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Analysis in Many Variables Problems

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Analysis in Many Variables 2018-19 Problems: page 11

85. Integrate curl F, where F = 3ye1 − xze2 + yz 2 e3 , over the portion S of the surface
2z = x2 + y 2 below the plane z = 2, both directly and by using Stokes’ theorem. Take
the area elements of S to point outwards, so that their z components are negative.
2 2
! paraboloid of equation z = x +y intersects the plane z = y in a curve C. Calculate
86. The
v · dx for v = 2ze1 + xe2 + ye3 using Stokes’ theorem. Check your answer by
evaluating the line integral directly.
" !
87. For an open surface S with boundary C, show that 2 S u · dA = C (u × x ) · dx , where
u is a fixed vector.
88. Verify Stokes’ theorem for the upper hemispherical surface S: z = 1 − x2 − y 2 , z ≥
0, with F equal to the radial vector field, i.e. F(x, y, z) = xe1 + ye2 + ze3 .

89. Let F = yez e1 + xez e2 + xyez e3 . Show that the integral of F around a regular closed
curve C that is the boundary of a surface S is zero.

90. By applying Stokes’ theorem

" to the vector!field G = ||x ||2 a (with a a constant vector),
or otherwise, show that S x × dA = − 12 C ||x ||2 dx , where S is the area bounded by
the closed curve C.
91. Exam question June 2002 (Section B): Evaluate the line integral I = C F · dx where
F(x ) = 2ye1 + ze2 + 3ye3 and the path C is the intersection of the surface of equation
x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 4z and the surface of equation z = x + 2, taken in a clockwise direction
to an observer at the origin. A picture of the path is required, as well as full justifications
of the theoretical results you might use.

92. Exam question

! 2012 (Section B) Q9(a)(ii): Use Stokes’ theorem to calculate the line
integral C ydx+zdy +xdz, where C is the intersection of the surfaces x2 +y 2 +z 2 = a2
and x + y + z = 0 and is orientated anticlockwise when viewed from above.
Suggestion: Instead of one of the two standard methods for surface integrals, just use
dA = ||∇f ||
dA and think about how the surfaces intersect.
93. Consider the vector field F = y e1 + (z−x) e2 + (x3 +y) e3 . Evaluate S (∇×F)·dA
explicitly, where
(i) S is the disk x2 + y 2 ≤ 4, z = 1,
(ii) S is the surface of a paraboloid x2 + y 2 = 5 − z above the plane z = 1.

Verify that each of these agrees with Stokes’ theorem by considering the integral of F
around each bounding contour.
! "
94. Verify Stokes’ theorem, C F · dx = S ∇ × F · dA, when S is the part of the surface
of the sphere x2 + y 2 + (z − 1)2 = r2 above the plane z = 0, and F(x, y, z) = (z, x, y).
Assume that r > 1 so that the boundary C of S is non-empty.
Suggestion: parametrise S with spherical coordinates centred on the point (0, 0, 1).
Analysis in Many Variables 2018-19 Problems: page 12

95. State a necessary and sufficient condition for a vector field F to be expressible in the
form F = ∇ φ in some simply-connected region. The scalar field φ is called a scalar
potential, though sometimes the opposite sign is used.
Determine whether the following vector fields are expressible in this form
(i) (a·x ) x , (ii) (a·x ) a , (iii) (a·a ) x , (iv) a×x , (v) a×(a × x ) ,
and find the vector fields, F, for which the corresponding potentials are
1 1 2
(a) 2
(a · x )2 , (b) 2
a ||x ||2 − 12 (a · x )2 .
Here a is a constant non-zero vector, and a2 = ||a||2 .

96. Evaluate the line integral

$ P2
yz dx + xz dy + (xy + z 2 ) dz

from P1 with co-ordinates (1,0,0) to P2 at (1,0,1) explicitly,

(a) along a straight line in the z–direction, and
(b) along a helical path parametrised by x (t) = e1 cos t + e2 sin t + e3 t/2π , where
t varies along the path.
Compare these two results – does this suggest that there might be a general formula for
the integral from P1 with coordinates (1,0,0), as before, to any point P with coordinates
(x, y, z)? Check your answer when P = P2 .

97. Exam question June 2002 (Section B):

(a) State the conditions for the line integral c
F · dx from x 0 to x 1 to be independent
of the path connecting these two points.
(b) Determine the value of the line integral c
F · dx where

F = (e−y − ze−x ) e1 + (e−z − xe−y ) e2 + (e−x − ye−z ) e3 ,

and C is the path

1 πp 1 − ep
x= ln(1 + p), y = sin , z= ,
ln 2 2 1−e
with the parameter p in the range 0 ≤ p ≤ 1, from (0, 0, 0) to (1, 1, 1).

98. Exam question May 2015 (Section A) Q5 (the exam question was parts (a) and (b) only) :
(a) State the divergence theorem.
(b) Use it to calculate S U · dA where S is the surface of the cube with faces x = ±1,
y = ±1 and z = ±1 and

U(x, y, z) = ( x y 2 , y x2 , z ) .

(c) Check your answer by a direct calculation of the surface integral.

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