Unit 5 Textbook
Unit 5 Textbook
Unit 5 Textbook
2 3
ffi ffi Share your opinions with the class. Which piece of music
was your favorite?
Ar I ltked the music from ... best.
s; Yes, me too. My least favorite was the mustc from ...
A @Zg Listen and match the music you
hear with the words in the box.
classical country heavy metal hip-hop
jazz Latin pop R&B reggae rock
classical § Hip-Hop o Jazz
a R&B ó country I Rock
3 heavy metal 7 pop Reggae
4 latin
Function Choose the correct opt¡on to complete the sentences. WATffi OUTI
Then write an example from Exercise A for each rule.
r We use the present perfect to talk about things that happened at a
/ I saw Adele four years ago.
specific / non-specific time in the past. X I have seen Adele four years ago.
z We use the simple past to talk about things that happened at a
speci{ic / non-specifíc time in the past.
D @ ruOW YOU DO lT Work in groups. Talk about concerts you've seen live
or on TV. Give details.
A: Has anybody seen Adele in concert?
B: Yes, I have. I saw her in 2012.
C: Was the concert good?
B: ltwas awesome. She sang...
S neoding is foster ond eosier if you con predict whot the text is obout before you
r:eod ir. Usé titlés,'heoding!, pictures, ond whot you oh:eody know obout the topic to
moke predictiong,
A Look at the title, the headings, and the picture in Exercise B. Think
about what you know about different types of music. Predict whether
these statements about the text are T (true) or F (false).
r Musical fusion is the combination of musical styles to create a new style. T / F
e Fusion music is not popular today. T/ F
s Fusion music is always a combination of differenttypes of American music. T / F
+ Fusion music is only in English. T/ F
B Now read the text and check your answers in Exercise A. How many
of the answers did you predict correctly?
It's all in the m¡x... Music without borders Listen for yourself
Musical fusion is about bringing Music constantly crosses from country There is fantastic fusion music from all
different musical genres together. Often, to country and language to language. over the world, and the internet gives
this can create exciting new music Musicians from all over the world have us access to many types of music and
styles. Did you know that rock and roll had great success in English-speaking musicians we've never heard of before.
is the result of this mixing of music? countries. South Korean rap-pop star lf you haven't heard much international
ln the 1950s, American artists started Psy became an international sensation music, search for"world fusion music"on
combining country music, traditional in 20'12 with his song Gangnam Style. the internet to listen to samples.
blues music, and gospel music from Manu Chao is a French singer who sings
churches to make an exciting new in French, Spanish, English, ltal¡an,
sound. Rock and roll then traveled across Arabic, and Portuguese. Latin American
the Atlantic Ocean to Britain, and the musicians, such as Shakira from Colombia
Britlsh added their own style. The result and the Brazilian hip-hop group
was bands like The Beatles and The Racionais, have also been successful all
Rolling Stones in the 1960s.These bands over the world with songs both in English
created music that was a fusion of British and in their native languages.
and American rock that people all over
the world loved.
Fusion today
Since then, many popular musical styles
have fused to create different types of
music. There are artists like Taylor Swift,
whose music is a fusion of country, rock,
and pop. Artists like the Red Hot Chili
Peppers successfully mix rock, R&8, and
soul music to create their own style.
Nu-metal artists like Korn and Linkin
Park fuse heavy metal, rock, and hip-
hop. ln Britain, Asian fusion is especially
popular, with artists like Talvin Singh,
who combines electronic dance with
classical lndian music.
B ffiWort< in groups. Use adjectives from the table above to give ,,.,',,;j;;
your opinions about different types of music. ro mé
A: I thtnk classical musíc is great.
B: Really? I don't like it. I think it's old-f ashioned, and I find it boring because it
doesn't have lyrics.
/// ///
B Listen again and circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
r Jon can't stand hip-hop because he thinks it's awful / too loud.
z Jon also thinks hip-hop is boring / dumb.
s Andy likes hip-hop because the lyrics are good for dancing to / interesting.
+ Andy doesn't like pop music because he thinks it's awful / dumb.
s Andy thinks pop music all sounds the sarne / sounds horrible.
Musicol notes
A LANGUAGE ¡N GONTEXT Read this advice column. Match each
problem 1-2 with the advice A-B.
W l'm not sure whol to do. My sound sysiem is OK of o :,,, This is o very common problem, ond the solution isn't
low volume, bul if I turn up the volume, it doesn't sound eosy.You ought to respect your neighbors'wishes becouse
good. So I need o new one. But the problem is, I don't they hove o right to peoce ond quiei in their home. Perhops
hove o lot of money ... Whot do you recommend? you should get some heodphones if you wont to listen to
Should I buy the most expensive brond onywoy? loud music.
W I love oll kinds of music, ond I like to turn up the ,,: Well, if you love music, you should buy some new
volume when I listen lo ii.The problem is thot I live in on equipmenl.And if you wont greot sound, you shouldn't buy
oportment, ond my neighbors comploin,l never listen o reolly cheop brqnd. We think you ought to sove up your
to loud music lole ot night. so I don't underslond why money ond buy something good quolity. lt doesn't hove to
it boihers theml Whot should I do? Do I hove to turn be ihe most expensive, though.
down my music oll the time?
D ffi f-fOW YOU trO lT \Mork in groups. Give advice for these problems.
"My sister Iistens to music when she studies. I can't study with music on,
and her music bothers me."
-Gina WAT(!"I O[JT!
"My friends don't like the same music as I do, so I don't have anyone to go
to shows with." / You should buy the new
"l love music, but my girlfriend gets angry if listen to my MP3 player when ,Adele album.
Musicol notes
irttré general,topic to a specif¡c area.
rrthe if,_o.pid,rnore. Decide on the main points related to your topic.
sp,eCif¡c details to say about each point.
Fi&W Tü §AY IT M
Making suggestions for topici -
I think we should talk about ...
We'd better kot) try to include' ...
A ffi Wort in pairs. You are going to give a three-minute We ought to tell people ,about ...
presentation on one of these topics. Discuss which topic We shouldn't talk about ...
you want to choose and check the box.
music festivals I a band il playlists I a type of music I
E ffi I" your pairs, discuss aspects of the topic you chose in Exercise A that
you think are interesting or important. Make a list. Here are some ideas.
Music festivals A band Playlists A type of music
. history * musicians " how playlists started " o rig ins
" types of festiva ls - musical style . where to find them " type of audience
" famous festivals . h istory . celebrity playlists . characteristics (types of
* a festival you've . recent CDs u how to make playlists for instruments, vocals, etc.)
been to and tours different occasions * why you like it
. festiva ls you . albums you e !oUt'recommendations " bands and albums you
recommend recommend for a playlist recommend
C Now choose one item from the list you made in
Exercise B to focus on in your presentation. Make a mind
map like the one below showing the main points you want to include.
Then add details.
t,2il ,z
,11a ,
' AntlonT K,udtr' M¿rto"1 P.t." BalzarT, Cl',al SntA, Jos/' Klin¡Aoffer
'rn:L/Íunl rocL
' stcvted ¿n l1E3
REFtEcr ... How con rhe
skill of norrowing the focus of o
\fl H- presentotion be useful to you in
Work ond Coreer ond Study ond
E @ no your presentation in front of the class.
Musicul noles
Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with
the words in the box. Then circle the correct option in
each sentence. (15 points)
classical country hip-hop jazz rock
r John likes (rl jazz . He thinks it's tzl fun / loud, but I don't.
It's too (¡) upbeat / old-fashioned. I prefer new music.
My parents hate (+) rock . They say itt too (s) romantic /
loud. But I love it because its lol fun / repetitive.
I never listen to ¡n classical music. I think it sounds really
¡e¡ fun / sad. My sister listens to it when she studies because she
says it's 1r¡ repefitive / relaxing.
is 1rr¡ repetítive / upbeat and the lyrics
are usually 1tz¡ good for
dancing / dumb.
My sister loves 1ra¡ country . She says it's really ¡t+¡ good {or
dancing / repetítive.l like it because the lyrics are interesting
and the music is 1rs¡ upbeat / romantic.
:::a::r:.1.,r:rr::.r':1..:,,.,::.,r".-, _. .
áiq§§ltV§ss,ó-f rlnusic
i@REill':ii r,:l::r,t:,.1 ¡: :;' / I$
A Complete the conversation with the correct present perfect or simple past
form of the verbs in parentheses. Use short forms where possible. (L0 points)
Luke: Guess what! I (1) **- got (get) two tickets last week for the Bruno Mars concert next month.
Jack: Wow!That!fantastic!(2)-yoU--(ever/see)himbefore?
have ever seen
Luke: No, (s) I
haven't t+l I've never gone(never/go) to a concert before
Jack: Areyoukidding?tsll-(9o)toloadsofconcertslMaybe40.
Luke: you ever seen . (ever/see)?
Wow! Who! the best singer (ó)
Jack: |tzl*-(see)JustinTimberlakelastyear,andhe(8)-(be)amazing.
saw was
went played
She was amazing.
SCORE: /1s