Development Issues of Ecological Tourism
Development Issues of Ecological Tourism
Development Issues of Ecological Tourism
In this article, ecological tourism has gradually entered the world tourism industry since the 80s
of the 20th century. According to the information of the World Tourism Organizations, in the
next five years, the flow of tourists in ecological tourism will increase and many other factors
will influence it.
Teacher of the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service
Ecological tourism has gradually entered the world tourism industry since the 80s of the 20th
century. According to the information of the World Tourism Organization, the results of the
calculations are given that the flow of tourists in ecological tourism will increase more and more
in the next five years. Innovative activities and approaches are important for the effective
performance of service tasks1.
In this direction of tourism, the countries of Southern Europe, Southeast Asia, China and the
African continent are taking the leading positions. However, the concept of ecological tourism
has not yet been given a single definition. The concept of ecotourism is defined differently by
scientists, experts, and international tourism and international nature protection organizations.
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - "Environmental tourism or ecotourism
is responsible travel to the natural environment, exploring it without harming natural areas, and
enjoying unique, attractive places of nature while protecting nature. "makes a difference, has a
"soft" effect on the environment, activates the socio-economic conditions of the local people and
ensures that they receive benefits from this activity."
Tourism Society (TJ) - "As a result of responsible travel to natural areas, nature protection is
ensured and the living standards of the local people are improved."
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) - "Ecotourism is travel to areas that have not harmed nature, to get
an idea of cultural ethnographic features, without destroying the integrity of the system, creating
such economic conditions in which nature protection is improved and natural resources benefit
the local people. ".
World Tourism Organization (WTO) - "In ecotourism, as a result of responsible travel to natural
areas, it ensures the protection of nature and improves the standard of living of the local people."
Especially in 2019, the coronavirus pandemic, which spread from China to the whole world,
caused great damage to the world economy2.
In the concept of the development of ecological tourism of Uzbekistan, "Ecological tourism is
not only a trip to exotic natural areas, their animal and plant life with educational and spiritual
goals, but also solving ecological problems by implementing social and economic issues. we
understand the sum of interconnected sets3”.
Ecotourism Society of the United States of America is a purposeful trip to natural areas that
takes into account the interests of local people, protects natural resources, preserves the integrity
of ecotourism, and deepens the understanding of local culture and the natural environment.
Australia's national ecotourism strategy is purposeful nature travel tourism based on the
principles of ecological sustainability and environmental education and cultural programs.
International centers serving the world community have different goals, but their conclusions in
determining the place of ecotourism are almost the same. However, the working order and goals
of BTT (World Tourism Organization), TJ (Tourism Society), TMQXI (International Union for
SERVICE ENTERPRISES', European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7(3), pp. 3228-3234.
Ortikniyozovich, F. U. (2020). Theme: Forecasts And Results Of The Negative Impact Of The Covid-19
(Coronavirus) Pandemic On The World Economy And The Economy Of Uzbekistan. The American Journal of
Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 2(08), 108-116.
O„zbekistonda ekologik turizmni rivojlantirish konsepsiyasi. J. Ekologiya xabarnomasi, № 6 Toshkent: 2007, 21-
Conservation of Nature) that promote ecotourism are always in conflict with each other. The first
two international societies support the use of nature for tourism purposes, and the next
international organization is engaged in nature protection.
Now we will present the conclusions of experts and scientists who clarified the concept of
ecotourism. At the heart of these conclusions is the idea of promoting ecotourism.
Kazakh expert M. Musatova on the purpose of ecotourism4:
wildlife trip;
minimal impact on nature;
supporting nature protection activities;
receiving environmental education;
defines it as additional income of local residents from environmental activities.
Russian experts I. Zorin and V. Kvartalnov define the concept of ecotourism in two ways5.
According to their first conclusions, ecotourism is a direct trip to nature using environmentally
friendly technologies. Modern ecological tourism products in ecotours do not have a negative
impact on nature, but strengthen the education of nature conservation. According to their second
conclusions, tourists who visit unique corners of nature develop feelings of protecting its
According to expert Khabibrakhmanov R., ecological tourism should take place in specially
protected natural areas (nature reserves, national parks, natural sculptures, natural monuments,
historical-memorial parks). Tourists in these places6:
A. the need to protect rare plants and animals;
B. that he has had mental and physical rest;
C. understands that he has received environmental knowledge and education.
It is possible to give many opinions that correspond to the content of the mentioned conclusions 7.
Analyzing the given data, real fans of ecotourism want to see and observe the relationship of
"nature + society + solidarity + friendship" during their trip to the bosom of nature. If we
summarize the general opinions, ecotourism is being in the heart of nature, and the development
of ecotourism in nature protection will give positive results.
Clinical Medicine, 7(3), pp. 3228-3234.
2. Ortikniyozovich, F. U. (2020). Theme: Forecasts And Results Of The Negative Impact Of
The Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic On The World Economy And The Economy Of
М.Мустова Экотуризм.
Туристический терминологический словар. Москва, “Советский спорт”, 1999, 664 б.
Будущее “Зеленого” трузима. Экокурьер, 1997, 22 октябр.
Трузм и устойчивое развитие. Экокурьер, 1997, 27 декабр.
Uzbekistan. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 2(08), 108-
3. O„zbekistonda ekologik turizmni rivojlantirish konsepsiyasi. J. Ekologiya xabarnomasi, № 6
Toshkent: 2007, 21-b..
4. М.Мустова Экотуризм.
5. Туристический терминологический словар. Москва, “Советский спорт”, 1999, 664 б.
6. Будущее “Зеленого” трузима. Экокурьер, 1997, 22 октябр.
7. Трузм и устойчивое развитие. Экокурьер, 1997, 27 декабр.