Form Motor Vehicle Employee Declaration

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Benetas is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its employees, volunteers and others affected by its
operation, including members of the public. Motor vehicles are considered to be a ‘workplace’ under Occupational Health &
Safety legislation in Victoria and in accordance with the OH&S Act 2004. Therefore, Benetas’ commitment to OH&S extends
to the use of motor vehicles for work or volunteer purposes. To assist us in meeting this commitment, we ask you to complete
this form if:
• you drive a Tool of Trade vehicle, pool car, bus or other Benetas Fleet vehicle; or
• plan to use your personal vehicle for work purposes.
Employee Details:
Surname: Given Names
Address: Department:
Work No: Mobile: Date of Birth:
Drivers Licence No: Licence Category:
Number of years licensed: Photocopy attached: Yes No (* 2 Driver if req.)
Vehicle Details:
Year: Vehicle Make: Vehicle Model: Registration Number:

Please indicate the amount of years/months experience you have driving vehicles similar in size Years:
to the vehicle you have been provided with/selected. Months:
Driver Details : Spouse/De-facto Details (if secondary driver) :
In the last five years, have you: In the last five years, has your spouse/de-facto:
Had a motor vehicle accident or made a Had a motor vehicle accident or made a
Yes No Yes No
claim under a motor insurance policy? claim under a motor insurance policy?
Had an insurance claim refused? Yes No Had an insurance claim refused? Yes No
Had a driving offence, infringement, Had a driving offence, infringement,
conviction (excluding parking fines) or Yes No conviction (excluding parking fines) or Yes No
currently have one of these pending? currently have one of these pending?
Had a driver’s licence or learner’s
Had a driver’s licence or learner’s permit
permit cancelled, suspended, reduced
cancelled, suspended, reduced to a lesser Yes No Yes No
to a lesser grade or had special
grade or had special conditions imposed?
conditions imposed?
Had insurance declined, cancelled or a Had insurance declined, cancelled or a
renewal refused or had any special renewal refused or had any special
conditions imposed (including an Yes No conditions imposed (including an Yes No
increased excess) on any insurance increased excess) on any insurance
policy? policy?
Please provide full details for any questions answered YES from above
Date: Driver: Details: Fine and/or suspension period
/ /

/ /

I, ____________________________, declare the answers and statements I have provided are true, correct and
complete. I further acknowledge receipt of the Motor Vehicle Driver’s Handbook and agree to abide by all of
the requirements mentioned therein and acknowledge I have read and understand the Motor Vehicle Fleet
Policy. I acknowledge no other family members; other my spouse/de-facto can drive the Benetas vehicle.
I further acknowledge that Benetas can request to inspect the vehicle from time-to-time and I will allow access
as required, at least annually.
Signed:_______________________________ Date:
The company collects personal information about you, including your licence number, insurance details and your driving history and
experience for the purpose of managing its tool of trade and packaged vehicles as well as meeting its obligations under OH&S Act 2004.
Benetas will disclose this information to its employees or other persons who are responsible for the management of these vehicles and
compliance with legislative obligations relating to these vehicles. If you do not provide Benetas with this information, we may have to restrict
your use of the vehicle. You may access your personal information by calling the Benetas Volunteer Coordinator or the Contracts &
Procurement Manager on (03) 8823 7900.
Issued Date: July 2014
Review Date: July 2015 Authorised: Finance Page 1 of 1

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