Abb Switchgear
Abb Switchgear
Abb Switchgear
ABB is a global leader in power and automation a building's lighting, ventilation, heating and security and
technologies that enable utility and industry customers to data communication networks.
improve performance while lowering environmental impact.
ABB’s product range serves the diverse needs of customers,
ABB in India serves customers in process, manufacturing offering value-for-money and high levels of quality and
and consumer industries, utilities, the oil & gas sector and reliability. These products are backed by the technological
infrastructure markets through a wide manufacturing and expertise of ABB’s centres of excellence across the globe,
marketing network. ABB offers a full range of low- and each of which excel in a specific range of low voltage
medium-voltage solutions to connect, protect, control products.
and measure a wide range of electrical systems for all
major industries, including the residential sector. The ABB’s electrification products offering in India is designed,
business improves the reliability and efficiency of electrical manufactured and tested in-house in conformance with
installations through modular substation packages, requirements of the ISO 9000 series. These products
distribution automation products, switchgear, circuit conform to the latest IEC standards, EN specifications,
breakers, measuring and sensing devices, control products, national standards such as IS, BS, VDE, etc., in addition to
wiring accessories, and enclosures and cabling systems, the “CE” mark.
including KNX systems designed to integrate and automate
B characteristic C characteristic
SB201 M B - 1P SB201 M C - 1P
Rated Order details Rated Order details
Std Unit Std Unit
current current
pack MRP ₹ pack MRP ₹
In A Type code Order code In A Type code Order code
6 SB201 M-B6 1SYS271012R0065 n 12 0.5 SB201 M-C0.5 1SYS271012R0984 12
10 SB201 M-B10 1SYS271012R0105 n 12 1 SB201 M-C1 1SYS271012R0014 12 555
16 SB201 M-B16 1SYS271012R0165 n 12 1.6 SB201 M-C1.6 1SYS271012R0974 12
20 SB201 M-B20 1SYS271012R0205 n 12 2 SB201 M-C2 1SYS271012R0024 12
D characteristic
SB201 M D - 1P SB202 M D - 2P
Rated Order details Rated Order details
Std Unit Std Unit
current current
Type code Order code pack MRP ₹ pack MRP ₹
In A In A Type code Order code
0.5 SB201 M-D0,5 1SYS271012R0981 12 0.5 SB202 M-D0.5 1SYS272012R0981 6
1 SB201 M-D1 1SYS271012R0011 12 630 1 SB202 M-D1 1SYS272012R0011 6 1,735
1.6 SB201 M-D1,6 1SYS271012R0971 12 1.6 SB202 M-D1.6 1SYS272012R0971 6
2 SB201 M-D2 1SYS271012R0021 12 2 SB202 M-D2 1SYS272012R0021 6
3 SB201 M-D3 1SYS271012R0031 12 550 3 SB202 M-D3 1SYS272012R0031 6 1,510
4 SB201 M-D4 1SYS271012R0041 12 4 SB202 M-D4 1SYS272012R0041 6
6 SB201 M-D6 1SYS271012R0061 12 6 SB202 M-D6 1SYS272012R0061 6
10 SB201 M-D10 1SYS271012R0101 12 10 SB202 M-D10 1SYS272012R0101 6
16 SB201 M-D16 1SYS271012R0161 12 16 SB202 M-D16 1SYS272012R0161 6
445 1,080
20 SB201 M-D20 1SYS271012R0201 12 20 SB202 M-D20 1SYS272012R0201 6
25 SB201 M-D25 1SYS271012R0251 12 25 SB202 M-D25 1SYS272012R0251 6
32 SB201 M-D32 1SYS271012R0321 12 32 SB202 M-D32 1SYS272012R0321 6
40 SB201 M-D40 1SYS271012R0401 12 40 SB202 M-D40 1SYS272012R0401 6
50 SB201 M-D50 1SYS271012R0501 12 750 50 SB202 M-D50 1SYS272012R0501 6 1,775
63 SB201 M-D63 1SYS271012R0631 12 63 SB202 M-D63 1SYS272012R0631 6
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 5
SB203 M D - 3P SB204 M D - 4P
Rated Order details Rated Order details
Std Unit Std Unit
current current
Type code Order code pack MRP ₹ Type code Order code pack MRP ₹
In A In A
0.5 SB203 M-D0.5 1SYS273012R0981 4 0.5 SB204 M-D0.5 1SYS274012R0981 3
1 SB203 M-D1 1SYS273012R0011 4 2,675 1 SB204 M-D1 1SYS274012R0011 3 2,925
1.6 SB203 M-D1.6 1SYS273012R0971 4 1.6 SB204 M-D1.6 1SYS274012R0971 3
2 SB203 M-D2 1SYS273012R0021 4 2 SB204 M-D2 1SYS274012R0021 3
3 SB203 M-D3 1SYS273012R0031 4 2,340 3 SB204 M-D3 1SYS274012R0031 3 3,075
4 SB203 M-D4 1SYS273012R0041 4 4 SB204 M-D4 1SYS274012R0041 3
6 SB203 M-D6 1SYS273012R0061 4 6 SB204 M-D6 1SYS274012R0061 3
10 SB203 M-D10 1SYS273012R0101 4 10 SB204 M-D10 1SYS274012R0101 3
16 SB203 M-D16 1SYS273012R0161 4 16 SB204 M-D16 1SYS274012R0161 3
1,765 2,440
20 SB203 M-D20 1SYS273012R0201 4 20 SB204 M-D20 1SYS274012R0201 3
25 SB203 M-D25 1SYS273012R0251 4 25 SB204 M-D25 1SYS274012R0251 3
32 SB203 M-D32 1SYS273012R0321 4 32 SB204 M-D32 1SYS274012R0321 3
40 SB203 M-D40 1SYS273012R0401 4 40 SB204 M-D40 1SYS274012R0401 3
50 SB203 M-D50 1SYS273012R0501 4 2,785 50 SB204 M-D50 1SYS274012R0501 3 3,220
63 SB203 M-D63 1SYS273012R0631 4 63 SB204 M-D63 1SYS274012R0631 3
SB200 DC
SB201 DC - 1P SB202 DC - 2P
Rated Order details Rated Order details
Std Unit Std Unit
current current
pack MRP ₹ Type code Order code pack MRP ₹
In A Type code Order code In A
1.6 SB201-C1.6DC 1SYS251067R0974 12 1.6 SB202-C1.6DC 1SYS252067R0974 6
2 SB201-C2DC 1SYS251067R0024 12 2 SB202-C2DC 1SYS252067R0024 6
995 2,095
3 SB201-C3DC 1SYS251067R0034 12 3 SB202-C3DC 1SYS252067R0034 6
4 SB201-C4DC 1SYS251067R0044 12 4 SB202-C4DC 1SYS252067R0044 6
6 SB201-C6DC 1SYS251067R0064 12 6 SB202-C6DC 1SYS252067R0064 6
10 SB201-C10DC 1SYS251067R0104 12 10 SB202-C10DC 1SYS252067R0104 6
16 SB201-C16DC 1SYS251067R0164 12 16 SB202-C16DC 1SYS252067R0164 6
810 1,690
20 SB201-C20DC 1SYS251067R0204 12 20 SB202-C20DC 1SYS252067R0204 6
25 SB201-C25DC 1SYS251067R0254 12 25 SB202-C25DC 1SYS252067R0254 6
32 SB201-C32DC 1SYS251067R0324 12 32 SB202-C32DC 1SYS252067R0324 6
40 SB201-C40DC 1SYS251067R0404 12 40 SB202-C40DC 1SYS252067R0404 6
50 SB201-C50DC 1SYS251067R0504 12 1,030 50 SB202-C50DC 1SYS252067R0504 6 2,285
63 SB201-C63DC 1SYS251067R0634 12 63 SB202-C63DC 1SYS252067R0634 6
Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
S200 series - 80, 100A
Current Pack Current Pack
rating (A) Description Ordering code unit L.P. (`) rating (A) Description Ordering code unit L.P. (`)
(Pc) (Pc)
Switch Disconnector SDB200 and E200
SDB200 E200
Rated current Order details Std Unit Rated current Order details Std Unit
In A Type code Order code pack MRP ₹ In A Type code Order code pack MRP ₹
Double pole
Double pole
80 E202/80r 2CDE282001R0080 1 1,210
40 SDB202/40 1SYD272115R0040 n 6 745
100 E202/100r 2CDE282001R0100 1 1,910
63 SDB202/63 1SYD272115R0063 n 6 975
125 E202/125r 2CDE282001R0125 1 1,975
Three pole
Three pole 80 E203/80r 2CDE283001R0080 1 2,035
40 SDB203/40 1SYD273115R0040 n 4 1,270 100 E203/100r 2CDE283001R0100 1 2,230
63 SDB203/63 1SYD273115R0063 n 4 1,480 125 E203/125r 2CDE283001R0125 1 2,490
Four pole
Four pole 80 E204/80r 2CDE284001R0080 1 2,290
40 SDB204/40 1SYD274115R0040 n 3 1,580 100 E204/100r 2CDE284001R0100 1 2,430
63 SDB204/63 1SYD274115R0063 n 3 1,745 125 E204/125r 2CDE284001R0125 1 2,710
Change over switch
Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
E213-16-002, double pole change over
2CCA703045R0001 2,765
switch, 16 A (I-II)
E213-25-002, double pole change over
2CCA703046R0001 3,440
switch, 25 A (I-II)
E214-16-202, group switch, 16 A (I-0-II) 2CCA703030R0001 3,115
E214-25-202, group switch, 25 A (I-0-II) 2CCA703031R0001 3,485
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 7
Residual Current Circuit Breaker FB200
AC type
Test push-button
to verify the correct
functioning of the
Information on
the device is laser
printed to make it
clearly visible and
long lasting.
MCBs to be coupled with DDA200
S200M C characteristics - 10 kA
Double pole Four pole
Current Pack unit Unit Current Pack unit Unit
rating Description Ordering code (Pc) MRP (`) rating Description Ordering code (Pc) MRP (`)
(A) (A)
6 S202M-C 6 2CDS272001R0064 n 6 6 S204M-C 6 2CDS274001R0064 n 3
10 S202M-C 10 2CDS272001R0104 n 6 10 S204M-C 10 2CDS274001R0104 n 3
16 S202M-C 16 2CDS272001R0164 n 6 16 S204M-C 16 2CDS274001R0164 n 3
1,165 2,320
20 S202M-C 20 2CDS272001R0204 n 6 20 S204M-C 20 2CDS274001R0204 n 3
25 S202M-C 25 2CDS272001R0254 n 6 25 S204M-C 25 2CDS274001R0254 n 3
32 S202M-C 32 2CDS272001R0324 n 6 32 S204M-C 32 2CDS274001R0324 n 3
40 S202M-C 40 2CDS272001R0404 n 6 40 S204M-C 40 2CDS274001R0404 n 3
50 S202M-C 50 2CDS272001R0504 6 1,810 50 S204M-C 50 2CDS274001R0504 3 3,485
63 S202M-C 63 2CDS272001R0634 6 63 S204M-C 63 2CDS274001R0634 n 3
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 9
MCBs to be coupled with DDA200 (cont...)
S200M D characteristics - 10 kA
— —
RCCB - F200 series RCBO - DS200 series
AP-R (high immunity) AP-R (high immunity)
1/2 N T T
1/2 3/4
rated Pack- Unit
rating Description Ordering code
current ing MRP ₹
6 DS201 M C6 APR30 2CSR275480R1064 30 1
RCCB - F200 series 10 DS201 M C10 APR30 2CSR275480R1104 30 1
Shunt trips
Suitable for MCBs SB200 series, RCBOs DS201 series, SDB200 switch disconnectors series.
Auxiliary elements for
RCCB FB200 and F200
Shunt trips
Suitable for RCCBs FB200, F200 series and RCBOs DS201.
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 11
Auxiliary elements for
MCB’s SB200 M, SB200 DC, switch disconnector SDB200/
E200, RCCB FB200, F200 and RCBO DS201 M
Undervoltage releases
Overvoltage release
Order details Std Unit
Type code Order code pack MRP ₹
Overvoltage release
S2C-OVP1 2CSS200910R0005 1/5
(max. tripping voltage AC: 275V)
Overvoltage release
S2C-OVP2 2CSS200993R0005 1/5
(max. tripping voltage AC: 290V)
Auxiliary elements for
MCB’s S800 series
Auxiliary contact
Description Ordering code Order details Packing L.P. (`)
Auxiliary contact 2CCS800900R0011 S800-AUX 1 3,470
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 13
DBT Timer digital time switches
An ideal range for automating the functions
of the installation
Ordering codes
M1A is a digital ammeter for current measurement, providing the measurement of the single-phase or three-
phase electrical parameters and allowing easy replacement of different analogue meters.
Communication Order details
Order code unit L.P.(`)
protocol and interface Type code
- M1A 1-1 Ammeter 1Ph (Cl 1.0) 1SYG235145R4051 n 1 1,500
- M1A 3-1 Ammeter 3Ph (Cl 1.0) 1SYG235135R4051 n 1 2,300
- M1A 3-05 Ammeter 3Ph (Cl 0.5) 1SYG234905R4051 n 1 2,700
M1V is a digital voltmeter for voltage (and Frequency) measurement, providing the measurement of the
single-phase or three-phase Voltage as well as Frequency (for 3Ph Voltmeter) and allowing easy replacement
of different analogue meters.
Communication Order details
Order code unit L.P.(`)
protocol and interface Type code
- M1V 1-1 Volt Meter 1Ph 1SYG233965R4051 n 1 1,500
- M1V 3-1 Volt Meter 3Ph 1SYG233955R4051 n 1 2,300
- M1V 3-05 Volt Meter 3Ph 1SYG233695R4051 n 1 2,700
M1M 11
Coming M1M11 is a digital kWH meter for energy measurement, providing the measurement of the single-phase or
soon* three-phase energy consumption.
Order details
Order code unit L.P.(`)
Type code
M1M 11-1 Modbus kWh meter 1% 1SYG233685R4051 1
Upon request
M1M 11-05 Modbus kWh meter 0,5% 1SYG232395R4051 1
* Availablity from February 2022
Measurement devices
M1M 10 and M1M 12
M1M 10
M1M 10 is a VAF meter for basic electrical system monitoring, providing the measurement of the main
single-phase and three-phase electrical parameters and allowing easy replacement of different
analogue meters.
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 15
Measurement devices
M1M 10 and M1M 12
M1M 12
M1M 12 is a multi-function meter, providing what is needed to monitor the electrical system and allowing
statistical metering of active energy consumption.
M1M 12 product range includes option with built-in communication protocol (Modbus RTU) through RS485
communication port, allowing easy integration with Modbus supervision systems.
M1M DS, 20B and 30B Coming
Ordering codes
M1M DS is a digital dual source meter along with power parameters for two source measurement for
example EB/DG.
Order details
Order code unit L.P.(`)
Type code
M1M DS Dual source meter 1SYG232385R4051 1
Upon request
M1M DS Modbus Dual source meter 1SYG232375R4051 1
M1M 20B
M1M 20 is a power meter including THD and import/export (4 quadrants) measurement for basic power
quality analysis applications such as power factor management and local energy generation monitoring.
Order details
Order code unit L.P.(`)
Type code
M1M 20B-1 Modbus 1% 1SYG231445R4051 1
M1M 20B-05 Modbus 0,5% 1SYG230355R4051 1 Upon request
M1M 20B-02 Modbus 0,2% 1SYG230295R4051 1
M1M 30B
M1M 30 is a power meter providing complete features in terms of power quality analysis such as
measurement up to 40th harmonic and internal memory for datalogging, allowing to target e.g. demand
management applications.
Order details
Order code unit L.P.(`)
Type code
M1M 30B-05 Modbus 1SYG230185R4051 1
Upon request
M1M 30B-02 Modbus 1SYG229775R4051 1
Efficiency, safety, integration: the new System pro E comfort ABB’s wide product range for the industrial sector.
MISTRAL65 series rests on the strengths which have The result of constant research and constant attention paid
consolidated ABB’s image over the years for its expertise to technological development, the System pro E comfort c
and reliability in the area of products for protection, control, consumer units are designed to satisfy
monitoring, measurement, safety and energy efficiency. all requirements electrical installers might have.
These innovative IP65 rated consumer units complete
Description No. modules No. of rows Dimensions WxHxD Order code L.P. (`)
Mistral65 transparent door 4M 4 1 52x202x117 1SL1200A00 3,050
Mistral65 transparent door 8M 8 1 232x250x154 1SL1201A00 4,928
Mistral65 transparent door 12M 12 1 320x250x155 1SL1202A00 6,552
Mistral65 transparent door 18M 18 1 430x250x155 1SL1203A00 8,308
Mistral65 transparent door 24M 24 2 320x435x155 1SL1204A00 10,180
Mistral65 transparent door 36M 2F 36 2 430x435x155 1SL1205A00
Mistral65 transparent door 36M 3F 36 3 320x600x155 1SL1206A00
Mistral65 transparent door 54M 54 3 430x600x155 1SL1208A00 23,388
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 17
Distribution Enclosures
I-SPN06 WAY WD DB 1SYM011506C0001 n 6 way 6 1,728 I-SPN06 WAY AD DB 1SYM011706C0001 6 way 6 3,802
I-SPN08 WAY WD DB 1SYM011508C0001 n 8 way 8 2,018 I-SPN08 WAY AD DB 1SYM011708C0001 8 way 8 4,372
I-SPN10 WAY WD DB 1SYM011510C0001 10 way 10 2,234 I-SPN10 WAY AD DB 1SYM011710C0001 10 way 10 4,618
I-SPN12 WAY WD DB 1SYM011512C0001 n 12 way 12 2,342 I-SPN12 WAY AD DB 1SYM011712C0001 12 way 12 5,028
I-SPN14 WAY WD DB 1SYM011514C0001 14 way 14 2,690 I-SPN14 WAY AD DB 1SYM011714C0001 14 way 14 5,450
I-SPN16 WAY WD DB 1SYM011516C0001 16 way 16 3,050 I-SPN16 WAY AD DB 1SYM011716C0001 16 way 16 5,722
I-SPN18 WAY WD DB 1SYM011518C0001 n 18 way 18 3,472 I-SPN18 WAY AD DB 1SYM011718C0001 18 way 18 6,276
I-SPN22 WAY WD DB 1SYM011522C0001 22 way 22 3,556 I-SPN22 WAY AD DB 1SYM011722C0001 22 way 22 6,914
I-SPN06 WAY MD DB 1SYM011606C0001 n 6 way 6 2,566 I-SPN06 WAY WP DB 1SYM011806C0001 6 way 6 6,242
I-SPN08 WAY MD DB 1SYM011608C0001 n 8 way 8 2,946 I-SPN08 WAY WP DB 1SYM011808C0001 8 way 8 8,260
I-SPN10 WAY MD DB 1SYM011610C0001 10 way 10 3,386 I-SPN10 WAY WP DB 1SYM011810C0001 10 way 10 8,356
I-SPN12 WAY MD DB 1SYM011612C0001 n 12 way 12 3,476 I-SPN12 WAY WP DB 1SYM011812C0001 12 way 12 9,490
I-SPN14 WAY MD DB 1SYM011614C0001 14 way 14 4,064 I-SPN14 WAY WP DB 1SYM011814C0001 14 way 14 9,890
I-SPN16 WAY MD DB 1SYM011616C0001 16 way 16 4,332 I-SPN16 WAY WP DB 1SYM011816C0001 16 way 16 10,556
I-SPN18 WAY MD DB 1SYM011618C0001 n 18 way 18 4,618 I-SPN18 WAY WP DB 1SYM011818C0001 18 way 18 11,086
I-SPN22 WAY MD DB 1SYM011622C0001 22 way 22 5,336 I-SPN22 WAY WP DB 1SYM011822C0001 22 way 22 11,850
IP 30, IK 08 Without door IP 43, IK 09 Metal door with acrylic
No. of No. of
Product No. of Unit Product No. of Unit
Product code modules Product code modules
description ways MRP (`) description ways MRP (`)
I-TPN04 WAY WD DB 1SYM021504C0001 n 4 way 8 12 4,714 I-TPN04 WAY AD DB 1SYM021704C0001 4 way 8 12 7,062
I-TPN06 WAY WD DB 1SYM021506C0001 n 6 way 8 18 5,984 I-TPN06 WAY AD DB 1SYM021706C0001 6 way 8 18 8,726
I-TPN08 WAY WD DB 1SYM021508C0001 n 8 way 8 24 6,896 I-TPN08 WAY AD DB 1SYM021708C0001 8 way 8 24 10,460
I-TPN12 WAY WD DB 1SYM021512C0001 n 12 way 8 36 10,232 I-TPN12 WAY AD DB 1SYM021712C0001 12 way 8 36 16,040
TPN-8 segment
IP 43, IK 09 With metal door
No. of modules Unit
Product description Product code No. of ways
I/C Sub I/C O/G MRP (`)
I-8SEG04 WAY MD DB 1SYM051604C0001 n 4 way 4+8 12 12 15,674
I-8SEG06 WAY MD DB 1SYM051606C0001 n 6 way 4+8 12 18 17,614
I-8SEG08 WAY MD DB 1SYM051608C0001 n 8 way 4+8 12 24 19,630
I-8SEG12 WAY MD DB 1SYM051612C0001 12 way 4+8 12 36 24,414
IP 43, IK 09 Metal door
No. of modules Unit
Product description Product code No. of ways
I/C O/G MRP (`)
I-VTPN04 WAY MCB/IC MD DB 1SYM061604C0001 n 4 way 8 12 14,954
I-VTPN06 WAY MCB/IC MD DB 1SYM061606C0001 n 6 way 8 18 17,034
I-VTPN08 WAY MCB/IC MD DB 1SYM061608C0001 n 8 way 8 24 18,480
I-VTPN12 WAY MCB/IC MD DB 1SYM061612C0001 12 way 8 36 25,262
IP 43, IK 09 Metal door
No. of modules Unit
Product description Product code No. of ways
I/C O/G MRP (`)
I-VTPN04 WAY XT1/IC MD DB 1SYM071604C0001 4 way XT1 160 12 17,282
I-VTPN06 WAY XT1/IC MD DB 1SYM071606C0001 6 way XT1 160 18 19,552
I-VTPN08 WAY XT1/IC MD DB 1SYM071608C0001 8 way XT1 160 24 21,374
I-VTPN12 WAY XT1/IC MD DB 1SYM071612C0001 12 way XT1 160 36 28,124
IP 43, IK 09 Metal door
No. of modules Unit
Product description Product code No. of ways
I/C O/G MRP (`)
I-VTPN04 WAY XT3/IC MD DB 1SYM081604C0001 4 way XT3 250 12 30,038
I-VTPN06 WAY XT3/IC MD DB 1SYM081606C0001 6 way XT3 250 18 31,686
I-VTPN08 WAY XT3/IC MD DB 1SYM081608C0001 8 way XT3 250 24 34,964
I-VTPN12 WAY XT3/IC MD DB 1SYM081612C0001 12 way XT3 250 36 36,674
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 19
Distribution Enclosures
SEN enclosures
IP 20, IK 08
Product description Product code No. of ways No. of modules Unit
MRP (`)
I- 2MOD Metal Enclosure 1SYM121502C0001 n 2P enclosure 2 900
I- 4MOD Metal Enclosure 1SYM121504C0001 n 4P enclosure 4 906
I- 6MOD Metal Enclosure 1SYM121506C0001 n 6P enclosure 6 1,236
I- 8MOD Metal Enclosure 1SYM121508C0001 n 8P enclosure 8 1,476
P&S boards
IP 20, IK 08
Product description Product code No. of ways No. of modules Unit
MRP (`)
I- 20A SP 2Pin P&S Enclosure 1SYM111520C0001 n 1 2 2,314
I- 30A TP 3Pin P&S Enclosure 1SYM111530C0001 n 1 4 4,948
Blanking plate
Product description Product code No. of ways Unit MRP (`)
I-SPN06 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140106C0001 6 way 824
I-SPN08 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140108C0001 8 way 1,002
I-SPN10 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140110C0001 10 way 1,058
I-SPN12 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140112C0001 12 way 1,176
I-SPN14 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140114C0001 14 way 1,272
I-SPN16 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140116C0001 16 way 1,440
I-SPN18 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140118C0001 18 way 1,724
I-SPN22 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140122C0001 22 way 1,826
Product description Product code No. of ways Unit MRP (`)
I-TPN04 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140204C0001 4 way 1,238
I-TPN06 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140206C0001 6 way 1,724
I-TPN08 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140208C0001 8 way 3,002
I-TPN12 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140212C0001 12 way 4,094
Product description Product code No. of ways Unit MRP (`)
I- HPPI06 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140306C0001 6 way 1,724
I- HPPI08 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140308C0001 8 way 3,002
I- HPPI12 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140312C0001 12 way 4,094
Product description Product code No. of ways Unit MRP (`)
I- VPPI06 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140406C0001 6 way 1,472
I- VPPI08 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140408C0001 8 way 1,472
I- VPPI12 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140412C0001 12 way 1,680
8 Segment
Product description Product code No. of ways Unit MRP (`)
I-8SEG04 WAY MD CEB 1SYM141013C0001 4 way 2,178
I-8SEG06 WAY MD CEB 1SYM141014C0001 6 way 3,354
I-8SEG08 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140600C0001 8 way 4,940
I-8SEG12 WAY MD CEB 1SYM140700C0001 12 way 6,820
Product description Product code No. of ways Unit MRP (`)
I- 13 MOD CEB 1SYM140508C0001 13 module 1,826
I-14 MOD CEB 1SYM140512C0001 14 module 2,178
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 21
Elegance series
Distribution Enclosures
Vertical DB 250 A MCCB I/C & SP/TP MCB O/G - E - SVTDB-XT3 Enclosure-E-SEN
IP 43 with metal door Product No. of No. of Unit
description Ordering code ways modules MRP (`)
Product Ordering code No. of No. of Unit 2P
description ways modules MRP (`) E-SEN 2P 1SYE121502C0001 Enclosure 2 832
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 23
Elegance series
Distribution boards
IP 30 IP 54
Product No. of No. of Unit Product No. of No. of Unit
description Ordering code ways modules MRP (`) description Ordering code ways modules MRP (`)
SHC WD 4 1SYN869006R0001 4 way 4+2 1,482 SHC M WP 4 1SYN869002R0004 4 way 4+2 5,768
SHC WD 6 1SYN869007R0001 6 way 6+2 1,528 SHC M WP 6 1SYN869004R0020 6 way 6+2 6,218
SHC WD 8 1SYN869008R0001 8 way 8+2 1,846 SHC M WP 8 1SYN869002R0008 8 way 8+2 7,638
SHC WD 10 1SYN869006R0010 10 way 10+2 2,000 SHC M WP 10 1SYN869004R0021 10 way 10+2 7,854
SHC WD 12 1SYN869009R0001 12 way 12+2 2,376 SHC M WP 12 1SYN869002R0012 12 way 12+2 7,952
SHC WD 14 1SYN869010R0001 14 way 14+2 2,440 SHC M WP 14 1SYN869004R0022 14 way 14+2 8,408
SHC WD 16 1SYN869006R0016 16 way 16+2 3,020 SHC M WP 16 1SYN869004R0023 16 way 16+2 9,712
SHC WD 20 1SYN869006R0020 20 way 20+2 3,704 SHC M WP 20 1SYN869002R0013 20 way 20+2 9,314
IP 43 with metal door
IP 30
Product Ordering code No. of No. of Unit
description ways modules MRP (`) Product Ordering code No. of No. of Unit
description ways modules MRP (`)
SHC M 4 1SYN869001R0001 4 way 4+2 2,052
SHDB WD 4 1SYN869020R0001 4 way 8+12 3,802
SHC M 6 1SYN869002R0001 6 way 6+2 2,262
SHDB WD 6 1SYN869021R0001 6 way 8+18 4,452
SHC M 8 1SYN869003R0001 8 way 8+2 2,668
SHDB WD 8 1SYN869022R0001 8 way 8+24 5,290
SHC M 10 1SYN869004R0101 10 way 10+2 2,770
SHDB WD 12 1SYN869023R0001 12 way 8+36 8,146
SHC M 12 1SYN869004R0001 12 way 12+2 3,066
SHC M 14 1SYN869005R0001 14 way 14+2 3,568
SHC M 16 1SYN869001R0016 n 16 way 16+2 3,716 IP 43 with metal door
SHC M 20 1SYN869001R0020 20 way 20+2 4,230 Product No. of No. of Unit
description Ordering code ways modules MRP (`)
Classic series distribution boards are available in ivory color (color code - RAL9010)
SHDB M 4 1SYN869016R0001 4 way 8+12 4,806
SHDB M 6 1SYN869017R0001 6 way 8+18 5,672
SHDB M 8 1SYN869018R0001 8 way 8+24 6,966
IP 43 metal door with acrylic
SHDB M 12 1SYN869019R0001 12 way 8+36 10,106
Product Ordering code No.of No. of Unit MRP SHDB M 16 1SYN869004R0025 16 way 8+48 12,676
description ways modules (`)
SHC P 4 1SYN869011R0041 4 way 4+2 2,234
SHC P 6 1SYN869011R0042 6 way 6+2 2,536
IP 43 metal door with acrylic
SHC P 8 1SYN869013R0001 8 way 8+2 2,918
Product Ordering code No. of No. of Unit
SHC P 10 1SYN869013R0002 10 way 10+2 3,294 description ways modules MRP (`)
SHC P 12 1SYN869015R0012 12 way 12+2 3,528 SHDB P 4 1SYN869024R0001 4 way 8+12 5,380
SHC P 14 1SYN869015R0001 14 way 14+2 3,978 SHDB P 6 1SYN869025R0001 6 way 8+18 6,686
SHC P 16 1SYN869011R0161 16 way 16+2 4,286 SHDB P 8 1SYN869026R0001 8 way 8+24 7,586
SHC P 20 1SYN869011R0201 20 way 20+2 4,874 SHDB P 12 1SYN869027R0006 12 way 8+36 10,580
Stock items
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 25
Classic series
Distribution Enclosures
Product Ordering code No. of No. of Unit Product Ordering code No. of No. of Unit
description ways modules MRP (`) description ways modules MRP (`)
SHDB M WP 4 1SYN869001R0004 4 way 8+12 12,722 S7SEG M 4 1SYN869058R0001 4 way 8+12+12 12,488
SHDB M WP 6 1SYN869001R0006 6 way 8+18 15,316 S7SEG M 6 1SYN869059R0001 6 way 8+12+18 14,040
SHDB M WP 8 1SYN869001R0008 8 way 8+24 16,770 S7SEG M 8 1SYN869060R0001 8 way 8+12+24 15,208
SHDB M WP 12 1SYN869004R0027 12 way 8+36 23,768 S7SEG M 12 1SYN869061R0001 12 way 8+12+36 17,916
IP 43 WITH METAL DOOR Product Ordering code No. of Unit
description ways MRP (`)
Product Ordering code No. of No. of Unit
description ways modules MRP (`) A1 TP MCCB 1SYA121503C0001 3 pole 2,194
SVTDB M 4XT3 1SYN8690VMXT304 4 way Tmax 23,290 A1 FP MCCB 1SYA121504C0001 4 pole 2,326
XT3+12 Enclosure
SVTDB M 6XT3 1SYN8690VMXT306 6 way Tmax 25,610 A2 MCCB ENCL
Product Ordering code No. of Unit
250A description ways MRP (`)
SVTDB M 8XT3 1SYN8690VMXT308 8 way Tmax 27,754
XT3+24 A2 TP MCCB 1SYA221503C0001 3 pole 2,326
SVTDB M 12XT3 1SYN8690VMXT312 12 way Tmax 28,358 A2 FP MCCB 1SYA221504C0001 4 pole 2,394
XT3+36 Enclosure
Classic series
Distribution boards
Cable end box
Product description Ordering code No. of ways Unit MRP (`)
SHC M 4/CEB 1SYN869103R0014 For 4 way SPN IP 43 DB 656
SHC M 6/CEB 1SYN869103R0015 For 6 way SPN IP43 DB 716
SHC M 8/CEB 1SYN869004R0082 For 8 way SPN IP43 DB 740
SHC M 10/CEB 1SYN869004R0083 For 10 way SPN IP43 DB 784
SHC M 12/CEB 1SYN869004R0084 For 12 way SPN IP43 DB 884
SHC M 14/CEB 1SYN869004R0085 For 14 way SPN IP43 DB 968
SHC M 16/CEB 1SYN869004R0086 For 16 way SPN IP43 DB 1,176
SHC M 20/CEB 1SYN869004R0087 For 20 way TPN IP43 DB 1,462
SHDB M 4/CEB 1SYN869004R0088 For 4 way TPN IP43 DB 1,104
SHDB M 6/CEB 1SYN869004R0089 For 6 way TPN IP43 DB 1,132
SHDB M 8/CEB 1SYN869004R0090 For 8 way TPN IP43 DB 1,664
SHDB M 12/CEB 1SYN869004R0091 For 12 way TPN IP43 DB 1,832
SHPPI M 6/CEB 1SYN869004R0093 For 6 way PPI IP43 DB 1,276
SHPPI M 8/CEB 1SYN869004R0094 For 8 way PPI IP43 DB 1,758
SHPPI M 12/CEB 1SYN869004R0095 For 12 way PPI IP43 DB 2,520
SHPPI M 16/CEB 1SYN869004R0096 For 16 way PPI IP43 DB 2,732
SVDB M 6/CEB 1SYN869004R0097 For 6 way SVDB IP43 DB 1,360
SVDB M 8/CEB 1SYN869004R0098 For 8 way SVDB IP43 DB 1,378
SVDB M 12/CEB 1SYN869004R0099 For 12 way SVDB IP43 DB 1,590
Flexy DB IP43
SVFL 13M/CEB 1SYN869004R0103 For all SVFL 13Mod DBs 1,456
SVFL 14M/CEB 1SYN869004R0104 For all SVFL 14Mod DBs 1,770
SVTDB M/CEB 1SYN869004R0100 For all SVTDBs(IP43DBs) 2,700
VTPN IP43 XT1 160A
SVTDB M XT1 160/CEB 1SYN869004C0101 For all SVTDB XT1 160 DBs(IP43DBs) 3,422
VTPN IP43 XT3 250A
SVTDB M XT3 250/CEB 1SYN869004C0103 For all SVTDB XT3 250 DBs(IP43DBs) 4,016
7 Segment CB
S7SEG M4/CEB 1SYN141013C0001 For 4 way 7 SEG IP43 DB 2,066
S7SEG M6/CEB 1SYN141014C0001 For 6 way 7 SEG IP43 DB 2,414
S7SEG M8/CEB 1SYN140600C0001 For 8 way 7 SEG IP43 DB 2,816
S7SEG M12/CEB 1SYN140700C0001 For 12 way 7 SEG IP43 DB 3,456
Stock items
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 27
Wiring accessories
Type reference No. of Std Unit
Ordering code
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
Blank plates
1 20/400 1SYK100001A1041 71
blank plate
IIS10610 BL - 1 160
20/400 1SYK100001A1001
6A 1 way switch
IIS10620 BL - 287 Type reference No. of Std Unit
1 20/400 1SYK100001A1002 Ordering code
6A 2 way switch and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
Dimmer & fan
Type reference No. of Std Unit IIM2FR05 BL - step
Ordering code 2 5/100 1SYK100001A1042 1,209
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`) fan regulator 5 step
Switch 32 A - 240 V ~ IIM1FR04 BL - step 1 10/200 1SYK100001A1043 1,050
IIS2321L BL - fan regulator 4 step
2 10/200 1SYK100001A1008 1,214 IIM2D400 BL -
32A, DP switch 1 10/200 1SYK100001A1045 1,404
dimmer 400 watt
N2260.2 BL -
Universal rotatory/ 2 1 2CLA226020N1102
Type reference No. of Std Unit push dimmer, 230V
Ordering code
and description modules pack M.R.P.(`)
N2260.3 BL -
Sockets LED rotatory/ 2 1 2CLA226030N1102
push dimmer, 230V Upon
IIK20306 BL request
2 10 1SYK100001A1028 390 N2260.8 BL - LED
6A 3Pin Socket
rotatory/ 2 1 2CLA226080N1102
push dimmer
IIK20616 BL
2 10/200 1SYK100001A1023 551 N2260.9 BL - 1-10V
6/16A socket 2 1 2CLA226090N1102
rotary dimmer
Stock items
Type reference No. of Std Unit 8140.5 - Digital room 2 1 2CLA814050A1002
Ordering code thermostat
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`) Upon
N2240.5 BL - Cover request
Key card switches plate for digital 2 1 2CLA224050N1102
thermostat - 2M
N2214.1 BL -
Card switch 2 1 2CLA221410N1102 5,883
1-gang, 1-way, DP
9368.1 - Multiroom
1 1 2CLA936810A1001
sound module
9368.2 - Remote
Type reference No. of Std Unit control for multiroom 2 1 2CLA936820A1001
Ordering code
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`) sound module
Down lighter N2268 BL - Cover plate
for radio/remote - 1 2CLA226800N1102
IIM3DOWN control modules
3 5/100 1SYK100001A1059 863
BL-down lighter 9368- FM - Radio and
2 1 2CLA936800A1001
alarm module Upon
N2268 BL - Cover plate request
Type reference No. of Std Unit for radio/remote - 1 2CLA226800N1102
Ordering code
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`) control modules
Audio & video 9368.3 -
2 1 2CLA936830A1001
connector Auxiliary module
N2155.2 BL - 2x N2268.3 BL - Cover
1 1 2CLA215520N1102 plate for I/O + USB + - 1 2CLA226830N1102
RCA connection unit
N2155.3 BL - 3x Bluetooth module
1 1 2CLA215530N1102
RCA connection unit N2257.1 BL - Speaker
2 1 2CLA225710N1102
N2155.4 BL - Mini- connection unit
1 1 2CLA215540N1102
Jack connection unit * More details will be provided upon request
N2155.5 BL -
1 1 2CLA215550N1102
VGA connection unit Type reference No. of Std Unit
N2155.6 BL - HDMI Upon and description modules Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
1 1 2CLA215560N1102
connection unit request White plate with frame
N2155.7 BL - HDMI
female-female 1 1 2CLA215570N1102 IIP0133 BL - 1M plate 1 15/360 1SYK100001A1071 211
connection unit IIP0233 BL - 2M plate 2 15/360 1SYK100001A1072 227
N2155.8 BL - IIPP343 BL - 3 10/240 1SYK100001A1073 238
1 1 2CLA215580N1102 3M plate power
USB connection unit
N2155.9 BL - USB IIP0343 BL - 3M plate 3 10/240 1SYK100001A1074 314
female-female 1 1 2CLA215590N1102 IIP0453 BL - 4M plate 4 10/190 1SYK100001A1075 341
connection unit IIP0683 BL - 6M plate 6 5/120 1SYK100001A1076 470
IIP0893 BL - 8M plate 8 5/120 1SYK100001A1077 551
Type reference No. of Std Unit IIP0855 BL - 8 5/95 1SYK100001A1078 627
Ordering code 8M plate square
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
IIP1286 BL - 12 5/95 1SYK100001A1079 681
Motion sensor 12M plate
N2241 BL - 110° Upon IIP1888 BL -
2 1 2CLA224100N1102 18 5/40 1SYK100001A1080 1,075
motion sensor request 18M plate
Stock items
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 29
IVIE complete range
Anthracite Grey
Type reference No. of Std Unit Type reference No. of Std Unit
Ordering code Ordering code
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`) and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
Switch 6 A - 240 V ~ Motion sensor
IIS10610 AN - IIM2FR05 AN - Step
1 20/400 1SYK100001A1201 220 2 5/100 1SYK100001A1242 1,396
6A 1 way switch fan regulator 5 step
IIS10620 AN - IIM1FR04 AN - Step
1 20/400 1SYK100001A1202 324 1 10/200 1SYK100001A1243 1,235
6A 2 way switch fan regulator 4 step
IIM1D400 AN -
1 10/200 1SYK100001A1245 1,609
Dimmer 400 Watt
N2260.2 AN -
Type reference No. of Std Unit Universal rotatory/ 2 1 2CLA226020N1802
Ordering code
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`) push dimmer
Switch 16 A - 240 V ~ N2260.3 AN -
IIS11610 AN - LED rotatory/push 2 1 2CLA226030N1802
1 20/400 1SYK100001A1206 413 dimmer Upon
16A 1 way switch request
IIS1161L AN - 16A N2260.8 AN -
1 20/400 1SYK100001A1207 515 LED rotatory/push 2 1 2CLA226080N1802
1 way switch with ind.
N2260.9 AN - 1-10V
2 1 2CLA226090N1802
rotary dimmer
Type reference No. of Std Unit
Ordering code
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
Switch 32 A - 240 V ~
IIS2321L AN - Type reference No. of Std Unit
2 10/200 1SYK100001A1208 1,459 Ordering code
32A, DP switch and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
Data & Voice
Type reference No. of Std Unit 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1247 330
Ordering code RJ11 Tel. jack 2 pin
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
Bell Push - 240 V ~ IIM1RJ45 AN -
1 20/400 1SYK100001A1248 1,075
RJ45 Jack cat 6
IIS106B0 AN - 369
1 20/400 1SYK100001A1203
6A Bell Switch
IIS106BL AN - 6A Bell 470
1 20/400 1SYK100001A1204
Switch with ind. Type reference No. of Std Unit
IIS206BL AN - Ordering code
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
6A Mega Bell 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1205 659
TV Socket
switch with ind.
1 20/400 1SYK100001A1249 392
TV co-axial socket
Stock items
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 31
IVIE complete range
Type reference No. of Std Unit Type reference No. of Std Unit
Ordering code Ordering code
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`) and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
Blank Plates Audio & Video Connector
IIM1BLNK PL - N2155.2 PL - 2x RCA
1 20/400 1SYK100001A1141 131 1 1 2CLA215520N1302
Blank Plate connection unit
N2155.3 PL - 3x RCA
1 1 2CLA215530N1302
Type reference No. of Std Unit connection unit
Ordering code
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`) N2155.4 PL - Mini-Jack
Dimmer & Fan Regulators 1 1 2CLA215540N1302
connection unit
IIM2FR05 PL - Step fan N2155.5 PL -
2 5/100 1SYK100001A1142 1,402 1 1 2CLA215550N1302
regulator 5 step VGA connection unit
IIM1FR04 PL - Step fan Upon
1 10/200 1SYK100001A1143 1,232 N2155.6 PL - request
regulator 4 step 1 1 2CLA215560N1302
IIM1D400 PL - HDMI connection unit
1 10/200 1SYK100001A1145 1,609 N2155.7 PL - HDMI
Dimmer 400 Watt
N2260.2 PL - Universal female-female 1 1 2CLA215570N1302
2 1 2CLA226020N1302 connection unit
rotatory/push dimmer
N2260.3 PL - LED N2155.8 PL - USB
1 1 2CLA215580N1302
rotatory/push dimmer 2 1 2CLA226030N1302 connection unit
230 V AC Upon N2155.9 PL - USB female
N2260.8 PL - LED request 1 1 2CLA215590N1302
- female connection unit
rotatory/push dimmer 2 1 2CLA226080N1302
127 V AC
N2260.9 PL - 1-10V Type reference No. of Std Unit
2 1 2CLA226090N1302 Ordering code
rotary dimmer and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
Motion Sensor
Type reference No. of Std Unit N2241 PL - 110° motion Upon
Ordering code 2 1 2CLA224100N1302
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`) sensor Max. power request
Data & Voice
1 20/400 1SYK100001A1147 330 Type reference No. of Std Unit
RJ11 Tel. jack 2 pin Ordering code
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
1 20/400 1SYK100001A1148 1,075 Buzzer & Door Bell
RJ45 Jack cat 6
IIM2BUZR PL - Buzzer 2 5/100 1SYK100001A1154 826
Type reference No. of Std Unit N2119 PL - Buzzer 1 1 2CLA211900N1302
Ordering code
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
N2219 PL - Buzzer 2 1 2CLA221900N1302 Upon
TV Socket request
N2224 PL - Electronic
IIM1TVSK PL - 2 1 2CLA222400N1302
1 20/400 1SYK100001A1149 392 door bell 230 V AC
TV co-axial socket
Type reference No. of Std Unit Type reference No. of Std Unit
Ordering code Ordering code
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`) and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
Shaver Socket Indicator
IIM2SVSK PL - IIM1INDI PL - Indicator 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1153 485
2 5/100 1SYK100001A1157 1,944
Shaver Socket
Type reference No. of Std Unit Type reference No. of Std Unit
Ordering code Ordering code
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`) and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
DND & MMR Thermostat
IIM1DNDS PL - DND N2240.5 PL - Cover plate Upon
2 1 2CLA224050N1302
and MMR set 2+3 5/100 1SYK100001A1155 2,379 for digital thermostat request
internal & external
N2244.5 PL - DND
and MUR 2-gang 1 1 2CLA224450N1302 Type reference No. of Std Unit
Ordering code
interlocked switch and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
N2180.4 PL - LED DND Silver plate with frame
2 1 2CLA218040N1302 request
signaling light
IIP0133 PL - 1M plate 1 15/360 1SYK100001A1171 471
N2180.4 BL - LED MUR
1 1 2CLA218050N1102 IIP0233 PL - 2M plate 2 15/360 1SYK100001A1172 488
signaling light
IIPP343 PL -
3 10/240 1SYK100001A1173 562
Type reference No. of Std Unit 3M plate power
Ordering code IIP0343 PL - 3M plate 3 10/240 1SYK100001A1174 664
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`)
Key Card Switches IIP0453 PL - 4M plate 4 10/190 1SYK100001A1175 834
N2214.1 PL - Card switch IIP0683 PL - 6M plate 6 5/120 1SYK100001A1176 1,044
2 1 2CLA221410N1302 6,705
1-gang, 1-way, DP
IIP0893 PL - 8M plate 8 5/120 1SYK100001A1177 1,208
Type reference No. of Std Unit IIP0855 PL -
Ordering code 8 5/95 1SYK100001A1178 1,310
and description modules Pack M.R.P.(`) 8M plate square
IIP1286 PL - 12M plate 12 5/95 1SYK100001A1179 1,753
Down Lighter
2 5/100 1SYK100001A1159 1,224 18 5/40 1SYK100001A1180 2,467
Down lighter 18M plate
Switches Item description Module Std Ordering code
size Pack M.R.P.(`)
Module Std Unit
Item description Ordering code ITP0133 BL 1 M Plate 1M 15 1SYK100001A1571 130
size Pack M.R.P.(`)
ITS10610 BL 6A ITP0233 BL 2 M Plate 2M 15 1SYK100001A1572 130
1M 20 1SYK100001A1501 130
1 way switch ITPP343 BL 3 M 3M 10 1SYK100001A1573 168
ITS1061L BL 6A Plate power
1M 20 1SYK100001A1502 215
1 way switch with Ind. ITP0453 BL 4 M Plate 4M 10 1SYK100001A1574 184
ITS10620 BL 6A ITP0683 BL 6 M Plate 6M 5 1SYK100001A1575 309
1M 20 1SYK100001A1503 193
2 way switch
ITP0893 BL 8 M Plate 8 M 5 1SYK100001A1576 341
ITS106B0 BL 6A 1M 20 1SYK100001A1504 209 ITP0855 BL 8 M
Bell switch 8M 5 1SYK100001A1577 459
Plate square
ITS106BL BL 6A Bell 1M 20 1SYK100001A1505 292 ITP1286 BL 12 M Plate 12 M 5 1SYK100001A1578 562
switch with Ind.
ITS11610 BL 16A ITP1696 BL 16M Plate 16 M 5 1SYK100001A1579 642
1M 20 1SYK100001A1506 226
1 way switch
ITP1888 BL 18M Plate 18 M 5 1SYK100001A1580 743
ITS1161L BL 16A
1 way switch with Ind. 1M 20 1SYK100001A1507 275
Stock items
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 33
Wiring accessories
Classic ideas never go out of style Support modules
Module Std Unit
Description Ordering code
size Pack M.R.P.(`)
Fan Regulator -
1 20 1SYN880373R0002 n 519
1 Module - CPW1SFR360-4
Fan Regulator - CPW2SFR5 2 10 1SYN880284R0003 n 762
Dimmer 100W -
1 20 1SYN880373R0011 666
1 Module - CPW1D0400
Dimmer 400W -
2 10 1SYN880400R0001 960
Dimmer 1000W -
2 20 1SYN880500R0001 1,155
Switch modules Blank Plate - CPW1BLNK 1 80 1SYN880182R0001 n 54
TV Socket - CPW1TVSK 1 20 1SYN880175R0001 n 179
Module Std Unit RJ 11TEL 2 Pin - CPW1RJ11 1 20 1SYN880192R0001 n 161
Description Ordering code
size Pack M.R.P.(`) RJ 45 Jack CAT 6 -
1 20 1SYN880201R0001 n 765
6A 1 way switch - CPW1RJ45
1 25 1SYN880676R0001 n 143 Flex Outlet - CPW1FLEX 1 20 1SYN880165R0001 209
6A 2 way switch - Foot Lamp Grid -
1 25 200 4 10 1SYN880671R0001 374
CPW10620 1SYN880677R0001 n CPW4FLGD
Buzzer - CPW2BZR 2 10 1SYN880490R0001 382
6A Bell Push - Indicator - CPW1IND 1 20 1SYN880412R0004 347
1 25 1SYN880676R0002 n 215
6A 1 way switch
LED - CPW1061L
1 25 1SYN880676R0003 237 Hospitality products
6A Bell Push Unit
1 25 1SYN880676R0004 n 313 Description Ordering code
LED - CPW106BL M.R.P.(`)
16A 1 way switch - Mechanical Keytag fitted with
1 25 1SYN880676R0005 n 212
CPW11610 Lumina Plate & 20A DP Switch 1SYN880669R0001 1,271
16A 2 way switch - (3M) - CPW320MKT
1 25 1SYN880677R0002 n 345 DND/MMR Set -
CPW11620 1SYN880412R0005 1,075
External - CPWDNDSET
16A 1 way switch with
1 25 1SYN880676R0006 n 276 Switch Ste DND/MMR -
LED - CPW1161L 1SYN880414R0001 715
Internal - CPW2SET
20A DP Switch 1 way Room Occupied -
1 20 1SYN880670R0001 n 395 1SYN880412R0003 481
with LED - CPW1201L Internal - CPW1OQP
6A 1 way Mega switch USB Charger 1Module 1000mA - 1
2 10 1SYN880652R0001 360 1SYN880417R0001 1,932
with LED - CPW2061L CPW1USBC
6A 2 way Mega switch Charger 2Module 2000mA - 2
1SYN880418R0001 3,365
2 10 1SYN880652R0002 407 CPW2USBC
with LED - CPW2062L
6A Mega Bell Push with
2 10 1SYN880652R0003 n 358 Snieo mounting plates
16A 1 way Mega switch Metal Std Unit
2 10 1SYN880653R0001 474 Description Ordering code
with LED - CPW2161L box size Pack M.R.P.(`)
16A 2 way Mega switch
2 10 1SYN880653R0002 468 1 M Plate - SNWP3301 3"x3" 25 1SYN880421R0001 n 114
with LED - CPW2162L
2 M Plate - SNWP3302 3"x3" 25 1SYN880422R0001 n 114
32A 1 way DP
Switch with LED - 2 10 1SYN880655R0001 n 530 3 M Plate - SNWP4303 4"x3" 20 1SYN880423R0001 n 144
CPW2321DPL 3 M Power Plate -
4"x3" 20 1SYN880424R0001 n 153
4 M Plate - SNWP5304 5”x3” 15 1SYN880425R0001 n 171
Socket modules 5 M Plate - SNWP5305 5"x3" 15 1SYN880426R0001 n 204
Module Std Unit 6 M Plate - SNWP8306 8"x3" 10 1SYN880427R0001 n 263
Description Ordering code
size pack M.R.P.(`) 8 M Plate - SNWP8308 8"x3" 10 1SYN880428R0001 n 328
8 M Plate Square -
6A 3 Pin Socket 5"x5" 6 1SYN880430R0001 n 370
- 2 Module - 2 20 1SYN880690R0002 n 204 10 M Plate - SNWP9310 9"x3" 15 1SYN880429R0001 n 352
CPWS2063 12 M Plate - SNWP8612 8"x6" 6 1SYN880431R0001 n 450
6/16A Socket 16 M Plate - SNWP8616 8"x6" 6 1SYN880432R0001 n 539
- 2 Module - 2 10 1SYN880393R0001 n 324
CPWS2166 Metal flush boxes
6/16A Socket - Metal Std Unit
3 5 1SYN880122R0001 n 426 Description Ordering code
CPWS3166 box size Pack M.R.P.(`)
Metal Box 1-2M -
3"x3" 108 1SYN880452R0001 n 148
Surface boxes Metal Box 3M -
4"x3" 82 1SYN880453R0001 n 153
Std Unit Metal Box 4-5M -
Description Length Height Depth Ordering code 5"x3" 60 1SYN880454R0001 n 194
Pack M.R.P.(`) CMBZ5305
Surface box 1-2M- Metal Box 6-8MH -
86.7 86.7 49.3 60 1SYN880351R0001 206 8"x3" 40 1SYN880455R0001 n 324
SNBW3302 CMBZ8308
Surface box 3M- Metal Box 9-10M -
115 87 50.8 45 1SYN880352R0001 233 9"x3" 39 1SYN880457R0001 n 453
SNBW4303 CMBZ9310
Surface box 4M- Metal Box 8MV -
SNBW5305 146 85.3 50.6 30 1SYN880353R0001 281 5"x5" 26 1SYN880456R0001 n 412
Surface box 6-8M- Metal Box 12-16M -
SNBW8308 220.3 85.9 50.5 20 1SYN880354R0001 389 8"x6" 16 1SYN880458R0001 n 483
Stock items
Description Type Ordering code L.P.(`) Red 380...415 125 3125P6W 2CMA166816R1000 13,333
Termi- Current
IP Pro- Color
Description Type Ordering code L.P.(`) nals / Voltage rating Type Order code L.P.(`)
tection code
Pole (A)
Presence Corr. 6819/55- Blue 200...250 16 216-C6-I 2CMA100206R1000 878
2CKA006800A2749 28,004
DALI Bluetooth - 30 Metres 24-500
Presence Comp. Slave - 6819/68- IP44 Blue 200...250 32 232-C6-I 2CMA100208R1000 1,070
2CKA006800A2751 9,641
8 Metres 24-500
Blue 200...250 63 263C6 2CMA166840R1000 5,083
Presence Uni. Slave - 8 Metres 2CKA006800A2753 11,759 3
24-500 Blue 200...250 16 216C6W 2CMA166538R1000 2,088
Presence Corr. Slave-30 Metres 2CKA006800A2755 15,876 Blue 200...250 32 232C6W 2CMA166584R1000 2,772
Presence Uni. 6819/39- Blue 200...250 63 263C6W 2CMA166874R1000 6,078
2CKA006800A2759 15,288
DALI Slave - 12 Metres 24-500
Presence Corr. 6819/59- Blue 200...250 125 2125C6W 2CMA166918R1000 17,523
2CKA006800A2761 15,876
DALI Slave - 30 Metres 24-500 Red 380...415 16 316-C6 2CMA193523R1000 910
Presence Corr. Rel - 30 Metres 2CKA006800A2797 19,845 IP44 Red 380...415 32 332-C6 2CMA193529R1000 1,268
IceLight set ceiling module, Red 380...415 63 363C6 2CMA166850R1000 5,259
2069/21 2CKA001510A0018 23,587
Busch-iceLight 4
IceLight Night light set, A2069/11- Red 380...415 16 316C6W 2CMA166554R1000 2,376
2CKA001510A0015 11,227
studio white, Busch-iceLight 84 Red 380...415 32 332C6W 2CMA166604R1000 2,739
Red 380...415 63 363C6W 2CMA166894R1000 6,190
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 35
Industrial plugs and sockets
4 Red 380...415 63 363RAU6 2CMA167418R1000 4,294 Red 380...415 63 363RS6 2CMA167498R1000 4,938
(3P+E) 4
Red 380...415 16 316RAU6W 2CMA167012R1000 1,738 Red 380...415 16 316RS6W 2CMA167157R1000 2,258
IP67 Red 380...415 32 332RAU6W 2CMA166964R1000 2,261 Red 380...415 32 332RS6W 2CMA167180R1000 2,857
Red 380...415 63 363RAU6W 2CMA167452R1000 4,602 Red 380...415 63 363RS6W 2CMA167316R1000 5,981
Red 380...415 16 316RU6 2CMA193178R1000 949 3 Blue 200...250 63 263MHS6 2CMA167715R1000 23,630
(2P+E) Blue 200...250 16 216MHS6W 2CMA167801R1000 8,407
IP44 Red 380...415 32 332RU6 2CMA193250R1000 1,131
4 IP67 Blue 200...250 32 232MHS6W 2CMA167848R1000 11,574
Red 380...415 63 363RU6 2CMA167520R1000 4,199
Blue 200...250 63 263MHS6W 2CMA167894R1000 23,673
Red 380...415 63 363RU6W 2CMA167384R1000 4,721
IP67 Red 380...415 16 316MHS6 2CMA167631R1000 9,612
Red 380...415 125 3125RU6W 2CMA167136R1000 13,664
IP44 Red 380...415 32 332MHS6 2CMA167677R1000 10,872
Red 346...415 16 416RU6-I 2CMA100211R1000 878
4 Red 380...415 63 363MHS6 2CMA167721R1000 24,863
IP44 Red 346...415 32 432RU6-I 2CMA100213R1000 1,065 (3P+E) Red 380...415 16 316MHS6W 2CMA167809R1000 10,832
5 (3P+
Red 346...415 63 463RU6 2CMA167532R1000 4,350 IP67 Red 380...415 32 332MHS6W 2CMA167856R1000 13,344
Red 346...415 63 463RU6W 2CMA167396R1000 4,733 Red 380...415 63 363MHS6W 2CMA167899R1000 25,882
Red 346...415 125 4125RU6W 2CMA167142R1000 14,994 Red 346...415 16 416MHS6 2CMA167640R1000 9,747
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`)
16 1SDA066799R1 1SDA080825R1 * 1SDA080827R1 *
20 1SDA066800R1 1SDA080826R1 * 1SDA080828R1 *
25 1SDA066801R1 1SDA067391R1 1SDA080829R1
32 1SDA066802R1 1SDA067392R1 1SDA067411R1
40 1SDA066803R1 n 8,530 1SDA067393R1 n 9,310 1SDA067412R1 n 12,280
50 3 1SDA066804R1 n 1SDA067394R1 n 1SDA067413R1 n
63 1SDA066805R1 n 1SDA067395R1 n 1SDA067414R1 n
80 1SDA066806R1 n 1SDA067396R1 n 1SDA067415R1 n
100 1SDA066807R1 n 1SDA067397R1 n 1SDA067416R1 n
125 1SDA066808R1 n 12,360 1SDA067398R1 n 13,910 1SDA067417R1 n 14,370
160 1SDA066809R1 n 13,640 1SDA067399R1 n 17,870 1SDA067418R1 n 18,690
XT1 160
Breaking capacity 16 1SDA066810R1 1SDA080840R1 * 1SDA080842R1 *
20 1SDA066811R1 1SDA080841R1 * 1SDA080843R1 *
at 415VAC
25 1SDA066812R1 1SDA067400R1 1SDA080844R1 n
Icu Ics (Icu) 32 1SDA066813R1 n 1SDA067401R1 n 1SDA067419R1 n
40 1SDA066814R1 n 11,870 1SDA067402R1 n 13,360 1SDA067420R1 n 15,710
B 18kA 100%
50 4 1SDA066815R1 1SDA067403R1 n 1SDA067421R1
C 25kA 100% 63 1SDA066816R1 n 1SDA067404R1 n 1SDA067422R1 n
N 36kA 100% 80 1SDA066817R1 n 1SDA067405R1 n 1SDA067423R1 n
100 1SDA066818R1 n 1SDA067406R1 n 1SDA067424R1 n
S 50kA 75% 19,700
125 1SDA066888R1 n 14,950 1SDA067409R1 n 16,790 1SDA067427R1 n
H 70kA 50% 160 1SDA066821R1 n 18,970 1SDA067410R1 n 21,650 1SDA067428R1 n 23,040
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`)
16 1SDA080830R1 * 1SDA080835R1 *
20 1SDA080831R1 * 1SDA080836R1 *
25 1SDA080832R1 1SDA080837R1
32 1SDA080833R1 n 1SDA080838R1
40 1SDA080834R1 n 13,030 1SDA080839R1 15,620
50 3 1SDA067431R1 1SDA067449R1
63 1SDA067432R1 n 1SDA067450R1
80 1SDA067433R1 n 1SDA067451R1
100 1SDA067434R1 n 1SDA067452R1
125 1SDA067435R1 n 17,580 1SDA067453R1 22,550
160 1SDA067436R1 n 21,560 1SDA067454R1 25,720
XT1 160
16 1SDA080845R1 * 1SDA080850R1 *
20 1SDA080846R1 * 1SDA080851R1 *
25 1SDA080847R1 1SDA080852R1
32 1SDA080848R1 1SDA080853R1
40 1SDA080849R1 19,060 1SDA080854R1 21,690
50 4 1SDA067439R1 1SDA067457R1
63 1SDA067440R1 n 1SDA067458R1
80 1SDA067441R1 1SDA067459R1
100 1SDA067442R1 n 1SDA067460R1
125 1SDA067445R1 n 22,270 1SDA067463R1 26,670
160 1SDA067446R1 24,840 1SDA067464R1 28,200
*TMF trip unit
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L .P.(`)
200 1SDA068058R1 n 22,100 1SDA068220R1 n 24,470
250 1SDA068059R1 n 25,660 1SDA068221R1 n 27,220
XT3 250
200 1SDA068069R1 n 24,320 1SDA068231R1 n 28,420
250 1SDA068070R1 n 29,020 1SDA068232R1 n 31,190
*TMF trip unit
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`)
1.6 1SDA067000R1 1SDA067540R1 1SDA067584R1
2 1SDA067001R1 1SDA067541R1 1SDA067585R1
2.5 1SDA067002R1 1SDA067542R1 1SDA067586R1
3.2 1SDA067003R1 1SDA067543R1 1SDA067587R1
4 1SDA067004R1 1SDA067544R1 1SDA067588R1
XT2160 3 15,000 16,600 22,530
5 1SDA067005R1 1SDA067545R1 1SDA067589R1
6.3 1SDA067006R1 1SDA067546R1 1SDA067590R1
8 1SDA067007R1 1SDA067547R1 1SDA067591R1
10 1SDA067008R1 1SDA067548R1 n 1SDA067592R1
12.5 1SDA067009R1 1SDA067549R1 1SDA067593R1
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`)
16 1SDA067010R1 n 1SDA067550R1 n 1SDA067594R1
20 1SDA067011R1 n 1SDA067551R1 1SDA067595R1
25 1SDA067012R1 1SDA067552R1 n 1SDA067596R1
32 1SDA067013R1 n 1SDA067553R1 n 1SDA067597R1
40 1SDA067014R1 n 14,520 1SDA067554R1 n 15,410 1SDA067598R1 20,570
XT2160 50 1SDA067015R1 1SDA067555R1 n 1SDA067599R1
63 1SDA067016R1 n 1SDA067556R1 n 1SDA067600R1 n
80 1SDA067017R1 1SDA067557R1 n 1SDA067601R1
100 1SDA067018R1 n 1SDA067558R1 n 1SDA067602R1 n
125 3 1SDA067019R1 n 18,840 1SDA067559R1 n 22,910 1SDA067603R1 n 38,080
160 1SDA067020R1 n 20,250 1SDA067560R1 n 24,220 1SDA067604R1 38,480
200 1SDA068090R1 n 26,560 1SDA068310R1 n 28,410 1SDA068343R1 42,740
XT4 250 225 1SDA068091R1 27,350 1SDA068311R1 30,820 1SDA068344R1 43,850
250 1SDA068092R1 n 30,420 1SDA068312R1 n 32,640 1SDA068345R1 n 44,160
320 1SDA054436R1 n 1SDA054440R1 n 1SDA054444R1 n
33,460 36,650 45,840
T5 400 1SDA054437R1 n 1SDA054441R1 n 1SDA054445R1 n
500 1SDA054456R1 n 41,870 1SDA054461R1 n 46,830 1SDA054465R1 59,800
630 1SDA060202R1 n 49,620 1SDA060204R1 n 51,020 1SDA060206R1 61,100
800 1SDA060214R1 n 63,910 1SDA060216R1 n 66,930 1SDA060218R1 n 68,780
* 40 A onwards
Protection: TMA
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code Unit L.P.(`)
1.6 1SDA067021R1 1SDA067561R1 1SDA067605R1
2 1SDA067022R1 1SDA067562R1 1SDA067606R1
2.5 1SDA067023R1 1SDA067563R1 1SDA067607R1
3.2 1SDA067024R1 1SDA067564R1 1SDA067608R1
4 1SDA067025R1 1SDA067565R1 1SDA067609R1
19,460 21,050 27,320
5 1SDA067026R1 1SDA067566R1 1SDA067610R1
6.3 1SDA067027R1 1SDA067567R1 1SDA067611R1
8 1SDA067028R1 1SDA067568R1 1SDA067612R1
10 1SDA067029R1 1SDA067569R1 1SDA067613R1
12.5 1SDA067030R1 1SDA067570R1 1SDA067614R1
XT2160 16 1SDA067031R1 1SDA067571R1 1SDA067615R1
20 1SDA067032R1 1SDA067572R1 1SDA067616R1
25 1SDA067033R1 1SDA067573R1 1SDA067617R1
32 1SDA067034R1 1SDA067574R1 n 1SDA067618R1
40 4 1SDA067035R1 17,360 1SDA067575R1 19,310 1SDA067619R1 26,380
50 1SDA067036R1 1SDA067576R1 1SDA067620R1
63 1SDA067037R1 n 1SDA067577R1 n 1SDA067621R1
80 1SDA067038R1 1SDA067578R1 1SDA067622R1
100 1SDA067039R1 n 1SDA067579R1 n 1SDA067623R1
125 1SDA067042R1 n 24,530 1SDA067582R1 n 29,190 1SDA067626R1 38,910
160 1SDA067043R1 n 27,510 1SDA067583R1 n 30,760 1SDA067627R1 41,270
200 1SDA068109R1 n 33,580 1SDA068329R1 n 36,790 1SDA068362R1 50,900
XT4 250 225 1SDA068110R1 33,700 1SDA068330R1 37,210 1SDA068363R1 51,410
250 1SDA068111R1 n 34,780 1SDA068331R1 n 37,960 1SDA068364R1 51,720
320 1SDA054477R1 n 1SDA054479R1 n 1SDA054481R1
42,800 47,240 51,190
T5 400 1SDA054478R1 n 1SDA054480R1 n 1SDA054482R1 n
500 1SDA054487R1 n 57,260 1SDA054489R1 n 60,330 1SDA054491R1 n 70,370
630 1SDA060210R1 n 60,560 1SDA060211R1 n 64,880 1SDA060212R1 73,060
800 1SDA060222R1 n 69,520 1SDA060223R1 n 77,870 1SDA060224R1 79,460
* 40 A onwards
Stock items
Protection: LS/I
Protection : LS/I N S H
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
10 1SDA067054R1 1SDA067800R1 1SDA067857R1
22,980 27,470 31,110
25 1SDA067055R1 1SDA067801R1 1SDA067858R1
XT2 160 63 1SDA067056R1 1SDA067802R1 1SDA067859R1
20,540 23,760 30,450
100 1SDA067057R1 1SDA067803R1 1SDA067860R1
160 1SDA067058R1 24,360 1SDA067804R1 30,040 1SDA067861R1 39,830
XT4 250 250 1SDA068126R1 32,940 1SDA068475R1 37,610 1SDA068515R1 43,040
T5 400 400 1SDA054317R1 45,670 1SDA054333R1 47,730 1SDA054349R1 54,720
T5 630 630 1SDA054396R1 48,270 1SDA054404R1 49,470 1SDA054412R1 58,170
T6 800 800 1SDA060268R1 68,270 1SDA060278R1 75,680 1SDA060289R1 91,220
T6 1000* 1000 1SDA060537R1 1,04,960 1SDA060547R1 1,13,240 1SDA060561R1 1,31,400
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
10 1SDA067090R1 1SDA067833R1 1SDA067890R1
28,950 34,040 38,070
25 1SDA067091R1 1SDA067834R1 1SDA067891R1
XT2 160 63 1SDA067092R1 1SDA067835R1 1SDA067892R1
25,180 33,100 37,980
100 1SDA067093R1 1SDA067836R1 1SDA067893R1
160 1SDA067095R1 34,010 1SDA067838R1 39,580 1SDA067895R1 49,880
XT4 250 250 1SDA068147R1 46,100 1SDA068495R1 49,370 1SDA068535R1 63,340
T5 400 400 1SDA054325R1 52,130 1SDA054341R1 62,600 1SDA054357R1 72,010
T5 630 630 1SDA054400R1 61,960 1SDA054408R1 64,910 1SDA054416R1 86,570
T6 800 800 1SDA060273R1 76,750 1SDA060283R1 94,500 1SDA060294R1 1,15,230
T6 1000* 1000 1SDA060542R1 1,49,020 1SDA060556R1 1,57,310 1SDA060566R1 1,91,450
Note: XT2/XT4 with Ekip LS/I release ; T5-T6 with PR221 LS/I release
*Extended front (EF) terminals are supplied as standard in T6 1000A MCCB
Protection: LSIG
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
10 1SDA067072R1 1SDA067815R1 1SDA067872R1
42,510 45,490 52,250
25 1SDA067073R1 1SDA067816R1 n 1SDA067873R1
XT2 160 63 1SDA067074R1 n 1SDA067817R1 n 1SDA067874R1
3 41,460 44,230 50,110
100 1SDA067075R1 n 1SDA067818R1 n 1SDA067875R1
160 1SDA067076R1 n 45,100 1SDA067819R1 n 51,680 1SDA067876R1 57,190
XT4 250 250 1SDA068141R1 n 50,570 1SDA068490R1 n 55,220 1SDA068530R1 n 58,340
10 1SDA067108R1 1SDA067851R1 1SDA067908R1
50,830 53,960 62,050
25 1SDA067109R1 1SDA067852R1 1SDA067909R1
XT2 160 63 1SDA067110R1 n 1SDA067853R1 n 1SDA067910R1
4 47,920 51,370 59,750
100 1SDA067111R1 n 1SDA067854R1 n 1SDA067911R1
160 1SDA067113R1 n 55,170 1SDA067856R1 n 56,400 1SDA067913R1 63,740
XT4 250 250 1SDA068162R1 n 63,910 1SDA068510R1 n 65,420 1SDA068550R1 82,500
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
T5 400 400 1SDA054323R1 n 61,920 1SDA054339R1 n 66,400 1SDA054355R1 79,890
T5 630 630 1SDA054399R1 n 70,190 1SDA054407R1 n 72,390 1SDA054415R1 n 82,560
T6 800 800 1SDA060271R1 n 1,03,730 1SDA060281R1 n 1,09,550 1SDA060292R1 1,24,680
T6 1000* 1000 1SDA060540R1 1,40,540 1SDA060554R1 n 1,55,920 1SDA060564R1 1,78,670
T5 400 400 1SDA054331R1 n 69,560 1SDA054347R1 n 76,480 1SDA054363R1 99,670
T5 630 630 1SDA054403R1 n 81,860 1SDA054411R1 n 88,770 1SDA054419R1 1,13,170
T6 800 800 1SDA060276R1 n 1,16,230 1SDA060286R1 n 1,26,150 1SDA060297R1 1,57,980
T6 1000* 1000 1SDA060545R1 n 1,80,150 1SDA060559R1 1,86,220 1SDA060569R1 2,26,430
Note: *Extended front (EF) terminals are supplied as standard in T6 1000A MCCB
Stock items
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 39
Tmax power distribution circuit breakers
For MODBUS communication
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
10 1SDA067072R1 1SDA067815R1 1SDA067872R1
42,510 45,490 52,250
25 1SDA067073R1 1SDA067816R1 n 1SDA067873R1
XT2 160 63 1SDA067074R1 n 1SDA067817R1 n 1SDA067874R1
3 41,460 44,230 50,110
100 1SDA067075R1 n 1SDA067818R1 n 1SDA067875R1
160 1SDA067076R1 n 45,100 1SDA067819R1 n 51,680 1SDA067876R1 57,190
XT4 250 250 1SDA068141R1 n 50,570 1SDA068490R1 n 55,220 1SDA068530R1 n 58,340
10 1SDA067108R1 1SDA067851R1 1SDA067908R1
50,830 53,960 62,050
25 1SDA067109R1 1SDA067852R1 1SDA067909R1
XT2 160 63 1SDA067110R1 n 1SDA067853R1 n 1SDA067910R1
4 47,920 51,370 59,750
100 1SDA067111R1 n 1SDA067854R1 n 1SDA067911R1
160 1SDA067113R1 n 55,170 1SDA067856R1 n 56,400 1SDA067913R1 63,740
XT4 250 250 1SDA068162R1 n 63,910 1SDA068510R1 n 65,420 1SDA068550R1 82,500
Note : Consider ordering "Ekip Com" for MODBUS communication (Refer page no 43)
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
T5 400 400 1SDA081522R1 96,150 1SDA081525R1 n 98,830 1SDA081528R1 1,15,640
T5 630 630 1SDA081523R1 1,00,060 1SDA081526R1 n 1,02,850 1SDA081529R1 1,18,450
T6 800 800 1SDA081540R1 1,36,520 1SDA081546R1 1,41,350 1SDA081552R1 1,56,480
T6 1000* 1000 1SDA081541R1 1,73,680 1SDA081547R1 1,87,720 1SDA081553R1 2,10,470
T5 400 400 1SDA081531R1 1,04,810 1SDA081534R1 1,06,860 1SDA081537R1 1,29,620
T5 630 630 1SDA081532R1 1,12,140 1SDA081535R1 1,18,930 1SDA081538R1 1,49,410
T6 800 800 1SDA081543R1 1,52,590 1SDA081549R1 1,62,900 1SDA081555R1 1,89,780
T6 1000* 1000 1SDA081544R1 2,19,010 1SDA081550R1 2,25,320 1SDA081556R1 2,58,230
Note: Order X3 connector - 1SDA055059R1 along with PR222DS/PD-LSIG
*Extended front (EF) terminals are supplied as standard in T6 1000A MCCB
Tmax power distribution circuit breakers
Protection: LIG
Protection functions Threshold
Overload “L” Protection 0.4...1 x In in steps of 0.04
Inst. Short-circuit “I” Protection OFF - 1…10 x In
Earth Fault “G” Protection OFF - 0.2 to 1 x In
Stock items
Stock items
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 41
Tmax accessories
Accessories for T-Max MCCBs
Stock items
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 43
FORMULA moulded case circuit breaker
Terminals Terminals
Front extended Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Front extended L.P. (`)
spread terminal - ES 6 pieces spread terminal - ES Poles Ordering code 8 pieces
A1 1SDA082242R1 n 660 A1 1SDA082243R1 n 910
3P 4
A2 1SDA082247R1 n 1,860 A2 1SDA082248R1 n 2,080
Ordering code Unit L.P. (`)
Rotary handle
RHD - Operating mechanism direct handle 1SDA066154R1 n 1,610
RHE - Operating mechanism transmitted handle 1SDA066158R1 n 1,520
SOR-C 220...240 VAC - 220...250 VDC 1SDA066137R1
Shunt opening release – SOR-C Cabled version 1,850
SOR-C 380...440 VAC 1SDA066138R1
Auxiliary contacts – AUX-C Cabled version AUX-C 1Q + 1SY 250 VAC/DC 1SDA066149R1 n 2,150
UVR-C 220...240 VAC - 220...250 VDC 1SDA066146R1
Undervoltage release – UVR-C Cabled version 3,390
UVR-C 380...440 VAC 1SDA066147R1
n Stock items
Frame In Poles Ordering Code L.P. (`) Ordering Code L.P. (`) Ordering Code L.P. (`) Ordering Code L.P. (`)
40 1SDA116207R1 1SDA116231R1 1SDA116255R1
63 1SDA116209R1 1SDA116233R1 1SDA116257R1
7,450 7,800 9,890
P1 160 80 1SDA116210R1 1SDA116234R1 1SDA116258R1
100 1SDA116211R1 1SDA116235R1 1SDA116259R1
125 1SDA116212R1 9,410 1SDA116236R1 11,230 1SDA116260R1 11,380
160 1SDA116213R1 10,760 1SDA116237R1 14,420 1SDA116261R1 14,740
P2 250 200 1SDA116325R1 18,440 1SDA116337R1 20,150
250 1SDA116326R1 21,050 1SDA116338R1 23,390
320 1SDA116371R1 31,160 1SDA116380R1 33,770
NEW P3 630 400 1SDA116372R1 31,340 1SDA116381R1 34,030
630 1SDA116373R1 40,270 1SDA116382R1 42,070
NEW P4 800 800 1SDA116398R1 60,570 1SDA116401R1 70,610
Frame In Poles Ordering Code L.P. (`) Ordering Code L.P. (`) Ordering Code L.P. (`) Ordering Code L.P. (`)
40 1SDA116218R1 1SDA116242R1 1SDA116266R1
63 1SDA116220R1 1SDA116244R1 1SDA116268R1
9,870 10,580 12,440
P1 160 80 1SDA116221R1 1SDA116245R1 1SDA116269R1
100 1SDA116222R1 1SDA116246R1 1SDA116270R1
125 1SDA116225R1 11,570 1SDA116249R1 13,310 1SDA116273R1 14,390
160 1SDA116226R1 14,700 1SDA116250R1 17,170 1SDA116274R1 18,050
P2 250 200 1SDA116333R1 21,820 1SDA116345R1 26,670
250 1SDA116334R1 24,800 1SDA116346R1 27,860
320 1SDA116377R1 38,660 1SDA116386R1 41,540
NEW P3 630 400 1SDA116378R1 39,000 1SDA116387R1 42,310
630 1SDA116379R1 49,160 1SDA116388R1 52,710
NEW P4 800 800 1SDA116400R1 65,360 1SDA116403R1 79,800
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 45
Service releases
Size Voltages SOR L.P (`) UVR L.P (`)
24-30V AC/DC 1SDA116448R1 2,040 1SDA116454R1 3,600
110...127V AC / 110...125V DC 1SDA116445R1 1,910 1SDA116452R1
220...240V AC / 220...250V DC 1SDA116447R1 1,910 1SDA116453R1 3,500
UVR 380-440V AC 1SDA116455R1
24…30 VAC/DC 1SDA116461R1 3,420 1SDA116467R1
110...127 VAC - 110…125 VDC 1SDA116464R1
P3-P4 1SDA116459R1 3,420 7,510
220...240 VAC – 220...250 VDC 1SDA116466R1
380…440 VAC 1SDA116468R1
Rotary handles
Size Type RHD L.P (`) RHE L.P (`)
P1-P2 Rotary Handle 1SDA116477R1 1,700 1SDA116483R1 1,560
P3 Rotary Handle 1SDA116478R1 3,690 1SDA116485R1 3,420
P4 Rotary Handle 1SDA116480R1 5,040 1SDA116488R1 6,500
Manual changeover switches, I-O-II -operation Changeover switches, motor operation, I-O-II -operation
Supplied with extended shaft and IP 65 pistol type handle Supplied with bridging bars and handle
Rated Rated
current Poles Description Ordering code L.P. (`) current Poles Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
In [A] In [A]
16 OT16F3C 1SYN104816R1001 n 3,900 40 OTM40F3CMA230V 1SYN120096R1001 32,050
25 OT25F3C 1SYN104863R1001 n 4,920 63 OTM63F3CMA230V 1SYN120095R1001 33,880
40 OT40F3C 1SYN104913R1001 n 5,340
80 OTM80F3CMA230V 1SYN120093R1001 36,960
63 3 OT63F3C 1SYN105338R1001 n 6,960
80 OT80F3C 1SYN105402R1001 7,660 100 OTM100F3CMA230V 1SYN120071R1001 38,800
100 OT100F3C 1SYN105008R1001 n 10,240 125 OTM125F3CMA230V 1SYN120070R1001 40,040
125 OT125F3C 1SYN105037R1001 n 10,730 160 OTM160E3CM230C 1SYN022845R8610 49,570
16 OT16F4C 1SYN104831R1001 4,920
200 OTM200E3CM230C 1SYN022845R8960 50,230
25 OT25F4C 1SYN104877R1001 5,110
40 OT40F4C 1SYN104934R1001 n 5,640 250 OTM250E3CM230C 1SYN022845R9260 61,960
63 4 OT63F4C 1SYN105369R1001 n 7,880 315 3 OTM315E3CM230C 1SYN022847R1210 62,620
80 OT80F4C 1SYN105418R1001 n 8,280 400 OTM400E3CM230C 1SYN022847R1630 75,350
100 OT100F4C 1SYN105019R1001 12,190
630 OTM630E3CM230C 1SYN103567R1001 88,790
125 OT125F4C 1SYN105054R1001 n 12,480
800 OTM800E3CM230C 1SYN103570R1001 1,31,980
Supplied with bridging bars, extended shaft and
IP 65 pistol type handle 1000 OTM1000E3CM230C 1SYN112677R1001 1,96,710
160 OT160E03CP 1SYN022772R6510 n 14,830 1250 OTM1250E3CM230C 1SYN112676R1001 2,15,840
200 OT200E03CP 1SYN022771R7520 n 15,330 1600 OTM1600E3CM230C 1SYN112678R1001 2,59,560
250 OT250E03CP 1SYN022771R3450 n 18,430
2000 OTM2000E3CM230C 1SYN112709R1001 4,37,480
315 OT315E03CP 1SYN022772R6780 n 22,500
400 OT400E03CP 1SYN022771R8500 n 26,590 2500 OTM2500E3CM230C 1SYN112710R1001 4,80,520
630 OT630E03CP 1SYN022785R6050 n 39,890 40 OTM40F4CMA230V 1SYN120102R1001 34,510
800 3 OT800E03CP 1SYN022785R6300 51,140 63 OTM63F4CMA230V 1SYN120101R1001 n 36,350
1000 OT1000E03CP 1SYN022872R1680 n 1,38,080
80 OTM80F4CMA230V 1SYN120100R1001 38,200
1250 OT1250E03CP 1SYN022872R0790 1,53,420
1600 OT1600E03CP 1SYN022872R1840 1,89,210 100 OTM100F4CMA230V 1SYN120098R1001 n 39,440
2000 OT2000E03CP 1SYN103908R1001 2,86,400 125 OTM125F4CMA230V 1SYN120097R1001 n 41,910
2500 OT2500E03CP 1SYN105615R1001 3,11,960 160 OTM160E4CM230C 1SYN022848R1510 n 51,860
3200 OT3200E03CP 1SYN129156R1001 4,50,030
200 OTM200E4CM230C 1SYN022846R1590 n 52,110
160 OT160E04CP 1SYN022775R9440 n 17,390
200 OT200E04CP 1SYN022771R7280 n 17,910 250 OTM250E4CM230C 1SYN022846R1910 n 63,800
250 OT250E04CP 1SYN022775R4640 n 19,940 315 4 OTM315E4CM230C 1SYN022847R2870 n 65,130
315 OT315E04CP 1SYN022775R7150 n 24,350 400 OTM400E4CM230C 1SYN022847R3250 n 81,750
400 OT400E04CP 1SYN022771R8680 n 28,650
630 OTM630E4CM230C 1SYN022873R1990 n 91,640
630 OT630E04CP 1SYN022785R6130 n 49,100
800 4 OT800E04CP 1SYN022785R6210 n 59,320 800 OTM800E4CM230C 1SYN022872R8340 n 1,37,820
1000 OT1000E04CP 1SYN022872R1500 1,58,530 1000 OTM1000E4CM230C 1SYN112703R1001 1,99,870
1250 OT1250E04CP 1SYN022872R1250 1,65,700 1250 OTM1250E4CM230C 1SYN112702R1001 2,19,180
1600 OT1600E04CP 1SYN022872R2310 2,04,560
1600 OTM1600E4CM230C 1SYN112704R1001 2,68,780
2000 OT2000E04CP 1SYN103912R1001 3,68,200
2500 OT2500E04CP 1SYN103906R1001 4,09,130 2000 OTM2000E4CM230C 1SYN112712R1001 4,77,580
3200 OT3200E04CP 1SYN129158R1001 5,36,980 2500 OTM2500E4CM230C 1SYN112713R1001 5,21,020
Compact ATS Rated
In [A]
Pole Description Ordering code L.P.(`)
Automatic transfer switches, I - O - II operation
40 OTM40F4C20D400C 1SYN151252R1001 45,680
Supplied with bridging bars and direct mounted handle 40 OTM40F4C21D400C 1SYN151253R1001
40 OTM40F4CB21D400C 1SYN150580R1001
current Pole Description Ordering code L.P.(`) 63 OTM63F4C20D400C 1SYN151254R1001 48,080
In [A] 63 4 OTM63F4C21D400C 1SYN151255R1001
63 OTM63F3C20D400C 1SYN151423R1001 45,930 63 OTM63F4CB21D400C 1SYN150586R1001
63 OTM63F3C21D400C 1SYN151423R1002 66,370 125 OTM125F4C20D400C 1SYN151250R1001 56,640
125 OTM125F3C20D400C 1SYN151423R1003 51,490 125 OTM125F4C21D400C 1SYN151251R1001
125 OTM125F3C21D400C 1SYN151423R1004 75,040 125 OTM125F4CB21D230C 1SYN150574R1001
n Stock items Note: For 2 pole requirement, contact nearest sales office
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 47
— —
OT automatic OFAF HRC fuse links
transfer switches and base, DIN-type
Automatic transfer switches, I - O - II operation DIN -type fuse links, gG, 500 V, 80 kA The ordering code includes
Supplied with bridging bars and handle one fuse link, the delivery batch is according to the column.
Automatic operation, equipped with OMD300 controller unit with Fuse Rated Delivery
integrated dual power supply size current Description batch Ordering code L.P. (`)
In (A) [pcs]
current Description Ordering code L.P.(`) 2 OFAFN000GG2 6 1SCA107747R1001 n
In [A] 6 OFAFN000GG6 6 1SCA107748R1001 n
160 OTM160E4C3D230C 1SYN106305R1001 n* 1,18,450 10 OFAFN000GG10 6 1SCA107749R1001 n
200 OTM200E4C3D230C 1SYN106309R1001* 1,22,430 16 OFAFN000GG16 6 1SCA107750R1001 n
250 OTM250E4C3D230C 1SYN106313R1001* 1,26,420
20 OFAFN000GG20 6
1SCA107751R1001 n
315 OTM315E4C3D230C 1SYN106317R1001* 1,32,420 25 OFAFN000GG25 6 1SCA107751R1002 n
400 OTM400E4C3D230C 1SYN106318R1001 n* 1,39,730 32 OFAFN000GG32 6 1SCA107752R1001 n
630 OTM630E4C3D230C 1SYN108726R1001* 1,86,310 63 OFAFN000GG63 6 1SCA107753R1001 n
800 OTM800E4C3D230C 1SYN108728R1001* 2,46,200 6 OFAFN00GG6 6 1SCA107754R1001
1000 OTM1000E4C3D230C 1SYN112852R1001* 2,66,170 10 OFAFN00GG10 6 1SCA107755R1001
1250 OTM1250E4C3D230C 1SYN112851R1001* 3,06,080 16 OFAFN00GG16 6 1SCA107756R1001
1600 OTM1600E4C3D230C 1SYN112848R1001* 3,99,230 20 OFAFN00GG20 6 1SCA107757R1001
25 OFAFN00GG25 6 1SCA107758R1001
Automatic operation, equipped with OMD800 controller unit with display 32 OFAFN00GG32 6 1SCA107759R1001 n
00 50 OFAFN00GG50 6 1SCA107760R1001 n 570
160 OTM160E4C8D230C 1SYN101020R1001* 1,59,690
200 OTM200E4C8D230C 1SYN101021R1001* 1,66,350 63 OFAFN00GG63 6 1SCA107761R1001 n
250 OTM250E4C8D230C 1SYN101022R1001* 1,73,010 80 OFAFN00GG80 6 1SCA107762R1001 n
315 OTM315E4C8D230C 1SYN101063R1001* 1,79,650 100 OFAFN00GG100 6 1SCA107763R1001 n
400 OTM400E4C8D230C 1SYN101064R1001* 1,99,610 125 OFAFN00GG125 6 1SCA107764R1001 n
630 OTM630E4C8D230C 1SYN108453R1001* 2,19,590 160 OFAFN00GG160 6 1SCA107765R1001 n
800 OTM800E4C8D230C 1SYN108455R1001* 2,66,170
1000 OTM1000E4C8D230C 1SYN112861R1001 * 3,39,350 160 OFAF0H160 3 1SCA022627R3170
0 1,100
1250 OTM1250E4C8D230C 1SYN112864R1001* 3,72,630 200 OFAF0H200 3 1SCA022629R5140 n
1600 OTM1600E4C8D230C 1SYN112867R1001* 4,65,780 32 OFAFN1GG32 6 1SCA107766R1001
Note: 50 OFAFN1GG50 6 1SCA107767R1001
* Automatic Transfer Switches 1SYN... code include the following: 63 OFAFN1GG63 6 1SCA107768R1001
• Motor voltage Ue 220-240 V AC 80 OFAFN1GG80 6 1SCA107769R1001
• For 3 pole requirement contact the nearest sales office 1 100 OFAFN1GG100 6 1SCA107770R1001 820
• For OMD800, consider accessory ODPS for dual power supply 125 OFAFN1GG125 6 1SCA107771R1001
— 160
1SCA107772R1001 n
1SCA107773R1001 n
1SCA107774R1001 n
Accessories for changeovers 100
20 OFFNA2GG20 10 1SCA107827R1001
25 OFFNA2GG25 10 1SCA107800R1001
A1 1 R3 5 7 24 EN40-31N-01 1SAE342111R0131
3 14,550
32 OFFNA2GG32 10 1SCA107801R1001 n A2 2 R4 6 8
230 EN40-31N-06 1SAE342111R0631
40 OFFNA3GG40 10 1SCA107803R1001 n A1 1 3 5
50 OFFNA4GG50 10 1SCA107806R1001 A1 1 3
EH04-11N 1SAE901901R1011
EH04-20N 1SAE901901R1020
250 OFFNB3GG250 1 1SCA107819R1001 n 790
B3 34
Fuse Base
1SYN833001R2005 n
1SYN833001R2009 n
Mini contactors
Mini contactors with screw connection:
3 pole - AC operated
— AC1
AC3 rating at 415V Auxiliary Type Code
Contacts Reference
Order Code L.P.(`)
Amps hP kW
EN Installation contactors Amps
B06-30-10 **
B06-30-01 **
GJL1211001R10 n
GJL1211001R01 n
20A 12 7.5 5.5 1NO - B07-30-10 ** GJL1311001R10n
20A 12 7.5 5.5 - 1NC B07-30-01 ** GJL1311001R01 n
Rated Complete the contactor type code by replacing ** with desired coil voltage
Width in
Main contacts circuit Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
of modular
voltage (1) Mini contactors with screw connection:
V AC / DC 3 pole - DC operated
1 3 24 EN20-20N-01 1SBE122111R0120 AC1 AC3 rating at 415V Auxiliary Type Code
A1 1 R3 5 7
24 EN25-31N-01 1SAE232111R0131
2 14,490 16A 9 5.5 4 1NO - VB06-30-10 ** GJL1211901R10
230 ... 240 EN25-31N-06 1SAE232111R0631 3,920
A2 2 R4 6 8
16A 9 5.5 4 - 1NC VB06-30-01 ** GJL1211901R01
A1 1 3 5
20A 12 7.5 5.5 1NO - VB07-30-10 ** GJL1311901R10
2 24 EN25-30N-06 1SAE232111R0630 12,580 4,130
A2 2 4 6 20A 12 7.5 5.5 - 1NC VB07-30-01 ** GJL1311901R01
n Stock items Complete the contactor type code by replacing ** with desired coil voltage
For additional details refer to Electrification products price list 2022 Builders and contractors Price list 49
Mini contactors
Mini reversing contactors with screw connection:
3 pole - DC operated Fully automatic Star Delta starter:
AC1 AC3 rating at 415V HP rating Type Code
Auxiliary Type Code at 415V Reference Order Code L.P.(`)
duty Order Code L.P.(`)
Contacts Reference
Amps Amps hP kW 12.5 SDA-12.5 ** 1SYN184322R00 n 14,140
16A 9 5.5 4 1NO - VBC6-30-10 ** GJL1213901R10 15 SDA-15 ** 1SYN242322R00 n 15,380
16A 9 5.5 4 - 1NC VBC6-30-01 ** GJL1213901R01 n 20 SDA- 20 ** 1SYN244322R00 n 17,840
20A 12 7.5 5.5 1NO - VBC7-30-10 ** GJL1313901R10 25 SDA-25 ** 1SYN246322R00 18,580
4,380 30 SDA-30 ** 1SYN282322R00 22,450
20A 12 7.5 5.5 - 1NC VBC7-30-01 ** GJL1313901R01
35 SDA-35 ** 1SYN284322R00 24,910
Complete the contactor type code by replacing ** with desired coil voltage 40 SDA-40 ** 1SYN322322R00 30,230
Mini contactors are also available in 4 pole (4NO / 2NO + 2NC) 36,290
50 SDA-50 ** 1SYN352342R00
60 SDA-60 ** 1SYN372342R00 46,680
Mini auxiliary contactor 4 pole with screw connection 54,720
75 SDA-75 ** 1SYN412342R00
Contact Complete the starter type code by replacing the ** with the desired coil voltage.
Control Configuration Type Code
Order Code L.P.(`)
Circuit Reference
Voltage Code
2NO 2NC K6-22Z** GJH1211001R22
3NO 1NC K6-31Z ** GJH1211001R31 n 1,470
AC 220 ... 230 V coil 38
4NO - K6-40E ** GJH1211001R40
400 ... 415 V coil 86n
2NO 2NC KC6-22Z** GJH1213001R22 n
3NO 1NC KC6-31Z ** GJH1213001R31 1,890
DC DOL Starter with IP65 enclosure 4KE 7.5KW 415V, IP65
4NO - KC6-40E ** GJ1H213001R40
compact plastic enclosure with double insulation
Complete the contactor type code by replacing ** with desired coil voltage
Description Order code L.P.(`)
DRAS09-29P 4.0 kW 415V, 415V coil 1SBK104035R2900 7,300
Coil voltage for mini contactors
DRAS12-29P 5.5 kW 415V, 415V coil 1SBK114035R2900 7,850
AC DC DRAS16-29P 7.5 kW 415V, 415V coil 1SBK124035R2900 10,550
50-60Hz Code DC V Code Note: T16 OLR to be ordered separately. Plz refer page no. 96 for reference.
24 0 ... 1 n 24 0 ... 1 n
48 0 ... 3 110 ... 125 0 ... 4 n
110 ... 127 8 ... 4 n 220 ... 240 0 ... 5
220 ... 240
380 ... 415
8 ... 0 n
8 ... 5 External lightning protection
Auxiliary contact blocks for mini contactors,
OPR - Optimized Pulse Rod
4 A, 240 V AC-15 / 2.5 A, 24V DC-13 Ordering details OPR Range
Auxiliary Time
For contactor types Type Order Code L.P.(`) Type Length Weight Unit
contacts Description gain Ordering code
Code (m) (kg) M.R.P. (`)
Front mounted instantaneous auxiliary contact blocks 1) (µs)
B6-, B7-30-10, BC6-, OPR ESE Air terminal
1NO + 1NC CAF6-11M GJL1201330R0003 0.215 2.4 30 2CTB899800R7000 1,48,675
BC7-30-10 30 without mast
VB6, VB7, VBC6, 780 OPR ESE Air terminal
2NO CAF6-20M GJL1201330R0007 0.215 2.4 45 2CTB899800R7500 1,78,085
VBC7, VB6A, VB7A 45 without mast
VBC6A, VBC7A 2NC CAF6-02M GJL1201330R0011 OPR ESE Air terminal 0.215 2.4 60 2CTB899800R7100 1,95,050
60 without mast
Side mounted instantaneous auxiliary contact block 1)
B6-, B7-30-10, BC6-, Accessories
1NO + 1NC CA6-11M GJL1201317R0003 780
Length Weight Unit
Type Code Description Ordering code
(m) (kg) M.R.P.(`)
LS Lightning stroke
- 0.56 2CTH0CCF2004 52,940
COUNTER counter
Mounting Mast,
2m, 30mm dia
2 4.4 H00003002L 9,865
n Stock items
General terms and conditions of sale: Any claim regarding the supply, machinery, plant or components
• All prices mentioned in this price list are in not compliant with the specifications or the contractual
Indian Rupees (INR) and this supersedes all documentation must be raised in writing, within a maximum
previous price lists term of 8 days from delivery, when the time limit for action
• Prices are based on Ex-work basis expires. In the case of systems, this term is 60 days from
• Maximum retail prices (MRPs) mentioned in the publication are execution of the disputed service when the time limit for action
maximum recommended selling prices expires.
• List prices (LPs) mentioned are exclusive of all taxes
• Prices are subject to revision without prior notice In the case of latent defects, the terms indicated above run
from the date of discovery. Once the warranty period has
Terms of delivery: Ex- work, Nelamangala or any other ABB expired, claims are not accepted,even for latent defect. Where
warehouse in India the claim is timely and justified, ABB's obligation is limited to
replacement of the goods found not in compliance or repetition
Standard delivery terms of execution of the non-compliant service, excluding all rights
Ex-stock or 30 working days to the Customer to seek termination of the contract and/or
compensation of damages.
Address of Nelamangala warehouse
ABB INDIA LIMITED With reference to the provision of spare parts,
#126, Hanchipura Village, Kasaba Hobli ABB reserves the right to provide materials either
Nelamangala Taluk, Bangalore-562 123 from the original supplier or from equivalent supplier.
Tel: +91 80 2770 0081
Tel: +91 80 2770 0082 Warranty period:
Tel: +91 80 2770 0083 1. Breakers & switches: The warranty period is
12 months from the date of commissioning or
Address of Works 18 months from the date of ABB's invoice,
Nelamangala whichever is earlier.
Survey No: 88/3, 88/4, Basavanhalli, Kasaba Hobli, 2. Control products: The warranty period is 12 months from
Nelamangala Taluk, Bangalore - 562 123 the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of
Karnataka, India ABB's invoice, whichever is earlier.
Tel: +91 80 2294 6618 3. Enclosures & Din Rail components:
Tel: +91 80 2294 6619 • Components of SB200M and SDB200 will have
Fax: +91 80 2294 9999 5 Years warranty from the date of ABB’s invoice, if
mounted inside the ABB Distribution boards. If non-
Peenya ABB enclosure is used, Warranty period is 12 months
Plot No. 5 & 6, II Phase, from the date of commissioning or 18 months from
Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore - 560 058 the date of ABB's invoice, whichever is earlier.
Karnataka, India • All other range of products : 12 months from the date
Tel: +91 80 22949354/9585 of commissioning or 18 months from the date of
Fax: +91 80 22949389 ABB’s invoice, whichever earlier.
• If products are altered, dismantled, rectified or
Vadodara tampered. Warranty states is not company’s entire
Maneja Works, Maneja, liability. This does not extend to cover consequential
Vadodara - 390 013 losses or damage or installation cost arising from
Gujarat, India defective products. Since product improvement
E-mail: [email protected] is a continuous process, the data furnished in this
Tollfree No: 1800-4200-707 brochure may undergo revision. For the latest
information, you may contact our nearest sales office.
Warranty policy
ABB guarantees the supply according to the law. Upon expiration, 4a. Wiring accessories:
the warranty expires even if the devices have not been operated for • Standard Switches & Sockets (without LED Lamp) : 10
any reason. In the case of faults, as long as this does not depend on years from the date of ABB’s invoice.
assembly errors by the customer or third parties, on incorrect use • Electronic Products (with LED Lamp) : 12 months from
of the materials, lack of or incorrect maintenance, normal wear and the date of commissioning or 24 months from the
tear, faults caused by inexperience or negligence by the purchaser date of ABB’s invoice, whichever earlier.
or by transport, by the improper storage of the materials, or failure • ABB mounting boxes are not covered under warranty.
by the customer to adopt measures to reduce eventual dysfunction, • Warranty for all the products will not be valid, If
overload with respect to the contractual limits, by unauthorized products are not used with original ABB mounting
intervention, by tampering or action effected by the customer, to boxes.
force majeure, ABB will, throughout the warranty period, repair or • If products are altered, dismantled, rectified or
replace any defective part of supply free of charge, in the shortest tampered. Warranty states is not company’s entire
possible time, at its premises. Where the repair cannot be executed liability. This does not extend to cover consequential
at ABB premises, except as otherwise agreed, all the supplementary losses or damage or installation cost arising from
or relevant expenses shall be borne by the customer. defective products. Since product improvement
is a continuous process, the data furnished in this
Repair or replacement will be executed only if the customer has brochure may undergo revision. For the latest
performed all the obligations to that date. The customer may not information, you may contact our nearest sales office.
suspend performance of the obligations in any case in which this
warranty is invoked. The term for the repair or replacement of the 4b. Plug & sockets: The warranty period is 12 months from
faulty supply will be agreed by ABB and the customer. The shipment the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of
of any supply claimed to be faulty by the customer to ABB and ABB's invoice, whichever is earlier.
subsequently by ABB to the customer, shall be at the risk and under
the responsibility of the customer, who shall arrange adequate Liability clause:
insurance coverage. The supply repaired or replaced is shipped at The manufacturer shall not be liable for any consequential
the expense and risk of the customer. Any dispute about a shipment loss, injury or damages attributable to defect or failure of its
has no effect on the remainder of the supply. The products replaced products.
by ABB become the property of ABB.
We reserve the right to make technical
changes or modify the contents of this
document without prior notice.
ABB does not accept any responsibility
whatsoever for potential errors or
possible lack of information in this
document. We reserve all rights
in this document and in the subject
matter and illustrations contained
therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to
third parties or utilization of its
contents – in whole or in parts -
is forbidden without prior written
consent of ABB.
ABB India Helpline.
Technical Telephone support for
customers and channel partners.
Toll Free: 1800 420 07 07.