LTD Notes
LTD Notes
LTD Notes
notice of lis pendens is intended not bear out the main allegations
to constructively advise, or warn of the complaint
all people who deal with the 4. where the continuances of the
property that they so deal with it trial are unnecessarily delaying
at their own risk, and whatever the determination of the case to
rights they may acquire in the the prejudice of the defendant
property in any voluntary 5. upon verified petition of the
transaction are subject to the party who caused the
results of the action, and may registration thereof
well be inferior and subordinate 6. it is deemed cancelled after final
to those which may be finally judgment in favor of defendant,
determined and laid down or other disposition of the action
therein. (Heirs of Maria such as to terminate all rights of
Marasigan vs IAC. 152 SCRA the plaintiff to property involved.
Notice of lis pendens is proper IMPERFECT OR INCOMPLETE
in the following cases: TITLE
1. to recover possession of real Applicants:
estate 1. Filipino citizens who by
2. to quiet title thereto themselves or through their
3. to remove clouds upon the title predecessors-in-interest have
thereof been in open, continuous,
4. for partition, and exclusive and notorious
5. any other proceeding of any kind possession and occupation of
in court directly affecting the alienable and disposable
title to the land or the use of lands of public domain under
occupation thereof or the a bona fide claim of
building thereon. acquisition since June 12,
1945 or prior thereto or since
When notice of lis pendens time immemorial (CA No.
inapplicable: (PAPAL) 141, Section 48, as amended
1. proceedings for the recovery of by PD No. 1073, Sec. 4).
money judgments 2. Filipino citizens who by
2. attachments themselves or their
3. proceedings on the probate of predecessors-in-interest have
wills been, prior to the effectivity
4. administration of the estate of of PD 1073 on January 25,
deceased persons 1977, in open, continuous,
5. levies on execution exclusive and notorious
6. Foreclosure possession and occupation of
agricultural lands of the
NOTE: notice of lis pendens may be public domain, under a bona
cancelled in the following cases fide claim of acquisition of
before final judgment upon order of ownership, for at least 30
the court: years, or at least since
1. when it is shown that the notice January 24, 1947 (RA No.
is for the purpose of molesting 1942).
the adverse party 3. Private corporations or
2. when it is shown that it is not associations which had
necessary to protect the right of acquired lands from Filipino
the party who caused the citizens who had possessed
registration thereof the same in the manner and
3. where the evidence so far for the length of time
presented by the plaintiff does
Maricel Abarentos (Over-all Chairperson), Ronald Jalmanzar (Over-all Vice Chair), Yolanda
Tolentino(VC-Acads), Jennifer Ang(VC- Secretariat), Joy Inductivo (VC-Finance), Elaine Masukat (VC-
EDP), Anna Margarita Eres (VC-Logistics). Jonathan
Mangundayao (Political Law), Francis Benedict Reotutar (Labor Law), Romuald Padilla (Civil Law),
Charmaine Torres (Taxation Law), Mark David Martinez (Criminal Law), Garny Luisa Alegre (Commercial
Law), Jinky Ann Uy (Remedial Law), Jackie Lou Bautista (Legal Ethics)
San Beda College of Law