Inglés 601 602 603 604 Jeremias Ladino 1

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Evaluación Diagnóstica Inglés

Docente: Jeremías Ladino Grado: VI Jornada: Mañana

Nombres: Apellidos:

Grado a cursar en el 2021: Reingreso Nuevo Ingreso

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Correo electrónico:

Nota: No es necesario que el alumno responda todas las preguntas. Si no sabe

algo, no lo responda y avance. Este examen no es para tener una nota de
promoción sino para poder ubicarlo en el nivel de inglés que le corresponde.

Por favor contestar las siguientes preguntas.

• ¿Cuál fue el último nivel de inglés que cursó en el Colegio Hebrón?

• ¿Ha estudiado el idioma inglés anteriormente?

• ¿En dónde?

• En un rango de 0 a10 ¿en qué nivel considera estar en inglés?

Write the following colors in English.


anaranjado morado


Write the following colors in English.

1. gris 4. negro

2. café 5. blanco

3. rosado

Write the following numbers.

Example: one 1

three five
twelve twenty six

Write the following numbers in words.

Example: 1 one

2 55

8 97

11 72

13 84

15 69

20 100

30 1,000

40 2
Parts of the Body
Write the following parts of the body.

Write the name of the following shapes.

Label the following family members.

2 3


1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

Write the names of the rooms in a house.

1 2



1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.

Write the days of the week.

1. 5.

2. 6.

3. 7.


Write the months of the year.

1. 7.

2. 8.

3. 9.

4. 10.

5. 11.

6. 12.

Answer the following questions.

• How many months are there in a year?

• How many days are there in a week?

• Write the seasons.

• Which is the third month of the year?

• Which is the twelfth month of the year?

Write the time in words.

Mark the short and long vowel sounds in the following words using the
symbols in the box.

hill hot cut hide bone

mat note mute cake dust

Read the following words. Write them under the correct group.

ice cream apples beef lemons

turkey wheat carrots onions
fish beans cheese rice

meat fruits grains dairy vegetables

Circle the correct word.

in/on in/on

Write the following phrases in Spanish.

this is = these are =

that is = those are =

Circle the phrases that are written correctly.

an rooster an apple
a rooster a apple

Write a sentence for each picture. Use the words provided.







What is a noun?

Write the seven basic pronouns.

1. 4. 7.

Change the nouns to pronouns.

1. Tom 4. Mrs. Brown

2. John and Sue 5. The clock
3. Mary and I

In the following sentences, underline the common nouns and circle the proper

1. New York is a very small state.

2. My mom baked some cookies.

3. Susan has a black and white dog.

What is a verb?

Write three verbs.

Circle the adjectives in the following phrases.

• round table • little dog

• first book • yellow flower

Underline the sentences that are written correctly.

• The teacher’s house is red.

• The house of her is red.
• The house of them is big.
• Their house is big.
Write the opposites of the following words.

big young
tall hot
same adult

Write the plurals of the following words.

1. clock 4. butterfly

2. brush 5. foot

3. key 6. tooth

• El alumno tiene 20 minutos para completar esta serie.

• Después de los 20 minutos debe cambiar de color de lápiz o lapicero y
continuar escribiendo.
• En el cuadro anotar el tiempo que le tomó para completar estos ejercicios.

Write three sentences and circle the nouns, underline the verbs two times,
underline the adjectives one time and draw a box around the pronouns.

Write a short story about a little girl named Sue who liked to visit a beautiful pond
where a white duck lived. There were many frogs in that pond, but Billy the frog was
the white duck’s best friend.


Read the following words. (Enviar grabación o video al correo

[email protected])

mat eat egg ice pig

ox use bus lady sky
bark jerk bird corn purse

Teacher’s notes:


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