Ansi Z245.60-2008
Ansi Z245.60-2008
Ansi Z245.60-2008
60 - 2008
Environmental Industry Associations
Published by
Waste Equipment Technology Association
(Part of Environmental Industry Associations)
4301 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20008
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prior written permission of the publisher.
Table of Contents
Foreword (informative) ................................................................................................................ii
0 Introduction (informative) ...........................................................................................................1
1 Scope...........................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references.................................................................................................................5
3 Definitions...................................................................................................................................5
4 Safety requirements...................................................................................................................7
5 Markings......................................................................................................................................7
6 Responsibilities..........................................................................................................................8
7 Dimensional requirements ........................................................................................................9
1a Typical Refuse containers ............................................................................................................2
1b Typical Refuse containers ............................................................................................................3
2 Refuse containers excluded .........................................................................................................4
3 Type B container ........................................................................................................................ 11
4 Type B container lifter attachment points ................................................................................... 12
5 Type C container ........................................................................................................................ 14
6 Type D container ........................................................................................................................ 16
7 Type G container........................................................................................................................ 18
8 Type T container (2.3 cubic meters or less) ............................................................................... 20
9 Type T container (more than 2.3 cubic meters) ......................................................................... 22
10 Type U container ........................................................................................................................ 25
11 Type */C container...................................................................................................................... 26
12 Type H container ........................................................................................................................ 28
13 Type I container.......................................................................................................................... 31
14 Type I container stops and detents detail................................................................................... 32
15 Type L container......................................................................................................................... 34
16 Type S container ........................................................................................................................ 37
1 Dimensional requirements for Type B containers ...................................................................... 9
2 Dimensional requirements for Type C containers ...................................................................... 13
3 Dimensional requirements for Type D containers ...................................................................... 15
4 Dimensional requirements for Type G containers ...................................................................... 17
5 Dimensional requirements for Type T containers (2.3 cubic meters or less) ............................. 19
6 Dimensional requirements for Type T containers (More than 2.3 cubic meters)........................ 21
7 Dimensional requirements for Type U containers ...................................................................... 23
8 Dimensional requirements for Type */C containers.................................................................... 26
9 Dimensional requirements for Type H containers ...................................................................... 27
10 Dimensional requirements for Type I containers........................................................................ 29
11 Dimensional requirements for Type L containers....................................................................... 33
12 Dimensional requirements for Type S containers ...................................................................... 35
Copyright American National Standards Institute
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FOREWORD (This foreword is not part of American National Standard Z245.60 - 2008)
This revised standard replaces ANSI Z245.60 –1999, Equipment Technology and Operations for Wastes and
Recyclable Materials — Waste Containers — Compatibility Dimensions. For a waste container to be marked
as a specific type of container, those containers manufactured after the effective date of this standard, must
comply with ANSI Z245.60-2008.
This revision establishes dimensions for refuse containers commonly used in conjunction with mobile
equipment used to collect, compact and transport waste and recyclables, and occasionally with stationary
waste processing and compaction equipment that use mechanical means to lift and empty these containers
into the loading hopper. It is intended to assist manufacturers of truck bodies and lifting equipment in
designing devices that can safely accommodate a wide range of commonly used containers. Also, labeling
according to this standard will assist the users of such equipment in identifying with certainty that a container
so marked is compatible with a lifting device designed to accommodate containers of the same type.
It is recognized that individuals may prefer to use containers that do not conform to these dimensions, and
that such specialty designs can be safely handled by certain lifting systems. The standard does not intend to
restrict manufacturing or the use of other designs. This standard is intended to encourage widespread use of
common dimensions to facilitate interchange of different manufacturers’ product lines, and create an easily
recognizable means for waste industry workers to safely match containers and lifting devices.
The effective date of this standard will be 18 months after the date of approval by the American National
Standards Institute. Containers manufactured prior to the effective date of this standard are subject to the
requirements of previous editions of ANSI Z245.60 (1999, 1996, 1990) For Refuse Collection, Processing, and
Disposal Equipment — Waste Containers — Compatibility Dimensions.
Many containers manufactured prior to this standard may also meet the requirements of the dimensional
specifications for the various types of containers. Employers are encouraged to identify and label such
containers as described in this standard in order to assist employees in determining compatibility with lifting
To gain access to a larger variety of lifting equipment types, manufacturers may choose to design containers
to meet the dimensional requirements of more than one container type. In such a case they may label these
containers for each type for which the requirements are met.
This revised standard was developed by the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) Z245 Subcommittee 6
(Container Compatibility). In addition to the subcommittee members, the original standard was developed by
the following organizations: the Transportation and Container Project Working Groups of the Waste
Equipment Technology Association (WASTEC) and independent manufacturers of refuse containers.
At the time this revised standard was approved, a number of commonly used types of containers were
included for which consensus was reached regarding common dimensions critical to assuring compatibility
with lifting systems. The ASC Z245 Committee will include other container types that may be developed in the
future, and others for which consensus has not yet been reached on dimensional requirements in future
revisions of this standard. Proposals should be forwarded to the Secretary of the ASC Z245 Committee.
Suggested changes, inquiries, and requests for interpretation of this standard should be directed to the
Secretary, Accredited Standards Committee Z245, c/o Environmental Industry Associations, 4301 Connecticut
Ave., NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20008.
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This revised standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the Accredited Standards
Committee on Equipment Technology and Operations for Wastes and Recyclable Materials, Z245.
Committee approval of this standard does not necessarily imply that all committee members voted for its
approval. At the time it approved this revision, the Z245 Committee had the following members:
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ASC Z245 Subcommittee 6 (Container Compatibility), which drafted this revised standard, had the
following members:
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0 Introduction
This standard was developed by American National Standards Institute Accredited Standards
Committee Z245 Subcommittee 6 on Container Compatibility and approved by Accredited
Standards Committee Z245.
This standard revises the waste container compatibility dimensions found in ANSI Z245.60-1999 by
providing specific dimensions for waste containers.
This standard complements ANSI Z245.30-2008, which details the safety requirements for waste
container construction and use.
Exceptions and notes contained in the standard apply to the clause or sub-clause in which they are
contained or to which they reference. Exceptions pertain to normative requirements. Notes are
informative and provide guidance for the evaluation of a normative requirement.
The units of distance measurement used in this standard are in the inch-pound system. When a
value for measurement is followed by a value in other units in parentheses, the second value is
only approximate. The first value is the requirement.
1 Scope
1.1 This standard applies to newly manufactured containers that are used in conjunction with the
collection, processing and disposal (including the diversion of wastes for recycling) of municipal,
commercial and industrial solid wastes by private companies and public entities. Containers may
vary widely as to size, design and other characteristics. These containers are used in conjunction
with mobile and stationary equipment that use mechanical means to handle the containers.
Containers not in conformance with this standard may be safely handled provided the mechanism
used is compatible with the dimensions of the specific container.
Figures 1a and 1b illustrate examples of various types of containers which are within the scope of
this standard.
1.2 This standard does not apply to containers intended for use by householders for their
individual use which are not to be handled by mechanical container lifting and dumping
Figure 2 illustrates examples of various types of containers which are not within the scope of this
1.3 This standard applies to mobile containers usually mounted on casters or wheels; stationary
containers with 3 cu. yd.3 (2.3 cubic meters) capacity and larger; and specially designed containers
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NOTE: Containers may have hinged lids or access doors which vary as to the number of panels,
size, use and location.
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Figure 1b — Typical refuse containers within the scope of this standard
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2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this American National Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated
were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this American
National Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions
of the standards indicated below.
ANSI Z245.1-2008, Equipment Technology and Operations for Wastes and Recyclable Materials -
Mobile Wastes and Recyclable Materials Collection, Transportation and Compaction Equipment -
Safety Requirements
ANSI Z245.21-2008, Equipment Technology and Operations for Wastes and Recyclable Materials -
Stationary Compactors - Safety Requirements
ANSI Z245.30-2008, Equipment Technology and Operations for Wastes and Recyclable Materials -
Waste Containers - Safety Requirements
3 Definitions
3.1 General definitions. Except as provided below, terms used in conjunction with this standard
are defined in ANSI Z245.30-2008.
3.2 Type B container: Type B containers are designed and manufactured to be cycled by a “bar-
lock” lifter. Type B containers have geometry in the area where it attaches to a lifter that is
functionally equivalent to Figures 3 and 4.
The generic specification for Type B containers is based on the concept of envelopes, cross
sections within which the upper attachment point and the lower bar must be confined regardless of
the specific configuration of these elements. Certain critical dimensions relate the upper
attachment envelope, UAE, and the bar envelope, BE, to each other and to other parts on the
container. For a container to qualify as Type B, these critical dimensions must be within the
specified range.
NOTE: Any two-wheeled plastic refuse container which is functionally similar to figures 3 and 4 and
has dimensions that fall within the limits given in Table 1 may be designated as a Type B container
by the container manufacturer.
3.3 Type C container: Type C containers are designed and manufactured to be cycled by a
“comb” type lifter. Type C containers have a cross section in the area where it attaches to the lifter
that is functionally similar to Figure 5.
NOTE: Any two-wheeled plastic refuse container which is functionally similar to figure 5 and has
dimensions that fall within the limits given in Table 2 may be designated as a Type C container by
the container manufacturer.
3.4 Type D container: Type D containers are designed and manufactured to be cycled by a
“diamond” type lifter.
Type D containers have geometry in the area where it attaches to the lifter which is functionally
equivalent to Figure 6.
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NOTE: Any two-wheeled plastic refuse container which is functionally similar to Figure 6 and has
dimensions that fall within the limits given in Table 3 may be designated as a Type D container by
the container manufacturer.
3.5 Type G container: Type G containers are designed and manufactured to be cycled by a grab-
type lifter.
NOTE 1: Not all grab-type lifters are capable of cycling all Type G containers. The manufacturer or
user of the container and/or lifter must determine compatibility of specific combinations.
NOTE 2: Any two-wheeled plastic refuse container which is functionally similar to Figure 7 and has
dimensions that fall within the limits given in Table 4 may be designated as a Type G container by
the container manufacturer.
loading collection vehicles) that utilizes a latching device to capture the container trunnion bar.
Type T containers 3 yd3 (2.30 cubic meters) or less may also be lifted by the trunnion bar and two
cables or other means to engage the sides of the container, or a bar system to engage the leading
edge of the container (see Figure 8). Some Type T containers are designed with a sloping side to
facilitate use with compactor vehicle hopper configurations as well as for emptying of the contents.
For such containers, the slope differs markedly and is not standardized since degree of the slope
depends on the size of the container. Small containers of this type, 2 yd3 (1.53 cubic meters) or
less, may have a minimal slanting front side, commonly called a “straight” front container. Type T
containers greater than 3 yd3 (2.30 cubic meters) engage a single cable at the trailing edge of the
NOTE: Any container that is functionally similar to Figure 9 and has dimensions that fall within the
limits given in Tables 5 and 6 may be designated as a Type T container by the container
3.7 Type U container: (Common nomenclature = “cable-hook outside rail roll-off” container). A
container that is designed to be loaded onto and unloaded from the frames of transport vehicles by
mechanical means where the long rail of the container rides along the outside of the rail of the
transporter. A hook on the lower front center of the container is engaged by the lifting mechanism
on the transport vehicle. Containers not in conformance with this specification may be able to be
loaded and unloaded safely provided the lifting mechanism used is compatible with the specific
container dimensions. Containers of this type may vary widely as to size, design and other
NOTE: Any container that is functionally similar to Figure 10 and has dimensions that fall within the
limits given in Table 7 may be designated as a Type T container by the container manufacturer.
NOTE: Any container that is functionally similar to Figure 11 and has dimensions that fall within the
limits given in Table 8 may be designated as a Type */C container by the container manufacturer.
3.9 Type H container: (Common nomenclature = “dead lift roll-off” container). A container that is
designed to be loaded onto and unloaded from the frames of transport vehicles by mechanical
means where the long rail of the container rides along the outside of the rail of the transport vehicle.
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A receiver on the lower front center of the container accepts the knuckle of the transport vehicle.
Containers of this type may vary widely as to size, design and other characteristics.
NOTE: Any container that is functionally similar to Figure 12 and has dimensions that fall within the
limits given in Table 9 may be designated as a Type H container by the container manufacturer.
3.10 Type I container: (Common nomenclature = “bail and hook” container). A container that is
designed to be loaded onto and unloaded from the frames of transport vehicles by mechanical
means. A series of bail stations on the lower center length of the container undercarriage is
engaged by the bail of the lifting mechanism on the transport vehicle. Containers of this type may
vary widely as to size, design and other characteristics.
NOTE: Any container that is functionally similar to that shown in Figure 13 and 14 and has
dimensions that fall within the limits given in Table 10 may be designated as a Type I container by
the container manufacturer.
NOTE: Any container that is functionally similar to Figure 15 and has dimensions that fall within the
limits given in Table 11 may be designated as a Type L container by the container manufacturer.
3.12 Type S container: (Common nomenclature = side-fork front loader container). A container
that is designed to be unloaded by mechanical means (typically into the hoppers of front-loading
collection vehicles) that utilizes a fork system to engage the sides of the container. Containers of
this type may vary widely as to size, design and other characteristics.
NOTE: Any container that is functionally similar to Figure 16 and has dimensions that fall within the
limits given in Table 12 may be designated as a Type S container by the container manufacturer.
4 Safety requirements
4.1 General safety requirements. Refuse containers shall be manufactured, maintained and
used in accordance with ANSI Z245.30 - 2008
4.2 Containers for mobile collection, compaction and transport vehicles. Containers used
with mobile equipment shall comply with ANSI Z245.1 - 2008
4.3 Containers for stationary compactors. Containers used with stationary compaction
equipment shall comply with ANSI Z245.21 - 2008
5 Markings
5.2 Containers designated as “Type _” which comply with the dimensional requirements of this
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standard for the specific type of containers as described in clause 7 shall be clearly marked with
“Type (insert designation)” and the designation of this standard (ANSI Z245.60).
NOTE: A container which meets the specifications of more than one type may be designated and
marked with multiple types such as a Type B/G or Type C/G container.
6 Responsibilities
6.1 Manufacturer responsibility. Containers marked in accordance with clause 5.2 shall be
manufactured in conformance with the specifications of clause 7 for the specific type container
being manufactured.
NOTE: Two-wheeled plastic refuse containers (carts) are unloaded by a mechanical device called
a lifter. Lifter manufacturers are required to designate the type containers that their lifters are able
to cycle. Lifter manufacturers may designate their lifters as being capable of cycling all containers
conforming to the specifications for one or more types of containers.
6.2 Retrofitter responsibility. Persons who retrofit or modify refuse containers that are marked in
conformance with clause 5.2 shall do so in conformance with the specifications for the specific
container type as described in clause 7.
6.3 Owner responsibility. The owner of containers shall ensure that containers manufactured in
accordance with this standard are maintained so as to remain in compliance with this standard.
6.4 Customer responsibility. The customer shall inform the owner of refuse bins of any damage,
defects or malfunction of any container provided for the customer’s use.
6.5.1 The employee shall lift only containers that are compatible with the lifting equipment
6.5.2 Any damage, defect or malfunction of refuse containers or lifting equipment shall be reported
by the employee to the employer.
6.6.1 The employer, if different than the owner of the container, shall notify the owner of any
damage, defect or malfunction of the container.
6.6.2 The employer shall be responsible for ensuring compatibility of the container and lifting
equipment that are used or encountered in that company’s operation.
6.6.3 The employer shall ensure compatibility of the detachable compactor-containers and the
compactors to which they are mated.
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7 Dimensional requirements
7.1 Requirements for Type B containers (see Figures 3 and 4). Type B containers shall be
designed and manufactured in accordance with dimensional requirements listed in Table 1.
a Min: 32-1/2 in (825 mm) Height of lowest point of UAE above the ground
Max: 33-1/2 in (851 mm)
e Max: 2-1/2 in (65 mm) Distance between outer surface of UAE and outer
surface of container No Protrusion Zone
j Min: 1/2 in (13 mm) Distance between rear vertical plane of lower
Max: 1-1/2 in (38 mm) attachment point (bar) and container surface
k Min: 1/2 in (13 mm) Distance between front plane of UAE and front
plane of BE (also known as “draft”)
n Max: 1/2 in (13 mm) Distance between front plane of BE and outer
container surface --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
p Min: 1-7/8 in (48 mm) Clearance between top of lower attachment point
recess area and top of BE
l -(minus) m Max: < 6 in (152 mm) Difference between upper attachment width and
lower attachment (bar) width
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The UAE is defined as a rectangular cross section, 1-1/2 in horizontal x 1-1/4 in vertical (38 mm
horizontal x 32 mm vertical) with its inner and outer edges perpendicular to the ground and its
upper and lower edges parallel to the ground. The lower innermost corner of the UAE is drawn on
a 3/8 in (10 mm) radius (see Figure 4). Point A is defined as the lowest, outermost point within the
NOTE: For many containers, Point A will not be on the surface of the container itself.
The BE is a rectangular cross section 1-1/4 in horizontal x 1-1/2 in vertical (32 mm horizontal x 38
mm vertical) with its edges oriented parallel and perpendicular to the ground. Point B is the lowest,
innermost point on the BE and may or may not actually be on the container surface.
To ensure that Type B containers and lifters do not interfere with each other, a Type B container
shall have a no-protrusion zone as described below (see Figure 4):
a) No protrusion into a space defined with reference to the upper attachment point:
d) Inner surface: Surface including an extension of the line through Points A & B;
e) Side surfaces: Vertical surfaces through the ends of the upper attachment point; and
f) Outer surface: Surface through a vertical line 2.56 in (65 mm) in front of Point A.
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12 --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
7.2 Requirements for Type C containers (see Figure 5). Type C containers shall be designed
and manufactured in accordance with dimensional requirements listed in Table 2.
c Min: 3/4 in (18 mm) Height from Point A to surface which rests on comb
Max: 7/8 in (23 mm)
d Min: 7/8 in (23 mm) Height from Point A to lifting rim flange, if any
Max: 1-1/4 in (31 mm)
e Min: 3/8 in (10 mm) Distance between outer restrainer surface and
Max: 3/4 in (19 mm) outermost lip surface
f Min: 3/4 in (19 mm) Distance from Point A to lid in closed position
h Min: 2 in (52 mm) Height from Point A to bottom of lifting rim flange, if any
Max: 2-1/4 in (58 mm)
j Max: 5-1/8 in (130 mm) Height from comb support surface to bottom of gusset
If gussets are used, they shall lie within spaces that are 2.9 in (75 mm) wide whose centerlines are
5.9 in (150 mm) apart.
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7.3 Requirements for Type D containers (see Figure 6). Type D containers shall be designed
and manufactured in accordance with dimensional requirements listed in Table 3.
C Min: 27-1/2 in (698 mm) Height of lower edge of pocket from ground
D Min: 1-3/4 in (45 mm) Clearance above bottom edge of pocket at center of
Max: 2-1/4 in (57 mm) pocket
NOTE: Mating internal dimensions to the “diamond” should be made off of a master.
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16 --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
7.4 Requirements for Type G containers (see Figure 7). Type G containers shall be designed
and manufactured in accordance with dimensional requirements listed in Table 4.
A Min: 15 in (381 mm) Vertical section height, where the lifting device is
connected, measured from just above the top of the
wheels to the top section of the container
B Min: 20 in (508 mm) Horizontal dimension of the vertical lifting section measured
Max: 35 in (889 mm) as the diameter of the smallest circle whose circumference
will enclose the entire container, excluding protrusions
such as frames, handles, wheels, etc.
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7.5.1 Type T containers with capacities of 3 yd3 (2.30 m3) or less (see Figure 8) shall be designed
and manufactured in accordance with dimensional requirements listed in Table 5.
Table 5 — Dimensional requirements for Type T containers of 3 yd3 (2.30 m3) or less
capacity. (Used in conjunction with trunnion-bar-lifting systems)
A Min: 77-1/2 in (196.8 cm) Total length of the trunnion bar including washers if provided.
Max: 78 in (198.1 cm) NOTE - If washers are provided, the diameter should be 2-1/4 in
(57 mm)
B Max: 72 in (182.9 cm) Width of the container and all supporting gussets attached to the
trunnion bar. Handles located on container sides are also
C Max: 66 in (167.6 cm) Width of container body including structural supporting side
members (side rails). NOTE - This dimension excludes handles
and gusset supports
D Min: 1-1/4 in (32 mm) The diameter of the trunnion bar at latch-up points
Max: 1-3/4 in (45 mm)
E Min: 45 in (114.3 cm) Distance from the centerline of the trunnion bar to the
Max: 49 in (124.5 cm) ground. The top of the trunnion bar should coincide with top of
the container on the side where the trunnion bar is located
F Min: 2 in (51 mm) Horizontal distances from the lower front edge of the container
body to a perpendicular originating at the upper front edge of the
container (excluding the trunnion bar). NOTE - This distance is
to be measured at ground level
G Max: 3 in (76 mm) Vertical distance between the uppermost part of the handle on
the side of the container and the centerline of the trunnion bar
H Min: 10 in (25.4 cm) The distance between the centerline of the trunnion bar and
Max: 17 in (43.2 cm) the front of the lift point. NOTE - Lift points should not extend
beyond dimension B out from the side of the container
J Max: 1-1/4 in (32 mm) The maximum diameter (thickness) of an attachment through
which a cable may be hooked to the container
K Min: 2 in (51 mm) The distance from inside of side handle to the outside of the
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20 --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
7.5.2 Type T containers with capacities greater than 3 yd3 (2.30 m3) through 10 yd3 (7.65 m3)
(Figure 9) shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the dimensional requirements
listed in Table 6.
Table 6 — Dimensional requirements for Type T containers of more than 3 yd3 (2.30 m3)
and less than or equal to 10 yd3 (7.65 m3) capacity.
(Used in conjunction with trunnion-bar-lifting systems)
A Min: 77-1/2 in (196.8 cm) Total length of the trunnion bar including washers if
Max: 78 in (198.1 cm) provided. NOTE - If washers are provided, their diameter
should be 2-1/4 in (5.7 cm)
B Max: 72 in (182.9 cm) Width of the container and all the supporting gussets
attached to the trunnion bar
C Max: 66 in (167.6 cm) Width of the container body including structural supporting
side members (side rails). NOTE - This dimension excludes
gusset supports
*E Max: 1-1/4 in (32 mm) The maximum diameter (thickness) of an attachment through
which a cable may be hooked to the container
G Min: 45 in (114.3 cm) Distance from the centerline of the trunnion bar to the
Max: 49 in (124.5 cm) ground. The top of the trunnion bar should coincide with the
top of the container on the side where the trunnion bar is
* NOTE: Illustrations shown and dimensions given are intended to depict compatibility of the engaging hook
of the lifting device and the attachment point of the container. Alternative attachment point designs may be
acceptable as long as the resulting hooking ability is comparable to the illustration shown, and without
restricting the lift device hook and its safety latching ability. In addition, all designs must be compatible with
the weight design of the container.
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* F
Note 1: Illustrations shown and dimensions given are intended to depict compatibility of the engaging hook
of the lifting device and the attachment point of the container. Alternative attachment point designs
may be acceptable as long as the resulting hooking ability is comparable to the illustration shown,
and without restricting the lift device hook and its safety latching ability. In addition, all designs must
be compatible with the weight design of the container.
Figure 9 — Type T container (more than 3 yd3 (2.3 m3), but less than
or equal to 10 yd3 (7.65 m3)
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7.6 Requirements for Type U containers (see Figure 10). Type U containers shall be designed
and manufactured in accordance with dimensional requirements listed in Table 7.
A Min: 36 in (91.4 cm) Distance between the inside surfaces of the long rails
B Max: 41 in (104.1 cm) Distance between the outside surfaces of the long rails
C Min: 3-1/2 in (89 mm) Height of the clear area between the long rails, aft of
lead-in or guide rollers to the rear of the container
D Min: 58 in (147.3 cm) Width of the clear area, excluding the long rails, lead-in
or guide rollers and rear holddowns, between the inside
surfaces of the rear ground rollers or other features
mounted on the underside of the container body
E Max: 3 in (76 mm) Vertical distance between the bottom of ground wheels
or other features to the bottom surfaces of the rails
F Min: 4 in (102 mm) Dimension from the inside vertical surface of the long
Max: 6-1/2 in (165 mm) rail to the inside edge of the lead-in or guide roller
H Min: 3-3/8 in (86 mm) Vertical distance from the bottom of the lead-in or
Max: 3-5/8 in (92 mm) guide roller to the bottom surface of the long rail
I Min: 18-1/2 in (47 cm) Horizontal distance from the leading edge of the lead-in
or guide roller to the forward-most pull point of the lifting
mechanism receiver
J Min: 6 in (152 mm) Vertical distance from the bottom of the long rail to
Max: 10-1/2 in (267 mm) to the forward-most pull point of the pick-up hook
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L Max: 2-1/8 in (54 mm) Vertical distance from the bottom of the long rail
to the top of the rear holddown device
N Max: 5 in (127 mm) Outer radius of pick-up hook measured from the outside
back of the hook, opposite the hook point
O Min: 7/8 in (22 mm) Inner radius of pick-up hook measured from the inside
back of the hook, opposite the hook point
Q Max: 36 in (91.4 cm) Distance between leading edge of lead-in roller and
trailing edge of front ground wheel (if installed)
R Max: 14 in (35.6 cm) Distance between leading edge of rear ground wheel and
rear end of long rail
S Min: 72 in (182.9 cm) Distance between trailing edge of front ground wheel (if
installed) and leading edge of rear ground wheel
NOTE 2: Measurements I and J reference a key point in relation to the leading edge of the guide roller. The
key point remains the same for other receiver types, such as either a knuckle-end or safety hook-end lifting
NOTE 3: Dimension K varies by the length of the container. It is the responsibility of the hoist manufacturer to
provide a mating receiver for the rear holddown on the vehicle hoist/tilt frame. In compactor-container
combinations, measurement of long-rail length for dimension K is inclusive of the compactor assembly.
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ANSI Z245.60 - 2008
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7.7 Requirements for Type */C detachable compactor-container (see Figure 11). Type */C
detachable compactor-containers shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the
additional features according to dimensional requirements listed in Table 8.
A Min: 12 in (30.5 cm) Height of the container opening above ground level,
Max: 14 in (35.6 cm) measured from the top of the lower sill
D Min: 29 in (73.7 cm) Height above ground of the center point of the
Max: 32 in (81.3 cm) container lock envelope
E Min: 9 in (22.9 cm) Horizontal distance from the front vertical mating
Max: 14 in (35.6 cm) surface of the compactor opening to the center point of
the container lock envelope
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7.8 Requirements for Type H containers (dead lift roll-off) (see Figure 12). Type H
containers shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with dimensional requirements
listed in Table 9.
D Max: 4 in (10.2 cm) Distance from the bottom of the ground wheel to
the bottom of the long rail
E Min: 12 in (30.5 cm) Front stop location (bottom of long rail to top of
Max: 12-1/4 in (31.2 cm) front container stop)
I Min: 3 in (7.6 cm) Depth of front uprights
Max: 6 in (15.2 cm)
K Min: 3-3/8 in (9.2 cm) Bottom of front roller to bottom of long rail
Max: 3-5/8 in (9.6 cm)
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L Min: 8-7/8 in (22.6 cm) Front edge of the main rail bull nose aft to roller
Max: 9-1/8 in (23.2 cm) centerline. NOTE - 9 in (229 mm) are required for
positive latching of roller
M Min: 163-1/4 in (414.6 cm) Leading edge of the lead in roller rearward to
Max: 163-3/4 in (415.9 cm) the front edge of the rear holddown
R Max: 18 in (45.7 cm) Distance from leading edge of rear ground wheel to
rear end of long rail
S Min: 72 in (182.9 cm) Distance between trailing edge of front ground wheel (if
installed) and leading edge of rear ground wheel
T Min: 2 in (5.1 cm) Top surface of rear holddown to bottom of long rail
Max: 4 in (10.2 cm)
U Min: 12-1/2 in (31.7 cm) Distance from inside surface of left long rail (viewed
Max: 13-1/2 in (34.3 cm) from the rear forward) to the centerline of the rear hold
down bracket
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7.9 Requirements for Type I (bail and hook) containers (see Figures 13 and 14). Type I
containers shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with dimensional requirements listed
in Table 10.
A Min: 26-1/2 in (67.3 cm) Distance between inside surfaces of long rails (I.D.)
B Max: 33-1/2 in (85.1 cm) Distance between outside surfaces of long rails (O.D.)
C1 Min: 20-1/2 in (52.1 cm) For front shuttle assembly only! Distance from center of
Max: 22-1/2 in (57.2 cm) bail hook to rear of detent stop
C2 Min: 16 in (40.6 cm) For all remaining shuttle assemblies! Distance from
Max: 18 in (45.7 cm) center of bail hook to rear of detent stop
D Min: 27-3/4 in (70.5 cm) Distance from the shuttle assembly centerline to outside
Max: 29 in (73.7 cm) of detent
E Min: 77 in (196 cm) Distance between rear skids
Max 80 in (203.2 cm)
G Min: 11-5/8 in (29.5 cm) Centerline of shuttle assembly to inside of rail stop
H Max: 1 in (2.5 cm) Distance from base of long rail to bottom of detent
I Min: 5-1/2 in (14.0 cm) Distance of front pick-up hook to base of long rail
Max: 7 in (17.8 cm)
J Max: 67 in (170.2 cm) Distance from center of first (front) shuttle only to center
of adjacent shuttle.
K Min: 8 in (20.3 cm) For front shuttle assembly only! Distance from center of
Max: 9 in (22.9 cm) bail hook to center of flipper
K1 Min: 2-3/4 in (7.0 cm) For front shuttle assembly only! Distance from center of
Max: 5 in (12.7 cm) flipper to center of rear section of bail hook
L Min: 4 in (10.2 cm) For all remaining shuttle assemblies! Distance from
Max: 5 in (12.7 cm) center of bail hook to center of flipper
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L1 Min: 4 in (10.2 cm) For all remaining shuttle assemblies! Distance from
Max: 5 in (12.7 cm) center of flipper to center of rear section of bail hook
M Min: 3 in (7.6 cm) Distance from bottom of main rail to the bottom of the
Max: 4 in (10.2 cm) hook
N Min: Set by container length Distance from the centerline of the front shuttle hook to
Max: 78 in (198 cm) the front of the container stop
O Max: 2 in (5.1 cm) Distance from the bottom of the main rail to the top of
the container stop
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ANSI Z245.60 - 2008
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Container Stop
Detent Stops
A = Container stop width = 6.4 cm (2-1/2 in) Min. C = Container stop width = 15.2 cm (6 in)
B = Container stop distance from side rail = 21.6 cm (8-1/2 in) Min. D = Container stop depth = 7.6 cm (3 in)
7.10 Requirements for Type L containers (see Figure 15). Type L containers shall be
designed and manufactured in accordance with dimensional requirements listed in Table 11.
D L-2 & L-3: Min 6 in. (15.2 cm) Long rail height (bottom of deck frame
to bottom of rail)
E L-2 & L-3: 2 -1/2 in. (6.4 cm) Lift bar diameter
F L-2 & L-3: Min 10 in. (25.4 cm) Length of lift bar at longest dimension
between A-frame open ends (I.D.)
G L-2: Min 54 in. (137.2 cm) Distance from bottom of lift bar to bottom of long rails.
L-2: Max 541/2 in. (138.4 cm)
L-3: Min 61-3/4 in. (156.8 cm)
L-3: Max 62- 1/4 in. (158.1 cm)
H L-2: Min 7-3/4 in (19.7 cm) Back of lift bar to rear of A-frame
L-2: Max 8-1/4 in (21.0 cm)
L-3: Min 7-3/4 in (19.7 cm)
L-3: Max 8-1/4 in (21.0 cm)
J L-2: Min 150 in. (381 cm) Distance between back of lift bar and front of rear
L-2: Max 150-1/2 in. (382.3 cm) holddowns
L-3: Min 195-1/2 in. (496.6 cm)
L-3: Max 196 in. (497.8 cm)
K Min: 1-5/8 in (4.1 cm) Top of hold downs to bottom of skid rail
Max: 2-1/8 in (5.4 cm)
L Min 2 in. (5.1 cm) Clearance from bottom of long rails to bottom of gussets,
if any
M L-2 & L-3: Min 6 in. (15.2 cm) Free tunnel height
The lift bar shall have a minimum bend at the center point of 125 degrees, 135 degrees
The lift bar shall be installed at a 45-degree angle from the vertical.
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Although holddown position may be determined by the user, some type of holddown shall be
If gussets are used, they shall be a maximum of 45 degrees mounted on the inside of the long rails.
NOTE 1: It is preferable to leave the outside of the long rails free from gussets.
NOTE 2: At this time dimensions for size L-1 will not be issued. It was determined that size L-1
containers are not actively used in the waste industry. If, at a future time L-1 size containers
become active in the waste industry, the appropriate compatible dimensions will be supplied.
Figure 15—Type L (L-1, L-2, and L-3) hook lift containers used with transport vehicles
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7.11 Requirements for Type S containers. Type S containers shall be designed and
manufactured in accordance with dimensional requirements listed in Table 12.
Key 2 each The points located at the forward vertical surface of the
Points bump plates (or front panel of the container if no bump
plates are used), on a horizontal line ahead of the front
top inside corner of the pocket, exclusive of any lead-in
A Max: Dim. “C” plus 4-1/2 in. Width of the top of the container, at the widest
(11.4 cm) point, including all lids, hinges and hinge rods
B Min 79 in. (200.7 cm) Width of the fork receiver area at the inside surface
Max 80 in. (203.2 cm) of the outboard pocket walls (See note 3.)
C Max 73- 1/2 in. (186.7 cm) Width of the fork receiver area at the inside surface of
inboard pocket wall, including bump plates
D Min 7- 1/2 in. (19.1 cm) Height of the pocket between the inside surfaces of
Max 9 in. (22.9 cm) the top and bottom walls
E Min 4 in. (10.2 cm) Extension of the bump plates below the inside surface
of the bottom pocket wall (See note 6.)
F Min 25 in. (63.6 cm) Height above ground of the pocket at the inside surface
of the top wall
G Max 89 in. (226.1 cm) Swing radius, measured from reference H key point
(side view) to Point GR
Arc g (See note 4.) The arc defined by the swing radius (side view) around
the key point
Point GR (See note 4.) The top rearmost point of the container (side view), over
all lids and hinges
H Max 48 in. (121.9 cm) Vertical height from the key point to the top leading
edge of the container, over all lids and hinges (also, see
dimension L.)
Angle i Min 45 degrees Set-back angle of the top of the container, over all lids
and hinges from the vertical, measured from point IF
(See note 4.)
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J Max 34 in. (86.3 cm) Vertical height from the key point to the bottom of the
container, including any skid plates, except when a
beveled front lower leading edge is used (See note 1.)
Angle j Min 45 degrees Set-back angle of the beveled leading edge of the
container from the vertical plane of the front container
wall (See note 1.)
K Min 28- 1/2 in. (72.4 cm) Depth of the pocket measured from the front of the
Max 42- 1/2 in. (107.9 cm) bump plate along the inside surface of the top wall.
Pocket length not to exceed the full depth of the
L Max 8 in. (20.3 cm) The horizontal limit that point IF may extend ahead of
the key point (side view)
M Min 3 in. (7.6 cm) Set back of the vertical leading edge of the pocket from
Max 8 in. (20.3 cm) the key point, exclusive of any lead-in gussets (See
note 5.)
N Min 2 in. (5.1 cm) The vertical extension of the clear sidewall area above
the inside surface of the top pocket wall (See note 2.)
NOTE 1: If the height of the front wall of the container below the key point is greater than 34 in. (86.3 cm), a beveled
front lower leading edge must be used to provide clearance over the truck cab and cab shield when the container is
NOTE 2: In general the area adjacent to the side wall of the container behind the pocket to the rear of the container,
corresponding in dimension to the inside dimensions of the pocket plus dimension N in height, is required to
accommodate the lifting device forks and fork ends. If a pocket with a dimension K of greater than 42 ½ in. (107.9
cm) is used, the top wall must be cut out or extended upward by dimension N for any span beyond 42 ½ in. (107.9
NOTE 3: The pocket may be either a four-sided sleeve or a series of brackets, which are closed on four sides. Flared
gussets may be used at the leading edge of the pocket to assist in mating the lifting device forks and the pockets and if
used may not reduce the minimum dimension to less than 78 in (198.1 cm). If the lateral movement of the container body
is controlled and centered on the forks by the inboard sides of the fork pockets versus the outboard sides of the fork
pockets, then an 81 in. (205.7 cm) maximum is acceptable.
NOTE 4: The maximum height and depth of the top of the container are determined by the arc g and the line, with
origin at point IF and set back of angle i, which intersects arc g, when viewed from the side. This is necessary to
provide clearance between the container and the back of the hopper of the collection vehicle when the container is
NOTE 5: The area adjacent to the container sidewall ahead of the pocket to the front of the bump plate, corresponding in
dimension to the inside dimensions of the pocket, must be kept clear to accommodate the forks.
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NOTE 6: The area of the front wall of the container ahead of and between the pockets and bump plates must be kept
clear to accommodate the lifting device. The bump plates (if used) must extend below the inside surface of the
bottom walls of the pockets by a minimum of dimension E, which assures that the minimum dimension of M can be
maintained by preventing the torque tube of the lifter from riding below the bump plates.
N o te 4
R e fe re n c e H
R e fe re n c e H
B U M P P L A T E & N o te 5
N o te 2 N o te 3
N o te 6 N o te 1
Figure 16 – Type S - Compatibility dimensions for containers up to, and including 8yd3
(6.12 m3) used with side fork lifting systems on front loader waste collection vehicles
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