Control of A High Performance Bipedal Robot Using Viscoelastic Liquid Cooled Actuators
Control of A High Performance Bipedal Robot Using Viscoelastic Liquid Cooled Actuators
Control of A High Performance Bipedal Robot Using Viscoelastic Liquid Cooled Actuators
without relying on active ankle torques. evaluation of a high performance biped robot with VLCAs
DRACO is actuated by Viscoelastic Liquid Cooled Ac- that can achieve unsupported passive-ankle balancing. An-
tuators (VLCAs) which include viscoelastic elements in the other contribution is the study of stability and performance
drivetrain in order to improve joint position controllability analysis for the proposed joint and multi-DOF controllers.
as reported in [11]. Liquid cooled Reaction Force Sensing The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
Series Elastic Actuators (RFSEA) are used for the hip presents the mechatronic design of DRACO. Stability and
and knee joints, reducing actuation weight while increasing performance of VLCA are studied in Section III. OSC and
energy efficiency, torque density, impact resistance and posi- unsupported dynamic balancing via WBC are described in
tion/force controllability. Liquid-cooled Force Sensing Series Section IV. Finally, Section V concludes the paper.
Elastic Actuators (FSEA) drive the pitch ankle joints for
ankle flexion/extension control. To increase heat dissipation
on the electric motors, these VLCAs use liquid-cooling A. Mechatronics Overview
motor jackets [12] enabling 2.5x higher continuous torques The DRACO biped is 1.30 m tall, weighs 37 kg, and
on all joints compared to conventional electric actuators. achieves a similar range of motion than an adult human
For actuator control, we use a decoupled control strategy regarding leg and hip motions. DRACO has ten actuated
as described in [5], which relies on a rigid joint model. Each DOFs including three for the hip structure, one for the knee
low level actuator controller acts as an idealized force or joint and one for the ankle. The range of motion of each DOF and
position source to facilitate the use of control architectures workspace of the robot’s foot are shown in Fig. 2. Gener-
for multi Degree Of Freedoms (DOFs), such as Whole Body alized coordinate of DRACO, and mechatronic components
Control (WBC) [13]. Previously, we showed high fidelity including actuators, auxiliary sensors and electronic boards
control of SEAs via Disturbance Observer (DOB) controllers are illustrated in Fig. 3.
designed with the assumption of a time invariant nominal Unlike many humanoid robots, it does not have ankle roll
SEA model [14] and the improvement of joint position con- actuation. This allows to significantly reduce distal mass and
trollability by placing viscoelastic materials on the actuator’s therefore enhance swing speed motion. Based on the lessons
drivetrain [11]. In this paper, we prove the robust stabilization learned from previous works [14], [16], [17], the hardware
capabilities of our DOB controllers. We evaluate various joint has been designed with performance and mechanical safety
position feedback controllers depending upon 1) using either consideration while reducing it’s overall weight and the risk
motor and spring encoders versus linear potentiometers for of overheating motors.
feedback, and 2) whether to include force inner feedback
loop to decrease mechanical friction and stiction. Finally, B. Viscoelastic Liquid Cooled Actuators
we implement and test Operational Space Control (OSC) To achieve the design objectives and protection against
[15] and dynamic balance control using WBC [8]. We external impacts, VLCAs are employed to actuate the robot
demonstrate accurate and stable actuator position tracking joints. VLCA is a family of prismatic SEA with a viscoelastic
in the operational space and unsupported dynamic balancing material instead of metal springs and active liquid cooling,
with well-regulated motor temperatures thanks to the liquid first introduced in our previous work [11]. There we in-
cooling system. vestigated its power density, energy efficiency, high-fidelity
The main contribution of this paper is on the control and force control and joint position control. In this section, we
(a) (b) RFSEA
Force sensor
Motor Part
Rubber Part
Liquid reservoir and fan
Fig. 3. (a) shows generalized coordinate of the robot. Floating base frame and actuated DoFs are represented as black and blue axis, respectively. (b)
Mechatronic Parts and Schematic diagrams of the VLCAs.
introduce RFSEA type VLCA actuators and FSEA type to incorporate in the calf of the leg. For more detailed
VLCA actuators used in DRACO. information, readers are referred to our previous work [11].
The schematic diagrams of the VLCAs and the nomen-
clatures are shown in Fig. 3. In the diagram, Jm (kg m2 ), III. ACTUATOR C ONTROL
Bm (N s/m), Mr (kg), Br (N s/m), Ml (kg) and Bl (N s/m)
are motor inertia, motor damping coefficient, elastomer mass, In Fig. 4(a), we outline our overall robot control struc-
elastomer damping coefficient, load mass and load damping ture which contains a multi-joint control block coordinating
coefficient. θm (rad), xr (m) and xl (m) are displacement multiple decoupled joint controllers. In order to control the
of the motor, elastomer and the output load which are robot’s dynamic locomotion behavior effectively, the low
the actuator states. τm (N m) is motor torque which is level actuator controllers are designed to deliver certain high
the actuator input, and τl (N m) and q(rad) are the joint performance specifications. In our recent work, [11], we
torque and position which are the joint output. Nm (rad/m) studied joint position controllability and torque controllabil-
(Nl (rad/m), respectively) is the speed reduction ratio of the ity for liquid cooled viscoelastic actuators. In this section, we
motor (output joint, respectively) provided by the ball screw extend this analysis by studying the effects of different types
(the actuator position, respectively). To measure the actuator of sensors for joint position feedback as well as performing
states, we place a quadrature encoder at motor and elastomer a stability analysis of DOBs used for force control.
side to measure motor angle, θm , and elastomer deflection,
xr . In addition, we adopt a linear potentiometer to measure
absolute position, xl , of the actuator. A. Model & Identification
The RFSEA transmits mechanical power when the BLDC Let us consider the transfer functions for RFSEA actuators
motor turns a ball nut via a low-loss timing belt and pulley, [18] using the nomenclatures shown in Fig. 3,
which causes a ball screw to exert a force to the actuators
output. Rigid assembly consists of the electric motor, the
kτ Pm (s) Pr (s) + Pl (s)
ball screw, and the ball nut connected in series to the Pi→θm (s) = 2
compliant viscoelastic element, which in turn connects to Nm Pm (s) + Pl (s) + Pr (s)
the mechanical ground of the actuator. When the actuator kτ Pm (s)Pr (s)
Pi→xr (s) = − (1)
exerts a force, it causes the viscoelastic element to contract Nm Nm 2 P (s) + P (s) + P (s)
m l r
and extend. The liquid cooling system allows to increase
the maximum continuous current by a factor of 2.5 without Pi→F (s) = Kr Pi→xr (s)
thermal failure. PF →q (s) = Nl Pl ,
The FSEA liquid cooled actuator transmits mechanical
via a BLDC motor in series to the ball screw. The FSEA where i(A), F (N) and kτ (N m/A), are motor current, actu-
type VLCA includes a compliant element between the ball ator force and motor constant. P◦→4 (s) represents transfer
screw and the actuator output. As a result of the drivetrain, functions with input signal ◦ and output signal 4. In addition
it provides a long, thin and lightweight design that is ideal Pm , Pr and Pl correspond to the motor, elastomer, and load
Section. IV Motor
Robot command Actuator
current VLCA
Single-joint Robot
Control controller Sensed Actuator Jm Bm Ml Bl Mr Br Kr
Section. V state Joint 1
state 1.6e−5 2.0e−4 2953 ∼ ∞ 2.0e4 1.3 1.6e4 9.5e6
Joint 10
G(s) high fidelity force control of SEAs measuring force via com-
pression of a compliant element and [5], [20] studied PID,
model-based and DOB structures to achieve high fidelity
force tracking. Since our actuator model considers a variable
load, unknown a priori, we first design a nominal plant
based on an infinite load mass assumption. Fig. 4(b) depicts
our force feedback controller with a DOB where QA , QB
and Cτ correspond to low pass filters and a PD controller
respectively, with expressions,
C• = P• + D• s
(i) (ii)
Inner Force Loop 1 (3)
Q• = √ .
(s/ωc )2 + 2(s/ωc ) + 1
Here, P• and D• are proportional and derivative gains, and
ωc is the cut-off frequency of the filter defined by Q• .
In addition, Pi→F represents the actual actuator plant with
Fig. 4. (a) shows our decoupled control approach. (b) represents a block motor current as input and actuator force as output. Pi→F
diagram for force feedback control incorporating a DOB structure. (c) shows represents a model of the actuator plant using the infinite
a block diagram of our actuator position feedback controller.
load mass assumption.
transfer functions with expressions, In this section, we provide a formal analysis on the
robustness and stability of DOB-based controllers under
Pm (s) = uncertain loads. In order to study the performance of our
Jm + Bm s DOB controller given the time varying output load we will
Pr (s) = 2
(2) apply perturbation theory analysis [21]. We derive the state-
Mr s + B r s + K r space equations of our DOB, G(s) in Fig. 4(b) by using the
Pl (s) = , method explained in [22], resulting in the equations,
Ml s + B l s
x1 = F
Note that Ml in the above equation is indefinite since it varies
with the joint configuration and the contact state of the robot ẋ1 = x2
reflected onto the actuator. Pi→F in Fig. 4(c) represents the ẋ2 = ψ > z + φ> x + gC(ζ − ξ) + g(ur + d) (4)
same plant as Pi→F but with an infinite load mass Ml ' ∞, ż = Sz + Gx
i.e. an ideal rigid contact.
ż = Sz + Gx,
kτ and Nm are obtained from product sheets, Nl is derived
from a pre-computed look-up table, and Kr is approximated and
by measuring elastomer displacements given known applied
forces. To obtain other parameters, we do so via system iden- g 1 >
tification techniques. We generate a motor current following τ ξ̇ = Aξ + BC(ζ − ξ) + B − ψ z + ψ > z
g g
an exponential chirp signal, with frequencies between 0.01 g
+ (φ − φ) x + B(ur + d) (5)
Hz to 200 Hz and measure actuator force as an output signal g
while 1) constraining the actuator output to a fixed position
τ ζ̇ = Aζ + BC(ζ − ξ) + Bur .
(Ml ' ∞) and 2) letting the actuator to move freely. Note
that by fixing the actuator output, its open loop transfer func- Here, ur and F are the input reference and the measured
tion becomes second order such that motor and elastomer force respectively. x = [x1 , x2 ]> and z ∈ R are the internal
parameters can be identified independently. Combining the states and zero dynamics state of the plant Pi→F . The 2D
system identification tests with constrained and free moving vectors, ξ and ζ represent states corresponding to the filters
outputs, we identify the rest of the parameters as shown in QA and QB respectively. The matrices ψ, φ, g, S, G, A,
Table I and compute the bode plots shown in Fig. 5(a). B and C are unknown but bounded plant parameters. In
addition, the state and the plant parameters expressed with
B. Force Feedback Control symbol overlines represent the same vector and operators
Many different methods have been proposed for control- for the nominal plant Pi→F . For example, S, G, ψ, φ, g
ling series elastic actuators using force feedback. [19] studied and z represent plant parameters and zero dynamics for the
nominal plant. Based on the identified parameters of our
Magnitude (dB)
system shown in table I and the second order Butterworth 60 0
Phase (deg)
filter of Eq. (3) with 60Hz cutoff frequency for both QA and 40
Locked Output
QB , the state-space parameters become Unlocked Output
0 1 0 Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
A= , B= , C= 1 0 , (b) (c)
−1 − 2 1
Magnitude (dB)
ψ = −9.53e3, φ = 1e4[−1.49, − 0.01], 1.25
Eq. (4) and (5) are in the standard form for singular
Phase (deg)
perturbation analysis where τ represents the perturbation pa- 1.1 switch
desired step input
(i) 100 10 0 0
rameter [23]. The variables x, z, z are called slow dynamics 1.05
(ii) 30 4 0 0
(i) 70 8 3 1
while the variables ξ and ζ are called fast dynamics and the 1
2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
following theorem holds: time (s) Frequency (Hz)
Theorem. The proposed DOB structure (Fig. 4(b)) is ro- Fig. 5. (a) shows experimental and estimated bode plots of input
bustly stable and converges to the performance of the nom- current versus output force based on two different actuator output set-ups
for system identification. (b) shows experimental step responses of three
inal plant under uncertain loads. different joint position feedback controllers. Selected gains and the switch
to measure feedback signals are shown in the table. (c) shows experimental
Proof. [22] proved that if the unknown variables φ, ψ,S, and estimated joint position control performance for each controllers.
G and g are bounded with g 6= 0, there exists a τ ∗ > 0 such
that, for all 0 < τ < τ ∗ , the DOB structure is robustly stable the close loop systems for each switch option can be derived
if 1) the zero dynamics of the actual actuator plant are stable, from inspecting the block diagram resulting in:
2) the boundary-layer subsystem, Eq. (4), is exponentially Cq PF →F d PF →q
stable. In our case, Pq→qd = (6)
1 + Dq Cq PF →F d PF →q
1) The actual plant, Pi→F , has stable zeros given the (ii) PF →q PF →F d Cq
identified actuator parameters of Table I, Pq→qd = , (7)
1 + Dq Cq PF →F d Nl Pi→θ /(Nm Pi→F )
2) The system matrix of Eq. (5) is
where PF →F d represents the transfer function of the inner
A − gg BC g
g BC ,
force control loop which has the expression,
−BC A + BC Pi→F (kτ Nm + Cτ )
PF →F d =
. (8)
and its characteristic polynomial is pa (s)pb (s) with 1 + Pi→F Dτ Cτ
Based on the block diagram, we design three different
pa (s) = sI − A joint position controllers to compare their performance: 1)
pb (s) = sI − A + g−g
BC ,
using motor and elastomer quadrature encoder feedback
g (i)
without inner force feedback control (Pq→qd , Cτ = 0),
where g = 2.4M 3.2e4Ml
. This system matrix is always 2) using linear potentiometer feedback without inner force
l +3.1 (ii)
Hurwitz, since pa (s) and pb (s) have negative roots feedback control (Pq→qd , Cτ = 0), and 3) using motor
for all possible Ml , which results in the exponential and elastomer quadrature encoder feedback with inner force
stability for Eq. (5). feedback control (Pq→qd , Cτ 6= 0).
To compare the closed loop systems, we empirically
choose gains such that the position control loops of con-
C. Position Feedback Control
trollers 1) and 2) from above behave as critically damped
In this subsection, we design different types of position systems. To increase feedback gains, we first increase Dq
controllers: 1) by measuring actuator position by either before the system gets unstable and then choose the highest
adding up motor quadrature encoders and elastomer quadra- stable Pq , such that the step response of the joint position
ture encoders, or directly using a linear potentiometer, and controller, Pqd →q , does not overshoot.
2) by including force feedback control within the position In the case of using position control with the inner force
control loop. Fig. 4(c) shows our joint position control control loop, i.e. controller 3) from previous, gain selection
structure using PD control, C• , and including time delays, become more complex due to the dependencies between Cτ
T• = e−T• s . The switch labeled (i) uses the option with mo- and Cq . We observed that the transfer function of a joint
tor and elastomer quadrature encoders and (ii) uses the option position control structure embedding a force control loop
with a linear potentiometer to measure actuator position. The could be represented as the multiplication of two second
force feedback control loop enclosed with a black dotted box order systems [24]. We then proposed a method to make the
where Cτ can be set to zero if we want to remove this loop combined system critically damped given a desired natural
from the joint position controller. The transfer functions of frequency. For our comparative analysis, we increase the
Fig. 6. Operational Space Control Test. (a) shows DRACO moving its left ankle following a Cartesian trajectory. (b) shows desired and measured joint
torques for tracking performance. (c) shows desired and measured Cartesian position tracking performance. Both torque and Cartesian position trackers are
tracking closely the reference trajectories.
force loop gains and decrease the joint position control gains are desired Cartesian trajectory accelerations, and Cartesian
according to stability constraints. In this way, we emphasize position and velocity errors. J is for the jacobian of the
the role of the inner force control loop to see its effect. left ankle and J is for the dynamically consistent pseudo
We now compare controllers 1), 2) and 3), as represented inverse, which is defined as J , A−1 J > (J A−1 J > )−1 .
with green, black and blue color, respectively, in Fig. 5. The robot then sends the computed joint torques command
In the figure, we choose gains to make the closed loop through the EtherCAT network using the embedded Axon
systems critically damped and match the natural frequency boards for joint control. The Axon boards implement each a
of controller 3) to controller 1). Controller 1) performs torque controller as described in Section III-B. The result is
better than 2) since the quadrature encoders give higher shown in Fig. 6 and demonstrates the performance of OSC on
quality signals than the linear potentiometer. We now analyze DRACO. Because of the use of a DOB, the joint controllers
controller 3) based on inner force feedback control. We display robustness despite load uncertainty.
notice that controller 3) only allows for smaller values of Pq
and Dq than controller 1) for stability reasons. In conclusion, B. Unsupported Dynamic Balancing
although the use of inner force feedback control reduces Here, we demonstrate the ability of DRACO to achieve
friction effects, it ends up reducing joint position gains which unsupported dynamic balancing by means of the WBC
decrease position accuracy. As a result, for our locomotion and TVR algorithms (see Fig. 8). Dynamic balancing is
tests we use controller 1) instead of controller 3). achieved via stabilizing leg contact changes (coordinated
by the state machine block) triggered by either pre-defined
temporal specifications or foot contact sensors. The sequence
Building on our actuator control study above, we devise of contact phases is represented by a list of tuples specifying
and test two multi-joint controllers for DRACO. We will the phase name and its time duration, i.e. {(DS, 0.01s)
first evaluate DRACO’s performance using and instance of → (LFi , 0.03s) → (SWi , 0.33s) → (LNi , 0.01s)}1 . In
Operational Space Control [15]. After that we will evaluate addition, DRACO can detect sudden velocity changes on its
DRACO using our newest unsupported dynamic locomotion ankle movement as a trigger mechanism to detect contact.
controller, which consists of two parts, WBC and Time-To- We use ankle velocity trigger as sensors to terminate the
Reversal (TVR) planner [8]. SWi phase.
A. Operational Space Control The xk symbols represent a set of operational space tasks.
Arrows, xk → xl , express priorities in that the left set of
For this test, we first fix DRACO to a table as shown in
tasks xk has higher priority than the right set of tasks xl for
Fig. 6(a) and generate a Cartesian trajectory for the robot’s
arbitrary k and l indexes. In turn, WBC handles priorities by
left ankle to follow in the forward direction. We command a
solving a prioritized inverse kinematics problem. Below are
sinusoidal trajectory with amplitude of 0.3 m and frequency
the task and priority assignments to the phases that we use
of 1.4 Hz. The lateral and vertical Cartesian directions of the
for the robot’s dynamic balancing behavior:
ankle are controlled to stay at a fix point. Torque commands
for each robot joint is computed according to the OSC DS, LN, LF : {x1 → x3 }
control law, SW : {x1 → x2 → x3 → x4 },
τ = AJ (ẍ + Kp e + Kd ė − J˙ q̇) + b + g, (9)
where the task sets are defined as
where A, b, g, q̇ and τ are inertia, coriolis, gravity forces, 1 DS, LF , SW and LN mean Double Support, Lifting, Swing, and
i i i
joint velocities and joint torque commands written with Landing phases respectively. The subscript i represents the swing leg type,
respect to the robot’s generalized coordinates. ẍ, e and ė either the robot’s right leg or its left leg.
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. The sequences (a) and (b) show DRACO dynamically self-balancing without any mechanical support. (c) shows the phase space plot of the robot’s
CoM in the lateral direction with respect to the robot’s frame for two consecutive balancing steps. (d) shows desired and measured joint positions as well
as estimated core winding motor temperatures during dynamic balancing.
• x1 ∈ R2 : Right and Left Hip Rotation Task Axon embedded controllers for real-time execution. For joint
• x2 ∈ R: Swing Foot Ankle Flexion Task position control we rely on the elastomer quadrature encoders
• x3 ∈ R3 : Torso Roll, Torso Pitch, Torso Height Task for feedback as explained before. However, we turn off the
• x4 ∈ R3 : Swing Foot Position Task inner force feedback controllers described in Section III-C to
increase the joint position accuracy. This is important to land
The Right and Left Hip Rotation Task and the Torso Roll,
the small feet near the desired foot locations with minimal
Pitch, and Height Task are set to [0◦ , 0◦ ] and [0◦ , 0◦ , 1m],
respectively, in order to make DRACO face forward and
maintain its torso upright. For the SW task assignment, The behavior resulting from integrating the new liquid-
we incorporate the Swing Foot Ankle Flexion Task with cooled viscoelastic in the DRACO biped robot with the
a desired value of 80◦ in order to detect sudden velocity WBC and TVR control algorithms is shown in Fig. 7.
changes when touching the ground. The swing Foot Position DRACO is able to achieve unsupported dynamic balancing
Task is driven by b-spline trajectory computation that steers without falling. The accompanying video demonstrates this
the swinging foot to a desired landing location given by the capability. The data is plotted in Fig. 7 for two consecutive
TVR planner. After all operational space tasks are specified, steps. In the phase space plots of that figure, we can see
the WBC controller shown in Fig. 8 provides the computation the velocity of the torso being effectively reversed based on
of sensor-based feedback control loops and motor commands the TVR planner which aims precisely at achieving such
to achieve the desired goals. As a result, the entire body outcome. Reversing velocity allows the robot to converge to
of the robot, the actual plant, will execute the commands the coordinate origin while dynamically stepping. Readers
to dynamically balance without support. For this particular are referred to Appendix in [25] for more details about
experiment we use both an IMU in combination with a the phase space plot of the linear inverted pendulum. In
motion capture system for CoM state estimation. addition, the use of liquid cooling safely regulates core
The computed motor commands are then sent out to the winding temperatures of the electric motors. In that same
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