Horizon Client Setup
Horizon Client Setup
Horizon Client Setup
General Information
• The VMware Horizon system provides access to a HTML5 client that can be accessed by
selecting the VMware Horizon HTML Access at the link below, and it does not require a client
to be installed.
• The full Horizon (View) client installation is recommended for home machines for best
• The HTML 5 client may be used, with a compatible browser, to access the site from Hotels,
Kiosks, or other systems that may not allow the full client to be installed.
Installation Process
NOTE: The “VMware Horizon Client for Windows 10 UWP (Universal Windows
Platform)” has limited functionality and is NOT recommended.
3. SELECT the “Go to Downloads” link for the appropriate operating system (e.g., select “Go to
Downloads” for the “VMware Horizon Client for Windows”).
5. IF prompted,
THEN SELECT Open File or Run.
2. IF this is the first time executing the VMware Horizon Client and view.energy-northwest.com
does not appear,
AND ENTER view.energy-northwest.com in the Connection Server field
AND SELECT connect.
3. IF this is not the first time executing the VMware Horizon Client
THEN SELECT view.energy-northwest.com.
5. ENTER RSA passcode from the RSA SecurID App or on demand PIN.
6. CLICK Login.
8. IF prompted,
THEN SELECT a desktop.
NOTE: A desktop may automatically appear and you may not be prompted.