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English Model Lesson Plan For Class 1 To 5 Multi Grade Teaching

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Model Lesson Plan for Multi Grade Teaching-

(Single Teacher)

1. Name of the Teacher

2. Name of the School


4.Classes and Chapters, Concepts and Skills Covered

(In case of Multigrade Teaching, write for multiple grades)
Class-1 Class-2 Class-3 Class-4 Class-5
Unit-1: Three Butterflies Unit-1: Mallika Goes to
Unit-1 Me and Myself. Unit-1: School and Play. Unit-1: Tenali Rama and School.
the Thieves.
1.Talks about self. 1.Read and understand 1.Read and understand
1.Recites the rhyme the main ideas in the
1.Read and understand the main ideas in the
with action.(Rhyme) reading text. (reading
the main ideas in the reading text. (reading
2.Introduces oneself. reading text. (reading text) text)
2.Read and spell the
text) 2.Read and understand 2.Compound words.
words related to school (vocabulary)
3.Introduction of the unfamiliar words.
and 3.Collective nouns.
the letters I,L,T, 2.Antonyms. (vocabulary)
games.(vocabulary) (grammar)
(vocabulary) 3.Singular and plural
H,F,E and their 4.Strecture of ‘simple
forms of verbs.
sounds. 3.Use the proper articles
3.Common and Proper (vocabulary) present tense’.
and singular and plural (structure)
nouns. (grammar) 4.Different material
forms of nouns. 5.Writing leave
4.Sounds of short 4.Using capital letters. nouns. (grammar)
(grammar) (conventions of application. (writing)
vowels and the 5.Asking permissions
writing) 6.Preparing poster.
using ‘May’ and ‘Can’.
sound /æ/. 4.Listen to the story and (writing)
identify the characters 7.Use of ‘Apostrophe’
6.Punctuation marks
5.Pictorial story. and events (conventions of
punctuation marks full
etc.,(reading text) writing)
6.Recites the rhyme stop, comma, and
with action. 5.Using capital letters in
question mark.
writing.(conventions of
(conventions of
5. Prior Concept/ Skills:(Essential concepts and skills to be checked/bridged before
teaching the current concept)

1.Identifying the 1.Have the basic 1.Have the basic

1.Identifying the 1.Identifying the knowledge of life style
both lower and knowledge of garden
Similar and odd Both lower and of the people who are
and different insects/
objects in the upper case letters upper case letters. living in hilly areas
creatures that feed on
given series. and sounds of (capital and small) flowers particularly in tribal
(Pictures/real English alphabet. areas.
2.Having the 2.Read and understand
objects.) the simple text and can
2.Know the basic needs
2.Identifying the knowledge of of the differently-
2.Colours the rephrase it.
order of letters in stories of Tenali abled children to
pictures. (express in own words)
the English Ramakrishna and access to school.
2.Tracing the given
alphabet. his wit. 3.Have the knowledge 3.Read and understand
lines. of the word ‘Antonym’. the simple text and can
3.Complete the 3.Reads the simple rephrase it.
pictures by joining 3.Reads the 4.Have the basic (express in own words)
monosyllabic sentences.
dots. knowledge of a noun,
words like boy, girl, common noun,
fan, bet, let etc., proper noun etc.,
4.Recites the 4.Writes at least 3 5.Have the basic 4.Have the basic
simple rhymes. rhymes. knowledge of singular knowledge of a noun,
to 4 sentences
6.Listens and and plural. common noun,
about the proper noun, material
responds to 5.Introduces story/picture etc., 6.Writes at least 3 to 4 noun etc.,
the simple herself/himself in sentences about the
stories in story/picture etc., 5.Writes at least 3 to 4
mother sentences about the
tongue. 7.Have the knowledge story/picture/ situation
of usage of capital etc.,
letters in a sentence.
actively in games 6.Have the knowledge
along with other of usage of capital
children. letters in a sentence,
full stop, comma and
question mark in
6. Learning Outcomes: (Select from SCERT Academic Calendar and Textbook
Child will be able to Child will be able to Child will be able to Child will be able to Child will be able to
1.Respond orally 1.Recite the rhyme 1.Read and
1.Read and 1.Read and
(in any language) to with proper actions, comprehend the texts
comprehend the texts comprehend the texts
questions related to
gestures and voice in English by in English by in English by
the given
modulation. identifying the man identifying the man identifying the man
idea, details and idea, details and idea, details and
2.Read and spell the sequence and draws sequence and draws sequence and draws
2.Introduce himself/ words related to conclusions in English. conclusions in English. conclusions in English.
herself and talk about school and games.
his body parts using 2.Express orally 2.Express orally and in 2.Enact different
the structure ‘This is..’ 3.Listen to the story her/his opinion/ writing her/his opinion/ role plays
and identify the Understanding understanding about
3.Carry out simple about the story and the story and the
characters, 3.Use punctuation
instructions and the characters in the characters and
events etc., marks such as capital
follows commands story, in highlights of the story letters full stop,
given in English. 4.Use proper articles English / Telugu. in English. comma and
and singular and apostrophe
plural nouns in their 3.Identify the 3.Enact different role
speech and written opposites like old/new; plays
while reading and
expressions. open/close etc.,
4.Recognise the letters 5.Uses the capital 4.Use punctuation 4.Solve simple cross 4.Write a leave letter
L,T, H, F and E letters when and marks such as full stop, word puzzle. and prepare a poster.
(both upper and where ever comma and capital
necessary in their letters appropriately. 5.Use punctuation
lower case) and their
writing. marks such as full 5.Use different types
sounds. 5.Write 5-6 sentences in stop, comma and of nouns, verbs etc.,
5.Recognise sounds of English on events capital letters in speech and writing
using the visual clues. appropriately while
short vowels and the
Vowel sound /æ/in reading and writing.
monosyllabic words
like cat, bat, cap etc., 6.Use different types
of nouns, verbs etc.,
in speech and writing.
6.Recite the rhyme
with proper action.
7.No. of Periods:


1.Flash cards (letters of English alphabet both lower Case and upper case,
words like boy, girl, etc.,), vocabulary words related to school (Pen, pencil,
blackboard etc.,)
2.Word cards which are given in ‘FUN TIME’.
3.A chart of language game (page no 15 of class 4 English textbook).
4.A chart of language game (page no 18 of class 5 English textbook).
5.Class 1 to 5 textbooks and workbooks of English.
6.English news papers.
7.Color pencils, crayons.
8.A resourceful and a creative teacher with pleasant presence of mind and
( for British accent use https://tophonetics.com/)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKcoM-JSzus (for Telugu) Tenali Rama and the Thieves.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LihZ29UrPUo (for English)

( three butterflies)

(Generating interest, informing students about the outcomes and expectations for the lesson)

i)TPR (Total Physical Response) activities.

ii)Mind Mapping.
iii)Language game. iV) Telling a story.
v) Showing a documentary on differently abled persons.
10 Experience and Reflection (Task/question that helps students explore the concept and connect with their life)

i)Introduce one self. Identify the letters in TV ads or in news papers.

ii)How do you welcome and wish someone politely. How do you feel if it is the first day of your school?
iii)If you have a problem, how do you overcome from it? Have you ever heard the stories of Tenali Ramakrishna?
iv)Do you have friends? What do you mean by a true friendship?
How do you feel if you friends leave you alone when you are in problems?
v)Should all children be in school including the differently abled? What should we do to help in doing so?

11 Teaching Learning Process

Explicit Teaching/
Group Work (We Do) Independent Work (You Do)
Teacher Modelling
Class 1
 Warm-up Time(Page no 1& 10)  Sharing Time/Rhyme Time( page no2 /11) Action Time
(Activity I and 2) (page no.3 &12)
 Teacher shows the pictures and interacts Shows the pictures and interact with the Do the activity. (Teacher should help the
with the children. Draws the targeted pictures. Reads the phrases aloud and children if needed).
vocabulary and writes on the board in asks the children to repeat. ( Activity Fun Time:
both upper and lower case. Ex. BOY Page no 1) Do the activities 2 to 12 in the pages from 4
Boy etc. Teacher recites the rhyme with proper to 6 and the activities 2 to 12 in the pages
actions and gestures. Encourage the from 14 to 16).
And continues the game. (Page no 1) Make children to repeat. (Activity page no 11)
the children identify and touch the relevant  Circle Time
Do the activities 1 to 16 of English
body part shown. (Page no 10). ( Activity 1&2)(page no 3 & 13)
Pass the ball (game). Big brother says… workbook in the pages from 13 to 21.
 Sharing Time/Rhyme Time( page no2
(Game) to practice the phrases.
/11)  Practice Time(Page no 6,8 & 17 ,18) Do the activities 1 to 16 of English
Shows the pictures and interact with the Teacher sings the rhyme and asks the
students to repeat and shows the flash workbook in the pages from 23 to 33.
pictures. Reads the phrases aloud and cards ands and asks the children repeat.
asks the children to repeat. ( Activity  Recite the rhyme . ( Note: Teacher helps the students who are
Page no 1)  Look in the mirror. What in need )
Teacher recites the rhyme with proper do you see?
actions and gestures. Encourage the It’s someone special.  Who is this special one?
Look! It’s me.( self awareness) ( Teacher should present the mirror
children to repeat. (Activity page no 11)
 Draw the match stick diagram and show and ask the child to look into it) ( self
 Fun Time (page no 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16). the body part and name them.(creativity awareness)
Teacher shows the flash cards and  Look into the mirror and draw your
makes the children identify the word and collaboration)(vocabulary picture and write your name.
and letter. Asks the children to colour development)
and write the letter in the space given.
 Practice Time(Page no 6,8 & 17 ,18)
Teacher sings the rhyme and asks the
students to repeat and shows the flash
cards ands and asks the children (Warli art )
repeat.  Fix the body parts.
 Pictorial story.
(Teacher should give the card board
The Big Hearted Crow ( Page no 9)
pictures of the different body parts and
The Monkey’s Justice ( Page no 19)
ask them to set them in proper order.)
Teacher shows the pictures and
(Group Work)(collaboration)
encourages the students to frame the
story.  Sharing Time/Rhyme Time( page no2 /13)
Shows the pictures and interact with the
 Warm-up Time(Page no 1& 12)  Fun Time:
Teacher shows the pictures and interacts pictures. Reads the phrases aloud and asks
the children to repeat. Do the activities 1 to 4 in the pages from 8 to 10
with the children. Draws the targeted Teacher recites the rhyme with proper and the activities 1 to 3 in the pages from 17 to
vocabulary and writes on the board. actions and gestures. Encourage the children 18).
E.g. school, teacher, children, welcome to repeat. ‘Welcome to school’ in page no.2 (Teacher should help the children whenever
prize, games, sports etc,. and ‘choose your sports’ in Page no 13. necessary).
 Circle Time
 Sharing Time/Rhyme Time( page no2 (Page no 5,6,716 and 17) Do the  Practice Time(Page no 11 & 19)
/13) Copy the given sentence in the four lines
activities in groups. given in your textbook.
Shows the pictures and interact with the
(Teacher should give proper guidance to Do the activities 1 to 14 of English workbook in
pictures. Reads the phrases aloud and asks practice the dialogues and doing this the pages from 9 to 14.
the children to repeat. activities)
Teacher recites the rhyme with proper
 Practice Time(Page no 11 & 19) Do the activities 1 to 14 of English workbook in
actions and gestures. Encourage the Teacher uses the flash cards of the given the pages from 18 to 23.
children to repeat. ‘Welcome to school’ in monosyllabic words and asks the children to (Teacher should help the children whenever
page no.2 and ‘choose your sports’ in Page repeat. necessary).
no 13. 1. Prepare a greeting card/flower 1. Collect pictures of different games and
Teacher shows the pictures in the page bouquets using locally available material know the players who are good at that
number 14 and asks the students to tell the to welcome the special guests/ game and prepare a scrap book. (
objects that they see and actions happening in headmaster/ teacher/your friend etc., creativity, critical thinking and collecting
the pictures. Teacher reads the story and asks .( creativity, critical thinking) information)
the students to listen to it. Teacher explains the
contexts and makes the children comprehend.
 Action Time
Teacher makes the children to observe the
objects games shown in page no 3 and asks
the children name them in English. Teacher Students observe the pre reading
reads them and asks the children to repeat. ‘invitation’ in groups. Do the worksheet no 1.1 in page no.1 of class 3
English textbook.
Class 3
Pre reading :
Teacher asks the children to open their English
textbooks at page no 1 and asks the children to
read the invitation.
Later teacher reads the incitation and asks the
students what it is about.
Teacher poses some questions given under the
pre reading.
Reading (for Telugu)
Teacher asks a few questions to introduce Tenali
Ramakrishna and his wit.
Do you know any story about Tenali https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LihZ29UrPUo
Teacher shows Tenali Rama and the thieves in (for English)
both in Telugu and in English. Students listen to the story.
Segment 1. (Tenali Ramakrishna ….. got an
Model reading by the teacher:
Teacher reads the text aloud in British accent
twice at the normal story telling speed with the
Do the worksheets no 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 in page
proper stress and intonation. no.2, 3and 4, of class 3 English textbook.
( for British accent use https://tophonetics.com/) Discuss in groups and answer the following
Echo reading questions.
Teacher reads the text again and let the
students repeat. 1.Who is Tenali Ramakrishna?
Individual Reading by the students: 2.What did he see behind the bushes?
Teacher asks the children to read the text up
to their par. Teacher prompts whenever
Supportive reading by the teacher
Teacher gives the meaning of difficult words and
supports the children by analyzing and explaining
the text to understand it. Discuss in groups and answer the following
1.What did Tenali Rama and his wife put in the
Segment 2. (Tenali Rama went in to… safe old box?
place) 2.Where did Tenali Rama and his wife keep the
Model reading by the teacher: box? Do the worksheets no 1.5 and 1.6 in page no.5
Teacher reads the text aloud in British accent and 6, of class 3 English textbook.
twice at the normal story telling speed with the
proper stress and intonation.

Echo reading
Teacher reads the text again and let the
students repeat.
Individual Reading by the students:
Teacher asks the children to read the text up
to their par. Teacher prompts whenever
Supportive reading by the teacher
Teacher gives the meaning of difficult words and
supports the children by analyzing and explaining
the text to understand it. Do the worksheets no 1.7 and 1.8 in page
no.7and 8, of class 3 English textbook.
Segment 3. (The thieves heard …treasure box
Model reading by the teacher: Discuss in groups and answer the following
Teacher reads the text aloud in British accent questions.
twice at the normal story telling speed with the 1.How did the thieves get the box?
proper stress and intonation. 2.If Tenali Ramakrishna had not seen the thieves,
Echo reading what would have happened?
Teacher reads the text again and let the
students repeat.
Individual Reading by the students:
Teacher asks the children to read the text up
to their par. Teacher prompts whenever
Supportive reading by the teacher
Teacher gives the meaning of difficult words and
supports the children by analyzing and explaining
the text to understand it. Do the worksheets no 1.9 and 1.10 in page
Segment 4. (The thieves heard … box out) no.9and 10, of class 3 English textbook.
Model reading by the teacher:
Teacher reads the text aloud in British accent
twice at the normal story telling speed with the
proper stress and intonation. I. Tell a story of Tenali Rama and discuss
Echo reading about the humour and wisdom of Tenali
Teacher reads the text again and let the Rama in the story. ( Critical thinking,
students repeat. Creativity)
Individual Reading by the students:
Teacher asks the children to read the text up
to their par. Teacher prompts whenever
Supportive reading by the teacher
Teacher gives the meaning of difficult words and
supports the children by analyzing and explaining
the text to understand it.
Teacher presents the flash cards and asks the
students to read and tell the opposite of the Teacher instructs the children to say and enact Do the activity 3 in the page number 6.
given word. the opposite of the given word. Do the worksheet 1.12 in the workbook in page
e.g. Teacher: sit no.12.
Teacher instructs the children to say and
enact the opposite of the given word. Students: stand.
e.g. Teacher: sit
Students: stand.
Teacher interacts with the children in order to Go through the lesson and identify and underline Do the worksheet 1.13,1.14 in the workbook in
make the children get the meaning of a ‘noun’ page no.12.
1. We all have names. Tell me the names of the naming words i.e., nouns. Check them whether
all the students. they are nouns or not with the help of the
2. You know the name of your village. Tel DICTIONARY.
me the name of some villages toen,
places etc., that you know.
3. Names of the animals, vehicles, things
Such naming words are called nouns.
Teacher presents the empty template with some
clues given in worksheet 1.15. Teacher explains Do the Worksheet1.15 in the workbook in page
and helps them to do the activity. no.16
Explains using the capital letters and makes them
complete the activity.
Teacher helps the students in reading and Do the Worksheet1.16 in the workbook in page
comprehending the paragraphs given in the no.17.
workbook in page no.17.
Listening and responding.
Teacher reads the activity 9 which is given in
the textbook and make the children repeat it.
Teacher introduces himself/herself and asks the
students to introduce themselves.
In the way with the activity 10 and 11 too.
Fun time
Asks the children to read the joke given and
encourages collecting and telling another joke.
Class 4

Pre reading :
Teacher asks the children to open their Do the Worksheet 1.1 in the workbook in
page no.1.
English textbooks at page no 1 and asks the
children to observe the picture.
Later teacher reads the incitation and asks
the students what it is about.
Teacher poses some questions given under the
pre reading.
Records the sentences like there are two girls
in the picture. One of them has an umbrella.
Etc., Uses the questions to get


Before going to the reading text I do show Do the Worksheet 1.2 and 1.3 an in the
the videos of three butterflies. workbook in page no.2 and 3.
(Diksha Do id313098346245644288151)
Segment 1. (Three butterflies…..them curiously
Model reading by the teacher:
Teacher reads the text aloud in British
accent twice at the normal story telling
speed with the proper stress and intonation.
( for British accent use
Echo reading
Teacher reads the text again and let the
students repeat.
Individual Reading by the students:
Teacher asks the children to read the text up
to their par. Teacher prompts whenever
necessary. Supportive reading by the teacher
Teacher gives the meaning of difficult words
supports the children by analyzing and
explaining the text to understand it.
Segment 2. (Hello sunflower….like pebbles
the butterflies)
Model reading by the teacher: Do the Worksheet 1.4 and 1.5 an in
Teacher reads the text aloud in British the workbook in page no.4 and 5.
accent twice at the normal story telling
speed with the proper stress and intonation.

Echo reading
Teacher r text again and let the eads the
students repeat.
Individual Reading by the students:
Teacher asks the children to read the text
up to their par. Teacher prompts whenever
Supportive reading by the teacher
Teacher gives the meaning of difficult words
and supports the children by analyzing and
explaining the text to understand it.

Segment 3. (Then the butterflies saw…. Do the Worksheet 1.6 and 1.7 an in
Replied the white lily) the workbook in page no.6 and 7.
Model reading by the teacher:
Teacher reads the text aloud in British
accent twice at the normal story telling
speed with the proper stress and intonation.

Echo reading
Teacher reads the text again and let the
students repeat.
Individual Reading by the students:
Teacher asks the children to read the text
up to their par. Teacher prompts whenever
Supportive reading by the teacher
Teacher gives the meaning of difficult words
and supports the children by analyzing and
explaining the text to understand it.
Segment 4. (The butterflies were…. Sleep
together) Do the Worksheet 1.8 and 1.9 in the workbook
Model reading by the teacher: in page no.8 and 9.
Teacher reads the text aloud in British accent
twice at the normal story telling speed with
the proper stress and intonation.

Echo reading
Teacher reads the text again and let the
students repeat.
Individual Reading by the students:
Teacher asks the children to read the text up
to their par. Teacher prompts whenever
Supportive reading by the teacher
Teacher gives the meaning of difficult words and
supports the children by analyzing and explaining
the text to understand it.

Vocabulary Children finds the plural forms of the given Do the Worksheet 1.10 in the workbook in page
Teacher explains singular and plural with the singulars.( Activity 3) no.10.
given from the textbook and asks children in Do the activity 4 in the textbook.
groups to do the activity 3 in page number 5
of textbook.
Grammar Do the Worksheet 1.11 in the workbook in page
Find the material nouns given in the
Teacher interacts with the children in order to sentences.(Activity 5) no.11.
recall what is noun and the types of nouns like
proper and common nouns. Teacher uses the
given text and makes the children understand
the material noun.
Conventions of writing.
After reading the given passage teacher makes Do the activity 6 in the textbook. Do the Worksheet 1.12 in the workbook in page
the children to find places of the full stop, no.12.
comma and question mark. Do the worksheet 1.14 in workbook in page no.14.
Teacher explains the uses of these punctuation Do the Worksheet 1.15 and 1.16 in the
marks with help of the pictures given in page workbook in page no.15 and 16. (Teacher help
number 8. the students in doing so.)
Teacher explains and helps the children to do Do the activity 7 in the textbook.
the activity 7

Listening and Responding

Teacher reads the conversation between a Listen to the conversation and answer the
butterfly and a caterpillar given in the textbook question.
in page number 10.and let the children
comprehend by posing the question given in
activity 8.

Role play:
Teacher demonstrates the usage of can and Role play given in the activity 9.
may to ask permissions with suitable examples
and makes the children to role play the given
activity in activity 9

Language game.
Language game.
Teacher explains the way to play the game.
He sometimes prompts the children.

Class 5

Pre reading : Do the worksheet 1.1 in the workbook in page

Teacher asks the children to open their English number 1.
textbooks at page no 1 and asks the children Observe the pre reading picture.
to observe the picture.
Later teacher reads the incitation and asks
the students what it is about.
Teacher poses some questions given under the
pre reading.
Records the sentences like there are two girls
in the picture. One of them has an umbrella.
Etc., Uses the questions to get comprehension.
Segment 1. (Today is …. Was differently abled.) Do the worksheet 1.2 and 1.3 in the workbook
Model reading by the teacher: in page numbers 2and 3.
Teacher reads the text aloud in British accent Answer the questions.
twice at the normal story telling speed with 1.What was Mallika been waiting for?
the proper stress and intonation. 2.Where did Mallika’s family reside?
Echo reading 3.Why was it difficult for Mallika to reach school?
Teacher reads the text again and let the
students repeat.
Individual Reading by the students:
Teacher asks the children to read the text up
to their par. Teacher prompts whenever
Supportive reading by the teacher
Teacher gives the meaning of difficult words and
supports the children by analyzing and explaining
the text to understand it.
Segment 2. (Right from …..he asked..) Answer the following questions.
Model reading by the teacher: 1.How was Mallika different from others?
Teacher reads the text aloud in British accent 2.Have you ever seen such differently abled
twice at the normal story telling speed with persons? Do the worksheet 1.4 in the workbook in page
the proper stress and intonation. 3.Collect the names some of the eminent number 4.
Echo reading differently abled persons who are experts in
Teacher reads the text again and let the their
students repeat. fields.
Individual Reading by the students:
Teacher asks the children to read the text up
to their par. Teacher prompts whenever
Supportive reading by the teacher
Teacher gives the meaning of difficult words and
supports the children by analyzing and explaining
the text to understand it.
Segment 3. (I have never… path for Mallika.)
Model reading by the teacher:
Answer the following question.
Teacher reads the text aloud in British accent 1. What astonished Rang very much?
twice at the normal story telling speed with Do the worksheet 1.5 in the workbook in page
the proper stress and intonation. number 5.
Echo reading
Teacher reads the text again and let the
students repeat.
Individual Reading by the students:
Teacher asks the children to read the text up
to their par. Teacher prompts whenever
Supportive reading by the teacher
Teacher gives the meaning of difficult words and
supports the children by analyzing and explaining
the text to understand it.

Segment 4. (That’s good idea…...in excitement.)

Model reading by the teacher: Answer the following questions. Do the worksheet 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8in the
Teacher reads the text aloud in British accent 1). How did Ranga help Mallika? workbook in page numbers 6, 7 and 8. Do
twice at the normal story telling speed with
the proper stress and intonation. 2). What does this tell you about? the II of Activity 2.
Do the activity 3 and activity 4 from the
Echo reading Do the worksheet 1.9 and 1.10 in the workbook
Teacher reads the text again and let the in page numbers 9 and 10.
students repeat.
Individual Reading by the students:
Teacher asks the children to read the text up
to their par. Teacher prompts whenever
Supportive reading by the teacher
Teacher gives the meaning of difficult words and
supports the children by analyzing and explaining
the text to understand it.


Teacher recalls the noun and different nouns Do the worksheet 1.11 in the workbook in page
like common, proper and material noun. Do the activity 5 from the textbook. number 11.
And explains the collective noun with the proper Do the activity 6 from the textbook and make
examples. the meaningful sentences from the substitution
Grammar table.
Teacher explains the usage of simple present
tense contextually by explain the daily routine.
Writing /Conventions of writing: Do the activity 7 from the textbook. Do the worksheet 1.12 in the workbook in
page number 12.
Teacher makes the children recall the
usage punctuation marks which are learnt Children to prepare a poster in groups on
in the previous lessons. ‘HAND WASH PROGRAMME’ with the help of
Now he explains the use of ‘APOSTORPHE’ the clues given and takes help of the teacher.
with the help of the suitable examples
taking from the reading text. Do the activity 8 from the textbook. Do the worksheet 1.13 in the workbook in
Teacher presents the poster in the activity 8 page number 13.
Do the worksheet 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16 in the
and helps makes the students comprehend Do the activity 9 from the textbook. workbook in page numbers 14, 15 and 16.
the poster with help of the questions for
comprehension given.
And asks the children to prepare a poster
Teacher explains how Nandu wrote a leave
to his class teacher. He also explains the
leave letter format and makes the children Children role play the dialogues given in
activity 10.
to write a leave letter with the help of the
hints given in activity 9.
Role play
Teacher reads the conversation between
Ranga and Mallika given in the textbook in Do the activity 12.
page number 16.and let the children role
play it.

Listening input.
Teacher reads the conversation between
Ranga and the Headmaster and asks some
questions to make the children comprehend. Play the language game following the rules.

Language game.

Teacher explains the way to play the game.

He sometimes prompts the children.
(Activity 13)
12.Check For Understanding Questions:
1.Factual: 1. Who is Tenali Ramakrishna?
2.How many butterflies are there in the garden?
3.Where did the Mallika’s family reside?
2.Open Ended / Critical Thinking:
1.What would have been happened if Tenali Ramakrishna had not
seen the thieves?
2.If you were the sunflower/lily, what would you do?
3.How do you help the differently abled persons?

2. Student Practice Questions & Activities (Exercises from workbook /

textbooks/ blackboard)
(Think of what children SAY, DO and MAKE while learning that can form the evidence
of learning to be used for assessment).

1.Circle the lowercase and upper case letters from the news papers.
2.Collect the pictures of games and sports from the games page of a news paper.
3.Rephrase the Tenali Rama and the thieves in your own words.
4.Write the dialogues and enact the three butter flies.
5.Collect the pictures differently abled celebrities (actors/ singers/ sport persons/
political leaders)and tell a few sentences about them.



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