Grade 7 Sac (U-3) L - 3 & 4 Answer Key
Grade 7 Sac (U-3) L - 3 & 4 Answer Key
Grade 7 Sac (U-3) L - 3 & 4 Answer Key
L-3 Bringing the Oil to the Surface
L-4 Saudi Arabia’s Oil
1. Borehole: A deep narrow hole made in the ground, especially to locate water or oil.
2. Well head: A seal used to cover the top of the tank.
3. Onshore: Oil field found beneath the land.
4. Offshore: Oil field found beneath the sea.
5. Deposits: A layer of mineral, metal, rocks etc. that is left in soil through a natural process.
1. What is refinery?
ANS: A refinery is a plant where oil is turned into several different products
3. Who, where and when was the first large oil reservoirs discovered in Saudi Arabia?
ANS: The first large oil reservoir was discovered by ARAMCO in March 1938AD in
Dammam no 7.