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Deck of Monsters

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Deck of Monsters

This deck contains 53 monster cards for use

with Monster of the Week. The cards are easily
used as is or can be modified and fleshed out
into multi-episode antagonists. Many of the
monsters will have irregular designs. Harm 1
monsters are usually puzzle/mystery focused
rather than ass kicking focused.

The Deck was made by BPB Games with

permission from Generic Games.

Kat Carty, Kyle Carty, Lauren Parnagian

Armando Ayala, Gauntes, Kimarie Jude,
Leona Kang, Matt Pierce, Michael Plondaya

Funded on Kickstarter thanks to 184 backers!

@bpbgames on Twitter
Content Warnings
Several entries in the Deck of Monsters contain
light body horror, but we’ve kept the gore to
almost non-existent levels.
Beanngair: Blood, needles, blood transfusion
Chuck Byron: Medical abuse (implied)
Edith: Spiders
Haunted Doll: Child abuse (implied)
Headmaster Winthrupe: Pornography (non-explicit)
Homewrecker: Infidelity
The Liesmith’s Maw: Light body horror,
Skelborda: Potential trypophobia
Skitterbug: Spiders

Always remember to make sure EVERYONE at

the table is comfortable with the themes you’re
going to be exploring, even if they’re not on
this list. Defining Lines and Veils is also a good
idea, even if you’re just looking to goof off. It
takes like five minutes and can help players,
new and old, feel more comfortable.
Harm: 15 harm

Monster Type: Executioner (motivation: to

bring justice at the request of its summoner)
Powers: Incorporeal. Phases through walls.
Knows where its quarry is at all times. Cannot be
harmed by mundane weaponry.
Attacks: Spectral Blade: 2-harm balanced close
Armour: Spectral mail: 1-armour.
Weakness: Can only be summoned to kill the
guilty. If summoned to kill an innocent it will kill
its summoner. Will not harm the innocent unless
they protect the guilty. Can be banished with a
Custom Moves: Soul Judgement: When it kills
someone guilty, it drags their soul to somewhere
worse than hell, making retrieval or revival
Arbiter Spirit

A spirit of justice and revenge summoned by

individuals to kill those who have escaped
punishment in our broken “justice” system. While
overwhelmingly powerful, they know the truth of
any injustice and will not slay the innocent. Most
Hunters prefer to simply weather the storm and
stay out of the way of an Arbiter Spirit due to their
obscene martial prowess and supernatural abilities.
Harm: 10 harm

Monster Type: Tempter (motivation: to tempt

people into subconsciously reenacting famous
Powers: Flies on curtain wings. Psionic powers.
Luck manipulation. Can make people reenact
famous plays without them realizing.
Attacks: Mishap: 2-harm area ignore-armour.
Armour: Prop armour: 1-armour.
Weakness: Theatrical superstitions, such as
saying Macbeth three times on stage or its Ghost
Light being covered. Saying “break a leg” to it
gives Hunters +1 ongoing. Directly interfering
with the play enrages and confuses it.
Custom Moves: Curtain Call: It can force
normal people into unwittingly acting out
famous plays. For example, it might arrive in
a town and arrange for two lovers from rival
families to meet and thus begin a Romeo and
Juliet inspired tragedy.

It arrives in towns it views as lacking in culture.

A split mask of Tragedy and Comedy on its face,
this physically imposing creature skulks behind
the scenes draped in rotting stage curtains. It
psionically manipulates people into performing
famous plays over the course of several days, filling
in the narrative gaps as it sees fit. Pray it does not
decide to direct Hamlet in your town.
Harm: 1 harm

Monster Type: Parasite (motivation: to infest homes)

Powers: Killing one turns it to dangerous dust
that infects lungs and draws other Basket Eaters,
who then eat the dust. Capturing it causes it to
cocoon itself and emerge as a vastly more dangerous
monster. Travel in massive infestations. Very small
and, thus, are hard to hit.
Attacks: Die: 2-harm area barrier close ignore-
armour magic. Only occurs when a Basket Eater is
Armour: None.
Weakness: Submerging a Basket Eater in water
and then sealing the resulting sludge in an air tight
container with a drop of pool cleaner destroys the
Basket Eater safely. However, the sludge can and will
stain and is literally impossible to scrub out.
Custom Moves: Death of Dirt: Whenever the
Basket Eater dies, its Die attack activates as it
explodes into a tiny pile of magical powder. This
powder draws other Basket Eaters in a 10-mile
radius and, in high enough volumes, is deadly to
human lungs.
Basket Eaters

Where there’s one there’s surely more. This

common household pest goes unseen by most,
though curious children often think of them as
a wall-dwelling fey that borrows things. In truth,
a Basket Eater infestation is a hazard to entire
neighborhoods and must be safely dealt with by
professional Hunters. Hasty action by the unaware
only makes the situation far more dire.
Harm: 9 harm

Monster Type: Breeder (motivation: to create

more Beanngair and free itself )
Powers: Stealthy. Needle-like claws. Can climb
walls. Can swap its form with a victim’s.
Attacks: Transfusion Claw: 2-harm hand messy
Armour: Pustules: 1-armour.
Weakness: Must clean up after each blood
transfusion to remain undetected. Rubbing
alcohol. Laundry detergent. Sunlight.

Custom Moves: Exposure: If a person attempts

to Protect Someone against the Beanngair but
misses, they suffer exposure to the Beanngair
illness. If not cured within 24 hours, they begin
the irreversible process of becoming another

This sickly creature is the most recent in a lineage

of monstrous infections that transfer from victim
to victim. They steal away into healthy homes in
the dead of night and begin a weeks long process
of swapping its blood for that of its victim. Upon
completion, the Beanngair assumes the form of its
victim, and the victim becomes the next Beanngair.
Harm: 9 harm

Monster Type: Torturer (motivation: to prevent

restful sleep)
Powers: Magic bell that causes nightmares.
Feeds on exhaustion. Invisible.
Attacks: Magic Bell: 2-harm area far ignore-
armour magic.
Armour: None.
Weakness: Must continuously ring bell when
bestowing nightmares. Can be tracked by sound.
Can be made visible by ringing a bell with a
relative pitch of a tritone of its own (such as it
ringing a G and the Hunter ringing D#).
Custom Moves: Nightmare Herald: The
Bellringer can bestow nightmares. Sleeping
Hunters targeted by the Bellringer must roll
+Weird. On a success, they have a difficult
slumber. On a 7-9, they take 1 harm from
exhaustion. On a miss, they take 1 harm and lose
one Luck. All Luck taken in this way is returned
if the Bellringer is killed.

Bellringers are said to come from another world

and serve as the first wave of a monstrous invasion.
By denying humans of restful slumber, they
become irritable, ill, or sullen. Who they serve
is unknown, but these invisible otherworldly
monsters swear absolute loyalty to another entity.
What, specifically, this entity is has yet to be
discovered by modern Hunters.
Harm: 14 harm

Monster Type: Beast (motivation: to run wild in

the mines and nearby town)
Powers: Echolocation. Evoking sympathy. Sharp
claws. Inhuman strength.
Attacks: Claws: 3-harm hand messy.
Armour: Feathers: 1-armour.
Weakness: Avocado leaves. Apple seeds.

Custom Moves: Tracking Trill: The Canary in

the Coal Mine developed a unique way to hunt
in the mine. It can make loud chirps that help
it hunt. If a creature is close enough to hear the
chirps, the Canary knows they are there.
The Canary in the Coal Mine

At the urging of the company, the man and the

canary ventured deeper into the mine. When the
cave-in happened they were stranded, dying from
asphyxiation an eternity later. Their bodies were
never recovered and the shaft was abandoned in
favor of another. Though, if you asked the miners, the
shaft was abandoned because of all the mysterious
disappearances. Before long the entire mine was filled
with only the sounds of grotesque gurgling chirps.
Harm: 5 harm

Monster Type: Trickster (motivation: to play pranks

and create chaos)
Powers: When motionless it is indistinguishable
from a normal, child shaped lawn ornament.
Incredibly stealthy. Work in groups of 3 to 4.
Physically powerful and durable. Can fit into small
Attacks: Punch/kick: 2-harm intimate messy.
Armour: Magic concrete body: 3-armour.
Weakness: Only active at night. Must return to
where their owner placed them before the sun rises.
Successfully playing a prank on a Concrete Child
causes it to laugh until it explodes.
Custom Moves: Chaotic Prank: When it has time
to set-up and wants to play a prank, roll +Cool.
On a 10+ you see the prank coming a mile away
and avoid it. On a 7-9, you miss the prank but
react in time to avoid being seriously harmed. You
take -1 forward for the rest of the day from your
jostled nerves. On a miss, the prank was incredibly
dangerous and you take 1-harm ignore-armour.
Concrete Children

These congregations of cement or pewter creatures appear

as mundane lawn decorations shaped like children. In
reality, Concrete Children replace mundane decorations
and work to create chaos in a given neighborhood. They
don’t actively seek to harm or kill, but they often forget
just how fragile a human can be. Some say that their tiny
whispers can drive a person mad. Others believe the only
way to destroy these durable pranksters is to pull one over
on them. They congregate in groups of two to four.
Harm: 5 harm

Monster Type: Devourer (motivation: to consume

people after toying with them)
Powers: Mind reading. Shapeshifting. Its body
is a gigantic fanged mouth. Very conversational.
Ephemeral while shapeshifted. Revives if improperly
Attacks: Big Bite: 4-harm intimate messy.
Armour: None.
Weakness: Pictures of the real childhood friend.
The potential victim accusing them of not being
the real childhood friend and knowing that is true.
Not ephemeral while attempting to feed and for two
hours after.
Custom Moves: Fast Face Change: When
someone attempts to strike a Childhood Friend,
the monster quickly changes it face to that
of their assailant’s most beloved friend from
their youth. All Kick Some Ass rolls against a
Childhood Friend suffer -1 forward.
Childhood Friend

A psychic shapeshifter that takes the form of its

victim’s deceased childhood friend, this monster
relishes twisted emotional agony. It does its best to
earn the victims trust, often lingering for only a few
moments in the beginning while steadily increasing
their contact. In the end, they attempt to lure the
bewitched victim to a secluded place where it splits
into a massive maw and devours them.
Harm: 12 harm

Monster Type: Executioner (motivation: to

punish medical cruelty)
Powers: Is a skeleton. Eventually reassembles if
broken apart.
Attacks: Bony Backhand: 2-harm forceful hand.
Armour: Bones: 1-armour.
Weakness: Receiving a proper burial, even if not
in a proper graveyard, puts Chuck’s soul to rest.

Custom Moves: Do No Harm: Chuck is

incapable of harming those who have not
partaken in medical cruelty, unless they attack
him first. His attacks against those that have,
however, deal +5 harm.
Chuck Byron

Chuck Byron lived a good life. Unfortunately,

his grave was defiled by British doctors and his
skeleton was taken as a medical prop without his
consent. Eventually, the skeleton grew tired of its
mistreatment by the doctoral community. It has
now come to life and wants nothing more than to
punish doctors and students.
Harm: 20 harm

Monster Type: Queen (motivation: to force humans

to play its games)
Powers: Remove memories from participants.
Grants wishes to winners. Weaves complex murder
mysteries. Has many minions. Cannot be harmed
by current participants. Can replicate facsimiles of
other monsters. Can fly. Is a big wooden boat.
Attacks: None.
Armour: Wooden Hull: 4-armour.
Weakness: If a mortal wins the game the ship must
grant their wish, including undoing all of the death
caused by a game. There is one escape hatch in the
bottom of the ship. It can be destroyed if a person
escapes the ship and burns its real form.
Custom Moves: The Game Begins: The Ciravel
creates games, usually murder mysteries, that
must be played and won by willing participants
who have had their memory of agreeing to play
wiped. The Ciravel can create Locations of any
type and form inside of itself.

The mysterious Ciravel is one of the most popular

myths amongst Hunters from all walks of life. It is
said to fly over towns and even cities and teleport
unwitting participants to its deck before forcing
them to solve a nightmarish murder mystery. The
worst aspect, however, is its ability to implant a false
memory of the victim choosing to participate in this
deadly game. None have proven its existence.
Harm: 11 harm

Monster Type: Breeder (motivation: to create

new clavodors)
Powers: Organic, retractable spikes growing
from hole in palms. Superhuman speed. Undead.
Attacks: Spike: 3-harm hand ignore-armour
restraining wood.
Armour: Supernatural toughness: 1-armour.
Weakness: Pulling the original stake out of its
body kills it. The stake can only be pulled out
with a 10+ on a Kick Some Ass or Act Under
Pressure roll by someone who knows this
weakness. Afraid of the sound of hammering.
Custom Moves: Nailed to the Wall: If a Hunter
misses on a Kick Some Ass roll, the Clavodor can
stake the Hunter to the wall.

A monster with long stakes that grow out of its

palms and can be fired, as if from a piston. The
name roughly means “The Nailer” or “One Who
Nails.” It can impale or nail victims to walls, trees,
and other objects with these stakes. Some killed in
this way arise as new Clavodors if they aren’t found
and given a proper burial.
Harm: 2 harm

Monster Type: Executioner (motivation: to get

revenge on their murderer or their descendants)
Powers: Possession. Looks creepy.
Attacks: None.
Armour: Is a Tree: 3-armour.
Weakness: Axes. Fire. Very strong wings.
Normal tree weaknesses.

Custom Moves: Digested Revenge: Any human

that consumes fruit from the Tree becomes
possessed. Possessed humans seek out the
person who murdered the victim buried beneath
the tree or their descendants, and attempt to kill
Corpse Fruit Tree

When someone is killed and buried beneath a fruit

bearing tree, sometimes its next harvest of fruit is
bumpy and resembles crude faces. People who eat
the fruit become possessed by the spirit haunting
the tree and try to kill the original murderer. What
throws most Hunters off is that a victim only
remains possessed until they pass the fruit they ate.
Harm: 9 harm

Monster Type: Devourer (motivation: to eat

three people every five years)
Powers: Amphibious. Giant claws. Powerful
swimmer. Thick carapace.
Attacks: Claws: 4-harm forceful hand heavy
messy restraining.
Armour: Thick chitin: 2-armour.
Weakness: Must return to its lair after feeding
on three people for exactly five years. Cannot go
further than three miles from its lair beneath a
crabbing bridge. Will charge at ANYTHING that
falls in the water.
Custom Moves: Terrifying Scream: When it
screams loudly, all Hunters that can hear it roll
+Cool. On a 10+, the Hunter remains calm. On a
7-9, the Hunter takes 1-harm ignore-armour. On
a miss, the Hunter takes 1-harm ignore-armour
and is temporarily deafened.
The Beast of Crabber's Bridge

A hulking monstrosity, the Beast of Crabber’s

Bridge towers over humans with its thick chitin
plating, frothing, mandibled mouth, and massive,
crushing claws. It slumbers for five years at a time
and only wakes to consume. After half a decade,
it rises from the depths of the river to hunt and
devour three humans over one week before
returning to sleep.
Harm: 1 harm.

Monster Type: Beast (motivation: to destroy

Powers: Can form on any manufactured surface
(the more refined the stronger the manifestation).
Causes manufactured objects to become unstable
or dangerous. Can transfer itself to nearby surfaces.
Has no true body. Can possess mortal flesh to
manifest directly in our world. Violence will not
help you.
Attacks: Creaking Doom: 3-harm area close
destructive loud messy.
Great Consumption: 1-harm ignore-armour far magic.
Armour: None.
Weakness: Cannot escape, manipulate, or move
through natural terrain. A Big Magic ritual to bind it,
thus allowing it to be harmed. Getting it to consume
non-living matter.
Custom Moves: In the Cracks: Whenever someone
notices the Fissure King’s presence, the Fissure
King can allow one of its rat-like minions (Assassin)
to slip through a crack and enter our reality.
The Fissure King

The cracks are forming. Hunters of the past

sealed the Fissure King in the stolen memory of
an old children’s show VHS tape. However, time
has passed and it has been released. The King’s
presence causes literal cracks in reality that weep
horrid static and hide skittering nightmares. It will
stop at nothing to consume the concept of society.
Harm: 9 harm

Monster Type: Queen (motivation: to control its

Powers: Hypnotizes children if viewed through
a screen. Cartoon physique. Psionic vocal
Attacks: A Great Big Hug!: 3-harm forceful
intimate messy restraining.
Armour: Cartoonish Body: 3-armour.
Weakness: Children being mean to her. Being
recorded while she’s being a bad influence for
kids, you know, like when she’s trying to murder
Custom Moves: Cartoon Logic: When Dr.
Cuddlesworth PhD. is in a scene, the laws of
physics break. They are instead replaced by the
laws of cartoons. Holes become tunnels, anvils
simply stretch you out, etc.
Dr. Cuddlesworth PhD.

“Dr. Cuddlesworth PhD.’s Fun-Time Hospital” is a

wildly popular children’s show with a dark secret.
The adorable monster-doctor is actually a very real
monster and not just someone in a suit. She wants
nothing more than to dominate the minds of her
childish audience to sustain her corporeal form
and summon her full might into the mortal world.
Harm: 7 harm

Monster Type: Parasite (motivation: to spread

through high society)
Powers: Human hostages and minions. Magical
durability. Can manipulate mundane cloth.
Attacks: Constricting Thread: 1-harm barrier
hand many quick restraining useful.
Armour: Enchanted cloth: 2-armour.
Weakness: Fire, especially magical fire.
Concentrated fabric softener. Bleach.
Custom Moves: Fashion Monster: The Thread
of the Cloth God can manipulate the threads
of clothes, even those worn by Hunters. Anyone
wearing clothing made with organic threads,
such as cotton, wool, or hemp, suffers -1 ongoing
on all rolls while in its presence. Clothes made
without threads or with inorganic threads,
like leather (organic but threadless) or nylon
(inorganic threads), do not impart this penalty.
Nudity also ignores this penalty, but presents
other issues.
Thread of the Cloth God

In ages long past, ancient Hunters destroyed

a monster made of corrupted cloth. However,
threads of its fabric body survived. In the present
day, these threads weave themselves into elegant
clothes, such as dresses and suits. Infected clothes
steal the life force of their wearer and eventually
take control of their body. Most popular fashion
designers have already been dominated by threads.
Harm: 13 harm

Monster Type: Queen (motivation: to gatekeep

music and the arts)
Powers: Steal musical talent from those it deems
“unworthy.” Create painful sounds that burst
eardrums. Feels no pain. Demonic body. Is rich.
Attacks: Cacophony of Pain: 4-harm area far
ignore armour loud unreliable. Can only apply 2
harm at most to a single target.
Armour: Hollow Demonic Body: 1-armour.
Weakness: Music from holy instruments.
Successfully securing arts program funding for
public schools.
Custom Moves: Hear Me and Despair: A
Demon of the Strings can steal the musical
talent from anyone that hears it play music, and
give it to someone they “deem worthy”. Those
that suffer from this curse take -4 ongoing any
time they attempt to play music until the Demon
of the Strings is destroyed or banished. Those
that benefit gain +4 ongoing until its demise.
Demon of the Strings

Also known as “Elitist Demons” or “Gatekeeper

Demons,” a Demon of the Strings passes judgement
on any who would attempt to break into the musical
world of the upper crust. Known for their bigotry in
all of its forms, they see themselves as right and just
while they “protect” the “purity” and “legacy” of the
arts. Through their theft of talent, they believe they are
serving a greater good. They are not.
Harm: 11 harm.

Monster Type: Devourer (motivation: to lure and

consume prey)
Powers: Can manipulate her gossamer threads to
produce any sounds imaginable. Paralytic poison in
her bite. Climbs walls. Can hold breath underwater
for hours. Extremely strong.
Attacks: Threads: 1-harm area barrier far forceful
Venomous Bite: 2-harm life-drain intimate messy
restraining useful.
Armour: Dense Musculature: 1-armour
Weakness: Fire burns her threads. The smell of
alcohol. Iron oxide powder.
Custom Moves: Eerie Thread: Whenever Edith
uses her threads to produce sounds or voices, any
Hunter that hears it must roll +Cool. On a 10+, they
realize that something’s wrong with the sound. On a
7-9, they get a bad feeling about the situation. If they
choose to find the source of the sound, they mark an
experience. On a miss, they think something is amiss
or someone needs their help right now.

“Stay out of the sewer tunnels” is good advice for any

curious kid, but municipal workers who accidentally
discover Edith’s lair are not so fortunate. Less fortune
are those she hunts. She lures them in with curious
sounds that awaken a primal need to help others. A
sobbing voice and the wailing of an abandoned baby
are her favorites. She’s on her prey before her victims
realize they’re the one who actually needs help.
Harm: 1 harm

Monster Type: Collector (motivation: to steal

attention from everything else)
Powers: Inhuman cuteness. Can draw all
attention to itself. Cannot be harmed with
violence due to the alien nature of its body.
Attacks: None.
Armour: None.
Weakness: Cannot actually harm anything.
Is unaware that its attention hogging causes
trouble. Will starve without attention.

Custom Moves: Pay Attention to Me!: Whenever

a Hunter rolls a 7-9 on any check while it can
see an Eyes on Me, the Hunter takes -2 forward.
On a miss, the Hunter loses their next turn and
must pay undivided attention to the Eyes on Me,
even if there is another, much more dangerous,
monster present. Most non-Hunters have their
attention drawn automatically.
Eyes on Me

An Eyes on Me is a dangerous, technically harmless,

monster that draws attention to itself at inopportune
times. With the appearance of anything living and
adorable, it forcefully draws the attention of people during
critical moments. These lapses often cause accidents. Car
crashes, falling off of ladders, slipping with a power tool,
or allowing a child to wander off are but some possibilities.
Fueled by attention, an Eyes on Me may not be aware
of the cost it extracts. They are often followed by other
monsters who use the Eyes on Me as a tool to hunt.
Harm: 8 harm

Monster Type: Torturer (motivation: to

embarrass and feed on children and teens)
Powers: Reads minds. Shapeshifter. Feeds on
embarrassment. Can literally embarrass someone
to death.
Attacks: Bad Puns: 1-harm far ignore-armour
life-drain magic secondhand embarrassment.
Armour: None.
Weakness: People genuinely laughing at its jokes
or actions. Needs to feed at least twice a day.

Custom Moves: Secondhand Embarrassment:

Being around a Fellow Kid can cause a person
to suffer embarrassment by proxy. When the
Fellow Kid makes a particularly poor pun or joke,
Hunters that hear it must roll +Cool. On a 10+,
the Hunter is unharmed. On a 7-9, the Hunter
is embarrassed for the Fellow Kid and suffers
-1 forward. On a miss, the Hunter suffers -1
ongoing on all rolls made in the presence of the
Fellow Kid.
Fellow Kid

In their natural form, these changelings are large mouthed,

smiling creatures with a silver-sheen skin. However, few
have ever seen the true form of a Fellow Kid. When these
shapeshifters find an angsty teen target they kill or kidnap
one of the teen’s guardians and assume their form. They
then actively work to embarrass their victim by trying to
“be cool” in a cheesy, cringe-worthy way. They feed off of
these negative emotions and eventually wear down the
victim’s mental health. Most Fellow Kids continue to feed
as emotionally compromised people “taste the best.”
Harm: 9 harm

Monster Type: Collector (motivation: to collect

good samaritans)
Powers: Adhesive filament line. Fake human
lures. Aquatic. Chitinous shell. Incredible speed.
Attacks: Garrote Line: 1-harm far forceful quick
restraining useful.
Claw: 2-harm hand messy.
Armour: Chitin: 2-armour.
Weakness: Needs a collection of good
samaritans or it starves. Violence.

Custom Moves: Take the Bait: When the Folk

Fisher casts their bait, roll +Cool. On a 10+,
you can take the bait or not. Mark experience
and take +1 forward if you do. On a 7-9, you can
take the bait or not, but only mark experience if
you do. On a miss, you take the bait and expose
yourself to danger.
Folk Fisher

An amphibious, but mostly terrestrial, bug-

and-fish like horror that dangles bait with the
appearance of a human in need, the Folk Fisher’s
sole prey are well-intentioned humans. Those who
go to help the person-bait are all but dead. Skinned
knees, drowning swimmers, or crying loners are
preferred lures.
Harm: 11 harm

Monster Type: Devourer (motivation: eating

people who try to get its precious prizes)
Powers: Sticky and stretchy hands, super bouncy
balls to throw and trip, sound and light maker toy
distractions. Non-corporeal entity possessing a
metal object.
Attacks: Toy: 1-harm many (see Toys of Terror).
Armour: Tin Frame: 1-armour.
Weakness: Needs quarters to live. Emptying its
quarter holding organ causes it to starve.

Custom Moves: Toys of Terror: The GachaGeist

can give its Toy attack 3 different tags each time
it causes harm. Each increase in harm counts as
its own tag. The tags must be appropriate to the
toy being used. For example, a sticky hand would
have far, forceful, and restraining while jacks
would have 3-harm and area.

A nasty little gachapon possessed with a malicious

and greedy intellect, the GachaGeist gained sentience
and sapience and chose to be evil. Common in pizza
parlors, outside supermarkets, or in arcades, this
monster covets its precious capsule-contained goodies
and becomes very aggressive when someone tries to
legally purchase one. Capable of dragging itself along
the ground via sticky hand, this monster can become a
dangerous, but extremely out of place, stalker.
Harm: 12 harm.

Monster Type: Torturer (motivation: to stalk the

halls and kill those it finds)
Powers: Is a hyper-advanced AI animatronic.
Can upgrade itself if it can find appropriate
materials. Immense strength. Feels no pain.
Extremely durable. Can see all things that the
school’s security cameras can see at all times.
Attacks: School Spirit Smash: 3-harm close
messy slow.
Armour: Literally a Robot: 3-armour.
Weakness: Very slow. Computer viruses. Cannot
see anything the school security cameras cannot
see. Throwing a lot of dirt in his joints.
Custom Moves: None.
Gerry the Beaver

The abandoned technical high school had a tragic

accident caused by a gas leak, right? Wrong. The
cover-up for what happened when the robotics
club activated their automaton mascot project
hides the sinister truth for why the school closed
down. Gerry the Beaver has become a popular
urban legend and many kids who were dared to
explore the old school never returned.
Harm: 3 harm.

Monster Type: Parasite (motivation: to petrify

players, enter our world, and turn it all to stone)
Powers: Regenerates after being destroyed. If you
lose at the game, you slowly begin to turn to stone. If
it tips and falls on you you’re probably dead because
it’s made of stone. Once it has claimed enough
victim statues it becomes powerful enough to enter
our world through a portal in the cabinet’s screen.
Attacks: None.
Armour: None.
Weakness: Beating the game. Lifting the curse on
the cabinet. Exorcising the spirit haunting the game.
Plugging the cabinet in on blessed grounds.
Custom Moves: If You Die in the Game: Any
time someone gets a Game Over in GROTESQUE,
they begin to petrify and suffer -1 ongoing until
GROTESQUE is destroyed. They also have the
inescapable desire to play GROTESQUE at all time.
This penalty is cumulative and, upon reaching a -3
penalty, the player turns to stone.

This beat-em-up arcade cabinet is a towering machine

carved from stone to resemble a mash-up of a gargoyle
and a normal 80’s arcade cabinet. Its creators were
cultists worshipping a stone monstrosity from another
realm. They wanted to capitalize on the arcade craze
of the 80’s by using GROTESQUE as a way to offer up
repeated sacrifice while expanding their portfolios.
Dare you insert a quarter?
Harm: 8 harm.

Monster Type: Executioner (motivation: to kill

those who are cruel to children)
Powers: Knows if adults or adolescents have
been cruel to children. Can teleport short
distances while no one is watching. Can hex a
future victim to always know where they are.
Attacks: Blast: 1-harm far magic quick
Armour: Entropic field: 1-armour.
Weakness: Is a small doll. If the heart stone in
its torso is removed and crushed it dies. Cannot
harm those who are not cruel to children unless
they first attempt to harm it.

Custom Moves: Let’s Play: Anytime the haunted

doll attacks someone who it believes has
harmed children, it deals +3-harm against them.
Haunted Doll

It’s a haunted doll. They’re all over the place and

they creep everybody out. Maybe it’s a baby doll,
or maybe it’s a wooden puppet a child found in
the woods and brought home for some ungodly
reason. Anything can be a doll if you try hard
enough, I guess.
Harm: 10 harm

Monster Type: Beast (motivation: to kill

anything she sees)
Powers: Overwhelming strength. Undead. If
killed she returns to life next dry season. Can
cleverly use her head to allow her to see and hear
things in unusual ways. Can throw her head with
the force of a cannon.
Attacks: Hatchet: 2-harm hand messy.
Cannon Head Toss: 3-harm close forceful heavy
reload useful.
Armour: Undead physique and rusty plate mail:
Weakness: Receiving a proper burial. Only
active when her ‘grave’ is not flooded. Body can
only see what head can see.
Custom Moves: None.
Headless Jane

A warrior woman who was decapitated in battle, this

violent Jane Doe wants nothing more than to continue
to fight. Her body was left in a small lake that was
once host to a massive battle. During the wet season,
when the lake floods, she is drawn to the surface to
begin her frenzy anew. With overwhelming strength
and a built-in security camera in the form of her head,
she is both cunning and brutal.
Harm: 10 harm.

Monster Type: Collector (motivation: to steal the

ambition of young students)
Powers: Is a ghost, thus has standard ghostly
powers. Can put supernatural authority behind its
worded commands. Does not seem like the type of
person to be haunting a porno mag.
Attacks: Ghostly Switch: 2-harm balanced hand life-
drain ignore-armour quick.
Armour: None.
Weakness: Only has a Eurocentric education.
Cannot resist a good brandy. Pink salt (but only pink
salt). Burning the nudie magazine he is haunting.

Custom Moves: To the Headmaster’s Office:

Whenever Headmaster Winthrupe gives someone
a direct command, they must roll to Act Under
Pressure. On a 10+, they are too cool for school and
ignore the order. On a 7-9, they can choose to listen
or ignore the command, but they mark experience if
they choose to obey. On a miss, they have no choice
but to obey the order (unless it would kill them).
Headmaster Winthrupe

The ghostly Headmaster Winthrupe once led an

elite boarding school in the English countryside.
What no one knew, however, was that despite his
stern and serious demeanor, Winthrupe was a dirty
old man. He died with a nudie magazine clutched
in his hand, which he now haunts. Collectors of
vintage pornography often find the extremely rare
magazine too much of a collector’s item to resist.
Harm: 9 harm

Monster Type: Parasite (motivation: to blight

the forest it calls home)
Powers: Armour-like bark. Horrific stench.
Natural Camouflage.
Attacks: Splintering Strikes: 1-harm barrier hand
many restraining useful wood.
Armour: Thick Bark: 1-armour.
Weakness: Fire. Lots of water. Like, way too
much water. Axes. Herbicide.

Custom Moves: Flesh to Fertilizer: Creatures

that miss when attempting to Kick Some Ass
against the Hollowbough suffer -1 ongoing, as
its touch causes a portion of their flesh to rapidly

A simple slug-like creature that is believed to be

born of a corrupted forest spirit, a Hollowbough
seeks only one thing: to spread its own corruption
to mundane forests. The easiest way this
undulating mass of rotten wood and slimy flesh has
found to attain this goal is to use human corpses
as fertilizer.
Harm: 8-harm

Monster Type: Executioner (motivation: to punish

Powers: Knowledge of all infidelity. Can appear in
any form a victim would find desirable. Hands that
can literally rip a heart out of a ribcage. Extremely
Attacks: Claw: 4-harm intimate slow.
Armour: Magical barrier: 1-armour.
Weakness: Cannot comprehend healthy
polyamorous relationships. When confronted with
one it hurts itself in its confusion.
Custom Moves: Heart Snatcher: When the
Homewrecker kills someone who was unfaithful, it
gains their heart. Anyone who witnesses it destroy
the heart must make a +Charm check. On a 10+,
the Homewrecker’s magic has no effect and the
Hunter gains +1 forward. On a 7-9, the Hunter must
choose: do what the Homewrecker says, provided
it does not directly harm their loved ones, or take
-1 ongoing for the rest of the hunt. On a miss, the
victim must do whatever the Homewrecker says for
the next 24 hours.

A Homewrecker is both the tempter and the judge.

It seeks out infidelity and violently punishes those
who engage in such cruel actions. Whether or not
you fall for the Homewrecker’s ploy is meaningless.
It already knows you’ve done it before. However,
Homewreckers possess a deep understanding of
human empathy and easily trust what others say,
taking almost everything non-relationship
related at face value.
Harm: 8 harm

Monster Type: Tempter (motivation: bring about

wickedness with ice cream bribes)
Powers: Is a haunted ice cream truck. Can run you
over. Ice cream cannon. Has an original jingle that
isn’t steeped in racism. Addictive flavors not of this
mortal world. Flavor mascots can pull themselves
from the ads and become Minions (Brutes).
Attacks: Ice Cream Cannon/Popsicle Missile:
2-harm area far messy.
Armour: A Literal Truck: 3-armour.
Weakness: Cutting the brakes. Breaking the coolant
system. Lemon juice in the ice cream. Sugar in the
gas tank. Specific parts are more vulnerable than
others, and can cause the truck to fail.
Custom Moves: Sinfully Delicious: Anytime
someone consumes ice cream from the truck,
they become enthralled by the flavor. Hunters must
make a +Cool check. On a 10+, they know the ice
cream is delicious but also extremely cursed. On a
7-9, they are either unaffected and learn nothing
or are enthralled and learn of the curse. On a
miss, they black out and serve the truck’s will for a
narratively appropriate length of time.
Haunted Ice Cream Truck

You scream, you scream, you scream, it’s ice cream

(truck). Born of murdered scoop jockeys, from horrific
crashes, or sometimes a form assumed by demons,
Haunted Ice Cream Trucks serve up chilling tales.
You don’t pay with money at this truck. You pay by
performing favors. The first scoop is always free, and
the magical and otherworldly flavors are enough to
turn anyone into a willing servant.
Harm: 7 harm

Monster Type: Collector (motivation: to steal

the final breath from the dying)
Powers: A threshing maw. Can slip through
any crack. Terrifying scream. Acidic spit.
Attacks: Lamprey Mouth: 3-harm forceful
intimate messy.
Armour: Rubbery Cartilage: 1-armour.
Weakness: An eternal hunger. Face coverings of
any kind worn by its victims. Its own head being
placed into a tied-off or otherwise sealed sack
instantly causes it to suffocate.
Custom Moves: None.
Last Breath

As their name implies, a Last Breath’s primary

sustenance is the last breath of a dying human. Drawn
by the “savory aroma” they claim those near death
produce, a Last Breath can slip inside any building,
attach its horrific maw to a victim, and steal their
last breath. This action condemns the victim’s soul
to eternal agony in the monster’s “stomach,” though
killing a Last Breath frees all of its victims and allows
them to flee to the afterlife.
Harm: 5 harm (hosts have their own harm thresholds).

Monster Type: Trickster (motivation: to make

people tell dangerous lies)
Powers: Implants itself into hosts that use it.
Can turn any lie into a truth. Extremely skilled
conversationalist. Forces its host to lie as it chooses.
Cannot be physically destroyed. Killing a host does
not harm it.
Attacks: Sticks and Stones: 2-harm area far ignore-
armour loud useful
Armour: None (host might have armour).
Weakness: The airing of unpleasant truths, long
kept secrets, or the dissolution of long-standing
lies allow Hunters to use +Charm on attempts to
Kick Some Ass. These confessions are 1-harm close
Custom Moves: Liar, Liar: Anyone who uses
the Liesmith’s Maw is forced to tell damning and
dangerous lies at the whim of the Maw. If a Hunter
has used it, the Keeper can, at any point, speak as
the Hunter in question, forcing them to make a
Manipulate Someone check with an additional +2
forward, provided they are telling a dangerous or
manipulative lie.
The Liesmith's Maw

This small, inhuman jawbone is a powerful cursed

object that can be used by a mortal to turn any one
lie into the truth. However, the bone implants itself
in its user as a small mouth that compels them to
tell dangerous, but mundane, lies that could get
someone killed. This dishonesty spreads until at
least three have died as a result of these lies.
Harm: 5 harm

Monster Type: Destroyer (motivation: to encase

the world in its slime)
Powers: Dominate those who wear it, turning
them into Minions (Renfield). Encase them in
a physically enhancing slime. Resistant to non-
magical objects and weapons.
Attacks: Mind Shatter: 2-harm area close
ignore-armour innocuous magic quick.
Armour: Magical Marble: 3-armour.
Weakness: Magic and holy weapons. Being
stored in a sanctified container filled with salt
or rice.
Custom Moves: Fervent Following: All minions
under the command of the Maiden’s Mask deal
+1 harm magic when they cause harm.
Maiden's Mask

A stoic marble-like mask with a feminine face.

It can weep two slime-like fluids, one black and
one white, that are immiscible. Humans exposed
to this slime become loyal to the Maiden’s Mask
and worship something known as “Our Lady of
the Depths.” The Mask desires to be worn and to
spread worship and bring about the end of the
Harm: 8 harm

Monster Type: Queen (motivation: to force humans

to performs specific actions in specific places)
Powers: Can fold itself up. Completely hollow.
Made of padding and soft materials. Weirdly cute.
Weirdly creepy. Can jam people inside itself and
transport them by force.
Attacks: Put Me On: 0-harm forceful intimate quick.
Armour: Padded Body: 1-armour.
Weakness: Reasoning with it. Getting its creators
to decommission it. Throwing it in an incinerator so
that it can be destroyed beyond recognition.

Custom Moves: Stuff Someone Inside: Whenever

the Mascot Suit uses Put Me On on a person, the
victim must roll +Tough. On a 10+, they escape
without effort. On a 7-9, they can either be placed
inside with some modicum of control or escape
and take 1 harm (which cannot be reduced). On
a miss, they are jammed into the Mascot Suit and
fall unconscious until taken to the suit’s preferred
Mascot Suit

Popular in theme parks, the US Parks System in the

80’s, and Japan, these empty costumes accumulate
emotions, such as joy and frustration, before
eventually coming to life with a perverted intent to
fulfill the suit’s original purpose. Some force people
to enjoy theme parks without rest, emptying their
wallets at prefectural festivals, or anything else
related to their reason for existence.
Harm: 8 harm

Monster Type: Collector (motivation: to steal

memories in place of those it has lost)
Powers: Bladed hands. Has 5-armour while its
memento exists. People are more forgetful when
a Mori is nearby. Victims become loyal “hair
guardian” minions (Right Hands, 2 harm, 1-harm
hand attacks).
Attacks: Blades: 2-harm hand.
Armour: Spectral form: 5-armour (see
Weakness: Loses its armour if its memento
is destroyed. Can be summoned to its place of
death by calling its name aloud there. Can only
be destroyed at its place of death.
Custom Moves: Steal Memories: When it
harms someone it takes some of their memories,
starting with the most recent. When they have
no more memories they become a hair guardian.
Hunters have no more memories when all of
their Harm is filled.

Whispers of past wrong-doings, a Mori is a tragic

soul that has been twisted into a monster. With a
strong desire to collect memories to replace those
they are missing, it is said that the only way to
kill a Mori is to find an object with an important
memory they held in life, call the Mori to the
site of its death, destroy the memento, and then
destroy the Mori.
Harm: 9-harm

Monster Type: Executioner (motivation: to kill

those who take too much from nature’s bounty)
Powers: Command over mundane plants and
animals, making them into Minions (Right
Hands). Can follow any tracks or trail. Powerful
build. Massive sharp horns. Knows everything
a person has ever taken from and given back to
Attacks: Gore: 2-harm bone close forceful messy
Armour: Thick hide: 2-armour.
Weakness: A Mubida will stop hunting a target
that has truly changed and gives back to nature.
Crude oil. A lot of salt.
Custom Moves: Nature’s Summon: After it
suffers harm, the Mubida can call upon nature
to gain several flora or fauna minions of whatever
type it desires. These minions gain +1 to their
harm threshold while in the Mubida’s presence.

This horrid dog-deer monstrosity travels to

over-hunted or over-harvested areas with the
sole purpose of killing humans and stabilizing the
dangerous changes in the environment. Beloved by
animals as a protector, they often flock to its side in
aid, even if the Mubida must kill them to stabilize
the environment.
Harm: 8 harm

Monster Type: Sorcerer (motivation: to steal

youth for himself )
Powers: Spellcraft. Does a great jitterbug. Can
steal youthfulness with his magical dancing.
Attacks: Draining Dance: 3-harm area far life-
drain ignore-armour magic. Cannot deal more
than 2-harm to a single creature at a time.
Armour: None.
Weakness: Skillful dance partners. Rhythm
ruining noises. Magic nullifying spells and

Custom Moves: Dance Partner: Old Tom

can select a nearby person to be his Dance
Partner. That person takes -1 ongoing due to
their magical compulsion to dance and cannot
Protect Someone. Old Tom can only have one
Dance Partner at a time.
Old Tom

A monster created as an unintended side-effect

of someone else’s arcane ritual, Old Tom is a
wandering dancer that grooves to an eerie sound.
After draining the youth from his original town,
he’s been dancing across the country ever since.
They say if you hear a staccato stepping echoing on
your street at night, then Old Tom might make you
his next dance partner.
Harm: 1 harm

Monster Type: Executioner (motivation: to

punish hidden past transgressions)
Powers: Intimate knowledge of a town’s darkest
secrets. Taunting foes with their greatest secrets.
Returns to life when killed by those it can taunt.
Chooses how quickly it returns to life.
Attacks: Truer Words: 1-harm close ignore-
armour innocuous slow volatile.
Armour: None.
Weakness: Cannot supernaturally harm or taunt
those who own their past sins. Quick to bore
with a town. Its own reflection will attempt to
kill it.
Custom Moves: You Learned Nothing: When
someones kills the Outsider out of fear or
panic, they become afflicted with a punishing
curse. Their life slowly crumbles apart in a
series of tragedies. Owning up to their past
transgressions lifts the curse, but mundane legal
punishments may still be carried out.
The Outsider

A spirit of malice that travels from town to town,

drawn by the juicy secrets kept by its citizens. It takes
great joy in, sometimes literally, digging up hidden
truths and slowly revealing them to the public at large.
It savors attempts to silence it by the sinful, sometimes
going so far as to reveal itself and put a weapon in
the hand of its victims, tempting them with a violent
solution to their current problem. These violent deeds
carry a heavy curse.
Harm: 11 harm

Monster Type: Collector (motivation: to rescue

neglected pet rocks)
Powers: Body made of rocks. Feels no pain.
Super strength. Geokinesis.
Attacks: Slam: 3-harm hand heavy messy.
Armour: Rock Body: 3-armour.
Weakness: The love of a pet rock and their
owner. Sledgehammers. Magic sledgehammers
gain ignore-armour.

Custom Moves: Right Out From Under You:

While on natural earth, anyone who misses on
a check while in the presence of a Pet Rock
suffers the normal penalties of a miss, and the Pet
Rock can “move them where it wants them.”
Pet Rock

The easiest pet to have is a pet rock, right? Well what

happens when an owner gets tired of a pet? Rocks with
cute painted faces or stickers are often simply hurled into
the wilderness by the one they love. However, sometimes
these ancient rocks feel abandoned and don’t want their
brethren to feel this pain. They grow in strength until
they can geokineticly create an elemental-like body to get
revenge like a pet rock scorned. These Pet Rocks search
out other neglected pet rocks and liberate them by any
means necessary.
Harm: 11 harm

Monster Type: Collector (motivation: to collect

food for next year)
Powers: Bestial strength. Thick fat. Can burrow
through earth quickly. Cannot be killed through
mundane or magical means.
Attacks: Claw and Fang: 3-harm hand messy.
Armour: Thick fat: 2-armour.
Weakness: Can be killed while hibernating in its
den with relative ease. Denying it food causes it
to rapidly starve to death.

Custom Moves: Burst from Hell: When the

Polyphage bursts out of the ground to ambush
prey, it deals +1 harm on its next attack but
suffers +2 harm from planned counter-attacks.

A monster that hibernates for 11 months out of

the year, a Polyphage is a designation for a large
classification of similar creatures rather than a specific
monster. They spend one month a year capturing prey
that it can gorge itself on before burying other, still
living prey, within 3 miles of its hibernaculum so that
when it wakes up it has the equivalent of a midyear
snack. What’s most insidious about these chimeric
beasts is that their attacks are often blamed on bears.
Harm: 10 harm

Monster Type: Devourer (motivation: to eat

swimmers and surfers)
Powers: Powerful swimmer. Large teeth and
claws. Breathes water. Sneaky.
Attacks: Bite: 3-harm intimate messy quick
Armour: Thick scales: 1-armour.
Weakness: Cannot breathe air. Incensed by
blood in the water.

Custom Moves: Led to Sea: When someone

has a difficult time swimming while visible to a
riptide prowler, it can create a powerful riptide to
pull them deeper into the ocean.
Riptide Prowler

Solitary hunters that congregate in the deep

ocean only to mate, Ripetide Prowlers gain their
namesake for dangerous currents that sweep
swimmers out to sea. Scaled monstrosities of
muscle, many late night swimmers whose bodies
are never recovered actually fall prey to a Riptide
Prowler’s hunger.
Harm: 11 harm.

Monster Type: Devourer (motivation: to turn

people to garbage and then eat them)
Powers: Can turn any trash receptacle into a
portal that only it can use. Can see in the dark.
Strong sense of smell. Horrific odor. Can turn
things to garbage with a mere touch.
Attacks: Hissing Claw: 1-harm hand innocuous
quick useful.
Armour: Fluffy Fur: 1-armour.
Weakness: Cannot resist raw chicken. Scared
of rain. Can be destroyed or subdued if given a
thorough bath with magical shampoo.
Custom Moves: Trash Can Portals: Can enter any
trash receptacle, use it as a portal, and exit out of
any other trash receptacle within a one mile radius.
Trash Touch: Whenever the Raccoon Man deals
harm to a creature, he can choose to touch a piece
of Gear carried by the victim and turn it into trash.
Creatures that take harm from trying to Kick Some
Ass do not suffer this penalty on if they rolled a 10+.
The Raccoon Man

The neighborhood children have a secret cryptid they

whisper about, telling stories to anyone who will listen.
The adults in town know that the Raccoon Man is
just a silly story the kids started telling. Though, even
they curse his name under their breath when they’re
cleaning up the rubbage the local raccoons have been
throwing all over their lawns each night. Something
has to be done about these pests.
Harm: 11 harm

Monster Type: Beast (motivation: to kill anyone

near the tracks it rides)
Powers: Moves incredibly fast on railroad
tracks. Supernatural strength and toughness. A
soul-chilling scream that sounds like a tinny train
Attacks: Slam: 2-harm intimate messy.
Armour: Metal and wood physique: 1-armour
Weakness: Cannot walk further than a mile
from a railroad track. Has trouble moving
when wet. Very difficult for it to stand up if it is
Custom Moves: Charger: When the rail runner
has the ability to charge forward, its Slam
attack deals an additional 1-harm and has the
forceful tag.
Rail Runner

The scraping sound of metal rings across the

abandoned railroad tracks. In the distance, slowly
chugging forward is the Rail Runner. This burly figure’s
head is clad in a rotten burlap sack with a single
eyehole. Their joints and tendons seem to be dull
metal, not unlike the wheels of a train. Rail Runners
were first spotted when train systems began to fall into
disrepair and now stalk the world’s railways, looking
for victims.
Harm: 13 harm

Monster Type: Devourer (motivation: to

consume people)
Powers: Immense physical strength and
durability. Stealthy. Powerful swimmer.
Attacks: Bite: 4-harm intimate messy.
Armour: Thick scales: 2-armour.
Weakness: Good ol’ fashioned violence. Cannot
pass up bloody meat.

Custom Moves: Death Roll: If a Hunter misses

on a Kick Some Ass roll, the sewer beast can
grab them and perform a death roll. The Hunter
takes 1 additional harm from the its violent
trashing. If this causes the Hunter to become
unstable, they also suffer -1 ongoing until they
are stabilized.
Sewer Beast

A mass of horrid scales, muscle, and exposed bone,

this gator-like creature is the source of sewer gator
myths. A simple monster who wants nothing more
than to consume, encountering one in the cramped
and damp caverns of a sewer is a death sentence.
Utility workers who keep our world running have
more to fear than just unsympathetic working
Harm: 10 harm

Monster Type: Parasite (motivation: to turn

people into crab nests)
Powers: Amphibious. Can command mundane
crabs. Undead and immortal. Powerful swimmer.
Attacks: Punch: 4-harm hand. Crab swarm:
3-harm area far many.
Armour: Sloughing Flesh: 1-armour.
Weakness: High heat, fire, and boiling water.

Custom Moves: Blinding Mud: When it spits

mud, roll +Cool. On a 10+, the Hunter evades
the attack. On a 7-9, the Hunter takes -2 forward
on their next roll from the muck in their eyes. On
a miss, the mud hits the Hunter and blinds them
for the remainder of the scene or until another
Hunter uses Help Out to flush the mud out of
their eyes.

A skelborda arises when a person drowns, whether

accidentally or purposefully, in the vicinity of a swarm
of eldritch fleshcrabs. The crabs nest in the person’s
corpse and they rise again as a skelborda. These
undead creatures want nothing more than to create
more hosts for flesh crabs and stalk, slaughter, and
implant their victims. They have the ability to direct
mundane crabs and spit gobs of caustic mud.
Harm: 5 harm

Monster Type: Breeder (motivation: to lay and

hatch its eggs)
Powers: Fast. Fits in tight spaces. Can climb.
Paralytic bite. Two mouths. Wretched screams.
Attacks: Bite: 1-harm intimate quick.
Armour: Chitin: 1-armour.
Weakness: Fire. Cold.

Custom Moves: Toxic Bite: When a Hunter

misses on a Kick Some Ass or Protect
Someone roll against it, it bites them with a
paralytic venom. The Hunters takes -1 ongoing
for one day. Multiple bites increases this penalty.

The sound of skittering echoes in the hall is at

approaches. It is a dog-sized, ten-legged insect that
resembles a spider. The snow-white, almost human
face on its abdomen gurgles an unearthly tune
and its fangs drip with venom. You hear skittering
behind you. They hunt in groups. You shouldn’t
have gotten so close to their eggs.
Harm: 1-harm

Monster Type: Queen (motivation: to rule the

night sky and those beneath it)
Powers: Rearrange the stars in the night sky.
Disorient people exposed to its eerie starlight.
Many of the victims in its domain become
Minions (Cultists) before finally dying. Flight.
Attacks: Star Madness: 2-harm far life-drain
ignore-armour innocuous psychic.
Armour: None.
Weakness: Magic imbued with sunlight. Being
exposed to the sun. Having its body mapped with
a sextant.
Custom Moves: Star of Ill Omen: Whenever a
human tries to find their way while beneath the
Star Scrawler’s night sky, they must roll +Smarts.
On a 10+, they realize the stars are not in their
correct spot and see the monster’s staring eye. On
a 7-9, they can either become aware they are being
observed or find their way safely. On a miss, mark
an experience and become trapped in the Star
Scrawler’s domain.
Star Scrawler

Jogging at night is a dangerous affair, but camping

is supposed to be simple. Unfortunately for
wilderness explorers who draw the gaze of a Star
Scrawler, death in the wilderness is all but certain.
It moves the very stars in the sky to its whim,
making impossible patterns to disorient and terrify
mortal minds.
Harm: 1-harm

Monster Type: Sorcerer (motivation: to seize

control of various timelines and realities)
Powers: Can trap several people in an almost-
perfect time loop. Invisibility. Hovering a little bit
off the ground. Anything in its loop that could kill a
Hunter, such as a Minion, Monster, or someone with
a temper issue, can kill its prey to restart the loop.
Attacks: Stress of Death: 1-harm ignore-armour
slow. This harm cannot be prevented in any way.
Armour: None.
Weakness: Being physically discovered. Once it
establishes something as a fact within its time loop,
it cannot under any circumstances change or alter
that fact. It must be consistent. Finding the “way
out” and solving its scenario frees a victim and
makes them immune to the Time Loop forever.
Custom Moves: New Ways to Die: The Time Loop
is beholden to the rules it must put into place on
itself. Whenever a creature misses on a roll, the
Time Loop can choose to instantly kill them in a
context appropriate way. This activates the Stress of
Death. A time loop does not reset until all captured
creatures are killed.
Time Loop

The existential horror or dying only to be reborn at

the beginning of the day you just lived might seem
funny at first, but the joy very quickly bleeds out
of the concept. A Time Loop is an invisible stalker
that loves nothing more than watching humans,
and even other monsters, unravel its elaborate
puzzle-boxes. Whether they succeed or succumb
is irrelevant.
Harm: 10 harm

Monster Type: Collector (motivation: to steal

the familiarity of your hometown)
Powers: To completely replace the layout of a
town. To cause mortals to get lost while travelling
through its domain. Asphalt and metal body.
Changes its colour and sign-names to hypnotize
victims and steal memories.
Attacks: Street Sign Feather Toss: 1-harm far
many quick.
Colour Change Flicker: 1-harm area close
forceful ignore-armour life-drain magic.
Armour: Asphalt Body: 2-armour.
Weakness: Recreating moments that can’t be
stolen, even if your memory of the area has been.
The traffic lights on its body reveal its intention.
Must obey traffic signals and signs. Afraid of
construction equipment and sites.
Custom Moves: Thief of the Familiar: Whenever
the Urban Sprawler deals harm with Colour
Change Flicker, it steals a sense of familiarity
from the victim.
Urban Sprawler

A monstrous mish-mash of asphalt and aluminum,

the Urban Sprawler evokes the colour-bending
cuttlefish and a horrid bird of prey. It spreads out
and steals any sense of hometown familiarity from
its victims, turning the familiar into a confusing
labyrinth of unlearned street names and turns.
Harm: 7 harm

Monster Type: Sorcerer (motivation: to gain

control over the concept of space)
Powers: Triggers panic attacks in those who see
it. Does not have a clear body until incapacitated.
Attacks: Heart Palpitation: 2-harm area barrier
ignore-armour innocuous quick.
Armour: No Discernible Shape: 3-armour.
Weakness: Placing it into a sealed container
for 72 hours kills the Vastness, turning it into

Custom Moves: It’s Too Grand: Anyone that

looks directly at the Vastness must roll +Cool.
On a 10+, the creature becomes immune to this
move. On a 7-9, the creature has a small panic
attack and suffers -1 forward. On a miss, the
creature has a massive panic attack and suffers -1
ongoing until they spend at least 24 hours in an
enclosed space.
The Vastness

A creature that appears to be an overflowing form of

condensed infinity, the Vastness can only be described
as “like space but worse.” Looking at the monster
instills a strange perception of your surroundings. You
feel as if your body is the wrong size and the world is
stretched far too far around you. This can trigger an
agoraphobic episode, even in people who do not fear
open spaces. It’s simply a concept of “openness” and
“size” that the human brain cannot handle.
Harm: 1 harm.

Monster Type: Torturer (motivation: to observe

and madden)
Powers: Knows the Truth, whatever it may be,
but cannot articulate it. Move in packs of 2d6+1.
Generally really creepy. Can climb any surface.
Always watching you. Yes, you.
Attacks: Unnerving Gaze: 1-harm far ignore-
armour psychic.
Armour: Inverse Armour: -1-armour. Yes. -1.
Weakness: Paper-like skin. Can be killed by
accident. Can be killed with a sharp enough stick,
Custom Moves: Walls to Windows: The
Worm has an inkling that reality is not what it
seems. Whenever a Worm dies, regardless of
circumstance, its viscera melts away reality like
turpentine on paint. Any entity, except other
Worms, that see this smudged window of truth
takes 1-harm that cannot be reduced in any way
and suffers -1 ongoing for the next 24 hours.
Inkling of a Worm

Oh! The curious Worms! They simply want to

look in at us! You see, they know things the others
don’t, yes? They see the Windows where others
see the Walls. It would be such a shame to pull
the curtains on them, yes? Don’t worry! They can’t
leave the card no matter how hard either of you
try! The knocking becomes white noise after a
Harm: 1-harm

Monster Type: Parasite (motivation: to infect

programs and consume riders)
Powers: Can effortlessly move between
smartphones, but only those with rideshare apps.
Summons a “mostly” normal car and phantom
driver to ensnare victims. Even if the phone and
car are destroyed, it survives by entering another
victim’s phone.
Attacks: None. A car crash at high speeds, or off
of a cliff, is often fatal.
Armour: None.
Weakness: A combination of a Big Magic ritual
and coding can create a computer virus capable
of truly killing YOur dRIver.
Custom Moves: None.
Your Driver

Widely known as a simple urban legend, “YOur

dRIver” is, unfortunately, very real. A digital
monster that takes control of rideshare apps, it
arrives in a pristine car that shuttles victims away,
never to be seen again. The fact that it has achieved
“creepypasta” status has not helped people
determine if its patent “YOur dRIver has arrived”
message is real or someone playing a prank.
Harm: 13 harm

Monster Type: Queen (motivation: to tempt

mortals and seize parts of their soul)
Powers: Made of green flame. Fire magic.
Enhancing mortals. Possession. When destroyed
it is merely banished temporarily.
Attacks: Emerald Flames: 2-harm area barrier
close fire magic volatile.
Armour: None.
Weakness: Holy items. Divine magic. Enchanted
water. Can be destroyed if tracked down and
slain in its native plane of existence.

Custom Moves: Green Flame Possession:

Grants those it possesses access to the Spell-
slinger’s iconic Spell. Must have the Fire effect,
but the flames always spread regardless of the
roll. Possessed individuals suffer +1 harm when
damaged by anything with the Holy tag.
Zalgul the Corrupter

An extraplanar monster that preys on weak wills,

Zalgul grants power to anyone willing to burn away
a piece of their soul. Many Experts believe Zalgul
is a rare type of “unshackled demon,” though they
debate what such a term truly means. It appears as an
unformed human-ish form wreathed in green flames.
While possessing a thrall, their eyes turn green and
ignite in flame when using its bestowed power.

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