3rd Psychology Assignment by Hitesh
3rd Psychology Assignment by Hitesh
3rd Psychology Assignment by Hitesh
Adjustment Psychology
3rd Assignment
Name & Reg - Hitesh Singhvi, 20BDJN001
Course - B.Des. Jewellery & Manufacturing
Section A
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. A
Section B
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Hitesh Singhvi, 20BDJN001
2. Belief is an unchallenged acceptance that a statement is true or that
something exists. For example, a belief could be that everything always
turns out all right.
Section C
1. Locus of control is the extent to which you feel you have control over
events that impact your life. Types of locus of control are:
• Internal
• Are more likely to take responsibility for their actions
• Often do better at tasks when they are allowed to work at their own
• External
• Blame outside forces for their circumstances
• Don't believe that they can change their situation through their own
e orts
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Hitesh Singhvi, 20BDJN001
1. AWARE — becoming conscious of your current/old self. In this step,
you rst discover your beliefs that are in con ict with the change you
desire to bring in your life, and then become aware of how you
operate (i.e. think, feel, and act) out of these beliefs.
• Get juicy about the details and list 3–5 great things that will come true
with the unfolding of this future event.
• Now visualise yourself in the future event and notice how you would
feel and how you would behave as your new self.
Section D
1. Attitudes, beliefs, and values are closely related concepts that in uence
our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. They play a signi cant role in
shaping our perceptions, decision-making, and interactions with others.
Attitudes refer to our overall evaluations or feelings towards a particular
person, object, or idea. They can be positive, negative, or neutral and
can be in uenced by our experiences, social norms, and cultural
background. For example, if we have a positive attitude towards
exercise, we may be more likely to engage in physical activities regularly.
Beliefs, on the other hand, refer to our acceptance or conviction of the
truth or existence of something. They can be based on our personal
experiences, education, or cultural background. For example, if we
believe that smoking is harmful to our health, we may avoid smoking or
discourage others from smoking. Values refer to our fundamental
principles or standards that guide our behaviour and decision-making.
They re ect what we consider important or desirable in life and can be
in uenced by our cultural, religious, or personal beliefs. For example, if
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Hitesh Singhvi, 20BDJN001
we value honesty, we may prioritise telling the truth even in di cult
situations. The impact of attitudes, beliefs, and values on behaviour can
be signi cant. They can in uence our motivation to act, the choices we
make, and the way we interact with others. For example, if we have a
positive attitude towards education and believe that it is valuable, we
may be more motivated to study and achieve academic success.
Similarly, if we value kindness and respect, we may be more likely to treat
others with empathy and consideration. In summary, attitudes, beliefs,
and values are important factors that shape our thoughts, feelings, and
behaviours. By understanding their impact, we can better understand
ourselves and others, and make positive changes in our lives.
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