Lps 01 Hti MST Me 022 Chemical Dosing System
Lps 01 Hti MST Me 022 Chemical Dosing System
Lps 01 Hti MST Me 022 Chemical Dosing System
Document Title Method Statement for The Installation of Chemical Dosing System Date 01-NOV-2022
Document No. LPS-01-HTI-MST-ME-022 Rev. No. 0
Revision History
Issued for
LPS-01-HTI-MST-ME-022 0 Review and
Review by Approved by
Purpose of Prepared by QA QC Manager Project Manager
Doc. no. Rev. no. Date
1. PURPOSE…………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………..3
2. SCOPE of Works………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3
3. REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
4. ABBREVIATIONS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3
5. RESOURCES……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
5.1 Equipment………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
5.2 Manpower………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
5.3 Material……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
6. RESPONSIBILITIES……..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
6.1 Project Manager ………………………………………………………………………………....................................................5
6.2 Site Engineer/Supervisor………………..….……………………………………………………………………………………………….5
6.3 QA/QC Engineer …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
6.4 Safety Engineer/Officer ………………………………………………………………………................................................5
7. SEQUENCE OF ACTIVITIES……………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………5-7
8. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL…………………………..…………………………………………………………………8
9. HSE ISSUES, RISK ASSESSMENT AND HAZARD ANALYSIS………………………….................................................8
9.1 Safety Lightings………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
9.2 Task Lightings…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
9.3 Emergency Arrangement……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
10. ATTACHMENTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
10.1 Risk Assessment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9-23
10.2 Inspection Test Plan………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………24
10.3 Checklist for Chemical Dosing System……...….……………………………………………………………………………….32
The purpose of this method statement is to describe the sequential approach for Installation of Chemical
Dosing System in accordance with the contract requirements. This method statement shall ensure that
the installation of Dosing Unit executed safely. This method statement aims to ensure that quality
assurance and quality control activities area adopted by Contractor M/s HexaTech in systematic manner
accordance with project requirements, works are inspected by the Project Consultant and conformance is
verified and documented.
This method of statement describe:
Installation shall be carried out in accordance to the relevant Qatar Design Consortium,
Neo-Spectrum and HBK Judgments. The system shall be applied in accordance to manufacturer's
recommendation. Installation shall be carried out by qualified applicator trained and approved
by the manufacturer.
This method statement is subject to the requirements as stated in the following regulatory & statutory
documents, applicable standards / specifications / building codes:
Project Approved Shop Drawing
Approved Project Specification
Qatar Construction Specification 2014
4.1 Manpower
Project Engineer
QA/QC Engineer
Safety Engineer
Pipe fitter
4.2 Materials
Identification label
Threaded rod and steel/channel support
Anchor bolt, Bolt, and Nuts
Chemical dosing accessories
Dosing tank
Dosing pump and controller
Tools and Equipment
Project Manager: The Manager Leads and Directs the Projects team for overall development of the project.
Also, he provides single point of contact in dealing with the Employer resolving Contractual, Commercial and
Technical issues during the progress of the project for Mechanical works.
6.1. Site Engineer/ Supervisor: It is the Site Engineer / Site Supervisor’s duty to organize the work force in a
safe manner and to ensure that safety and protective equipment are being properly utilized. He also
ensures that the method statement procedure is strictly followed and observes any hold-points noted
on the ITP and notify the Engineer for inspection. They shall be responsible for safe execution of the
complete activity including, but not limited to.
a) Confirming the installation locations from schedule of approved construction drawings.
b) Organizing tools and equipment required to the work site
c) Assigning work crew.
d) Toolbox talks
6.2. QA/QC Engineer: It is the QA/QC Engineer & Inspector having the responsibility to ensure that all
Inspections and Tests are carried out as per Project Requirements, Shop drawings, Approved Method
statement and Inspection Test Plan and that all are properly recorded. They shall be responsible for.
Ensuring that approved work methods and materials are being used and in conformance with project
Carryout periodic work inspection & testing along with client representative.
Stage inspections and surveillance in accordance with ITP.
6.3. Safety Engineer/ Officer:
Enforce the implementation of the HSE Management System in the project and support the relevant
construction Supervisors on all HSE matters;
Ensure that relevant HSE information and training is provided to all personnel working in the assigned
Collaborate with Supervisors in assessing training needs for personnel in the assigned area;
Reports HSE findings to the relevant construction personnel as well as the HSE MANAGER, and follow up
the status of implementation of the identified preventive and corrective actions; Carry out any other
assigned HSE activity.
Coordinated drawings and the required material is arranged by the Project engineer as per
Project specifications. Th e ch e m i ca l d o s i n g s y s t e m will be installed by t h e specialist.
Before the start of the work make sure that all the HSE measures have been taken and obtain
all the necessary PPEs. If required, get a safe work permit from the HSE department.
Preparation & Pre-Installation Work
Works shall not proceed until an approved shop drawing or detail is issued.
After the approval of shop drawings, the site will be checked by the Project engineer.
Safe Access to work areas shall be provided and shall be approved by the competent person before
the commencement of works.
Materials shall be safely moved to the work area and shall not block access/egress from the site.
Where high-risk works are involved, a safety clearance must be obtained from the safety department.
Secure all the necessary permits before commencing work as well as for any connected works to
Provide valves in these tapping for removing the injection valves for maintenance.
Install the Corrosion Coupon as per manufacturer recommendations.
Tighten all connections as required.
Provide a make-up water line near the dosing system for fill-up and testing.
Check adequate space is available for maintenance.
Inspection request shall be submitted for consultant approval.
Ensure that the installation of the Chemical dosing system is done as per the manufacturer’s
Electrical power connections shall be done as per approved drawings.
Electrical details like the Control panel and its control connections, and drawing shall be submitted for
Turn on the Chemical dosing Controller after connecting all the accessories & equipment.
Open the inlet valve and allow water to flow through the Flow Switch assembly.
Check the pH/Conductivity reading (as applicable) on the screen of the water treatment controller.
Cross check the readings with manual testing of water pocket pH/Conductivity meter.
Calibrate the Controller if it needs to be based on the reading.
Activate all the relays of the chemical dosing controller manually and ensure they are functioning
Setpoint for the chilled water system conductivity is 2000 us/cm.
The Corrosion Inhibitor of the dosing pump will be working when the conductivity is lower than 2000
Timer setting for Chilled Water Biocide will be once a month. (4 weeks Biocide Timer)
Fill the dosing tank with 50 liters of potable water.
Removed the discharge end and also make sure that the suction line is below the water level.
Start the chemical dosing pump by activating the controller relay manually.
Take the float switch out and make sure the relay is getting activated in case of low level.
Keep the system Operation in auto mode.
All local and network interfacing shall be tested for proper connection.
Provision of proper handling of water treatment chemicals to be observed with caution.
The testing & commissioning are to be offered for the Consultant’s approval.
9.1. Safety Lightings: Safety lights will be used in case of power failure ensuring good illumination for the
9.2. Task Lightings: Adequate lightings will be provided ensuring the good illumination of the working area.
Task lighting will be connected to the nearest site distribution board which is RCD protected.
9.3. Emergency Arrangements: Site general safety procedure will be followed. In case of emergency the
safety officer will stop the works. He will put in to action the emergency arrangements as described in
the safety manual.
10.1. Attachment 1 - Risk Assessment.
10.2. Inspection Test Plan (ITP) (Appendix1)
10.3. Checklist for Chemical Dosing Unit. (Appendix2)
Document Title Method Statement for The Installation of Chemical Dosing System Date 01-NOV-2022
Document No. LPS-01-HTI-MST-ME-022 Rev. No. 0
RA Description: Risk Assessment for Installation of Chemical Dosing System MST Ref. No.: LPS-01-HTI-MST-ME-022 Rev. No.: 0 Date: 01/11/2022
Note: Where the Hazard Rating remains High after control measures have been identified the work must not be
started and the HSE department contacted for further advice.
Where the Hazard Rating remains High after any additional control
HAZARD RATING measures have been identified the work must not be started and the
HSE department must be contacted for further advice.
Rating 15 – 25 High -H 3 – Likely 3 - > 3 days 3 – Minor impact 3 3 6 9 12 15
4 - Very likely 4 –Major Injuries 4 – Moderate impact 4 4 8 12 16 20
5 - Almost certain 5 – Fatal 5 – Major impact 5 5 10 15 20 25
Severity x Likelihood = Hazard Rating
Assessed by: Reviewed by: Approved by:
Name: Name: Name:
Construction Project HSE Manager Project Manager
Signature: Signature: Signature:
10 | 3 2
Risk Rating Residual Rating
Item Activity Hazard & Risks Existing Control Additional Controls
01 Unplanned movement of 2 3 6 Workers on foot should 1 2 2
Delivery and unloading of the vehicles. Provide a secure area for never be on the opposite
Chemical Dosing system Overturning the chemical dosing system side of a truck from a
forklift while it is loading
Collision with pedestrians/ and accessories.
Unload the chemical dosing or unloading material.
assembly and its If multiple items or loads
Collision with structures that may shift are moved,
accessories strictly as per
Collision with other manufacturers' these must be properly
vehicles recommendations. secured with straps,
Overloading and falling Use mechanical aids where bands, or other means
objects possible. before work commences.
Falling of people Maintain control of loads Provision of fall
when lifting & moving. protection on top of the
Visiting drivers should be truck.
made aware of their Health All personnel on foot must
and Safety responsibilities; be clear of the loading
i.e., attend hbk induction zone during operations
and obtain a visitor pass Drivers should visually
before entry. inspect and secure any
Qualified, Competent, and truck or trailer and the
authorized mobile area around it before
equipment operator(s). moving it to assure all
Qualified, Competent, and workers are clear.
Authorized Rigger Regular maintenance
Trained, Competent, and occurs with all mobile
Authorized banksman equipment.
Valid 3rd party certificate Trained, Competent, and
for lifting equipment Authorized Supervision
present always to ensure
11 | 32
Valid driving/Operating Operators are safely using
License for the Operator. the plant as per its design
(Operator/Driver must have and conduct.
a valid Qatari Driving
Provide exclusion
zone(s) where the
activity is occurring.
Wheel chocks should
be used in addition to
the brake, particularly
if any slope is present.
Never be downhill of a
moving load.
02 Preparation of the activity Hazard such as: Arrangement and provision Provide suitable &
/General requirements / Site Unfamiliarity / for the required tools, sufficient signage.
Preparation negligence to site equipment and working Check/ make
rules platform required for the awareness about the
Incompetency of the job. surrounding activities
work crew. Obtain permit to work prior before commencing the
Obstructed access / to the activity. tasks.
egress. All workers and staff All personnel to get
No / insufficient safety Involved in activities of accustomed with site
signage. Installation of wall & floor emergency response
Unaware of tiles activity should undergo procedures.
surrounding activities. site induction. Comply PPE policy and
Damage to tools / Approved method wear task specified
equipment and statement and risk PPE.
incorrect. assessment and drawings Comply corporate
Unfamiliarity with site should be in place and policies and procedures
emergency briefed to all individuals to prevent or resolve
procedures prior to work commencing. unacceptable behavior.
Non PPE compliance Trained and competent Systems are in place to
Workload. personnel to be deployed enable and encourage
Manual handling for the activity. mangers to deal with un-
Lack of Keep clear all access/ egress acceptable behavior.
Communication always. Provide proper Following proven health
12 | 32
/Coordination access and egress to the measures is still the best
work location. way to keep everyone,
Only fit to use and safe (TP including workers and
certified if applicable) staffs, safe from COVID-
Risk such as: equipment and tools to be 19. This includes keeping
Human Injury, deployed to site. hands clean, practicing
Human error, Hand Agreed performance targets. sneezing and coughing
injury, Abrasion, Ill Regular workload meetings. into bent elbows,
health and sickness. Review and monitor of staff opening windows,
working hours. wearing a mask if age-
Work life balance policies appropriate, and
implemented. continuing physical
13 | 32
replacement to be issued. possible, the amount that
STARRT and/or RAMS is handled should be
discussed with all persons reduced or the load split
involved in the task before into smaller ones
works commencing. The rate of manual
Open-bladed knives, handling should not be
screwdrivers, and other set by a machine,
sharp tools are to be carried supervisor, or colleagues.
and used so as not to cause The time taken to carry
injury to the user or others. out manual handling
Non-ferrous (spark Free) tasks should be extended
tools are to be used in by taking breaks, or by
flammable atmospheres. alternating them with
Insulated tools must be other tasks so that the
used where there is a muscles have time to
possibility of live electrical recover
work.' Employees are provided
All tools should be kept with the correct
clear of unnecessary grease, lifting/handling
moisture, or dirt. techniques
04 Handling of Chemical solvent Leakage of hazardous Information and training to Trained, Competent,
chemicals be conducted for workers and Authorized
Contamination of the who will be assigned to a Supervision present
environment work area where they may at all times to ensure
Fire/Explosion be exposed to hazardous employees are
Health hazard materials under normal adhering to safe
Contact with conditions or in a working procedures.
corrosives, irritants, foreseeable emergency. Ensure not to leave
sensitizers, and MSDS should be available open chemicals
intoxication. and follow the instructions unattended
Inhalation on how to handle such overnight.
Ingestion materials. Ensure to clean up
Respiratory distress Each container in the area and return unused
Eye irritant should be clearly labeled chemicals to their
with at least the name of the original container.
product identification Ensure to consult the
number, and any MSDS and your
appropriate hazard supervisor if you are
warnings. unsure of the hazards
14 | 32
All sub-standards materials that you may
must not be used on site. encounter. If you
Wear or use personal have knowledge of
protective equipment (PPE) hazards that your co-
or clothing that is workers are unaware
appropriate for the work you of, pass the
are doing; this may include information along to
items such as safety glasses them. It could
or goggles, masks, gloves, prevent exposure to
safety boots, or shoes. some potentially
Trained, Competent and harmful situations.
Authorized Supervision Chemical storage
present at all times to ensure must have a concrete
employees are adhering to base with the
safe working procedures. impervious coating
Ensure STARRT and/or RAMS will be applied to the
are discussed with the work base walls. The
group prior to works containment area
commencing. will have the capacity
MSDS sheets to be discussed to contain 110% of
with all persons involved in the total volume of
the task prior to work the stored materials
commencing. (please refer to the
No smoking or naked flames specification used)
near the chemical storage
05 Manual Lifting / Handling Hazard such as Slip& Avoid manual handling 3 4 12 Trained, Competent 3 1 3
Trip and Fall, where possible and Authorized
Sharp Objects Ensure STARRT and/or Supervision present at
Heavy Objects RAMS are discussed with the all times to ensure
Lack of training work group prior to works employees/workers are
Improper Posture commencing adhering to manual
Unfit workers Heavy or frequent manual handling safe working
Improper lifting of load handling tasks should be procedures.
carried out by several Use of hand gloves.
people or, if possible, the Use of mechanical aid.
Risk such as Personal amount that is handled
injury, hand injury, Ill should be reduced or the
15 | 32
health, sickness load split into smaller ones
Person who doing the The rate of manual handling
task. should not be set by a
Cuts, abrasions and machine, supervisor or
fractures colleagues. The time taken
Back Injury to carry out manual handling
Musculoskeletal tasks should be extended by
/disorders taking breaks, or by
Musculoskeletal alternating them with other
disorders (MSD) tasks so that the muscles
Personnel injury have time to recover
Fall of materials Employees are provided
Slip, trip and fall with the correct lifting /
Property / material handling techniques.
damage Appropriate PPE must be
provided such hard hat, eye
protection, foot protection,
safety belt, vest, hand gloves
06 Working at Height such as Hazard such as: All HBK/Subcontractors 5 4 20 Do not use damaged 5 1 5
(Scaffolding, A Type Ladder etc. Falls of persons shall receive formal harness/safety belt.
Falls of materials training for work at Appropriate PPE must be
Collapsed the height. Emergency rescue
structure. Site specific Risk procedure must be in-
Fragile roof assessment shall be place.
Overturning of plant briefed to all individuals Fall-restraints (i.e. full-
and equipment prior to work body harness) will only be
commencing. use as a last resort.
Risk such as: STARRT briefing shall be
Fracture conducted before
Personal injury, commencing any work.
Serious injury Scaffold shall be erected
Property damaged. by competent scaffold.
Person who doing the All scaffold to be erected
task i.e. Supervisor, on firm ground level.
16 | 32
Standards to be
supported with Base
plates/Sole boards.
Scaffold systems to be
Tagged/Signed by
scaffold inspector
Green - OK to work.
Red - Incomplete – Do
not work
Edge protection to be
fully installed. i.e. Toe
Mid rail, Guard rail at
correct Height – prevent
Safety Harnesses to be
used by all working on
scaffold line yard clip off.
No persons are allowed to
alter/remove scaffolds –
only authorized Trained
Where edge protection is
not practicable an
alternative means of fall
prevention / fall arrest will
be identified prior to works
Where edge protection can
be provided this must be
provided at all leading
edges, slab openings, lift
shafts, etc. prior to any
works commencing
Trained, Competent and
17 | 32
Authorized Supervision
present at all times to
ensure employees are
adhering to working at
height safe working
Provided such hard hat, eye
protection, foot protection,
safety belt, vest, hand
gloves etc.
07 Chemical Handling and Hazards: Ensure that the MSDS / 4 3 12 PPE must be worn as 3 1 3
Application such as Sealant and Lack of information / COSHH are effectively required in MSDS.
etc. training communicated to the
No Supervision operatives prior to use the Correct waste disposal
Long exposure to chemical. of chemical container
chemicals All substances must have after work.
Substandard Secondary accompanied Material
Containment Safety Data Sheet and
Improper storage COSHH assessment.
And disposal Method Statement
No drip trays produced with safest
Improper disposal possible system of work
No PPE introduced.
Ensure adequate
Risks: ventilation to move or
Minor to major injury extract fumes, and
(eye injury) respiratory equipment is
Irritant / skin allergies worn.
Chemical spill Substances being used at
Land / water pollution height must be secured to
fixed structure to prevent
tipping or falling of
Storage of substances must
be secure and of good
18 | 32
construction with
ventilation, placed in cool
and shaded area and out of
direct sunlight.
Ensure substance and
protective equipment is
disposed of in accordance
with Material safety data
Use of approved and
properly labelled secondary
08 Working at Night Hazards: Necessary arrangement 4 4 16 Do the lightest/easiest 4 1 4
Insufficient and coordination with tasks between 4-6am
illumination HBK should be carried Health surveillance to
No supervision out before monitor the fitness of
Unfit workers commencement of work workers
Floor openings and at night.
unprotected edges. Obtain working permit
Risks: prior to start the job.
Personnel injury Adequate lighting shall
Health Illness be provided.
Fall room heights Worker must wear
Slip, trip and fall reflective vest.
Flashing lights shall be
provided on all exit
Ensure adequate
supervision to be
deployed especially
during the night shift.
Employer concerned of
his/her opinion as to
whether the employee is
fit or unfit to perform the
19 | 32
night work.
09 Housekeeping and Waste Hazard such as: Provide skips for 3 3 9 Isolate the area with 3 1 3
disposal Improper construction wastes and necessary barricade
arrangement of other rubbish / unwanted and suitable signage in
tools and equipment materials placed at work place.
site to be disposed daily / Spillage must be
at site.
regularly. cleaned up with
Improper waste Prompt disposal of signage posted.
segregation. flammable / combustible Following proven
Stacking of materials. health measures is still
incompatible Ensure work area is the best way to keep
materials at site. cleaned and unwanted everyone, including
Fire materials shifted from site workers and staffs, safe
Slip, Trip and Fall. regularly. from COVID-19. This
Proper cable management includes keeping hands
should be in place at site. clean, practicing
Risk such as: Ensure the walkway and sneezing and coughing
Body part puncture emergency exits are free into bent elbows,
/ injury at all times. opening windows,
Struck by / struck Waste to be segregated wearing a mask if age-
against objects or and disposed regularly. appropriate, and
materials Deploy a suitable continuing physical
Spillage of hazards containment for materials distancing
10 Working under unfavorable Hazards such as: Hot Season 4 4 16 Hot Season 4 1 4
weather conditions Working under hot Strict monitoring and Provide intermittent
weather / high supervision rest during extreme hot
humidity. Heat index chart / MOL climate and procedure
Working under foggy regulation to be of work in confined
maintained. space will be ensured.
weather, Adequate rest and
Exposure of materials Report physical unwell
rotation to be maintained. to immediate
to extreme weather Activities to be scheduled supervisor/first
as per prevailing weather aider/male nurse.
Risk such as condition. Communication of site
Heat stress / Weather monitoring chart emergency procedure
exhaustion / stroke to be monitored and heat stress
20 | 32
Hypothermia effectively. prevention
Faintness / dizziness Emergency procedures management through
Heat rash and preparedness to be tool box talk.
communicated to all Materials to be
Discomfort (nausea/ workers. (Emergency protected from UV rays
vomiting contacts to be displayed) Cold Season
Hourly monitoring of heat
Wear a hat, mittens or
stress and recording.
insulated gloves.
Cold Season
Keep your face warm
Workers to be advised to with a scarf, neck tube
take warm water when or facemask.
necessary. Wear warm and
Strict monitoring of health waterproof footwear.
condition of workers.
11 Prevention & Mitigation of Hazards: Providing effective and 5 3 15 Keep updated to 5 1 5
COVID-19 Virus Lack of information, complete information, international and local
training, instruction training, instruction and authorities advisory.
and supervision supervision to the Provision of suitable
workforce. mask, gloves and
Lack of monitoring Engage all employees promoting the proper
and procedure especially all supervisory usage and importance
Poor cooperation of level to monitor the of PPE.
staff & management implementation and
No health compliance to COVID-19
surveillance procedure.
Lack of sanitation Established a strict COVID-
and proper hygiene 19 prevention procedure
and disciplinary action to
Employees returning
those who will violate e.g.,
from travel / annual reporting to work even
leave sick or with symptoms.
Symptomatic person Regular fumigation and
Employees with pre- hand washing.
existing health Advance tracking
condition procedure to those who
Sick Employees will return from travel and
coming to work
Tracing of high-risk
Chemical exposure employees such as tea
to Fumigation boys, document
21 | 32
Congested controller, with pre-
transportation and existing health condition
workplace and those who shares
accommodation with
No PPE and signage
health workers.
Use of thermal scanner or
Risks: thermometer prior to
enter the facilities.
Infect internal Ensures that
organs such lungs transportation and
etc. workplace provided to
Severe Illness and employees are not
sometime Fatality congested and adheres
social distancing minimum
1.5 meter.
Providing complete PPE
during fumigation such as
mask, gloves, and safety
22 | 32
from COVID-19. This
includes keeping hands
clean, practicing sneezing
and coughing into bent
elbows, opening windows,
wearing a mask if age-
appropriate, and
continuing physical
23 | 32
Appendix 1
10.2. Inspection Test Plan (ITP)
24 | 32