Fitting Nonlinear Calibration Curves No Models Per

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Journal of Analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation, 2017, 7, 1-17
ISSN Online: 2164-2753
ISSN Print: 2164-2745

Fitting Nonlinear Calibration Curves: No Models


Julia Martin, Alberto Romero Gracia, Agustín G. Asuero

Department of Analytical Chemistry, The University of Seville, Seville, Spain

How to cite this paper: Martin, J., Gracia, Abstract

A.R. and Asuero, A.G. (2017) Fitting
Nonlinear Calibration Curves: No Models The study of the calibration of a series of compounds of environmental con-
Perfect. Journal of Analytical Sciences, Me- cern (six perfluoroalkyl compounds (perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and five
thods and Instrumentation, 7, 1-17. perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids), three preservatives (methyl-, ethyl- and pro-
pylparabens) and the brominated flame retardant hexabromocyclododecane)
Received: January 5, 2017 by LC-MS/MS has been carries out, with a view to their simultaneous deter-
Accepted: February 28, 2017 mination in samples of environmental interest. In some cases nonlinear cali-
Published: March 3, 2017 bration curves are obtained, but restricting the concentration range a linear
model may be used to fit the data. Residual analysis has been performed in
Copyright © 2017 by authors and
Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
order to verify which models fit the data better, opting for a compromise deci-
This work is licensed under the Creative sion given the apparent complexity of residuals plots. As Box states there are
Commons Attribution International no perfect models (but models that work better than others).
License (CC BY 4.0). Keywords
Open Access
Calibration, Non Linear Calibration, Residual Analysis, Liquid
Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Emerging Pollutants

1. Introduction
Method validation is an important requirement in the practice of chemical
analysis. General requirements in method validation for performance character-
istics include, but are not limited to, linearity, accuracy, precision, sensibility and
robustness [1] [2] [3]. Method validation is, therefore, an essential component of
the measures that a laboratory should implement to allow it to produce reliable
analytical data. This paper deals on the first ones: Linearity (calibration).
Calibration is an essentials part of every quantitative analytical method
[3]-[10] and correct performance of the so important step is a critical part of
method development and validation.
Calibration is a procedure to standardize the instrument by determining the
deviation between a measurement system and a reference system represented by

DOI: 10.4236/jasmi.2017.71001 March 3, 2017

J. Martin et al.

reference materials and their accepted values. Considering that the majority of
analytical methods show linear relationships in one way of another, the recom-
mended statistical methods to be used for the assessment of linearity are ordi-
nary least squares regression or weighted least squares regression [3].
Linearity is described as the ability of the method to elicit test results that are
directly proportional to analyte concentration in a given range [5] [6] [7]. In
practice, the range is the interval between the upper and lower levels of analyte
for the intended analytical method, and for which acceptable precision and ac-
curacy are obtained [3].
However, for some analytical techniques, the relationship between the meas-
ured signals and the analyte concentrations is nonlinear and nonlinear or poly-
nomial models are better fitted instead, i.e., a commonly observed phenomenon
in atomic absorption spectrophotometry [8] is the ending of the calibration
graph towards the concentration axis at elevated concentrations. In most real
problems, the response becomes non-linear when the range of the calibration
data becomes sufficiently large. In the field of liquid chromatography coupled to
tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for instance matrix-related non-linearity
can be observed [4] [11] [12] in several methods.
It is well known that when a wrong equation is fitted to data, the shape and
the pattern of the residual plot contain valuable information that can be used to
determine the way [13]-[20] in which the equation should be modified to
achieve a better description of the data. So, residuals provide a convenient means
of checking whether the calibration data is actually linear [21] [22] [23] [24].
The residuals are the vertical distances indicated in the y-direction between the
points and the regression line (which gives a minimum sum of their squares)
[21]. No rigorous mathematical treatment is required. If there is a true linear re-
lationship between the variables with the error symmetrically distributed, re-
siduals will be scattered randomly above and below zero, an equal number of
plus and minus. Systematic deviations may indicate either a systematic error in
the experiment or an incorrect or inadequate model. A curvilinear pattern in the
residuals plot means that a non-linear curve, containing higher order terms, will
be better fitted. A linear trend (descending or ascending) may indicate that an
additional term in the model is needed. The “fan-shaped” residual pattern shows
that experimental error increases with mean response (heteroscedasticity) so the
constant variance assumption is inappropriate [21]. This last should be approach
by weighted least squares method or by transforming the response.
Among the various statistical ways of numerically measuring some of the ob-
served discrepancies, to date the most widely used method is still the visual ex-
amination of the residual plots because it gives more information in a direct way
[21]. The simplest model or the model with the minimum number of parameters
that adequately fit the data in question is usually the best choice [25]: “Non sunt
multiplicanda entia praetor necessitaten” (Occam’s razor). However, things as
we will have opportunity to see, are not always so simple and so easy.
The use of LC and MS have proved to be a powerful tool for the identification

J. Martin et al.

and quantification of these emerging pollutants in complex mixtures and/or for

confirming their presence [26] [27] [28]. In this work, a LC-MS/MS prelimi-
nary study on compounds of environmental significance, i.e. perfluoroalkyl
compounds, preservatives and brominated flame retardants, is carried out taken
in mind their simultaneous determination in environmental samples because of
their widespread use, potential toxicity, persistence or bioaccumulation [27]-
[39]. Calibration curve were obtained and residual analysis [13] [14] has been
applied in an attempt to check for model adequacy.

2. Simultaneous Determination of Three Parabens, Six

Perfluoroalkyl Compounds and a Flame Retardant Made
Calibration curves are prepared for the simultaneous determination of three
parabens (methylparaben (MeP), ethylparaben (EtP), propylparaben (PrP)), six
perfluoroalkyl compounds (perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), perfluorooc-
tanoic acid (PFOA), perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA), perfluorohexanoic acid
(PFHxA), perfluoropentanoic acid (PFPeA), perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBuA))
and a brominated flame retardant hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) by LC-
MS/MS detection.

2.1. Brominated Flame Retardants

Brominated flame retardants are used in a wide variety of commercial products
(furniture, plastics, fabrics, paints, electronic devices) to reduce their flammabil-
ity [29] [30]. There are currently about 20 - 25 classes of brominated flame re-
tardants, three of which are the main ones: tetrabromobisphenol A and its de-
rivatives, polybrominated diphenyl ethers and hexabromocyclododecane (in-
cluding three isomers). The concern for these compounds lies basically in their
great ubiquity, since they have been detected in a wide range of human, animal
and environmental samples [30] [31]. Indications of possible adverse effects [30]
[31] [32] such as neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption and cancer have triggered
the alarm and the consequent adoption of legislative measures for its control in
water at European level [33].

2.2. Perfluoroalkyl Compounds

Perfluorinated detergents are compounds for industrial use in a wide range of
sectors. They are nowadays recognized as very dangerous pollutants and they are
widely dispersed in the environment [34]. At the heart of the controversy are
PFOS and PFOA. PFOS has been used as coolant, detergent, water and oil repel-
lents, flame retardants, lubricants, adhesives, cosmetics, insecticides, etc. PFOA,
on the other hand, is used in the manufacture of fluoropolymers (PTFE) and
fluoroelastomers (PVDF) and also found used as fabrics, carpets, food contain-
ers, automobiles manufacture, etc. Both PFOA and PFOS compounds, according
to recent studies, are toxic and persistent [31] [35] [36], PFOA is also carcino-
genic, and PFOS has a strong tendency to bioaccumulate.

J. Martin et al.

2.3. Personal Care Products or Preservatives

Parabens (methyl, ethyl, propyl, benzyl, butyl parabens) are among the most
commonly used synthetic preservatives in personal care cosmetics and pharma-
ceuticals, given their supposed low toxicity, broad spectrum of activity, inertia,
widespread acceptance in international regulations, biodegradability and low
cost [37]. But currently there is a tendency to avoid the use of these compounds
due to increasing evidence of its effects of altering the endocrine system [38]

2.4. Materials and Methods

Reagents. The compounds studied (the parabens MeP, EtP and PrP, the per-
fluoroalkyl compounds PFOS, PFOA, PFHpA, PFHxA, PFPeA and PFBuA and
the brominated flame retardant HBCDD) were supplied by Dr. Ehrenstorfer
GmbH (between 97% - 99.5% purity). The stock solution of each compound
(1000 mg/L) was prepared in methanol and stored in a refrigerator at 4˚C.
Working solutions were prepared by diluting the stock standard solutions in
methanol. Acetonitrile, water and methanol all of HPLC quality purity were
supplied by Romil Ltd. (Barcelona, Spain). Ammonium acetate (reagent grade
analysis) was supplied by Panreac (Barcelona, Spain).
Liquid chromatography and detector. High-resolution liquid chromatography
(Agilent Series 1200, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) equipped with a
vacuum degasser, a binary pump, an autosampler and a thermostated column
compartment (Figure 1). Zorbax Eclipse XDB C-18 Rapid Resolution column
(50 × 4.6 mm i.d., 1.8 μm). Precolumn XDB C-18 (4 × 4 mm, 5 μm). Mass spec-
trometry detector (Agilent 6410 Series, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA)
triple quadrupole (QqQ-MS) equipped with electrospray ionization source (ESI).

2.5. Chromatographic Analysis

Analytes were separated using an HPLC system equipped with XDB-C 18 col-
umn reverse column of 4.6 mm × 50 mm and 1.8 μm particle size (Agilent
Technologies, Santa Clara, CA).

Figure 1. LC-MS/MS equipment.

J. Martin et al.

Our aim was to obtain high sensitivity and selectivity in a short time. First, the
pH of mobile phase was studied and deionised water with different additives was
studied as aqueous solvent. Acetic acid (from 0% to 0.2%, v/v), ammonia (from
0% to 0.050%, w/v) and mixtures of them (ammonium acetate) were assayed.
Higher responses and better peak shapes were obtained using 10 mM ammo-
nium acetate as aqueous solution and methanol as organicsolvent. Second, we
analyzed the effect of substituting methanol for acetonitrile but no improve-
ments were observed in peak shapes or resolution, so we selected the mobile
phase previously mentioned. A linear gradient, as described in Table 1, was
used. The flow rate was 0.6 mL/min.
Lastly, we increased the injection volume in order to enhance the analytical
signal and consequently the limits of detection of the method. A range from 5 to
20 μL was analyzed and 20 μL was chosen as injection volume since a marked
increase in sensitivity without loss of resolution was obtained. The increase of
temperature from 30˚C to 50˚C did not improve significantly the characteristics
of chromatographic method, therefore 30˚C was chosen as optimum.
The HPLC system is coupled to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with
ESI working in negative mode. The parameters selected for the spectrometer are:
capillary voltage, 3000 V; nebulizer pressure, 40 psig; drying-gas flow rate, 9.0
L/min and drying-gas temperature, 355˚C. The mode of operation of the spec-
trometer is MRM (Multiple Reaction Monitoring). Instrument control and data
acquisition were carried out with Mass Hunter software (Agilent, USA). A pre-
vious optimization of the conditions of fragmentation was made using the
Optimizer software. The MS/MS detection method was set up by continuous in-
fusion of standard solutions of each individual compound (1 mg∙L−1) to optimize
the response of the precursor ion. The mass spectrometric conditions were op-
timized for each compound. ESI interface in positive and negative modes were
evaluated. Negative mode was selected because it showed higher sensitivity for
all compounds of interest. The two transitions, one for quantification and the
other for confirmation, corresponding to the most abundant ion products were
selected after the rupture of the precursor ion, in accordance with Decision
2002/657/EC [40]. The most abundant transition ion was selected to obtain
maximum sensitivity for quantification. The parameters optimized for product
ions were fragmentation voltage and collision energy. The parameters selected to
obtain optimum responses are presented in Table 2. Figure 2 and Figure 3
show the mass spectrum corresponding to MeP and a chromatogram of a stan-
dard solution of the compounds under study, at a concentration of 100 ng/mL,

Table 1. Gradient program.

Time (min) Aqueous phase (% v/v) Organic phase (% v/v)

0 72 28
20 5 95
20.1 72 28
26 72 28

J. Martin et al.

Table 2. Optimized parameters for the determination of contaminants by QqQ-MS.

Retention Precursor MRM 1 (quantification) MRM 2 (confirmation) Collision energy

Compound Fragmentor (V)
time (min) ion (m/z) (m/z) (m/z) (V)

MeP 6.225 151.2 92.1 136.1 70 16

EtP 9.006 165.2 92.1 137.1 79 20
PrP 11.578 179.2 92.1 136.1 99 24
PFBuA 3.322 213 169 51.6 55 0
PFPeA 7.302 263 219 89.7 55 0
PFHxA 10.453 313 269 119 60 0
PFHpA 12.647 363.1 319 332.8 65 0
PFOA 14.268 413.1 369.1 194.3 62 0
PFOS 15.595 499 80 51.5 145 40

HBCDD 21.918 640.7 81 79 67 40

Figure 2. Mass spectrum of MeP.

obtained after the fragmentation performed under the selected optimum condi-

2.6. Standards for the Calibration Procedure

Prepare the calibration standards containing concentrations of the compounds
in the concentration ranges 1 to 1500 ng/mL. Use methanol as solvent.

2.7. Calibration Curves

They are obtained from the peak areas of MRM (Multiple Reaction Monitoring)
chromatograms. The results obtained are shown in Table 3, and are shown in
Figures 4-6.

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Figure 3. Chromatogram of a standard solution (100 ng/mL) of the studied compounds.

Figure 4. Response (peak area of MRM chromatograms) versus concentration (calibration curve) obtained by
simple linear regression (top) and residual graph (bottom) for MeP, EtP, PrP and PFBuA.

J. Martin et al.

Figure 5. Response (peak area of MRM chromatograms) versus concentration (calibra-

tion curve) obtained by simple linear regression (top) and residual graph (bottom) for

Figure 6. Response (peak area of MRM chromatograms) versus concentration (calibra-

tion curve) obtained by simple linear regression (top) and residual graph (bottom) for

3. Results and Discussion

A glance at Figures 4-6 reveals that the pattern of the residuals obtained by sim-
ple linear regression is clearly curvilinear in all cases except for MeP, EtP and
HBCDD, which is not surprising given the wide concentrations range used in
the calibration process. This is, moreover, typical in instrumental analysis [8] [9]
[11] [12], as has been indicated previously. It may also stressed that the disper-
sion of the measurements in terms of absolute standard deviation increases with
increasing concentration, a circumstance also typical in instrumental analysis,
and specifically in LC-MS-MS. Figure 7 and Figure 8 plot the standard devia-
tion (SD) and the coefficient of variation (CV = SD/MEAN), for the sake of
comparison, determined from quatriplicate standard measurements (see Table
3) during the same day and at the concentration ranges from 1 to 1500 ng/mL.

J. Martin et al.

This leads us, once found the appropriate model, to the need to apply the
weighted least squares method in the calibration process, once the Cochran test
shows that the variances are not homogeneous. The coefficient of variation
(relative standard deviation) can be considered constant in all the cases, except
at low concentrations, in which an increase of the same takes place (Figure 7
and Figure 8). This circumstance is also typical of the instrumental analysis [21]

Figure 7. Standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV) as a function of con-
centration (log scale) for MeP, EtP, PrP, PFBuA, PFPeA and PFHxA.

Figure 8. Standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV) as a function of con-
centration (log scale) for PFHpA, PFOA, PFOS and HBCDD.

J. Martin et al.

Table 3. Experimental data in the LC-QqQ-MS assay of the studied compounds.

Concentration Area

1 1184 1340 2229 6467 9163 13,466 30,167 12,569 2696 132

1 908 1137 2171 7507 9146 14,258 30,377 13,811 2548 105

1 864 1399 2150 7339 9110 12,911 32,345 13,361 2672 167

1 1005 1007 2314 7109 9745 12,663 29,847 12,754 2632 196

5 4492 6073 10728 38,352 40,308 71,226 132,779 67,649 12,570 667

5 4262 5711 9668 37,203 40,531 70,113 132,374 69,896 12,535 593

5 4525 6129 9993 37,667 42,329 71,547 135,051 70,957 12,372 631

5 4271 6212 9642 36,909 41,221 72,233 131,190 70,975 12,756 625

20 15,478 23,380 38,085 147,775 165,675 297,727 541,384 280,281 51,961 2389

20 16,958 23,246 36,226 153,665 171,048 308,450 536,253 292,393 53,230 2279

20 16,593 23,507 37,713 151,629 174,481 303,468 547,111 290,667 52,560 2554

20 16,186 25,234 38,299 153,143 172,763 307,997 556,749 289,058 53,156 2394

75 63,420 94,161 155,639 589,499 679,238 1,173,978 1,970,518 1,124,698 212,557 8529

75 63,347 92,955 153,754 582,509 670,764 1,149,246 1,955,860 1,119,402 209,053 8161

75 64,501 95,575 154,614 583,523 672,129 1,172,311 2,012,733 1,140,991 213,667 8311

75 64,497 97,015 153,771 582,923 679,185 1,183,564 1,984,695 1,128,084 210,118 8618

100 87,532 125,687 209,051 768,774 881,362 1,508,280 2,520,453 1,474,322 279,707 10,660

100 87,654 135,547 211,545 764,762 891,624 1,497,562 2,595,680 1,477,923 284,973 11,273

100 86,192 128,932 210,498 764,999 875,655 1,504,972 2,502,917 1,442,845 279,531 10,894

100 86,281 133,186 208,813 770,867 900,274 1,536,909 2,571,226 1,486,015 281,691 11,179

200 185,653 269,465 442,280 1,451,923 1,657,897 2,789,214 4,520,435 2,735,448 517,434 22,914

200 179,164 270,382 438,705 1,437,231 1,653,882 2,746,647 4,458,679 2,744,527 511,369 21,794

200 180,963 270,409 438,777 1,424,945 1,636,368 2,759,462 4,506,357 2,706,446 511,528 22,728

200 180,617 275,582 441,375 1,432,895 1,651,618 2,749,447 4,559,778 2,739,220 519,854 22,597

400 371,428 560,785 870,710 2,507,193 2,845,803 4,736,202 7,545,287 4,759,187 850,236 45,124

400 371,663 544,333 856,690 2,488,278 2,831,205 4,696,598 7,577,037 4,740,147 855,286 44,918

400 378,968 543,235 863,800 2,480,970 2,860,776 4,745,724 7,657,111 4,733,220 844,191 43,971

400 370,162 546,627 881,689 2,511,807 2,839,993 4,780,048 7,643,978 4,713,466 853,200 42,811

1000 1,020,528 1,464,705 2,185,549 5,174,790 5,663,302 9,564,030 14,913,140 9,911,388 1,539,691 117,387

1000 1,039,694 1,495,585 2,229,515 5,194,331 5,712,828 9,668,085 15,121,333 10,046,133 1,550,220 116,105

1000 1,015,193 1,460,448 2,192,634 5,215,365 5,824,863 9,789,186 15,143,680 9,370,015 1,566,303 119,394

1000 988,377 1,403,698 2,190,586 5,285,734 5,791,527 9,705,058 15,195,246 9,932,084 1,553,824 121,236

1500 1,448,538 2,031,036 3,056,378 6,953,608 7,583,410 12,641,907 19,335,848 12,327,199 1,908,636 174,429

1500 1,425,929 2,053,094 3,019,015 6,981,940 7,563,694 12,518,071 19,172,897 12,752,422 1,888,935 171,710

1500 1,469,290 2,033,443 3,030,611 6,904,557 7,584,307 12,626,396 19,308,182 12,842,599 1,902,875 175,247

1500 1,470,121 2,062,210 3,054,469 6,940,716 7,597,353 12,608,467 19,417,533 12,906,640 1,924,470 174,086

J. Martin et al.

[22] [23], provided that the concentrations are sufficiently high. The PFOA
shows an abnormal behaviour in this sense, since its CV first decreases and then
It has been tried to establish a linear range of work in a smaller range of con-
centrations, eliminating for that in the calibration curve the points placed to the
concentration 1000 and 1500 ppb (Figures 9-11). Although the R2 values thus

Figure 9. Calibration curve obtained by simple linear regression eliminating the points of
1000 and 1500 ppb (top) and residual graph (bottom) for MeP, EtP, PrP and PFBuA.

Figure 10. Calibration curve obtained by simple linear regression eliminating the points
of 1000 and 1500 ppb (top) and residual graph (bottom) for PFPeA, PFHxA, PFHpA and

J. Martin et al.

Figure 11. Calibration curve obtained by simple linear regression eliminating the points
of 1000 and 1500 ppb (top) and residual graph (bottom) for PFOS and HBCDD.

obtained are greater than 0.99 in most cases, the residuals show in this case an
upward or downward trend. In cases where the curvature is apparent, a quad-
ratic equation model (second degree polynomial) to the data (Figure 12), ob-
taining a considerable improvement in the values of R2, being these of the order
of 0.999, being the residuals above and below the zero, but not in a typical ran-
dom pattern. This situation is not corrected with higher polynomial models, or
with rational models [24] [41] of the type
a0 + a1 x + a2 x 2
y= (1)
1 + a3 x + a4 x 2

As stated by Box: “There are no perfect models, but models that fit better than
others” [42] [43] [44]. Linear or quadratic models, simpler, allow the calculation
of concentrations with the required accuracy at the level of ppb, in which we are
involved. The search of possible causes due to this phenomenon, as well as
weighting factors to apply in the calibration and an analysis of the data in depth
will be object of further search.

4. Final Comments
Calibration is an essentials part of every quantitative analytical method and cor-
rect performance of the so important step is a critical part of method develop-
ment and validation. Analytical chemists are often interested in the fitting of
mathematical equations to experimental data [6] [8] [17] [18] [21] [22] [23].
The least squares method is widely used to find or estimate the numerical
values of the parameters to fit a function to a set of data and to characterize the
statistical properties of estimates. In spite of this, common situations when
working with LC-MS/MS or absorption spectrophotometry that may be de-
scribed by functional relationships include calibration curves relating measured
values of response to a property, which may be nonlinear [4] [8] [11] [12] [24]
In most of situations, a statistical test for linearity between the variables is
rarely undertaken in analytical studies despite the frequent assumption that such
linearity prevails. Taylor and Schutsyer [45] quoted in 1986: “Although the the-
ory concerning regression has since long been described, many errors can still be

J. Martin et al.

Figure 12. Calibration curve obtained by quadratic adjustment (simple linear regression)
(top) and residual graph (bottom) for the studied compounds.

encountered when it is applied to solve problems in analytical chemistry.”

Residual analysis is a very useful tool that helps select the model that fit more
adequately the data. In considering residuals, a qualitative approach is often the
most revealing and informative.
In many chemical, pharmaceutical and biological applications the use of LC
and MS have proved to be a powerful tool for the identification and quantifica-
tion of multiresidue compounds in complex mixtures and numerous new
methods are developed and validated daily. So that, a preliminary study on the
simultaneous determination of compounds of environmental significance (six-
perfluoroalkyl compounds, three preservatives and a brominated flame retar-
dant) by LC-MS/MS has been carried out in this work. For calibration purposes,
nine concentration levels were prepared and calibration curve was built. Most of
the studied compounds show curvilinear calibration curves, which is not sur-
prising given the wide concentrations range used. By restricting the concentra-

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tion range a linear region may be sometimes choice to determine some of the
compounds of environmental concern subject to study in this paper. By using
parabolic regression, the dynamic range of some of the standard curves may be
Note that the best choice from a practical point of view is the simplest model,
which fit properly the data, in agreement with the parsimony principle (Occam’s
razor) [25]. However, things are no easy. As stated by Box [42] [43] [44] “all
models are wrong”. There are no perfect models, but model that are more ade-
quate than others.

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