Gun Violence

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Breaking News English.

Ready-to-Use English Lessons by Sean Banville

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FOR LANGUAGE TEACHERS” from Sean's other websites

Level 6
U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA
27th February, 2018

The Article 2 Discussion (Student-Created Qs) 15
Warm-Ups 3 Language Work (Cloze) 16
Vocabulary 4 Spelling 17
Before Reading / Listening 5 Put The Text Back Together 18
Gap Fill 6 Put The Words In The Right Order 19
Match The Sentences And Listen 7 Circle The Correct Word 20
Listening Gap Fill 8 Insert The Vowels (a, e, i, o, u) 21
Comprehension Questions 9 Punctuate The Text And Add Capitals 22
Multiple Choice - Quiz 10 Put A Slash ( / ) Where The Spaces Are 23
Role Play 11 Free Writing 24
After Reading / Listening 12 Academic Writing 25
Student Survey 13 Homework 26
Discussion (20 Questions) 14 Answers 27

Please try Levels 4 and 5 (they are easier).



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An increasing number of companies are announcing plans to sever ties

with the USA's National Rifle Association (NRA) following the latest high-

school shooting massacre. The tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas

High School in South Florida, in which 17 students and staff lost their

lives, could be a watershed for gun control in the USA. Many high profile

companies are calling for gun control and are cutting ties with the

powerful NRA lobby group. United Airlines, Delta Airlines and Hertz are

among many companies to end special discounts and benefits for NRA

staff and members. There is also a growing campaign on social media for

greater gun control in the USA.

The NRA made a statement attacking the failure of both school and

federal systems for the high school tragedy. It said: "The law-abiding

members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that

school's security preparedness, the failure of America's mental health

system...or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement."

It added that: "Despite that, some corporations have decided to punish

NRA membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice."

An NRA spokesman hit back at the companies, saying: "The loss of a

discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA member from our

mission to stand and defend individual freedoms."


Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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1. GUN VIOLENCE: Students walk around the class and talk to other students
about gun violence. Change partners often and share your findings.

2. CHAT: In pairs / groups, talk about these topics or words from the article. What will
the article say about them? What can you say about these words and your life?

increasing / companies / ties / rifle / students / discounts / benefits / gun control /

statement / high school / law abiding / mental health / law enforcement / freedom

Have a chat about the topics you liked. Change topics and partners frequently.

3. GUN CONTROL: Students A strongly believe there needs to be tighter gun

control; Students B strongly believe otherwise. Change partners again and talk about your

4. SAFETY: How can we make schools safer? Complete this table with your partner(s).
Change partners often and share what you wrote.

Good things Bad things

Arming teachers

Armed guards

X-ray machines

Security cameras

Safe areas

Quicker police response

5. RIFLE: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with
the word "rifle". Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put
the words into different categories.

6. RIGHTS: Rank these with your partner. Put the most important rights at the top.
Change partners often and share your rankings.

• education • health care

• a free Internet • freedom of religion
• freedom of movement • free speech
• paid overtime • carry a gun

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Paragraph 1

1. sever a. An event causing great suffering,

destruction, and distress, such as a serious
accident, crime, or natural catastrophe.
2. massacre b. A collection of people seeking to influence
politicians or public officials on a particular
3. tragedy c. Put an end to a connection or relationship;
break off.
4. watershed d. A random and brutal killing of many people.

5. high profile e. An event that is a turning point in a course

of action or state of affairs.
6. lobby group f. Attracting much attention or publicity.

7. campaign g. An organized course of action to achieve a

particular goal.

Paragraph 2

8. failure h. Willfully causing pain or suffering to others,

or feeling no concern about it.
9. federal i. Lack of success.

10. law-abiding j. A state of being ready.

11. preparedness k. A government agency responsible for

making people stick to the rules of a
12. cruel l. Relating to the central government as
separate from the separate states in a
13. law enforcement m. Lack of bravery.

14. cowardice n. Following all the rules and regulations of


Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if a-h below are true (T) or false (F).

a. A decreasing number of U.S. companies will cut ties with the NRA. T/F
b. The article suggested this latest tragedy could bring changes. T/F
c. United Airlines has said it will continue its partnership with the NRA. T/F
d. NRA members will still get discounts and benefits from Hertz. T/F
e. The NRA blamed the school's security for the tragedy. T/F
f. The NRA blamed the tragedy on America's mental health system. T/F
g. The NRA said companies were acting like cowards. T/F
h. The NRA said its members would be distracted by losing discounts. T/F

Match the following synonyms. The words in bold are from the news article.

1. increasing a. readiness
2. sever b. turning point
3. massacre c. sidetrack
4. watershed d. slaughter
5. end e. penalize
6. law-abiding f. growing
7. preparedness g. disgraceful
8. punish h. terminate
9. shameful i. honest
10. distract j. cut

3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

1. following the latest high-school a. on social media

2. Many high b. abiding members of the NRA
3. the powerful NRA lobby c. shooting massacre
4. end special discounts and d. enforcement
5. There is also a growing campaign e. group
6. The law- f. freedoms
7. the failure of America's mental g. back at the companies
8. federal and local law h. benefits for NRA staff
9. An NRA spokesman hit i. health system
10. defend individual j. profile companies

Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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An increasing number of companies are announcing plans to discounts

(1) ____________ ties with the USA's National Rifle Association watershed
(NRA) following the latest high-school shooting (2) ____________.
The tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South
Florida, in which 17 students and staff (3) ____________ their

lives, could be a (4) ____________ for gun control in the USA. sever

Many high (5) ____________ companies are calling for gun campaign
control and are cutting ties with the powerful NRA
(6) ____________ group. United Airlines, Delta Airlines and Hertz
are among many companies to end special (7) ____________ and

benefits for NRA staff and members. There is also a growing

(8) ____________ on social media for greater gun control in the


The NRA made a statement attacking the (9) ____________ of local

both school and federal systems for the high school failure
(10) ____________. It said: "The law-abiding members of the
NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that school's
(11) ____________ preparedness, the failure of America's mental

health system...or the cruel failures of both federal and loss

(12) ____________ law enforcement." It added that: "Despite punish

that, some corporations have decided to (13) ____________ NRA
membership in a shameful display of (14) ____________ and civic
cowardice." An NRA spokesman hit back at the companies, saying:

"The (15) ____________ of a discount will neither scare nor

distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and

defend (16) ____________ freedoms."

Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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LISTENING – Guess the answers. Listen to check.

1) An increasing number of companies are announcing plans ______

a. to several ties
b. to severe ties
c. to seven ties
d. to sever ties
2) the USA's National Rifle Association (NRA) following the latest high-school ______
a. shooting mass acre
b. shooting massacred
c. shooting massacre
d. shoot in massacre
3) ... in South Florida, in which 17 students and staff lost their lives, could ______
a. be a watershed
b. be a watery shed
c. be a water shot
d. be a water shield
4) companies are calling for gun control and are cutting ties with the powerful ______
a. NRA hobby group
b. NRA lob in group
c. NRA lobe by group
d. NRA lobby group
5) There is also a growing campaign on social media for ______
a. greater guns control
b. greater gunned control
c. greater gun control
d. greater gunning control
6) The NRA made a statement attacking the failure of both school ______
a. and federally systems
b. and federal systems
c. and federalize systems
d. and feral systems
7) the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that school's ______
a. security preparedness
b. securities preparedness
c. security pre-pared mess
d. securities prepared nest
8) punish NRA membership in a shameful display of political ______
a. and civic cowards is
b. and civic coward is
c. and civic coward ice
d. and civic cowardice
9) The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one ______
a. singled NRA member
b. single NRA member
c. singular NRA member
d. singled NRA member
10) our mission to stand and defend ______
a. individualize freedoms
b. individually freedoms
c. individuality freedoms
d. individual freedoms

Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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LISTENING – Listen and fill in the gaps

An increasing number of companies are announcing

(1) ___________________ ties with the USA's National Rifle Association

(NRA) following the latest high-school (2) ___________________. The

tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida, in which

17 students and staff (3) ___________________, could be a watershed for

gun control in the USA. Many high profile companies are calling for gun

control and are (4) ___________________ the powerful NRA lobby group.

United Airlines, Delta Airlines and Hertz are (5) ___________________ to

end special discounts and benefits for NRA staff and members. There is also

a (6) ___________________ social media for greater gun control in the


The NRA made a statement (7) ___________________ of both school and

federal systems for the high school tragedy. It said: "The

(8) ___________________ of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the

failure of that school's security preparedness, the failure of America's

(9) ___________________...or the cruel failures of both federal and local

law enforcement." It added that: "(10) ___________________ corporations

have decided to punish NRA membership in a (11) ___________________

political and civic cowardice." An NRA spokesman hit back at the companies,

saying: "The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA

member from our (12) ___________________ and defend individual


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1. What do companies want to sever with the NRA?

2. What did the article say the tragedy could be for gun control in the USA?

3. What kind of group did the article say the NRA was?

4. What company was mentioned that isn't an airline?

5. Where is there a campaign for greater gun control?

6. What systems did the NRA attack, besides the school's systems?

7. What members of the NRA did it say had nothing to do with failures?

8. What kind of health system did the NRA say had failed?

9. What noun did a spokesman use to describe corporate leaders?

10. What did the NRA say would not scare nor distract its members?

Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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1) What do companies want to 6) What systems did the NRA attack,

sever with the NRA? besides the school's systems?
a) numbers a) federal systems
b) ties b) gun systems
c) guns c) sales systems
d) plans d) bullets systems

2) What did the article say the 7) What members of the NRA did it
tragedy could be for gun control in say had nothing to do with failures?
the USA? a) gun-carrying members
a) a minefield b) the top members
b) a target c) law-abiding members
c) a firing line d) new members
d) a watershed
8) What kind of health system did the
3) What kind of group did the article NRA say had failed?
say the NRA was? a) the mental health system
a) a lobby group b) the national health system
b) a locker group c) the primary health care system
c) a loopy group d) the global health care system
d) a lobbing group
9) What noun did a spokesman use to
4) What company was mentioned describe corporate leaders?
that isn't an airline? a) cowardice
a) Apple b) bravery
b) McDonald's c) avarice
c) Hertz d) mastery
d) BMW
10) What did the NRA say would not
5) Where is there a campaign for scare nor distract its members?
greater gun control? a) companies
a) in boardrooms b) guns
b) on social media c) lobby groups
c) at gun clubs d) loss of discounts
d) worldwide

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Role A – Education
You think education is our most important right. Tell the others
three reasons why. Tell them why their rights aren't as
important. Also, tell the others which is the least important of
these (and why): health care, free speech or gun ownership.

Role B – Health Care

You think health care is our most important right. Tell the
others three reasons why. Tell them why their rights aren't as
important. Also, tell the others which is the least important of
these (and why): education, free speech or gun ownership.

Role C – Free Speech

You think free speech is our most important right. Tell the
others three reasons why. Tell them why their rights aren't as
important. Also, tell the others which is the least important of
these (and why): health care, education or gun ownership.

Role D – Gun Ownership

You think gun ownership is our most important right. Tell the
others three reasons why. Tell them why their rights aren't as
important. Also, tell the others which is the least important of
these (and why): health care, free speech or education.

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1. WORD SEARCH: Look in your dictionary / computer to find collocates,

other meanings, information, synonyms … for the words 'gun' and 'violence'.

gun violence

• Share your findings with your partners.

• Make questions using the words you found.
• Ask your partner / group your questions.

2. ARTICLE QUESTIONS: Look back at the article and write down

some questions you would like to ask the class about the text.
• Share your questions with other classmates / groups.
• Ask your partner / group your questions.

3. GAP FILL: In pairs / groups, compare your answers to this exercise.

Check your answers. Talk about the words from the activity. Were they new,
interesting, worth learning…?

4. VOCABULARY: Circle any words you do not understand. In groups,

pool unknown words and use dictionaries to find their meanings.

5. TEST EACH OTHER: Look at the words below. With your partner, try
to recall how they were used in the text:

• sever • attacking
• latest • nothing
• watershed • local
• powerful • punish
• special • back
• social • stand

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Write five GOOD questions about gun violence in the table. Do this in pairs. Each
student must write the questions on his / her own paper.
When you have finished, interview other students. Write down their answers.


_____________ _____________ _____________






• Now return to your original partner and share and talk about what you found
out. Change partners often.
• Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findings.

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STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

1. What did you think when you read the headline?

2. What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'gun'?
3. What do you think of guns?
4. What are gun laws like in your country?
5. What do you know about the NRA in the USA?
6. Will the latest tragedy be a watershed for gun control?
7. Why are there so many shootings in the USA?
8. Are companies right to cut ties with the NRA?
9. Will the gun situation get better or worse?
10. Should people have a right to keep and bear guns?

U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

11. Did you like reading this article? Why/not?

12. What do you think of when you hear the word 'violence'?
13. What do you think about what you read?
14. Why is the NRA so powerful in the USA?
15. What do you think about gun control?
16. Is the NRA right to say the school was at fault?
17. Where does mental health fit into gun control laws?
18. How can schools better protect students?
19. What advice do you have for the NRA?
20. What questions would you like to ask the company bosses?

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DISCUSSION (Write your own questions)
STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

1. ________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________
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DISCUSSION (Write your own questions)

STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

1. ________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________

Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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An increasing number of companies are announcing plans to (1) ____ ties with the
USA's National Rifle Association (NRA) following the latest high-school shooting
massacre. The tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida,
in (2) ____ 17 students and staff lost their lives, could be a (3) ____ for gun control
in the USA. Many high (4) ____ companies are calling for gun control and are
cutting ties with the powerful NRA (5) ____ group. United Airlines, Delta Airlines
and Hertz are among many companies to end special discounts and benefits for
NRA staff and members. There is also a (6) ____ campaign on social media for
greater gun control in the USA.

The NRA made a statement attacking the failure of both school and (7) ____
systems for the high school tragedy. It said: "The law-abiding members of the NRA
had nothing at (8) ____ to do with the failure of that school's security preparedness,
the failure of America's mental health system...or the (9) ____ failures of both
federal and local law enforcement." It added that: "Despite (10) ____, some
corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a shameful display of
political and civic cowardice." An NRA spokesman hit (11) ____ at the companies,
saying: "The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one (12) ____ NRA
member from our mission to stand and defend individual freedoms."

Put the correct words from the table below in the above article.
1. (a) severe (b) saver (c) several (d) sever

2. (a) that (b) where (c) what (d) which

3. (a) watertight (b) watershed (c) watery (d) watered

4. (a) prolific (b) profiles (c) profile (d) profiling

5. (a) hobby (b) levy (c) lobby (d) heavy

6. (a) growing (b) growers (c) grown (d) growth

7. (a) feudal (b) federal (c) freedom (d) feral

8. (a) all (b) every (c) whole (d) entire

9. (a) gruel (b) cruel (c) cruet (d) cruise

10. (a) they (b) them (c) that (d) then

11. (a) behind (b) up (c) back (d) frontally

12. (a) singles (b) singled (c) singular (d) single

Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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Paragraph 1

1. companies are anoinncung plans

2. high-school shooting aesmarsc

3. a wadeserth for gun control

4. Many high eiolfrp companies

5. end special sntcdsuoi and benefits

6. a growing gcpiaamn

Paragraph 2

7. made a statement attacking the aiferul

8. faedrle systems

9. The wal-bgandii members of the NRA

10. local law feemtnrneoc

11. political and civic acrwiodce

12. neither scare nor caitsdtr

Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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Number these lines in the correct order.

( ) their lives, could be a watershed for gun control in the USA. Many
high profile companies are

( ) National Rifle Association (NRA) following the latest high-school

shooting massacre. The tragedy

( ) all to do with the failure of that school's security preparedness, the

failure of America's mental health

( ) group. United Airlines, Delta Airlines and Hertz are among many
companies to end special discounts and benefits

( ) The NRA made a statement attacking the failure of both school and
federal systems

( ) distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and
defend individual freedoms."

( ) calling for gun control and are cutting ties with the powerful NRA

( 1 ) An increasing number of companies are announcing plans to sever

ties with the USA's

( ) for NRA staff and members. There is also a growing campaign on

social media for greater gun control in the USA.

( ) civic cowardice." An NRA spokesman hit back at the companies,

saying: "The loss of a discount will neither scare nor

( ) system...or the cruel failures of both federal and local law

enforcement." It added that: "Despite that, some

( ) at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida, in

which 17 students and staff lost

( ) corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a

shameful display of political and

( ) for the high school tragedy. It said: "The law-abiding members of

the NRA had nothing at

Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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1. increasing announcing companies of number An plans . are

2. high-school the massacre . Following shooting latest

3. a watershed could for It gun be control .

4. discounts . many end to Among companies special

5. is There growing campaign social media . a on

6. statement of systems . attacking federal failure the A

7. NRA . of members the The law-abiding

8. The mental system . America's health failure of

9. punish NRA Corporations have to decided membership .

10. and defend mission Our individual stand to freedoms .

Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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An increasing number of companies are announced / announcing plans to

sever / severe ties with the USA's National Rifle Association (NRA) followed /

following the latest high-school shooting massacre. The tragic / tragedy at

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida, in which 17

students and staff lose / lost their lives, could be a watershed for gun control

in the USA. Many high prolific / profile companies are calling for gun control

and are cutting ties with the powerful / powerless NRA lobby group. United

Airlines, Delta Airlines and Hertz are among / between many companies to

end special discounts and beneficial / benefits for NRA staff and members.

There is also a growing campaign in / on social media for greater gun control

in the USA.

The NRA made a statement attacking the fail / failure of both school and

federal systems for the high school tragedy. It said: "The law-abiding

members of the NRA had nothing at whole / all to do with the failure of that

school's security prepares / preparedness, the failure of America's mental

health / healthy system...or the cruel failures of both federal and locally /

local law enforcement." It added that: "Despite / Spite that, some

corporations have decided to punish NRA membership on / in a shameful

display of political and civic cowardice / cowards." An NRA spokesman hit

back at the companies, saying: "The lost / loss of a discount will neither

scare nor distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and

defend / defense individual freedoms."

Talk about the connection between each pair of words in italics, and
why the correct word is correct.

Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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INSERT THE VOWELS (a, e, i, o, u)

A n _n c r__ s_n g n_m b_r _f c_m p_n__ s _r_ _n n__

n c_n g p l_n s t_ s_v_r t__ s w_t h t h_ U S A ' s
N_t__ n_l R_f l_ A s s_c__ t__ n ( N R A ) f_l l_w_n g
t h_ l_t_s t h_g h - s c h__ l s h__ t_n g m_s s_c r_.
T h_ t r_g_d y _t M_r j_r y S t_n_m_n D__ g l_s H_g
h S c h__ l _n S__ t h F l_r_d_, _n w h_c h 1 7 s
t_d_n t s _n d s t_f f l_s t t h__ r l_v_s , c__ l d
b_ _ w_t_r s h_d f_r g_n c_n t r_l _n t h_ U S A .
M_n y h_g h p r_f_l_ c_m p_n__ s _r_ c_l l_n g f_r
g_n c_n t r_l _n d _r_ c_t t_n g t__ s w_t h t h_
p_w_r f_l N R A l_b b y g r__ p . U n_t_d A_r l_n_s ,
D_l t_ A_r l_n_s _n d H_r t z _r_ _m_n g m_n y c_m
p_n__ s t_ _n d s p_c__ l d_s c__ n t s _n d b_n_f_t s
f_r N R A s t_f f _n d m_m b_r s . T h_r_ _s _l s_ _
g r_w_n g c_m p__ g n _n s_c__ l m_d__ f_r g r__
t_r g_n c_n t r_l _n t h_ U S A .

T h_ N R A m_d_ _ s t_t_m_n t _t t_c k_n g t h_ f__

l_r_ _f b_t h s c h__ l _n d f_d_r_l s y s t_m s f_r
t h_ h_g h s c h__ l t r_g_d y . I t s__ d : " T h_
l_w -_b_d_n g m_m b_r s _f t h_ N R A h_d n_t h_n g
_t _l l t_ d_ w_t h t h_ f__ l_r_ _f t h_t s c h__ l '
s s_c_r_t y p r_p_r_d n_s s , t h_ f__ l_r_ _f A
m_r_c_' s m_n t_l h__ l t h s y s t_m . . ._r t h_ c r__
l f__ l_r_s _f b_t h f_d_r_l _n d l_c_l l_w _n f_r
c_m_n t . " I t _d d_d t h_t : " D_s p_t_ t h_t , s_m_
c_r p_r_t__ n s h_v_ d_c_d_d t_ p_n_s h N R A m_m
b_r s h_p _n _ s h_m_f_l d_s p l_y _f p_l_t_c_l _n d
c_v_c c_w_r d_c_. " A n N R A s p_k_s m_n h_t b_c
k _t t h_ c_m p_n__ s , s_y_n g : " T h_ l_s s _f _
d_s c__ n t w_l l n__ t h_r s c_r_ n_r d_s t r_c t _n_
s_n g l_ N R A m_m b_r f r_m __ r m_s s__ n t_ s
t_n d _n d d_f_n d _n d_v_d__ l f r__ d_m s . "

Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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an increasing number of companies are announcing plans to sever ties with

the usas national rifle association nra following the latest highschool

shooting massacre the tragedy at marjory stoneman douglas high school in

south florida in which 17 students and staff lost their lives could be a

watershed for gun control in the usa many high profile companies are calling

for gun control and are cutting ties with the powerful nra lobby group united

airlines delta airlines and hertz are among many companies to end special

discounts and benefits for nra staff and members there is also a growing

campaign on social media for greater gun control in the usa

the nra made a statement attacking the failure of both school and federal

systems for the high school tragedy it said the lawabiding members of the

nra had nothing at all to do with the failure of that schools security

preparedness the failure of americas mental health systemor the cruel

failures of both federal and local law enforcement it added that despite that

some corporations have decided to punish nra membership in a shameful

display of political and civic cowardice an nra spokesman hit back at the

companies saying the loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one

single nra member from our mission to stand and defend individual


Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
More free lessons at - Copyright Sean Banville 2018 23

Write about gun violence for 10 minutes. Comment on your partner’s paper.


Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
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The world would be a better place without guns. Discuss.


Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
More free lessons at - Copyright Sean Banville 2018 25

1. VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose several of the words from the

text. Use a dictionary or Google’s search field (or another search engine) to
build up more associations / collocations of each word.

2. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find out more about this news
story. Share what you discover with your partner(s) in the next lesson.

3. GUN VIOLENCE: Make a poster about gun violence. Show your work
to your classmates in the next lesson. Did you all have similar things?

4. GUNS: Write a magazine article about guns being unnecessary and

should be banned. Include imaginary interviews with people who are for and
against it.

Read what you wrote to your classmates in the next lesson. Write down any
new words and expressions you hear from your partner(s).

5. WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Write a newspaper article about the next

stage in this news story. Read what you wrote to your classmates in the
next lesson. Give each other feedback on your articles.

6. LETTER: Write a letter to an expert on gun violence. Ask him/her three

questions about it. Give him/her three of your ideas on how we can end gun
violence. Read your letter to your partner(s) in your next lesson. Your
partner(s) will answer your questions.

Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
More free lessons at - Copyright Sean Banville 2018 26
1. c 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. f 6. b 7. g
8. i 9. l 10. n 11. j 12. h 13. k 14. m

TRUE / FALSE (p.5)

a F b T c F d F e T f T g T h F


1. increasing a. growing
2. sever b. cut
3. massacre c. slaughter
4. watershed d. turning point
5. end e. terminate
6. law-abiding f. honest
7. preparedness g. readiness
8. punish h. penalize
9. shameful i. disgraceful
10. distract j. sidetrack


1. Ties 1. An increasing number of companies are announcing plans.

2. A watershed 2. Following the latest high-school shooting massacre.
3. A powerful lobby group 3. It could be a watershed for gun control.
4. Hertz 4. Among many companies to end special discounts.
5. On social media 5. There is a growing campaign on social media.
6. Federal systems 6. A statement attacking the failure of federal systems.
7. Law-abiding members 7. The law-abiding members of the NRA.
8. America's mental health system 8. The failure of America's mental health system.
9. Cowardice 9. Corporations have decided to punish NRA membership.
10. The loss of a discount 10. Our mission to stand and defend individual freedoms.


1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. a 9. a 10. d


Please check for yourself by looking at the Article on page 2.
(It's good for your English ;-)

Level 6 U.S. companies end ties with gun group NRA – 27th February, 2018
More free lessons at - Copyright Sean Banville 2018 27

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