Design of Salatiga Creative Hub

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Final Architectural Design Studio

Design of
Salatiga Creative Hub
with Integration Concept of Double Skin Facade
and Passive System for Energy Efficient
Building Envelope in Tropical Climate
by: Supervisor:
Bryan Putra Parsada Sinaga Prof. Noor Cholis Idham, ST., M. Arch., Ph. D
Final Architecture Design Studio




Bryan Putra Parsada Sinaga

Prof. Noor Cholis Idham, ST., M. Arch., Ph. D

Yulianto Purwono Prihatmaji, ST. MT.,Dr. IAI
Putu Ayu Pramanasari Agustiananda,S.T.,MA., Dr-Ing

i Salatiga Creative Hub
Final Architecture Design Studio




Bryan Putra Parsada Sinaga

Prof. Noor Cholis Idham, ST., M. Arch., Ph. D

Yulianto Purwono Prihatmaji, ST. MT.,Dr. IAI
Putu Ayu Pramanasari Agustiananda,S.T.,MA., Dr-Ing

Salatiga Creative Hub ii
Final Architecture Design Studio


Bachelor Final Project Entitled :

Design of Salatiga Creative Hub

with Integration Concept of Double Skin Facade and Passive System
for Energy Efficient Building Envelope in Tropical Climate

Student’s Full Name : Bryan Putra Parsada Sinaga

Student’s Identification Number : 17512167

Has been evaluated and agreed on : Yogyakarta, July 16th 2021

Supervisor Jury Jury

Prof. Noor Cholis Idham, Yulianto Purwono Prihatmaji, Putu Ayu Pramanasari
ST., M. Arch., Ph. D ST. MT.,Dr. IAI Agustiananda,S.T.,MA., Dr-Ing

Acknowledged by:
Head of Architecture Undergraduate Program
Ketua Program Studi Sarjana Arsitektur

Yulianto Purwono Prihatmaji, ST. MT.,Dr. IAI

iii Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio


Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Praise and gratitude I pray to Allah SWT because with the abundance of His grace, I was able to complete a Final Archi-
tectural Design Studio with title “ Design of Salatiga Creative Hub with Integration Concept of Double Skin Facade and Passive
System for Energy Efficient Building Envelope in Tropical Climate”. This Final Architectural Design Studio was prepared and sub-
mitted as a condition for obtaining a Bachelor of Architecture (S.Ars) degree at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning at
the Universitas Islam Indonesia. In addition, the writing of this Final Architectural Design Studio is intended to provide knowledge
to readers about Double Skin Façade and Passive System.
This Final Architectural Design Studio was completed through many difficulties, the completion of the Final Architectural
Design Studio cannot be separated from the guidance, motivation, and material and non-material assistance from various par-
ties. Therefore, I do not forget to say thank you to:
1. Allah SWT, who has given smoothness and health in the work of the Final Architectural Design Studio.
2. My Beloved family for the prayer, moral support and for the blessing that has been given to me.
3. Prof. Noor Cholis Idham, ST., M. Arch., Ph. D. as the supervisor for the Final Architectural Design Studio who has pro-
vided opportunities, helped and guided patiently so that Final Architectural Design Studio could be completed.
4. Yulianto Purwono Prihatmaji, ST. MT.,Dr. IAI and Putu Ayu Pramanasari Agustiananda,S.T.,MA., Dr-Ing. as the jury
lecturers who has provided the opportunity, helped, guided and tested this Final Architectural Design Studio so that it could be
5. My fellow BAHAMUT friends at UII Architecture, Muhammad Kemal Adro, Haidarullah Dhia Mu Afa, Abi Dzar Ghifari,
and Fernan Cagucay Santoso as well, who always encourage each other in completing Final Architectural Design Studio.
6. My friends, who always give me enthusiasm in doing my Final Architectural Design Studio.
8. All my friends in Architecture 2017.
9. All parties who have helped me without being able to write one by one.
I realize that this Final Architectural Design Studio is still far from perfect and there are many shortcomings due to various
limitations. For this reason, I will accept constructive criticism and suggestions afterwards. I hope that Final Architectural Design
Studio can be useful for all those who read it. May Allah SWT always give mercy and guidance to all of us, Amin.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.

Yogyakarta, July 27th 2021

Bryan Putra Parsada Sinaga

Salatiga Creative Hub iv

Final Architecture Design Studio


I, the undersigned below:

Name : Bryan Putra Parsada Sinaga

NIM : 17512167
Program : Architecture
Faculty : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning
University : Universitas Islam Indonesia
Title : The Effect of Opening and Interior Layout in Controlling Airflow of a Building in Salatiga

I state that this Final Architectural Design Studio Project that I write and work on is my own work, not the transfer of other peo-
ple’s writings or thoughts that I acknowledge as my own results or thoughts. As for the fFinal Architectural Design Studio work,
there are parts of quotes from other people’s work that I have written down according to the norms, rules, and ethics in writing.

If later it is proven or can be proven that this final architectural design studio is completely plagiarized, I am willing to accept
sanctions for such actions.

Yogyakarta, July 27th 2021

The one made the statement,

Bryan Putra Parsada Sinaga


v Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio

Salatiga Creative Hub vi

Final Architecture Design Studio


Salatiga is a small city with many young adult and college student having problems in finding work in the city. Due to the
small area, not many office or big company having branch there, making it hard for young adults to work in their hometown.
Creative Hub is a solution in which providing working environment for people to either work remotely, having rentable space for
companies to rent, or as a space to promote people’s art through exhibitions. The many usage of Creative Hub is needed but
the avaiability of the function should be adapting user’s need. If there is an event then the building should be able to held it but if
it is just a normal day then the space should be adapted to co-working space for example. The adaptability of building space to
accomodate different functions is essential to have high-performing Creative Hub.
The integral part of building which cause many old building needs to use Air Conditioning System and Artificial Lighting
during daytime is non-optimized building envelope design. Double Skin Facade System is one of the form of designing building
envelope to enhance passive system such as cross ventilation system, daylighting, and such to be optimized in energy efficiency.
Energy efficiency is one of the solution to reduce the impact of global warming – especially in reducing the usage of Air Conditioning
System and wasteful daytime Artificial Lighting. Salatiga though still has an advantage in located in slope of mountain is that the
natural wind current is quite strong from upper part of the mountain which can be used to cool of building temperature naturally
with good ventilation system – which usually called as cross ventilation system. Daylighting can also be implemented additionally
to even further improve energy efficiency. In results the building will be energy efficient or atleast energy saving in terms of
electricity usage of cooling and lighting due to the optized of building envelope.

Keyword: High-Performance, Space Adabtability, Energy Efficient Envelope, Double Skin Façade, Passive System Integration

vii Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio


Salatiga merupakan kota kecil dengan banyak anak muda dan mahasiswa yang kesulitan mencari pekerjaan di kota
tersebut. Karena wilayahnya yang kecil, tidak banyak kantor atau perusahaan besar yang memiliki cabang di sana, sehingga
sulit bagi kaum muda untuk bekerja di kota asalnya. Creative Hub adalah solusi yang menyediakan lingkungan kerja bagi orang-
orang untuk bekerja dari jarak jauh, memiliki ruang yang dapat disewa untuk disewa perusahaan, atau sebagai ruang untuk
mempromosikan karya seni masyarakat melalui pameran. Banyaknya penggunaan Creative Hub diperlukan tetapi ketersediaan
fungsi harus menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Jika ada acara maka gedung harus bisa menyelenggarakannya
tetapi jika hanya hari biasa maka ruangnya harus disesuaikan dengan co-working space misalnya. Kemampuan beradaptasi
ruang bangunan untuk mengakomodasi fungsi yang berbeda sangat penting untuk memiliki Creative Hub yang berkinerja tinggi.
Bagian penting dari bangunan yang menyebabkan banyak bangunan tua perlu menggunakan Sistem Pendingin Udara
seperti Air Conditioner (AC) dan Pencahayaan Buatan seperty lampu pada siang hari adalah desain selubung bangunan yang
tidak optimal. Double Skin Facade System merupakan salah satu bentuk perancangan selubung bangunan untuk meningkatkan
sistem pasif seperti sistem ventilasi silang, pencahayaan alami, dan sebagainya agar dapat dioptimalkan efisiensi energinya.
Efisiensi energi merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mengurangi dampak pemanasan global – terutama dalam mengurangi
penggunaan Air Conditioning System dan lampu di siang hari. Salatiga memiliki keunggulan yaitu terletak di lereng gunung
adalah bahwa arus angin alami cukup kuat dari bagian atas gunung yang dapat digunakan untuk mendinginkan suhu bangunan
secara alami dengan sistem ventilasi yang baik – yang biasa disebut sistem ventilasi silang. Pencahayaan alami pada siang hari
juga dapat diterapkan sebagai tambahan untuk lebih meningkatkan efisiensi energi. Hasilnya gedung akan hemat energi dalam
hal penggunaan listrik pendingin dan penerangan karena selubung gedung yang dioptimalkan.

Kata Kunci: Kinerja Tinggi, Kemampuan Beradabtasi Ruang, Amplop Hemat Energi, Facade Kulit Ganda, Integrasi Sistem Pasif

Salatiga Creative Hub viii

Final Architecture Design Studio


Cover Page - English................................................................................................................................................ i

Cover Page - Indonesian........................................................................................................................................... ii
Page of Approval....................................................................................................................................................... iii
Foreword................................................................................................................................................................... iv
Originality Statement Page........................................................................................................................................ v
Similarity Check Attachment...................................................................................................................................... vi
Abstract..................................................................................................................................................................... vii
Abstrak...................................................................................................................................................................... viii
List of Content........................................................................................................................................................... ix
List of Table............................................................................................................................................................... xiii
List of Figure.............................................................................................................................................................. xiv
Chapter 1: Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Title Clarity........................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1.1 Title.............................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.2 Emphasis..................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.3 Definition..................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Design Premise................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Background...................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 Creative Hub as Place to Facilitate Young People...................................................................................... 4
1.3.2 Building Typology and Ownership............................................................................................................... 4
1.3.3 Potential of Salatiga’s Geographic Location................................................................................................ 4
1.3.4 Lack of Efficient Building Envelope............................................................................................................. 5
1.3.5 Double Skin Façade System in Tropical Climate Adaptation...................................................................... 5
1.3.6 Background Conclusion.............................................................................................................................. 5
1.4 Problem Formulation........................................................................................................................................ 6
1.4.1 General Problems....................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4.2 Specific Problems........................................................................................................................................ 6
1.4.3 Goals........................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Problematique.................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.6 Design Method................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.7 Thought Process.............................................................................................................................................. 9
1.8 Originality......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 2: Design Study......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Contextual Reviews............................................................................................................................................. 12
2.1.1 Location Context.............................................................................................................................................. 12
2.1.2 Site Study......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Site Alternative 1........................................................................................................................................... 13
ix Salatiga Creative Hub
Final Architecture Design Studio

LIST OF CONTENT Site Alternative 2...................................................................................................................................... 14 Chosen Site.............................................................................................................................................. 15 Neighbourhood......................................................................................................................................... 16 Site Boundary........................................................................................................................................... 17 Site Accessibility....................................................................................................................................... 19
2.1.3 Climatological.............................................................................................................................................. 20 Cloudy, Sunny, and Precipitation Days..................................................................................................... 20 Sun Path Diagram.................................................................................................................................... 20 Building Orientation............................................................................................................................... 20 Spacing Between Building Mass........................................................................................................... 20 Shading Devices................................................................................................................................... 20 Ceiling Heights...................................................................................................................................... 21 Average Temperature............................................................................................................................... 21 Relative Humidity..................................................................................................................................... 21 Windspeed............................................................................................................................................... 21 Windrose.................................................................................................................................................. 22 Giovani-Milne Bioclimatic Chart............................................................................................................... 22 Ventilation.............................................................................................................................................. 22 Shading Devices................................................................................................................................... 22 Evaporative Cooling............................................................................................................................. 22
2.2 Thematic Reviews............................................................................................................................................ 23
2.2.1 Creative Hub Typology................................................................................................................................ 23 Creative Hub in Indonesia........................................................................................................................ 23 User Analysis............................................................................................................................................ 25 Space Analysis......................................................................................................................................... 27
2.2.2 Open Design Theory................................................................................................................................... 28 Definition.................................................................................................................................................. 28 In terms of Creative Hub.......................................................................................................................... 28 User Survey.............................................................................................................................................. 28 Response Analysis................................................................................................................................... 29
2.2.3 Open Floor Plan Approach.......................................................................................................................... 30 Better Daylighting..................................................................................................................................... 30 Expands Small Spaces............................................................................................................................ 30
2.2.3..3 Eliminate Wasted Spaces........................................................................................................................ 30
2.2.4 Double Skin Façade.................................................................................................................................... 31
2.2.5 Creative Community in Salatiga.................................................................................................................. 32

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2.2.6 Local Events in Salatiga.............................................................................................................................. 33

2.3 Precedent Reviews.......................................................................................................................................... 34
2.3.1 1901 Poplar Innovation Hub / Medium Plenty............................................................................................. 34
2.3.2 Jakarta Creative Hub................................................................................................................................... 36
2.3.3 Genteng House / SASO Architecture Studio............................................................................................... 38
2.4 Building Codes............................................................................................................................................... 40
Chapter 3: Design Concept.................................................................................................................................... 41
3.1 Creative Hub as Mix-Used Facility................................................................................................................... 42
3.1.1 Functions of Creative Hub to Accommodate Creative Workers in Salatiga................................................. 42
3.1.2 Programming of Creative Hub Concept...................................................................................................... 43
3.1.3 Space Organization of Functions and It’s Relation in Creative Hub............................................................ 44
3.2 Site Planning and Building Mass Consideration for Maximizing Passive Systems........................................ 46
3.2.1 Building Mass Arrangement to Maximize Passive Systems........................................................................ 46
3.2.2 Function Arrangement inside of the Building Mass..................................................................................... 49
3.2.3 Vegetation Arrangement to Reduce Surrounding Noise.............................................................................. 49
3.2.4 Access Circulation to Support User’s Accessibility...................................................................................... 50
3.2.5 Gathering Spaces to Support Collaboration................................................................................................ 50
3.3 Building Forms to Support Existing Concepts.................................................................................................. 51
3.3.1 Building Form Suiting User Activity............................................................................................................. 51
3.3.2 Building Form Adjust to Circulation System for User’s Accessibility............................................................ 51
3.3.3 Inviting Building Form to Attract Potential User........................................................................................... 52
3.4 Building Elements and Systems....................................................................................................................... 53
3.4.1 Double Skin Façade to Maximize Daylighting and Natural Air Ventilation................................................... 53
3.4.2 Exhibition Hall/Co-Working Space Layout Depending on Activity............................................................... 54
3.4.3 Rentable Office Space/Co-Working Space Layout Depending on its Avaiability......................................... 54
3.4.4 Roof Structural System Supporting Secondary Skin .................................................................................. 55
Chapter 4: Building Design.................................................................................................................................... 56
4.1 Integration in Site Planning and Building Mass Consideration for Maximizing Passive Systems.................... 57
4.1.1 Building Mass Arrangement to Maximize Passive Systems........................................................................ 57
4.1.2 Function Arrangement inside of the Building Mass..................................................................................... 58
4.1.3 Vegetation Arrangement to Reduce Surrounding Noise.............................................................................. 61
4.1.4 Access Circulation to Support User’s Accessibility...................................................................................... 62
4.1.5 Gathering Spaces to Support Collaboration................................................................................................ 63
4.2 Building Design to Support Existing Concepts................................................................................................. 64
4.2.1 Building Form Suiting User Activity............................................................................................................. 64

xi Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio


4.2.2 Building Form Adjust to Circulation System for User’s Accessibility............................................................ 65

4.2.3 Inviting Building Form to Attract Potential User........................................................................................... 66
4.3 Building Elements and Systems Design........................................................................................................... 67
4.3.1 Double Skin Façade to Maximize Daylighting and Natural Air Ventilation................................................... 67
4.3.2 Exhibition Hall/Co-Working Space Layout Depending on Activity............................................................... 68
4.3.3 Rentable Office Space/Co-Working Space Layout Depending on its Avaiability......................................... 69
4.3.4 Roof Structural System Supporting Secondary Skin................................................................................... 70
4.4 Simulation......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Chapter 5: Design Evaluation................................................................................................................................ 74
5.1 Jury’s valuation Response................................................................................................................................ 75
5.2 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................... 77
Visualization.............................................................................................................................................................. 79
APREB Attachment................................................................................................................................................... 80
References ............................................................................................................................................................... 89
Technical Drawing Attachment.................................................................................................................................. Externally

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Table 1.1 Data of Probable User............................................................................................................................... 4

Table 2.1 Chosen Site Alternatives........................................................................................................................... 15
Table 2.2 User’s Analysis.......................................................................................................................................... 25
Table 2.4 Management Analysis............................................................................................................................... 26
Table 2.5 Creative Hub Operational Hours............................................................................................................... 27
Table 2.6 Batik and Clothing Community.................................................................................................................. 32
Table 2.7 Accessories and Maker Community.......................................................................................................... 32
Table 3.1 Room Programming.................................................................................................................................. 43
Table 3.2 Chosen Mass Alternatives......................................................................................................................... 48

xiii Salatiga Creative Hub

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Figure 1.1 Problematique Chart............................................................................................................................... 7

Figure 1.2 Thought Process Chart........................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2.1 Location................................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2.2 Site 1 Ownership..................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 2.3 Site 1 Location and Accessibility............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 2.4 Site 1 Existing Condition......................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 2.5 Site 2 Ownership..................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2.6 Site 2 Location and Accessibility............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 2.7 Site 2 Existing Condition......................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2.8 Site Neighbourhood................................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 2.9 Site Boundary.......................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2.10 North East Boundary............................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 2.11 South East Boundary............................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 2.12 North East Boundary............................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 2.13 South East Boundary............................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 2.14 Site Accessibility.................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 2.15 Cloudy, Sunny, and Precipitation Days.................................................................................................. 20
Figure 2.16 Sun Path Diagram................................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 2.17 Average Temperature............................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 2.18 Relative Humidity.................................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 2.19 Windspeed............................................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 2.20 Windrose............................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2.21 Giovani-Milne Bioclimatic Chart............................................................................................................ 22
Figure 2.22 Creative Spaces Activities..................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 2.23 Creative Spaces Activities..................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 2.24 Makerspace activities............................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 2.25 Issues of activities................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 2.26 Open Design Flowchart......................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 2.27 User’s Job Background......................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 2.28 User’s Age............................................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 2.29 User’s Interest in Defining Aspect of Creative Hub............................................................................... 29
Figure 2.30 User’s Priority in Function..................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 2.31 Open Floor Area MultiFunction.............................................................................................................. 30
Figure 2.32 Prototype of Double Skin Façade of Tenessee..................................................................................... 31
Figure 2.33 How Double Skin Façade Work............................................................................................................. 31
Figure 2.34 Hampra Fest.......................................................................................................................................... 33

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Figure 2.35 Salatiga Fair.......................................................................................................................................... 33

Figure 2.36 Salatiga Expo........................................................................................................................................ 33
Figure 2.37 Pameran Arsip....................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 2.38 Monginsidi Fest..................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 2.39 1901 Poplar Innovation Hub / Medium Plenty....................................................................................... 34
Figure 2.40 Jakarta Creative Hub............................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 2.41 Genteng House / SASO Architecture Studio......................................................................................... 37
Figure 3.1 Functions Correlation at Creative Hub.................................................................................................... 42
Figure 3.2 Lobby Organization................................................................................................................................. 44
Figure 3.3 Co-Working Organization........................................................................................................................ 44
Figure 3.4 Office Organization.................................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 3.5 Cafetaria Organization............................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 3.6 Building Orientation Exploration 1........................................................................................................... 46
Figure 3.7 Building Orientation Exploration 2........................................................................................................... 47
Figure 3.8 Function Arrangement............................................................................................................................. 49
Figure 3.9 Vegetation Arrangement.......................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 3.10 Access Circulation................................................................................................................................. 50
Figure 3.11 Gathering Spaces.................................................................................................................................. 50
Figure 3.12 Building Form Suiting Activity................................................................................................................ 51
Figure 3.13 Building Form Suiting Circulation.......................................................................................................... 51
Figure 3.14 Inviting Building Form............................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 3.15 Double Skin Concept............................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 3.16 Exhibition Hall/Co-Working Space Layout............................................................................................. 54
Figure 3.17 Rentable Office Space/Co-Working Space Layout................................................................................ 54
Figure 3.18 Double Skin Structural Support............................................................................................................. 55
Figure 4.1 Integration of Site Planning and Building Mass....................................................................................... 57
Figure 4.2 Integration of Site Planning and Building Mass....................................................................................... 57
Figure 4.3 Function Arrangement Reason................................................................................................................ 58
Figure 4.4 Function Arrangement............................................................................................................................. 59
Figure 4.5 3D Axonometry........................................................................................................................................ 60
Figure 4.6 Vegetation Arrangement Reason............................................................................................................ 61
Figure 4.7 Access Circulation to Support User......................................................................................................... 62
Figure 4.8 Gathering Spaces to Support.................................................................................................................. 63
Figure 4.9 Indoor Space Detail................................................................................................................................. 63
Figure 4.10 Outdoor Space Detail............................................................................................................................ 63
Figure 4.11 Building Form Suiting User Activity........................................................................................................ 64

xv Salatiga Creative Hub

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Figure 4.12 Building Form Suiting User Activity....................................................................................................... 64

Figure 4.13 Building Form Adjust to Circulation System.......................................................................................... 65
Figure 4.14 Building Form Adjust to Circulation System.......................................................................................... 65
Figure 4.15 Inviting Building Form to Attract Potential User..................................................................................... 66
Figure 4.16 Inviting Building Form to Attract Potential User..................................................................................... 66
Figure 4.17 Double Skin Façade Mechanism........................................................................................................... 67
Figure 4.18 Exhibition Hall/Co-Working Space Layout............................................................................................. 68
Figure 4.19 Rentable Office Space/Co-Working Space Layout................................................................................ 69
Figure 4.20 Roof Structural System Supporting Secondary Skin............................................................................. 70
Figure 4.21 Roof Structural System Supporting Secondary Skin............................................................................. 70
Figure 4.22 Facade Detail........................................................................................................................................ 71
Figure 4.23 Envelope Detail..................................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 4.24 Structure Axonometry............................................................................................................................ 72
Figure 4.25 AutoDesk Simulation............................................................................................................................. 73
Figure 4.26 Velux Simulation.................................................................................................................................... 74

Salatiga Creative Hub xvi

Final Architecture Design Studio

Chapter 1
Description Contents
Introduction chapter contains an overview 1.1 Title Clarity
of the whole paper. From background 1.2 Design Premise
to issues and how to solve them with
architectural design. 1.3 Background
1.4 Problem Formulation
1.5 Problematique
1.6 Design Method
1.7 Thought Process
1.8 Originality

1 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio


1.1.1 Title :
Design of Salatiga Creative Hub with Integration Concept • Passive System
of Double Skin Facade and Passive System for Energy Efficient Without the need of electricity or other non-renewable
Building Envelope in Tropical Climate energy sources, passive systems are integrated into a structure
to conduct heat transmission and storage. (Agrawal, 1992)
1.1.2 Emphasis : • Energy Efficient Building Envelope
Creative Hub is a result of working cultures nowadays tends Throughout the year, an energy-efficient building envelope
to have many collaboration while sometimes also showcasing saves money on heating and cooling. This can be done by the
products there. Open Design approach is implemented to make use of energy-efficient equipment or the inclusion of extra energy-
sure the functions of the Creative Hub are suitable with the needs saving controls. (Trubiano, 2004)
and interests of the users. The right adjustment of function and • Tropical Climate
the space in specific times can boost building performance in This climatic zone, which is generally found in the equatorial
terms of building usage. While Integration Concept of Double Skin or tropical zone, is defined by high temperatures throughout the
Facade and Passive System is implemented for the building to year, usually high humidity, and high precipitation. (Dunlop, 2008)
be comfort in natural way and reducing operational cost of the
building. Hence, the Creative Hub will maximize space usage
within the building and minimize operational cost but still providing
comfortable and suitable working space for the users. With this
setting, the users are expectd to have more productive working
capabilities in the Creative Hub.

1.1.3 Definition :
•Creative Hub
A Creative Hub is a real or virtual location that brings
together creative individuals. It serves as a convenor, offering
a venue and resources for networking, business growth, and
community participation in the creative, cultural, and technological
sectors. (Peschl, 2007)
• Integration
The technique of bringing different parts together is known
as integration..
• Double Skin Façade
A building structure with two skins, or facades, that are
positioned in such a way that air flows through them is known as
a double-skin façade. (Leslie, 2015)

Salatiga Creative Hub 2

Final Architecture Design Studio


Salatiga also known as pension city due to many retired
people from 90’s bought home for retirement there. Nowdays,
Salatiga has grown to diverse populated city with many young
people, can be grandchildren of the retired people or newcomer
who came to study in highschool or university here. Sadly,
freshgraduate tends to work outside of the city rather than staying
in Salatiga, due to the chance of working for bigger corporation is
small due to little to none of their branch office in the city. “Salatiga
Creative Hub Integration Concept of Double Skin Facade and
Passive System for Energy Efficient Building Envelope in Tropical
Climate“ basically is a public facility with functions such to enable
them to work in Salatiga. The approach of Energy Efficient
Building Envelope is to make sure the users are comfortable
inside of the Creative Hub, with relying mostly in natural windflow
and daylighting. This natural atmosphere will hopefully uplift the
mood of the users to be more productive on their work.

3 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio

1.3.1 Creative Hub as Place to Facilitate Young People 1.3.2 Building Typology and Ownership
Salatiga also known as pension city due to many old people Due to the rising of creative workers, building typology
from 90’s bought home for retirement there. The problems arise due should be commercial. But without clear revenue stream to
to young people have less chance to work in their own hometown. interest investor, the building should be owned by community of
Creative Hub is the perfect solution that fit the needs of the people creative workers and the revenue from the building should be
due to various function it can have such as Co-Working Space, used to maintain and enhanced the building itself.
Collaborative Space, Workshops, Meeting Rooms, Exhibition,
etc.can facilitate the young people have oppurtinities to channel 13.3 Potential of Salatiga’s Geographic Location
their passion and reach their dream in their hometown. The average all-day temperature in Salatiga is between
Table 1.1 Data of Probable User 22,40-24,10 C. According to SNI 03-6572-2001, the range of
(source: cool-comfortable is between 20.50-22.80 C, while the range of
optimum comfort is between 22.80-25.80 C. Thus, it is possible
for buildings in Salatiga to not rely on Air-Conditioning system
which worsen global warming effects. (Sinaga, n.d.)
But, if cold nights temperature data are taken away from
the equation to get the day-only temperature data, it’s not close to
being comfortable. On hot days, the average temperature is 290-
330 C, while the average overall day-only temperature is 260-310
C. This means that temperature at daytime is still not comfortable
and the ones that should be taken into the calculation.
It can be seen potential users from creative industry The key to achieve comfort without air conditioner is cross-
workers are much spread across the city’s districts. Most of them ventilation system. Cross-ventilation is a system which drives air
resides on sub-urban district, but can be centered in Sidorejo due from openings at one side of a building through to the other. It’s
to it being most accessible from other district. success depends on the tightness of the building envelope – the
Research done in 2017 identify most of the creative workers physical separator between the interior and the exterior elements
are self-employed or selfmade. (Woro, 2017) This means that they of a structure.
most likely still work at home to fulfill their needs. With right function Cross-ventilation can be applied in buildings, but it has
and tools, it is better to work at rentable functional workshop that some shortfall such as lack of diversity in designing building
the Creative Hub can provide. Innovation and collaboration are envelope, the opening, and the deficiency of the system if there
also the characteristic of creative worker. Creative Hub can be the were to put interior inbetween the openings. Deriving from this
space for collaboration between them in Salatiga. system however is to maximize the airflow itself. Airflow is the
movement of air, with the knowledge of airflow movement pattern
in set conditions, it is possible to achieve good airflow without
having 2 parallel openings.

Salatiga Creative Hub 4

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1.3.4 Lack of Efficient Building Envelope 1.3.6 Background Conclusion

It is typical for the building envelope to fail to achieve the With using air captivity between the double skin to act as
declared performance requirements due to improperly specified an active cooling mechanism to reduce heat from direct sunlight.
materials. This might be due to mistakes made during the As addition to prevent heat, fresh air intake should still be able
production, handling, or storage of the product or its components. to cross ventilate through the building, thus some alternation
Which they come into touch with or have insufficient thermal from closed double skin façade like in Europe may be needed.
movement, structural capacity, or water penetration resistance Some openings which won’t cause air leak in the night or can
performance standards. Subcontractors attempting to decrease be closed for optimal usage can be implemented. The materials
the weight, size, or quantity of building envelope components of the skin can also be alternate with local materials instead of
(aluminum, glass, sealants, flashing, etc.) required on a project glass. Shading devices could also be integrated to the envelope
can potentially cause problems. As a result, the materials selected to optimize daylighting performance.
may not function or have the potential to meet the requirements.
(How and Why Building Envelopes Fail, from a Building Forensics
Expert | Building Design + Construction, n.d.)
This problem is no exception in Salatiga as the day is quite hot
and the night is too cold, meaning there is some air leaking in the
envelope, unsuitable material, etc.

1.3.5 Double Skin Façade System in Tropical Climate Adaptation

In general, energy-free architectural design aims to
achieve the following ecological goal: maintaining a building’s
thermal, ventilation, and lighting environment within a balanced
comfort range (both qualitatively and quantitatively) such that
significantly less additional energy (non-renewable or otherwise)
is required, regardless of the external forces acting on the building
(temperature, humidity, wind, rain, or sun radiation, for example).
Those contributing to the correct selection of a site, a building’s
location and orientation, and the internal arrangement of the
building’s program rooms are among its most often used concepts.
(Trubiano, 2004)
Double skin façade in tropical climate tends to be the outer layer to
decrease the building room’s gain of the direct solar heat, however
the trapped heat in the intermediate space between layers can
help in reducing the hot weather away from the inner layer of the

5 Salatiga Creative Hub

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1.4.1 General Problem
a. How to solve user-end function to have high-
performing building with Open Design Approach?
b. How to improve adaptability of space usage with
Open Floor Design Approach?

1.4.2 Specific Problem

1. How to apply Double Skin Façade in Tropical Climate
at mountain slope region?
2. How to integrate Passive System to Double Skin
Façade at Building Envelope to have indoor health comfort?

1.4.3 Goals
1. Having user-oriented functions to have high-
performing Creative Hub.
2. Having adaptability of space usage of Creative Hub.
3. Having Double Skin Façade with adaptation to suit
the mountain region in Tropical Climate.
4. Achieve indoor health comfort with using Passive
System and Double Skin Façade System integration.

Salatiga Creative Hub 6

Final Architecture Design Studio


Figure 1.1 Problematique Chart

(source: Author, 2021)

7 Salatiga Creative Hub

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To solve issues that have stated, the flow of this design phases 4. Design Synthesis Phase
includes: The design synthesis phase is where the concept that has been
made and is mature will become a complete design from the initial
1. Design Study Phase phase to the concept phase after which it can be tested at the
The design study problem phase is carried out by collecting data design test phase. The design test phase is carried out to test
and facts in accordance with the context of the design issuse. the suitability of the design with the quality that must be achieved
Such data can be in the form of factual data in the field, precedent based on predetermined variables, especially Creative Hub, Open
studies and architectural studies theory related to Creative Hub, Design Theory, Open Floor Approach and Double Skin Facade
Open Design Theory, Open Floor Approach and Double Skin and to test the extent to which the design of the design problem is
Facade. in accordance with the design approach. Design testing is carried
out using a checklist according to the criteria of Creative Hub,
2. Design Variable Analysis Phase Open Design Theory, Open Floor Approach and Double Skin
The design problem variable analysis phase is carried out by Façade parameters. In addition, the checklist will also be tested
making a study of the location context including the location map, using computational methods to measure design performance.
location area, documentation around the location, microclimate,
accessibility and conditions around the location. In addition to the
location context that uses primary data, at this stage also uses
secondary data through literature books and journals regarding
libraries in general, Creative Hub, Open Design Theory, Open
Floor Approach and Double Skin Facade. The data that can be
used as a reference in designing this library are the parameters of
the concept and the study of libraries in general.

3. Design Concept Phase.

The design concept phasee is the problem solving by producing
a concept alternatives that will be made in accordance with the
design study and analysis of the variables, these things will be
processed to become a Creative Hub design with Double Skin

Salatiga Creative Hub 8

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Figure 1.2Thought Process Chart

(source: Author, 2021)

9 Salatiga Creative Hub

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Other projects with similar approach or function and the difference with this project.

Title : Perancangan Pusat Kreatif Sleman di Yogyakarta dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Biofilik
Authors : Junian Achmad Mahendra, 16512016
Location : Yogyakarta
Approach : Biofilik
Institution : Universitas Islam Indonesia
Problem : Lack of creativity space designed specificly for creativity purpose.
Similarity : Intend on designing creative space creatively.
Differences : Different approach, with this project having energy efficient envelope approach.

Title : Perancangan Apartemen Mahasiswi di Babarsari Yogyakarta dengan Konsep Efisiensi Energi
Authors : Firda Faizal Bashir, 12512104
Location : Yogyakarta
Approach : Energy Efficiency
Institution : Universitas Islam Indonesia
Problem : Temperature in urban area rose 6.86°C from 24.80°C to 31.66 ° C. Energy in buildings is the greatest.
Similarity : Energy efficiency approach in reducing building’s contribution in urban temperature rose.
Differences : Different use of skin system, with this project double skin façade system is use.

Title : Perancangan Simpul Kreatif Notoprajan, Yogyakarta “Dengan Pendekatan Fleksibilitas Ruang dan Penerapan
M3K (Mundur, Munggah, Madhep Kali)
Authors : Sakinah Ishmah Ismail, 15512163
Location : Yogyakarta
Approach : Flexibility Design
Institution : Universitas Islam Indonesia
Problem : Creative Hub as active variable to increase the economic value of Notorajan creative industry players
Similarity : Designing creative hub to enable people to work in their home city.
Differences : Different approach, with this project open design is used to make sure it is user-end.

Salatiga Creative Hub 10

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Chapter 2
Design Study
Description Contents
Design Study chapter contains contextual 2.1 Contextual Reviews
review, literature reviews of approaches, 2.2 Literature Reviews
and precedent reviews. The study the
used in design concept in latter part of 2.3 Precedent Reviews
the paper, while the variables learnt can 2.4 Building Codes
be used to measure design performance
during design test.

11 Salatiga Creative Hub

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2.1.1 Location Context :

Figure 2.1 Location

(source: Author, 2021)

Salatiga is a city in the Indonesian province of Central Salatiga is located in Indonesia, 48 kilometers south of
Java. According to the 2010 census, it has a population of 171,327 Semarang and 54 kilometers north of Surakarta. Its altitude varies
people; the most current official estimate (as of mid-2019) is between 450 and 800 meters. According to the Köppen climatic
194,084. It is an administratively autonomous city enclaved inside classification, Salatiga has a tropical monsoon climate (Am), with
Semarang Regency, located at the foot of Mount Merbabu (3,142 an average annual rainfall of 2,668 mm and temperatures ranging
m) and Mount Telomoyo, between the towns of Semarang and from 24.1 °C in October to 22.4 °C in January.

Salatiga Creative Hub 12

Final Architecture Design Studio

2.1.2 Site Study Site Alternative 1
Location : Jl. Patimura No.10, Salatiga, Kec. Site Access
Sidorejo, Kota Salatiga, Jawa Tengah
Site Area : +- 5000m2
Reasons :
• Located at the center of the city which means in walking
distance from other big public buildings such as market, mall,
government instances, etc.
• Located strategically near angkotan hub (orange box)
and directly located at angkotan route (yellow line) which means
the location is accessible from all over the city by using public
• Surrounding buildings are quite low to still have strong
wind current.

Existing Condition :
There is already building with function of shops in the site.
However, during the pandemic period many of the shops has been
closed for extended period of time. Figure 2.3 Site 1 Location and Accessibility
(source: Author, 2021)
Site Ownership Existing Condition

Figure 2.2 Site 1 Ownership Figure 2.4 Site 1 Existing Condition

(source: Atri, 2021) (source: Google Maps, 2021)

13 Salatiga Creative Hub

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Location : Jl. Diponegoro No.38, Salatiga, Kec.
Sidorejo, Kota Salatiga, Jawa Tengah Site Access
Site Area : +- 3000m2
Reasons :
• Located at the main street connecting the city to the
suburb area which is easily accessible.
• Located near major educational buildings, and minor
industry district, which make it easier to access with walking.
• Good site orientation for daylighting
• Lower to none surrounding buildings (depend on from
which side looked from)
• Big space for site development regarding noise reduction.

Existing Condition :
The site is empty but there is a barrier for cancelled mall
project from late 2017.

Figure 2.6 Site 2 Location and Accessibility

(source: Author, 2021)

Site Ownership Existing Condition

Figure 2.5 Site 2 Ownership Figure 2.7 Site 2 Existing Condition

(source: Atri, 2021) (source: Google Maps, 2021)

Salatiga Creative Hub 14

Final Architecture Design Studio Chosen Site 3. Regarding Double Skin Façade Implementation

Important aspect or variables about the site? - Orientation of the site should favor daylighting while
1. Regarding the Location reducing direct sunlight
- Should be easily accessible (either via walking or public - Preferably site with lower surrounding buildings to still
transportation) have strong wind current
- Located in suburban area for lesser city noise
2. Regarding Creative Hub as Function
- Need enough space to implement different usage of
function (indoors and outdoors)
- Preferably enough space for site development to reduce
Table 2.1 Chosen Site Alternatives
(source: Author, 2021)

15 Salatiga Creative Hub

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Figure 2.8 Site Neighbourhood

(source: Author, 2021)

Information: There are many surrounding public facilities especially

1. Site many educational function. It means that the probable users of
2. UKSW coworking space such as students will be easier to access the
3. Satya Wacana Highschool creative hub. This also normalizing the habbit of younger people
4. STIE AMA to work or study as collective in the hub, which is better as they
5. Shopping District will have better tolerance with other people and the creative drive
6. KODIM will also be lifted.

Salatiga Creative Hub 16

Final Architecture Design Studio Site Boundary

Figure 2.9 Site Boundary

(source: Author, 2021)

Site Boundary: The surrounding of the site is not very dense in mass
North East : Open land and not so crowded either. Open land on north east means wind
South East : Depo circulation can breeze through the building easily. Depo on south
South West : STIE AMA is probably the only thread of noise that could come to the site if the
North West : Local Prison depo is crowded. STIE AMA on south west is similar on probability
of noise coming from it at university entrance and exit hour. Lastly
on north west there is a local prison which isn’t crowded at all.

17 Salatiga Creative Hub

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Figure 2.10 North East Boundary Figure 2.12 North West Boundary
(source: Author, 2021) (source: Author, 2021)

Figure 2.11 South East Boundary Figure 2.13 South East Boundary
(source: Author, 2021) (source: Author, 2021)

Salatiga Creative Hub 18

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Figure 2.14 Site Accessibility

(source: Author, 2021)

Red line : Angkutan Kota Number 2 Road

Red arrow : In and out site circulation

Due to the site being direct from main road, it has dedicated
pedestrian walk which means enough space to drop people if they
commute using Angkutan Kota. Then, they can enter site directly,
or if the user use private transportation they can go in and out the
site directly too.

19 Salatiga Creative Hub

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2.1.3 Climatological Building Orientation Cloudy, Sunny, and Precipitation Days In the hot, humid tropics, minimizing environmental burdens
is a top issue. Build on a hill’s summit or windward side, especially
on a north or south facing slope. Site away from sources of air
pollution, such as industry and motor traffic, if at all feasible; on
impacted areas, use plants to limit exposure.
Individual structures may be longer, having a long
axis running east to west. This is due to the ability to regulate
overhead sun, which can come from either north or south, using
roof overhangs, but the low rising and setting sun is more difficult
Figure 2.15 Cloudy, Sunny, and Precipitation Days to prevent. Cross ventilation by prevailing breezes can also be
(source:, 2021) facilitated by ‘shallow’ building designs.
Over the course of a month, the graph displays the number Spacing Between Building Mass
of sunny, partly cloudy, overcast, and precipitation days. Sunny Some of the forms that can be formed:
days are those with less than 20% cloud cover, partly cloudy days • Linear Forms: A linear form that expresses movement or
are those with 20-80% cloud cover, and overcast days are those procession.
with more than 80% cloud cover. • Radial Forms: Radiating linear shapes that radiate
outward from a centrally placed core piece. Sun Path Diagram • Clustered Forms: Visually organized into a cohesive, non-
hierarchical arrangement, with visual features that are extremely
• Grid Forms: Regularly spaced points (where the grid
lines connect) and regular spaced fields form a geometric pattern
(defined by grid lines)
The angle of sunlight is affected by the building’s height.
We can count the length of shadow devices if we know the height
of the structure. This is likewise true for HSA and the building’s
width and length. Ceiling Heights
Figure 2.16 Sun Path Diagram The formula (length+width)/2 is commonly used to calculate
(source:, 2021) the height of a plafond. A 3x4 meter room, for example, will have
The sun is primarily on the north side of the structure, as a 3.5 meter ceiling. Plafond must be taller than the width of the
can be seen in the chart. Building Orientation, Spacing Angles room, or it will appear to be a corridor. Because it is hot throughout
Between Building Mass, Shading Devices, and Ceiling Height will the year, the typical height of a plafon in Indonesia is 2.8 m - 3.2 m.
all be affected. The greater the height of the plafond, the better the air circulation.

Salatiga Creative Hub 20

Final Architecture Design Studio Average Temperature Windspeed

Figure 2.17 Average Temperature Figure 2.19 Windspeed

(source:, 2021) (source:, 2021)
The quantity of rain has an influence on the micro 1 ms, 5 ms, and 12 ms are the most frequent windspeeds.
temperature of the region, as previously indicated, with It is rather severe as raw data and might be difficult. However,
temperatures decreasing from June to August due to the drier because the building is surrounded by other nearby buildings, the
climate during the dry season. The design of building openings pace may be significantly slower.
would be changed in response to the graph of yearly temperature Windrose
conditions in Salatiga given above, so that air may circulate freely. Relative Humidity

Figure 2.18 Relative Humidity

(source:, 2021)
On a year-round basis, the Relative Humidity is fairly high,
as can be seen in the graph. The comfort standard is about 40% to
50%, therefore some tweaking is required to make it comfortable. Figure 2.20 Windrose
(source:, 2021)
According to the windrose map, the Salatiga area has the
highest wind exposure rate from north to south and southeast.
The direction of the wind can influence the shape and envelope of
a building’s design, especially when it comes to its orientation.

21 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio Giovani-Milne Bioclimatic Chart penetration area, inlet and outlet sizes, room volume, shading
devices, fly screens, and internal barriers are all factors that
should be carefully addressed in order to provide a comfortable
amount of ventilation. (Santy and colleagues, 2017) Shading Devices

Because the temperature is over 20 degrees Celsius,
shading devices are beneficial. The shade device is an option
for reducing sun radiation incidences. A smart shading plan can
reduce cooling energy demands by up to 10%–20%. (Santy and
colleagues, 2017) Evaporative Cooling

The conversion of liquid water into vapor utilizing the heat
energy in the air results in a lower air temperature. Evaporative
cooling can be achieved using either an evaporative cooler or
natural ventilation, depending on the area.

Figure 2.21 Giovani-Milne Bioclimatic Chart

(source: Author, 2021)
The Giovani-Milne Bioclimatic Chart is used to assess the
current circumstances of Average Temperature, Relative Humidity,
and Windspeed. The chart shows that the weather in Salatiga
can be a little chilly, a little comfortable, or a little hot. Ventilation,
shade devices, and evaporative cooling are examples of solutions
based on the chart. Ventilation
Natural ventilation is said to be the simplest and most
cost-effective passive technique for every month in hot and
humid locations. By shifting the outside and interior air through
an aperture, it seeks to achieve a sufficient quantity of fresh
air. Furthermore, increased ventilation increases the rate of
evaporative and sensible heat loss from the body.Wind direction,

Salatiga Creative Hub 22

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2.2.1 Creative Hub Typology Creative Hub in Indonesia
Salatiga is a small city but with quite dense population,
mainly second and third generation of the pensioners that came to
the city. This makes it hard for the younger generation to work for
bigger company from the city, and many leaves for bigger cities. In
WFH period, it can be seen that the struggles become more clear
due to the lack of coworking space and bad internet connection in
many area of the city that makes people and students having hard
time to work and study.
Creative Hub is the perfect solution that fit the needs of the
people due to various function it can have. Co-Working Space, Figure 2.22 Creative Spaces Activities
Collaborative Space, Workshops, Meeting Rooms, Exhibition, etc (source: Mapping Creative Hubs in Indonesia. 2017)
can be made to fulfill the needs of the users. The repetitive actions also suggest that areas establish
Because many current Creative Hubs in Indonesia struggle a distinct emphasis or “niche” over time. Some venues have
to keep their income streams comparable to their operating costs, purposefully chosen a target market based on their founders’
the Adaptive Reuse and Energy Efficiency method was adopted. networks or experience, while others have developed a distinct
Because Salatiga is situated on the Merbabu Mountain’s slope, posture over time. Another possibility is that certain places
it is feasible to avoid using an air conditioner and rely only on have conducted market research in order to better understand
natural cross ventilation. 2007 (Peschl) Each activity going their potential clientele or consumers. This is particularly true
on within an area reflects the uniqueness of that space. Code for coworking spaces that have a well-developed business plan
Margonda in Depok (West Java), a network collaborator who that considers return on investment and growth predictions. 2007
strives to respond to the requirements of any sort of community, (Peschl)
from irregular Quran readings to Hacking meetings, exemplifies
the vast range of conceivable activities. Their main purpose is
merely to give shelter and space to members. Others, such as
Impala in Semarang (Central Java), devote more to their creative
networks, even if they finally have to filter prospective events
owing to overwhelming demand. It is important to note that
various values motivate different actions.These ideals serve as
the primary filters for each space, as some are more altruistic than
others. In contrast to their coworking competitors, these creative
spaces are frequently driven by the concept of benefitting their
community first before considering their economic strategy. 2007
(Peschl) Figure 2.23 Creative Spaces Activities
(source: Mapping Creative Hubs in Indonesia, 2017)

23 Salatiga Creative Hub

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Makerspaces, on the other hand, are more engaged with

networking and meetings when they are not working on specific
projects or goods. Making links with the business sector and other
supporting actors is also common, since makerspaces must find
their benefactors and users at the end of the day. 2007 (Peschl)

Figure 2.24 Makerspace activities

(source: Mapping Creative Hubs in Indonesia, 2017)
The majority of events organized by Indonesian creative
hubs are focused on socio-cultural issues. This implies that
places are generally involved with their community and social
surroundings. As the second and third most common issues,
affecting both activity and target audience, the rising tech sector
and digital entrepreneurships have a big impact on their activities
for audience of creative hubs. (Peschl, 2007)

Figure 2.25 Issues of activities

(source: Mapping Creative Hubs in Indonesia. 2017)

Salatiga Creative Hub 24

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Table 2.2 User’s Analysis
(source: Author, 2021)

25 Salatiga Creative Hub

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Table 2.4 Management Analysis

(source: Author, 2021)

Salatiga Creative Hub 26

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Table 2.5 Creative Hub Operational Hours
(source: Author, 2021)

Creative Hub as a whole active everyday for public functions

such as Co-Working Space, Workshop, Meeting Rooms, Exhibition
Room, etc. The difference is the management office will have
Saturday and Sunday off. This to increase overall performance of
the building, meaning as many function as possible is available for
the user to use.

27 Salatiga Creative Hub

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2.2.2 Open Design Theory However, to reduce complexity while still having user impact Definition on the determing on how high the performance of the building,
only building function that will be surveyed. User Survey

On the survey, users were asked to fill:
• Job Background
• Age
• Defining Aspect in Creative Hub
• Which function to prioritized
Job background is needed to see how broad and objective
the survey is. Age is to roughly confirm the background, whether
it make sense or not. Defining aspect is more subjectif but can be
taken into concept later on. Lastly, function to prioritized determine
Figure 2.26 Open Design Flowchart which function to be vocal in this Creative Hub.
(source: ResearchGate)
Nobody makes all the decisions, and we generally revel in
that fact while attempting to navigate the intricacies at hand. And,
because no single party makes all of the decisions when a building
is constructed throughout time, the structure must be adjusted to
meet the demands and requirements of new technical standards,
As a result, it’s critical to regulate decision-making and construction
such that the number of dependencies or attachments among
the people involved is minimized. This reduces the probability
of conflicts between the persons or actors inside them and the
portions of the total they govern, and improves the possibility of
balancing their common goals with the interests of individuals who
occupy the space. In terms of Creative Hub

Creative Hub as some aspects that can be surveyed through user
on how it will be, such as:
• Function
• Layout
• Operating Hours
• Design Theme

Salatiga Creative Hub 28

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This is the result of the survey which were fill by 40 respondents.

Figure 2.30 User’s Priority in Function

(source: Author, 2021)
Figure 2.27 User’s Job Background It can be concluded from this survey that:
(source: Author, 2021) • User’s background are varied which means the diversity
of user is good.
• Building functions are the defining aspect of Creative
Hub, followed by the atmosphere.
• Co-Working Space and Meeting Room are top two user
priority in Creative Hub.

Figure 2.28 User’s Age

(source: Author, 2021)

Figure 2.29 User’s Interest in Defining Aspect of Creative Hub

(source: Author, 2021)

29 Salatiga Creative Hub

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2.2.3 Open Floor Plan Approach Expands Small Spaces

In architectural and interior design, an open plan is any floor Small spaces, such as cubicles or numerous partitions
plan that maximizes the use of large, open areas while reducing between rooms, are common in creative hubs or offices. Rather
the usage of tiny, enclosed rooms such as private offices. The of creating small sections, open floor areas allow the space to be
term can also be used to describe the landscaping of housing used as a whole. This will allow for future flexibility in layout and
estates, business parks, and other locations where property lines, space use.
such as hedges, fences, or walls, are not clearly defined.
While transitioning from cubicles to open workplaces (e.g., tables Eliminates Wasted Spaces
with no visible boundaries) is promoted as improving cooperation, In relation to the preceding issue, there is often wasted
it actually leads to less face-to-face contacts and decreased space in corners or near furniture in a room or area. Because of
productivity. the nature of open floor areas in terms of design and layout, these
wasted spaces will be removed, and space utilization will be more

Figure 2.31 Open Floor Area MultiFunction

(source: ResearchGate)

Some of other variables which defines open floor plan benefits

are: Better Daylighting

Natural light can reach more areas with open floor layouts.
The afternoon sun may also be used to create a beautiful outdoor
environment while simultaneously providing light for indoor areas.
When combined with the proper orientation, daylighting may be
fully used.

Salatiga Creative Hub 30

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2.2.4 Double Skin Façade

This is a type of technology that bridges the gap between
“active building systems” and “passive design principles.” It is
based on the complete integration of a building’s exterior with its
mechanical and electrical systems. Its three primary tasks are
solar management, thermal heating and/or cooling, and natural
ventilation, all with the objective of maximizing the energy reduction
potential of both. Natural, fan-assisted, or mechanical ventilation
of the cavity is possible. Apart from the type of ventilation used
inside the cavity, the air’s origin and destination are influenced by
a variety of factors, including the weather, the building’s usage, its
location, the building’s operational hours, and the HVAC strategy.
A double-skin façade, when properly constructed, may enhance Figure 2.32 Prototype of Double Skin Façade of Tenessee
access to daylight, convert sunlight into heat energy, collect heat (source: Design and Construction of High Performance Homes)
energy for re-use in other sections of the structure, improve
ventilation of interior rooms, and reduce the danger of outside air In tropical climates, the outer layer of a double skin
infiltration. Trubiano (2004) façade is used to reduce direct solar heat gain in building rooms;
nevertheless, trapped heat in the intermediate gap between layers
Variables: can aid to keep hot weather away from the structure’s inner layer.
o Daylight transmission, solar shading and thermal buffers
o Heat transfer and heat recovery
o Natural ventilation

The space between the two skins can be vented naturally

or mechanically. In hot regions, the hollow may be vented out of
the structure to reduce cooling demand and reduce solar gain.
In each scenario, the presumption is that adopting this glazing
design rather than a traditional glazing configuration will result in
a greater insulative value.

Figure 2.33 How Double Skin Façade Work

(source: ArchDaily)

31 Salatiga Creative Hub

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2.2.5 Creative Community in Salatiga

Economic growth creativity in Salatiga is shown by Table 2.7 Accessories and Maker Community
the emergence of various industries that are carried out by (source: Author, 2021)
young people, especially in the convection field, like batik and Accessories and Maker
accessories. Creativity in the field of convection is visible with the Resick Shoes
emergence of various clothing brands in Salatiga. Activity overall
production is done on a home scale by manual printing method Mr.Pack
or by printing machine, in the process of distribution and sales Peacespot
carried out by online media and sales through distributions and
retail. The existence of a clothing brand in Salatiga can be seen
from the activeness in participate in promotional events both in The Essentials
the school and city scope.

Table 2.6 Batik and Clothing Community
Purplepum craft
(source: Author, 2021)
Batik and Clothing Makers Sangkar Kita
Trendkill Apparel
Expired Rust Ouirkit
Strenght Merch Pasxo Woodwork
Helliance Coorporated
Kagungan Project
Kaos Polos Salatiga
Plumpungan Store
Kaos Koyor Salatiga
Mockingbird Avelin
Yeahyeah Terror

Salatiga Creative Hub 32

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2.2.6 Local Events in Salatiga

- Hampra Fest
The Hampra Fest event was held with the aim of strengthen inter-
industry relations and facilitate consumers to get to know local
brands from the city of Salatiga. This is a 6 month/yearly.

Figure 2.36 Salatiga Expo

- Pameran Arsip
- Yearly event to remind citizens the history of Salatiga and its

Figure 2.34 Hampra Fest

(source: instagram @hampra.fest)
Salatiga Fair
Salatiga Fair is an SME’s and emerging industry show off which
happened monthly.
Figure 2.37 Pameran Arsip
- Monginsidi Fest
Monginsidi Fest is a Street Food, Local Product Showcase &
Talent Performance to support Salatiga local SMEs. This event
happens every 3 month.

Figure 2.35 Salatiga Fair

- Salatiga Expo
Salatiga Expo is an annual celebration mid-year to reminds the
achievement of the city.
Figure 2.38 Monginsidi Fest
(source: instagram @monginsidifest)

33 Salatiga Creative Hub

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1901 Poplar Innovation Hub / Medium Plenty
• Architects: Medium Plenty
• Area: 15000 ft²
• Year: 2019

Figure 2.39 1901 Poplar Innovation Hub / Medium Plenty

(source: ArchDaily)

Precedent Description:
Medium Plenty transformed a 15,000 sq ft industrial
warehouse with the help of Kapor Capital, a foundation dedicated Many pieces of furniture are built in a modular format to
to investing in underrepresented entrepreneurs, into an make assembly and disassembly easier. This modular method
approachable and flexible space that can be used by youth groups will come in helpful, especially when rearranging space, because
and start-ups to serve as a bridge to technology opportunities. it may be stretched throughout the entire room or just a small
Adaptability - The building’s open floor area is in the center, section of it.
with closed space strewn about it. This creates a centralized
environment for the flexible space, which is mainly utilized as 1901 Poplar to be an appropriate site and space for
social spaces such as Co-Working Space, Hangout Space, and their Corporate Headquarters as a means to engage with their
so on, depending on the needs. community, as half of its users live in the Bay Area. By including
The design strategy aimed for activating the enormous brainstorming areas into the design, they will be able to work
space by including a range of multi-functional spaces and independently or as a group.
furnishings, as well as providing open and dedicated offices, big
conference rooms, a community kitchen, and a lounge area.

Salatiga Creative Hub 34

Final Architecture Design Studio

Plan Analysis

Open floor space surrounded with closed space

function for better circulation and zoning between noisy
space and quiet space. Modular interior is also implemented.

Modular Interior

The type of arrangement can be implemented

corresponding with space needed. Then, the space will be
placed according to its type.

35 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio

Jakarta Creative Hub
• Jl. Kb. Melati 5 No.20, RW.8, Kb.
Melati, Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Kota
Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota

Figure 2.40 Jakarta Creative Hub

(source: ArchDaily)

Precedent Description:
Capturing user’s interest is the soul of Jakarta Creative
Hub. Its function range from Makerspace, Co Office, Classroom, These set of approaches, User-end and Open Floor Area
Exhibition Space, Library, to Inspiration Corner. It has many macro approaches are suitable with Creative Hub spaces which can be
function to micro function of a Creative Hub. crowded at times while also being quiet on most of the times.
The wide range of function came from the pursue of a high- Having the ability to transform, and adjust space is one of the
performing building, which means the functions in most of the strongest feature of Jakarta Creative Hub.
operating hours is targeted to be filled with people using them.
Not only having closed function, Jakarta Creative Hub also
have more open function such as Co-Working Space, and main
hall which can be transformed into Exhibition Area.
This is to maximize building usage both in daily basis and
in occasional such as Batik Exhibition, Art Exhibition – events
which need more space can be held in these open areas there is
no closed wall and the furnitures are easily adjustable.

Salatiga Creative Hub 36

Final Architecture Design Studio

Function Layout

Diversity of function is needed to

maximize building usage. However, the
kinds of function should corresponding
to user’s need and interest.

Function Layout

To ensure the function corresponding

with user’s need and interest, a survey is done to
determine their priority of Creative Hub’s function.

37 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio

Genteng House / SASO Architecture Studio
• Architects: SASO Architecture Studio
• Area: 85 m²
• Year: 2019

Figure 2.41 Genteng House / SASO Architecture Studio

(source: ArchDaily)

Precedent Description: Constructed a second skin by placing the roof tiles in a

Genteng House’s core philosophy is as simple as a love for certain order, which covers the enormous aperture behind it while
mother nature. Genteng Home was built on the site of an ancient also serving as a unique visual feature for both the outside and
house that had been there for many years. Because most of the inside.
materials in the ancient house were completely damaged, even a The home is a two-story structure with one master bedroom
minor restoration couldn’t help. No matter how awful things were, and two children’s bedrooms. The first phase completed all
we couldn’t help but think that donating such a large amount of structural and supporting work for this completely built phase. The
garbage to our mother planet was inconceivable. owner will be able to live comfortably within the house during the
Located in a location where it is eeded to develop a renovations with this plan.
secondary skin façade to reduce heat entry into the structure, In our external design, this façade feature is the most
especially because we were in a high-temperature area where prominent. However, it is more prominent in the inside, where
daily temperatures may reach up to 38°C. Even better, we could it creates a magnificent effect and is seen via enormous glass
use some recycled components from the existing home. windows. Sunlight enters the façade at different times of the day,
creating patterns on the inner wall.

Salatiga Creative Hub 38

Final Architecture Design Studio

Plans Section

Secondary Skin Secondary Skin

Secondary skin is implemented in a way which Vertical arrangement of skin’s material could
won’t disturb windflow (vertically), while still allowing be implemented.
daylighting to come inside of the building.

39 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio


PERATURAN DAERAH KOTA SALATIGA NOMOR 7 TAHUN daya dukung lingkungan. Penetapan KDB dibedakan dalam
2013 TENTANG PENYELENGGARAAN BANGUNAN GEDUNG tingkatan KDB tinggi (lebih besar dari 60% sampai dengan
100%), sedang (30% sampai dengan 60%), dan rendah (lebih
Pasal 5 kecil dari 30%). Untuk daerah/kawasan padat dan/atau pusat kota
(1) Fungsi Bangunan Gedung sebagaimana dimaksud dalam dapat ditetapkan KDB tinggi dan/atau sedang, sedangkan untuk
Pasal 4 diklasifikasikan berdasarkan tingkat kompleksitas, tingkat daerah/kawasan renggang dan/atau fungsi resapan ditetapkan
permanensi, tingkat risiko kebakaran, zonasi gempa, lokasi, KDB rendah.
ketinggian, dan/atau kepemilikan.
(2) Klasifikasi berdasarkan tingkat kompleksitas meliputi Bangunan Pasal 35
Gedung sederhana, Bangunan Gedung tidak sederhana, dan (1) Setiap Bangunan Gedung harus memenuhi persyaratan
Bangunan Gedung khusus. kemampuan untuk mencegah dan menanggulangi bahaya
(3) Klasifikasi berdasarkan tingkat permanensi meliputi Bangunan kebakaran sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 33 huruf b,
Gedung permanen, Bangunan Gedung semi permanen, dan melalui: a. sistem proteksi pasif; dan b. sistem proteksi aktif.
Bangunan Gedung darurat atau sementara. (2) Penerapan sistem proteksi pasif sebagaimana dimaksud
(4) Klasifikasi berdasarkan tingkat risiko kebakaran meliputi pada ayat (1) huruf a didasarkan pada fungsi/klasifikasi risiko
Bangunan Gedung tingkat risiko kebakaran tinggi, tingkat risiko kebakaran, geometri ruang, bahan Bangunan terpasang, dan/
kebakaran sedang, dan tingkat risiko kebakaran rendah. 16 atau jumlah dan kondisi penghuni dalam Bangunan Gedung.
(5) Klasifikasi berdasarkan zonasi gempa meliputi tingkat zonasi (3) Penerapan sistem proteksi aktif sebagaimana dimaksud
gempa yang ditetapkan oleh instansi yang berwenang. (6) pada ayat (1) huruf b didasarkan pada fungsi, klasifikasi, luas,
Klasifikasi berdasarkan lokasi meliputi Bangunan Gedung di ketinggian, volume Bangunan, dan/atau jumlah dan kondisi
lokasi padat, Bangunan Gedung di lokasi sedang, dan Bangunan penghuni dalam Bangunan Gedung.
Gedung di lokasi renggang. (4) Setiap Bangunan Gedung dengan fungsi, klasifikasi, luas,
(7) Klasifikasi berdasarkan ketinggian meliputi Bangunan Gedung jumlah lantai, dan/atau dengan jumlah penghuni tertentu harus
bertingkat tinggi, Bangunan Gedung bertingkat sedang, dan memiliki unit manajemen pengamanan kebakaran.
Bangunan Gedung bertingkat rendah. (5) Ketentuan mengenai tata cara perencanaan, pemasangan,
(8) Klasifikasi berdasarkan kepemilikan meliputi Bangunan dan Pemeliharaan sistem proteksi pasif dan proteksi aktif serta
Gedung milik negara, Bangunan Gedung milik badan usaha, dan penerapan manajemen pengamanan kebakaran berpedoman
Bangunan Gedung milik perorangan. pada Standar Teknis yang berlaku. 31
(9) Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai Klasifikasi Bangunan Gedung (6) Ketentuan pada ayat (1) dikecualkan bagi rumah tinggal
diatur dengan Peraturan Walikota. tunggal dan rumah deret sederhana.

Pasal 22 Ayat (1)

Penetapan KDB untuk suatu kawasan yang terdiri atas beberapa
kaveling/persil dapat dilakukan berdasarkan pada perbandingan
total luas Bangunan Gedung terhadap total luas kawasan dengan
tetap mempertimbangkan peruntukan atau fungsi kawasan dan

Salatiga Creative Hub 40

Final Architecture Design Studio

Chapter 3
Design Concept
Description Contents
The chapter contains concept exploration 3.1 Creative Hub as Mix-Used Facility
based on design study done in previous 3.2 Site Planning and Building Mass
chapter. Consideration for Maximizing Passive
According to the theory and variables a Systems
few alternatives were produced to then be 3.3 Building Forms to Support Existing
choosen from which is more suitable. Concepts
3.4 Building Elements and Systems

41 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio


Creative Hub is a place to work, present product, or to collab with other like-minded people. It is important to have supporting
facilities other than the main ones to support and enable them better.
3.1.1 Functions of Creative Hub to Accommodate Creative Workers in Salatiga

Figure 3.1 Functions Correlation at Creative Hub

(source: Author, 2021)

Most of the Creative Workers in Salatiga are working from their own home/workplace. A Creative Hub can come in as a stand-
ardized place where they can come and just focus on their craft, not worrying about utility cost etc.

Salatiga Creative Hub 42

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.1.2 Programming of Creative Hub Concept

The programming of Creative Hub can help to better understand which functions are the main and which are the supporting
ones. Table 3.1 Room Programming
(source: Author, 2021)

43 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.1.3 Space Organization of Functions and It’s Relation in Creative Hub

The placement of Main function and its support is crucial to have an efficient building arrangement. These space organization
help in understanding its connectivity and distance from one and another

Figure 3.2 Lobby Organization Figure 3.3 Co-Working Organization

(source: Author, 2021) (source: Author, 2021)

Salatiga Creative Hub 44

Final Architecture Design Studio

Figure 3.4 Office Organization Figure 3.5 Cafetaria Organization

(source: Author, 2021) (source: Author, 2021)

45 Salatiga Creative Hub

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Site Planning and Building Mass are essential considerations in maximizing passive systems such as daylighting and natural
3.2.1 Building Mass Arrangement to Maximize Passive Systems
Building mass placement, and size affect both daylighting and natural windrose which went through the building efficient or not.
Alternative 1:

Figure 3.6 Building Orientation Exploration 1

(source: Author, 2021)

Emphasizes on using the whole site and enabling circulation. The mass arent big but seamlessly connected to one and another
for easier circulation. There is a centralized outdoor space wheree user can use it as semi amphiteater while still being close to the
main building.

Salatiga Creative Hub 46

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Alternative 2

Figure 3.7 Building Orientation Exploration 2

(source: Author, 2021)

It can be seen that the building mass avoid direct sun radiation, except at the overpass while still mantaining maximum probable
space for the sunlight to comes in. In the second part it can be seen that Mass A and Mass B will in direction with the strongest wind
flow to provide cross ventilation system, while the overpass will have many opening to cool it down from direct sunlight radiation

47 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio

Table 3.2 Chosen Mass Alternatives

(source: Author, 2021)

Salatiga Creative Hub 48

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3.2.2 Function Arrangement inside of the Building Mass 3.2.3 Vegetation Arrangement to Reduce Surrounding Noise

Figure 3.8 Function Arrangement Figure 3.9 Function Arrangement

(source: Author, 2021) (source: Author, 2021)

Exhibition Hall and Coworking Space could be placed Two considerating factors in deciding landscaping are:
infront as the main inviting functions of the building, followed up windrose and noise source. In regards of windrose, as the
by lounge that act as the center part of the site where people strongest wind flew from South to North, adjustment in windflow
can circulate from one function to another. Supporting functions is needed. With vegetations act as a wind guider, windflow can be
should be placed on the back. directed to building mass to enable cross ventilation system.
As for noise source, it is needed to cancel the noise directly
from the source. Due to the noise source comes from both sides
of the site, some vegetations are needed to be arranged there to
cancel or minimize the noise.

49 Salatiga Creative Hub

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3.2.4 Access Circulation to Support User’s Accessibility 3.2.5 Gathering Spaces to Support Collaboration

Figure 3.10 Access Circulation Figure 3.11 Gathering Spaces

(source: Author, 2021) (source: Author, 2021)

Due to each functions’ distinct location and placement on Extra space in between buildings are free space which can
the site. User should be able to walk from one to another through be used as additional gathering spaces for the users. This offer
connected open space rather than through inner lobby. This different atmosphere as most of other gathering spaces of are
accessibility concept can be supported with dedicated circulatory located inside of the building masses.
building where people can go to second storey through that
building in the center.

Salatiga Creative Hub 50

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3.3.1 Building Form Suiting User Activity 3.3.2 Building Form Adjust to Circulation System for User’s

Figure 3.12 Building Form Suiting Activity Figure 3.13 Building Form Suiting Circulation
(source: Author, 2021) (source: Author, 2021)

The form of the building is affected by what activities are Due to addition to circulation system, the building form will
held/what function they provide. Coworking space and exhibition be adjusted to accomodate stair or ramp. The addition is done in
hall having different kind of form even though located directly more straightforward way to not disturb main function.
above and under one and another due to different function they

51 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.3.3 Inviting Building Form to Attract Potential User

Figure 3.14 Inviting Building Form

(source: Author, 2021)

Building form which seems to invite people to come inside

the building area and user can see almost all of the building
masses will intrigue their interest to come visit the building.

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3.4.1 Double Skin Façade to Maximize Daylighting and Natural Air Ventilation

Figure 3.15 Double Skin Concept

(source: Author, 2021)

Double skin façade in tropical climate will tend to be open skin rather than closed approach similar to in Europe/Sub-Tropical.
With this implementation, passive system will be more prevalent in cooling/lighting the building due to the openings while the skin
façade act more of shading of daylighting and hot air circulation. With this alternative, it is needed to dug air canal which will be
connected to the envelope itself as cooling mechanism. Not only just at the wall, but the canal is connected to the roof as well, if this
system implemented in a comprehensive way, it will have huge impact.

53 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.4.2 Exhibition Hall/Co-Working Space Layout Depending on 3.4.3 Rentable Office Space/Co-Working Space Layout Depending
Activity on its Avaiability

Figure 3.16 Exhibition Hall/Co-Working Space Layout

(source: Author, 2021) Figure 3.17 Rentable Office Space/Co-Working Space Layout
(source: Author, 2021)
Exhibition hall can be transformed into coworking space
when the space is in vacant. The layout matters as it still need to Rentable office space on second floor can also be
provide the best for the users. transformed into coworking space when it is vacant. The layout is
more straight forward as the two functions are similar in a way.

Salatiga Creative Hub 54

Final Architecture Design Studio

3.4.4 Roof Structural System Supporting Secondary Skin

Figure 3.18 Double Skin Structural Support

(source: Author, 2021)

Secondary skin are attached or interconnected with roof structure. This is done to reduce overall structural weight to envelope
which maybe consist of glass material.

55 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio

Chapter 4
Building Design
Description Contents
The chapter contains final design based 4.1 Integration in Site Planning and Building
from concept exploration done in previous Mass Consideration for Maximizing
chapter. Passive Systems
The final design will focus on solving 4.2 Building Design to Support Existing
main problems regarding Double Skin Concepts
Facade performance to user’s comfort 4.3 Building Elements and Systems
and adaptability of building space usage. Design
4.4 Simulation

Salatiga Creative Hub 56

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4.1.1 Building Mass Arrangement to Maximize Passive Systems

Figure 4.1 Integration of Site Planning and Building Mass

(source: Author, 2021)

It can be seen that the building mass avoid direct sun radiation, while the back building is protected by secondary skin. it can be
seen that the building mass will in direction with the strongest wind flow to provide cross ventilation system, while the center building
will have many opening to cool it down from direct sunlight radiation

Figure 4.2 Integration of Site Planning and Building Mass

(source: Author, 2021)

57 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.1.2 Function Arrangement inside of the Building Mass

Easily accessible main building Access to 2nd floor Supporting features

Figure 4.3 Function Arrangement Reason

(source: Author, 2021)

Exhibition Hall and Coworking Space could be placed infront as the main inviting functions of the building, followed up by
lounge that act as the center part of the site where people can circulate from one function to another. Supporting functions should be
placed on the back.

Salatiga Creative Hub 58

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2 6
3 7

1 2 5 2

4 8
2 6

Figure 4.4 Function Arrangement

(source: Author, 2021)


59 Salatiga Creative Hub

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3D Axonometry

R Roof

- Roof Structure
- Scondary Skin Structure
- Roofing

2 2nd Floor

- Co-Working Space - Manager and Staff

- Rentable Office Office
- Workshop Areas - Toilet
- Meeting Rooms

G Ground Floor
- Exhibition Hall - Indoor Hangout
- Co-Working Space Spaces / Lounge
- Mushola - Outdoor Hangout
- Cafetaria Spaces
- Toilet

B Basement
- Car Parking (30)
- Motorbike Parking - Generator Room
(96) - Panel Room
- Pump Room

Figure 4.5 3D Axonometry

(source: Author, 2021)

Salatiga Creative Hub 60

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.1.3 Vegetation Arrangement to Reduce Surrounding Noise

Noise source

Figure 4.6 Vegetation Arrangement Reason

(source: Author, 2021)

Two considerating factors in deciding landscaping are: windrose and noise source. In regards of windrose, as the strongest
wind flew from South to North, adjustment in windflow is needed. With vegetations act as a wind guider, windflow can be directed to
building mass to enable cross ventilation system.
As for noise source, it is needed to cancel the noise directly from the source. Due to the noise source comes from both sides
of the site, some vegetations are needed to be arranged there to cancel or minimize the noise.

61 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.1.4 Access Circulation to Support User’s Accessibility

Figure 4.7 Access Circulation to Support User

(source: Author, 2021)

= ELEVATOR AND STAIR Elevator, stair and ramp are placed in corners of building and
in the center building of thee site for easy accessibility for both normal
and difabled users.


Salatiga Creative Hub 62

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.1.5 Gathering Spaces to Support Collaboration

Indoor Outdoor Figure 4.8 Gathering Spaces to Support

(source: Author, 2021)

80 cm table
60 cm chair

60 cm chair

Indoor hangout space provide Outdoor hangout space is

better support in table and electricity more flexible and has a layout to
socket. It is more formal but all of the support interaction. It is tho has less
people has same space. supporting facility,

Figure 4.9 Indoor Space Detail Figure 4.10 Outdoor Space Detail
(source: Author, 2021) (source: Author, 2021)

63 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio


4.2.1 Building Form Suiting User Activity

Figure 4.11 Building Form Suiting User Activity

(source: Author, 2021)

It can be seen that in both the plan and

section of the building the spaces are maximalize
to support user’s or management need. The
adjustment of building form has the reason to add
space and better space atmosphere for the users.

Figure 4.12 Building Form Suiting User Activity

(source: Author, 2021)

Salatiga Creative Hub 64

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4.2.2 Building Form Adjust to Circulation System for User’s Accessibility

Figure 4.13 Building Form Adjust to Circulation System

(source: Author, 2021)

It can be seen that the circulation of site and on the building is formed from the gap of each building. This
is done to ease user’s mobility from one building to another as each function is located nearly to one and another.

Figure 4.14 Building Form Adjust to Circulation System

(source: Author, 2021)

65 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.2.3 Inviting Building Form to Attract Potential User

Figure 4.15 Inviting Building Form to Attract Potential User

(source: Author, 2021)

Figure 4.16 Inviting Building Form to Attract Potential User

(source: Author, 2021)

Building masses are design in a way to welcome people which seee the building from the road, and the building
envelope allows them to see what are the main function inside of the building. Coworking Space, Exhibition Hall, and
Lounge are all visible from the main road, to further peak user’s interest.

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4.3.1 Double Skin Façade to Maximize Daylighting and Natural Air Ventilation

Figure 4.17 Double Skin Façade Mechanism

(source: Author, 2021)

This implementation of Double Skin Facade integrated

with passive system will be more prevalent in cooling/lighting the
building due to the openings while the skin façade act more of
shading of daylighting and hot air circulation. It is also connected
to the envelope itself which has cross openings to work as cooling

67 Salatiga Creative Hub

Final Architecture Design Studio

4.3.2 Exhibition Hall/Co-Working Space Layout Depending on Activity

Space Layout

Exhibition Hall

Figure 4.18 Exhibition Hall/Co-Working Space Layout

(source: Author, 2021)

Front building are a designated Exhibition Hall/Coworking space area in which on special occasion it can
be used as exhibition hall while on daily basis it can be used as Coworking space to maximize space usage.
The layout of the Coworking space will adjust avaiable space as collborating work is done on the center and
individual worker can work on the sides.
On the first floor, Exhibition Hall and Co-Working Space have the same area of 299,278m2.
Salatiga is have some emerging batik/display art industry. On occasion the space can be used to promote
their product, while if there is no vent, then the room will be adjusted on Co-Working Space to maximize building

Salatiga Creative Hub 68

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4.3.3 Rentable Office Space/Co-Working Space Layout Depending on its Avaiability

Rentable Office
Space Layout

Space Layout

Figure 4.19 Rentable Office Space/Co-Working Space Layout

(source: Author, 2021)

Second floor of front building are a designated Rentable Officee Space/Coworking space area in which
where there is an indie or branching company can rent their office here while on daily basis it can be used as
Coworking space to maximize space usage. The layout of the Coworking space will adjust avaiable space as
collborating work is done on the center and individual worker can work on the sides. The difference with the first
floor is that the space is cut in half.
On the second floor, Co-Working Space and Rentable Office Space have the same area of 299,278m2.
If there is no rent, then the room will be adjusted on Co-Working Space to maximize building usage. If there
is a rent then it can be used oas Rentable Office Space to promote office growth in Salatiga.

69 Salatiga Creative Hub

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4.3.4 Roof Structural System Supporting Secondary Skin

Figure 4.20 Roof Structural System Supporting Secondary Skin

(source: Author, 2021)

Secondary skin are attached or interconnected

with roof structure. This is done to reduce overall
structural weight to envelope which maybe consist of
glass material. The secondary skin is attached on the
stalk of the roof structure.

Figure 4.21 Roof Structural System Supporting Secondary Skin

(source: Author, 2021)

Salatiga Creative Hub 70

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Figure 4.22 Facade Detail

(source: Author, 2021) DETAIL 2

1m ventilation

2,5m wall

Figure 4.23 Envelope Detail

(source: Author, 2021)

71 Salatiga Creative Hub

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Figure 4.24 Structure Axonometry

(source: Author, 2021)

Salatiga Creative Hub 72

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4.4.1 Simulation Auto Desk
Flow Design

Figure 4.25 AutoDesk Simulation

(source: Author, 2021) VELUX

Figure 4.26 Velux Simulation

(source: Author, 2021)

73 Salatiga Creative Hub

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Chapter 5
Design Evaluation
Description Contents
The chapter contains final design 5.1 Jury’s Evaluation Response
evaluation from jury and its response. It 5.2 Conclusion
also contains conclusion of the design.

Salatiga Creative Hub 74

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Jury Comment Response Detail Page

Dr. Yulianto P. Who’s the exact Economic growth creativity Tables in page 32 32
Prihatmaji, S.T., community user of the in Salatiga is shown by the
M.T., IAI, IPM Creative Hub? emergence of batik and
accessories. Creativity
in the field is visible with
the emergence of various
maker brands in Salatiga.
Where’s the data of Hampra Fest, Salatiga 33
events that can take Fair, Salatiga Expo,
place inside of the Pameran Arsip, Monginsidi
Creative Hub? Fest, otheer non-
scheduled occasional
How do the On the second floor, Rentable Office 66-67
multifunction / Co-Working Space and Space Layout
adaptability of the Rentable Office Space
room works? have the same area of
299,278m2. If there is no
rent, then the room will be
adjusted on Co-Working Co-Working
Space Layout
Space to maximize building
usage. If there is a rent then
it can be used oas Rentable Space Layout
Office Space to promote
office growth in Salatiga.

Exhibition Hall

75 Salatiga Creative Hub

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Jury Comment Response Detail Page

Dr. Ing. Putu Ayu How to stimulate Indoor hangout space 61
P. Agustiananda collaboration through provide better support in 80 cm table
S.T., M.A. gathering spaces? table and electricity socket.
It is more formal but all 60 cm chair

of the people has same

Outdoor hangout space each has own space for laptop or

is more flexible and notbooks

has a layout to support

interaction. It is tho has
less supporting facility,
60 cm chair

circular for better comunication

How to stimulate Atmosphere of the Co- Daytime

creativity of the Co- Working Space is calm
Working Space? and natural from the
flooring materials and the
vegetation placement. The
ambience of warm lighting
in night-time elaborate on
the calmness of the space
as well.
Four-set tables Individual tables

Warm Lighting Pot vegetation

Salatiga Creative Hub 76

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1. Having user-oriented functions to have high-performing
Creative Hub is achieved through space adaptability of having 2
functions depending on the needs.
2. Having adaptability of space usage of Creative Hub is
achieved through Open Floor Plan Approach.
3. Having Double Skin Façade with adaptation to suit the
mountain region in Tropical Climate is achieved with optimum
Double Skin usage only focusing on hot area (North) while the
building envelope having maximum cross openings.
4. Achieve indoor health comfort with using Passive
System and Double Skin Façade System integration is achieved
proven with simulation of Windflow and Daylighting in both are
comfortable (mostly green-blueish color)

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Final Architecture Design Studio

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