WhatsApp Image 2023-07-20 at 11.21.51 AM
WhatsApp Image 2023-07-20 at 11.21.51 AM
WhatsApp Image 2023-07-20 at 11.21.51 AM
SMC Enterprise Limited
SMC Enterprise Limited SMC Tower
33 Bananl CIA, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh
Job No.: GBRT23000021
Eat No.: GBRT23000021
Job Type:
Corporate Date:
SMC Retainer fee for the month of July 2023· A
Description: SMC Retainer fee for the month of July 2023·Augusl 2023
SI. Item Descri tlon Quantlt Rate BOT Amount BO
1 SMC Retainer fee for the month of July 2023·
August 2023
Brand:Condom Brands (Raja, Hero,Panther, Sensation,U&Me,XTREME and Amore) ,Smile Baby
2 400,000.00 800,000.00
Di a er, Superkid , SMC Hone & SMC Biscui t
Total Cost :
Add VAT @ 15.00o :
Grand Total:
In words : BOT Nine Lac Twenty Thousand Only
<,the Client shall make an advance payment to the Agency which corresponds to the amount of payment required by such third-party production house within flve (5) Business
red by such third-party media owner(s) withinfive (5) business days from the date of receipt of this estimate from us on the same.
production house within flve (5) Business Days from the date of receipt of this estimate from the Agency on the same.