Genesis of Pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te Zones Associated
Genesis of Pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te Zones Associated
Genesis of Pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te Zones Associated
27 1,173
4 authors, including:
Gavin Clarke
James Cook University
All content following this page was uploaded by Gavin Clarke on 23 March 2016.
ARC National Key Centre for Geochemical Evolution and Metallogeny of Continents (GEMOC), Macquarie University,
Sydney, New South Wales 2109, Australia
The Ertsberg district hosts multiple skarn and porphyry-related deposits, which together comprise one of
the largest Cu-Au resources in the world. Earlier skarn Cu-Au deposits at Big Gossan and 2 km along strike to
the northwest at Wanagon Gold are overprinted by distinctive late-stage pyrite, sphalerite, arsenopyrite, and
native gold with local Bi and Te minerals. The Wanagon Gold deposit contains an estimated 2 million ounces
(Moz) of gold; reserves at Big Gossan are 33 million tonnes (Mt) at 2.63 percent Cu, 0.92 g/t Au, and 15.72 g/t
Ag. Phlogopite from the Big Gossan occurrence is younger than 2.82 ± 0.04 Ma, based on a new 40Ar/39Ar age
from the Big Gossan skarn, and K-feldspar from the Wanagon Gold deposit has a 40Ar/39Ar age of 3.62 ± 0.05
Ma. A K-Ar date (3.81 ± 0.06 Ma) from the Wanagon sill constrains formation of the overprinting skarn Cu-Au
and late-stage Wanagon Gold deposit to a period of ca. 0.2 m.y.
At Big Gossan, earlier skarn Cu-Au mineralization displays three-dimensional mineralogical, chemical, and
temperature zonation. The high-temperature core (defined by low Zn/Cu) plunges to the northwest and is
open at depth. Highest Cu grades and greatest development of the overprinting pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te asso-
ciation occur to the northwest coincident with northeast-striking faults. Pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te occurrences are
also distributed in faults and fractures to the north and south of the Big Gossan skarn Cu-Au deposit. At
Wanagon Gold, leaching of skarn and sandstone preceded introduction of the pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te occur-
rences. In the sandstone, the pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te mineralization was accompanied by K-feldspar (adularia)
and minor quartz gangue. In carbonate rocks, no leaching or secondary K-feldspar is apparent; instead, sulfides
are accompanied by quartz and dolomite gangue.
The δ34S of sulfide from skarn Cu-Au and overprinting pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te occurrences at both deposits
range from –0.7 to +5.1 per mil. Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS)
analyses show that later pyrite overprinting both occurrences is distinct from that in the earlier skarn Cu-Au
deposits and contains up to 60 ppm Au, 2 percent As, 680 ppm Bi, and 40 ppm Te. The mineralogy of the over-
printing occurrences includes native gold, argentian tetrahedrite and tennantite, a silver-antimony sulfide, and
Bi and Te-(Ag-Au) minerals including cosalite, bismuthinite, petzite, hessite, altaite, and tetradymite. The fine-
ness of native gold varies with sulfide association. The lowest fineness gold (737–863) occurs with Pb minerals
(galena and sulfosalts), and the higher fineness gold (904–974) occurs trapped within pyrite or in association
with bismuthinite.
Fluid inclusions in sphalerite and quartz in the Big Gossan pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te occurrence have an aver-
age salinity of 8 wt percent NaCl equiv and an average homogenization temperature of 245°C. Stable isotopes
indicate that the inclusion fluids were magmatic. However, a direct genetic relationship to earlier skarn Cu-Au
mineralization is not obvious. The pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te occurrences are considered to have formed from a
fluid with a different composition, possibly the magmatic precursor to fluids commonly recognized in low- and
high-sulfidation epithermal deposits that develops at shallow levels and contains significant nonmagmatic (i.e.,
meteoric) water.
Fig. 1. Location, regional geology, and major deposits and prospects of the Ertsberg district (modified with permission
from unpub. Freeport Indonesia geologic mapping). The 40Ar/39Ar biotite ages for the Grasberg Igneous Complex, the phl-
ogopite age of the Kucing Liar skarn, the phlogopite age of the Ertsberg skarn phlogopite, and the biotite age for the Erts-
berg intrusion are from Pollard et al. (2005). The Re-Os age of sulfides from the Grasberg porphyry Cu-Au deposit is from
Mathur et al. (2000). The 40Ar/39Ar phlogopite age from the Big Gossan skarn and the adularia age from the Wanagon Gold
deposit are from this study (App. 1). The biotite K-Ar ages of the Wanagon sill and the Ertsberg intrusion and the sample lo-
cations are from McDowell et al. (1996). DOM = Dom skarn, EESS = Ertsberg East skarn system.
Pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te occurrences at Big Gossan have occurs in valleys, with glacial till and colluvium along slopes.
been interpreted previously as a distal, low-temperature part Deformation in the district was initiated in the Miocene
of a zoned skarn Cu-Au system (Meinert et al., 1997). They during arc-continent collision (Sapiie, 1998). The northern
recognized vertical and lateral metal zonation in the Big Gos- edge of the Australian continent entered a north-dipping sub-
san skarn whereby Mo increases with depth and Cu, Au, Ag, duction zone beneath the island of Papua producing a fold
Pb, Zn, As, and Co increase toward the top, western, and and thrust belt characterized by en echelon, kilometer-scale
eastern margins of the system. Subsequent work by Prender- northwest-striking folds with chevron and open symmetrical
gast et al. (2001) showed that much of this zonation is a prod- geometries. Magmatic activity recognized elsewhere on the
uct of structurally controlled overprinting of sulfide mineral- island during this time (20–9 Ma) is not present in the Erts-
ization stages. berg district. Westward movement of the Pacific-Caroline
The Wanagon Gold deposit occurs 2 km to the northwest of plate with respect to the Australian plate at ca. 4 to 2 Ma in-
Big Gossan along the regional structural and stratigraphic duced left-lateral, strike-slip faulting parallel to the upturned
strike (Fig. 1). The pyrite-gold-sphalerite-arsenopyrite occur- strata. In the Ertsberg district two major intrusive igneous
rences (with local Bi and Te minerals) are spatially associated complexes at Grasberg and Ertsberg and numerous smaller
with the Wanagon sill, a skarn Cu-Au deposit, and leached stocks, dikes, and sills were emplaced at this time to depths of
sandstone (Prendergast, 2002). 2 km or less (McDowell et al., 1996; Weiland and Cloos, 1996;
This paper describes the pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te occur- Pollard et al., 2005).
rences at both locations and examines their genesis in the The Grasberg Igneous Complex comprises a series of
porphyry district. This study includes a structural-strati- nested intrusions. Emplacement of the Grasberg Igneous
graphic analysis of the geologic setting and metal zoning, a Complex and related hydrothermal events are constrained by
detailed paragenetic study and application of 40Ar/39Ar paragenetic relationships and 40Ar/39Ar ages (Pollard and Tay-
geochronology, and mineralogical (petrography, XRD, micro- lor, 2002; Pollard et al., 2005). Pollard and Taylor (2002) in-
probe), geochemical (microprobe and LA-ICPMS), stable terpreted seven mineralogical packages (P1-P7) to represent
isotope, and fluid inclusion studies. discrete hydrothermal events. An 40Ar/39Ar biotite age of 3.07
Ma from a premineralization quartz-anhydrite–bearing vein
Geologic setting and geochronology constrains the maximum age of main-stage sulfide develop-
The oldest rocks in the Ertsberg district are the clastic and ment at Grasberg (Table 1). The Kucing Liar skarn and the
carbonate sedimentary rocks of the Cretaceous Kembelangan Cu-Au deposit are hosted in faulted sediments adjacent to the
Group and the Tertiary New Guinea Limestone Group (Dow Grasberg Igneous Complex (New, 1999; Fig. 1). Re-Os ages
et al., 1988; Quarles Van Ufford, 1996). Quaternary alluvium of 2.9 ± 0.3 Ma for Grasberg main-stage sulfides (Mathur et
Grasberg Chalcopyrite Main-stage sulfides Re-Os 2.9 ± 0.3 Mathur et al. (2000)
Grasberg Biotite Vein biotite, premain-stage Cu-Au Ar-Ar 3.07 ± 0.01 Pollard and Taylor (2002),
Pollard et al. (2005)
Kucing Liar Molybdenite Late-stage molybdenite Re-Os 3.01 ± 0.02 Mathur (pers. commun., 2003)
Ertsberg intrusion Biotite Estimated to contain 30% K-Ar 2.65 ± 0.12 McDowell et al. (1996)
secondary biotite
Ertsberg intrusion Biotite Medium-grained equigranular Ar-Ar 2.67 ± 0.03 (Pollard et al., 2005)
Ertsberg intrusion Biotite K-Ar 3.09 ± 0.25 McDowell et al. (1996)
Ertsberg intrusion Biotite K-Ar 3.10 ± 0.12 Titley (1975)
Ertsberg intrusion Biotite K-Ar 3.00 ± 0.08 McDowell et al. (1996)
Ertsberg skarn Phlogopite Skarn Ar-Ar 2.59 ± 0.15 Pollard et al. (2005)
Big Gossan Phlogopite Skarn Ar-Ar 2.82 ± 0.04 This study
Wanagon Gold K-feldspar/adularia Intergrown with stage WG2 sulfides Ar-Ar 3.62 ± 0.05 This study
al., 2000) and 3.01 ± 0.02 Ma for late-stage molybdenite from Waripi Formation, and shale and limestone of the upper
Kucing Liar (R. Mathur, unpub. report for PT Freeport In- Kembelangan Group, Ekmai Formation (Fig. 2).
ternational, 2003) support a cogenetic relationship between
the deposits. Big Gossan
The Ertsberg intrusion has been dated by 40Ar/39Ar and K- The Big Gossan skarn and associated Cu-Au deposit (Fig.
Ar methods at 3.1 ± 0.12 to 2.65 ± 0.12 Ma (Titley, 1975; 2C) are hosted by a breccia in the lower Waripi Formation
McDowell et al., 1996; Pollard et al., 2005). The youngest near the contact with the Kembelangan Group. The Big Gos-
date is approximately 500 k.y. younger than the mineralization san ore zone has a maximum strike length of more than 1,100
at Grasberg and Kucing Liar (Pollard et al., 2005). The varia- m, a width of 4 to 60 m, and a known vertical extent of over
tion in K-Ar dates from the Ertsberg intrusion may reflect dif- 700 m. The Big Gossan resource remains open at depth and
ferent cooling ages in a single pluton or the presence of sec- along the northwest extension (Hefton et al., 1995).
ondary biotite (McDowell et al., 1996). The complexity of Two texturally distinct zones of major bedding-parallel
igneous phases in the Ertsberg intrusion is not constrained. faulting that predate the skarn and mineralization are recog-
McMahon (1994) considered that mineral textures and trace nized underground at Big Gossan (R.G. Taylor, G.W. Clarke,
element variation in the Ertsberg intrusion were consistent and P.J. Pollard, unpub. report for Pt Freeport International,
with in situ fractional crystallization. Pollard et al. (2005) sug- 1999; Clarke, 2002). A zone of ductile, layer-parallel shearing
gest that the range of ages may reflect separate intrusive produced fine anastomozing shear textures within the Ekmai
events. Formation, 30 to 40 m south of the shale-limestone contact of
Several major skarn Cu-Au systems occur close to and the Kembelangan Group. A fault breccia formed parallel to
postdate the Ertsberg intrusion. These include Ertsberg the center of the mineralized skarn in the Waripi Formation.
(Katchan, 1982; Clarke, 2003), Big Gossan (Meinert et al., It is recognized in underground crosscuts and drill holes to
1997; R.G. Taylor, G.W. Clarke, and P.J. Pollard, unpub. re- the west and east of the skarn, has a variable width of 1 to 6
port for PT Freeport International, 1999; Prendergast, 2002), m, and is characterized by calcitic-marble clasts with intersti-
DOM and the Ertsberg East skarn system (Mertig et al., tial black clay and carbonaceous material (R.G. Taylor, G.W.
1994; Rubin, 1996; Coutts et al., 1999; Friehauf, 2000; Clarke, and P.J. Pollard, unpub. report, 1999; Clarke, 2002).
Friehauf et al., 2000). Phlogopite from the Ertsberg skarn The breccia texture can be traced into the skarn where it is
Cu-Au deposit has an 40Ar/39Ar age of 2.59 ± 0.15 Ma, indi- overprinted by pyroxene and garnet alteration.
cating a close temporal relationship with the nearby Ertsberg Northeast-striking faults northwest of the Big Gossan de-
intrusion, based on the 40Ar/39Ar age (Pollard et al., 2005) and posit (Fig. 2A) appear to have caused minimal disruption of
the 2.65 ± 0.12 Ma K-Ar age of an intrusive igneous rock ad- stratigraphy at the drift level (Fig. 2C). The close relationship
jacent to the skarn (McDowell et al., 1996). The DOM and between the faults and the northwestern extension of the Cu-
the Ertsberg East skarn system are undated, whereas Big Au deposit is notable as only minor Cu-Au mineralization has
Gossan and Wanagon Gold have been dated by 40Ar/39Ar in been intersected in drilling that extends beyond the inter-
this study. preted location of the faults. A breccia body (upper breccia)
has been intersected in drilling below the traces of the
Local Geology mapped fault at surface. Angular sulfide clasts reported in the
In the Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold areas, the sedimentary upper breccia (Freeport drill logs) indicate that at least one
rocks of the Kembelangan Group and the New Guinea Lime- episode of movement postdates mineralization.
stone Group strike west-northwest (Fig. 2A) and dip steeply The 200- to 250-m-diameter West Drift breccia pipe (hy-
north-northeast. The skarns at Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold drothermal breccia in Meinert et al., 1997) occurs in the
are separated by 2 km and both occur at the contact between Waripi Formation immediately northeast and in contact with
dolostone of the lower New Guinea Limestone Group, the Big Gossan skarn. It extends at least 600 m below the
Fig. 2. Geology of the Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold deposits (modified with permission from unpub. PT Freeport In-
donesia geologic maps). A. Local surface geology at Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold (Map projection: WGS84, UTM zone
53). B. Cross section of the Wanagon Gold deposit (XX´ in (A)), showing interpreted geology adapted with permission from
unpublished PT Freeport Indonesia geologic section and the distribution of hydrothermal systems based on the indicated
drill holes. The Wanagon Gold skarn Cu-Au deposit is open to depth. C. 2,930-m elevation level geologic map of the Big
Gossan deposit from underground mapping and drill holes and location of underground drives and drill sections (modified
with permission from unpub PT Freeport Indonesia drawing and R.G. Taylor, G.W. Clarke, and P.J. Pollard, unpub. report
for PT Freeport International, 1999). Stratigraphic abbreviations for the Kembelangan Group and New Guinea Limestone
Group are from Quarles Van Ufford (1996) and Dow et al. (1988): Kay = Kay intrusion, Kkeh = Kembelangan shale; Kkel =
Kembelangan limestone; Kkes = Kembelangan sandstone; TE = Ertsberg intrusion; TF = Faumai formation; TK = Kais for-
mation; Tip = Wanagon sill; Tw = Waripi formation dolostone.
RL2930 level, and its northeast contact dips steeply south- Distended bedding planes and dip-slip faults appear to
west toward the skarn. The West Drift breccia is not docu- have controlled sill and dike emplacement at Big Gossan
mented in Freeport surface mapping 500 to 600 m above (Hefton et al., 1995; R.G. Taylor, G.W. Clarke, and P.J. Pol-
level RL2930 (Fig. 2A). The breccia is spatially coincident lard, unpub. report for PT Freeport International, 1999). Two
with the widest part of the Big Gossan Cu-Au orebody (Fig. texturally distinct intrusions predate the Big Gossan skarn al-
2C). teration (A.J. Rae, J. M. Allen, and N.G. Powell, unpub. re-
Additional areas of brecciation include “intrusive breccia” port for PT Freeport International, 1994; Meinert et al.,
and “contact breccia” (Meinert et al., 1997). Intrusive breccia 1997; R.G. Taylor, G.W. Clarke, and P.J. Pollard, unpub. re-
refers to restricted zones of breccia in the hanging wall of the port, 1999). One, a quartz monzonite, is petrographically
Waripi Formation, which exhibit fragment rounding, high identical to the monzonitic Ertsberg pluton to the east. The
matrix content, and mixed fragments (sedimentary and ig- second, known locally as Big Gossan porphyry, is more leuco-
neous). Contact breccia occurs adjacent to the contact with cratic and contains prominent feldspar phenocrysts.
the Ertsberg intrusion (Meinert et al., 1997). Both breccia A 2.82 ± 0.04 Ma 40Ar/39Ar age has been obtained from
types predate the Big Gossan skarn alteration based on cross- phlogopite in a calcite and anhydrite vein that cuts garnet
cutting relationships. skarn at Big Gossan (Fig. 3, Table 1, App. 1). The date is older
FIG. 3. 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum and isochron for (A-B) phlogopite from the Big Gossan skarn and (C-D) K-feldspar-adu-
laria from the Wanagon Gold deposit. Analytical technique is described in Appendix 1.
than the 40Ar/39Ar 2.67 ± 0.03 Ma age for the Ertsberg intru- strike from Big Gossan, although there is little evidence for
sion (Pollard et al., 2005) but within uncertainty of the K-Ar significant movement (P. Warren, pers. commun., 2000). The
3.09 ± 0.25 Ma age (McDowell et al., 1996) from an area of North Wanagon fault is located at the sandstone-limestone
the Ertsberg intrusion near to Big Gossan (Fig. 1). contact of the Kembelangan Group, strikes 290° to 320°, dips
70° to 85° NE, and has unknown displacement. The
Wanagon Gold Wanagon-Mill fault cuts bedding and caused repetition of the
The Wanagon Gold prospect has an estimated resource of Kembelangan Group and Waripi Formation (Fig. 2A).
2 Moz of gold (S. Sanusi, unpub. report for PT Freeport In- The igneous rocks at the Wanagon Gold prospect are pre-
ternational, 1994). The surface geology and geologic setting dominantly intermediate in composition (S. Sanusi, unpub.
have been described by S. Sanusi (unpub. report, 1994) and report for PT Freeport International, 1994). The main intru-
Malensek (1997). Bedding generally strikes northwest and sive body, the Wanagon sill, is a quartz-bearing diorite or
dips between 75° and 85° to the northeast. Northwest-strik- monzodiorite porphyry (R.M. Honea, unpub. report for PT
ing faults dominate the structure in the area (Fig. 2A). Of the Freeport International, 1993). McDowell et al. (1996) ob-
three recognized faults, namely the Batu-Big Gossan fault, tained a whole-rock K-Ar age of 3.81 ± 0.06 Ma (Table 1).
the North Wanagon fault, and the Wanagon-Mill fault, only Smaller diorite dikes parallel to stratigraphy have been noted
the latter cuts bedding. The Batu-Big Gossan fault is consid- in mapping and drill core (S. Sanusi, unpub. report, 1994; Fig.
ered to lie on the contact between the Kembelangan Group 2A). A northeast-striking fault at the center of the Wanagon
and the Waripi Formation, parallel to stratigraphy and along Gold area is coincident with elevated gold in surface and drill
hole samples and also occurs along strike from the northeast southwest- to northeast-dipping with depth (P. Warren, pers.
extension of the Wanagon sill (P. Warren, pers. commun., commun., 2000).
2000; Fig. 2A).
The Waripi Formation on the south side of the Wanagon Hydrothermal Paragenesis
Mill fault is brecciated and altered to marble. The marble
clasts are surrounded by dark gray and black calcitic matrix Big Gossan
(S. Sanusi, unpub. report for PT Freeport International, The mineralogy and paragenesis of the Big Gossan skarn
1994), which may have developed by pressure solution and associated Cu-Au mineralization (Fig. 4) has been de-
processes (cf. Logan, 1984), and have been replaced locally scribed previously by Meinert et al. (1997) and R.G. Taylor,
by massive sulfides. Drilling and surface mapping suggest G.W. Clarke, and P.J. Pollard (unpub. report for PT Freeport
that the breccia body is concordant and is coincident with International, 1999). The skarn formed during several hy-
a change in curvature of the Wanagon Mill fault from drothermal events with repeated refracturing and successive
Fig. 4. Paragenetic sequences of alteration and mineralization at Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold. Compiled from this
study and previous work (J.M. Allen, unpub. report for PT Freeport International, 1992; R.M. Honea, unpub. reports for PT
Freeport International, 1993, 1994, 1996; A.J. Rae, J. M. Allen, and N.G. Powell, unpub. report for PT Freeport Interna-
tional, 1994; Meinert et al., 1997; R.G. Taylor, G.W. Clarke, and P.J. Pollard, unpub. report for PT Freeport International,
1999). Paragenetic sequence refers to chronological order of formation. The term hydrothermal association does not imply
chemical equilibrium. Hydrothermal association: * = timing uncertain with respect to earlier stages; ** = timing uncertain
with respect to later stages. Paragenetic sequence: a), b), and c) refer to the observed sequence within a hydrothermal asso-
ciation. ? indicates sequence not confirmed. Stratigraphic distribution: X = major occurrence, (x) = minor occurrence, ? =
occurrence unknown. Abbreviations: Kkeh = Kembelangan shale; Kkel = Kembelangan limestone; Kkes = Kembelangan
sandstone; Tip = Wanagon sill; Tw = Waripi Formation dolostone.
fluid influxes resulting in overprinting paragenetic stages less common than chalcopyrite and sphalerite and occurs in
(R.G. Taylor, G.W. Clarke, and P.J. Pollard, unpub. report, late-stage veinlets. Late-stage arsenopyrite crystals occur lo-
1999; Fig. 4). High fluid pressure is postulated to have re- cally, and rare scheelite occurs on chalcopyrite grain bound-
sulted in major dilational brecciation, causing development of aries. Specular hematite, partly altered to magnetite, occurs
coarse-grained infill, skarn-mineral textures, and subsequent with chalcopyrite, although its distribution at a deposit scale
concentration of sulfide in dilatational sites (R.G. Taylor, is not constrained. Rare stage BG1 gold occurs in pyrrhotite,
G.W. Clarke, and P.J. Pollard, unpub. report, 1999; Clarke, chalcopyrite, and on chalcopyrite grain boundaries and has
2002). low fineness (652–837; Fig. 6). Stage BG1 nonsulfide gangue
A hydrous skarn event affected all stratigraphic units and includes quartz and minor calcite.
overprinted the Big Gossan pyroxene and garnet skarn. An Stage BG2 pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te occurrences are distrib-
extensive crackle fracture system throughout the Waripi For- uted along the contact between skarn and the Waripi Forma-
mation resulted in the formation of alteration selvages and tion, within the upper breccia, in faults in the Waripi Forma-
vein fill of amphibole, talc, and anhydrite. The absence of an- tion (Fig. 7), along faults in the West Drift breccia, and along
hydrous skarn alteration in the West Drift breccia and the the contact between the West Drift breccia and the Waripi
presence of rare anhydrous skarn fragments (S.P. Sugiri, Formation. The stage BG2b sulfide association (Fig. 4) is the
unpub. report for PT Freeport International, 1999) suggest most common. It exhibits different textural styles but is char-
that the breccia developed after formation of the anhydrous acterized by consistent mineral associations and geochemistry
skarn. The hydrous paragenesis in the West Drift breccia is (stage BG2b; Fig. 4). Pyrite is the dominant sulfide with
the same as that developed in the adjacent Big Gossan skarn lesser amounts of sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, and native
(Fig. 4). The earliest mineral in the hydrous event was am- gold. Sphalerite ranges from pale (0.57 wt % Fe) to dark col-
phibole. In the Big Gossan skarn, actinolite mainly replaced ored (11.76 wt % Fe) and is locally zoned (unpub. energy dis-
pyroxene and tremolite fills vugs (D.M. Gonzalez, unpub. re- persive X-ray spectrometer analysis in Prendergast, 2003).
port for PT Freeport International, 1993; R.G. Taylor, G.W. The minor nonsulfide gangue includes ankerite, siderite, and
Clarke, and P.J. Pollard, unpub. report for PT Freeport In- quartz (Fig. 4).
ternational, 1999). Tremolite occurs in fractures in the Waripi Stage BG2c (Fig. 4) contains local Bi and Te minerals in-
Formation and throughout the West Drift breccia (D.M. cluding cosalite (Bi3Pb2S5 with minor Ag), bismuthinite
Gonzalez, unpub. report, 1993). (Bi2S3), tetradymite (Bi14Te13S8), and Ag-bearing tennantite-
In the West Drift breccia, the abundance of amphibole, tetrahedrite solid solutions ((CuAgFe)12Sb4S13 and (CuAg
talc, and anhydrite increases westward where amphibole Fe)12As4S13); A.J. Rae, J. M. Allen and N.G. Powell, unpub.
clasts are altered to talc and enclosed in younger, coarse- report for PT Freeport International, 1994; this study). Minor
grained anhydrite. A.J. Rae, J. M. Allen and N.G. Powell cubanite is associated with bismuthinite (Fig. 5G). Arsenopy-
(unpub. report for PT Freeport International, 1994) mea- rite and marcasite (stage BG2d; Fig. 4) are the youngest sul-
sured fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures in anhy- fides in the stage BG2 association. They have enclosed earlier
drite from the breccia (301°–378°C), which are lower than cubic pyrite and replaced sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and galena
those of fluid inclusions from anhydrite in the skarn (Fig. 5H). The relative timing within stage BG2 of coarse na-
(375°–405°C: Meinert et al., 1997). tive gold grains in these samples is unclear, although gold ap-
Magnetite veins cut amphibole and anhydrite in the West pears most closely associated with galena containing bis-
Drift breccia and postdate the Big Gossan anhydrous and hy- muthinite inclusions (Fig. 5J).
drous skarn. Coarse-grained pyrite (stage BG1a; Fig. 4) re- Clasts of quartz containing stage BG1 chalcopyrite have
placed magnetite in the West Drift breccia and occurs in veins been entrained within a breccia matrix of massive stage BG2b
that postdate the adjacent magnetite-bearing skarn. Drill core pyrite in a fault in the Waripi Formation, 30 m northeast of
assays indicate that significant levels of gold are not associated the skarn contact (Fig. 5A). This zone of massive pyrite con-
with this generation of pyrite (Fig. 5I). Most generations of tains elevated zinc, arsenic, lead, and native gold (1.9 wt %,
calcite in the West Drift breccia appear to be late vein infill as- 1,380 ppm, 1,030 ppm, and 19.4 ppm, respectively). A similar
sociated with magnetite or pyrite. A.J. Rae, J. M. Allen and relationship is observed within the Big Gossan skarn, where
N.G. Powell (unpub. report for PT Freeport International, clasts of skarn with pyrite and chalcopyrite mineralization
1994) measured fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures occur within massive stage BG2b pyrite (Fig. 5F). Where
of 127° to 135°C in late calcite from the breccia. stage BG2 sulfides have replaced carbonate in the Waripi
Stage BG1b pyrrhotite occurs as corroded clasts enclosed Formation, pyrite and sphalerite rod textures are developed
by stage BG1c chalcopyrite and typically has been altered to (cf. Thompson and Arehart, 1990) and the grain size of the
pyrite and/or marcasite. Cu-Au mineralization (stage BG1c; rod-textured pyrite mimics the original bedding grain size
Fig. 4) cuts the Big Gossan skarn and the West Drift breccia variation. Centimeter-scale marble alteration halos are associ-
and occurs in restricted faults in the hanging-wall dolostone ated with sulfide veins and replacements in carbonate rocks
of the Waripi Formation. Skarn and stage BG1c Cu-Au min- (Fig. 8B). A zone of banded veins containing quartz, carbon-
eralization have not been observed in the upper breccia. In ate, pyrite, and minor sphalerite cuts the West Drift breccia
stage BG1c, chalcopyrite is the dominant copper sulfide and and contains visible bonanza-style gold (Fig. 5B-C). Banded
occurs interstitially to earlier magnetite and pyrite. Dark-col- quartz also occurs at higher elevations in the upper breccia.
ored iron-bearing sphalerite occurs with chalcopyrite and ex- Rhythmically banded magnetite and sulfides (pyrite-spha-
hibits chalcopyrite disease. Some adjacent chalcopyrite grains lerite dominant) without appreciable gangue occurs in the
contain small star-shaped inclusions of sphalerite. Galena is upper breccia and in the Waripi Formation. Narrow veins of
Fig. 5. Photographs of alteration and mineralization at Big Gossan. A. Clast of quartz entrained within stage BG2b mas-
sive pyrite. Polished section examination documented chalcopyrite (interpreted as stage BG1c) within the quartz clast (sam-
ple BGU18-3, 212 m). B. Banded carbonate and quartz with stage BG2b pyrite. The 3-m assay interval contains 0.05 per-
cent Cu, 2.31 ppm Au, 430 ppm Pb, 1,160 ppm Zn, and 1,250 ppm As (PT Freeport Indonesia drill hole assay results; sample
BGU21-3, 24.6 m). C. Native gold flake within banded and botryoidal quartz and carbonate (stage BG2b). Sphalerite and
pyrite are also present (sample BGU21-3, 24.5 m). D. Stage BG2b sphalerite-galena-pyrite-gold-ankerite vein cuts skarn-
hosted magnetite and stage BG1c chalcopyrite-pyrite. Stages BG1 and BG2 pyrite in this sample have distinctly different
compositions (Prendergast, 2003). LA-ICPMS results indicate stage BG2 pyrite contains higher Au and As contents than
stage BG1 pyrite (Fig. 18G-H; sample BGU24-10, 305 m). E. West Drift breccia matrix altered by stage BG2b pyrite-spha-
lerite-arsenopyrite-siderite. The 2.8-m assay interval contains 2.24 ppm Au, 0.01 percent Cu, 2,800 ppm Zn, 1,700 ppm Pb,
and 2,100 ppm As (PT Freeport Indonesia drill hole assay results; sample BGU21-10, 12 m). F. Clast composed of skarn and
stage BG1c chalcopyrite and pyrite entrained within fine-grained stage BG2b pyrite (Py2). The 3-m assay interval contains
9.5 ppm Au, 1.09 percent Cu (PT Freeport Indonesia drill hole assay results; sample BGU19-3, 233.35 m). G. Reflected light
photomicrograph. Stage BG2c bismuthinite, native gold, cubanite, and hematite occur along fractures in earlier stage BG1
pyrite and quartz vein. Native gold also coats pyrite surfaces (sample BGU28-5, 268 m). H. Reflected light photomicrograph.
Stage BG2d arsenopyrite replacement of sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and galena (sample BGU21-2, 13.3 m). I. Massive cubic
pyrite in West Drift breccia (stage BG1a). The gold grade for the 1-m pyrite-rich intersection is 0.1 ppm (PT Freeport In-
donesia drill hole assay results; sample BGU24-10-16). J. Reflected light photomicrograph. Stage BG2 native gold closely as-
sociated with galena containing a bismuthinite inclusion (sample BGU21-2, 13.3 m). Abbreviations: Apy = arsenopyrite; Bm
= bismuthinite; Ccp = chalcopyrite; Cbt = carbonate; Cct = calcite; Cub = cubanite; Dol = dolomite; Gn = galena; Py =
pyrite; Qtz = quartz; Sd = siderite; Sp = sphalerite. Sample location in brackets is drill hole and depth.
FIG. 7. Geologic cross section 26 from the Big Gossan deposit, located in Figure 16. Modified with permission from PT
Freeport geologic cross section and drill logging. Stage BG1 copper-gold mineralization correlates with the distribution of
the Big Gossan skarn. Stage BG2 occurs in faults in the hanging wall of the Waripi Formation and footwall of the Kembe-
langan Limestone and along the contact between the Big Gossan skarn and the hanging wall of the Waripi Formation. The
location of sample BGU26-1 (see Fig. 11) is annotated. Cu/10,000 Au ratios for stage BG2 ore intervals are less than 0.2, and
ratios for stage BG1 ore intervals are typically >1.88. Abbreviations: Kkeh = Kembelangan shale; Kkel = Kembelangan lime-
stone; Kkes = Kembelangan sandstone; Tw = Waripi Formation dolostone.
FIG. 8. Photographs of hand specimens, polished sections, and fluid inclusions from the Wanagon Gold and Big Gossan
deposits. A. Leached Kembelangan Group sandstone with stage WG2 pyrite and K-feldspar in vugs and veins. The K-feldspar
was sampled for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology (Wanagon Gold sample WAN4-3, 63.2 m). B. Marble and 5-mm halo of fluid inclu-
sion-bearing recrystallized marble (see 8l) directly adjacent to stage BG2b pyrite-sphalerite-gold replacement (Big Gossan
sample BGU18-3, 211 m). C. Transmitted light photomicrograph of stage WG2 K-feldspar crystals (morphology suggests adu-
laria) within a matrix of transparent to dark sphalerite (Wanagon Gold sample WAN4-1, 58 m). D. Reflected light photomi-
crograph of stage WG2 pyrite with inclusions of white altaite. Tetradymite, native gold, and petzite occur with altaite. Nearby
in the same pyrite grain, hessite and galena in altaite also occur (not shown; Wanagon Gold sample WAN4-6, 28 m). E. Typi-
cal Kkel skarn sample (analyzed by XRD for comparison with leached Kkel skarn shown in (F); Wanagon Gold sample WAN4-
3, 138.1 m). F. Leached Kkel skarn sample, with minor clay and pyrite developed in vugs (analyzed by XRD for comparison
with typical Kkel skarn shown in (E); Wanagon Gold sample WAN4-3, 130.5 m). G. Leached and silicified sandstone used for
fluid inclusion study. Fluid inclusions are contained in the gray silicified areas (see K). Minor stage WG2 pyrite occurs in vugs
(Wanagon Gold sample WAN4-4, 603 m). H. Stage BG2b sphalerite (fluid inclusion-bearing; see M) and pyrite-galena vein
cuts skarn. Pyrite has a distinct stage BG2 Bi and Te signature (LA-ICPMS; unpub. data in Prendergast, 2003). Skarn contains
fluid inclusion-bearing quartz (see J; Big Gossan sample BGU26-4, 275 m). I. Green phlogopite and calcite vein cuts Big Gos-
san anhydrous skarn. The phlogopite was dated by the 40Ar/39Ar technique at 3.62 ± 0.05 Ma (App. 1; Big Gossan sample
BGU17-4, 400 m). J. Fluid inclusion-bearing quartz within anhydrous skarn (see H) containing two-phase fluid inclusions on
secondary trails (Big Gossan sample BGU26-4, 275 m). K. Two-phase fluid inclusions (paragenesis uncertain) in silicified
Wanagon Gold sandstone (see G; Wanagon Gold sample WAN4-4, 603 m). L. Two-phase fluid inclusion in recrystallized mar-
ble associated with stage BG2b sulfides (B; Big Gossan sample BGU18-3, 211 m). M. Two-phase fluid inclusions in primary
clusters in sphalerite from stage BG2b sulfide vein (see H; Big Gossan sample BGU26-4, 275 m). Abbreviations: Alt = altaite;
Cct = calcite; Kfs = K-feldspar; Kkel = Kembelangan Group sandstone; Kkes = Kembelangan Group sandstone; Pe = petzite;
Phl = phlogopite; Py = pyrite; Rexal = recrystallized marble; Sp = sphalerite; Td = tetradymite.
Stage WG2 sulfides include abundant pyrite and rare spha- Metal Zoning
lerite ± galena disseminated in vugs and veins in the Kembe- Metal zoning at Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold has been
langan Group sandstone, coincident with elevated gold and modeled using GEMCOM and drill hole assay data obtained
arsenic (Fig. 9). In massive pyrite samples, native gold is as- from PT Freeport Indonesia. More than 15,270 assay inter-
sociated with galena and Bi and Te minerals (Fig. 8D), in- vals, mostly 3 m in length, were included from Big Gossan.
cluding petzite (Ag3AuTe2), hessite (Ag2Te), altaite (PbTe), Drill holes drilled from the RL2930 drift level are considered
tetradymite (Bi14Te13S8), and a silver-antimony-sulfide to be below the base of the weathered zone. Drill holes
(Ag3SbS3), which could be either pyrargyrite or pyrostilpnite drilled from surface that intersect the upper breccia and stage
(A.J. Rae, J. M. Allen, and N.G. Powell, unpub. report for PT BG2 mineralization occur within the zone of weathering but
Freeport International, 1994; this investigation). Gold from were included in the database. Assay intervals within the zone
Kembelangan sandstone-hosted stage WG2 samples deeper of weathering at Wanagon Gold were also included (4,046 in-
than 100 m below current surface has a higher fineness tervals), as stage WG2 mineralization is only represented in
(924–989) than gold in a single shallow sample (fineness: shallow drill holes.
772–866) 20 m below the present-day surface (Fig. 6).
In the brecciated Waripi Formation, stage WG2 sulfides Big Gossan
and dolomite replaced calcitic marble. In these samples, K- Cu/10,000Au assay ratios from Big Gossan have been di-
feldspar is not evident and sulfides are dominated by spha- vided into three groups (Fig. 10A). Group A is characterized
lerite (with chalcopyrite disease) and pyrite with lesser galena by a ratio >0.9 and consistent Cu/Ag and Ag/10,000Au rela-
and minor chalcopyrite. These sulfides are cut by veinlets tionships (Fig. 10B-C), indicating that Cu, Au, and Ag are
containing arsenical pyrite and tetrahedrite. Native gold in strongly correlated in this group. This group corresponds to
the Waripi Formation (fineness 919–956; Fig. 6) is closely as- stage BG1 chalcopyrite-rich mineralization (Figs. 11, 12) and
sociated with tetradymite and petzite or enclosed within is coincident with the lowest Pb/Zn and Zn/Cu ratios (Fig.
sphalerite and pyrite. 12A-C). A zone containing the lowest Zn/Cu ratios can be
traced throughout the deposit in long section and plunges to-
ward the northwest (Fig. 13B). Copper concentration in ex-
cess of 5 percent occurs in the northwest of the deposit, co-
incident with the location of the northeast-striking faults (Fig.
13B). The highest Cu grades are coincident with the lowest
Pb/Zn ratios (Figs. 11, 12B, 14B).
Group B assay intervals (Cu/10,000Au ratio <0.09; Fig.
10A) correspond to the distribution of stage BG2 sulfide oc-
currences (Fig. 11). Group B samples have higher Au, Zn, Pb,
and As concentrations than Group A samples (Fig. 10A, D-F)
and Ag and Pb are strongly correlated (Fig. 10F). The Zn/Cu
ratio increases toward the surface (Fig. 12C). Group B has a
distinct high Au and low Cu relationship, but Au does not dis-
play a positive correlation with any analyzed elements. This is
consistent with the textural observation that native gold is
dominantly associated with pyrite in the stage BG2 paragen-
esis. Overlap between Groups A and B occurs at the north-
west end of the deposit (Fig. 13A), coincident with the loca-
tion of the northeast-striking faults exposed at the surface.
Wanagon Gold
Metal zoning at Wanagon Gold is analogous to that at Big
Gossan (Fig. 14A). Group A assay data represents the deeper
stage WG1 Cu-Au-Ag skarn mineralization (Fig. 14A-B), and
Group B corresponds to stage WG2 and is developed in sand-
stone, carbonate breccia, and faults that have truncated skarn
at high elevations (Fig. 9). Group B contains higher Au, Ag,
Zn, As, and Pb than Group A (Fig. 14B-E).
FIG. 10. Element correlations from Big Gossan drill hole assay data. Group A has Cu/10,000Au ratios of less than 0.9 and
Group B has Cu/10,000Au ratios of less than 0.09. Overlap (ratios between 0.09 and 0.9) occurs between Groups A and B.
FIG. 11. Drill log, assay results, pyrite content (PT Freeport Indonesia), and Cu/10,000Au, Cu/Zn, and Pb/Zn ratios in
drill hole sample BGU26-1. The drill hole location is indicated in Fig. 7. The distribution of Group B corresponds to logged
occurrences of massive stage BG2 pyrite. Pb, Zn, and As are elevated in areas classified as Group B Cu/10,000Au. Group A
distribution corresponds to stage BG1 Cu-Au mineralization. Between 152.8 and 180 m, the highest Cu grades are coinci-
dent with high-grade Zn and the lowest Pb/Zn values. Abbreviations: Kkeh = Kembelangan shale; Kkel = Kembelangan lime-
stone; Tw = Waripi formation dolostone.
ablation of sulfide grains in polished thin sections is described classified as secondary because they are located on secondary
fully in Huston et al. (1995). trails in sandstone quartz grains.
The δ34SCDT was analyzed in sulfides from stages 1 and 2 at
Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold (Fig. 15, Table 2). No obvious Big Gossan
difference between stages 1 and 2 sulfides at either deposit is Fluid inclusions large enough for thermometric study are
apparent, although the data set is limited to seven samples poorly developed in quartz and carbonate associated with
from Big Gossan and three samples from Wanagon Gold. The stage BG2b sulfide veins at Big Gossan. Rare fluid inclusions
results range from –0.7 to +5.1 per mil and are indistinguish- are present in pale, transparent late-stage sphalerite. All fluid
able from sulfide values from other deposits in the district. inclusions observed were liquid rich, liquid-vapor type. Salin-
ity (wt % NaCl equiv) was calculated from measured freezing
Fluid Inclusions point depression, using the methodology of Bodnar (1993).
A Linkam heating and cooling stage at James Cook Univer- All fluid inclusions homogenized by vapor disappearance.
sity was used for all microthermometric analyses. Homoge- The fluid inclusions that occur along secondary fractures in
nization temperatures were measured on 41 primary and sec- quartz grains in anhydrous skarn (Fig. 8H, J) have the highest
ondary fluid inclusions from six samples at Big Gossan and 58 salinities (3–26 wt % NaCl equiv; Fig. 17) and homogeniza-
fluid inclusions from three samples at Wanagon Gold (Fig. tion temperatures (305°–460°C) and are most similar to fluid
16, Table 3). The fluid inclusions at Wanagon Gold are all inclusions in pyroxene studied by Meinert et al. (1997).
FIG. 12. Cross section 27 of the Big Gossan deposit and distribution of assay ratios and elements. See Figure 16 for lo-
cation of cross section 27. Assay data is from PT Freeport Indonesia. A. Geology, drill holes, and distribution of Group A
(Cu/10,000Au ratios >0.9) and Group B (Cu/10,000Au ratios <0.09) mimic the distribution skarn-hosted stage BG1 and
upper breccia-hosted stage BG2 mineralization. B. Drill holes and distribution of Au >0.5 g/t. Cu >1 percent is coincident
with an area of Pb/Zn = 0.1 to 0.2. Cu >5 percent is coincident with the area of lowest Pb/Zn values (<0.1). These results
suggest outward zonation in stage BG1 from Cu-rich to Zn and Pb bearing. C. Drill holes and distribution of Zn/Cu ratios.
Modification of near-surface assay ratios by surface weathering and enrichment may account for distribution of Zn/Cu ratios.
Primary fluid inclusions in sphalerite from a stage BG2b –40°C, indicating the presence of additional cations (i.e.,
sphalerite-galena-pyrite vein that cuts the quartz and skarn Fe2+, Ca2+, or Mg2+; Brown, 1998).
sample (Fig. 5H, M) have lower homogenization tempera-
tures (230°–256°C) and salinities of 8 to 14 wt percent NaCl Wanagon Gold
equiv. Four samples of stage BG2b quartz contain rare clus- The leached Kembelangan Group sandstone at Wanagon
ters of small fluid inclusions that are interpreted to be pri- Gold (Fig. 8G, K) contains abundant fluid inclusions where it
mary. The salinity range (1–14 wt % NaCl equiv) and homog- is silicified. All fluid inclusions are secondary, two phase (liq-
enization temperatures (160°–300°C) are similar to those of uid-vapor), and liquid rich when observed at room tempera-
fluid inclusions in sphalerite. Fluid inclusions of ambiguous ture. Hydrohalite was observed during cooling experiments in
paragenesis from a carbonate alteration halo around a stage three fluid inclusions. Dissolution temperatures of >0.1°C in
BG2b sphalerite-pyrite-native gold vein (Fig. 5B, L) have two of these indicate that the hydrohalite is metastable
salinities of 16 to 22 wt percent NaCl equiv and homogeniza- (Roedder, 1984).
tion temperatures of 283° to 325°C. Primary fluid inclusions Two groups of fluid inclusions are recognized (Fig. 17): a
in stage BG2b sphalerite and quartz (total of 41 inclusions) lower salinity group (<13 wt % NaCl equiv) with a wide range
have an average salinity of 8 wt percent NaCl equiv and aver- of homogenization temperatures (160°–410°C), similar to
age homogenization temperature of 245°C. Where observed, fluid inclusions in quartz of stage BG2 and anhydrite from the
the initial melting temperatures of ice in all but two samples skarn at Big Gossan, and a second higher salinity group of
range from –20° to –33°C, which is consistent with an H2O- fluid inclusions (19–29 wt % NaCl equiv) with homoge-
KCl-NaCl mixture (Brown, 1998). Two fluid inclusions hosted nization temperatures of 250° to 350°C. The range of ho-
by quartz in the skarn had initial ice-melting temperatures of mogenization temperatures in the first group may be due to
FIG. 13. Long section of the Big Gossan deposit looking northeast. Assay data from PT Freeport Indonesia. A. Location
of cross sections 26 and 27 and distribution of drill holes and Cu/10,000Au ratios constrained by drilling. B. Distribution of
Group A and B, Zn/Cu ratios, and Cu >1 and 5 percent contours constrained by drilling.
FIG. 14. Element correlations from Wanagon Gold drill hole assay data. Group A has Cu/10,000Au ratios of less than
0.9 and Group B has Cu/10,000Au ratios of less than 0.09. Overlap (ratios between 0.09 and 0.9) occurs between Groups
A and B.
FIG. 15. δ34SCDT from Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold stages 1 and 2 sul- Trace Element Analysis of Sulfides
fides (A) (unpub. data in Prendergast, 2003). Stage 2 pyrite generally has A suite of trace elements (Ni, As, Se, Te, Bi, Ir, Os, Ru, Rh,
lower δ34SCDT than stage 1 pyrite. The range of values from Big Gossan and
Wanagon Gold is comparable to the range of sulfide values (B) from other Pt, Pd, Au) was analyzed in pyrite, chalcopyrite, and spha-
deposits in the district: Kucing Liar (B.T.E. New, unpub. report for PT lerite from selected samples from Big Gossan and Wanagon
Freeport International, 2003), southwest Grasberg (Gibbins, 2000), and Gold (Fig. 18). All minerals analyzed were inspected for ho-
Grasberg, Ertsberg East skarn system, DOM, and distal veins (J.R. Kyle, mogeneity by reflected light microscopy and backscattered
unpub. report for PT Freeport International, 1992). Results from this study
are not comparable with a second range of sulfide values (C) from Kucing
electron imaging. No evidence for compositional zoning was
Liar (B.T.E. New, unpub. report, 2003) and southwest Grasberg (Gibbins, observed. Trace element analyses of sulfides were obtained
2000). (D) Hydrothermal sulfates from Kucing Liar (B.T.E. New, unpub. re- using a LA-ICPMS system in the Geochemical Analysis Unit,
port, 2003), southwest Grasberg (Gibbins, 2000), Ertsberg East skarn sys- ARC National Key Centre GEMOC, Macquarie University
tem, and other district locations, and (E) sedimentary sulfates from unspeci- (App. 2). As native gold was not observed by microscope dur-
fied locations in the district (J.R. Kyle, unpub. report, 1992; J.R. Kyle and S.I.
Dworkin, unpub. report for PT Freeport International, 1995). Sulfur from ing conventional or electron backscatter studies, all gold de-
(F) southwest Grasberg (Gibbins, 2000) and (G) Grasberg (J.R. Kyle, unpub. tected by LA-ICPMS analysis is interpreted to be contained
report, 1992). within the mineral lattice.
Analysis of stage BG1c pyrite shows a positive correlation
between As and Bi and between As and Te but negative cor-
leakage (which will cause higher homogenization tempera- relations between Au and As and between Bi and Te (Fig.
tures), or cooling of the hydrothermal system, or the pres- 18). Copper concentrations in Big Gossan pyrites are vari-
ence of more than one generation of fluid inclusions. Initial able and poorly correlated with other elements. Pyrite in
TABLE 2. Sulfur Isotope Results from Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold (unpublished data from Prendergast, 2003)
Location Drillhole and depth Mineral Paragenesis δ34S ‰ (w.r.t. CDT) Technique
FIG. 16. Location of fluid inclusion samples at (A) Big Gossan (underground level plan at 2,930-m elev) and (B) Wanagon
Gold (surface geology). Plans modified with permission from unpublished PT Freeport Indonesia geologic maps. Map pro-
jection: WGS84, UTM zone 53.
stages BG2b and BG2c have higher As and Au contents than consistent correlation of these elements and generally has
stage BG1a pyrite but similar concentrations of Te and Bi. lower Cu, higher As, and similar gold contents. Stage BG2
Bismuth concentrations show a consistent negative correla- chalcopyrite contains a wider range of Bi than stage BG1c,
tion with Au and As in some of the pyrite from stage BG2, extending to much lower concentrations. Analysis of stage
suggesting that several generations of pyrite (stages BG2b BG2b sphalerite indicates a strong positive correlation in the
and BG2c) formed during this stage. Tellurium is negatively concentrations of Au and As and, to a lesser extent, between
correlated with As and Au in stages BG2b and BG2c pyrite. Au and Cu. Trace element concentrations in pyrite, chal-
Analysis of stage BG1b chalcopyrite indicates a positive cor- copyrite, and sphalerite from the Wanagon Gold occurrence
relation between Au and Bi, with concentrations of bismuth are similar to those at Big Gossan, although As and Bi are
up to 20 ppm and concentrations of gold between 0.05 to 0.1 negatively correlated in pyrite from stage WG1b at Wanagon
ppm (Fig. 18). Stage BG2b chalcopyrite displays a less Gold (Fig. 18).
TABLE 3. Summary of Fluid Inclusion Results from Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold (unpub. data from Prendergast, 2003)
0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00
Temperature initial melting Tm (freezing point depression) Homogenization temperature
Sample (drill hole Min Max Average Min Max Average Min Max Average
and depth) Description No. inc (°C) (°C) (°C) No. inc (°C) (°C) Average salinity No. inc (°C) (°C) (°C)
BGU30-04, 137.9 m Primary L+V inclusions in 3 –20 –20 –20 5 –2 –1 –1 2 4 245 270 258
quartz with stage BG2 sulfides
BGU18-03, 211.2 m L+V inclusions in carbonate 8 –33 –25 –31 8 –20 –12 –18 21 4 283 325 313
alteration-margin to stage
BG2 sulfides
BGU26-04, 327.5 m Primary L+V inclusions in 3 –25 –20 –22 8 –10 –3 –7 10 5 230 256 245
stage BG2 sphalerite
BGU26-04, 327.5 m Secondary L+V inclusions 9 –40 –20 –32 16 –25 –2 –12 16 13 305 400 368
in quartz in skarn
WAN4-3, 80.5 m Secondary L+V inclusions in 6 –40 –20 –32 16 –23 –2 –10 14 9 160 410 340
Kembelangan Sandstone
WAN4-5, 50 m Secondary L+V inclusions in 1 –40 2 –25 –3 –14 18 2 330 375 353
Kembelangan Sandstone
WAN4-4, 60.3 m Secondary L+V inclusions in 39 –57 –16 –25 56 –1 –34 –7 11 47 245 375 306
Kembelangan Sandstone
FIG. 17. Th-salinity diagram for fluid inclusions from Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold (unpub. data in Prendergast, 2003).
Salinity (wt % NaCl equiv) was estimated using the equation from Bodnar (1993). Fluid inclusion data from Meinert et al.
(1997) are plotted for comparison (1–4). Fluid inclusions in pyroxene contain (1) liquid + vapor + halite + sylvite ± opaques
(hematite? ± chalcopyrite) and (2) liquid + vapor + halite ± opaques. The salinity of sylvite-bearing fluid inclusions refers to
wt percent NaCl equiv (1) or NaCl + KCl wt percent (1a) from Meinert et al. (1997). (3) Fluid inclusions in anhydrite are
vapor rich ± minor liquid. (4) Early quartz with anhydrite contains vapor- ± liquid-rich inclusions and minimum homoge-
nization temperatures of inclusions in quartz are 255°C. Fluid inclusion measurements from stage BG2 minerals in this study
include (5) fluid inclusions in sphalerite in a stage BG2 vein that cuts (6) fluid inclusion-bearing quartz associated with skarn
(Fig. 8H), (7) quartz from four samples associated with stage BG2 sulfides, and (8) fluid inclusions in a marble alteration halo
around a pyrite-sphalerite vein. (9) Fluid inclusion measurements from secondary liquid + vapor fluid inclusions in the Kem-
belangan Group sandstone from the Wanagon Gold deposit. (10) Range of 21 measurements of fluid inclusions from Big
Gossan quartz of uncertain paragenesis (J.R. Kyle, unpub. report for PT Freeport International, 1994). (11) Range from
seven measurements of fluid inclusions from Big Gossan sphalerite of uncertain paragenesis (J.R. Kyle, unpub. report, 1994).
FIG. 18. Correlation plots of trace element concentrations in sulfides from Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold (unpub. LA-
ICPMS data in Prendergast, 2003; analytical technique described in App. 2). All values are in parts per million. Unclassified
samples and breccia samples from the West Drift breccia were texturally ambiguous and could not be interpreted as stages
BG1 or BG2. One of the unclassified chalcopyrite samples from Big Gossan correlates with stage BG1. At Big Gossan, the
pyrite breccia samples and one unclassified sample correlates with measured stage BG1 pyrite. The remaining unclassified
samples from Big Gossan generally correlate with stage BG2. Stage BG2(x) pyrite samples from Big Gossan are a subset of
stage BG2 noted to contain Bi and Te sulfides.
negative correlations of Te with As and Au at Big Gossan but characteristics of Big Gossan are similar to those of carbon-
not at Wanagon Gold and negative correlations of Bi with Au ate-base metal-style epithermal deposits (cf. Corbett and
and As at Wanagon Gold but not at Big Gossan (Fig. 18F, J). Leach, 1998).
The geochemical associations of stage 2 at both deposits are The highest fineness native gold at Big Gossan is encapsu-
similar to a range of other gold deposits (Table 4). The overall lated in stage BG2a pyrite or is associated with stage BG2c
0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00
Deposit style Deposit example elements associated alteration temperatures (°C) NaCl equiv) (stable isotopes) References
Pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te Big Gossan Au, As, Zn, Pb, Siderite, dolomite 248 (avg) 9 (avg) Magmatic This study
Bi, Te (quartz) (Meinert et al. (2003)
Wanagon Gold Au, As, Zn, Pb, K-feldspar in leached ?160–410 ?<13 This study
Bi, Te sandstone; dolomite in
Quartz sulfide gold Kidston, Qld, Au, Mo, Cu, Quartz, ankerite, calcite 120–300 2–10 Magmatic Baker (1987),
copper systems Australia As, Bi, Te + meteoric Corbett and Leach (1998)
Epithermal carbonate- Porgera “A” veins, Zn, Pb, Au, Cu Abundant carbonates 211–365 7.2–15.2 Magmatic Richards and
base metal deposits Papua New Guinea and quartz (CO2 bearing) (mixed with CO2 Kerrich (1993),
ground water) Corbett and Leach (1998),
Richards and
Laudrum (1998),
Ronacher et al. (2004)
Late-stage high-level Mt Kare “D” veins, Au, Ag, Bi, Quartz, adularia, 163–203 7–8.4 Richards and
epithermal quartz gold- Papua New Guinea Te, As roscoelite (CO2 bearing) Laudrum (1998), Corbett
silver systems and Leach (1998)
Oxidized gold skarn Wabu, West Papua, Au, Zn, Cu, Iron rich-carbonates 300–320 40–50 Sunyoto (1999),
deposits Indonesia Bi, Te and chlorite, epidote Meinert (2000)
Carbonate-hosted high- Colquijirca district Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, Alunite, dickite, Fontbote and Bendezu
sulfidation deposits Au, Bi kaolinite, siderite (1999), Bendezu and
Fontbote (2002),
Bendezu et al. (2003)
Gold deposits related to Au, Bi, Te, As, Quartz, K-feldspar, biotite, >350 <10 to >40 Magmatic Thompson and
reduced intrusions Mo, Zn, Sn, Cu albite, micas, calcite, (CO2 bearing) Newberry (2000),
dolomite, tourmaline Baker (2002)
bismuthinite (Fig. 6). Native gold with the lowest fineness is display zoning outward from Cu + Zn to Pb (Fig. 11), consis-
associated with Pb-bearing minerals (i.e., stage BG2b galena tent with the observed close textural association of sphalerite
and sulfosalts). Although Rubin and Kyle (1997) used a lim- and chalcopyrite and the distribution of galena in stage BG1.
ited dataset to conclude that the fineness of native gold from Metal zonation patterns are not obvious for stage 2 mineral-
within the massive sulfide gold zones at Big Gossan increased ization. There is an increase in Zn/Cu ratios in stage BG2 to-
with elevation, additional analyses by Prendergast (2003) ward the surface in the Big Gossan upper breccia but this is
showed that there were no systematic variations in native gold considered to be a result of weathering (Fig. 12).
compositions with respect to elevation.
At Big Gossan, the lowest Zn/Cu ratios for stage BG1 occur Genetic model
in a northwest-plunging zone that is open at depth (Fig 13). Figure 19 summarizes the major stages of skarn formation
Based on metal solubility relationships (Hemley and Hunt, and pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te ore deposition at the Big Gossan
1992), this zone is inferred to have been where the highest and Wanagon Gold deposits. At Wanagon Gold, intrusion of
temperature mineralizing fluids flowed at Big Gossan. This the Wanagon sill at 3.81 ± 0.06 Ma (McDowell et al., 1996)
central zone of low Zn/Cu ratios is discordant to the known was followed by episodes of anhydrous and hydrous skarn
contact of the Ertsberg intrusion (Fig. 13), suggesting that formation. The skarns pervasively altered the Kembelangan
mineralization postdated the intrusion. Away from the central Group limestone and shale and were localized by the Batu-
zone, high Cu grades correlate with low Pb/Zn ratios, al- Big Gossan, North Wanagon, and Wanagon Mill faults (Fig.
though Zn/Cu ratios are consistent. These peripheral areas 19A). The Wanagon Gold skarn lacks the breccia textures
FIG. 19. Genesis of Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold skarn Cu-Au and pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te occurrences. At Big Gossan,
(A) displays the schematic distribution of Big Gossan anhydrous skarn that was overprinted by Big Gossan West Drift breccia
and hydrous skarn (B), followed by development of Big Gossan stage BG1 Cu-Au mineralization (C). Big Gossan stage BG2
mineralization (D) is considered to be a late-stage hydrothermal event that was separate from stage BG1. At Wanagon Gold,
anhydrous and hydrous skarn were preferentially developed in the limestone and dolomite rocks (Kkel and Tw) (E). Wanagon
Gold stage WG1 mineralization (F) is only known to occur at depth near the Batu-Big Gossan fault. A leaching event accom-
panied by clay alteration (G) overprinted skarn and is extensively developed in the sandstone (Kkes). (H) Wanagon Gold stage
WG2 mineralization overprinted the leached sandstone and occurs as alteration in brecciated marble (Tw).
observed at Big Gossan, possibly due to a greater depth of occurrences may have been deposited from the magmatic
formation or an unfavorable stress regime. Stage WG1 Cu-Au precursor to fluids commonly recognized in epithermal de-
mineralization overprinted the skarn assemblages below posits at shallower crustal levels (cf. Cooke and Simmons,
3,400 m in the vicinity of the Batu-Big Gossan and North 2000). The mineralizing fluids at Big Gossan and Wanagon
Wanagon faults (Fig. 19B). The Kembelangan Group sand- Gold may have been derived from the same magmatic source
stone was an important host rock for late-stage mineralization as the preceding skarn Cu-Au event (Meinert et al., 1997,
at Wanagon Gold. Secondary porosity was apparently devel- 2003). An alternative scenario is that the gold- and H2S-rich
oped in the sandstone due to a leaching event that postdated fluids were derived from a condensed vapor formed during
skarn and predated development of stage WG2 (Fig. 19C). phase separation (cf. Gammons and Williams-Jones, 1997;
The clay mineralogy of leached sedimentary, skarn, and ig- Heinrich, 2003). Further work is required to resolve these
neous rocks suggest acidic conditions, although minerals in- possibilities and to establish whether relationships exist be-
dicative of advanced argillic alteration are not present. Depo- tween carbonate-hosted pyrite-Au-As-Zn-Bi-Te occurrences
sition of stage WG2 mineralization occurred at 3.62 ± 0.05 and epithermal styles of mineralization in zoned magmatic-
Ma, based on 40Ar/39Ar analysis of stage WG2 K-feldspar hydrothermal mineral districts.
(Table 1, App. 1). Stage WG2 was best developed in the
leached sandstone unit and also in a late-stage breccia at ele-
vations above 3,000 m (Fig. 19D). The reviewers are thanked for their constructive reviews.
At Big Gossan, anhydrous skarn formed in the Kembelan- PT Freeport Indonesia is acknowledged for logistical and an-
gan Group limestone and surrounding units adjacent to the alytical funding and permission to publish this work. An Aus-
Batu-Big Gossan fault (Fig. 19E). The West Drift breccia and tralian Institute of Geologists student bursary awarded to the
hydrous skarn assemblages then formed at 2.82 ± 0.04 Ma, senior author provided valuable additional funding for LA-
based on 40Ar/39Ar analysis of phlogopite (Fig. 19F, Table 1, ICPMS analyses. This paper is contribution 359 from the ARC
App. 1). Stage BG1 Cu-Au mineralization was localized National Key Centre for Geochemical Evolution and Metal-
within and around the Batu-Big Gossan fault at depths below logeny of Continents (GEMOC). GEMCOM software pro-
3,200 m (Fig. 19G). Both the Big Gossan skarn and stage BG1 vided a full version of its software at cost. James Lally drafted
Cu-Au mineralization overprinted a fault breccia near the a number of the diagrams. Feedback regarding Big Gossan
base of the Waripi Formation. Stage BG1 sulfides also over- and Wanagon Gold from Freeport staff (Clyde Leys, Norris
printed the earlier anhydrous skarn and are scarce in the West Beluz, Nur Widodo, Paul Warren, and Steve Hughes) is ap-
Drift breccia. This distribution suggests that the structural preciated. Thank you also to Peter Pollard, Roger Taylor, and
regime which existed during anhydrous skarn formation at researchers from the University of Arizona and the University
Big Gossan also influenced introduction of stage BG1 fluids of Texas for providing access to unpublished information.
and that the West Drift breccia was not a favored conduit for August 4, 2004; August 5, 2005
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40Ar/39Ar Analytical Methods and Results from L. Peters, New Mexico Bureau of Mines (writ. commun., 2003)
The Big Gossan muscovite separate was analyzed by the 0.04 Ma) is the preferred age for the cooling of muscovite
furnace incremental heating-age spectrum method. The Big below its closure temperature (350°–400°; Fig. 3A-B). In-
Gossan muscovite separate was loaded into a machined Al creasing radiogenic yields correlated with decreasing appar-
disk and irradiated for 7 h in the D-3 position, Nuclear Sci- ent ages such as those revealed in steps F through M are sug-
ence Center, College Station, Texas. gestive of excess Ar. This is supported by the isochron analysis
All argon isotope results are summarized in Table A1 and of steps F through Q. The disturbed nature of the early steps
listed in Table A2. The majority of the muscovite age spec- is possibly due to slight contamination of the muscovite with
trum is well behaved. The first 7 percent of the 39Ar released, either calcite or anhydrite.
however, is very disturbed. The radiogenic yields, K/Ca val- The Wanagon Gold adularia was loaded into a machined Al
ues, and apparent ages are oscillatory. Thee steps (H-J) disk and irradiated for 14 h in the D-3 position, Nuclear Sci-
yielded decreasing apparent ages and increasing radiogenic ence Center, College Station, TX. The adularia was analyzed
yields and K/Ca values. A weighted mean age of 2.85 ± 0.07 by the furnace incremental heating age spectrum method. All
Ma is calculated from steps K through Q (69.1% of the 39Ar argon isotope results are summarized in Table A1 and listed
released). The final step (0.5% of the 39Ar released) reveals a in Table A3. The adularia yielded a fairly well-behaved age
drop in radiogenic yield and K/Ca value and a rise in appar- spectrum. The radiogenic yields and K/Ca values reveal syn-
ent age. Inverse isochron analysis of steps F through Q yields chronized oscillatory behavior with older apparent ages cor-
an 40Ar/36Ar intercept (311.1 ± 8.8) slightly above the atmos- relating with lower K/Ca values and radiogenic yields. A
pheric value of 295.5 and an isochron age (2.82 ± 0.04 Ma) weighted mean of 3.62 ± 0.05 Ma is calculated from 100 per-
within error of the age spectrum weighted mean age. Both cent of the 39Ar released. Inverse isochron analysis of steps A
the weighted mean age and isochron age have high MSWD through J reveals an 40Ar/36Ar intercept of 299 ± 13 and an
values that may indicate geologic scatter of the data. The scat- isochron age of 3.61 ± 0.03 Ma.
ter may be caused by incomplete separation of two compo- The weighted mean age (3.62 ± 0.05 Ma) assigned to the
nents of initial argon that have variable 40Ar/36Ar values. age spectrum analysis of adularia provides a reliable age of
The isochron age assigned to steps F through Q (2.82 ± formation for this adularia (Fig. 3C-D).
TABLE A1. Summary of Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold 40Ar/39Ar Results
Sample Irradiation Mineral Analysis No. of steps MSWD Age ±2σ Comments
KP11 (Big Gossan) NM-162 Muscovite Furnace step-heat 12 10 2.82 .04 Isochron age
Prendergast adularia NM-166 Adularia Furnace step-heat 10 12.7 3.62 0.05 Age spectrum
(Wanagon Gold)
TABLE A2. Results of Step-Heating Big Gossan Muscovite (17.86 mg, J = 0.0008196 ± 0.09%, D = 1.0054 ± 0.001, NM-162, Lab. no. 53931-01)
36Ar/39Ar 39Ar
K ±1 σ
ID Temp (°C) 40Ar/39Ar 37Ar/39Ar (×10–3) (× 10–15 mol) K/Ca 40Ar* (%) 39Ar (%) Age (Ma) (Ma)
A 600 338.7 1.187 1,147.1 0.369 0.43 –0.1 0.2 –0.27 4.56
B 650 80.39 0.4486 254.1 2.28 1.1 6.6 1.1 7.88 0.88
C 700 62.50 0.4327 194.1 2.22 1.2 8.3 2.0 7.63 0.64
D 750 56.21 0.3605 179.9 3.98 1.4 5.5 3.6 4.54 0.57
E 800 118.5 0.6362 395.4 2.93 0.80 1.4 4.8 2.53 1.14
F 840 129.0 0.8255 418.1 2.41 0.62 4.3 5.8 8.15 1.10
G 880 36.83 0.2682 113.1 3.25 1.9 9.4 7.2 5.09 0.45
H 920 15.11 0.1222 42.50 8.8 4.2 17.0 10.8 3.78 0.18
I 960 4.643 0.0746 8.160 25.1 6.8 48.2 21.1 3.31 0.05
J 1000 3.180 0.1049 3.891 22.5 4.9 64.1 30.3 3.01 0.04
K 1040 3.193 0.1274 4.135 32.9 4.0 62.1 43.8 2.93 0.03
L 1080 2.945 0.1593 3.266 36.0 3.2 67.7 58.6 2.94 0.02
M 1120 2.747 0.2044 2.797 37.4 2.5 70.5 74.0 2.86 0.02
N 1160 2.459 0.1787 1.728 16.6 2.9 79.8 80.8 2.90 0.03
O 1200 2.216 0.0375 1.168 16.9 13.6 84.6 87.8 2.77 0.03
P 1250 2.216 0.0100 1.238 17.4 51.0 83.5 95.0 2.73 0.02
Q 1350 2.431 0.0484 1.836 10.9 10.5 77.9 99.4 2.80 0.04
R 1700 9.557 0.4049 16.43 1.35 1.3 49.6 100.0 6.99 0.29
TABLE A3. Results of Step-Heating Wanagon Adularia (14.07 mg, J = 0.0015352, NM-166, Lab. no. 54085-02)
36Ar/39Ar 39Ar
K ±1 σ
ID Power (W) 40Ar/39Ar 37Ar/39Ar (×10–3) (× 10–15 mol) K/Ca 40Ar* (%) 39Ar (%) Age (Ma) (Ma)
A 600 21.72 0.0031 69.25 21.2 164.6 5.8 2.4 3.47 0.39
B 750 1.923 0.0024 2.030 101.8 210.6 68.8 14.0 3.66 0.03
C 850 1.537 0.0021 0.8330 71.6 244.4 84.0 22.1 3.57 0.02
D 950 1.464 0.0022 0.6192 95.8 231.1 87.5 33.0 3.55 0.02
E 1050 1.408 0.0024 0.3526 110.4 213.0 92.6 45.5 3.61 0.02
F 1150 1.729 0.0028 1.543 110.2 182.7 73.6 58.1 3.52 0.02
G 1250 2.018 0.0035 2.315 229.5 147.3 66.1 84.1 3.69 0.02
H 1330 1.689 0.0031 1.152 132.6 167.1 79.9 99.2 3.73 0.02
I 1400 1.779 0.0071 1.464 5.89 71.4 75.7 99.9 3.73 0.11
J 1650 8.351 0.0282 25.42 1.11 18.1 10.1 100.0 2.33 0.80
Notes to accompany Tables A2 and A3: Isotopic ratios corrected for blank, radioactive decay, and mass discrimination, not corrected for interfering reac-
tions; ages calculated relative to FC-1 Fish Canyon Tuff sanidine interlaboratory standard at 27.84 Ma; errors quoted for individual analyses include analyt-
ical error only, without interfering reaction or J uncertainties; integrated age calculated by recombining isotopic measurements of all steps; integrated age
error calculated by recombining errors of isotopic measurements of all steps; plateau age is inverse-variance-weighted mean of selected steps; plateau age
error is inverse-variance-weighted mean error (Taylor, 1982) times root MSWD where MSWD >1; plateau and integrated ages incorporate uncertainties in
interfering reaction corrections and J factors; decay constants and isotopic abundances after Steiger and Jäger (1977); discrimination = 1.00484 ± 0.00092;
correction factors: (39Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.0007 ± 2 × 10–5, (36Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.00028 ± 2 × 10–6, (38Ar/39Ar)K = 0.01077, (40Ar/39Ar)K = 0.0002 ± 0.0003
Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) Analytical Technique
The system in the Geochemical Analysis Unit, ARC Na- sulfide MS-1 (supplied by S. Wilson, U.S. Geological Suvey).
tional Key Centre GEMOC, Macquarie University, com- For the Big Gossan and Wanagon Gold sulfides, stoichiomet-
prises a Merchantek LUV266 laser microprobe connected to ric sulfur concentrations were assumed for pyrite and chal-
an Agilent 7500s ICPMS. Laser operating conditions in- copyrite, whereas sulfur concentrations in sphalerite were ob-
cluded a repetition rate of 5 Hz, output power of 0.50 to 0.60 tained by electron microprobe analysis (unpub. data in
mJ/pulse, and a spot size of 50 µm. These conditions produce Prendergast, 2004). The GLITTER software calculates preci-
an average ablation rate of 0.5 to 0.7 µm/s in the sulfides. The sion and lower limits of detection based on theoretical ion
ablation was carried out in pure He, and the He sulfide mix- counting statistics and incorporates uncertainties on the in-
ture was added to the Ar nebulizer supply prior to introduc- ternal standard concentration (3% relative for S in this study)
tion to the ICP (the He/Ar ratio was approx 0.3/0.7). A gas and the reference concentration of the element in the exter-
background was measured for approximately 60 s before each nal standard (5% on trace elements in PGE-A). There are no
ablation, which typically lasted 90 to 120 s. Raw counts were significant differences in the detection limits for pyrite, chal-
collected on the ICPMS in peak-hopping mode (dwell time copyrite, and sphalerite, indicating that the minerals have
30 m) and displayed in time-resolved format. This allowed similar ablation yields. Typical lower limits of detection are as
each ablation to be monitored to identify heterogeneities due follows: Cu = 0.15 ppm, As = 1.5 ppm, Se = 1.8 ppm, Te = 0.2
to fluid or mineral inclusions and compositional variations ppm, Au = 20 ppb, Bi = 20 ppb.
with depth. Further details of this methodology are given in No corrections have been applied in this study for poly-
Norman et al. (1996). atomic interferences. The ICPMS was tuned to produce a
Data reduction used the GLITTER software package (Van Th/ThO ratio <0.3 percent, hence the only significant molec-
Achterbergh et al., 2001). Quantification of trace element ular interferences that might be produced would be combi-
concentrations by LA-ICPMS requires an external calibration nations of the major elements in the sulfides with Ar and air
standard and the concentration of an internal standard that entrained in the plasma. Previous experiments conducted
has been obtained by an independent method. In this study a under similar conditions on an HP4500 ICPMS and involving
synthetic nickel sulfide (PGE-A) was used as the external the ablation of Cu metal showed that 63Cu40Ar production
standard and sulfur was used as an internal standard. PGE-A was low (<0.02%) but detectable on 103Rh and negligible on
is doped with platinum group elements (PGE; Ir, Os, Ru, Rh, 105Pd. This supports the observation that significant poly-
Pd, Pt) and other selected trace elements (As, Se, Ag, Te, Au, atomic mass interferences are fairly limited and are signifi-
Bi) at ~200 ppm level. The homogeneous distribution of cant only when they involve major elements and abundant
these trace elements in the NiS matrix is demonstrated by the isotopes. This implies that masses higher than 105 (40Ar65Cu)
reproducibility of 5 percent or better for repeated measure- can be considered to be almost free of polyatomic mass inter-
ments of PGE-A (Table A4). The accuracy and precision of ferences when sulfides are analyzed under dry plasma condi-
the quantitative method using PGE-A is also shown in Table tions, as is the case in laser-ablation analysis.
A4 by repeated measurements of the synthetic Fe-Cu-Zn
TABLE A4. Analysis of Selected Trace Elements in the Calibration Standard PGE-A and Reference Material MS-1 by Solution ICPMS and LAM-ICPMS
1 Cu in wt percent