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SMC Enterprise Limited
SMC Enterprise Limited SMC Tower
33 Bananl CIA, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh
Job No.: GBRT23000021
Eat No.: GBRT23000021
Job Type:
Corporate Date:
SMC Retainer fee for the month of July 2023· A
Description: SMC Retainer fee for the month of July 2023·Augusl 2023
SI. Item Descri tlon Quantlt Rate BOT Amount BO
1 SMC Retainer fee for the month of July 2023·
August 2023
Brand:Condom Brands (Raja, Hero,Panther, Sensation,U&Me,XTREME and Amore) ,Smile Baby
2 400,000.00 800,000.00
          Di a  er, Superkid , SMC Hone   & SMC Biscui t                                                                                           
Total Cost :
Add VAT @ 15.00o :
Grand Total:
In words : BOT Nine Lac Twenty Thousand Only

uthorized Si nature date

o Service Render
Authorized Signature date
of Service Render
Authorized Representative
of Service Receiver
1 The amount quoted in this Quotation is valid for 14 days from the Quotation date.
2. The Clients are not entiUed to anything other than the delivery of the above scope of services and/or goods that is contracted for herewith.
1.We require our fees to be se!Ued within thirty (30) days from the date of our Invoice. unless staled otherwise In our Invoice orin a separate agreement.
2.Where we have made advance payment to a third party supplier or production house. you agree to reimburse us for such payment made within live (5) busine
nobly you of the cost estimate lo engage such third-party and obtain your written approval prior to making any payment to such th1rd·party
3. Where our services involve any third-party production (In particular.activation and video production).where third-party production house require pre-payment o
4.Where third-party media ownerJ require pre-payment or payment to be made by us prior to acceptance of booking, you agree to make an advance payment to
5.You agree to comply strlcUy with such terms and conditions (including but not limited to conditlons relatlng to deadlines for delivery of
copy and amount of notioe required for cancellation or change of bookings) as may beImposed from time to lime by third-party media owners.
6 If you fail to observe any such terms and conditions, you shall bear all such surcharges and/or penalties as may beimposed by such
third-party media owners.
Page: l
fl> Floor 5 House 6 Road 137 Block SE(D) Gulshan 1 Dhaka 1212 'O' +8802 55044821-33 grey.com/bangladesh •!:• [email protected]
Rate BOT Amount BO

and Amore) ,Smile Baby


pe of services and/or goods that is contracted for herewith.

ce. unless staled otherwise In our Invoice orin a separate agreement.

ouse. you agree to reimburse us for such payment made within live (5) business days from the date of receipt of aninvoice from us on the same.For the avoidance of doubt, we
pproval prior to making any payment to such th1rd·party
d video production).where third-party production house require pre-payment or payment to be made by the Agency prior to start worl<,the Client shall make an advance payme
us prior to acceptance of booking, you agree to make an advance payment to us which corresponds to the amount of payment required by such third-party media owner(s) with
mited to conditlons relatlng to deadlines for delivery of
y beImposed from time to lime by third-party media owners.
harges and/or penalties as may beimposed by such

044821-33 grey.com/bangladesh •!:• [email protected]

n the same.For the avoidance of doubt, we will first

<,the Client shall make an advance payment to the Agency which corresponds to the amount of payment required by such third-party production house within flve (5) Business
red by such third-party media owner(s) withinfive (5) business days from the date of receipt of this estimate from us on the same.
production house within flve (5) Business Days from the date of receipt of this estimate from the Agency on the same.

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