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Albie Brandysnap - Halfling Fieldwarden

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Name Albertus ('Albie') Brandysnap Species Halfling (Brandysnap) class Ranger

Career Fieldwarden Career Tier Novice Warden Size Small
Career Path Status Brass 4
Age 55 height 3'11" Hair Chestnut Eyes Green Star Sign

Characteristics Fate Resilience Experience

WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel Fate 3 Resilience Resolve Motivation Current Spent Total
Initial 36 47 22 42 38 44 31 33 42 30 Fortune 3 3 3 0

Advances 5 3 1 1 Movement
Current 41 50 22 42 38 45 31 33 43 30 Movement 3 Walk 6 Run 12

BASIC Skills BASIC Skills Grouped & Advanced Skills

Name Characteristic Adv Skill Name Characteristic Adv Skill Name Characteristic Adv Skill
Art ( ) Dex 31 31 Gossip Fel 30 5 35 Animal Care Int 33 5 38
Athletics Ag 45 45 Haggle Fel 30 30 Lore (Herbs) Int 33 5 38
Bribery Fel 30 30 Intimidate S 22 3 25 Stealth (Urban) 45 5 50
Sleight of Hand 31 3 34
Charm Fel 30 30 Intuition I 38 5 43 Int
Lore (Moot) Int 33 5 38
Charm Animal WP 43 43 Leadership Fel 30 30 WP
Ranged (Sling) BS 50 5 55
Climb S 22 22 Melee (Basic) WS 41 41
Trade (Herbalist)
Dex 31 5 36
Cool WP 43 43 melee ( ) WS 41 41 Stealth (Rural)
Ag 45 5 50
Consume Alcohol T 42 3 45 Navigation I 38 5 43 Dex
WS 41 41
Dodge Ag 45 45 Outdoor Survival Int 33 33 WS 41 41
Drive Ag 45 45 Perception I 38 5 43 WS 41 41
endurance T 42 42 ride ( ) Ag 45 45 41 41
WS 41 41
entertain ( ) Fel 30 30 Row S 22 22 BS
WS 41 41
Gamble Int 33 3 36 stealth ( ) Ag 45 45 BS

talents Ambitions
Times Description short
Talent Name taken Term
Acute Sense (Taste) 1 +1 SL to Perception Tests involving taste
Night Vision 1 +1 SL to Perception Tests in low-light vision; may see (20 yds) in darkness and increase illumination of light sources by same

Resistance (Chaos) 1 Automatically pass first Test to resist Chaos in a session; +1 SL to successful Tests vs. Chaos

Small 1 +10 bonus to hit larger targets; the rest of it bad

Sturdy 1 Can carry (2) extra Enc. +1 SL to successful Strength Tests to lift.
party name
Warrior Born 1 +5 to starting WS (doesn't affect Advances)
short term
Fast Shot 1 If my sling is loaded, I may fire before anyone else acts at the start of combat (rules on pg. 137). +1 SL to that attack.

long term

ver05_02_022722 - Last Update: 27.02.2022 - for latest update go to www.oldworldpodcast.com/freestuff
Armour armour points
Name Locations Enc AP Qualities 01-09


25-44 Left arm

(or secondary arm)

Right arm
Trappings Psychology (or primary arm)

Name Enc 90-00 Body

Right leg 80-89
Stones (22) Threshold: 8 Physical Limit: 4 Mental Limit: 4
Current Left leg
Pouch Corruption
Backpack (Tinderbox, Blanket, Rations (1 day))
Backpack (Spare)
Wealth Encumbrance Wounds
Tent D Weapons
SB 2
SS 1 Armour
Map of local area TBx2 8
GC Trappings
Trade Tools (Herbalist) 1 GC = 20 SS (20/-)
Max Enc. WPB 4
20 SS (20/-) = 240 D (240d)
1 SS (1/-) = 12 D (12d) Hardy * 0
GC = Gold Crown total
SS = Silver Shillings Wounds 12
D = Brass Pennies/Coppers *How many times Hardy taken: 0

Name Group Enc Range/Reach Damage Qualities
Dagger Basic 0 V. Short +4
Sling Sling 0 60 +6 Pummel
Staff Sling Sling 2 100 +7 Pummel

Spells and Prayers

Name N Range Target Duration Effect

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I Attack with my...


ver05_02_022722 - Last Update: 27.02.2022 - for latest update go to www.oldworldpodcast.com/freestuff

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