
proforma template with the correct spacing will be available on Blackboard, but the questions from each box
are provided below.

1. What is the background and wider context of your proposed research?

Is your study relevant to any pressing social issues? Will your research have important implications for the
well-being of individuals and/or communities? Cite at least 3 key bodies of literature to which your research is
related. Are there any gaps in the literature, which your research will fill? Explicitly state your rationale for
this work.

2. What is your research question? What are the aims and objectives of your research?
Is your proposed research social constructionist, contextualist or realist? The research question (or aims) is
the big over-arching question guiding your research, whereas the objectives are the ‘bite-sized’ chunks of
the research question/aims; the smaller goals you intend to fulfil in conducting your research

3. What is your sampling strategy?

Who will make up your sample? How many people do you intend to recruit? Who will (and won’t) be eligible
to participate in your research? Why this group of people (and not others)? Are there any potential limitations
of your sample? How will you get access to your sample?

4. What method of data collection will you use?

Why is this method the most appropriate? Are there any potential limitations of this method? Face to face?

5. What will your data-set consist of?

e.g. transcripts of audio-recordings. What system of transcription will you use? How many interviews will you
conduct and roughly how long will each interview last?

6. What is the procedure for collecting your data?

What materials you will use in the process of data collection (such as consent forms, participant information
sheets and demographic forms). How will you negotiate consent with participants? Are there any ethical
implications of your study design? How will you design your interview schedule? Where and when will you
collect your data?

7. How will you analyse your data?

Which methodological approach have you chosen? (TA, Grounded Theory, IPA). Indicate the broad analytic
procedures associated with your chosen method.

8. Provide a rationale for your chosen methodology by outlining the core similarities and
differences between the three approaches we learn about- thematic analysis, Grounded Theory, IPA.
How do they differ? What are their limitations? How will your chosen methodology suit your RQ in particular?

9. Consider the reflexive dimension to your study

Is there anything you wish to mention about your personal interest and investment in the research topic?
How will your identity/experiences impact the recruitment of participants / data collection and analysis?

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Assignment Brief 2022-23

10. What is the proposed timetable for your project?

Briefly indicate when each phase of the project will be completed. This section provides you with opportunity
to reflect on whether your proposed study is realistic and whether you have enough time to complete each
phase. This section will not be assessed. Timescale is not relevant in the case of resit assignments- you do
not need to complete this box.

11. References

Appropriate referencing is required in this assignment. All references must be in accordance with APA


The assessment criteria (used in conjunction with the marking rubric) for this assignment.

A successful answer should include the following:

 Background and wider context of the proposed research
 A clear research question and study aims
 A well-defined sampling strategy
 Appropriate methods of data collection and awareness of the dataset that will produce
 Details of the study procedure
 Appropriate analysis
 A coherent rationale for the chosen analysis methodology
 A consideration of reflexivity

As a bare minimum, students should attempt to address the questions in all ten proforma boxes. They
should (1) identify the wider context for their research, (2) produce a qualitative research question and study
aims, (3) consider an appropriate sampling strategy, (4) choose an appropriate method of data collection, (5)
explain what kind of dataset will be produced, (6) outline a robust procedure for collecting data, (7) describe
their methodological approach, (8) include a coherent rationale for the methodology in light of other
approaches, (9) give a consideration of reflexivity, and (10) use APA referencing. Proforma box 10, project
timescale, should be included for staff review but will not be assessed. There should be coherence to the
answers, but arguments may often be descriptive. These components must be included for a student to
achieve a passing grade.

A good answer should address the content mentioned above. In addition, students should provide detailed
responses in all ten proforma boxes. They should evaluate previous literature to produce their research
question and aims. Good consideration of sampling strategy and method of data collection will inform the
kind of dataset to be collected. Methodological approach will go beyond the core description of analysis to
consider the student’s individual approach to data analysis. The rationale for methodology will include a good
synopsis of other approaches and strengths / limitations. Reflexivity will be relevant and cite personal
involvement. Arguments should be clearly explained, and claims should be supported with APA referencing-
evidencing that the student has read beyond the lecture material. Answers which achieve this will be eligible
for a commendation.

A very good answer should address the content mentioned above. In addition, students should provide a
more critical consideration of their study design. Recent literature should be summarised (evidencing that the
student has read widely and has focussed on up-to-date research). Students should identify an excellent
research question and describe how they will examine this question with an appropriate qualitative
methodology. Students will include an excellent description of alternative analysis approaches in box 8,
outlining the core differences between possible analytical approaches. Reflexivity will be well considered and
cite personal involvement. All claims should be supported with APA referencing. The proforma should be
very well structured, with a clear line of argument in each section. Answers which achieve all of these criteria
will be eligible for a very high distinction, answers that achieve most of these criteria will be eligible for a clear
distinction, and answers that achieve many of these criteria will be eligible for a marginal distinction.

The marking rubric used for this assessment is:

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Assignment Brief 2022-23

Distinction Commendation Pass Marginal Fail Clear Fail

70-100 60-69 50-59 40-49 0-39
Background Excellent consideration of Good consideration of the wider Satisfactory consideration of Limited or irrelevant Missing or critical errors in
the wider context of the context of the research, and key the wider context of the consideration of the wider consideration of the wider
research, and key bodies of bodies of literature research, and key bodies of context of the research, and key context of the research, and
literature literature bodies of literature key bodies of literature
Excellent rationale for the Good rationale for the study Satisfactory rationale for the Limited or irrelevant rationale for Missing or critical errors in
study study the study the rationale for the study

Research Well considered research Good research question and Satisfactory research question Limited or irrelevant research Missing or critical errors in
question question and study aims study aims and study aims question and study aims the research question and
study aims
Excellent consideration of a Good consideration of a suitable Satisfactory consideration of a Limited or irrelevant Missing or critical errors in
suitable ontology and ontology and epistemology suitable ontology and consideration of a suitable consideration of a suitable
epistemology epistemology ontology and epistemology ontology and epistemology

Sampling and Well considered sampling Good sampling strategy, with Satisfactory sampling strategy, Limited or irrelevant sampling Missing or critical errors in
data strategy, with reference to reference to eligibility, access to with reference to eligibility, strategy, reference to eligibility, sampling strategy,
eligibility, access to sample, sample, and limitations access to sample, and access to sample, and reference to eligibility,
and limitations limitations limitations access to sample, and
Appropriate method of data Good method of data collection Satisfactory method of data Limited or irrelevant method of Missing or critical errors in
collection and consideration and consideration of limitations collection and consideration of data collection and method of data collection
of limitations limitations consideration of limitations and consideration of
Excellent detail about the Good detail about the dataset to Satisfactory detail about the Limited or irrelevant detail about missing or critical errors in
dataset to be produced be produced dataset to be produced the dataset to be produced detail about the dataset to
be produced
Procedure Excellent consideration of Good consideration of materials, Satisfactory consideration of Limited or irrelevant Missing or critical errors in
and timescale materials, including including interview schedule materials, including interview consideration of materials, consideration of materials,
interview schedule design design schedule design including interview schedule including interview
design schedule design
Excellent reference to Good reference to ethical issues Satisfactory reference to Limited or irrelevant reference to Missing or critical errors in
ethical issues ethical issues ethical issues reference to ethical issues
Excellent demonstration of Good demonstration of a Satisfactory demonstration of a Limited or irrelevant Missing or critical errors in
a realistic and achievable realistic and achievable study, realistic and achievable study, demonstration of a realistic and demonstration of a realistic
study, considering logistics considering logistics of data considering logistics of data achievable study, considering and achievable study,
of data collection collection collection logistics of data collection considering logistics of data

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Assignment Brief 2022-23

Analysis Completely appropriate Good methodological approach Satisfactory methodological Limited or irrelevant Missing or critical errors in
methodological approach chosen, and analysis steps approach chosen, and analysis methodological approach methodological approach
chosen, and analysis steps clearly described steps somewhat described chosen, and analysis steps not chosen, and analysis steps
clearly described. clearly described described
Excellent rationale for the Good rationale for the chosen Satisfactory rationale for the Limited or irrelevant rationale for Missing or critical errors in
chosen methodology, methodology, outlining core chosen methodology, outlining the chosen methodology, rationale for the chosen
outlining core similarities similarities and differences core similarities and outlining core similarities and methodology, outlining core
and differences between between TA, Grounded Theory, differences between TA, differences between TA, similarities and differences
TA, Grounded Theory, IPA IPA Grounded Theory, IPA Grounded Theory, IPA between TA, Grounded
Theory, IPA
Reflexivity Excellent consideration of Good consideration of reflexivity Satisfactory consideration of Limited or irrelevant Missing or critical errors in
reflexivity and personal and personal involvement in the reflexivity and personal consideration of reflexivity and consideration of reflexivity
involvement in the project project involvement in the project personal involvement in the and personal involvement
project in the project
Misc Excellent use of written Good use of written English Satisfactory use of written Poor use of written English Very poor use of written
English English English
All references present, Most references present, Some references missing Many references missing and/or Most references missing
correctly cited in APA correctly cited in APA format and/or incorrectly cited in APA incorrectly cited in APA format and/or incorrectly cited in
format format APA format

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Assignment Brief 2022-23

Module Learning Outcomes

The Module Learning Outcomes that this assignment assesses can be found in the module specification for
this module which can be found on the eLP (Blackboard) site for your module. By satisfying this assignment
brief you will have addressed the module learning outcomes.

Programme Learning Outcomes

The Programme (level) Learning Outcomes that this module contributes to can be found in your Programme
Handbook which is on your Programme eLP (Blackboard) site. By passing this module it means you have
contributed to meeting the learning outcomes for the applicable level of your programme.



The University has a number of policies for assessment. You are advised to read the guidance for students
regarding assessment policies. They are available online here.


Where coursework is submitted without approval, after the published hand-in deadline, the following penalties will apply.

 For coursework submitted up to 1 day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline without approval,
10% of the total marks available for the assessment (i.e.100%) shall be deducted from the
assessment mark. For clarity: work that is submitted up to 24 hours late that would have scored 65%,
55% or 45% had it been handed in on time will be awarded 55%, 45% or 35% respectively as 10% of the
total available marks will have been deducted.

 Coursework submitted more than 1 day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline without approval
will be regarded as not having been completed. A mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment.

These provisions apply to all assessments, including those assessed on a Pass/Fail basis.
The full policy can be found here.


The word count is to be declared on the front page of your assignment.

If the assignment is within +10% of the stated word limit no penalty will apply.

Note that the word limit INCLUDES the abstract, the main body of text, in text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)],
direct secondary quotations [e.g. “dib-dab nonsense analysis” (Smith, 2011 p.123)] and footnotes.
However, the word limit DOES NOT INCLUDE a title page, contents page, direct quotations from primary or
secondary source material arising from qualitative research, tables, figures, illustrations, references list or
appendices. If you wish to include appendices, they must be clearly numbered, labelled, and referred to
appropriately in the text. The purpose of appendices is to provide context or verification for the marker.

The full Word Limit Policy is available here.

Students must retain an electronic copy of this assignment (including ALL appendices) and it must
be made available within 24 hours of them requesting it be submitted.

The Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards (ARTA) contain the Regulations and procedures applying
to cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct. The full policy is available here

You are reminded that plagiarism, collusion and other forms of academic misconduct as referred to in the
Academic Misconduct procedure of the assessment regulations are taken very seriously. Assignments in
which evidence of plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct is found may receive a mark of zero.

Avoiding academic misconduct

Student guidance to avoiding plagiarism can be here
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Assignment Brief 2022-23

As Turnitin is also a plagiarism detection tool you are advised to submit a draft version of your assignment to
Turnitin to check your work before submitting the final version to Turnitin for marking. Your assessment tutor
will give details of how and where to submit a draft assignment. The originality report for your final marked
submission will be made available to the marker via Turnitin.

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