HPAC 16.8.1 Release Notes

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HP Access Control Release Notes

Version: 16.8.1
Revised: September 14, 2020
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Documentation........................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Release version 16.8.1.......................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Secure Pull Print version ............................................................................................................. 6
2.2 AD-Authenticator version ........................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Job Accounting version ............................................................................................................. 6
2.4 IPM version 1.7.4........................................................................................................................................ 6
3 Release version 16.8 ............................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Secure Pull Print version ............................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Job Accounting version ............................................................................................................. 8
3.3 AD-Authenticator version ........................................................................................................... 8
4 Release version 16.7.1.......................................................................................................... 9
5 Release version 16.7 ...........................................................................................................10
5.1 Secure Pull Print version ...........................................................................................................11
5.2 Job Accounting version ...........................................................................................................11
5.3 AD-Authenticator version .........................................................................................................11
5.4 SPPE Agent version 20190221.................................................................................................................12
6 Release version 16.6 ...........................................................................................................13
6.1 Secure Pull Print version ...........................................................................................................14
6.2 IPM version 1.7.2......................................................................................................................................14
6.3 Job Accounting version ...........................................................................................................15
6.4 AD-Authenticator version .........................................................................................................15
7 Release version 16.5 ...........................................................................................................16
7.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version .........................................................................................17
7.2 Job Accounting version ...........................................................................................................18
7.3 IPM version 1.7.2......................................................................................................................................18
7.4 SPPE Agent (FutureSmart) version 20181003 ........................................................................................18
7.5 AD Authenticator version
8 Release version 16.4 ...........................................................................................................20
8.1 Job Accounting version ...........................................................................................................21
8.2 SPPE Agent (FutureSmart) version 20171106 ........................................................................................21
8.3 AD Authenticator version
9 Release version 16.3 ...........................................................................................................23
9.1 Job Accounting version ...........................................................................................................24
9.2 SPPE Agent (FutureSmart) version 20171106 ........................................................................................25
9.3 AD Authenticator version
10 Release version 16.2 ...........................................................................................................26
10.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version .........................................................................................28
10.2 SPPE Agent (FutureSmart) version 20171106 ........................................................................................29
10.3 AD Authenticator version
11 Release version 16.1 ...........................................................................................................30
11.1 SPPE Agent (FutureSmart) version 20171106 ........................................................................................31
11.2 AD Authenticator version
12 Release version 16.0 ...........................................................................................................33
12.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version .........................................................................................34

12.2 IPM version 1.7.........................................................................................................................................35
12.3 SPPE Agent version 20160912.................................................................................................................35
12.4 AD Authenticator version
13 Release version 15.3.3.........................................................................................................37
13.1 IPM version 1.7.........................................................................................................................................37
13.2 SPPE Agent version 20160912.................................................................................................................37
13.3 AD Authenticator version
14 Release version 15.3.2.........................................................................................................39
14.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version ...........................................................................................39
14.2 Secure Pull Print Express version
14.3 Job Accounting version ...........................................................................................................40
14.4 SPPE Agent version 20160912.................................................................................................................40
14.5 IPM version 1.7.0......................................................................................................................................40
14.6 AD Authenticator version
15 Release version 15.3.1.........................................................................................................42
15.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version ...........................................................................................42
15.2 Job Accounting version ...........................................................................................................42
15.3 IPM version 1.7.0......................................................................................................................................43
15.4 SPPE Agent version 20160912.................................................................................................................43
15.5 AD Authenticator version
15.6 Device Analysis.........................................................................................................................................44
16 Release version 15.3 ...........................................................................................................45
16.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version ...........................................................................................45
16.2 Job Accounting version ...........................................................................................................45
16.3 SPPE Agent version 20160912.................................................................................................................46
16.4 AD Authenticator version
17 Release version 15.2.2.........................................................................................................48
17.1 Secure Pull Print Express version
17.2 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version ...........................................................................................49
17.3 Job Accounting version ...........................................................................................................49
17.4 IPM version 1.5.0......................................................................................................................................50
17.5 SPPE Agent version 20160912.................................................................................................................50
17.6 AD Authenticator version
18 Release version 15.2.1.........................................................................................................52
18.1 Secure Pull Print Express version
18.2 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version ...........................................................................................53
18.3 Job Accounting version ...........................................................................................................54
18.4 SPPE Agent version 20160609.................................................................................................................54
18.5 AD Authenticator version
19 Release version 15.2 ...........................................................................................................56
19.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version .........................................................................................56
19.2 Job Accounting version ...........................................................................................................57
19.3 SPPE Agent version 20160209.................................................................................................................57
19.4 AD Authenticator version
19.5 IPM version 1.5.0......................................................................................................................................58
20 Release version 15.1 ...........................................................................................................59
20.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version .........................................................................................59
20.2 Job Accounting version ...........................................................................................................60
20.3 SPPE Agent version 20150903.................................................................................................................60


20.4 AD Authenticator version

20.5 IPM version 1.4.13 ...................................................................................................................................62
21 Release version 15.0 ...........................................................................................................63
21.1 Secure Pull Print Express version 1.4.0...................................................................................................64
21.2 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version .........................................................................................64
21.3 Job Accounting version ...........................................................................................................65
21.4 IPM version 1.4.13 ...................................................................................................................................65
21.5 SPPE Agent version 20150423.................................................................................................................65
21.6 AD Authenticator version
22 Release version 14.2 ...........................................................................................................67
22.1 SPP Express version 1.4 ...........................................................................................................................67
22.2 SPP Enterprise version ..............................................................................................................68
22.3 SPPE Agent version 20141009.................................................................................................................68
22.4 Job Accounting version ...........................................................................................................69
22.5 AD Authenticator version 3.3.19.............................................................................................................69
22.6 IPM version 1.4.13 ...................................................................................................................................70
23 Supported devices..............................................................................................................71


1 Introduction
These release notes refer to the “HPAC 16.8.1.exe” installation file. This file contains the following:
• HP AC Express components: Job Accounting Server, HPAC Agent, Print Server, and Secure Pull
Print Express
• HP AC Enterprise components: Job Accounting Server, HPAC Agent, Print Server, IPM Server,
Secure Pull Print Enterprise, and Device Analysis
• Server installation components: Job Accounting Server, HPAC Agent, Printer Server, IPM
Server, IPM Client, Device Analysis, Secure Pull Print Enterprise, HPAC Agent
• Standalone print server installation components: Print server, Printer server on a cluster node,
IPM Client

1.1 Documentation
The HP Access Control (HP AC) Administration Guide is available online. Go to
www.hp.com/go/hpacdocumentation for the updated HP Access Control (HP AC) Administration
Guide and other HP AC documentation.

Release version 16.8.1

2 Release version 16.8.1

• Added the installation of .Net Framework 4.8 during the install of HP AC.

2.1 Secure Pull Print version

• Updated Spooler to version on the HP AC server and in the HP AC Enterprise Client.
• Fixed issue where jobs did not print via IPPS on HP devices with firmware version 4.11. The fix
applies to the server and the Enterprise Client.
• Fixed issue where the job list on printer front panels displayed an empty page when one of the
jobs had a corrupted job name.

2.2 AD-Authenticator version

• Fixed issue where when an HP device with firmware version 4.11 using OPA wakes from sleep
mode, the card read failed. The timeout during a card read has been increased.
• Fixed issue where the SyncDB tool failed when using Windows Authentication.

2.3 Job Accounting version

• Updated Accounting Service to version to allow for the use of the MFPsecure Canon
Agent on Canon devices instead of the HP AC Canon Agent.
• Fixed issue where the DashboardUpdate.exe file failed to run.
• Fixed Quota service issue where users could not print due to the SQL connection staying open.
Now the SQL connection will open and close for every request.
• Fixed issue where a JA account user that was not an “Administrator” was not able to enter
report query parameters.
• Fixed issue where users were unable to delete queries from the “Previous results” page.
• Fixed issue where users were unable to upload CSV files for Cost Centers and Quota.

2.4 IPM version 1.7.4

• Fixed issue where IPM rules failed if the condition parameter contained a space character.

Release version 16.8

3 Release version 16.8

• Added support for OPA authentication. OPA authentication enables authentication without the
requirement for installing additional software on the printer or MFP. This simplifies HP AC
deployment to the device and eliminates the need for a device reboot. When deploying
authentication to devices, OPA is now the default authenticator selected.
• Added option to upload certificates. When uploading a certificate, a Base64 string of the
certificate must be pasted in the text field. To automatically get a Base64 string of the
certificate, a new tool “PFXCertificate-Base64_Converter.exe” is included in the “\HP Access
Control\Utilities” folder.
• Added support for the “HP Accessibility Assistant” for authentication and pull printing.
• Added support for OXPd quota. Pull Print Quota is now supported. Users can now view their
quota for pull print jobs on the front panel of devices, and printing will be denied if the quota
has been reached.
• Added ability to uninstall agent files from FutureSmart devices. If “Remove Workflows” is
selected, the IRM agent will be automatically uninstalled from the device. The device will be
rebooted during the uninstallation.
• Improved the NLB sync to export the certificate to all nodes. Previously customers had to
manually copy and rename the root certificate on all nodes, as well as select the private key
certificates in IIS HTTPS bindings. Now it is done automatically when the NLB is synced in HP AC.
• Confirmed support with Azure Active Directory with specific configurations.

• Fixed issue where if the Settings tile > Login tab was set to use AD Groups, the login to the HP AC
web console failed when using an AD user.
• Fixed issue where the MyDoc page showed the date/time of jobs in the server’s time zone
instead of the client’s time zone.
• Fixed issue where when a pull print job was purged, JA reports showed the expired job as a
direct print job instead of a pull print job.

3.1 Secure Pull Print version

• Added option to sort the order of the pull print job list at devices. The option is in the Settings
tile > Pull Print tab > Configure > Advanced tab > Pull Printing Options.
• Improved IPP/IPPS requests into HP AC to check for the “client-ip” and “x-forwarded-for”
headers to determine the IP address of the sending client.

• Fixed issue on Officejet Pro and PageWide Pro devices where if “Display all jobs” was enabled
and a user had no jobs, an error displayed in the Pull Print app.
• Fixed issue where if the SPP Enterprise service was shut down during printer activation, any
printers that were not activated were removed from printer license files. This meant that when

Release version 16.8

HP AC checked to see if a printer was licensed, the license check would return not licensed. Now
the license file will only be processed after a full, successful activation.
• Optimized the expire thread processing. The expire thread locks the printer queue that it is
operating on. If a queue takes longer than 5 seconds to process retained files, HP AC will break
out of the expire thread, release the lock, wait 5 seconds, and resume expire processing from
where it left off. Previously, if the expire thread had a lot of work to do it would lock the printer
queue for up to 5 seconds for a maximum of 4 times before locking the queue for as much time
as it needed. This meant jobs could not be received or printed from the queue while it was
• Fixed issue with the expire thread processing which prevented the thread from processing a
queue. The expire thread processing was incorrectly setting the next time to check for expired
jobs to the value of the retain time on the job. This could happen when a Purge
Output/Retained Queue command was issued and the requesting user did not have permission
to delete certain jobs.

3.2 Job Accounting version

• Fixed issue where XML files were not processed when printer pooling was used and the port list
had more than 64 characters.

3.3 AD-Authenticator version

• Added option to enter network credentials to authenticate at devices when the “Card or Code”
authentication method is set.
• Added email address enrollment feature. Users can now enroll cards using their email address,
rather than entering Windows credentials.

• Fixed issue where Rights Management by Group was not saved properly in the AD-Authenticator
config file, resulting in group rights not working correctly.
• Fixed issue where when Rights Management by Group was used, if a user belonged to only one
group in AD, the user’s rights information was incorrect.

Release version 16.7.1

4 Release version 16.7.1

• Fixed issue introduced in HPAC 16.7 where HP AC jobs did not display on Non-HP devices.
• Fixed issue where if a tracking file’s size was over 3KB, jobs were not processed into JA.

Release version 16.7

5 Release version 16.7

• Added support for Windows Server 2019.
• Added requirement for Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7.2. HP AC will install Microsoft .Net
Framework 4.7.2 if it is not already installed, and will require a reboot of the server.
• Added feature to not show users’ job names in the PersonalQ tile if the permissions for the
PersonalQ tile (in Settings tile > Login tab) has the “View” option checked but not the “Admin”
option. This means only users with the “Admin” permission option will be able to view users’ job
names in the PersonalQ tile. If “Admin” is not selected, users’ job names show as “????”.
• Added support for a Job Accounting only license.
• Added feature in the HP AC Enterprise Print Client to show a local copy of the help document in
English if the workstation has no Internet access.

• Improved the location of log files to be in the \HP Access Control\Logs folder instead of in
various sub-folders.
• Fixed issue where the Settings tile color remained orange even after applying the necessary
settings. Now the Settings tile color changes to grey after applying the Pull Print settings.
• Fixed issue in the Rights Controls page (Settings tile > Pull Print > Advanced tab > Rights Control
section) where when adding an AD Group, no “Back” button displayed to return to the previous
• Improved deployment to not check if a printer is already deployed or not. Before, if devices
were previously deployed to a different server, the new deployment would fail. Now it is
possible to deploy to an already deployed device to a new server without removing the previous
• Removed FTP option from the setup and admin console when Print Server only is installed.
• Enabled multi-domain for authentication when Express is installed. Now in the Settings tile >
Pull Print > LDAP Servers section, multiple LDAP servers can be added.
• Improved License web service to prevent devices from being unlicensed. Previously if network
issues prevented the License web service from communicating with the HPAC Configuration
service, an invalid license was generated for the device. Now devices remain licensed even if a
network issue occurs.
• Fixed issue where if the Client Passcode and Client Encryption Key were set (Settings tile > Pull
Print > Advanced tab > Client Options), jobs failed to be released.
• Improved the user lookup for jobs sent via email by looking up the username in the IRM
database based on the sender of the email. This means that an alias is no longer required for
email jobs, and this also allows support for users in multiple domains.
• Fixed issue where not all settings were exported when the Export Setting option was used
(Settings tile > File menu > Export Setting).
• Fixed issue where the SyncDB tool did not work with LDAP Simple Bind.
• Fixed sync issue when the Enterprise Client with Local Job Storage recovered from a failover.
• Fixed IPM issue where the “Check” button used HTTP instead of HTTPS.
• Fixed IPM issue where If the customer enters a value in a double-byte language in any of the
conditions fields, the value was not saved properly.

Release version 16.7

• Fixed issue where the HP AC Print Client’s Direct Print Failover feature showed jobs from all
users using the same desktop instead of only the logged on user.
• Fixed issue where retained jobs stored on the client were purged even if the "Retain ‘Print-Keep’
jobs beyond expiration" feature was enabled.
• Fixed issue where if a ‘%’ character was used for a user's password (in the Settings tile > Login
tab) then the user would need to re-enter their credentials on some of the HP AC screens.
• Fixed issue where the deployment window did not show the full deployment log. Sometimes a
blank white screen displayed and sometimes the log would start and then stop without showing
the full log.
• Improved alias lookup.
• Fixed issue where “Print All” did not work with remote jobs when printers were not previously
defined on remote servers and if DNS did not resolve the printer's hostname.
• Fixed the License tile > HP AC Agent License field to show only the number of deployed HP
devices instead of the total number of pull print devices.
• Fixed issue where the Print All request went to the NLB VIP instead of the local node.

5.1 Secure Pull Print version

• Fixed issue on FutureSmart 3 devices where the Pull Print button description was not localized
correctly in Danish.
• Fixed issue on PageWide Pro devices where no more than 23 jobs would print. Now 50 jobs can
be released at a time.
• Fixed issue where the job submission date is localized to the device time zone, rather than the
server time zone, on FutureSmart and Pro devices.
• Fixed issue where very large jobs showed in a user’s job list before it was finished spooling on
the HP AC server. Now jobs do not display in a user’s job list until the job is completely spooled.
• Fixed issue where the Pull Print app buttons were not localized in Chinese (Traditional or

5.2 Job Accounting version

• Improved processing of LRS Innovate Audit tracking files.
• Fixed tracking issue for outgoing faxes using an email address.
• Fixed issue where the page count in tracking files for email jobs were incorrect.

5.3 AD-Authenticator version

• Added proximity card type 0x6F03 (“RDR-758x + Legic (758x Expanded - NFC1 + Legic
Prime/Advant CSN)”) and the decoding for that card type. The 0x6F03 card type is supported
only by the new HP 4QL32A Legic Reader.

Release version 16.7

• Fixed issue which could cause multiple logon attempts when invalid credentials were provided
and the system was configured for user principal names.
• Fixed issue where OXPd Authentication did not work correctly (especially card reads) if the
server was configured for TLS 1.2 only.
• Added OPA support for the RFIdeas RDR-7585AKU keyboard emulation reader.

5.4 SPPE Agent version 20190221

• Added Agent support for the RFIdeas RDR-7585AKU keyboard emulation reader.

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

Release version 16.6

6 Release version 16.6

• New Server grouping feature to display jobs from all servers belonging to the same group.
• New Server grouping to support clients sending the correct IP address to the server group.
When the client changes IP address, all the servers in the group will be notified.
• Added Print Server tile for Express installations.
• New HP AC Enterprise Client to send the correct IP address to the server, instead of just sending
a notification that the IP changed.
• Added support for proxies during device deployment.
• Improved device imports to support Contact and Department information when importing WJA
• New HP AC Enterprise Client that contains a link to the appropriate localized Help document. For
example, if the workstation OS is set to Spanish, and the user clicks the HP AC Enterprise Client’s
Help button, Internet Explorer will automatically download the Help document localized in
Spanish from HP.com.
• New HP AC Enterprise Client that supports upgrading from previous versions. It is no longer
necessary to uninstall and reinstall the client when upgrading to a newer version.
• Improved security to hide the SNMP Community Name in the admin console.
• Increased the number of characters for the SQL Server Name field in the Settings tile > Pull Print
> Configure > General tab > Data Storage section to 512 characters.
• Improved the Pull Print web service to get user alias names from the AD-Authenticator web
service, instead of connecting directly to SQL.
• Updated Spooler API to version 1.015.002.
• Updated OpenSSL binaries to version 1.02p.
• New SyncDB tool to sync the HP AC database with Active Directory.

• Fixed issue where in the Devices tile the update status did not work after an upgrade from HP
AC 15.x.
• Fixed HP AC Enterprise Client to allow port monitor changes on every LPR queue. This means if a
user workstation has two print queues, one for client-based storage and one for server-based
storage, both will be configured to use the HP AC port monitor.
• Fixed HP AC Enterprise Client to fix issue where some jobs failed to print when using IPP or IPPS
print protocol due to the printer not being able to accept jobs. Now if the printer cannot accept
jobs via IPP or IPPS, the spooler will wait for 1 second and then check again if the printer can
accept jobs. The spooler will continue checking until the printer is ready to accept jobs, then the
spooler will send the next job.
• Fixed upgrade issue where the NetX and ServerX firewall rules were not created correctly.
• Fixed issue where the “Apply” button in the Settings tile > Login tab was visible after Application
Login was unchecked.
• Fixed issue where the NetX and ServerX servers were not created during an upgrade from HP AC
15.x and HP AC was a custom install.
• Fixed upgrade issue where printer definition files failed to update after an upgrade from HP AC

Release version 16.6

• Fixed issue where after changing only the CommType in the Settings tile, and then going to the
Devices tile > Devices menu > Update Printer Definition, the CommType in the printer definition
files were always changed to TCPIP/SOCK.
• Fixed issue where the license upload check was case sensitive. Now when a license file is
uploaded in the License tile, the check for the server name is case insensitive.
• Improved security when reading log files from the web console.
• Fixed issue where when uploading a new license file from the web console, Device Analysis was
unlicensed with a "01-01-2000" expiration date.
• Fixed issue where the Pull Print Savings tile was not refreshed until the admin console was
closed. Now the Pull Print Savings tile is refreshed every time the tile is opened.

Known Issues
• Due to an HP FutureSmart 4 firmware issue in version 4.7, the HP AC authentication does not
display in the Sign In menu on Single Function devices with 2.7” front panels after a device

6.1 Secure Pull Print version

• Improved Pull Print icon on PageWide Pro devices with large screens.
• Optimized Pull Print application on PageWide Pro devices.
• Added a “Print All” button on PageWide Pro devices when there are multiple queues.
• Added the “Disconnect” option to the Settings tile > Pull Print tab > Configure > Advanced tab >
Pull Printing Options section.
• Improved security to encrypt tracking files of expired jobs.

• Fixed issue where some jobs failed to print when using IPP or IPPS print protocol due to the
printer not being able to accept jobs. Now if the printer cannot accept jobs via IPP or IPPS, the
spooler will wait for 1 second and then check again if the printer can accept jobs. The spooler
will continue checking until the printer is ready to accept jobs, then the spooler will send the
next job.
• Fixed Mac encryption issue where Microsoft Office document did not print using the IPP or IPPS

6.2 IPM version 1.7.2

• Fixed issue where color jobs that were forced to print in black/white by IPM were tracked as
color jobs on FS devices. Now when color jobs are forced to print in black/white by IPM, the jobs
will be tracked as black/white jobs.

Release version 16.6

6.3 Job Accounting version

• Improved HP Statistics service to recover print and copy activity when the server was offline (up
to 256 jobs). Print and copy activity is collected after the server is back online.

• Fixed issue where the Allocation page did not open.
• Fixed issue where the “End Session” button did not work while the Allocation page was open.
• Fixed JA Database Manager issue where users could not be deleted if the username contained a
single quote in the name.
• Fixed issue where a JavaScript error displayed in the JA > Administrator > SAP Tracking page
when enabling/disabling SAP Tracking.
• Fixed issue where XML files were not processed when the job size value contained 10 or more
• Fixed issue where XML files were not processed when the username value was empty.
• Fixed issue where some duplicated XML files were not automatically deleted.
• Fixed issue where XML files were not processed when the username value was not escaped

6.4 AD-Authenticator version

• Fixed issue where the MyCode page failed to generate new codes when the user had no email
address and the option “Users can choose their own codes” was disabled.
• Fixed issue where an exception displayed in the AD-Authenticator.Service.txt log when the AD-
Authenticator Windows service was stopped. This specific exception is now filtered from the log

Release version 16.5

7 Release version 16.5

• New Audit feature to log every setting change in the admin console. This feature can be enabled
in the Settings tile > Login tab.
• New security feature to enable the admin console login by default (in Settings tile > Login tab)
after a new install. The default username is “Admin” and the default password is “Admin”.
• Improved the setup of HP AC to automatically create a PersonalQ named “PULLPRINT” after a
new install.
• New “Account Control Attribute” field to allow/disallow disabled users for authentication. The
“Account Control Attribute” field is in the Settings tile > Pull Print tab > Configure > Advanced
tab > LDAP User Attributes section. If the attribute is entered in the text field, disabled AD user
will not be able to authenticate at devices.
• Added support for AD nested groups for logins to the admin console. Now AD nested groups can
be added as a permission group in the Settings tile > Login tab.
• Improved installation of IIS7 components to only install the required components.
• Improved the setup of HP AC to automatically add NetX and ServerX in the firewall rule during
the installation of HP AC.
• New deployment method to handle devices where "Allow firmware upgrades sent as print jobs
(port 9100)" is disabled. If the feature is disabled on the device, the deployment will still succeed
and the agent will be installed on the device.
• Improved the setup of HP AC to automatically apply the JA database settings (in Settings tile >
Database tab) after an install. Previously, administrators had to click on the Apply button.
• New ability to import the Location field from WJA files. If the WJA file contains a Location
column, the information will be imported when devices are imported in the Devices tile >
Devices menu > Import WJA File.
• New feature to have the first pull print server in the Settings tile > Pull Print tab list to be
automatically selected.
• New Card Enrollment tool using .Net Framework 4.6.
• New AlertX V1R1.0.004. For the list of changes, see the readme file in the HP AC package AlertX
• New Prerequisites Check tool to determine if the server environment meets the HP AC
• Updated LogsCollector tool to collect the “Configuration” and “Repositories” folders in the “HP
Access Control\Shared\4.x.x\” folder.

• Fixed issue where the Unlock Time-out option (in the Settings tile > Login tab) was not saved.
• Fixed issue where if the web console was opened on a client before the server admin console
was opened after a new installation, users could not see their job list on devices.
• Fixed issue where if the web console was opened on a client before the server console was
opened, the Settings tile > Pull Print tab would show the name of the client instead of the
• Fixed issue where after creating a second administrator in Settings tile > Login tab, the
administrator did not have rights for the Start and Stop commands in the Devices tile.

Release version 16.5

• Fixed issue in the Settings tile > Login tab where when adding a Group and leaving the "Group"
text field empty, the message showed "Login can't be empty". Now the message correctly shows
“Group can’t be empty”.
• Fixed issue where when installing on a server with no Internet access, a window displayed
saying .Net Framework 3.5 could not be installed, even though .Net Framework 3.5 is not used.
• Fixed issue where the Multi-vendor tab displayed empty after navigating between other tiles.
• Fixed issue where when the server was set to German language, the Settings tile tab name
“benutzer” was not capitalized. Now the tab name shows as “Benutzer”.
• Fixed issue where when the Session Expiration time (in Settings tile > Login tab) is set to “0”,
some admin console screens required the user to log in again after some time.
• Fixed issue during upgrade where if AlertX was running on the server, the HP AC NetX, HP AC
ServerX, and HP AC SPP Enterprise services were not reinstalled. Now if AlertX is running on the
server, the AlertX service is stopped during the HP AC upgrade, and then restarted after the
upgrade is complete.
• Fixed issue where the Load Balancer settings showed that the certificate hpac.local was already
created, preventing the user from creating a new self-signed certificate. Now a self-signed
certificate can be created even if the hpac.local certificate is bound in IIS.
• Fixed issue where devices were not licensed if reverse DNS lookup was disabled in the customer
environment. Now, if reverse DNS lookup is disabled, devices will be licensed, and
authentication, pull printing, and tracking work.

7.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version

• Updated the pull print app on FutureSmart and Non-FutureSmart devices to show job properties
(such as the date/time of job submission and the sender of the job) on the same line as the job
• Updated the pull print app on FutureSmart and Non-FutureSmart devices to show a message
after every print or delete. This also includes a new option to auto-close the Pull Print app after
a job is printed or deleted. This option is in the Settings tile > Pull Print tab > Configure >
Advanced tab > Agents section.
• Improved deployment for devices to send their HOST/IP address to the license web service. This
removes the need for adding an X-Forward or Client-IP setting in a Load Balancer environment.

• Fixed issue on FS4 devices where a memory error occurred if a user had over 150 jobs in one
• Fixed issue where devices were getting licensed when the spooler was stopped or could not be
reached. Now when the spooler is stopped or cannot be reached, devices are not licensed.
• Fixed issue where the NLB could not be selected when deploying to Canon devices.
• Fixed issue where after deploying to a device, the model name disappeared from the device list
for a few seconds.
• Fixed issue where jobs did not display on devices for users with a '&' character in their name.
• Fixed issue where users with an apostrophe in their name were unable to see their job list.
• Fixed issue where sometimes during device deployment, the deployment window was blank.

Release version 16.5

7.2 Job Accounting version

• Improved Job Accounting to use a rolling log.
• Fixed issue where when submitting and releasing a private print job (via the HP UPD) at a
PageWide Pro device, two tracking files were created, instead of just one.
• Fixed issue where JA did not recover properly when SQL was not reachable and a user tried to
logon to the JA web site. Now if SQL is not reachable, the JA web site will still open and display
an error when the user logs on.
• Fixed issue where the link to HPAC documentation in the JA web site was incorrect.
• Fixed issue where the JA Summary Report had problems on the second page for the Start Date
and End Date fields, when the day name or month name was a long value (like “Thursday” or
“November”). The string was truncated like: "Thursday, November 6, 201".
• Fixed issue where the JA Summary Report was counting blank pages as black/white pages in the
Global numbers section.

7.3 IPM version 1.7.2

• Fixed issue where IPM did not work with Windows Authentication when connecting to the JA
• Fixed issue where IPM did not work when connecting to the JA database if JA was on a remote

7.4 SPPE Agent (FutureSmart) version 20181003

• New FutureSmart agent is now signed to satisfy the upcoming solution signing requirements.
The FutureSmart agent now identifies itself as (20181003).
• New FutureSmart agent now looks at the way the AD-Authenticator is configured in addition to
the configuration sent by the HP AC admin console. If the AD-Authenticator has its
authorization feature set to “none” the agent will set the PIC level of functionality, and this will
be displayed on the “Access Control (HP AC)” EWS page. It will perform authentication only and
the devices’ built-in Access Control page settings will control authorization. It is now necessary
to reconfigure (or restart) the devices when enabling/disabling AD-Authenticator authorization.

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.

Release version 16.5

• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

7.5 AD Authenticator version

• New security feature to encrypt the AD-Authenticator configuration file by default.
• New security feature to disable the AD-Authenticator option “Users can choose their own code
on the MyCode web application” by default.
• New security feature to disable the AD-Authenticator options “Show code values on pull printing
server admin pages” and “Show card values on pull printing server admin pages” by default.
• Fixed issue where the MyCode page did not generate new codes for users if the user did not
have an email address in Active Directory.

Known Issues
• Due to a Microsoft known issue
stop-working-on-windows-server-2008-when-the-identity-user-logs-off/), Enterprise print jobs
may not be visible on devices. As a workaround, it is recommended to change the “Do not
forcefully unload the user registry at user logoff” policy setting.
• When using multi-domain after an upgrade, the existing database populated with the previous
default domain information cannot be used.
• If multi-domain is enabled, the “domain” column must be populated with the NetBIOS domain
name when using the ImportUser utility.
• The MyCode page works in multi-domain environments only if there is a trust between the
• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.
• After an HP AC upgrade, all Officejet Pro devices must be reconfigured.

Release version 16.4

8 Release version 16.4

• New HP AC Express bundle to include Job Accounting and Pull Print Express. Pull Print Express
supports single-server, single-domain environments.
• New HP AC Express client to support job encryption-at-rest when jobs are sent from clients to
the server.
• Added support for Azure SQL database for Job Accounting and IRM authentication. This means
the Job Accounting and IRM database can be stored in the cloud.

• Fixed issue where the incorrect HP License URL was shown in the License tile. Now the License
tile shows http://myhplicensing.hp.com.
• Fixed issue where the word “Release” was not translated correctly in Spanish. The translation
now shows “Version” instead of “Eliminar”.
• Removed the option “Enable tracking of printed jobs” from the Settings tile > Pull Print >
Advanced tab > Pull Printing Options section. Server-based tracking can be selected at the time
of deployment to the device in the Deployment window.
• Improved deployment method to support CSRF and enable PJL Drive Access not enabled on
• Fixed issue where the authentication lock icon covered up part of the QR Code on the Pull Print
button, preventing users from being able to scan the QR Code with the ePrint Enterprise mobile
app. Now the QR Code displays in a smaller size so that it can be scanned with the ePrint
Enterprise mobile app.
• Fixed issue where users of the admin console were able to restart services, regardless of the
user permissions set in the Settings tile > Login tab. Now only administrators belonging to the
Administrator group have authority to restart services.
• Fixed issue where the Update Status did not work on A3 devices after a reboot. Now, after an A3
device is rebooted, the Update Status will return the correct status of the device.
• Fixed issue where the SMTP port was not set in the AD-Authenticator web.config file when the
port is different than the default port 25.
• Fixed HPStatistics issue where the ENC tracking files showed the user names in the allocation
format instead of the “username” format when allocation is not used.
• Improved deployment method to not check for a Level1 Agent on FutureSmart devices if only
Pull Print or Tracking are deployed.
• Fixed issue where the Load Balancer VIP Status Check did not use HTTPS. Now HTTPS is used
instead of HTTP.
• Fixed issue where the Pull Print Client failed to handle connections to servers where no TLS
protocols were enabled. Now the Pull Print Client can connect to server where no TLS protocols
are enabled.
• Fixed issue where an error message did not display in the Settings tile > Database > Agent
Configuration when an incorrect login/password was entered. Now an error message displays.
• Improved HP AC branding in the Settings tile > Spooler > Keys to show “HP AC for HP” instead of
“HPAC for HP”.

Release version 16.4

• Fixed issue in the Devices tile > Admin > Add > Server ID selection screen where if there were
ten or more servers to choose from, the list did not show the tenth server. Now when selecting
a Server ID, ten servers are displayed on each page.
• Fixed issue in the Devices tile > Admin > Add > Server ID selection screen where a script error
displayed when scrolling through a list of more than ten Server IDs. Now no script error displays
when scrolling through the Server ID pages.
• Fixed issue in the Devices tile > Admin > Add > Server ID selection screen where a script error
displayed when doing a search for a specific Server ID. Now no error displays when entering a
Server ID in the Find textbox and searching for a specific Server ID.
• Fixed upgrade issue from HP AC 15.x where if the Admin password was changed in the Settings >
Login tab in HP AC 15.x and then HP AC was upgraded, after the administrator logged into the
admin console, a second login prompt displayed in the PersonalQ, Settings and Devices tiles.
Now if the Admin password is changed in the Settings > Login tab in HP AC 15.x and then HP AC
is upgraded, the Admin is able to successfully login once using the new password.

8.1 Job Accounting version

• Changed the HP_ACJA application pool to now use .Net Framework 4.0.
• Fixed an incorrect SQL index on the t_costperpage table, which broke the “actual cost”
calculation. Now actual costs are calculated correctly.

8.2 SPPE Agent (FutureSmart) version 20171106

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

8.3 AD Authenticator version

• Fixed issue where the MyCode.aspx page did not work when the AD-Authenticator was
configured to use “userPrincipalName” instead of “sAMAccountName”.

Known Issues
• Due to a Microsoft known issue
stop-working-on-windows-server-2008-when-the-identity-user-logs-off/), Enterprise print jobs

Release version 16.4

may not be visible on devices. As a workaround, it is recommended to change the “Do not
forcefully unload the user registry at user logoff” policy setting.
• When using multi-domain after an upgrade, the existing database populated with the previous
default domain information cannot be used.
• If multi-domain is enabled, the “domain” column must be populated with the NetBIOS domain
name when using the ImportUser utility.
• The MyCode page works in multi-domain environments only if there is a trust between the
• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.
• After an HP AC upgrade, all Officejet Pro devices must be reconfigured.

Release version 16.3

9 Release version 16.3

• Added support for HP PageWide Color P75250dn and HP PageWide Color MFP P77440, P77940,
P77950, P77960 devices.
• New EcoReporting Client that includes a pop-up to notify users to check their printing activity. In
the pop-up the link to SQL Reporting Services can be included for users to click and quickly view
their printing activity.
• Use HTTPS for all connections in the admin console and all services/web services/port monitors.
This allows HTTP binding in IIS to be removed.
• New security feature in the Settings tile > Login tab to disable the default admin account. For
security purposes, the default admin account can only be disabled if another admin account is
already created. This is to prevent a scenario where no admin accounts are available.
• New security feature in the Settings tile > Login tab to lock user accounts after a specified
number of failed attempts at logging in. This includes an additional feature to automatically
unlock accounts after a specified time so that not all users can be locked out indefinitely.
• New option in the device Deployment window to allow for the selection of “Printer based
tracking” or “Server based tracking”. “Server based tracking” is for devices that do not support
“Printer based” tracking, such as Officejet Pro and XT devices.
• New Peer Validation option for devices using IPPS protocol to verify the certificate presented by
the device to confirm its credentials and authenticity.
• New Cluster and Load Balancer settings to improve device deployment from remote nodes and
to improve the syncing of devices in a cluster or NLB environment. The new settings can be
found in the Settings tile > Spooler tab > Configure > Advanced tab > Cluster and Load Balancer
Parameters section.
• New option to deploy devices from a remote server for better management of device
deployment from a central server. Now when a remote server is selected during deployment of
devices, the remote server will do the actual deployment and licensing.
• Added Start/Stop command options in the Devices tile to start/stop a device when an error is
reported with IPPS printing using Peer Validation.
• The Spooler log (Settings tile > Spooler > Log) and Device log (Devices tile > Printer Info > Logs)
now display within the admin console, instead of opening in a separate web browser.
• Printer definition files are now automatically created in the NLB nodes during deployment. This
eliminates the need to manually copy printer definition files to each NLB node before
• New WebConsoleSigning.exe tool to sign the XBAP files for the web console using a certificate of
choice. The tool is located in the Utilities folder of the HP AC zip file.
• New HPACLogsCollector.exe tool to collect the logs and other files to help with troubleshooting
into one zip file. The tool is located in the Utilities folder of the HP AC zip file.

• Fixed issue when end-to-end encryption is enable AND when using IPP/IPPS, where the Spooler
was rejecting some MS Office document types due to the document’s datatype.
• Fixed issue where Printer Definition files were not updated with decryption filter when non-HP
devices are deployed, or manual deployment is done.

Release version 16.3

• Fixed issue where the tracking files from jobs deleted at device front panels were not encrypted.
Now when a user deletes a job at a device front panel, the tracking file for the deleted job is
• Fixed issue where when IPA was deployed to a non-FutureSmart device, the agent file was
deployed twice.
• Fixed issue where the Push Mode settings were not saved, and the Test button did not work
when using HTTPS (port 443). Now when the Push Mode is set to use HTTPS (port 443), the
settings are saved correctly, and the Test button successfully tests the connection.
• Fixed issue importing CSV and WJA device list files and IP range scans when using the web
• Fixed issue exporting device lists when using the web console.
• Fixed issue where when Windows Authentication was used to connect to the IRM SQL database,
the Test button did not work after a server reboot.
• Fixed issue where device deployment did not work when ping was disabled on the server.
• Fixed issue in the Multi-Vendor Management tile where after doing an Update Status on a
deployed device, an error status under the Deployment column displayed.
• Fixed issue when creating an admin console account using “domain\username” format. Now
administrators can create users in the Settings tile > Login tab using the “domain\username”
• Fixed DesignJet tracking issue where tracking information from DesignJet devices were not
processed in JA.
• Fixed issue with LDAP authentication in the admin console.
• Fixed issue where when the HPAC installation path contained a dash '-' character then
deployment failed. Now HPAC can be installed in a location path containing a dash character
and device deployments will be successful.
• Fixed issue on a custom installation of HP AC where when the Print Server and Pull Print
components are installed, the Pull Print settings do not display. Now when Print Server and Pull
Print are installed during a custom install of HP AC, Pull Print works correctly.
• Fixed upgrade issue where when the JA database was not upgraded properly, ENC tracking files
were deleted but not processed. Now when the JA database is not upgraded properly, the ENC
files are changed to XMR file types, instead of being deleted.
• Fixed upgrade issue where during an upgrade if any JA database scripts fail, no error message
displayed to notify the administrator. Now if any JA database script fails during an upgrade, an
error window displays notifying the administrator to check the database log for more
• Increased the timeout during an upgrade of the JA database so that the upgrade does not fail
when updating large databases.
• Fixed JA issue where when the External Reports were deleted from the “Queries in progress”
screen, the corresponding file with the results (in the \website\data\tmp folder) was not

9.1 Job Accounting version

• Fixed issue where when running external reports, the mail field only supported 31 characters,
which was not enough for multiple email addresses. The mail field now supports 499 characters.

Release version 16.3

• Fixed issue where a query failed when a parameter, such as a user name or cost center name,
contained a single quote.
• Fixed issue where copy jobs were not assigned to the corresponding cost center.
• Fixed issue where when jobs were deleted from the admin console, JA reports showed the
username between double quotes.

9.2 SPPE Agent (FutureSmart) version 20171106

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

9.3 AD Authenticator version

Known Issues
• Due to a Microsoft known issue
stop-working-on-windows-server-2008-when-the-identity-user-logs-off/), Enterprise print jobs
may not be visible on devices. As a workaround, it is recommended to change the “Do not
forcefully unload the user registry at user logoff” policy setting.
• When using multi-domain after an upgrade, the existing database populated with the previous
default domain information cannot be used.
• If multi-domain is enabled, the “domain” column must be populated with the NetBIOS domain
name when using the ImportUser utility.
• The MyCode page works in multi-domain environments only if there is a trust between the
• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.
• After an HP AC upgrade, all Officejet Pro devices must be reconfigured.

Release version 16.2

10 Release version 16.2

• New End User License Agreement in the HP AC installer. The new EULA is also fully localized.
• New Print Client with Local Job Storage Client Failover to test the connection between the
workstation and the HP AC server. If the connection is down and job data cannot be sent to the
server, users can print directly to a printer.
• New Print Client to include the IPM Desktop Notification. This allows IPM notifications to popup
from one system tray icon, instead of installing the separate IPM Desktop Notification.
• New ability to add AD groups to Settings > Login. This allows administrators to set HP AC admin
console permissions based on AD groups.
• New admin console expiration time in Settings > Login. If the admin console is not used for the
set period of time, the admin console will automatically log off the user.
• New PersonalQ tile with a new look and feel to replace the SPP Enterprise tile. Pull print queues
are now created in the PersonalQ tile instead of the Devices tile. Jobs can be viewed within their
respective queues. And remote queues can be viewed in one queue list, instead of having to
select different servers from a dropdown list.
• Improved deployment utility that will automatically detect if the authentication agent is current.
If the agent is not current, the agent will be updated at the time of deployment.
• Improved deployment utility with changes in the method to detect if the agent is installed on
FutureSmart devices. This allows the agent to be removed from the device using the EWS
Solution Installer page instead of performing a partial clean.
• Improved deployment utility with a new method to detect when the device is ready to be
configured, instead of relying on a fixed 4-minute wait time.
• Added an “LDAP Server” dropdown list to select multiple domains in the Settings > User tab
when multiple LDAP servers are entered in Settings > Pull Print Enterprise > General tab > LDAP
Server section.
• Added admin console permissions in Settings > Login for the Spooler tab.
• Improved admin console permissions in Settings > Login for the Authentication workflow. A new
“Authentication Agent” permission checkbox is available for the Devices tile. When
“Authentication Agent” is disabled, and a user goes to the Devices tile > Deploy Workflow
screen, the Authentication selection does not display. This prevents users from deploying the
agent and configuring authentication at devices.
• Improved admin console permissions in Settings > Login to manage the Devices tile and
PersonalQ tile.
• Removed the SQL Express installer from the HP AC installer. The SQL Express installer is now
included in a separate zip file. This reduces the file size of the HP AC installer.
• Added the name of the currently logged on user in the “Log Off” button in the admin console.

• Fixed an SNMPv3 issue where after upgrading from HP AC 15.x, the model name of devices did
not display. This prevented workflows from being redeployed to devices after the upgrade. Now
when devices are configured to use SNMPv3, workflows can be redeployed to devices after an
• Fixed issue where when PJL protocol was used, the wrong user name was tracked in JA. Now
when PJL protocol is used, JA tracking is correct.

Release version 16.2

• Fixed the method of adding a device in the Devices tile when the device model is not found to
force the user to add a printer that starts with the words “HP” or “Canon”.
• Fixed issue where an encryption queue, used to encrypt jobs using IPPS printing from a
workstation without having to install the HP AC Print Client, was not licensed. Now the option
“Create an encryption queue” is added in the Devices tile > Device menu to automatically create
a queue using the LRSQ protocol.
• Removed the LRSQ protocol and PersonalQ protocol from the CommType list when adding or
modifying a device in the Devices tile.
• Tracking files for jobs that are deleted from the admin console are now encrypted.
• Improved the deployment to XT devices.
• Fixed issue with the Clear Details option in the Devices tile. Now when Clear Details is selected
for a device, the device is removed from the printerlist.txt file.
• Added option to use the Windows DNS instead of the built-in DNS to address a job release issue
with Local Job Storage when the client is connecting to an NLB instead of directly to the pull
print server. This is designed to be used when the client connects to the server via an NLB, and
the NLB is not configured to properly forward the client’s IP address.
• Fixed issue where when only Print Server was installed, the push mode parameters did not show
in the admin console. Now the push mode parameters are visible when only Print Server is
• Fixed issue where the Delegate web page did not open when the Print Job Identifier (in Settings
> Pull Print Enterprise > Advanced tab > Client Options section) was set to UserPrincipalName.
• Fixed issue where the session ID of the web console was not cleared when a user logged off.
Now when admin console permissions are set (in Settings > Login) and a user logs off the web
console, the session ID is cleared and any user that logs in after will have the correct
• Fixed issue where after an upgrade from HP AC 15.x, NULL printers use license keys. Now after
an upgrade, the NULL printers are automatically deleted, as they are no longer needed.
• Fixed issue where the license upload was not working from the web console.
• Fixed issue where the Dashboard database was not updated.
• Fixed issue where the feature “One-touch release” did not work on PageWide Pro devices.
• Improved the export of certificates by checking for “O=HPAC” in the certificate name to
determine valid certificates to be used with HP AC. Before, only certificate starting with “CN=”
were checked, but now certificates starting with “CN=” and containing “O=HPAC” are exported.
• Fixed issue where when the Push Mode Interval was set to “0”, tracking data from non-
FutureSmart devices was not pushed to a remote JA server. Now when the Push Mode Interval
is set to “0”, tracking data from non-FutureSmart devices are pushed to a remote JA server in
real time.
• Fixed issue where authentication/pull printing failed to deploy to Officejet Pro devices because
OPS was not configured to use HTTPS.
• Fixed issue in the Settings tile > Login tab where any users in the Admin group except the Admin
user was not able to change all the permissions of another group.
• Fixed issue where if the admin console was open for more than 1 hour with no activity, the
Settings > Pull Print Enterprise tab, the Settings > Spooler tab, and the Devices tile stopped
working. Now the tabs and tiles in the admin console do not time out.
• Fixed issue with a Print Server Only install where when the admin console was opened, the
Settings tile was grey, but after opening a tile and then going back to the home screen, the
Settings tile was orange.

Release version 16.2

• Fixed issue where the update status on an HP device did not work when a PJL password was set.
• Fixed issue where after an upgrade if a non-Admin user logs in first, some permissions were not
applied and the permissions could not be changed. Now if a user, that is not the Admin, logs into
the admin console first after an upgrade, permissions are correctly applied.

Known Issues
• There is an issue with HP OPS v1.0.20 where the HP OPS service does not start after the install.
This is because HP OPS generates a 20 year certificate, and due to an OpenSSL v0.9.8 issue,
certificates cannot be created with a date past the year 2038. As a workaround, use the
OpenSSL v1.0.2 files from the HP AC folder: On the HP AC server, go to the \HP Access
Control\OpenSSL folder and copy the “openssl.exe”, “libeay32.dll” and “ssleay32.dll” files to the
\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin folder. Then start the OPS service and verify the OPS
certificate is created.
• The AD-Authenticator Filters page cannot be accessed from the HP AC admin console and must
be accessed using the web page: http://localhost/ad-authenticator/ad-configurator.aspx. Filters
can be used, for example, to assign different individual access rights to different groups of users.
• After applying all required settings in the Settings tile, the Pull Print Enterprise tab stays orange
until the admin console is closed and reopened.
• Some text in the Settings and Devices tiles are not localized.
• Fleet Deployment Tool scripts (configured within the Fleet Deployment Tool) are not called
during deployment.
• Using the ImportUser tool, when a user is imported with the same code as another user in the
database, the import is not prevented and multiple users can have the same code.
• Due to an HP FutureSmart 4 firmware compatibility issue in firmware versions 4.3.1 and 4.4,
when “Card Only” or “Card and Code” is used, if the Sign In button or a device function is
pressed, and then a card is presented, the credentials screen displays even when the card is
already enrolled.

10.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version

• Improved the pull print application on FutureSmart and non-FutureSmart devices. The Print-
Delete and Print-Keep buttons are greyed out when a job is not selected.
• Fixed issue where the pull print app description on FS3 and non-FutureSmart devices was not
localized in Portuguese. Now the pull print app description is correctly localized in Portuguese.
• Fixed issue where when deploying OPA to a remote server, the local server IP address is always
used. Now OPA can be deployed to a device from a remote server, and the correct remote
server IP address will be used.

Release version 16.2

10.2 SPPE Agent (FutureSmart) version 20171106

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

10.3 AD Authenticator version

• Added support for TCOS card types.

Known Issues
• Due to a Microsoft known issue
stop-working-on-windows-server-2008-when-the-identity-user-logs-off/), Enterprise print jobs
may not be visible on devices. As a workaround, it is recommended to change the “Do not
forcefully unload the user registry at user logoff” policy setting.
• When using multi-domain after an upgrade, the existing database populated with the previous
default domain information cannot be used.
• If multi-domain is enabled, the “domain” column must be populated with the NetBIOS domain
name when using the ImportUser utility.
• The MyCode page works in multi-domain environments only if there is a trust between the
• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.
• After an HP AC upgrade, all Officejet Pro devices must be reconfigured.

Release version 16.1

11 Release version 16.1

• New Print Data Loss Prevention (Print DLP) feature enables IPM rules to be applied based on
document content.
• New Enterprise Print Client with PDLP capability on client workstations. For more information,
see the Print DLP Technical White Paper in the HP AC 16.1 “documents” folder.
• New option to apply PJL passwords to protected devices (located in HPAC > Settings tile > Pull
Print Enterprise tab > Configure > Advanced tab > HP Device Options > PJL Password field).
• New "Reset" button in the Settings tile > User tab to clear user card/code/rights/alias
• New option to set a disconnect time when using IPP or IPPS (Devices tile > Admin > Update >
Advanced tab > TCP/IP Options > Disconnect). The “disconnect” time is recommended to be set
when using the IPP or IPPS print protocol at HP FutureSmart devices.
• New “LDAP Server” dropdown list field in the Settings tile > User tab and the Settings tile > Pull
Print Enterprise > Configure > Advanced tab > Rights Control > Group screen to select which
domain to search for users or groups. This field displays only when multiple LDAP servers are
enabled in the Settings tile > Pull Print Enterprise tab > Configure screen.

• Fixed issue where when the spoolroot folder is installed in a different location than the default
location, the license file was not copied to the correct location. This also prevented the license
file to be uploaded in the License tile.
• Fixed issue in the Enterprise Print Client Custom Setup tool where the Pull Print Server name
was not saved unless the “Delegate” or “Local Job Storage” check box was checked. This
prevented saving the Pull Print Server name when only Encryption was used.
• Fixed issue during deployment of the Tracking workflow to FutureSmart devices with 24.5
firmware where the deployment log showed “object reference not set to an instance of an
object.” Tracking can now be configured on devices with FS 24.5 firmware.
• Fixed the German translation of the word “Server” in the License tile.
• Fixed JA Dashboard issue where the incorrect SQL database connection was used, causing the
Dashboard to not work. The connection to the database now uses SQLCLI 10 or 11 instead of
• Fixed issue where the deployment log was always pulled from the pull print server, instead of
from the deployment server.
• Fixed issue where some non-HP devices could not be licensed. This was caused by some non-HP
devices not containing the appropriate model name. These non-HP devices can now be
configured correctly even when these non-HP devices do not contain the appropriate model
• Fixed issue where some non-HP devices files were not synced across servers in an NLB
• Fixed issue with JA standalone server to be able to configure devices for tracking only. Devices
can now be configured for Tracking only with JA standalone installations.
• Fixed issue with testing connection when an invalid LDAP was entered and no credentials were
supplied. Previously when an invalid LDAP server was entered and no credentials were supplied,
the test button returned a successful connection message. Now the test button checks the
validity of the LDAP server entered.

Release version 16.1

• Fixed issue with IPM standalone server where the IPM application pool was not created during
the HP AC installation process.
• Fixed issue when creating a hostname-based Load Balancer configuration, it did not successfully
configure the XT box.
• Fixed JA issue where incomplete tracking files from LRS Innovate Audit were not processed.
• Fixed issue where the configuration UI screens within the HP AC admin console was not loading
when the print spooler is not started.
• Increased user name limit to 1024 characters to allow job release for users with a large number
of alias names and/or delegates.

Known Issues
• The AD-Authenticator Filters page cannot be accessed from the HP AC admin console and must
be accessed using the web page: http://localhost/ad-authenticator/ad-configurator.aspx. Filters
can be used, for example, to assign different individual access rights to different groups of users.
• After applying all required settings in the Settings tile, the Pull Print Enterprise tab stays orange
until the admin console is closed and reopened.
• Some text in the Settings and Devices tiles are not localized.
• Fleet Deployment Tool scripts (configured within the Fleet Deployment Tool) are not called
during deployment.
• Using the ImportUser tool, when a user is imported with the same code as another user in the
database, the import is not prevented and multiple users can have the same code.
• Due to an HP FutureSmart 4 firmware compatibility issue in firmware versions 4.3.1 and 4.4,
when “Card Only” or “Card and Code” is used, if the Sign In button or a device function is
pressed, and then a card is presented, the credentials screen displays even when the card is
already enrolled.
• The feature “One-touch release” is not supported on PageWide Pro devices.

11.1 SPPE Agent (FutureSmart) version 20171106

• New FutureSmart agent files to remove the reference to a “Cancel” button on the card
enrollment and authentication screens. The new agent files also fix an issue where some
versions of FutureSmart 4 firmware on some devices would treat a prompted card read as an
“OK” button press on the card authentication screen.

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

Release version 16.1

11.2 AD Authenticator version

Known Issues
• Using IPA authentication on a device with FS4 firmware, during card enrollment the message
refers to a “Cancel” button but the “Cancel” button does not show. Users can select the “Back”
button in the top left corner to cancel authentication.
• Due to a Microsoft known issue
stop-working-on-windows-server-2008-when-the-identity-user-logs-off/), Enterprise print jobs
may not be visible on devices. As a workaround, it is recommended to change the “Do not
forcefully unload the user registry at user logoff” policy setting.
• When using multi-domain after an upgrade, the existing database populated with the previous
default domain information cannot be used.
• If multi-domain is enabled, the “domain” column must be populated with the NetBIOS domain
name when using the ImportUser utility.
• The MyCode page works in multi-domain environments only if there is a trust between the
• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.
• After an HP AC upgrade, all Officejet Pro devices must be reconfigured.

Release version 16.0

12 Release version 16.0

• New HP AC Configuration Utility UI in the Settings and Devices tiles. The IRM tile settings have
moved to the Settings tile. See the HP AC Admin Guide on updated usage instructions.
• Improved license architecture eliminates dependency on external database for enterprise
licensing, eliminates manual entry of multiple keys and allows multiple servers to use a common
license file.
• New feature to allow HP AC to use AD instead of Admin/EWS password to configure devices.
Enter a username in the format “domain\username” for the EWS credentials, and go to the HP
AC admin console > Settings > Pull Print Enterprise > Configure > General tab > Device
Authentication section, and in the “Username” field, enter the domain\username. Requires that
AD-based admin access is enabled on the device, which requires minimum firmware of
FutureSmart 3.8.6 or FutureSmart 4.5.
• New option to check only the database, and not LDAP, during user authentication. Requires
connection to a SQL database.
• New dashboard to monitor the Enterprise spooler, including number of queued jobs, available
spool space, and jobs printed per minute. The new dashboard can be accessed by going to the
Settings tile > Spooler tab > Dashboard tab.
• Device passwords and SNMPv1 and SNMPv3 settings can be managed on a per-device basis.
• Self-signed certificates now include hostname and IP address in one certificate file.
• New load balancer management that allows for syncing HP AC settings to all nodes. Go to the
Settings tile > Pull Print Enterprise tab > Add > Load Balancer Configuration.
• New single-click deployment, to install and configure devices with one click. Go to the Devices
tile > select a device > click Pull Printing > Deploy Workflows > select which components to
deploy to the device > then click Deploy.
• New method to deploy workflows to HP devices via command line, using the HPUtility.exe file in
the \HP Access Control\HP folder.
• New ability to manage multiple server settings from one server.
• New print protocols TCPIP/LPD and TCPIP/IPP added.
• Merged user lookup and aliases into one screen under the Settings tile > User tab.
• New standalone command-line tool to check status of devices.
• HP AC Express removed in this release.
• The DTM data collector removed in this release.
• For non-FutureSmart devices, the push method via FTP is removed in this release. HTTP must be
• Generate QR code option for SFP devices is removed in this release.
• Reset XT device to factory settings option is removed in this release.
• The Pull Print Client now uses TCP port 631 to delete jobs stored on client workstations .
• New AlertX V1R1.0.003. For the list of changes, see the readme file in the HPAC package AlertX

• Fixed issue where jobs were not tracked in an NLB environment.

Release version 16.0

• Fixed issue on FS4 firmware devices where when "Display all jobs" was enabled and jobs were
stored in multiple queues, opening the pull print app showed all jobs in one list correctly, but
after pressing the Refresh button the queue list showed.
• Improved the purging of Local Job Storage jobs by deleting the metadata on the server even
when the client workstation is offline. Jobs stored on the client will be deleted when the
workstation is online and after the next purge cycle.

Known Issues
• When multiple LDAP servers are added on the Settings tile > Pull Print Enterprise > Configure
screen, only the AD groups from the first LDAP server display in the Settings tile > Pull Print
Enterprise > Configure > Advanced tab > Rights Control > Group section.
• The AD-Authenticator Filters page must be accessed using the web page: http://localhost/ad-
• After applying all required settings in the Settings tile, the Pull Print Enterprise tab stays orange
until the admin console is closed and reopened.
• Some text in the Settings and Devices tiles are not localized.
• Fleet Deployment Tool scripts are not called during deployment.
• Using the ImportUser tool, when a user is imported with the same code as another user in the
database, the import is not prevented and multiple users can have the same code.
• Due to an HP FutureSmart 4 firmware compatibility issue in firmware versions 4.3.1 and 4.4,
when “Card Only” or “Card and Code” is used, if the Sign In button or a device function is
pressed, and then a card is presented, the credentials screen displays even when the card is
already enrolled.

12.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version

• Added support for VSDX file types for email attachment jobs.

• Fixed issue when releasing jobs from HP ePrint Enterprise mobile app.
• Fixed issue where Printing documents with long filenames through the HP AC Secure Pull Print
Enterprise Port produced the error "SPOOL ATTRIBUTE LENGTH EXCESSIVE".
• Fixed issue where email attachments with special characters (such as a colon character “:”) sent
to HP AC start a processing loop because the service was not able to process the attachment
and delete it.

Release version 16.0

12.2 IPM version 1.7


• Fixed issue where Monochrome jobs forced by IPM, are still tracked as Color jobs on
FutureSmart devices.

12.3 SPPE Agent version 20160912

• Fixed issue where LJ P3015 devices show errors on the front panel when the device front panel
or devices EWS are set to a non-English language. The install file and remove file for the P3015
agent is dated “20170818”.

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

12.4 AD Authenticator version

• Fixed issue where when a Pro device was configured to use hostname instead of IP address, the
local server’s IP address was always used.

Known Issues
• Using IPA authentication on a device with FS4 firmware, during card enrollment the message
refers to a “Cancel” button but the “Cancel” button does not show. Users can select the “Back”
button in the top left corner to cancel authentication.
• Due to Microsoft known issue
stop-working-on-windows-server-2008-when-the-identity-user-logs-off/), Enterprise print jobs
may not be visible on devices. As a workaround, it is recommended to change the “Do not
forcefully unload the user registry at user logoff” policy setting.
• When using multi-domain after an upgrade, the existing database populated with the previous
default domain information cannot be used.
• If multi-domain is enabled, the “domain” column must be populated with the NetBIOS domain
name when using the ImportUser utility.
• The MyCode page works in multi-domain environments only if there is a trust between the

Release version 16.0

• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.
• After an upgrade, all Officejet Pro devices must be reconfigured.

Release version 15.3.3

13 Release version 15.3.3

• All client files are now located in the HP AC package “clients” folder, and are no longer a part of
the HP AC installer. This has reduced the size of the HP AC installer. After an upgrade of HP AC,
the client files in the \HP Access Control\client setup folder will not be updated.
• New AlertX V1R1.0.002. For the list of changes, see the readme file in the HPAC package
\Tools\AlertX folder.

• Fixed issue where if multi-domain was used and the Print Job Identifier was set to
“domain\username”, the job list did not display on devices with FS4 firmware.
• Fixed license issue where, after an upgrade to HPAC 15.3.2, devices were not configured for
• Fixed Russian localization of IRM tile description.
• Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable does not show as installed in the Programs and Features list.
• Added option to disable stripping of leading “0” in card numbers when an XT device and CZ208A
reader are used.
• Fixed Print Client issue where if Local Job Storage and Archive were used, and “Print and
archive” was unselected in the Archive action, jobs were still stored in the local storage folder.

13.1 IPM version 1.7

• Fixed IPM issue where temporary files were not deleted when the Archive action was used.

13.2 SPPE Agent version 20160912

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

13.3 AD Authenticator version

• Fixed issue where if “Encrypt configuration” is enabled in the IRM > AD Configurator > General
page, and HPAC is upgraded, the AD Authenticator settings would revert to the default settings.

Release version 15.3.3

Known Issues
• Using IPA authentication on a device with FS4 firmware, during card enrollment the message
refers to a “Cancel” button but the “Cancel” button does not show. Users can select the “Back”
button in the top left corner to cancel authentication.
• Due to Microsoft known issue
stop-working-on-windows-server-2008-when-the-identity-user-logs-off/), Enterprise print jobs
may not be visible on devices. As a workaround, it is recommended to change the “Do not
forcefully unload the user registry at user logoff” policy setting.
• In the AD User Editor page, when using Database as the data storage, users cannot be found
searching via the user’s email address.
• When using multi-domain after an upgrade, the existing database populated with the previous
default domain information cannot be used.
• If multi-domain is enabled, the “domain” column must be populated with the NetBIOS domain
name when using the ImportUser utility.
• The MyCode page works in multi-domain environments only if there is a trust between the
• Some messages in the IRM tile are not localized.
• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.
• After an upgrade, all Officejet Pro devices must be reconfigured.

Release version 15.3.2

14 Release version 15.3.2

• Added pull print and authentication support for FS4 firmware
• Improved Job Accounting connection to SQL database to allow only TLS 1.2 to connect
• Temporary Card Enrollment tool to enroll cards with expiration times
• Enabled OXPd on non-FutureSmart devices during agent deployment

• Fixed issue in the Devices tile where Tracking for non-FutureSmart devices was always
configured, even if it was not selected.
• Fixed issue where Spanish text in the Settings > License tab was cutoff
• Fixed issue in Settings > Login to allow managing from a different domain the HPAC admin
console login using AD
• Fixed admin console logging to be sure messages are displayed on the correct admin console
when multiple consoles are open on the same server
• Fixed deletion of multiple jobs stored on desktop from the admin console
• Fixed Mydoc page not showing jobs
• Fixed JA connection not applied when using Windows authentication and the logged on account
on the server has no SQL access
• The Windows feature “Internet Printing” is no longer installed by HPAC. If “Internet Printing” is
enabled and a pull print queue name is the same as a name of a website in IIS, the website will
be deleted.

14.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version

• Fixed incorrect job name tracking when TCP/PJL protocol is used with a Postscript driver
• Fixed Pull Print client deployment on Turkish OS
• Fixed Pull Print client issue where only LPR port using TCP port 7515 are converted to HPAC port
• Fixed Pull Print client reporting corrupted usernames with “????”.

14.2 Secure Pull Print Express version

• Fixed issue on S900 series devices where the pull print job list did not display.

Release version 15.3.2

14.3 Job Accounting version

• Fixed JA report issue where direct print and pull print job numbers were incorrect when a date
range was selected.
• Fixed issue where XmlPush.exe service was not created on standalone MPS when IIS was not

14.4 SPPE Agent version 20160912

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

14.5 IPM version 1.7.0

• New IPM client with logging capability.

• Fixed IPM popup issue where the cost per page was cutoff when the OS language is set to non-
English and the currency description contains more than one character.

14.6 AD Authenticator version

• Fixed issue where the AD-User-Editor was unable to set a connected reader’s card types. This fix
involves only changes to the AD-User-Editor.asmx JavaScript; customers experiencing the issue
may replace only that single file if they are running 15.3.* and don’t want to perform a complete
AD-Authenticator update.

• Fixed AD-Configurator “Update reader” function. This fix involved a change to the browser
plugin. The updated plugin will be installed if no plugin or the pre-four-card-type plugin is
installed. If the four card type capable plugin is already installed, it should be removed (through
“Add or Remove Programs”) and then the updated plugin installed through the AD-Configurator
/ AD-User-Editor as normal.

Release version 15.3.2

Known Issues
• Using IPA authentication on a device with FS4 firmware, during card enrollment the message
refers to a “Cancel” button but the “Cancel” button does not show. User’s can select the “Back”
button in the top left corner to cancel authentication.
• Due to Microsoft known issue
stop-working-on-windows-server-2008-when-the-identity-user-logs-off/), Enterprise print jobs
may not be visible on devices. As a workaround, it is recommended to change the “Do not
forcefully unload the user registry at user logoff” policy setting.
• In the AD User Editor page, when using Database as the data storage, users cannot be found
searching via the user’s email address.
• When using multi-domain after an upgrade, the existing database populated with the previous
default domain information cannot be used.
• If multi-domain is enabled, the “domain” column must be populated with the NetBIOS domain
name when using the ImportUser utility.
• The MyCode page works in multi-domain environments only if there is a trust between the
• Some messages in the IRM tile are not localized.
• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.
• After an upgrade, all Officejet Pro devices must be reconfigured.

Release version 15.3.1

15 Release version 15.3.1

• Updated Enterprise spooler with IPPS inbound support
• Added support for Windows Server 2016
• Removed support for 32-bit servers
• Updated version of SQL Server Express to be SQL Server Express 2014

• Fixed issue where Standard license generates invalid license after server reboot
• Fixed issue in the Devices tile where after configuring a PageWide Pro device for Tracking and
then updating the device row, the Tracking column was not checked
• Fixed issue in the Devices tile to allow non-FutureSmart devices to be added by hostname.

15.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version

• Limited OJP XML buffer to 50 entries
• Added NLB support for Officejet Pro and PageWide Pro devices to not require inserting client-ip
• Fixed javascript errors returned in the OXPd log
• Fixed issue where the “Remote jobs” button in Russian is cutoff
• Fixed tracking issue for PageWide Pro devices where the “Pull Print” are not reported correctly
• Fixed Officejet Pro device issue where jobs did not print when the IPP port started with a “1”
• Fixed issue where SPP Enterprise email jobs with an attachment containing more than 260
characters in the file name were not processed
• Fixed issue where Enterprise emails jobs with a PDF attachment were not printing.
• Fixed issue where the NULL printer definition files were corrupted after clicking the “Update
printer definition” button.
• Fixed issue where Enterprise emails jobs with file names containing more than 99 double-byte
characters were not processed.

15.2 Job Accounting version

• New HPAC JA Report Uploader tool

Release version 15.3.1

15.3 IPM version 1.7.0

• New option to not show the IPM Opt-in/Opt-out pop-up if the rule is followed. This feature is
disabled by default and can be enabled by modifying the IPMWS\web.config file
• Enable HTML/Rich Text box for IPM pop-up
• Enable reporting of savings realized in the IPM opt-in/opt-out popup.
• Added IPM archiving capabilities in the HPAC Enterprise Client.
• Added HTTPS support in HPAC Enterprise Client when connecting to an IPM server
• New option to use workstation IP address instead of workstation name for the IPM desktop
notification client when used with the HPAC Enterprise client. This feature needs to be enabled
in the IPMWS\web.config file (UseClientIP = true)

• Fixed issue where IPM rules did not work when users were members of an AD group with a
Group Scope set to “Universal”

15.4 SPPE Agent version 20160912

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

15.5 AD Authenticator version

• Fixed issue where the AD-Authenticator installer would delete the newly installed AD-
Authenticator files following an upgrade if both the old version was installed in the IIS
“wwwroot” folder and the upgrade was forced to install there.
• Fixed OPA issue where the first printer to authenticate would determine whether “swipe and
dump” or “normal” authentication would be used for the entire fleet.
• Enhancement where the device model number is used in addition to the model name for
caching OPA printer-specific information

Release version 15.3.1

Known Issues
• The AD-Authenticator\datadecodedefaults.xml file needs to be backed up before an upgrade
and restored after.
• Due to Microsoft known issue
stop-working-on-windows-server-2008-when-the-identity-user-logs-off/), Enterprise print jobs
may not be visible on devices. As a workaround, it is recommended to change the “Do not
forcefully unload the user registry at user logoff” policy setting.
• In the AD User Editor page, when using Database as the data storage, users cannot be found
searching via the user’s email address.
• When using multi-domain after an upgrade, the existing database populated with the previous
default domain information cannot be used.
• If multi-domain is enabled, the “domain” column must be populated with the NetBIOS domain
name when using the ImportUser utility.
• The MyCode page works in multi-domain environments only if there is a trust between the
• Some messages in the IRM tile are not localized.
• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.
• After an upgrade, all Officejet Pro devices must be reconfigured.

15.6 Device Analysis

• Fixed DA encryption to be FIPS compliant

Release version 15.3

16 Release version 15.3

• New JA reports in the \HP Access Control\JA Reports folder for SQL Server Reporting Services to
show JA data for managers and users.
• New version schema: X.Y (e.g, 15.3) represent regular releases. X.Y SP1 (e.g, 15.3 SP1) represent
incremental service pack releases. Once the service pack is applied, the server information
changes to X.Y.Z format (e.g., 15.3.1 upon applying 15.3 SP1). All subsequent services pack
releases to be cumulative.

• Fixed issue where Print All did not work when roaming was used.
• Fixed Enterprise license issue where temporary license was not generated.
• Fixed Enterprise license issue where notification emails were not sent when the license server
was down.
• In the admin console, the SNMPv3 parameters are localized in the 18 supported languages.
• Added ability to connect to multiple HPAC web consoles from one web browser at the same
• Fixed issue where when configuring from the web console, the description for the pull print
button was not localized in Danish, Norwegian, Romanian or Thai
• Fixed issue where the customization of the pull print button description was not supported
using the web console
• Fixed issue where when the device language was set to Danish, the description for the pull print
button was not localized
• Fixed issue where when the SNMPv3 password was applied from the web console, the password
was not updated.

16.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version

• Fixed issue where user names with a space character were not able to release jobs on devices.
• Fixed issue where the letter case of the “a” in the “Print All” button was not consistent in
• Fixed issue where when Excel spreadsheets were emailed and pull printed, only the first sheet
was printed.

16.2 Job Accounting version

• Improved JA to be able to process expired jobs from LRS Innovate/Audit.

Release version 15.3

• Fixed issue where HP Statistics files were not processed on Windows 2012 in non-US date
• Fixed issue where the summary report did not show the correct End Date in the Environment

Known Issues
• Due to an issue with HP firmware on some FutureSmart devices (x585 MFP, x555, 586 MFP and
556), jobs printed in monochrome are reported as color in firmware versions 3.7 and 3.8.

16.3 SPPE Agent version 20160912

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

16.4 AD Authenticator version

• A change to the database user impersonation to allow users who are denied the “interactive
logon” right to be used to authenticate database connections.
• The return address used for code emails can now be specified on the AD-Configurator SMTP
Server page.

Known Issues
• Due to Microsoft known issue
stop-working-on-windows-server-2008-when-the-identity-user-logs-off/), Enterprise print jobs
may not be visible on devices. As a workaround, it is recommended to change the “Do not
forcefully unload the user registry at user logoff” policy setting.
• In the AD User Editor page, when using Database as the data storage, users cannot be found
searching via the user’s email address
• In the DB User Editor page, the tool tips are not localized
• When using multi-domain after an upgrade, the existing database populated with the previous
default domain information cannot be used
• If multi-domain is enabled, the “domain” column must be populated with the NetBIOS domain
name when using the ImportUser utility
• The MyCode page works in multi-domain environments only if there is a trust between the

Release version 15.3

• Some messages in the IRM tile are not localized.

• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.
• All Officejet Pro devices MUST be reconfigured to work with the new version of AD-
Authenticator. The format of the OXPd web service URI has changed; OXPd devices configured
with previous AD-Authenticator versions will be unable to authenticate to this version.

Release version 15.2.2

17 Release version 15.2.2

• Ability for AD-Configurator to look up users across multiple domains
• New agents with dependency on RC4 removed for the LaserJet M5035 MFP, LaserJet 3035 MFP,
LaserJet M4345 MFP, LaserJet M9050 MFP, Color LaserJet CM4730 MFP, Color LaserJet CM6040
MFP, Color LaserJet CM3530 MFP, and LaserJet 3015
• Support for SNMP v3 for checking device status and capabilities
• IPPS printing in Express/Enterprise use of OXPd 1.7
• Added support for PageWide Pro devices with firmware that does not require OPS
• Support for SFP (4-line display) devices in a multi-domain environment
• Added four new languages for device user experience: Danish, Norwegian, Romanian and Thai

• Fixed issue where Enterprise license keys could not be applied from the web console.
• Fixed issue in the Devices tile where if a filter was used, the drag and drop of devices into groups
did not work.
• Fixed issue in the Devices tile with deleting a group of devices and then adding a new group.
• Fixed issue in the Devices tile where the agent was not detected correctly on a slow network
• Fixed incorrect certificate added in IIS when multiple certificates start with the same name
• Fixed issue where the “Show local and remote jobs” option got unchecked after restarting the
admin console
• Fixed issue connecting to the IRM database when JA only was installed.
• Fixed web console issue where users could not apply an Enterprise license key.
• Fixed web console issue where the incorrect pull print icon or no pull print icon dis played on
device front panels.
• Fixed issue where importing settings into the admin console caused the JA Database
Configuration field to be empty
• Fixed issue where an error message showed when IRM settings used Windows authentication
• Fixed HPAC setup to remove previous 15.1.x patches from Add/Remove Programs
• Fixed agent path not initialized before opening the Settings > Agent tab. The “bundle-0” file is
pushed instead of the single install file.
• Fixed issue where the JA server was a client to the Enterprise License mode.

Known Issues
• When configuring from the web console, the description for the pull print button is not localized
in Danish, Norwegian, Romanian or Thai
• Customization of the pull print button description is not supported using the web console
• When the device language is set to Danish, the description for the pull print button is not

Release version 15.2.2

17.1 Secure Pull Print Express version

• Fixed IPPS not working on Officejet Pro and PageWide Pro devices.

17.2 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version

• Retained jobs marked with an (R)
• Print All button disabled when all jobs are retained
• Auto-creation of printer definition now uses DNS lookup instead of SNMPv1. If DNS lookup fails,
the printer definition filename will use the IP address of the device, replacing the dots with

• Fixed IPPS not working on Officejet Pro and PageWide Pro devices.
• Fixed issue where text exceeded the device front panel button size for certain languages.
• Fixed Enterprise client issue where if encryption or delegate was installed, memory issues could
occur causing “????...” to show as the username in the SPP Enterprise tile.
• Fixed issue with deleting delegate groups from Edge browser.
• Fixed Delegate client issue jobs sent to a distribution group were stored under the sender
• Fixed issue where pull print jobs with filenames that include double quote characters did not

17.3 Job Accounting version

• Tracking via OXPd 1.7 statistics

• Fixed issue where tracking files were not processed if the printer name contained a single quote.
• Fixed processing of "group name" for allocation jobs.

Known Issues
• Due to an issue with HP firmware on FutureSmart devices, jobs printed in monochrome are
reported as color in firmware versions 3.7 and 3.8.

Release version 15.2.2

17.4 IPM version 1.5.0

• Fixed archive.exe file not working in IPM if SPP Express is not installed

17.5 SPPE Agent version 20160912

• Improved second card swipe logoff/logon reliability on Oz devices.
• Non-FutureSmart agents now correctly report allocation/billing codes
• An issue which prevented loading some custom agent configurations on FutureSmart devices
has been corrected.

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

17.6 AD Authenticator version

• Support for SFP (4-line display) devices in an NLB environment
• The Pull Print server for swipe-and-release-all devices can now be set correctly in the AD-
Authenticator Web.config file
• Card swipes are now correctly recognized by a device configured with OXPd
authentication/authorization when a function button is pressed before the card swipe.
• The OXPd authentication/authorization card/code configuration is now migrated properly when
upgrading from a version that did not support “card –OR– code” authentication.
• The “Swipe to sign-off” feature now works on OXPd devices following a new card enrollment
and alternative authentication.
• The AD-Authenticator web pages will no longer report a “JavaScript error” caused by attempting
to use an out-of-date card reader browser plugin.

Known Issues
• In the AD User Editor page, when using Database as the data storage, users cannot be found
searching via the user’s email address
• In the DB User Editor page, the tool tips are not localized

Release version 15.2.2

• When using multi-domain after an upgrade, the existing database populated with the previous
default domain information cannot be used
• If multi-domain is enabled, the “domain” column must be populated with the NetBIOS domain
name when using the ImportUser utility
• The MyCode page works in multi-domain environments only if there is a trust between the
• Some messages in the IRM tile are not localized.
• Due to an issue in HP FutureSmart firmware versions 23.4 and 23.5, NFC cannot be used to
• Card authentication on S956 devices may take longer than 5 seconds.
• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.
• All Officejet Pro devices MUST be reconfigured to work with the new version of AD-
Authenticator. The format of the OXPd web service URI has changed; OXPd devices configured
with previous AD-Authenticator versions will be unable to authenticate to this version.

Release version 15.2.1

18 Release version 15.2.1

• Added support for HP HIP2 card readers, allowing for 4 card types to be read and for the card
read beep volume to be adjusted.
• Users can log out at printers with a card swipe.
• New option to enable SQL Always On in the JA database settings, IRM database settings, and
Enterprise licenses database settings.
• New Card Masking tool to support the HP HIP2 card reader.
• Added compatibility with SQL 2016.
• New update menu when right-clicking in the device tree view list.
• Removed HPAC Admin Guide from the installer so that the latest documentation can be found
at the HP Support Center website.

• Fixed issue with HPAC web console on Windows 7 when HTTP Activation was not enabled. HTTP
Activation is no longer required.
• Fixed issue with HPAC web console where changing the user name or password in HPAC settings
did not get applied.
• Fixed issue where a white box displayed on the desktop when the delegate print client or IPM
desktop notification client were installed.
• Fixed issue where when configuring a device from the HPAC admin web console, the pull print
button on printer front panels were not localized.
• Fixed issue where the admin web console tiles did not match the tile in the admin console on
the server.
• Fixed issue where a black window displayed quickly during the Enterprise Print Client setup.
• Fixed issue where the admin console crashed after inserting an invalid IPM licens e key.
• Fixed issue where an invalid IPM license date displayed with a black rectangle instead of a red
• Fixed issue where the license mode was changed after changing the IPM key when in Enterprise
• Fixed issue with print.exe, printenterprise.exe, and pull print service DLL files where XML files
would be pushed to the Temporary folder instead of the Temporary\DTM folder on the JA
server from a pull print only server.
• Fixed issue where the port number for Enterprise License mode is changed to the default port
50080 after an upgrade.
• Fixed issue where jobs were not tracked when using the XT box and “Enable tracking of printed
jobs” was enabled.
• Improved JA Dashboard to detect the SQL Analysis version and setup the correct data source
• Fixed issue where the admin console crashed when Print Server or DTM standalone was
• Fixed issue where the IIS push settings did not display when Print Server or DTM standalone was
• Fixed setup issue where the JA Agent service could not be installed if the SQL password
contained the ‘&’ character.

Release version 15.2.1

• Fixed issue with the admin console permission for the “Apply” button.
• Fixed issue where a printer added using hostname could not be configured.
• Fixed issue with admin web console where printers were not added to the selected printer
• Fixed issue where the XT box card configuration did not work when the first card type was not
correctly defined in the XML.
• Fixed issue where the ImportUser tool produced an exception when the IRM database was
configured for Windows authentication.
• Fixed issue with ImportUser tool config file.
• Fixed Enterprise License mode issue where the email notification settings were reverted to
default settings after an upgrade.

Known Issues
• After upgrading the Card Masking tool, the older version still displays in Add/Remove Programs.
This can be manually uninstalled without causing issue.

• The card type order in the AD Configurator page is interchangeable when using the HIP2
readers, but not when using the HP CZ208A readers.
• The HP CZ208A readers do not recognize the NEDAP or CEPAS card types.
• The HP S900 series devices do not support the HP HIP2 card readers.

18.1 Secure Pull Print Express version

• Fixed issue where the pull print application job list screen showed a “Select print queue”

18.2 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version

• Pressing Print All once at an MFP front panel or presenting a card once at an SFP or XT box will
release a mix of jobs from different owners (alias, delegate or email jobs).
• If multiple servers have the same pull print queue name, the jobs will be merged in a single
screen and the queue names will not be displayed anymore. This will take care of NLB servers
where persistence is not enabled and jobs can be store on any of the nodes.

• Fixed issue where the auto creation of printer definition files did not work when doing a Print
• Fixed issue where the printer model was not reported in Enterprise post-tracking for HP
Officejet Pro devices.
• Fixed issue where the SPP Enterprise email feature did not report the correct username.

Release version 15.2.1

Known Issues
• With the Enterprise Print Client and Local Job Storage on client workstations, if a user goes to
the pull print printer Properties > Ports > Configure Port and clicks OK, the port number will
change from 7515 to 515 and local job storage will not work. It is highly recommended that
users not modify the pull print printer port on client workstations.

18.3 Job Accounting version

• Fixed issue where ENC files are not processed if print jobs from computers with a single quote in
the computer name.
• Fixed issue where email jobs from HP non-FutureSmart devices reported the same job UID.
• Fixed issue where when Print-Keep was selected multiple times for the same job, only the first
print was tracked.

18.4 SPPE Agent version 20160609

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

18.5 AD Authenticator version

Known Issues
• After an upgrade, the AD Configurator > Proximity Reader page displays a script error. The
workaround is to close the admin console and re-run the “ProximityReader-WinXX.msi” file.
• If HP FutureSmart devices have SPPE Agent 20160609 installed and they are configured to a
server with HPAC 15.2 or older, the card reader beep volume will default to OFF. The
workaround is to upgrade the AD Authenticator on the server to the version in HPAC 15.2.1.
• Due to an HP FutureSmart firmware version 23.4 and 23.5 issue, NFC cannot be used to
authenticate. A future version of firmware will resolve this issue.
• Card authentication on S956 devices may take longer than 5 seconds.
• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.
• All Officejet Pro devices MUST be reconfigured to work with the new version of AD-
Authenticator. The format of the OXPd web service URI has changed; OXPd devices configured
with previous AD-Authenticator versions will be unable to authenticate to this version.

Release version 15.2.1

Release version 15.2

19 Release version 15.2

• New Pull Print Savings tile to show the number of printed, deleted, and expired pages in a pie
chart or bar graph.
• New install option to install Pull Print only.
• New Print Job Identifier feature to change the username format of pull print jobs. This means
jobs can be stored for users in the formats of Domain\Login (example: domainA\jdoe) or
UserPrincipalName (example: [email protected]).
• New authentication screen and guest login feature for HP S900 series devices.
• New MyDocs page for pull printing.
• Updated look and feel of the My Code web page.
• Removed SQL Compact Edition option for user database storage.
• Support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2.
• Optimized admin console to launch faster.
• New Enterprise Client. The delegate popup is not displayed when users do not have a delegate
group. The client uses .NET Framework 4.0 instead of .NET Framework 2.0. The HPACJA port
monitor is only applied to LPR printers instead of all TCP/IP printers. Added support for Terminal
Server and printer pooling. And the delegate client is started only when the Delegate option is
• Improved the export of the device list to a CSV file. Now the selected device group and all sub-
groups will be exported.
• Removed support for non-HP printers.

• Fixed issue where if an HP FutureSmart device was already preconfigured for pull printing before
an upgrade to HPAC 15.1, reconfiguring the device in HPAC 15.1 will result into a double pull
printing icon on the front panel.
• Fixed issue with the Enterprise license service where the pull print license conversion from
Standard to Enterprise is failing.
• Fixed web console issue where logs were not updated when they were downloaded.
• Fixed issue where the SPP Enterprise Spooler service was restarted when the Server Information
tile was clicked.
• Fixed issue where certificates could not be created when only Job Accounting and data
collectors were installed.
• Improved message in admin console indicating that the user has entered a wrong
username/password when trying to login to the admin console.

19.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version

• Fixed issue where jobs were not released when the printer was added in the admin console
using hostname instead of IP address.
• Fixed issue where Enable One-touch Release did not check the primary server when multiple
pull printing servers were registered on one server.

Release version 15.2

• Fixed Enterprise Client issue to work on non-English OS.

• Fixed License Web Service issue where the AD-Authenticator web service could not be
contacted when the service was initialized.
• Updated Pull Print Web Service to allow modification of the default Enterprise spooler
connection timeout.
• Fixed runtime error issue on the delegate web page.
• Fixed issue where post-tracking files were not created when using Local Job Storage on a client.
• Updated purge service to not create tracking files if, for any reason, pull print files cannot be

Known Issues
• With the Enterprise Print Client and Local Job Storage on client workstations, if a user goes to
the pull print printer Properties > Ports > Configure Port and clicks OK, the port number will
change from 7515 to 515 and local job storage will not work. It is highly recommended that
users not modify the pull print printer port on client workstations.
• When pull printing with SPP Enterprise, if a user has a mix of pull print jobs and shared
delegated jobs, not all jobs will release at once if Print All is selected, or if all jobs are selected
and printed. The user will have to select Print to print all pull print jobs and then select Print
again to print all shared delegated jobs.

19.2 Job Accounting version

• Fixed issue where the “Submitted Date” in JA reports reported 1 hour ahead.
• Fixed issue where push settings were not saved when the regional setting was in Spanish.
• Fixed issue where the Queries In Progress screen was stuck when attempting to delete a report.
• Fixed Summary Report issue where the monthly schedule would run reports on the 28 th instead
of the 31st of the month.
• Fixed issue where a timeout exception would occur when updating dashboard data.

19.3 SPPE Agent version 20160209

• The HP FutureSmart Agent is now signed using SHA-256. It is no longer necessary to have the
“Allow installation of legacy packages signed with SHA-1 Hashing algorithm” option selected on
the EWS Security / General Security page for the agent to work. It is also impossible to install the
solution on devices with firmware that predates that option (before CPE 23.0, released ~2013)
without first upgrading the firmware.

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be

Release version 15.2

selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

19.4 AD Authenticator version

• Fixed issue where AD-Authenticator web pages crashed due to the browser not providing the
localized language. Now if the browser does not request a specific language, the server language
is used.
• Fixed issue where the IRM web service log and IIS logs were enabled by default.
• Modified the web service that sets the user list database connection string so that Windows
credentials can be specified for the database connection.
• During an upgrade, if the previous version used Windows Authentication for the user list
database, this version will save the username and password that the Configuration Utility had
assigned to the previous application pool and then store it (encrypted) in the new Web.config
where it will be used for impersonated database accesses. The new application pool will run as

Known Issues
• Due to an HP FutureSmart firmware version 23.4 and 23.5 issue, NFC cannot be used to
authenticate. A future version of firmware will resolve this issue.
• Card authentication on S956 devices may take longer than 5 seconds.
• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.
• All Officejet Pro devices MUST be reconfigured to work with the new version of AD-
Authenticator. The format of the OXPd web service URI has changed; OXPd devices configured
with previous AD-Authenticator versions will be unable to authenticate to this version.

19.5 IPM version 1.5.0

• New action to print a watermark across each printed page.
• Added monochrome rule support for HP Officejet Pro devices.

• Improved configuration messaging on an IPM standalone server.

Release version 15.1

20 Release version 15.1

• Local Job Storage is no longer dependent on the DNS refresh.
• New web console to allow ability to remotely log into the admin console via Internet Explorer
for setup and configuration.
• New orange tiles, fields and buttons in the admin console to highlight required settings.
• New feature to block adding new devices when the IRM license amount has been reached.
• New selections in the Configuration window to select what IIS server(s) to configure devices to.
• Added IRM logging in the Server Information tile.
• Removed OPS from default setup. The OPS check box is not visible in Express/Enterprise
bundles, only in Server Installation.
• New code to install/remove single PRN agent files based on the device, instead of the large
bundle file.
• Support for in-printer tracking, alias and delegate jobs on HP S900 devices.

• Fixed issue where the HP Agent License Service (in Settings > IIS) was not saving the changes.
• Fixed issue where the Windows connection in the IRM SQL Server Database section was using
the logged in user on the server, instead of the Windows credentials entered in the admin
• Fixed issue where a local SQL Express could not be created after a failed attempt to connect to a
remote SQL Server.
• Fixed issue where the Agent license loses the date when the OS regional settings were set to
• Fixed issue where when the maximum number of Agent licenses is reached, device licenses
were not renewed.
• Fixed issue where the device status was not updated after a configuration when the device
language was not English.
• Fixed issue where the QR Codes from the Devices tile would not print.
• Fixed ImportUser.exe not working when regional settings were not set using an English date

20.1 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version

• Added feature to stop searching for remote print jobs at the first remote server with jobs.

• Fixed issue where imported users were not able to access the delegate web page.
• Fixed issue where the Job Submitted Date did not use the regional settings of the device or web
• Fixed issue where Local Job Storage did not work when installing on a non-English OS.

Release version 15.1

• Fixed issue where the Enterprise Client had a link to the download page for Microsoft .NET
Framework 4 Client Profile, instead of the required Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.

Known Issues
• With the Enterprise Print Client and Local Job Storage on client workstations, if a user goes to
the pull print printer Properties > Ports > Configure Port and clicks OK, the port number will
change from 7515 to 515 and local job storage will not work. It is highly recommended that
users not modify the pull print printer port on client workstations.
• When pull printing with SPP Enterprise, if a user has a mix of pull print jobs and shared
delegated jobs, not all jobs will release at once if Print All is selected, or if all jobs are selected
and printed. The user will have to select Print to print all pull print jobs and then select Print
again to print all shared delegated jobs.

20.2 Job Accounting version

• Updated database schema to report pull print jobs versus direct print jobs. The detailed list
reports have been modified to show the data and two new reports have been added in the
printer options theme.
• New scheduler in the Administration menu to schedule tracking of non-HP devices.

• Fixed FutureSmart tracking license when server is configured for Enterprise license.
• Fixed issue where the JA website crashed when opening or downloading a detailed allocation
report while the log was turned on.
• Fixed issue where the JA Email server was truncated at 31 characters.

20.3 SPPE Agent version 20150903

• Fixed issue where local lists could not be used on HP FutureSmart devices.

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

Release version 15.1

20.4 AD Authenticator version

• Added Card or Code authentication.
• New options in the AD-Configurator “Cards” page: “Permit user card self-enrollment” and
“Permit user network credentials instead of cards”. Previously these features were always
enabled. With the new agent file, an administrator can prevent users from enrolling their own
cards at devices and from using network credentials instead of their card/code.

• When using database card/code/rights storage and the “multiple cards per user” option is
selected, a user will have a separate user list record for each card they are assigned. When the
“card and code” authentication method is selected, changing the users code on the AD-User-
Editor or MyCode pages changed only one of the user’s records the other records retained the
old code value. This has been corrected. Likewise, when the rights control method is set to
“individual rights”, the AD-User-Editor changed only one of a user’s multiple card records. This
has been corrected. The DB-User-Editor also changed only a single record when changing codes,
but because it shows all the user records, the administrator could manually change the user’s
other records. It now changes all records automatically.
• When using database card/code/rights storage, authenticated users would always be assigned
the rights from their database record. Guest permissions that had been granted to all users
would not be applied. This has been corrected.
• The DB-User-Editor “Rights” column did not accurately display the state of rights for which guest
access had been granted. This has been corrected.
• The DB-User-Editor “Rights” column would not accurately display the user’s rights when the
rights control method was set to “none” or “by group membership”. The “Rights” column is now
shown only when the rights control method is “independently by user”.
• The ImportUser utility now sets the code and rights values for all a user’s records the same
when the “Card and Code (two-factor)” or the new “Card or Code” authentication method is
selected and the “Multiple cards per user” option is selected. If the *.csv file contains multiple
conflicting values for the code and/or rights values, the last record has precedence.
• Fixed issue to have user “code and rights” emails to be sent when the localization is Russian. A
message indicating the email address format was incorrect would appear previously when the
localization was Russian.
• Fixed issue to correctly display AD-Authenticator pages when Russian language was selected.
• Fixed issue where the OPS password and username were reversed during configuration of
Officejet Pro devices.
• Enhancement to allow for custom user list extensions.

Known Issues
• Due to an HP FutureSmart firmware version 23.4 and 23.5 issue, NFC cannot be used to
authenticate. A future version of firmware will resolve this issue.
• Card authentication on S956 devices may take longer than 5 seconds.
• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.

Release version 15.1

• All Officejet Pro devices MUST be reconfigured to work with the new version of AD-
Authenticator. The format of the OXPd web service URI has changed; OXPd devices configured
with previous AD-Authenticator versions will be unable to authenticate to this version.

20.5 IPM version 1.4.13

• Fixed issue with queue configuration when multiple long port names are used and printer
pooling is enabled.

Release version 15.0

21 Release version 15.0

• New client-based pull printing with Enterprise Print Client. This is to provide pull printing in a
client-based network environment, with job storage on client workstations.
• Central License management with the ability to centrally license all devices from one location.
• Added License Expiration Notification to automatically notify that licensing is about to expire.
• Added auto printer definition. This feature will automatically update remote SPP Enterprise
servers with printer definition files when printers are not defined on the remote servers.
• New logging section in the Server Information screen, making enabling and accessing logs easier.
• Added auto-population of Home Directory in the Scan to Network Folder device feature after
users authenticate at HP FutureSmart devices.
• Added “Retain ‘Print-Keep’ jobs beyond expiration” option in Settings > SPP Express/SPP
Enterprise to retain jobs that have already been released for printing.
• Added “Enable one-touch” option in Settings > SPP Express/SPP Enterprise to allow HP
multifunction devices to act similar to single-function devices, where documents print upon
authentication and selecting the pull print button. See the HP AC Admin Guide for instructions
to use “Enable one-touch” with the “Retain ‘Print-Keep’ jobs beyond expiration” feature.
• Added “Create Certificate” option in Settings > IIS to create self-signed v3 certificates.
• Added Russian localization.
• Added ability to use OXPd device information to get HP FutureSmart device information instead
of using SNMP V1/V2.
• Changed configuration logic to check if MIPA is installed on HP devices before configuring. This is
to avoid a manual “update” after a device reboot after installing the agent.
• Added contextual menu in devices to "Delete selected" devices.
• Changed firewall command during setup to use executable name instead of ports.
• Improved messaging in the Devices and Settings sections.
• Documentation is now opened from an HP URL. If internet is not available, a local copy is
• Modified WJA import to read Printer Model from CSV file.

• Fixed issue where reconfiguring a device removed the license.
• Fixed issue where an alias name with an underscore character does not display.
• Fixed issue where a username with an underscore character prevented email jobs to be
• Fixed drag and drop between device list and tree view where in some cases some printers were
• Fixed issue on HP Officejet Pro devices where HP CR workflow buttons were disabled when HP
AC and HP CR were on the device.

Known Issues
• The log for S900 Pull Print Web service is not implemented.

Release version 15.0

21.1 Secure Pull Print Express version 1.4.0

• Added new column in SPPE screen to show last printed date.
• Added Konica Minolta support for XT devices.

• Fixed Express port where the spooler crashed when settings were not applied after
• Fixed Express port monitor for HP ePrint and double-byte compatibility.
• Optimized XT support for faster release.

Known Issues
• On S900 series devices, alias printing is not supported.

21.2 Secure Pull Print Enterprise version

• Added SNMPCOMM in printer definition file when SNMP Get is not set to “public”.
• Added new column in the SPP Enterprise screen to show last printed date.
• Added Konica Minolta support for XT devices.

• Fixed Enterprise port monitor for HP ePrint and double-byte compatibility.
• For cluster environments, added ability to add and remove server node information from
Settings > SPP Enterprise without removing server node information from the pullprinthosts file.
• Created vpsstart.ini file with the server domain name, instead of the user domain name.
• Fixed time zone issue when showing the date on the front panel.
• Optimized XT support for faster release.

Known Issues
• With the Enterprise Print Client and Local Job Storage on client workstations, if a user goes to
the pull print printer Properties > Ports > Configure Port and clicks OK, the port number will
change from 7515 to 515 and local job storage will not work. It is highly recommended that
users not modify the pull print printer port on client workstations.
• When pull printing with SPP Enterprise, if a user has a mix of pull print jobs and shared
delegated jobs, not all jobs will release at once if Print All is selected at the device. The user will
have to select Print All to print all pull print jobs and then select Print All again to print all shared
delegated jobs.
• On S900 series devices, alias and delegate printing are not supported.

Release version 15.0

21.3 Job Accounting version

• Renamed “MPS” to “Print Server” on JA Administration screen.
• Improved summary report for date display.
• Improved XML processing performance to cache AD information.
• Added support for SQL 2014 Analysis Services for Admin Dashboard.
• Fixed HP Statistics to report private print user name.
• Removed sysadmin rights requirement for JA database. This requires dbcreator rights to install
on a remote database.
• Added TLS support for email.

21.4 IPM version 1.4.13

• Database is automatically truncated if the size is more than 100 Mb, instead of being truncated
every 24 hours.
• Optimized IPM web service to cache the code to check if the printer is licensed. The check is
now done once a day instead of checking for every print.

21.5 SPPE Agent version 20150423

• Fixed incorrect display of text in double-byte language when enrolling at a device.

Known Issues
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

21.6 AD Authenticator version

• Fixed ImportUser tool issue where duplicate entries were created when the tool was run
multiple times.
• Fixed an issue where the Active Directory “Domain Users” group (and others, for example,
“Domain Guests”) could not be used to control user rights due to the special way AD stores the
user’s “primary group”. For performance reasons, AD-Authenticator rights use only groups the

Release version 15.0

user is directly a member of. It does not recursively search those groups to find other groups
the user may also be a member of.

Known Issues
• Card authentication on S956 devices may take longer than 5 seconds.
• Samsung mobile devices do not work with NFC.
• On upgrade, the access-control.xml file may be lost. For a workaround, if the file is missing, copy
it from AD-Authenticator\defaults folder to the AD-Authenticator folder.
• If a user changes the language on an HP FutureSmart device front panel and then swipes a card,
the device language settings will change back to the original language setting.
• All Officejet Pro devices MUST be reconfigured to work with the new version of AD-
Authenticator. The format of the OXPd web service URI has changed; OXPd devices configured
with previous AD-Authenticator versions will be unable to authenticate to this version.

Release version 14.2

22 Release version 14.2

• Delegate printing for SPP Enterprise.
• Added Login tab to control access to the admin console.
• Added IRM Database Configuration option to create an IRM database in SQL Server.
• Added tracking of printed jobs option to track jobs printed at multi-vendor devices, HP Officejet
Pro devices, and HP S900 series devices. This is available for Express and Enterprise.
• Settings tile tabs are refreshed when the tab heading is clicked.
• Simplified device licensing to support only IPA or IRM.
• Added support for third party load balancer, such as Citrix NetScaler.
• End-to-end encryption.

Known Issues
• If QR Code is disabled in the admin console, the pull print application icon image does not show
on 4-inch display HP FutureSmart SFPs (M806, M855, M651, and X555).
• After the configuration process gets completed on certain non-FutureSmart devices (CM6040
MFP and M4345 MFP), the EWS Authentication Manager page may not have the Card Reader
authenticator and Pull Print services listed. If this occurs, reboot the device.

22.1 SPP Express version 1.4

• Added encryption feature to the SPPE Print Client.
• Added Encryption at rest option to encrypt print jobs while they are inactive on the server.
• New Secure Pull Print print engine file will stop after 5 minutes if the printer stops responding to
a network connection.

• Fixed issue when an HP AC Express bundle was installed, network storage for pull print jobs was
not enabled.
• Changed OXPd timeout to the default 300 seconds.
• Fixed issue where an error message is showing when SPPE settings are applied.
• Improved pushing of tracking files from pull printing server to a JA server. Previously if a user
wanted all tracking jobs to be collected locally on the pull printing server then pushed to the JA
server, the user would have to configure the devices with push settings set to local, then
reconfigure the Push settings to the JA server after all devices are configured.

Known Issues
• On S900 series devices, alias printing is not supported.

Release version 14.2

22.2 SPP Enterprise version

• New HP AC Print Client with quota, IPM, delegate printing, and encryption.
• Added PJL Overlap option to specify the number of jobs that should be delivered to the printer
concurrently to improve printing performance.
• Added PJL Parsing option, used with the Enterprise port monitor and applies when printing from
a system that does not generate standard PJL information, such as HP ePrint, or when
connecting to a non-Windows spooler.
• Added Encryption At Rest option to encrypt print jobs while they are inactive on the server.
• Added Display All Jobs option to allow users at an MFP front panel to view all jobs from all pull
print queues in one job list. When disabled, the user will have to select the print queue at the
MFP front panel before viewing his or her job list.
• Added Update Printer Definition button in Settings > SPP Enterprise to update printer definitions
after changing the Protocol, PJL Overlap, or after an HP AC upgrade.

• Changed OXPd timeout to the default 300 seconds.
• Better handling of error messages on Officejet Pro devices.
• Fixed issue where expired jobs in the Enterprise spooler were not deleted if the default IPP port
631 was changed.
• Fixed issue where jobs names with more than 99 characters were not processed by the
Enterprise port monitor.
• Fixed issue on HP SFP devices where a user with an alias would not be able to release all jobs if
the user had jobs in multiple queues.
• Fixed issue where tracking of expired jobs were always reporting as grayscale.
• Improved pushing of tracking files from pull printing server to a JA server. Previously if a user
wanted all tracking jobs to be collected locally on the pull printing server then pushed to the JA
server, the user would have to configure the devices with push settings set to local, then
reconfigure the Push settings to the JA server after all devices are configured.
• Fixed issue with HP ePrint when a user name or job name contains UTF-8 characters.

Known Issues
• On S900 series devices, alias and delegate printing are not supported.

22.3 SPPE Agent version 20141009

• Added support for the HP Digital Sender Flow 8500. The HP Digital Sender Flow 8500 requires
the HPAC-SPPE-Agent-20141009-FutureSmart-10.bdl file.
• Added support for Code Only authentication, Card + Code authentication, and card enrollment
on HP FutureSmart single-function printers.

Release version 14.2

• The FutureSmart agent will now automatically enable the appropriate PIC/DRA/IRM Server
authenticator based on the configuration pushed via the admin console. You can enable
authenticators manually; disabling an automatically enabled agent is not permitted.
• Added EWS web services page for troubleshooting on HP FutureSmart and non-FutureSmart
devices. Go to the Access Control (HPAC IRM) page or the HPAC-Agent page and click the page
title to access the Web Services page.

• Fixed issue where the admin console would report the HPAC Agent install date instead of the
product date code.
• Fixed issue where copy and digital sending quotas were not updated until a user logged out. For
example, if a user exceeded his or her copy quota while using the Copy application at the front
panel, the user could continue to make copies. When the user logged out and then logged back
in, copy quota would be updated and the Copy application would be locked.
• Fixed issue on non-FutureSmart color multifunction devices (CM6040, CM4730, CM3530, 4730
and 9500), where a “Please wait” message displayed when the user’s color copy quota was
exceeded and the user tried to select color options in the Copy function. When the color options
were selected again, the user was logged out.
• Fixed issue on FutureSmart devices where the copy function could not be restricted when HP AC
local list was used for authentication.

Known Issues
• HP Legic card readers are not correctly recognized by Agent/AD Authenticator on HP non-
FutureSmart devices.
• On FutureSmart SFPs (CP5525, M551, M603, M750 and M712), when a user selects Main Menu
> Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server, then presses the back button, HPAC - IRM Server can no longer be
selected for authentication. The user must return to the home screen and then select Main
Menu > Sign In > HPAC - IRM Server again to authenticate.
• If a FutureSmart device is reconfigured from a different server, then a reboot of the device will
be required.

22.4 Job Accounting version

• Fixed HP AC JA Client issue where the FTP push was not working.

22.5 AD Authenticator version 3.3.19

• Fixed issue where users could login to a device if the IRM license was expired.
• Fixed XT device issue where card types could not be changed.
• Fixed issue where the device was not licensed if the server had 1 license remaining.
• Fixed issue where in the HP AC admin console > Settings > IIS > Push mode section, if reserved
characters (such as <, >, @, &, ' or ") were used in the Login or Password fields, devices could
not be configured.

Release version 14.2

22.6 IPM version 1.4.13

Known Issues
• With the HP AC Print Client, the IPM Archiving rule is not implemented.

Supported devices

23 Supported devices
Supported HP FutureSmart devices
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CM4540 MFP series HP LaserJet Enterprise Flow MFP M525 series
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP5520 Printer series HP LaserJet Enterprise Color Flow MFP M575
HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 Color Printer M551 series HP LaserJet Enterprise M4555 MFP series
HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 Color MFP M575 HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M725 series
HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 MFP M525 series HP LaserJet Enterprise flow MFP M830 series
HP LaserJet Enterprise 600 Printer M601/M602/M603 series HP LaserJet Enterprise M806 Printer series
HP LaserJet Enterprise 700 Color MFP M775 series HP Color LaserJet Enterprise flow MFP M880 series
HP LaserJet Enterprise 700 Printer M712 series HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M855 Printer series
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M750 Printer series HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M680 series
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M651 series HP Officejet Enterprise Color MFP X585 series
HP Officejet Enterprise Color X555 series HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M630 series
HP Digital Sender Flow 8500 * HP LaserJet Enterprise M604/M605/M606 series
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M552/M553 series HP LaserJet Enterprise M506 series **
HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M527 series *** HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M577 series
HP PageWide Enterprise Color 556 HP PageWide Enterprise Color MFP 586
HP PageWide Managed Color MFP E58650 HP LaserJet Managed MFP E72525 / E72530 / E72535 Series
HP LaserJet Managed MFP E82540 / E82550 / E82560 Series HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP E77822 / E77825 / E77830
HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP E87640 / E87650 / E87660 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M652 / M653 Series
HP LaserJet Enterprise M607 / M608 / M609 Series HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M681 / M682 Series
HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M631 / M632 / M633 Series HP LaserJet Managed E65050 / E65060
HP LaserJet Managed MFP E67550 / E67560 HP LaserJet Managed MFP E62555 / E62565 / E62575
HP LaserJet Managed E60055 / E60065 / E60075 HP PageWide Color MFP 780 / Flow 785 / E77650 / E77660
HP PageWide Color 765 / E75160 HP Digital Sender Flow 8500 fn2 Document Capture
HP ScanJet Flow N9120 fn2 document scanner HP PageWide Color P75250dn
HP PageWide Color MFP P77440 / P77940 / P77950 / HP LaserJet MFP 72425a / 72425dv / E72425 / E72430
HP Color LaserJet MFP E77422a / E77422dv / E77422 / HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP E67650 / E67660
HP LaserJet Managed MFP E62655 / E62665 / E62675 HP Color LaserJet Managed E65150 / E65160
HP LaserJet Managed E60155 / E60165 / E60175 HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M751 / Managed E75245
HP LaserJet Enterprise M507 / Managed E50145 HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M528 / Managed E52645
HP LaserJet Managed MFP E82540du / E82550du / HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP E87640du / E87650du /
E82560du E87660du
HP LaserJet Managed MFP E52545 HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP E57540
HP LaserJet MFP E82560du / E82550du / E82540du HP Color LaserJet MFP E87660du / E87650du / E87640du
HP Color LaserJet MFP E77422 / E77428 HP LaserJet MFP E72425 / E72430
HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP E67550 / E67560 HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP E62655 / E62665 / E62675
HP LaserJet MFP M528, E52645 HP Color LaserJet MFP M776 / Flow MFP M776
HP Color LaserJet M856 / E85055
* The HP Digital Sender Flow 8500 requires the HPAC-SPPE-Agent-FutureSmart-10.bdl file
** The M506dn and M506x require a USB port accessory (part #F2A87A) when using proximity readers. The HIP is not available on the M506n.
*** The M527 only requires a USB port accessory (part #F2A87A) if a second USB accessory needs to be added.

Supported HP non-FutureSmart devices

HP Color LaserJet CM3530 MFP series HP Color LaserJet CM6030/CM6040 MFP series
HP LaserJet M3035 MFP series HP LaserJet M4345 MFP series
HP LaserJet M5035 MFP series HP LaserJet Enterprise P3015 Printer
HP LaserJet M9040/M9050 MFP series

Supported devices

Supported HP S900 series devices

HP Color MFP S951dn HP Color MFP S962dn
HP Color MFP S956dn HP Color MFP S970dn
HP MFP S965dn HP MFP S975dn

Supported HP Officejet Pro devices

HP Officejet Pro 251 Printer HP Officejet Pro 276 MFP
HP Officejet Pro X476/X576 color MFP series HP Officejet Pro X551 Printer
HP Officejet Pro 8730/8740

Supported HP PageWide Pro devices *

HP PageWide Pro 477 HP PageWide Pro 577
HP PageWide Pro 577z HP PageWide Pro 552
HP PageWide Managed P57750 HP PageWide Managed P55250
HP PageWide Pro MFP 772dw HP PageWide Pro MFP 772dn
HP PageWide Pro MFP 777z HP PageWide Managed MFP P77740dn
HP PageWide Managed MFP P77740dw HP PageWide Managed MFP P77740z
HP PageWide Managed MFP P77750z HP PageWide Managed MFP P77760z
HP PageWide Pro 750dn HP PageWide Pro 750dw
HP PageWide Managed P75050dn HP PageWide Managed P75050dw
* With minimum firmware version 1629F


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